? . ILLE EVERY DAY! PARMVILLE, PITT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDA1 NUMBER T**NTY-ONE FARMVILLE SCHOOL OTERS SHOW UT1 I M SPECIAL BOND ELECTION Judging from the few who have registered for the special school bond election since the books were open ed three weeks ago, Registrar C. M. Paylor's office in the Municipal building isnt the most popular place in town. Registration books for the elec tion, which will be held October 19 and determine whether or net Flarm ville district will issue $200,000 in bonds and levy an additional 15 cents for making additional iutprwwneata, are now open at the Town Hall. Since Saturday marks the closing of the registration period, those who fail to place their names cm the book before sunset tomorrow will be denied the privilege of voting in the election. Up to yesterday morning, only 102 persons had registered,, an alarming ly small percentage of the qualified voters in Farmville district With the $200,000 from the sale of bonds, the school board plans to con struct a new colored school and ? the remainder, possibly $50,000, for making improvements to the white school. The colored pupils, 776 of them, are attending school in a frai building, constructed from sections at the old white school torn down years ago. The need for a new building is acute. With the funds made available an nually by the 15-cent levy, the board will provide improvements to make the Farmville school an "above stan dard" school. These include a com mercial teacher, public school music teacher, band leader, full-time coach, and other activities which mean the difference between a good school and a superior school. Members of the school board have expressed a desire that the registra tion and vote be as large as possible and that an accurate picture of the wishes of Farmville voters be ob tained. The members favor the pro posals but at the same time they have let it be known that they are not in favor of proceeding if the sentiment, as expressed at the ballot box, is in opposition to the issues. Thumb-Nail Sketches Of Farmville Folks MRS. I. D. KIRKLIN The difference in t$e ^Vay tobacco is grown in her nativp state of Ten nessee atrcf the manner in which Eastern Carolinians raise and cure it has greatly impressed Mrs. Isaac Dennis Kirklin, who came to Farm ville .in the summer. After buying fertiliser and fuel and paying for ex tra helpers to put it in, she wonders that the fanners in this section make a profit Around Gallatin, Term-, her home town, the farmers cultivate barley tobacco without, as a rule, fertilising the land prior to planting* time ex cept by crop rotation, cut the whole stalk when it has reached maturity and hang the stalks m barns where the leaves dry without use of artifi eal heat. Women, she says, have lit tle part in harvesting the crop. Their job comes when it is time to grade and tie the tobacco for market, v The KirkHns?Mr. sad Mrs. and their two year old son, Bfll?moved here from Warsaw after Mr. Kirklm Was appointed superintendent of the Pitt-Greene R. E. A. Before rfedd ing in Warsaw they lived in Wil mington for five "years. There Mm taught a class of Intermediate girls at St. Andrews Covenant for a year and was active in the Young Married Women*s circle - v, " During the war years Wilmington was a cosmopolitan city where with a. variety of who At The Rkranis Club John Bv Lewis, chaimah of ttf Fartnvilfe school board, explained the issues to be voted oh in the election of October 18 and urged that citi zenfe register before books desk to morrow ( Saturday), in his Aallr Mon day night at the Kiwahis club. Mr. IiiWis was introduced by Supt Sain D. Bundy. Bernice Tumage, in charge of the program, then'presented an interest ing soond picture, on *04 life, from the Winchester company's library. The school's new projector was used for the program. At an early date, the dub wiH have tobacco buyers, gfisders and ethers prominently associated with the local market, as its special guests. Bill Garner will have charge of the program Monday night. Presbyterian Laymen 5" Launch Campaign For Home Missions (Greenville Dwfly Reflector) The largest church gathering of Presbyterian laymen and woman ever held in Albemarle Presbytery Was convened here Sunday afternoon by Dr. Harold J. Dudley, chairman of the Home Missions Committee of the Presbytery. More than 300 represen tative men and women attended from all sections of the Presbytery. The object of the meeting was for the lay members of the church to discuss the Home' Mission Building needs of the Presbytery, and to de termine what action should be taken regarding the proposed-campaign to raise $200,000 required to meet these Ineeds. On call by Dr. Dudley for the elec tion of a presiding