WM anb Mr*. Tom Herring of ited Mil Fred Smith Jimmy Pollard spent the < in Wilm with Mr*. Mn. IL C. Shirley end with friend* mi Mn. W. A. Pollard, Jr., is visiting her mother, Mm McCdchern, in Un wood. of Atlanta, Ga., will be guests of Mr. and Mil Eli Joyner, Jr., Monday night. Mn. A. G. fionghtcn at Norfolk, Va., spent last week with Mil R. L. Spivey. F. L Oates of Hartsville, S. C., ar rived tills week to be qp the tobacco market. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Bradham and eon, Frank, spent Thursday in Rocky Mount. Mrs. Lowell Liles and son of Ra leigh an spending several- days with relatives here. Milton Williamson will leave Tues day to resume his studies at Wake Forest College. Miss Louise Farrior of Warsaw and Richmond, Va., spent Monday night with friends here. Roland Bailey of Basse*, Va., is spending several day* with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Kemp. Cari Joyner of Charlotte spent Wednesday night with his mother, Mrs. C. C. Joymr. Mr. and Mrs. Potts of Charlotte visited Mr. and Mrs. W. -C. Tucker and family Sunday. Miss Dorothy Smith left Tuesday to resume her work as a teacher in the Wilson schools. Mrs. J. F. Hart has returned from an extended visit to relatives in Vir ginia and New York. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Johnson and daughter, Henripeari, will spend the week end in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Hockaday and daughter spent the week end in I.illington and SanfOrd. Miss Teresa Wainwright and Jim Harper Aswell of Snow Hill spent Sunday at Carolina Beach. Lt. and Mrs. Cecil May of Inngley Field, Va., visited Miss Tabitha De Visconti Monday afternoon. Dave Howell and Clayton Reid of Wake Forest were guests of Milton Williamson last Wednesday. Mrs. Mary F. Howard and Miss Georgia Howard spent Friday with Mrs. Max McLeod in Dunn. Mrs. J. M. Hobgood attended the monthly meeting of the welfare board in Greenville yesterday. Mrs. Paul Matheaon of Norfolk, Va, will spend the week end with her i daughter, Mrs. Eli Joyner, Jr. I Rev. and Mrs. J. Bascom Hurley of Cedar Grove spent Wednesday night with Rev. and Mrs. E. R. Clegg. Mr. sad Mrs. J. C. Manning of Williamston spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Henrietta M. Williamson. Mrs. T. R. Mizelle and Mrs. C. W. Blackwood and son, Carl, spent Sun day in Rocky Mount and Nashville. J H. Bvnura and son, Joe, attend ed a performance of "The Lost Colo ny" at Manteo daring the week end. Mrs. Bob Merritt of Greenville is spending several days with her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Carraway. Mi? Frances Lewis left Monday to begin her duties as dietician at the State School fpr the Blind in R?u%h. Mrs. J. M. Hobgood will attend a meeting of the group chairman of Albemarle Presbyterial in Crisp this afternoon. Mis. R. Leroy Rollina and son, Robert, joined Mr. Rolltas at Wrightsville Beach ssid spent the week end. Mi? Rosemary Holmea left Mon day for Raleigh where she will teach English and music at Hugh M orson high school. - , ^ __ Miss Margaret Coates left Tuea day to assume her duties as a mem ber of the faculty of the Scotland Neck school. Mi- Elisabeth Leng will leave during the week end to resume her duties as a member of the Roanoke Rapids faculty. ? u i Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Mosingo. and son, Charles, Jr., have moved into their new honfe on Omrtii street in Victory Pw* ^ . . . I Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bnnson and children and Mr. and Mi*. Walter Burgess and family spent the week "ir^and Mis. J. W. Holmes spent the week end in Hertford and also a performance of "The at Manteo. Mrs. R. A. . Joyce and Irene, fille were guests of Mr. and T. No Mr. spent 9*0 p. 8:80 p. in.?1 Christian 8:80 p. lb.?Woman's Missionary Society, Baptist. 8:80 p. m.?Woman's Society of Christian -Service, Methodist ?7:00 p. nv?Kiwaais. ; . 9*0 v>. m_?Troop 4, Girl Scouts, meats at high school. pp*fS| '7*0 p. m.?Rotary. ?? . 8:00 p. m.?Annie Perkins jSircle, Baptist, meets with Mrs. David Quinn and Mrs. Albert Lewis at the home of the latter. Wednesday, 10 3:00 p. m.?Wednesday Afternoon | (Sub. 8:30?Brownies meet, at high school. ?"