- IHIMIIItllllll 94#+++*++^ Homer Spell spent the week red in St Peals. Will Aaktm is e patient at Wood ard-Herring hoapital, Wilson. Mrs. Bob Jsjmr of Wilson visited Mrs. Bee Weaver lest Thursday. Mrs. Virginia Rowerton spent the week end with friends in Greenville. Mrs. Virginia Howerton spent last week end with friends in Richmond, Va Mrs. L. E. Jones has retained to her home from a Rocky Mount hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roebuck left last week to make their home in Ra leigh. Mrs. a G. Rollins of Raleigh is spending a few days with Mrs. M. L. Eason. Claude Tyson entered Veterans' hospital. Fayetteville, Tuesday for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rasberry spent the week end at the Ocean King ho tel, Morehead. Non-ia Lee Eason leaves today to enter the University of North Caro lina Chapel Hill. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Vanderveer of Fremont spent Sunday, Sept 7, with Mrs. John Bynum. George Warm of Durham spent several days this week with his aunt Mrs. Roland Sauls. . Mrs. J. O. Pollard and son, Bill, have returned from a ten days' stay* at Virginia Beach, Va. Mrs. Lillie Cook of Stantonsburg spent the week end with her daugh ter, Mrs. Robert fields. R. LeRoy Rollins, who is on the Lumberton tobacco market spent the week end with his family. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Nolen and daughter, Jackie, spent the week end in Raleigh with relatives. Edward Beckman left Saturday to resume his studies at Oak Ridge Mil itary Institute, Oak Ridge. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Rouse, Jr., and son spent .Sunday in Mount Olive with Mrs. Floyd Andrews. Ferd Satterthwaite, Jr., left Mon day night to enter Blue Ridge School for Boys at Hendersonville. Mrs. Gordon Lee, who is a patient at Duke hospital, Durham, is re ported as improving slowly. Mrs. J. W. Parker, Mrs. B. S. Smith and Mrs. Robert Lee Smith spent Wednesday in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McAdams and granddaughter, Annette, visited' rela tives in Rocky Mount Sunday. Mrs. Joseph Batchelor returned Monday from a Wilson hospital and is recuperating at her home. Mrs. Lake Coleman of Mount Dora, Fla, visited Mrs. Roderick Harris and other friends here Monday. ? E. C. Carr, Jr., of Newport News, Va, spent the week end with his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Carr. Mrs. J. C. Brock, Jr., and infant daughter, Jo Alice, returned Monday from Parrott's hospital, Kinston. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gardner and son spent the week end in Maccles field with Mr. Gardner's father. Amoe Mnsiggn has returned to Norfolk, Va, after a visit to his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Mosingo. Bill Rasberry left Thursday night to enter the University of Pennsyl vania dental school in Philadelphia Mr. and Mia Andrew Haaaell of Raleigh spent the week end with Mr. Hasaell's aunt, Mrs. J. M. Hobgood. Miss Daphne Yelverton of Foun tain left Monday to enter the fresh man class at Meredith college, Ra Mr. and Mrs. vs on a vacation trip to western North Carolina, Kentucky, Indiana and Minnesota. Mias Jean Beckman resumed her studies at Meredith college, Raleigh, Wednesday. She is a member of the senior claas. Mr. and Mrs. Jinuny Roberts of Greenville were guests of the form er's father, Elder J. B. Roberta, Sun day evening. Mies Betty Love Spencer has re-J to her home in Wilson after several days with Mri> John Bynum. Mrs. Jack Me David returned to her home in Nashville, Tenn, Wednes day after a visit to her mother, Mrs. J. W. Parker. Miss Vivian Scott left Monday > as a senior in the at St. Mary's Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Singleton and Mrs. M. J. McLeod and son, Douglas, of OreeavOle spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Garris. ' I Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moxingo, Victory Park this'week. Mrs. J. W. Parker ?d Mrs. Jack Jr., of' Nashville, Tean., with Mrs. Mary C, ? Bieh Ckpiare. W. J. ii. ini' i ? CALENDAR ? IP 3:30 p. m.?Garden. Club with Mrs. E. F. Gaynor. 3:80 p. m.-?Episcopal Auxiliary meets with Miss Helen Smith. 3:30 p. m.?Circle 5, Methodist, meets with Mrs. Eli Joyaer, Jr. 7:00 p. m.?Kiwanis. Tuesday, 23 2tS0 p. m.?Seven Pines Home Demonstration Club meets with Mrs. Ferrell Morgan. 