mm 6 raKsfii Mia Bettie Joyner k three in Monkk. Mr. and Mrs. Gorria Lee and nan ?pent FWdey in Goktaboro. Mia Julie Satterthwaite returned Wetkeaday from Camp Junaluaka. Bffl Gentt el Kings Mountain ?pent the week end with Harry Da vis. Mn. Annabelle Allen of Fountain ?pent Tuesday with Mrs. R. T. Nor Title. Miss Margaret Smith spent a few days last week at Wri^htsville Beach. H. L. Boatright of Augasta, Ga.. is visiting his sister, Mrs. A. B. Moore. % ,,-x Mia Marguerite Thoraaa is spend ing a few days fta Wilson with a cousin. Mr. and Mrs. George Davis and sons will spend the week end at Man too. Miss Anne L. Jones spent the week end in Raleigh and Rich Square with friends. Mrs. J. I. Morgan returned from a visit to relatives in Opelika, -Ala., Thursday. Frank Allen retained Friday Atom a vkit to relatives in Kentucky and - emman. , . Miss Elisabeth NaAnay of the 'armville clut is attending 4-H Club Veek at State-college in Raleigh. Mrs. Henrietta M. Williamson and on, Milton, spent two days last week n Liberty. Mrs. A. J. Greene has retailed rom a visit to relatives rti Asheboro nd Whiteville. Mrs. Thenars Eason of Selma i pent Saturday afternoon with her on, John Eased. Ann Morgan returned from Camp onahlos8ee Wednesday where "she lent two months. Mr. and Mrs. Max McLeod, of win, spent the week end with Mr. nd Mrs. J. W. Bass. Hadley Morgan returned Wednes sy from Wilson: after a week's visit i Rosalind Pittman. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Rabil and Mrs. eorge Thomas and children spent unday in Louisburg. Rev. and Mrs. E. W. Holmes re jrned Thursday from several weeks' tay in the mountains. Mrs. -LeRoy. Rollins and son, Rob rt, have returned from a visit to elatives in Sunbury. Mr. and Mrs. W. Alex Allen and hildren have returned from a stay t WrightaviMe Beach. y" Friends will be glad to know that drs. J. A. Carraway is recuperating mm a recent illness. Friends glad to learn that Mrs. C. E. Modlin is able to be up ifter a recent operation. I Mrs, R. C. Shirley of Raleigh is . visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Gaynor ind other relatives here. J. R. Shirley and family of Ports ?oouth, Vd^ will spend the week end with Mrs. R. C. Shirley. Mrs. Nannie Tugwell spent the week ad near Walstonburg with her daughter, Mrs. Jim Gey. Mrs. Senie Parker is spending two weeks with her sons, Mac and Archie Parker, to Norfolk, Vs. Mr. end Mrs. W. A. Martin and ?an, Andy, Jr., left Tueeday to visit relatives in South Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Keel of Brook' lyn, N. Y? are visiting My. Keel's daughter, Mrs. John Essoin. Mrs. Ernest Barrett returned Mon day from a visit to her brothel! M. M. Leggett, in Washington. Mr. and Mrs. A. J# Moye and daughter of Scotland Neck spent Sunday with Mra. Estelle Moye. and Mrs.* Joseph Batcfeelor end with Mr. and s. W. C. Harrell in GatesviHe Hr. and Mrs. J. A. Tugwell rfolk, Vs., spent last, week with . and Mrs. Richard F, T??weU Mr. and Mn, George W. D^ _and| nily have ret* sst where they feitU *SJm? S c. CALENDAR* ry meets at the 7:00 p. ra.?JCiwmirig. "T *P*:; 'ZiZ-JPWsS 7:00 p. m.-BeUry. 8:30 p. m?Attar Guild, Eptaco pal, meets "with Mrs. Will Jane Jr. Jg; ; M Wednesday, 27 9:00 a. m.?Public school opens. TTwrsday, 28 7:80 p. ?npum I )o 10:00 a. m.?Bird Club. . -i Hn. Sam Lewis Lou Taylor, spent last' head. Mr. Lewis jdined them week end. ' -? * 7 Miss Minnie Overstreet ?as turned to her ^ home in after a visit to her sister, Mm. F. G. Dupree, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. l?rarmaa Owens sad children of Whiteville -were dirtier guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'Will Jones, Jr., Sunday. Mrs. J. C. Fleming returned to her home in Martinsville, Va., Wednes day after a visit to her sister, Mm. W. fi. Joyner. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Meeks of Greenville spent Sunday with Mr. and-Mrs. Gordon E. lee. Edith Asm Lee returned to Greenville spth them to spend a week. ' Mr. and Mrs! Alan Gawthrop and daughter. Grace, of Jacksonville are visiting Mrs. Gawthrop's brother, Hal Winders. ' Miss Nannie Smith haa. returned toj Henderson after spending her vwg tion with her parents, Mr. and Mr Lloyd Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Luby Bundy gpd dOn,{ Glemvand Mr. and Mis. Jasper Dud ley and daughter spent Sunday at] White Lake. