W. G. Gay store located at 305 South Main Street, Farm vffle,N.C. (now occupied by City Fish & Oyster Go.) At Public Auction PS to the highest bidder for cash in front of the Courthouse door of |*itt County, in Green nlle, N. at 12:00 t'dgk Noon < Monday, MannkarA 1147. ' , 'r .v? ; V;- '?>? John B. Lewis, Trustee i We Now Have _. __ _ - _ - **4j V^-t 'iV&r:--- $?*&-W-t^v'-f WS&ffemm Dust m|i .,. . ? ? ? - -V *? '?; ,;V' .."- **'~i?$ ; ?fc& *? *? 50 lbs. can 100 lbs. can vw-. The TURNAGE CO., Inc. MAIN STREET 1IS3II5 FARMVILLE, N. C. ? -? ? - Eft and XE Reid of Hayea of . stsajiafip.. Mrs. E. K. Tyson the peat ?."? ? Arthur Wednesday evening. G. t. Tyson, Moees Tyson and *? **"?? ?t?" Mis. Mamie Ruth ad relatives in Faraville I. Mr. and Mm have heen "itHng their home in Nor folk Va.. SJSr#**. at Ballard. hot week en ronte to Los Angeles. Calif., where they will make-their home. Mi*. Cannon is a native of (m An$*EC^'S;5 v^:^ Mr. and Mm. Byron Batenmn, Mr. ** Rocky Mount Mr. and Mrs. Flanagan Tyson and Mr. and Mrs. Albion Moore attend ed A ggjon of the Careon family to take the position so Mrs. took the job herself and se - ages of 10 and 14 could join the new traep met with immediate re sponse. All riames after the first 24 were placed on a waiting ltd. The groundwork waa laid and the first meeting was held early in Sep tembers After four meetings an in vestiture ceremony was given at a PTA meeting, when girls received tenderfoot pins, making them offi cially Girl Scouts. i By spring a new leader vn.hm, to go to work, so the troop was divided mid a number of new mem bers added. Mrs. William^ took charge of lite new troop, & The project to which Mre. Williams had given, so much time and work tion of Women's elate as being the most outstanding hi the state during the past year. A troop of Brownies was added to the Soout organisation last fall; and this year 10 of the girls flew up to forip. a new troop, 4 > Fdrmville's foor troops are a monument to Mrs. Williams' foresight,' reseureeAdnens, leadership apd industriousness. Tennis, swimming, ping pong, and basketball are favorite sports of the leader of Troop 2. She is a of the Book and Bridge club, ! etub, the Missionary Baptist, eh'urch and is serving as president of the ' 'ri ??* v: ?' only Th? Curen *:**- *TZ8 .3* FLORENCE-MAYO Makerg of the voorWt !???# 1 ' wOflCM CttftT f, ,, v . :' - . B ; ? - " CLOTHS ;;' &*-??'::.);'r;>. giOOJNG I . ? - ? - 4 *-;*ite?Uk ' m,x" - - f;' r -wiwir-T ;*?? -w~* ' South Main St Farmvflle, N. C. MONK'S WAREHOUSES JAMES T. MONK J. C. CAFLTON -j 5j> ~2s$L># '? si r ?? "I A5 jti aiie&i jmm f" * I'll 111 V / \ 1 K V T 1' . mm ? i in?11 ? -.? -?'? *? ' ' i - - * ::yi 1 M1 fc?&2 HI v: y ? / .