WALSTONBUKG ...NEWS... Revival services will begin at the Christian church Sunday aight, Oct 5, at 7:30. Rev. Z. B. T. Cox at Fannvilie will bring the meaaa< each evening. Rev. Howard James of Winterville will conduct the ringin The public is cordially invited to atr The Woman's Missionary society of the Christian church will an amateur program in the near fu ture?the date to be announced lat er, Tentative headings of the pro gram are: Masfeah vocal aa mental; dramatic, reading, blackface sketch, comedy sketch, imitations and dancing. Prims will be awarded. Anyone who will enter please contact Mrs. J. CL Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Parker aad son of Raleigh were the week end of Mr. and Mts. G. W. Bailey. Dr. E. W. Circle of Springfield, Ohio, and Miss JuanKa Reddick of Raleigh were the dbras* guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Redick Sunday. Mrs. Sam Jenkins and Miss Clara Jenkins were Rocky Mount visitors Tuesday. Students home for the week end included Ola Grace Gardner and Leo nard Mann from A. C. C., Wilson, and Stewart McKeel and H. T. Her ring from UNC in Chapel Hill. Mrs. Clarence Jones was a visitor in Kinaton Friday. Mrs. W. E. Lang, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. T. W, Simpson, in Arlington, Va., has re turned home. Mr. and Mrs. EL F.. Brooks shopped in Rocky Mount Friday. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Fields spent the week end in Beaufort. The Tobacco Contest, which was scheduled to close last week, will end today. The extension was due to the bad weather last week and the difficulty the students had in bring a bright ami lowly roan of which they can be prowl. At the present time, Miaa Davis plana to do some painting and repairing and also to proaant several new projects to her pupils. Officers for the 1M7-48 eeriee of (Miter, Doris Wheeler; as eistant editor, Jean Riddick; manager, AWn DUdy. idea Gray Worley spent end In Sanford with her Mmon Woriav, who is from a serious illn? in Elm Cfty with friends. Miss Mary Irma Rives spent Sun day with her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. George Rives of GoMaton. , Mrs. ?jnc Smith wee home for the pest week end. Mr. end Mrs. T. E. Lang visited in Rocky Mount recently. SEVBN PINES CLUB ELECTS new omenta The Seven Pines Home Demonstra tion dob met Tuesday, Sept 23, at the home of Mis. Ferrell Morgan Mrs. Clifton Ellis presided over the meeting. Near officers elected for the com ing year were lbs. L. E. Garris rnsidit. M~ vice pivaideot, and Via Ichabod Alien, secretary and treasurer. Plans were made for the club tc sponsor a stand at the Pitt Counij Fair and Mrs. Lyman Heath wai made chairman of the committee composed of Mia. Alton Brock, Jr., and Mis' Ichabod Allen. The garden leader, Mia. Bert Little, gayp an in t?resting report and the Family life loader. Mm. L. E. Garris, gave a re port. Mrs. Garris also gave a report on France. Mrs. Clifton Ellis gave s book report on "Jaaey Jeems" by Daring the social period, Mrs. M4pi< nan served, banana splits and cookies to 17 members and four guests. AMAN-DAVIS Mrs. O. D. Davis of Farmville an mirage of her daugb to Howard E. Amw, sea. of Mr. and Mrs. Jaase Am&n of JooksMstile, Friday, September 2ft. The rrmpis are making their home in Snow Hill. Mas. Ansaa has been employed by the Vogue Beauty Salon since Febru toy A married woman wrote us that a quit an office Job because the tax so terrific. We wonder haw much of this is gx>mg on. NOTICE OP SPECIAL ELECTION AND NSW REGISTRATION THEREFOR Notice is hereby given that .the question of the approval or disappro of n-s? * * ral of the- levy of a special tax of not to exceed fifteen (.15) cents on each- $10? of assessed valuation of all taxable property, both real and per sonal located within the Farmville School District, to provide supple mental tads with which to operate schools of a: higher standard than that provided by state support, or to employ additional vocational teach ers, or both, will be submitted to the voters of