officer and secre tary, "Henry A- Walker of Kinston was elected chairman and Willard T. Kyzer of Greenville, as secretary.. ' Dr. E. E. Gillespie of Greensboro, superintendent of Home Missions for the Synod of North Carolina, in ad dressing the gathering said: "The kind of campaign you propose here today, if successful, would advance the cause of Home Missions in your Presbytery in a tremendous way, and that for Albemarle, next to the smallest in the State, to do sneh a thing, would not only challenge the entire North Carolina Synod, but the church as a whole. In my opinion, the success of' this campaign would be the means of raising more than a million dollars for the cause of Home Missions for our church." A motion was made by Hunter B. Keck of Greenville to approve a cam paign beginning November 2, 1947, to raise the $20(^000 for building purposes of the Presbytery. The mo tion was unanimously adopted, thus launching "The Laymen's Movement for Home Missions in Albemarle Presbytery," with the following offi cers wad district chairmen by dis tricts: Henry A. Walker of Kmstqp, gen eral chairman; James S. Ficklen of Greenyille, treasurer, and J. Nat Harrison of Greenville as campaign director. Chairmen by districts are; No. 1, Dr. Corbett E. Howard and W. P. Algary of Goldsboro; No. 2, R. E. Sheppard and John H. Carter ?f Kinston; No. S, H. B. Smith and W. L. Hand of New Bern. No. 4, A. P. Thorpe, Jr., and F. M. Pridgen of Racky Mount; No. 5, Judge Herbert H. Taylor, Jr., and Samuel A. Me Conkey of 1W?Colon W. of Washington and H. B. Mayo of Chocowinity; No. 7, E. Crow, Jr., and D. W. Woodand of Washington; No. 8, J. H. Moye and Guy V. Smith of Greenville; No. 9, A. W. Houtz of Elizabeth City and Johnnife Mitchell of Ahoskie; No. 10, G. Henry Ptttanan of Falkland and B. Lewis of Farmville^No. 11, I. B. Kittrell of Pinetops and N. F. of Macclesfield; No. 12, M. Cobb of Wil M or mwm for the > afternoon at 4:80 Mrs. T. C. , regent, Mrs. W. C. Hohrtotv 'A. Rouse and Mrs IS. B. Farm Nem Front County of Grfeene J. Paul Frizzelle, Jr., Snow Hill, is ?ecting an up-right metal silo on Ws farm in Shine township. This silo, 82 feet Mgh and 14 feet in diam eter, will hold 100 tons of silage. Hr. frisselle- has 86 acres of sorghum that-he plans to pot in thUtJDo for wilder feeding of his herd of 100 beef cattle, r-. ' 'v-V W. F. Welfare, R-2, Show Hill, ftum a 2 acre field seeded to alfalfa' in the fall of 1946, has harvefctad in four cuttings this year, 166 bales of alfalfa hay. Mr. Welfare has seeded this week an additional three acres of alfalfa. An estimated crowd of 1300 Farm Bureau members attended a barbecue supper at tin Show Hill high school gtn Friday, Sept 26. No meeting was hdM as Ms was the supper planned for a previoift meeting when due to unavoidable circumstances, no supper was served, there has been some ar gument as to the number fed, how ever, we do know that the following wfcs consumed by the crowd: 935 pounds of barbecue; 5000 pieces of corn bread; 600 pounds of slaw, and 1700 soft drinks This is a lot of food for a lot of people. Memberships turned fat by workers at this meeting, plus the ones turn ed in at the previous "meeting are as follows: Bullhead township, 161; Carre, 69; Hooked-ton, 455; Jason, 109; 01ds> 225; Ormonds, 325; Shine, 98; Snow Hill, 184; Speight's Bridge, 251. Total membership now is 1877. October 1 To 8 Set Aside As National Newspaper Week It is altogether fitting that several thousand communities across the na tion should set aside a little time from October 1-8 to appraise and pay tribute to the local newspaper. . Editors and publishers want the public to realize what the local news paper means to a community, as a service unit unexcelled. Some-people might think that news papers don't need a special week or don't need a special program in the light of the fact that 61,000,000 per sons in this country buy a newspap er every day, and 18,000,000 buy one each week. One troOble is that too many of these readers do not stop to think a bout what is back of the newspaper they read. Visitors to newspaper plants marvel at the way a paper is compiled and prepared for distri bution. They marvel at the way their papers keep them informed? with the weeklies putting emphasis on home news, only, and the larger paper? covering home and world-wide affairs. Miss Marjorie Best, chairman of the state library commission in Ra leigh, will be guest speaker at t covered dish supper given by the Woman's club next Friday evenii _ at 7 o'clock. Miss Annie Perkins and Mrs. J. M. Hobgood will be hostess in the home of the latter. Members of the Junior Woman's, Literary, Garden and Merry Matrons clubs are ir.7ited to attend. Farmville Pastor Addresses Snow Hill Chapter D.A.R