**>*? Thursday, 11 2:30 p. m.?Farmville Home Dem onstration Chib meets at the clubhouse with Mrs. Bennett Tyson and Mrs. S. F. Hobgood as hostesses. 7:30 p. m?Mapans. 7:30 p. m.?Buraette-Rouse Post, v. f. y/. 8:00 p. m.?Boy Scouts. Friday, 12 *3g 3:15 p. m.?Book and Bridge Club meets with Mrs. Walter Jones. ' 3:30 p. m.?Woman's Club meets at the home of Mrs. J. M. Hob good. 3:45 p. m.?Merry Matrons meet with Mrs. A. W. Bobbitt. Saturday, 13 10:00 a. m.?Bird Club. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lee and chil dren^ Miss Aileen Flanagan and Carl Ro?rwof Nashville. Ga., spent Son day at Atlantic Beach. G. A. O'Brien of Worcester, Mass., has returned to his home after a visit to his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cleveland Parker. Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Stewart and son, Conrad, Jr., of Orlando, Fla., are visiting Mrs. Stewart's brothers, Frank and Louis Williams. Mrs. Katie Dixon Pugh has return ed to her home after a visit to rela tives and friends id Norfolk, Vs., Grandy and Elizabeth City. Shipley Ryotn spent th$ week end in Mullins, S. C., with Gary Burton Rogers, who returned with him and is spending several days here. Mrs. R. L. Spivey, Mrs. Myrtle Roebuck and Mrs. W. G. Gurganus spent the week end and Labor Day in Norfolk, Va., visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Peck and I son of fcankakee, 111., and Amos Mo zingo of Norfolk, Via., will spend two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Mo zingo. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Hart and son and Mrs. J. F. Hart visited Mrs. Jesse Smith and infant daughter at Woodard -Herring hospital, Wilson, Tuesday. Miss Janie Johnston of Baltimore, Md., and Mrs. Lucy Rumley of Washington,* D. C., spent the week end with their mother, Mrs. Pearl Johnston. Mrs. Pearl Johnston had as her guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston and family of Durham and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lee Pike of Goldsboro. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Windham and 8an and Mr. and Mrs. W. R Dixon, Jr, and daughter, Barbara Ann, of Wilson spent th? week end at Minne so tt Beach. Mrs. P. B. Hargett and daughters, Misses Bobie, Helen and Peggy, of Pollockaville spent. Monday after noon with their daughter and sister, Mrs. M. J. Gregg. . Mrs. G. Alex Rouse, Mrs. James B. Hockaday and daughter, Georgia Tull, Mrs. J. W. Joyner and Mrs. John B. Wright. Jr., of Wilson spent Thursday in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Gilmore Mr. and Mrs. Mabry Pollard and daughter, Ann, and W, C Carter spent the week end at Roanoke Is land and Nags Head. Mrs. a B. Mash hum, Sr., accom panied Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Shytle and daughter. Mise Barbara, of. Silver Springs, Md., to Canada where they are ington, D. C, after a visit to rela " son, |4k? to .relatives Mr. ?t C., spent the week e? gar H. Jones. Mrs. Jones daughter remained for an Mr. and Mrs. Graham McAdams and children of Warrington, D. C., spent the week end with Mr. and rs. W. A. McAdams. Annette re mained for a visit * to her grand uents. Mrs. R. L. Matthews returned, home last Saturday after spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Matthews in Norfolk, Va., and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Matthews in Ports mouth, Va. Mia* Wilms Stansill, who received a degreee in June from Woman's College in Greensboro, left Tuesday for Kannapolis where she is s mem ber of the faculty of one of the rammar schools. Miss Margaret Smith and Mrs. Sam Lewis spent several days last week in South Boston ,Va., with Miss Smith's sister, Mrs. John R. Hill. Mrs. Hill, who was critically ill, is reported'as Seing much improved. Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Spell, Jr., and family of Goldaboro, .Miss Hazel Spell and Mr. and Mrs. Addison Sprague and family of Durham and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lament and daughter, Barbara, of Rochester, N. were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. 0. G. Spell. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Jesse A. Smith an nounce the birth of s daughter, Nancy Jessica, Monday, September 1, in a Wilson hospital. Mrs. Smith 4a the former Ruth Hart. Mr. and Mm C B. Deviea of Port land, Ore., announce the birth of a son, Keith Newton, Tueaday, August 26, ill a Portland hospital. Mrs. Da vies is the former Mary Frances Newton of Farmville. Mr. and Mm Edward Mosingo an nounce the birth of a daughter, Lin da Cheryl, at Parrott's hospital, Kin gton, Aug 3. Mm Mosingo is the former Miss Janie Christman of Snow HHI. JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB The Junior Woman's Club held its initial meeting of the new year at the Country Club Tuesday evening with Mrs. W. C. Garner, Mrs. C. S. Edwards, Mrs. J. R. Harris and Mrs. J. T. Nolen as hostesses. A supper consisting of ham, potato salad, rolls, pickles, ice cream, cake and tea. was served after which Mrs. Gamer pre sided over the business session. Mrs. S. T. Lewis asked the invocation. Miss Margaret Sipith was selected as second vice president and Mrs. 7. T. Carr, as parliamentarian to com plete the list of executive officers. Departmental chairmen were an nounced as follows: youth conserva tion, Mrs. J. R. Hams, Mrs. J. T. Noleti, Mrs. Sam Lewis; American citizenship, Mrs. Claude Tyson; art, Mrs. Stuart Sugg; American home, Mis. Frank Williams; literature, Mrs. Dewey Hathaway; public wel fare, Mrs. W. H. Duke; music, Miss Margaret Smith; education, Mrs. Archie Cayton; international rela tions, Mrs. Robert Wheleas. Other chairmen are: program and hostess, Mrs. J. D. Joyner; yearbook, Mrs. J. D. Joyner; programs, Mrs. Melton Allen; rqgmberehip, Mrs. Al len Drake;-point system, Mrs. Rob ert Fields; ways and means, Mrs. J. R. Harris; railing, Mrs. Richard Harris. New members welcomed at the meeting were: Mib. 7. T. Carr, Mm. 7oy Styero, Mrs. Doris G. Pratt, Km. M. D. Brinson, Mrs. J. M. Gibbs, Mm. Allep M. Harris, Mrs. Carroll" Ogfesby, Mrs. Loraiie Pierce,' Mm. W. T. Candler, Mm. Chester Outland and Mm, James B. Hockaday. Miss Mary Thome Tyson made an appeal to the members to register aiyd vote in tjfib coining hospital elec tion. A social period was held after ad journment. BOOK AND BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. R. V. Fleer, Mm. R. D. Har ris and Mm. W. A Allen wen spe cial guests when Mm. T. 8. Ryan en tertained the Book and Bridge club Friday afternoon. As guests arrived potato chip#, brownies s served. Later coca edtt' itsd Mrs. W. S. Boyster scored high for Lhe club members. Mrs. LstttMor ? compiled low scoro and Mrs. J. vst Trvewrv ss iLa MV/uBt FBGMveHHH ' .*?*" IttWllilg prise. The high score prize for guests went - to Mn. Madeline H. Rountree sad the low to Mrs. Wil liam S. Finn. .*-? ? |g|H- \ Homemade ice cream and cake Special gaestt included Mrs. W? C. Murray of Washington, D. C? Mrs. VmAaiin* Bountree of St. Paters burg, Fla., Mrs. Fbm, Miss Marfch Thompson, Miss Anna L. Jones and Miss Hasel Baker, mm: ~ BROWNIES A dramatization of the Brownie; story with Miss Dora Mae Barrett as reader was given by old members of < the Brownies for the new members! and leaden at the initial meeting of the fall season Wednesday afternoon. Mtb. George Fair, who 'was leader of the groups last year, was hostess on her lawn. . ? -X ;4' Nan Williams, troop leader, led in repeating the Brownie promise and the salute to the flag. New officers chosen for the coming six months are I troop leader, Jane Joyfler; treasurer, Marion Pickett; secretary, Blanche Satterthwaite. Brenda Barrett, Lin da Mewbom and Henri pearl Johnson ware welcomed as new members. The old members gave a car stunt after which the Brownie song was sung. - Fruit juice and cookies were ser ved by Mrs. Farr to nine members and the leader, Mrs. Henry Johnson, and her assistants, Mrs. J. R. Harris and Miss Dora Mae Barrett SALLY IRENE BAKER Sally Irene Baker, nine-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Baker of Fountain, died in Rocky Mount Tuesday afternoon, following an extended illness. Funeral, services were held from the home of her parents Wednesday afternoon at 6 o'clock, conducted by the Rev. A. G." Courtney, Presbyter ian minister of Raleigh, assisted by the Rev. R. L. West, Baptist minis ter of Fountain.