M Mrs. Cecil Dixon of Wilson spent Sunday with Mrs. Louise Harris. Douglas Kemp and Jack Paylor left Monday to resume their studies at State eollegeL Mr. and lbs. Matthew Dail and family visited in Wilson and Smith field Sunday. Brace Darden left Saturday and Allie Melton left Monday to epiter State college, Raleigh. Mrs. R. Q. Copenhaver and her mother, Mrs. E. C. Beaman were Greenville visitors Tuesday. Mrs. S. L. Loving of Richmond, Va., spent a few days this week here with her husband. Mrs. Marian Shirley and son, Ma rion, Jr., of Raleigh spent Sunday with Mrs. G. M. Shirley. MrS. Thomas *E. Gladson of Green ville spent the week end with her sis ter. Mrs. Harry Dixon. Dr. and Mrs. M. J. Gregg and fam ily 8. ent the week and in Pollocks ville with relatives. Mrs. Elmer Hinson and Mrs. R. R. Newton, Jr., spent last Wednesday in Kin8ton. Mrs. Marvin Horton and son. Mar vin, Jr., visited relatives in Eden ton and Elisabeth City Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Knott Proctor and daughter, Miss Hannah, of Greenville spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Louise Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Darden, Mr. and Mrs. Jack barden and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Darden spent the week end at Morehead. Miss Elizabeth "Lang of Roanoke Rapids will spend the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Lang. - . i c Mrs. Harry Dixon and daughter; Melda, and Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Kelly spent Wednesday afternoon in Win terville. * ^ Miss Margaret Coates, a member of the SSotland Neck faculty, spent the week end here with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. E. S. Coates. ~ Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bundy and Mr. and Mrs. Sam D. Bundy and sons' were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bundy in Greenville Sunday. Miss Maxine Warren, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Warren of Speed, formerly of Farmville, enter ed E. C. T. CL, Greenville, Monday. Mrs. Anne Zeigler returned to her home in Winthrop, Mass., Sunday after a visit to her sister, Mrs. Jake Joyner. Mr. and Mrs. Graham McAdams of Washington, D. C., spent the week end here with his parents. ? Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McAdams. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vaughan and son, Jimmy, spent' Sunday in Leg g?Ets with - Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Speight. Dr. and Mrs. G. L. Gilchrist were dinner guests of Dr. and Mrs. E. H. Staton in Rocky Mount Sunday even ing. Mrs Leon Janes, who uhderwent an operation in Pitt General hospi tal, Greenville, Tuesday mprning is recuperating nicely. Miss Emily Gayle, a member of the Princeton school faculty, spent the week end with her brother, Charles Gayle. Mr. ana Mrs. jonn aasan ana ram-1 ily accompanied Mrs. Pheora Eason of Selma, who spent the week end' with them, to her home, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ranald Rice of Norfolk. Va, and Mrs. Tatie Shirley and Mrs. Frank Eason, Jr., of Snow Hill spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. Elmer Hinson. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Daiden> spent yesterday in Chapel Hil. Mrs. J. H. Darden accompanied them as far as Durham and is spending several days with relatives. Mrs. R. O. Lang, Mrs. W. C. Hoi ston and their sister, Mrs. Nell Rog ers of Lake Alfred, Fla, spent several days of this week in Raleigh as guests of Mrs. Fred Bryan. Annette McAdams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Graham McAdams of Washington, D. C., underwent a ton sillectomy in a Kins tan hospital Tuesday. Mrs. Mattie Swam of Plymouth, ^ Jasper Swain of Roper and Mrs. * Walter Clark and daughter, Josie, of Alexandria, Va, spent last Thurs day with Mrs. W. J. Rollins. Mr. and Mrs. Sam D. Bundy at tended the Ladies night meeting of the Junior Chamber of Commerce in Robersonviile Tuesday night Mr. Bundy was guest speaker. Mrs. Frank Davis, Jr., Mis* Agnes ? Quinerly and Mrs. Lawrence Mo ye of Maury accompanied Miss Ruby Moye to Winston-Salem Thursday when Miss Moy* resumed her Horton Rountree and Cathy, of Chapel Hill, 1-00 p. m.?Kiwanis. 