3:80?Troop 4, Girl Scouts. 3:43 p. m.?Merry Matrons meet with Mrs. J. M. Hobgood. 74)0 p. m.?Rotary. 8:00 p. m. ? Tuesday Evening Bridge club meets with Miss Ann. Jones.' Wednesday, 24 3:00 p. m.?Wednesday Afternoon Club meets with Mrs. George Moore, Jr. 3:15 p. m.?New Deal Club meets with Mrs. S. A. Roebuck. 3:30 p. m.?Brownies. Thursday, 25 3:00 p. m.?P. T. A. 7:80 p. m.?Masons. , 7:30 p. m.?V. F. W. Friday, 26 3:15 p. m.?Book and Bridge Club" meets with Mrs J. M. Mewbom. Saturday, 27 dQ:00 a. m.?Bird Club. Mrs. C. B. Mashburn, Jr., a patient at Edgecombe General hospital, Tar bo ro, is reported as improving slow ly Mrs. Jack S. Smith, who returned from a Rhcky Mount hospital Sun day, is reported as improving at her home. . Miss Mary Graves spent the week end in Rocky Mount where she was an attendant in the Dolly-Graves wedding. Miss Edna Boone, Mrs. S. G. Gard ner and Miss Betty Joyner spent Sunday afternoon in Greenville with Mrs. George Wilkerson. 0. G. Spell and his house guests, 0. G. Spell, Jr., and Addison Sprauge, and Joe Terry* spent Sunday at Swan Quarter on a fishing trip. Fannie Muriel Moon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Leslie Moore of Farmville, Route 1, underwent a ton si lec torn y in Wilson Tuesday. Mrs. Ernest N. Petteway and son, Ernie, will leave during the week end to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Hayes, in Lake View, Si. C. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Peck and son have returned to their home in Kan kakee, 111., after a two weeks' visit to Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Mozingo. Mrs. G. Alex Rouse, Mrs. James B. Hockaday and daughter, Georgia Tull, spent Wednesday in Wilson as guests of Mrs. John B. Wright, Jr. Captain and Mrs. R. H. Baker of Brookley Field, Mobile, Ala., spent a few days; this week with his mother, Mrs. J. I. Baker, and in Morehead. Miss Mavis Holloman of near Farmville has accepted a position with City Drag Company and is liv ing in the home of Mrs. John Simp son. Harold Rouse, Shelby Roebuck, Dan Morgan, Neal Howard and Bob by Russell left Thursday to enter the University of North Carolina, Chapel HOI. Mrs. Agneg Blount, Mrs. Frank Davis, Jr., Miss Agnes Quineriy and Charles Quineriy spent Sunday after noon with relatives and friends in Ayden.' Mr. and Mis. Louis and Mrs. Os car Speight of Winterville and Mrs.' Joe Tripp and son, Joe, Jr., of Ayden visited Mr. and Mis. R. T. Norville Sunday. Mis. Paul Kimbraugh of Cynthia 1, Ky, ? member of the tobacco colony, and Mis. H. H. Bradham and son spent Tuesday afternoon in Greenville. Mr. and Mrs. J: A. Ward of Wa*h> ington, D. O, spent last week end with Mrs. J. this week. Mr. end and Mrs. Bill RuaselL Mr. and Charlotte of Mrs. Mr. and Mm O. G. Spell, Jr., and children of Goidaboro and, Raleigh ind Mm Addtaon Sprague amea, of Durham apent the end with Mr. and Mm. 0. G. de Mr*.' Mini of Florida, Mr. and Mw. George T. Dixon of Maasachu of Elm iOTtm I* E. Walston. Mr*. Minis and Mr*. Lila Dtion u? Mr. Wsl ston'g aunt*. Mr. $nd Mrs. R. A- Joyner, Jr, will arrive Satuday from thdr wad-, ding tour to spend several day* with hi* parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Joy ner. Mrs. Joyner, before her mar riage Sunday, was Miss Jo Wood of Patterson, Oslif. * Mia* Rosemary Holmes, a mdmber of the Hugh Morion high school fa culty in Raleigh, will spent the week end with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. E. W. Holmes, and have as her guest, Miss Carolyn Esell of Woodruff, 3. C., her roommate. Mrs. A. W. Bobbitt, president of the local Woman's Society of Chris tian Service; Miss Edna Boone, Mrs. Bennett Fields and Mrs. S. G. Gard ner attended an educational seminar of the Woman's Society of Christian Service in Rocky Mount Tuesday. WOMAN'S CLUB The appointment of a committee composed of Mrs.. Sam Bundy, Mrs. A. B. Moore, Miss Annie Perkins and Miss Tabitha DeVisconti to meet with representatives of other orgpni* zations and decide whether or not it is advisable to ask the North Caro^ Una Symphony orchestra to give a concert in Farmville launched the tall work of the Woman's club Fri day afternoon. The club