- Interment was in the Fountain cemetery. Surviving in addition to the pa rents are one sister, Bftty Sue, of the heme and her maternal grand mother, Mrs. B. F. Bundy of Pine tops. The stpres in Fountain were closed during the funeral hour. MRS. HATTIE TYSON N * - Mrs. Ifattie Tyson, 74, wife of the late Ivey Tynan, died at her home near . Farmville Saturday. afternoon following a long illness. Funeral services were held at the home Sun day afternoon at 4 o'clock, conduct ed by the Rev. L. B. Manning and J the Rev. W. L. Hart, v Free Will Bap tist ministers. Interment .was in the family Cemetery hear the home. She was a member of Friendship Free Will Baptist Church. Surviv ing are five daughters, Mrs. B. P. Beaman, Mrs. J. C. Cobb, Mrs. Ly man Morgan, Mrs. Hubert Tugwell and Pearl Tyson, all of near Farm ville; two sons, Bennett and Carl Tyson of Farmville; one sister, Mrs. Jennie Jones of Stantonsburg; one brother, Johnnie Woo ten of Farm ville; a number pf grandchildren and great-grandchildren. AUGUST BUILDING PERMITS TOTAL $19,000.00 - ; ' Building permits issued by the Tewn of Farmville during the month of August totaled $19,000 and were granted to the following: I Curtis Massey, residence, $2,000; M. L, Eason, Jr., residence, $2,000; F. T. Caw, residence, $2,000; F. T. Carr, residence, $2,000; A.' p. Letch worth, Jr., residence, $2,000; Mrs. Ethel Thornton, residence, $6,000; Made Abrams, store, $8,000. ? TIME TO FILE FOR TERMINAL LEAVE PAY EXTENDED YEAR IHHjP aBa The Pitt county veterans service officer, Arthur B. Corey, announceo that the tfmc -for filing applications for terminal leave pay has been ex tended to September 1, 1948. It is urged that all veterans of World War II who have pot heretofore filed their applications do so at once. | NOTE OF THANKS I wish to express my deepest ap preciation for tim many kindnesses shown me during my reeedt illness^ J. A. Gregory. MISS Hp TEACHES AT MOSS HILL V ? ? ? , n nnnn rl oeen secTxrua the United States National at Washington D. C., from this is nd. p 6? The chachalaca keeps its singing period in time with the an The regular evening recitals come later ?ml later with the advancing season until hy the end of April it.is almost 7:30 before the echoes dwindle away. Dawn Si announced with as much en thusiasm as the day's end. This bird! common resident is the yellow-breasted trogon which . .eats while on whig. Parakeets, motmots, redstarts, forest sparrows snd quail doves are known only in Veracruz. ' There are the white-throated bat falcon, laughing falcon, Mexican black hawk mid many waders, divers and swimmers. The yellow-tailed ori ole is a ventriclo, quiet and hard to find when singing in the rushes. ? The royal flycatcher has a folded crest which opens like a fan and when lowered is concealed by long feathers. There are blue, plush, ant and crimson colored tanagere. The tanagers are exclusively American and are found from Canada to Ar gentina. The most beautiful species of the trogon is th& long-plumed quetzal, oncp sacred to the Mayas, and noir the national bird of Guatemala. Material for the study was gather ed by Walter Webb when he was on the fifth expedition to southern Mex ico sponsored Jointly by the National Geographic Society and the. Smith TnStitute. Mehegan Piano Shop 209 W. Lenoir Ave., KINSTON, N. C. Phone 2656-1 For all best makes of pianos and violins. Can furnish master >.?, t- t piano toner for Farmvflle and vicinity. We buy your eld pianos, organs or musical in struments of every kind. Serving Delicious Dinners fllglS- ^ fahmville. n. c. THEATRE SUNDAY and MONDAY HUTTON JOHN LUND BILiyPE WOLFE V/HHawflBwrefct Gwstapce Oilier FtawftByiay Tltt heirt-tfarobbiftf heart story of tfio most fftimofout llrVOI ^WlMVlWO f most daring ... woman of thsscrooo . whose thrill swept life was a trarM-fampd thrill I LATEST NEWS AND CAETOON Subscribe to THE ENTERPRISE and receive it Regularly ? The price is only $2.00 a year. HI - ??;? - : - "" ? ? - ??; . * - :? OUR DEMONSTRATION! ?*.?'? ?* 1 a im THE BENDiX BO THE WASHING All BY ITSEIF - iu- *mT cd ? a*' jkc: - > * HOW THE ftENBIX SAVES CLOTHES HErn/m aw>" HOW THE BENMXnP SAVES WATER?SOAP fi "P ? THE BENDIX END CLOTHES HOISTING Wk TRIPLE RINSING MAKE CLOTHES COME SWEETER-CLEANER S It's the most exrithig washday performance you ever saw? the Bendix'doiOg the Washing, all by itself t, No bard work for you. Bendix demonstration BOW! C" _ I No hands in waterl Come in for your '

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