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Carraway, Mrs. Frances K. Allen and "Cotton" Davis visited friends at Camp Le jeune Sunday. Mise Nina Ruth Tugwell has re turned to her home near Walstonburg after undergoing a tonailectomy in a Wilson hospital. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Johnson and daughters, .Misses Bille and Betty, will spend the week end in Woodruff, South Carolina. ? , 1 Mr. and Mrs. George M. Allen re turned Monday after attending the] funeral of Mrs. Allen's mother inf Dixon Springs, Teem. Mrs. J. H. Darden, her sister, Mrs. H. C. McDearman of Durham and Mrs. J. W. Parker am spending this veek at Morefeead. Mr. ahi} Mrs. J. W. Bass and Miss Georgia Howard attended the funer tl of John Forbes near Saratoga ruesdav afternoon. Frank Jones of Macclesfield^ spent | Sunday tore. His nepheV, Willi Jones, III, returned with him for a f visit of several days. Charles Qumerty left Thursday to spend the week end in Clayton where he will be an attendant in the Bar bour-Talton wedding. Mrs. D, R. Morgan and Mrs. Kath erine Cleric of Mount Olive spent last week in New Yoric attending the annual jewelry show. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Fields and] Robert Fields attended a perform-] ahee of "The Lost CMony" at Man teo Monday evening? Mrs. T. W. Lang, who underwent] an operation in -Woodaid-Herring ] hospital, Wilson, Wednesday, is ported as doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Carol Modlin and] Mrs. Lang Davis attended a Battel and Fatmvffle, .at 12*0 at th*-home of John flack- funeral services wore heWT from Farmvil|a Ihmerel ? Home Wed isday afternoon at S o'clock. Interment was at Usury. * Surviving are her husband, E. L. a lock; eight children by a previous Farm villa* Frank of Walstonburg. Ralph of Newport News, Robert FayettevOle, Mrt. Willie Taylor Snow Hill, Mrs. FWe Whitley Farmvillf, Mrs' Arthur William's Selnaa, and Mrs. Rufua Jackson of Heokerton; one brother, Sam Baker of Greenville; a sister, MoHie Baker of Newport- s The Young Women's Auxiliary of the Baptist church met at the home of Mrs. Francis Luther Joyner with Miss Elvira Tgson giving a devo tional from Iaaiah 66 entitled "God's Untiring Efforts." The meeting was heW Monday night. After the business session the Mtaaa served a congealed salad, crackers, sandwiches and tea-'to the menitert and * visitor, ? ' Mr. and Mrs., John Eason and chil dren and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Rufua Keel* of Brooklyn, N. Y? spent Sunday with relatirea near Bethel. Mist Rosemary Holmes will return home toiqoixow after spending the summer months as a counsellor at Rockbrook Camp for Girls near Bre vard. vj',' - '? J Congressman Herbert C. Bonner, of Washington, D. C, who spoke at the Rotary club Tuesday Right, was the ovendght guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Jones. Friends will be glad to learn that Mrs. Jack Smith, who is a patient at Park View hospital, RockyMount/is reported as slightly improved from sin illness. Miss BiUie Johnson had as her guests Sunday P. D. and Willie Ray Medlin of Weidan. MimS Jean. Maid tin returned with them after a visit to Miss JohnSon. Mr. and te'L J. Williford and son, Jackie, spent the week-end in Virginia visiting the Lnray Caverns, the Skyline Drive and other potato of interest. Miss Leila Skinner, Joe Skinner I and Miss Ruth Skinner of Wilming ton' an spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. Lester C. Skinner in Norfolk, Va. Mr.- and Mrs. Bin Forbes and daughters, Mama and Sue, have re turned from Manteo, where they saw | a performance of "The host Colony," sad Nags Head. "> Mrs. J. A. Mewborn, Peggy and Benny Mewborn of Geldaboro and Mire Winnie Harper and Mrs. George Edwards, of Snow Hill, spent last weak aMdorehead. Mariaft Jane Parker of Rocky Mount spent several days of this week with ^Sister" Pickett. "Sonny" Pickett spent several days in Rocky Mount- with Lee Paria!; i "r Mrs. R. G. BarTOtt and Mrs. T. T.jl Moore accompanied "Fifi" Woods to her home in Burlington, Vt, Wed nesday and, are spending, several days with Mr.n&d Mrs. Treads S. Woods. Mrs. 1 S. Morrison snd daugh ters, Eve and Elaine Tompkins, of Va., are visiting relatives) former "Miss Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Mewbom *wldsboro announce the birth of - daughter, Sarah, at the Goldsboro hospital, Monday, August 18. Mn. Mewbom ip the former Miaa Toel of Farm villa. Mr. and Mm. A. J. Carey of Kfc 8toil announce the birth of a eon, Benjamin Arthur, August 7th. Carey, the former Mies Mary ca* Harding