Social attb Mr*. Nannie Moye Humphrey spent Tuesday in Raleigh. Will Jonas, III, is confined to his home doe to illness. Mrs. R. L. Spivey spent the week end in Richmond, Va. Mrs. Mollie Flanagan of Wilson visited friends here Friday. Mia. A. S. ReiUey of Norfolk, Va., is visiting Mis. W. G. Holston. ? Mrs. J. L Baker end Mm. Apple Flanagan spent Wednesday in Rocky Mount Mrs. T. E. Hooker of Greenville visited Miss Tabitha DeVisconti Wed nesday. Mrs. J. H. Paylor and Mm. W. Alex Allen were Raleigh visitors Tuesday. W. D. Gaynor of Fountain is re ceiving treatment at Duke hospital, Durham. Jack Paylor, student at State Col lege, Raleigh, spent the week end at his heme here. Dr. and Mra. M. J. Gregg and family spent Sunday with relatives in Pollocksville. Mrs. E. R. Clegg spent several days last week with Mrs. Mattie Gib son in Raeford. Mrs. G. S. Williams and daughter, Miss Ruth, visited Mrs. G. C. Wilson in Greenville Monday. Mrs. J. 0. Pollard and Mrs. Z. M. Whitehurst were Kinston visitors Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Davis at tended thf centennial celebration in Goldsboro Wednesday. Julian Smith of Greensboro spent the week end with his parents, Mr. J and Mrs. Lloyd Smith. Mrs. J. L. Rurr.ley of Greenville spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. George Moore, Jr. Mr. and Mra. Archie Cayton and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Ar thur Gay in Plymouth.' Dr. and Mra. Charles E. Fitzgerald and son attended a football game in Wilson Saturiiay night. Mrs. Elmer Hinson and daughter, Sue, returned Sunday after a visit to relatives in Norfolk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pittman of Snow Hill visited Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Sugg Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Albritton and children,, Harry and Theodora, spent the week end in Richmond, Va. Friends will regret to learn that J. C. Gibbs suffered a second slight stroke early Saturday morning. Friends will regret to learn that Richard Tugwell is confined to his home this week with influenza. Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. Cox of Rocky Mount were guests of their daugh ter, Mrs. Will Jones, Jr., Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Culpepper of | s Cherry Point spent the week end i j with Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Taylor. Mra. Bert Watkine and Miss De Maurice Grimmett of Jackson, Miss., are guests of Mrs. Helen Horton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Clifton of Mount Olive were week end guests of the latteris mother, Mrs. J. I. Baker. Mr. and Mra. J. W. Handy spent the week end with their daughter, Mrs. S. S. Morrison, in Sandston, Va. Mr. and Mra. Bill Purdy of Valdos ta, Ga., and Clinton, spent the week end with Mr. and Mra. Allen Drake. Mn. Jerome Perkins and daugh ter, Joy, of Stokes visited toe form er's mother, Mn. Myrtle Roebuck, Sunday. Mrs. Yancey Burke of Hone Cave, Ky., is spending this week with her husband, who is on the tobacco mar ket here. Mr. and Mrs. E. L Roebuck and son, Kent, spent toe week end with her mother, Mm. S. M.. Ewell, in Hamilton. Miss Jenie Kemp, a student at Wake Forest college, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mm. H. W. Kemp. Mrs. Charles E. Rowton returned to her borne inn Palatka, Fla., Wed nesday after an extended visit to Miss Mamie Davis. Mm. Thurman Owens and sen, Tommie, of Whiteville spent the week end with Mrs. Owens' sister, Mrs. Will Jones, Jr. Jean and Autry Vandiford, da ugh tor and son of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Vandiford, underwent tonsillectomies In Greenville Friday. Mm. H. H. Bradham, Mm. Paul Kimbrough and Mrs. George Moore, Jr., spent Tuesday with Mrs. ~ Hodges In Washington. Mm. Cherry Eaaley and daughter, Mies Jen, and Mies Frances Gray spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. J. T. Guriey in I < 1 I ( f f i 1 Mr. and Mn. JUoipb Cox and daughter, Carol Am, and 1. J. Cox of Kinaton mere guests of Mr. and Mrs L. F. ftpghtey Sunday. Mrs. G. W. Windham, Mrs. Ben Wearer and Mrs. J. H. Bymtm and daughter, Mias Margaret, mere Wil son -visitors Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Lath Morris* and Mm. Helen Horton and houaeguests, Mrs. Bert Waildns and Miau DeMaurioe. Grim CALENDAR? WM - i 3:30 p. m.?Circle 4, Methodist, meets with Mrs. LayAe Dail. 8:30 p. m.?Circle 1, Presbyterian, meets with Mrs. W. Leslie Smith. 