Farmville School District at a special election to be held on October 18, 1847. The resolution adopted by the Board of Commis sioners of Pitt County calling Said special election and ordering a new registration therefor is published in fufi below ss a notice of such special election and the new registration therefor. A Resolution providing for and or ta| g a special election in and a registration of ail qualified in the Farmville School Dis trict en the question of levying s tax to provide supplemental tads far the operation of schools in the Farmville School District of s higher standard than that provid ed by State support, or to employ " vocational teachers, or WHEREAS, qn Hay 23, 1938, the Board of Education of Pitt County, North Carolina, m regular adjourned '? session, held a public hearing upon the question of creating a special school district to be known as the "Farmville School District of Pitt County" and after hearing all tax of saad hearing, the said Board of payers and other interested persons who appeared pursuant to the notices Education of Pitt County created a school district to be known as "Farm ville School District of Pitt County" and then and there defined and' de scribed the boundary lines of said district as .follows: BEGINNING at the Greene County line at the junction of Winterville Township and the Greene County line at the junction of Little Con tentnea Creek and Middle Swamp; iiwiaroa vicca emeu uuuuiv unrMU|?i thence a northerly course along and tentnea Croak ? With Gontentaaa Croak and Old Wo man's Broach to the junction of the Falkland and Beavendam Township line to the junction of the Fountain and Falkland district lines; from thence southeast with the Fountain district line to Toddy's station; thence west with the public road to the Greene County line; thence south with the Greene County line to the plank road; thence southeast along Greene County line to Contentaea Creek, the POINT OF BEGINNING. Ami thereafter recorded the bound ary lines and the action of the said Board of Education on the minutes of stid board: asNk WHEREAS, "on the 6th day of May, 1947, the Farmville School District Committee duly held' a meeting and in said- meeting resolved to petition that an election be held and had in the FarmviHe School District to de termine whether there should be le vied in said school district a tax of not to exceed 16c on each 8100 ' of assessed valuation of all taxable property, both real and personal, Wttoln said district in order to pre fer the ope HJR of < a higher stands ami than that provided by state sup ' or to employ additional voca-I m ' _ petition of District was considers tion by the Board of Education of County was approved in a meet . imta I,?? * fitttiiEiidgS WHEREAS, the of the Farmville gether with the approval Board of Education of Pitt and the approval of the duly admitted Education and after due and careful, consideration of the same the said! l>etition was duly approved by thai North Carolina State Boairi of Edu cation in its meeting of July 10, 1947; and, WHEREAS, the. Farmville District has a school population iaafcHiHBiir mkjsbmmm''1 1,000 or "more, as ?_ _? . by the Board of Education of Pitt County, and the said Board of Edu cation of Pitt County has duly re quested the Board of Commissioners of Pitt County to provide for "en elec tion in the Farmville School District upon the question of levying a spe cial school tax of not more than 15c on each $100 of assessed valuation of all taxable property in the Farm ville School District in order to pro M ~ " operate ool Dis vide fe ds with whish to schools in said Farmville School trict of a higher standard than that provided by state support, or to em additional vocational -teachers. now, Therefore, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of Pitt County, and it is hereby ordered that: (1) An election shall be held tn the Farmville School District to deter mine whether there shall be levied a tax of not to exceed 15c on each $190 of-assessed valuation of all tax