7:30 p. m. ? Executive Board, Woman's Society of Christian Service, Methodist, meets at the home of Mrs. S. G. Gardner. 7:45 p. m.?Group 1, Christian, meet# with Mrs, A. G. Tumage. 8:00 p. m.?Garden Club / meets with Miss Tabitha DeVisconti. Tuesday, SO 10:80 a. m.?Executive ? Commit tee, Woman's Missionary Socie ty, Baptist, mast# with Mrs. H. D. Johnson. 3:80 p. m.?Troop 4, Girl Scouts. 3:80 p. m.?Troop 2, Giri Scouts, meets with Mrs. Walter Jones. 7:00 p. m.?Rotary. \ 8:00 p. m.?Group 3, Christian, meets with Mrs. John Barrett 8-00 p. m.?Group 4, Christian, meets with Mm. Robert Lee Smith. * * ' " ' 8:80 p. m.?Altar Guild, Episco pal, meets with Mrs, Frank Williama. Wednesday, October f ' 2:30 p. m.?Ballard's Home De monstration Club. 3:30 p. m.?Literary Club meets with Mrs. John E. Joyner. 3:30 p. m.?Brownies. 8:00 p. m?Free Will Baptist Auxiliary meets with Mrs. C. G. Morgan. Thursday, 2 '3:00 p. m.?Au Fait Club meets with Mrs. Jimmy Harden. 3:30 p. m.?Pnhbyterian Juniors. 7:30 p. nv?Junior Order. 8:00 d. m.?Group 2, Christian. Friday, 8 3:00 p. m.?Lamrad Club meets with Mrs. J. Y. Monk, Jr. 3:30 p. m.?Rebecca Winbome chapter, U. D. C., meets with . Mrs. Preston Murphrey at the home of Mm. G. M. Hold an. 4;00 p. m.?D. A. R. meets at chapter house. ? 7:00 p. nv?American Legion. Saturday, 4 10:00 a. m.?Bind Club. 9:00 p. m.?Dance Club meets at Country Club with Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Petteway7*Mr. and Mm. Billy Smith -and Dewey Fuquay as hosts. * Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rasberry an 'pending a few days in Raleigh and ianford. Ann Melton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Melton, underwent a ton ?illectomy in Gnenviile Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, Sam D, Bundy and ons will spent Saturday evening in taleigh where Mr. Bundy will ad Iress the Baraca-Philathea Sunday School class of the Tabernacle Bap ist church at its forty-seventh an liversary meeting. His subject will >e "Wake Up and Live." MERRY MATRONS Mrs. J. M. Hobgood was hostess to he Merry Matrons Tuesday gfter loon at her home in which fall flow :rs were in decorative arrangements. "This Is a Man's World, Maybe" vas the subject of the talk given by drs. B. R. Fields, guest speaker. In omparing the position of men with vomen, she brought out the ad vant iges women have over the opposite iex in that the former always have neal tickets .and can slow down rhen they begin growing old but nen must keep working and seldom, f ever, dp they get free meals. Vomen can wear a variety of colors md different types of clothes but nen are tied to custom and must vear the same styles winter and sum ner. The hostess was assisted in serving i fruit salad plate, pickles, cheea frraws and cnut by Mrs. C. H. Joy ter and Mrs. W. Leslie Smith, special guests sharing in pleasures >f the afternoon were Mrs. E. S Coatee, Mrs. I. D. Kirklin, Mrs. Joy-* Hockaday; Mrs. Fields and Miss Edna Robkison. D. A. R. TO FRIDAY, OCTOBER S The initial fall meeting of the Major Benjamin May chapter, D. A. R., will be held FViday, October 8, at L o'clock fa, the chapter horn* Mrs. T. C. Turnage, regent, Mrs. E. B. Beasley, of Fountain, Mrs. W. C. Holston and Mrs. a Alex Rouse be m \ From Patterson <CUtf.) Irrigator A four o'clock rriony at the y. Sect.^4 ioinei Jo Wood, daughter of Mr. and 1 William H. Wood, and Richard. A. Joyner, Jr., eon of Mr. and Mr*. R. A. Joyner, of Farmville, North Caro lina, in matrimony. The church was decorated with baskets of white glads and chrysan themums. Preceding the ceremony, Leslie Chilean sang "Because" and following the ritas he rendered "The Lord's Prayer." Mia. Carlson played the wedding march. JL'i'v '''2 Rev. R. C. Pooley officiated and the bride was given away by bar father. ti'C .. The bridal gown was of ivory bro caded satin with sweetheart neckline, long pointed sleeves, long train and bustle. Her finger-tip tulle veil was fashioned with a crown of pearls sad she carried a bouquet of orchids, bouvardia and lillies of the valley. Her only Jewelry was a single strand of pearls and matching earrings, the] gift of the groom. Miss Beverly Joan Wood, sister of | the bride, was maid of honor. Her] white taffeta -gown was designed | with off-the-ahoulder lines, tight bo- | dice and full sldrt She carried bouquet of red roses. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Yates | Hamilton of Stockton and Mn. C. E. Ptacek of Berkeley, both school friend* of the bride. Their dresses were of white taffeta faille, also fashioned off the shoulder. They car ried yellow roses and wore coronets | of white carnations. The flower girl was little Patricia | McKowan of San Francisco, cousin of the bride. Her gown was a repli ca of the other attendants jsnd she curled a basket of forget-me-nots, | asters and lilUes of the valley. HH The mother of the bride was at- ] tired in an afternoon gown of brown crepe with frost white accessories. | Her corsage was of green orchids. Best man was Yates Hamilton and j ushers were Glen Wood, brother of the bride, and Eldon Webster, Jr., of] Fresno, cousin of the bride. Following the ceremony 250 guests | were received at the Hotel del Puer to, where the newlyweds cut .their four-tier bride's cake. Miss Rosalie Usher of Sacramento and Mrs. Jack [ Martin of San Francisco aervad. Hie cake was served from a white ] Chinese linen cover with inserts . of lace and embroidery. White glads, stocks and bouvardia provided the floral setting, arranged by Mrs. E. L. McCabe. For her going away outfit, the j bride was attired in a grey wool suit I and gabardine top coat with -white waist, purple hat and orchid ooraage. The couple went east for a honey moon to be spent visiting in Illinois J and Indiana and with the grpom's] parents. They will make their home at 619 Wills Forest, Raleigh, North [ Carolina. The rites climaxed a war-time ro-1 mance which had its inception at Camp Kohler, near Sacramento,] where the groom was stationed dur ing a part of five years Amy Signal Corps service. The bride was em- [ ployed there at the time. A graduate of the local school and of-a Stockton business college, the bride has recently completed a term ss international president of the Ven ture Club. The groom is a graduate of the University of NqMh Carolina and is office manager of. Burroughs Add ing Machine Company in Raleigh. Accompanying parties incidental to the rites included a bridal dinner Saturday night at the Hotel del Puerto which the following attended: Messrs. and Meadames W. H. Wood, C. E. Ptacek, Yates Hamilton; Mrs. Ralph McKowan; the Misses Bever ley Jean Wood and Patsy" McKowan, end Messrs. George Wood of Roches ter, N. Y? and Eldon Webster, Jr. Sunday morning a bridal breakfast st the Wood home set places for 22, sod in the evening ninety out-of town relatives and friends were en tertained at a supper party in the Wood home garden following the rites. Officers wen chosen; for the auxil CAN LEGION AUXILIARY the initial fall meeting y afternoon as follows: Mrs. Rollins, president; Mrs. W. R. vice president; Mrs. B. R. Fields, secretary; Miss Mamie Davis, treasurer; Mrs. A. W. Bobbitt, chap lain. Miss Mamie Davis turned the meeting over to Mrs. Rollins, who accepted the presidency in a few well-chosen remarks. The opening ceremony of the pledge to the flag, singing of nation al anthem and repeating of the pre amble were .used after which Mrs. A. W. Bobbitt read from the eighth chapter of John and led in prayer. Christinas gifts for patients at Oteen were plumed. PHnnMHU the program presented by Hie fourth stanza of was used as a closing H. Neal n. a. e. . arrived they - - m1^ COWfut and mints. Coca colas issad later in the afternoon. Mrs. Herman Baker scored high for greets and was awarded a double deck of Oongrens cards; Mrs. John Lewis received the'consolation, a box of note paper. Mrs. G. L. Gilchrist retained the slam prize. Mrs. John Paylor was given high score prize for club members, a kitchen gadget Hie hostess remembered her sister, Mrs. Nell Bogets of Lake Alfred, Fku. with a box of note paper. Dahlias, marigolds, zinnias and ivy were used in artistically .decora ting the first