7:00 p. m.?Kiwanis. 8?0O p. m. ? Wesleyan Guild, Methodist, meets with Miss Lula Forbes at the home of Mrs. G. M. Hold?. 8:00 p. m.?Circle 2, Presbyter .an, meets with Mrs. W. H. Moore, Jr. 8:30 p. m.?Altar Guild meets with Mrs. John D. Dixon. Tuesday, 14 3:30 p. m.?Girl Scoots, Troop 4. 3:30 p. m.?Merry Matrons meet with Mrs. G. M. Holden. 6:30 p. m.?Rotary. 8:00 p. m.?Tuesday - Evening Bridge Club meets with Mrs. W. T. Candler. Wednesday, 15 2:30 p. m.?Bell Arthur Home De monstration Club. . 3:30 p. m.?Literary Club meets at the home of Mrs. G. M. Hold en with, Mrs. J. H. Darden as hostess. v - "* 3:30 p. m.?Brownies. Thursday, 16 3:00 p. m.?Au Fait Club meet* with Mrs. C. S. Edwards. 3:30 p. m. ? American Legion Auxiliary meets with Mrs. & LeRoy Rollins with Mrs. O. G. Spell and Mrs. P. E. Jones as co-hostesses. 7:30 p. m.?Eastern Star. Friday, 17 7:30 p. m.?Boy Scouts. Saturday, 18 10:00 a. m.?Bird Club. 7:30 p. m.?Supper Club at the Country Club with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Allen end Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Fiser as hosts. Mr. and Mr?. R. K Sledd and fam |ly and Miss Dide May Moore left %iday to visit Mr. Sledd's mother, 4rs. Bertie Sledd, in Gilbertsvilte, fy. Friend will regret to leant of the eath of Mrs. Louis Williams' father, John Quincy' of Battleboro, in a Rocky Mount hospital Wednesday fight. Rev. and Mrs. Edwin 8; Coates and Ars. Noah Bundy spent Tuesday r'th Noah Bundy,' who underwent an Iperation at Duke hospital, Durham, |hat day. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Meadows and mi, Johnnie Bill, of Jacksonville and Kisses Mamie and Eloise Porter of preenville were guests of Mrs. W. I. Carraway Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Edwards and "apt Joe Edwards, Jr., of Washing in and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Williams |f Greenville were guests of Mr. and Irs. G. S. Williams Sunday. Friends will be glad to leam ?*?t drs. L. E. Jones, a patient at Pitt Teneral hospital, Greenville, is re orted as improving and expects to sturn home during the week end. Friends will be glad to learn that J. W. Joyner is improving at s hospital, Durham, where rite receiving treatment. ?'Mr. Joyner Mrs. Bert McCullum of Louis , Ky., spent Sunday with her. Mr. and Mia. Bryan Shirley and of Portsmouth, Va., and Mi? 1 Barrett, of Norfolk. Va., spent ay with Mr. and Mrs.^E. F. Gay or. Mrs. ii. C. Shirley, who has sen the guest of her sister, MtsT aynor, for several weeks, returned dth them. 4 \ Mrs. M. W. Rollins attended 1 of D. W. Howard in Newport _ay. Mr. and Mrs. Howard ormerly lived in Farmville, he being ???ociated with the highway force orce and she with Belk-Tyler com T>any. At the time of his death, the towards were living in Reidsville. Miss Vivian' Nowell of Wendell, ho spoke at the Baptist church ueaday, was the dinner guest of 4rs. W. J. Rasberry, an overnight L of Mrs. Manly Lilee and a of Mrs. Mrs. P. Mr. and Mia. of Foun1-*- ? meat of den, to Mr. Farmville, son of Mrs. Loimie Tinker Pierce, Sr., and the late Mr. Pierce. The wedding will take place Nor. 2t, in the Fountain Wesbyterian church. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED AT PARTY MONDAY NIGHT Mr. and Mrs. George W. Jefferson of Fountain announced the engage ment of their daughter, Martha Har den, to Robert Pittman Pierce of Parmville when Mrs. Jefferson en tertained at II tables of bridge Mon day evening at their country home. Out-of-town guests included Mrs. Ty Pierce, Sr., Mrs. L. T. Pierce, Jr., Mrs. Ethel Thornton, Mrs. Ar thur Joyner, Mrs. Wesley * Wilis, Mrs. Madeline Rountree, Mrs. Leslie Smith, Mrs. Carl Green, Mrs. How ard Harris, Mrs. J. R. Harris, Mrs. Emerson Smith and Miss Agnes ()uinealy of Farmville; Misses lilUe Bell Willis, Gene White, Pauline Tay lor, Erna Rowe and Mary Scar >orough of Washington and Misses iellen Clark and Beverly Bridgers of rathoro. Coca colas were served during the fames. After play chicken salad; in