learned that Miss Mar jorie Beal, of the North Carolina Li brary Commission, will speak at the October meeting when the group will have a covered dish supper and have as their: guests the Junior Woman's, Garden, Literary and Merry Matrons clubs. Three new members, Mrs. M. W. Rollins, Mrs. George Farr and Mrs. H. D. Johnson, who graduated from the Junior Woman's club this spring, ware cordial# welcomed by the president, Miss Tabitha DeVisconti, after which she reported on the send ing of gifts to boys in the Rocky Mount training school. Echoes from the recent North Ca rolina Council of .Federated clubs were brought by Mrs. Farr, Miss De Visconti, Miss Mamie Davis, Mrs. W. Jesse Moye and Mrs. J. M. Hobgood. The club women's hymn and "The Old North" State" were sung and the collect was repeated in unison as part of the opening exercises. Miss DeVisconti, who was hostess in the home of Mrs. Hobgood, Served ice cream, cookies and nuts. JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB Mrs. R. D. Harris, hostess and program chairman, discussed land scaping the small home, club federa tion and the advantages offered to women throughout the world and the progress of federated clubs, at the Junior Woman's club meeting Tues day afternoon. Mrs. W. C. Garner opened the meeting with the repeating of the pledge and made a report on the federated coung)) meeting she attend ed in Raleigh last week. The club has been invited to attend the next meeting of the Woman's club, features of which will be a talk by Miss Marjorie Beal and a covered dish supper. Sit was announced that Mrs. W. Jesse Moye would conduct a training school for new members at the next meeting. Mrs. Harris served individual pine apple cakes, ice cream and mints, which carried out a color scheme of green and yellow, prior to the busi ness session. After adjournment, a social hour was held. Mrs. James H- Harden, Jr., was welcomed as a new member. SUPPER CLUB Mr. and Mm Prank Allen and Mr. id Mm Lewis Allen were hosts to the Sapper club at the Country club Saturday evening, having as guests Mr. and Mm John D. Dixon, Mr. and Mm Ernest N. Petteway, Mr.- and Mm Sam T. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Garner and Mr. and Mm George imp;1 1 The tables, arranged in the shape of a, erase, were covered with white cloths and were centered with a large bowl of marigolds. Ivy interspersed with candles was used down the middle of the tables. Arrangements of drams and lu pines were used elsewhere in the potatoes, relishes, rails and individual lemon pies were served. After supper, desiring was enjoy . , ?? ' MERRY MATRONS i Mrs G. M. Holden presided at the initial fall meeting of the-Many Ma about American writers and literature She mentioned the place and purpose of the little magazines, pointed out the affect of World Ware I and II on writing and passed on the opinion that good literature could be made under any attitude. At the conclusion of the talk die ex hibited pencil sketches Billy Rattan had drawn of authors used in her talk. v-< T" ' Miss Elisabeth Davis, president, had charge of the business session. Molded ice cream, individual iced chocolate cakes, nuts, mints, pin wheel cookies and-punch wen served by Miss Davis, assisted by her sister, Mrs. W. Alex Allen. ?MM Special guests wen Mrs. L. E. Walston, Mrs. Charles E. Rowton, Mrs. J. M. Hobgood and Miss Edna Robinson. Dahlias wen used in artistic ar rangements in the Davis home on Church street. MRS. GILCHRIST ENTERTAINS ' Mrs. Gmdy L. Gilchrist entertain ed the New Deal club and nine addi tional tables at bridge Thursday afternoon at the Coimtry. club. Aa guests arrived they wen served homemade banana ice cream, angel food cake, nuts and mints. Later in the afternoon coca colas were pass ed. Mn. W. Leslie Smith scored high for the club and received a flower holder. High aeon for guests, hand painted bric-a-bra, went to Miss Anne L. Janes, who also retained the slam prise, iridescent earrings. Mrs.' Will Joyner, scoring second high, re ceived earrings as did Mrs. S. A. Roebuck who made low soon. Zilmas, lupines, gladioli and roses wen used in attractive arrange ments. Ivy and candles decorated the msntlds. CONTRACT CLUR Roses, marigolds and cinnas wen used as decorations in the