floor. Each table was centered with a vase of summer flowers. f BRIDGE CLUB ' Farmville's newest bridge club was formed Tuesday eventttg at the home of Miss Anne Jones with the follow ing as members: Mrs. Bill Candler, Mrs. Carl Greene, Mrs. Ixxnnie Pierce, Mrs. Robert P. Wheless, Mrs. Joseph Joyner, Miss Mary Home Ty son, Miss Mary Ann TowneeOd, Miss Elvira Tyson and Miss Jonas. Tin club will meet the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. Arrangements of somas and roses were used in the Jones home. High score award, a pink vase, was received by Miss Elvira Tyson. Miss Townaend was given the consolation prize, note paper. Chocolate nut sundaes and devil's food cake were served after cards were laid aside. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON - CLUB . Mrs. George Moore, Jr., who to hostess to her bridge club Wednes day afternoon, had as additional guests, Mrs. Irvin Morgan, Jr., Mrs. R. D. Harris and Mrs. Walter Jones. Handpainted trays were presented to Mrs. R. V. Fleer, who scored high for the club, and to Mrs. Morgan, who scored high for gueftts. The low award, a jar of chee-wees, went to Mrs. R. T. Monk. Coconut cake topped with cream I and cherries and coffee were served by the hostess who used dahlias and | marigolds in decorating her home. AU tfAIT CLUB The Au Fhit club was entertained Thursday afternoon I by Mrs. Jack Darden in her home , which was deco rated for the occasion with sinnas, marigolds and ivy. , As club members arrived ice cream topped with chocolate sauce and cho colate cake were served. During the games cock colas, and cheese straws were passed. Mrs. Allen Drake scored high and received padded coat hangers. The consolation prize, a handkerchief case, went to Mrs. Carroll Oglesby. BIRTHDAY PARTY Jimmy Joyner son of Mr. and Mid. C. Hubert Joyner, was host to 25 friends Friday afternoon in celebra tion of his eighth birthday. Whistles and crickets were given as favors. The guests Were served individual cakes, ice cream, candy and suckers from tables placed on the spacious porch of the home. The birthday cake decorated,with pink and green trim mings was used'as a centerpiece. |HOME ECONOMICS TEACHERS HAVE MEETING IN AYDEN ? fi I The monthly meeting of the Pitt ICounty Vocational Home Economics teachers was held on Tuesday, Sept. 16, in the Ayden Home Economics department with Mrs. Elsie Edwards acting as hostess. The meeting was called to order by the chairman, Alya Rae Taylor, and the minutes were read by the secretary, Nora Lee Hin nant New business started with a dis cussion of the exhibits for the county fair which is to beld in Greenville, Oct. 20. It was left up to the in dividual teacher whether or not she will have an exhibit since the prepa ration time for it ia so Greenville FJLA. chapter is to be hostess for the first county unit F. H. A. meeting which is to be held on October 4 in Greenville high school. All F. H. A members In the county are eligible to attend. Non-vocational from their HPI WMKyHEH them to organise F. H. A chapters in their schools. A district of F. H. A. is to be held on October | 18. i the M home. - 4 ? sjffjgj Rev. J. C. Moye of Snow Hill offi ciated. The soloist was Miss Mary Ida Moye of Snow Hill. ? The couple entered togethed un attended. The bride wore a gown pf white satin fashioned with a sweet heart neckline, long sleeves which ended in 'points over the wrists and a full skirt. Tiny covered buttons extended down the back of the fitted bodice. The shoulder length veil Ml from a crown of seed pearls. Her only ornament was a string of pearls. She carried a nosegay of mixed white flowers. After the weddiiig patents of the bride entertained at a reception. The dining table was covered with a white cloth and was decorated with a miniature bride and groom, an ar rangement of white flowers and tap ers. Ice cream, cake and mints were served by Mrs. Brooks, assisted by Mrs. J. C. Moye ami Mrs. James Hardison. ? Mrs. Lrtchworth is the daughter of Mr. and Mis. Clyde Brooks. Sgt. Letchworth is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Letchworth, Sr. For traveling the bride changed to a sky