Hvidual coconut cakes, rite, ham riscuits and Russian tea were passed. Autumn foliage and flowers were ued in artistically decorating the icme. LAMRAD CLUB , Mrs. J. Y. Monk, Jr., entertained the Lamrdd dub and additional quests, Mrs. Walter Jones and Mrs. R. C. Copenhaver, at a turkey hmch Km served buffet style Friday after toon. Hie Hallowe'en motif *aa sarried out in the decorations with fruit, pumpkins and leaves forming :he centerpiece for the dining table. Dahlias, marigolds and leaves were ised throughout the reception rooms Mrs. Jones scored high in the )ridge games which followed the uncheoir and received novelty a rays as an award.. AU FAIT CLUB The Au Fait club members and llrs. J. M. Carraway were guests of drs. James H. Darden; Jr., for an ifternoom of bridge Thyrsday. Upon irrival of guests stuffed angel cake, leanuts, fudge and coffee were pass id. Later in the afternoon coca-colas ind cheese wafers were served. Mrs. J. R. Harris compiled high icore and Mrs. Allen Drake made low core. i Autumn flowers were used in the Harden home. CONTRACT CLUB Mrs. Zcb Whitehurat, who was hoe ess to the Contract club Tuesday .ftemoon, carried out the autumnal olors in her flower decorations and n the table appointments and tallies. Mrs. W. E. Joyner scored high for lub members and received an award f pillow slips. The guest prize for k score went to Mrs. Frank K. \llen. Frozen fruit salad, ribbon sand riches, ham biscuits, crax, water melon rind pieids and hot tea were terved after play. Special guests included Mrs. Allen, Ifrs. Charles E. Fitzgerald and Mrs. nea B. Hockaday. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON CLUB Mrs. T. S. Ryon entertained her nidge club and additional friends at ler home Wednesday afternoon which vas decorated for the occasion with lahlias and roses. Chocolate sundaes, cup cakes and ruts were served as guests arrived. ligh for club members, and Mrs. Sam >wis, who compiled high for gueate, received handkerchiefs. Score pads were given to Mrs. Jack Dardan for iow score. Mrs. Yancey Burke of dorse Cave, Ky., who is visiting xere, was remembered with note pap ?. * ?TW %?] ?V C^B hy ?/Mrs. Charles & short summary of two articles whiqfi appeared in the "North Carolina Clubwoman." A letter from Perry Burgees con cerning the Leonard Wood Memorial and Leprosy funds was read by Miss Margaret Smith after which the dub voted to contribute to this cause. A report on the recent district meeting at William stonn was made by Mm. J. M. Gibbs. / V Mm. J. R. Harris give the project committee report and as chairman of ways and means asked each member to ? donate clothing for ar rummage sale before Oct. 21. A motion was made and carried to give points for club magasine sub scriptions. Refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mm. M. D. Brinson and Mm. G. D. Hathaway, after ad journment. WOMAN'S CLUB The Woman's club will entertain members of the Junior Woman's, Literary, Garden and Merry Matrons clubs at a covered dish supper to night at 7 o'clock in the home of Mrs. J. M. Hobgood with Miss Aimie Per kins as joint hostess. The program will be featured with ail address about libraries by Miss Marjorie Beal of the State library commission, Raleigh. U. D. C. An election in which officers who served in the 1946-47 year were re elected featured the meeting of the Rebecca Will borne chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy Friday afternoon. Officers are: Miss Annie Perkins, president; Mrs. W. M. Willis, vice president; Mrs. Fred Darden, secretary; Mrs. T. W, Lang, treasurer; Mrs. J. H. Darden, his torian. Articles dealing with Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederacy, Mid "Is It True What They Say A jout Dixie?" were discussed by Miss Perkins. Mrs. R. D. Rouse read a poem, "The Portrait on the Wall." The state convention, scheduled to ye held in Rocky Mount Tuesday and Wednesday, was called to the atten tion of members. Mrs. Preston M. Murphrey, hos tess,1 served a congealed salad, sand riches, pickles reid coffee to the :Kapter members and a guest, Mrs. U E. Turnage. The meeting was. leld in the home of Mre. 6. M. Hold m. DANCE CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Billy