home of Mrs. J. W. Joyner Tuesday afternoon when she entertained the Contract club and additional guests, Mrs. G. Alex Rouse and Mrs Madeline H. Rountree. Aa guests arrived, they wen served stuffed angel cake, nuts, mints and coca colas. ' Mrs Neal Howard, scoring high for the club, received a crystal ash tray. The guest award for high score, a pottery vase went to Mrs Rouse. Miss Mary Leah Thome, one of Farmville'e most charming and tal ented young ladies, made her debut Friday evening at the annual Debutante ball in Kaleigh. Milton Clay Williamson of FarmviHe was her chief marshal. Assistant mar shals were Marvin Horton and Ca bot Monk, of Farmville; David No well, Wake Forest; Mark Reece, Jonesville. Mist Thome's dress was made of ivory satin fashioned with a hoop skirt and was trimmed with lace, cry stal beads and sequins. Miss Thome is- the daughter of Mrs. John T. Thome sod the late Mr. Thome. She was graduated from Parmville high school in IMS and from St. Mary's Junior college last spring. This week she enters the junior class at the University of North Carolina. MRS. DA VIES HONORED Complimenting her sister, Mrs. Roy B. Da vies, of Washington, D. C., Miss Elvira Tyson entertained at dessert-bridge last Wednesday night at her home, on Church street. A color scheme of pink and white was carried out in the refreshments of cake, salted nuts abd ice. cream topped with strawberries. Coca colas were passed during the gam as. Mrs. Loraiie Pierce, Jr., won the high spore prise, MHk Allen Drake, the low, and Mrs. J. D. Uoymer, the floating prise. The hostess remembered the hono ree with a gift Miss Corirma Haynes of Wilson was an out-of-town guest BROWNIES Featuring the meeting of the Brownies Wednesday afternoon were an initiation for new members and the first birthday celebration of this branch of Girl Scouting in Farmville. Each member was given a candle and after lighting it from the candle on the cake she took her place in the horseshoe formation. The mefbbers who were initiated performed stunts." Mary Lou Moore and May Turnage Eason, hostesses, served fruit juice with the birthday cake and later passed suckers. Buy Savings Beads Now Aad Save I of club mad ma George Moore, Jr., enjoyed now of bridge Friday with Walter Jane* mm ?I with cur cakes and tea before pp Daring the games coca colas .and popcorn wen passed.J. Mrs. Moore sewed high for 1 nftemoon. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. W. lb. Moye of La Grange announce tbe birth of a cor, William Darden, Jr., Saturday, Sep tember 6, in Memorial General hos pital, Kinaton. Mr. Moye is a broth er of Mrs. W. L. Freemun at rille. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brock, Jr., an nounce the birth of a daughter, Jo Alice, Thursday, Sept 11, at Phr rott's hospital, Kinston. Mrs. Brock s the former^ Miss Dorothy Mosingo. GIRL SCOUT NEWS ' After playing tennis Thursday afternoon, Troop 2, Girl Scouts, shoes Videau Joyner and Dotdee rones to be their representatives at s meeting sponsored by the Fhrm rflle Junior Woman's club to orga nize a Girl Scout troop in Colerain September 24. Nan Williams will represent the Brownies and Faye Mewborn and Martha Holmes will represent Troop 1 at tfis meeting. BIRTHDAY SUTPER Hadley Morgan, daughter oJ Mr. uid Mrs. Irvin Morgan, Jr., was hos tess to a few of her school friends, rhursday afternoon, in celebration of her sixth birthday. Ibe supper was cooked outdoors and served in the back yard. Favors were jack rocks for the girls and marbles for the boys. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Dr. and Mrs. T. W. Weeks of Fort Meyers, Fla., announce the birth of a ion 011 September 15. Mrs. Weeks is the former Miss Aims Florence Joy ner of Farmville. NOTE OF THANHS . I wish to express my deepest and since rest appreciation for the kind nesses shown me during- my stay in the hospital and since, my return home. ? ~ Mrs. Joseph Batchelor. M sua a YOUR CHILD'S FREE* ; A ? We will have in our store this week a well known photographer of children from the Renfrew Studios to photograph your child with our compliments. No cost or obligation to you. I; ! m ? 10:00 A. M in 5?00 PM? ? MONDAY, TIESDAY, WEDNESDAY - - - SEPTEMBER 22, 21, 24 ~"A - On h i 5 - MAIN STREET (FASHION