Please don't plant . " < your tree on a telephone! We appreciate the co-operation of farmera who avoid plant ia( young tree* near telephone Hnee. Careful planting elim inatee any chance for branchee to endanger service. It alao remove* the need for tree trimming by the farmer* or by ua, * in order to keep the wire* clear. Tree* are beautiful . . , careful planting will help to 'keep them that way. Qaroliaa Telephone & Telegraph Co. GET YOUR CAR OUT OF A RUT ... bring it to us today for... ' Washing, Greasing, 6?H?rai ncpairs Several good used cars for sale-^-Priced right FARMVILLE AUTO SALES CO. V FARMVILLE, N. C. ) The Fn Tractor Tm with a BACKBONE Husky lug? dig deep?deliver nuudmnm traction. Buy rolling on the highway. U.S.1 JWt BuiM ?oc both : ~ -\A A m * ?>ffs ? ? ? ^ X'. -v . . FARMVILLE. N. C. n r US L ROYAL Hia i ri ' i ? L STOP AT 1Surplus Of Meat Forecast By Fall The dark cloud that bi be? hov ering mr the nation's com crop has [a silver lining?temporarily at least As a result ot dwindling com crop prospects, housewives may-expect a in meat supplies this fall and, sr, according to a report iust is by the Department of Agricul turo. " This' feast will be followed by a figurative famine next year, how ever, after livestock herds have been cut down fat keeping with the small er amount of feed available, Depart ment authorities added. Little attempt has been mpde to predict, what will happen to meat prices, general expectation is that they may drop somewhat with the influx of supplies this fell and win ter, and probaby rise again when the tide turns. , The temporary "feast" in meat is expected to resuty from the fact that farmers will move their herds' to market now rstther than hold them for fattening in vieV of dwindling feed supplies sit prices too high for profitable meat production. In addition, there is the apprehen sion that the corn crop not only will be. short but poor in :quality (as ut the pipe-laying crew to remark c tbout tha -unbelievable amount of uhing they had put down the pie seding day. How had'they ever done t? . ' "Why, we thought you knew," A word, the Seahee went Ack to his photography. - . m The teacher was about the iolphin and its habits. "And cfcil Iren," she said Imprmeivelr, ."Just hiakl A single dolphin will bare lahy dolphin." ? ?atha littie [irl at the foot of tha class, "and wwr many do tine married ones lave?" - - ? "All right back there," shouted ha bus driver. "No. Wait til I get my clothes ?ri" replied a feminine mice. So the driver led'the stampede to he rear and watched a girl get on rith a basket of laundry. Jfay ? Bask ? Se?' hi Farm villa! cS"CHao:L, KAY (BKEBgS Quisled ' r ' a " Transform thair fondosf drtam Mo ylOwJrry root try WlSm (M OyMJr*ffMrWWWI ^g||A||f Ilia iJi^ |mj-Lj,|/arif^ri ltfrtjr|> n -I'la* * ^WVWTf 99 9 miw l/liCBO'' Vii^vQ WOiCn Iff OFfw9 t . "ton jcW ??**?.! 143.00 Mm kM M r?t 4 ? Q?* I WAIT* Mmfed Mqawpj mj?m 443JX> sawa , MRS. I . - s lM - . ,;-v \ M ; i. ? No traipsing around to stores and offices when you pay bills by check-?the safe, systematic and sensible way to do business. MY AtL YQVR BILLS W1TH OIE TRIP TO THE NEAREST MAIL BOX trt IKVfS! IN I m SAVINGS BONDS 3* Oar friendly aarrice in all financial matter* will Mat With your com plete "SAVE TODAY for the thing* yon will want .Tomorrow! Bank of FarmviHe CAN DELIVER AND INSTALL ' MATELY! liWJM ?V*' ^r." THESE ARE 30-G^UjON ??'? p cAPAcmr ?MSwry A . written guarantee against defectS^vor1 -Si^^SEa..-?* idlnr i-3 leam covered top. Make sure yo