Rev. Z. B. T. Cox, pastor of the Farmyille Christian church, brought a -timely message gn "World Peace aad How It Can Be Brought About" to members of the Col. Alexander McAllister chapter, D. A. R., of Snow Hill, which met with Mrs. Fred Dard en at her country home near Farm ville, Saturday afternoon. Dahlias and other fall flowers were used in pleiudng arrangements. Mrs. H. A. Taylor, vice regetit, led the pledge of allegiance and the Americans' creed after which Miss Payne Sugg, chaplain, presented ?a devotional on how a person should live in order to have peace that passeth all understanding. During the . business session the chapter voted to invite the district meeting to be held with them in 1948. Miss Adelaide Danden wis chosen as the page for the district meeting which was held in Wilson Wednesday. The regent, Mrs. J. W. Parker, made an announcement relative to members bringing old clothes to the meeting at the home of Mro. J. I. Morgan to be sent to Crossnoro, wel comed Mrs. Eariine Prase of Green ville who transferred her member ship to the chapter and expressed re grot at the death of Miss Ida Cowan of Durham who joined the group a short time before, her untimely death. Mrs. Harry Taylor read a message from the president-general. Mrs. Clay Stroud, Jr., and Mrs. Robert Booth of Ayd&V who were presented by the hostess, sang "Cle lito Lindo" and "Autumn Lullaby," accompanied by Mro. J. H. Coward of Ayden. Assisted by her daughter, Miss Adelaide D^pden, and by Mrs. Sidney Carr, the hostess served chicken salad, potato chips, cheese straws, sweet pickle peaches, olives, cucum-1 ber pickles, crax and hot coffee. -Special guests were Mro. Preston M. Murphrey, Mro. Carr, Mro. Booth, i Mrs. Coward, Mrs. Stroud and Rev.' Cox. v . I more Hves values iu natural Miff ces during- 1917 Jmd WHEREAS^ the ference on PIre PftVWUoh Which met In Washington last May develop ed a, truly national approach to th* fire problem in which public authori ties and private agencies have been ?? Action united behind a constructive Program; and * J*? ?| WHEREAS, our citizens by exer cising greater care said caution may help to prevent the vast majority of fires; and . WW WHEREAS, there is always the possibility of some sbch tragedy striking one of our schools, reaching, the fingers of death into many homes, stopping the processes at education in' a single community for many weeks in this period of build ing material shortages and man power shortage; and WHEREAS, each unit of our civil ization strives to do its share in building in all ways a happier to morrow, it Is the duty of all citizen: ns well as constituted rities to do their utmost to stop any needless sacrifice of human Uvea aWd waste of our vital resources; sal WHEREAS, fire drills have been scheduled in the schools of our state and should be carried out with a uni versal response; NOW, THEREFORE, I, J. W. Joy ner, by virtue t>f the authority in vested In me as Mayor of the Town of Farmville, invite every man, woman and child to assume his in dividual responsibility in this emer gency, in order that lives sand proper ty in our nation may he conserved. I ask the local Police Department, Fire Department; business and local organizations, the churches and schools^ civic groups, and the press, throughout the Town to cooperate fully in the observance of Fire Pre vention Week, October 6-11, and I direct that these groups assist in arousing the public to the growing threat of fins. J. W. JOYNER, Mayor ' Tdwn of Rrimvflle. REVIVAL MEETING A revival meeting is nowtn prog ress at the Pentecostal Holiness church, North Waveriy street, with Mrs. J. Paul Jones delivering the message each evening at 7:80. Son day afternoon at 3 o'clock there will be a special song fept with singers from Wilson, Tarboro and Greenville participating. Mrs. Jones is a graduate of Dr. Holmes Bible college, Greenville, S. C. Too Earlv Withdrawal From Japan? American occupation authorities in Tokyo have been quotqg) as express ing serious concern over the possibil ity that an effiy peace treaty may result in a premature ending to Japan's lessons in democracy. Most American officials in Japan, and notably Gen. Douglas M&cAr thur himself, have been strong advo cates of an early treaty as a means of bringing an end to uncertainties which might hhtder Japan's economic rehabilitation. f ^ But with . an early treaty note much more of a certainty, there is some apprehension felt over the pos sibility -that it will signal the termi nation pf the o&upation machinery as presently constituted. A few months, ago such apprehen sion was rarely voiced. It was a fairly well-accepted conclusion'that the new peace treaty would usher in a new phase of occupation, probably to be handled by an international