Smith, Mr. ind Mrs. Ernest N. Petteway and De vey Fuquav were hosts to the Dance :lub Saturday evening and carried rat the Hallowe'en idea in decora ions and refreshments. A? arrangement of com stalks, mrrounded by pumpkins, was used in he center of the lounge. Hanging torn the ceiling were. numbers of ikeletons, cat and witch cutouts. The ndividual tables were covered with Tallows'en cloths and centered with ack oTanterns, which, with the lan erns on the mantels and piano, fur lished light Pyrancantha berries vere also used on the mantles. Forming the centerpipece for the refreshment table was a large pump rin on which were stuck viesinh saus iges. Cheese straws, doughnuts, po ato chips, pickles, cream . cheese ipread, ritz and pimento-cheese sand riches on black and orange bread vere placed on the table. Coca colas mrrot curls and nuts were passed. Special guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Allen, Mr. and Mia. George Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lewis, Mr. red Mrs. Morris Green and Mr. and Sirs. Bill Purdy of Clinton and Val iosta, Ga., and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mk m- m if * " I to soil? Why not try so Classified Ad? " . ? and AltaTMtiUttur Greenville City were present. Unable to attend were the Higginbothams of Dayton, Ohio, the Leonasda of Al bany, N. Y, and the Xakhen of Rochester, N. Y. FARMVILLE 4-H CLUB Meeting Monday night the Farm ville Community 4-H club had pro ject studies under the direction of the assistant county and home agents.<J' _ f ' The devotional was led by R. B. Owens and Dorothy Fulford. Joyce Morgan and Dorothy Fulford were in charge of the recreation period, after which Reba and Sal lie Morgan served refreshments. - ?' BIRTHDAY PARTY Perry Faye Pratt, daughter of Mrs. Doris G. Pratt, observed her fourth birthday with a party from 8 to 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Daughtey, on Church street. On arrival guests were served punch and given top hats and suckers as favors. Games were played and the hostess opened her gifts after which the 17 guests were served cake and ice cream from the dining table. Balloons hung from the chandelier, napkins and other decorations oarried out the Hallowe'en motif. Lou Taylor Lewis, Ann Morgan and Marcia Forbes assisted in direct ing games. Carol Ann Cox of Kins ton was an out-of-town guest. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Dal ton Murphrey announce the birth of a daughter, Suzanne Davis, September 23. Mrs. Murphrey is the former Miss Belle Davis of Fremont.' BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Norris Merritt of Greenville announce the birth of a daughter, Frances Diane, October 1 in Pitt General hospital. Mrs. Mer ritt is the former Miss Lee Carra way of Farmville. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Dodaon of Asbe boro announce the birth of a daugh ter, Sue Carol, September 80 in Ran dolph hospital. Mrs. Dodsan is the former Miss Mslette Greene of Farmville. SALE! ?SALE! 1 APRONS ? and ? SWEETS Wednesday, Oct 15th FARMVILLE FLOWER SHOP Episcopal Altar Guild sri, Timing, scicniiTtcQiiy accurate in *L. L_mJ. t j.ah'aIi11 awnait tne nan as or ow careiui expert hair stylists asturts vou a alow ing natural p?rman?nt you'll adore. For all type* of hair. ""*?* CM War* ~ N"t ? ? RADIO WAV! analyze* yo?r hair tcieatificaHy . . correctly, ? Dry, May hair and brokoa each ore impouibl* with pre par application of RAKO WAV!. ? Prices ? $10.00 ? $12.50 - $15,001 $17.50 ? $20 ? $25 LOTTIFS BEUTY IMP 105 N. Main Street FARMVILLE, N. C. .Buy ? Beak ? Ml fa Fsmrilk! 2656-1 ? Kuatan, N. C. New Pianos, Best Makes. Used Pianos! ?? Master Piano Toners We buy old pianos, violins and horns. FAKMVILLE, N. C. SUNDAY an4 MONDAY I V m MARJORIE MAIN OUISE ALLWTTOH ? PBCY ULHOOC MUyMOUSE*OCMMDUHB M tSitmm ty CHESTER EISIQfIC mt FRED F. FiNKLEHOFFF PLUS LATEST NEWS RELIABLE QUALITY -Merchandise carefully selected to meet the moat exacting demands FARMVILLE FUNERAL HOME ? Day Phone 888-1 ? Mr. Edwards 406-6 ? Night Phones ? Mr. Joyner 898-1 AMBULANCE SERVICE. <& v 1 TS AND >OM SIZE RUOS ? :WaV- -^BBbtTSP- ~&&L-Ml9k V .lips , ?" s, - ?

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