blue suit with which she wore black accessories and a corsage lift ed from her nosegay. Upon their re turn the couple will temporarily make their home with the bride's pa rents. _ Activities Of Local . Church Organizations \ Episcopal Manuals containing programs and an outline of work for the coming church year, were distributed at the Episcopal auxiliary Monday after noon by Miss Helen Smith, president, who conducted the devotional muling and prayer. Arrangements for tak ing care "bf the church and entertain-; ing the rector for the next year were worked out. A discussion on serving the luncheon for the Convocation at Edenton which meets here October 22 was hekL Mrs. John Wilkes was cordially welcomed into the membership of the group. Thank you notes from people who had been remembered with flowers during illnesses or deaths in their families were read. A short prayer adjourned the meeting which was held in the home of Mrs. R .S. Scott with the president as hostesb. Methodist Circle 5 of the Woman's Society met in the home-of Mrs. Eli Joyner, Jr., Monday" afternoon with Mrv. J. M. Carraway, guest speaker, contin uing the study of women of the Bible by talking about Ruth. The devo tional reading was given by Mrs. Herbert E. Hart. Announcement was made that Mrs. Robert Teel's name had been added to the roll. During the social hour pineapple sundaes and fancy cookies were served by the hostess. Presbyterian Ray Moore based the devotional on. II Kings 4:8-11 at the Presbyterian Juniors Thursday afternoon. In con clusion he told the story, "Room for a Friend." The leader, Mrs. J. M. Stansill, related the article, "Hour Grandmother's Bible Helped." Following the business session Mrs. Stansill served iced drinks, sandwiches and pickles. NEW DEAL <XUB fl ? The New Deal Club was entertain ed'Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. S. A. Roebuck, who had as an addi tional guest, Mrs. W. A. Pollard, Jr. Marigolds, used in floral decoration of the Roebuck home, emphasized the asonal color note ef gold. In the progressive games Mrs. G. Alex Rouse won the. high score award, a set of individual crystal salt servers, and Mrs. Pollard received the consolation prize, a bath toweL Lemon bisque, Saratoga chips and coffee were served when cards were laid aside. Gus Ross Roebuck assisted his mother in serving and receiving. M During a short business session, Mrs. G. Alex Rouse was elected as president and Mrs. G. L. Gilchrist as secretary-treasurer to succeed Mrs. A. W. Bobbitt and Mrs. W. Leslie Smith who had served for the past two years. . BROWNIES Blanche Satterthwaite the Brownies' meeting Wednesday in the absence of Johnnie te of the at a Scout Morgan and Gaye Pippin, will ba held on. the i and fourth Fridays. Miss teacher and adviser, was asked to of fer suggestions for a club name at the first regular meeting today (Fri day). The second year Spanish class or ganised and held its first Monday, Officers elected were: Lola Grey Kemp, president; Bille John son, vice president; Manley Wooten, secretary-treasurer; Jean Baker, gram chairman; Betty Rose son and ^mron Tyson, social chair men. J $. "La Paloma" (The ftove) was se lected as the class song. P After singing "Americd" and peating the Lord's Prayer in ^Span ish the members heard a talk on Mexico by Aaron Tyson. Spanish games and songs were enjoyed dur ing the latter part of the meeting. ? - BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Wilson of Greenville announce the birth of a laughter, Linda Kay, Saturday in Pitt General hospital Mrs. Wilson is the former Miss Inez Williams of Aarmville. fa# FaraHarm, Draparian,' Barm Ffaart, Uaalaaml faaMfhtW xww, efficient . be. - J Never before ftt so low * price. Ask ?? about.. Farisville Furniture Ce. (Fashion Shop For the Home) FARMVILLE, N. C Subscribe To "THE ENTERPRISE" Bay Bond*?To Have And To HM4 I THEATRE FARMVILLE, N. C. (ffdy r " , -v ?. OPENS 11:00 A. M. ? SPECIAL PRICES Afternoon?Children 50# Adults 741 Evening?Children 50# Adults $1.20 the Oar ?? I High-laced shoe in brown or Little ent ail * ^:'*S?S I *

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