con trol commission. - An international commission con sisting of representatives of the 11' Allied nations might set up head quarters in Japan. Or as an alterna tive suggestion, the job of interna tional^ control might be exercised by the heads of the diplomatic missions which are at present resident in Tokyo. Earlier acceptance of sueh an evo lution, however, has now undergone a noticeable change. The change is not voiced officially. But if an informal key tans, it objection to rec pleted and probably wont be with in' the next 12 months. An international commissi an, par ticularly if constituted with veto power accorded to any'ofte member, would, it is felt, be virtually incap able of "carrying on positive refottns in Japan. ? S3 The wide divergence of views be tween Russia and the United States would be noticeable in many fields of endeavor, and particularly in such in stances as agrarian and economic re form over which the two powers have already clashed in meetings of the Allied Council for Japan. Thus, it is felt, an international control commission at beat would be little more than a supervisory a gent. And inauguration and adjust ment of new and old reforms, to gether with the far bigger job of positive, closely supervised adult edu cation on these reforms, would be virtually ended. As an alternative to establishment of an international control commis sion, there is a growing feeling a mong American experts and special ists that the occupation machinery, as presently constituted, should con tinued even after a treaty is signed. These officials point first of all to the Potsdam Declaration, which states that occupation shall continue not only until a new order is set up, but "until there is convincing proof that Japan's war-making power is cifies fettmces of Allies), States wiH has been willing and able, to pay at the rate of |3S per second to main tain its forces inside Japan. ?I Dealing- with specific problems, these advocates of continued Ameri can occupation of Japan point to cer tain major reforms Which have yet to be completed. OlM of the largest of these is in the . field of economics. Although the occupation has pro vided a legal framework whereby Japan can protect free private erttet prise against monopoly controls, it is openly admitted that monopolies still exist even to the extent of con trolling a majority of Japan's busi ness and industry. The task of breaking up these con centrations of economic wealth so that antitrust and fair trade legisla tion can begin to operate is only be ginning. It will take an expected year and a half before it is complet ed. - ~ Another big reform job with fax reaching implications is that of the enslaved Japanese farmer: A land redistribution bill has pro vided a program for giving to the farmer his own land, his dignity, his freedom and social prestige in the community. But the tight controls which helped to koep him in bondage are still in operation. Their dissolu te planned, but the actual ope Hid ration will take at least another Mfegtrfo-jg-fc _. ? , 'V * VM % -. SU11 another basic reform which so has not yet reached the decisive privileges end likelihood subject the whim of absentee f Wffl r more than a - - AS BETTER IS Club John Stciuih w*s in charge f th grades of good smoking tobacco Farmville warehouse floor* tftto prices havte been upped conutdeMMy and faces of many growers hare been wreathed in smiles for the first time this yeah. Total sales through Tues day , Sept. 30, amounted to 13,202,778 pounds, for a dollar value ef $5,300, 477.86, giving an average for the season of $40.15. Sales for this week have averaged $46.00. It is interesting to note that the average for the local market is a bove the average for Eastern belt. The amount sold to date on the local warehouse floors represents a hout 40 per cent of the 38 mil Hon pounds sold last year. Oscar P. Hoffman, sales supervis or, announced today that on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next wagjc there will be broadcasts from the warehouse floors. Broadcasts will be at 9:15. On Monday it wiH orig inate at Farmers 1, on Tuesday at Monk's 1, and on Wednesday from Bell's. W. G. T. C., Greenville, will carry ^he broadcasts. Main purpose of these broadcasts is to let farmers see for themselves that Farmville does lives up to its reputation as being the steadiest mar ket in the friendliest town. Activities Of Local Church Organizations Christian Fourteen members attended the meeting of Group 1 at the home of C. Turnage Monday flight and were led in a discussion of "Hid den Answers" from the "World Call" ^*rs- "*ve Darden. Mrs. Lloyd bmith was in charge of the devotion si period, speaking about "The Di vine Pattern of Christian- Self-Con trol." Irritating