able property, both real and-person al, located within said FarmvHTe School District, to provide supple mental funds with which to operate schools of a higher standard than that provided by state support, or to employ additional vocational teach ers, or both; (2) The said election shall bo held on Saturday, the 18th day of Octob er, 1947, and the polls shall be open on said date from the hour of 6:30 A. M., Eastern Standard Time, to the hour of 6:30 P. M., Eastern Standard Time, and each person who is duly registered and who is other wise qualified to vote shall be quali fied to vote at said election; (8) For the purpose.of said elec tion the territory comprising the Farmville School District and em braced within the boundaries of said school district, which said bounda ries are as follows: ' BEGINNING at the Greene County line at the junction of Wirrterville Township and the Greene County line at the junction of Little Con tentnea Creek and Middle Swamp: thence a northerly course along and with Contentnea Creek and Old Wo man's Branch to the junction of the Falkland and Beaverdam Township line to the junction of the Fountain and Falkland district lines: from. thence southeast with the Fountain! district line to Toddy's station; theifce west with the public road to the Greene County line; thence south with the 'Greene. County line to the plank road; thence southeast along Greene County line to Contentnea Creek, the POINT OF BEGINNING, shall be and the same is hereby de signated, combined, and created as one precinct stud the polling place for said preCinct is hereby designated as the City Hall in Farmville, N.'G.; (4) A new registration of all qualified voters in the Farmville School District is hereby ordered for the purpose of the aforesaid election and for the purpose of said registration and the holding of said election the following persons an named as and are hereby appointed as registrar and judges of election: Registrar: C. M. Paylor. Judges: J. B. Joyner and Mrs. Sarah H. Albritton and George W. Davis and Mrs. Walter R, Jones axe named and are hereby appointed as alternate judges of election to serve in the event that either J. B. Joyner or Mrs. Sarah H. Albritton or both of them shall be unable, for any rea son, to serve on the date of such election; (5) Notice of said new registra tion shall be given by pnblication in the Farmville Enterprise, a newspap er published in and circulating in Farmville School District, once at least twenty (20) days before Octo ber 7, 1947, and notice of the election shall be given in the Farmville En terprise, a newspaper published in and circulating in said district, three times prior to the election date, and the notice of the new registration, herein provided for to be published once at least twenty (20) dayB before October 4, 1947, snail also be consid ered and counted as one of the three notices required to be published con cerning the election and shall be con sidered the first notice of such elec A. M? Eastern 3:00 P. M., Eaa . for the purpose of affoi t unity to all interested ance^wrth "tte 2?0B|L- I elections; v (7) The ballots to be used.in said election shall be mimeographed and shall be in the following form: OFFICIAL BALLOT Special School Tax Election Tsrmvllle School District (INSTRUCTIONS) 1. To vote in favor of the annually of a tax of not to 16c on each $100 valuation of I property, both real and personal, within the Farmville School District in order to provide supplemental ""i which to funds with which to operate schools in the Farmville School District of a higher standard than that provided by state support, or to employ ad ditional vocational teachers, or both, for a term of not more than ISO school days, make a cross "X" made in the square to the left of the words, "TOR LOCAL TAX" 2. To vote against the levying nually of a tax of not to exceed on each $100 valuation of all i ty, both real and ] Farmville which to operate schools in" the Farmville School District of .a high er standard than that provided by state