-c_ > ?* En f? rate of S cents word. Cash to Advertising: rates will be furnish ed ?pon request f - * Activities Of Locsl Church Organizations Catheh* Last Sunday the pastor of 3t Elisabeth'* Catholic church, Fath Loyola O'Leary, exchanged pulpits with Father Thomas Kalb of Nw ton Grove. Two weekly instruction classes were inaugurated last week by Fath er CLaary. The junior group mee on Tuesday at 3:80 aad the senior group facets at the rectory on Wed will be held at 7:30 Saturday morning in celebration of All Saints day. Sunday mass is at 9:8^ a. m. lira. Agn?s Blount was hostess to Group 8, Tuesday evening, with Mrs. Florence -Thome leading the devo tional and Mrs. L. E. Turuage, the hidden answers. The business session was presided over by Mrs. Arch Flanagan. A frtfit drink and devil's food cake were served after adjoummennt. _ Thirteen members attended the meeting of Group 1 held in tin home of Mrs. Fred Smith Monday night with Mrs. Flave Dsxdian, chairman, conducting the "Hidden Answers" quiz. f Mrs. Lee Corbett presented the de: votional thoughts from the "Hearth stone." v The sale of Christmas cards was discussed during the business session. Refreshments were coconut cake, pea nuts and coca colas. FREE WILL BAPTIST New officer! chosen by* the Marl boro Free Will Baptist auxiliary Wednesday evening at its monthly meeting are: president, Mrs. Clyde Brooks; vice president, Mrs. Jack Parker; secretary, Mix. Ichabod Al len; first vice president, Mrs. Robt Moore; second vice president, Mrs. Luby Bundy; third vice president, Mrs. Johnny Murphy; fourth . vice president, Mrs. Claude Joyner; fifth vice president, Mrs. Joe Brock; six th vice president, Mrs. Marvin Hin son; reporter, Mrs. C. G. Morgan. Mrs. Brooks led the devotional and Mrs. Jim Bundy read an article, "Christ Commands Jt" ? "Mission Study Pays Big Dividends" was the topic presented by Mrs. Allen after which Mrs. Murphy read a poem. The hostess, Mrs. Marvin Hinson, served' refreshments to 18 members and three visitors . / The Altar Guild planned for the visit of T. A. Connery, photograph er, at its meeting Tuesday evening in the home of Mjcs. R. C. Copenhav er. Prayers opened and closed the' meeting, which was presided over by Mrs. John D. Dixon directress A re port on the apron sale was made. Refreshments were served in the social hour. Hi Presbyterian ' Members of the Presbyterian auxi liary were invited'at their, meeting Monday afternoop to hear Mrs. R. ST. Hough of Tarboro teach the in tensive Biby study at the home of Mrs. J. M. Hobgood, November 11. Mrs. J. M. Mewborn announced that the home mission book will be taught by Mrs. Cherry Eaaley, Mrs. Allen Drake and Mrs. J. T. Nolen at a 7'%tS ^w2^?"?i2Tthe topic used by Mis. Prank Dopre Jr., in the program and by Mrs. J. < Corbett for the devotional. The prayer band, conducted by C. P. B&uoom, closed the mee ?v Germany, her husband, Pint Lt. Joeeph V. Jacks. On her way home, Mrs. Jancsik will Visit relatives in Pitts a^paniad'lSwM^y'Mn' TOtm Micklo of Duquesne. 7^. Mr. and Mrs. McCoy Tripp and of Wintervilte visited A. J. Craft Sunday. W. V. Riddkk, Mr.l Lang and Henry Gay | www Raleigh shoppers Monday. Mrs. Ray West, Jr., is recuperat ing at her home hen* after a fewj days' treatpient in a Wilson hospital. Mrs. T. O. Evans,'Jr., of Maxton, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. | Henry Wheeler. Misses Ramana Rouse, Frances Dixon and Margaret fields, students at Greensboro college, spent the week the week end with their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lang and daughters, Frances and Beverly, vis ited Mrs. W. E. Lang, Sr., Sunday. Mrs. C. H. Walston attended a music conference at Woman's college in Greensboro Tuesday and Wednes day of last week. She was accom-1 panied by Mrs. L J. Rouse, who visit ed her daughter, Ramona, a student | at Greensboro college. ' Messrs. William and Luther Whit fey spent the week end with their pa rents. Friends are glad to see Mr. Ray West, Sr., out again after having | been in bed for a few days'. Miss Rayonel Bailey, a member of I the Princeton school faculty, spent the week end at her home here. - CAKE CUTTING ? Mr. and Mrs. I. J, Rouse and daughters, .Ramtaa, Joyce and Betsy, entertained at a cake ^cutting at their home Saturday evening, follow ing the rehearsal of the McCullen Dildy wedding, '? The dining table was covered with ? )aoe cloth and centered with ar rangement of white ' gladioli, tube rose and fern flanked by burning white tapers in crystal holders. A three tiered wedding cake, topped by a miniature bride and gsoom. was at one-end of the table and a punch bowl was at the other. Mrs. Rouse served the cake after the first slice had been cut by Miss Dildy and Mr. McCullen. Mrs. George Easoq served punch. Nuts and mints'were passed. Guests included the wedding party, parents of the bride and bridegroom and a few dose friends. Misses Peggy Reasons, Geraldine Dildy and Joyce Rouse entertained at an informal party at the home of j Mrs. R. L. Dildy on Thursday even ing, honoring Miss Julia Dildy, bride elect. The house was beautifully decorated with fall flowers. Miss Dildy was -presented several pieces of silver and crystal in her chosen pat Turkeys for Sale Brood Breasted Bronzes' ?ANY SIZE? U H. N. BATTON 108 S. Greene Street ? Farmville, N. C. EYEGLASSES FARMVILLE, N. C. fJ^V SUNDAY and MONDAY * i . Bp* m, TOMBSTONES REFINISHED and polished; iron fences painted. See GM Fnlford, Route t, Farmrille, e __ iMW* JUST RECEIVED: 3 nice oil heat ers. WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE. JUST RECEIVED: Order of and women's bit} 4UT0 ASSOCIA1 HAVE TOUR CORN SHELLED? We will eeme to four bam, shell, weigh, and bur, if yon wish to sell. J. T. OAKLEY ft W. E. FULFORD. 10-Sl-4c HAVE YOUU TRIED ONE OF our LO-GLARE rear view mirror Visors yet? If yoa haven't, hy all do so. Those that, have are highly pleased with, the results given in comfort and safety of 'night driv ing. Ask your service station ope rator, car dealer, auto accessory store or drr.g store manager to show ahd explain what this LO-GLARE VISOR does. If yea are not entire VISOR MFG. CO. 81-2c WANTED?2 or 3 bedroom house or apartment. No children, no pets. Apartment famished or unfurnish ed. HAL WINDERS, City Drag . Company, Farmville, N. C. 10-24tf WANTED: House hk at vour floors... ? ... or perhaps you'd rather not? Then it's time to be thinking about new linoleum. We have genuine inlaid Nairn Linoleum - there's