of Greenville and son, was a high school faculty ber here several years ago* : - '! e v . - CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Lou Moore, daughter of Mr. and George Moore,, Jr., cele brated ber ninth birthday Thursday ?with a wejner roast in her back yard Ten friends of the hostesses roast ed weiners and were served potato chips, chili, piddes, individual lemon} pies and coca colas. ? ' ? x RUTH MOORE PRESIDING > AT STATR 4-H WEEK ~ ?' Miaa Ruth Moore, state president of 4-H clubs, is presiding at the meetings this week of the more than 1,400 club members who an attend ing State 4-H Club Week at State College, Raleigh. Tuesday, die and the other state offiicers were inter viewed by Mn. Harriett Presaly, women's director of Station WPTF. Miss Moon and Miss Hasel Gar ris, winner of the fashkai show in Pitt County, an repreeenUng the Lang's Community club. Along with other winners of county dress re vues, Miss Garrts modeled her dress i this week when the state winner was 1 chosen. '????Ml William Owens of the Karmville 1 club, who was Pitt County king of health, took part in the competition 1 for state winner. ANNUAL PUT FCX _ r WILL. BE HELD TUESDAY The annual meeting and picnic lot the stockholder* sad patrons of the PittFCX Sendee will be held Tues day, Aug. 86, 4:30 p. m., at the Guy Smith Stadium io GreeHviB^accort WortJpSmwd.% ch*faw s The local PCX leader urged stockholders and* patrons to at W$ meeting and declared that there would be Am and food for all in ad dition to -the husinei the loeal office? will be elected for the coining year and M. G. general manager of the Farmeru Co operative Exchange, will ?peak and I make his annual report on PCX rations during the past year. ??FCX officials have announced that the Horse-Shoe Pitching ContesTwilL be held again^his year along with other games for the entertainment of the patrons and that valuable prizes will be awarded the winners. Following the session, a barbecue picnic will be held w the grounds. Members of the Pitt PCX Board of Directors are: H. Mark Smith, J. V. Taylor, Bethel; J. B. Speight, Wittt erville; J. Sam Fleming Greenville; and L. W. Cherry, Granville. PITT DOCTORS HAVE MEETING IN GREENVILLE Dr, M. P. Hoot and Dr. W. H. Pott Fere hosts to the August meeting of the Pitt County Medical and Denial Society fat Greenville Thursday eve; ng at the. Rotary cidb. The ec'hati 'ic program was a talk about heart iiaeases associated with coronary ar eries given by Dr. D. B. Armiatead who reviewed 79 cases which he has ;rested since his return to Pitt Gen ual hospital from .the service. Dr. ' ........ Prie. ?6e AND LISTEN TO YOUR FAVORITES ? Wit HAY* ALL TYPE NEEDLES, RECORD RACER, ????fl EH CASES, and PLAYERS. ppF|W'ii ATM jN..C. m F. P. Brooks cave a history of car cinoma, (cancer of. the breast) la a 27-year-old patient _ The doctors present thusiastic about the shown in the coming election relative to a new hospital. Dr. John 'M. Mewborn, president of the society, presided. . ? ? pi MRS. AMANDA TODD Mrs. Amende Todd, 88, died Son day in Wendell at the home of her daughter, Mrs. V. a Setterfield. She was the grandmother of Mrs. Elbert Holmes of- Fanaville. - Funeral services were held Tues day morning at 10 o'clock at the Wendell Baptist Church, conducted by the Raw. S. W. Oldham of Star, the Rev. Perry Oaae of Wilson and the Rev. C. W. Teagop of Wendell. Burial was in Greenmonnt cemetery, jw Surviving are two sons, B. W. Todd and M. C. Todd, and-one daugh ter, Mrs. Satterfield, all of Wa dell. ? - '* v ':rl3 She had been a member of the Wendell Christian Church for a num ber of years. Methodist Services ? i' Rev. E. ?*. vacationing in the mountains Western North Carolina, has rstam efl to his home and will conduct the usual services Sunday morning in the Fsrmvflle Methodist Church, ?' NOTE OF APPRJBCIATION ?v. | wish to thank my friends for . ? shown the many kindnesses shown me dur ing my recant illness.i ?? >- ? '- Mrs. MEHEGAN PIANO SHOP ? =91 'v North Lawn, 209 W. LnmIt Are. Phone 2656-1 Kington, N. C. WE CAN HUPPLY ALL OP BEST MAKES OF PIANOS -1'- . to MTtnl noed piano*. Wo en terre yon with Expert, Accoroto, cntoto I i J - : .,r ?. BRING THE FAMILY ALONG SHOP WITH US FOR THE THINGS YOU YOUR HO!*E WE HAVE COMPLETE OF POST-WAR FURNITURE HOUSE., TRADE \yTTH US LARTGO FARTHER. YOU SAME OLD LOCATION, ON T^S mm p J*. Cf A. - SPARTON SEE US BEFORE YOU BIDE T. 8. JOYNE% Bier.

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