support, or to employ addition al vocational teachers, or both, for a term of not more than 180 school days, make a cross "X" mark in the square to the left of the words, "AGAINST tlS LOCAL TAX" 3. If you tear, deface, spoil or wrongly mark this ballot, return it and get another. FOR LOCAL TAX ? ? AGAINST LOCAL TAX (A facsimile signature) C. P. GASKIN6, Clerk of Board of Commissioners of Pitt (8) A. copy of this resolution, sign - Ml! ~ ~ ed by the Clerk of the Board of Com missioners of Pitt County, shall be published as a notice of the new registration herein ordered notice of the said special election sad otfer pe. * Hi as a notice of all other pertinent mat ters concerning said election, once not later than thirty (80) days be fore the election and thereafter twice again before the election, all three such publications to be made in "he Farmville Enterprise, a newspaper published and circulating in' the Farmville School District. This the 2nd day of September, 1947. C. P. GASKINS Clerk, Board of CommisstonerB of Pitt County Sept. 12, Oct. 8 A 10 DR. KENNETTH L. QUIGGINS OPTOMETRIST Bank of Farmville Building each Wednesday-9:00 to 5:00 Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Collector's Records That You Witt Want Four Or Five Times I've Found a New Baby Lionel Hampton Victor Record price 65c Bugle Call Rag After You're Gone Benny Goodman Victor Record price 65c Martha I Dreamt I Dwelt in Marble Hall Larry Clinton Victor Record- price 66c Take The A Train The Sidewalks of New York Duke Eflintton Victor Record ? price 65c In A Shanty In Old Shanty Town Blue Skies Johnny Lang Deeea Record price 82e Always White Christmas Ink Spots Deeea Record price 89c I Surrender, Dear It Moot Be True Bing Crosby Deeea Record price 82c Just Plain Lore Just For Me Ink Spots Deeea Record price 82c After Yon You Nerer Mine the Water Till The Well Runs Iky The Mills Brothers Dedea Record price 82c Solitude Delta ~ Dnhei. , Victar Secant price 65c West Bad Bines Skyliner Charlie Barnett Dacca Recast price 82c Gad Bless America Bless This lis use Kate Smith M-G-M Record price ?5c TOP HITPARADE NUMBERS Near Yew Haw Lacks Yen Are rpy^_ A Ql/iAjmQ AelC ilUBvWv 0OTNV Decca Record price 82c I Wish I Didn't Lore Yaw So Deal Tell Me _ Helen Threat M-G-M Recced .... price 85c Thai's My Darfre Art Moaney M-G-M Record ? prise We Ihe LadrFhM 28 Palms I Have fiat One Heart The Pied Pipers Capital Reeord price 85c Sa Far A FelloW Needs A Girl Perry Como Victor Reeord price 85c It's Witchery Charlie Spiuak Victor Resold- price 65c COMB IN AND LISTBN TO TOUK FAVORITES % HAVE ALL TYPE NEEDLES* RECORD RACKS, CASES, ui FLAY8M ROBERT'S SjRSiJy? ? tu * JEWELERS 4TO-7 North Main 64. ? HOME LOANS I a Home, you should know of THis Home Loan mm i?5(?>;'/?trr/c? s tie &e$f7$acAer/ m ; -''L ^ im ftotue. L. INSM0KW6TOO- ] ? ttpzatwe. 15 THE j destruction s, iAkAeitt Anc imlm- ? : 1 CAM05 AK? THE '? WITH M?/ If .. / Foutaifl Pens 29c Combination i ;' ' ^ VPJ-- ?'?. ?'? * rj A _?*, PEN and PENCIL Milky Way Latex Baby Pants 39c HALLOWE'EN Masks, Pumpkins and Noisemakers \ ? to 25c Leatherette Aviator Helmets with Goggles AllWdol :'?'* -jj U^l k: GLOVES 1 Children's Ladies' w ??' ' ' ?? 1111 w Tuck Stitch Pants and Vests 49c MEN'S and BOYS' SWEATERS Slipovers, Button and Zippers 9Tto1? Bluestone Enameled ROASTERS $1.29 South Main Street FarmVille, N. C ' -V... :> J^ow. fee the fast time, methodsusedbr life t?tt Ufa. for Fotd Tr m im Wolfe, New York life to of all trucks of the five* sales leaders regis tered from 1933 through 1941 . . . 4,967,000 trucks in alt Than they prepared truck life life, fa* life ia nt mult? Ford Trucks CM Longer! Up to 19.6% longer then the o&er 4 sales leaders! Why? Because Ford Thicks You'll ?M wfcy it'll pcy you to Mjmtoc' a Fotdl ?mm A I tenance costs . ? less time in thm fihrtfT An. in tn? snop. Any way you fijjure, you'll Mt mow for ? u-i ^ r mil your money witft a rora . . . because Ford trucks last lQOtCf> ' at m fori Tmk to t

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