tnasmuw. ? -u- ?? ' 4** w ^w^w^w^w W$ *'?.' ??'- ; f;- k: r; visited friends in Sunday. . ? Mr*. R. C. Gopenhaver in AMngton, Va. C. B. Mashburn, Jr., is confined to Mr. and Mr*. T. S. Ryon spent the week end in Durham. H Robert Lee Smith has returned from a business'trip to Atlanta, Ga. Friends will be glad to learn that J. C. Gibbs is able to be out again after a recent illness. Mrs. M. D. Brinsop and. children spent last week in Morehead City with relative?. < Miss Betsy Glover of Wilson was the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gregory Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Turnage of Washington visited Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Turnage Thursday night. Harry Albritton spent the week end with Mrs. John B. Wright, J*., in Wilson. Fred Moore of Butterworth, Va., spent the week end here with rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. R. LeRoy Rollins spent the week end in Sunbury with relatives. */ - Mrs. Bill Duke and ijn, Billy, are spending some time in Roanoke Bap ids. Mr..and Mrs. Warren Gurganus and son spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Joyner near Ayden. Mr.- and Mrs. James Edwards of Washington visited Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Williams'Saturday Miss Lola Grey Itenjp will attend the State-Wake Forest gam* in Ra leigh Saturday. Mrs. S. W. Erwin is improving at Pitt General hospital after undergo ing an operation. Mrs. Cecil Johnston returned from a" visit to relatives in Orange, V*., WedneSday. ? ^ : ?' -1"" ? - Mrs. J. W. Holmes spent the week end in Concord with her daughter, Miss Frances Winstead. Miss Rosemary Holmes of Raleigh spent the week end with her permits, Rev. and Mrs. E. W. Holmes. Miss Margaret Smith will leave Saturday'for New York City on a buying trip for Belk-Tyler company. Mi?u? Elizabeth Lang- of Roanoke Rapids spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Lang. Miss Carley Ann Johnson, student nurse St Park View hospital, Rocky Mount, spent Sunday with her pa rents, Mr. .and Mrs. T. E. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Ryan of Wash ington, D. C., are spending several days with their son, T. S. Ryan, and Mrs. Ryon. Mrs. Morrie Greene and baby are visiting Mrs. Greene's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Swanstrom, in Winter Haven, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Preston M. Murphrey and son, Preston, visited Mr. Murph rey's brother, Dr. W. E. Murphrey, in Roanoke Rapids last Thursday. Friends will regret to learn that Mrs. Stella- Shearin suffered injuries in "a fall at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. Ben K. Lewis, Saturday. Mrs. O. L. Erwin has returned from Pitt General hospital, Green ville, where she underwent treat ment. Mrs. Elmer Hinson and baby spent Friday and Saturday with the form er's mother, Mrs. Ellie Eason, in Snow Hill. Hiss Janie Johnston retained to Baltimore, Md., Sunday after * few days' stay with her mother, Mrs. Pearl Johnston. ??? Mrs. Lucy Ruirfley returned to Washington, D. C., Tuesday night after a visit to her mother, Mrs. Pearl Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. Cox of Rocky Mount and Mr. and Mrs. Will Jones, Jr., and children attended Hie Jack son family reunion in Ayxfen Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. McLin and Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hudson of Rocky Mount were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben M. Lewis Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Sermons of Ray City, Ga., who resided in the home; of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Garris during the tobacco marketing reason, have turned to their home. Rev. E. W. Holmes, pastor of the Farmville Baptist church, George W. Davis and Robert Joyaer attended the State Baptist convention in Winston-Salem this week. Mrs. M. E. Pollard, Mrs. W. Ja Moye and Mrs. John Hornsby Mrs. Carrie Phillips of Fountain UK ? ? Jjg WW in Buriiagton visiting rela > Plana - N. C., 1 ' ??*' II II ?CALENDAR .7:00 p. m.?Baptist Royal Ambas sador* have Father-Son banquet at the Church. Monday. Nov. 17 S:3? p. m. ? Episcopal Auxiliary mee#trith Mrs. E. C. Beaman. 3:30 p. ifc> ? Circle 6, Methodist, meets with Mrs. R. L. Joyner. 7:00 p. m.?Kiwanis. Tuesday, 18 3:00 p. m.?Contract Club meets with Mrs. M. V. Horton. M 3:30 p. m.?Junior Woman's Chib with Mrs. James B. Hockaday. 3:30 p. m.?Troops 2 and 4, Girl Scouts. 6:10 p. m.?Rotary Club. Wednesday, 19 2:30 p. m. ? Bell Arthur Home Demonstration Club. 3:30 p. na?literary Club meets with Mrs, Cherry Easley at the Aeme of Mm. G. M. Holden. 8:80 p. m.?Bmwnies. 7:00 p. m.?Episcopal Parish sup per at the home of Mr. and Mm. Frank A. Williams. Thursday, 20 &;30 p. m.?American Legion Aux iliary meets with Mrs. Will Joi ner with Mrs. J. E. Bynum ? as co-hostess. . ? 1 .7:30, p. m.?Eastern Star. Zp Friday, 21 3:00 p. m.?Au Fait Chib meets with Mrs. Lanier Donnell at the home of Mm. G. M. Holden. 7:?0p. m.?Boy Scouts. . Saturday, 22 10:00 a. m.?-Bird'XJhib. T. Miss Janie Kemp, student at Wake Forest college, spent the , week end with her parents, Mr. and. Hit H, W. Kemp. ' - Mrs,' J. I). Trevathap and Miss Minnie Lee Trevathan of Pinetops are spending the week with their daughter and sister, Mrs. Walter Burgess. Mr. and -Mrs. W. R. Weiser of Co lumbus, Ohio, arrived Wednesday to be the guests of her mother, Mrs. R, W. Rader, and .sister? Mrs. Frank K. Allen, for a few days. -Hugh Barrett and a party of friends from Pinetops spent Monday and Tuesday hunting deer at Croa tan. One of the group killed a deer Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Olifton gllis and daughter, Shirley, will move into the home of Mrs. Ellis' mother, Mrs. W. L. Freeman, 105 South Barrett St., the first of the week. * Mrs. J. W. Bass who has been in Pitt General hospital, Greenville, for several days is improving and is ex pected to return home during the week end. ^ < Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Odgen, Lewis Al len and Dr. G. L. jGilchrist attended the Carolina-State game Saturday in Chapel Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Williams and Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Wilson and daughter, Linda Kay, of Greenville were guests of Mr. arid Mrs. "George Williams Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Walston spent the week end with their son, Donald, who is, a midshipman at the Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md., and at tended the Navy-Georgia Tech game in'Baltimore. jKaRwMflBMB Allie Melton and Bruce Barden, students at State college, Raleigh, flew "down in the former's plane Friday and spent the week end with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Davis and sons, Miss Annie Perkins, Miss El vira Tyson, Dr. and Mja J. M. Mew bom, Henry JbhasOn Mid J. B. Hock aday attended the Morton Gould concert in Raleigh Saturday evening. Misdes Gay Pippin, Dot Hathaway and. Ann Horton of Fountain spent the week end at Wl C. U. N. C., Greensboro, as the guests of Misses Babs Williford, Betsy Morriss, . Ann Moore, Joyce Tyson and Ota Lee Flanagan. * Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dixon, Jr., and daughter, Barbara Aim, of Wilson | spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. re Windham, who had as their for the week end their grand John Milton Harrington, of Jones will leave during for Washington, D. C., RED CROSS TO COMPLETE 'KNITTING PROGRAM Those who hove been helping: with the Red ' LAMRAD CLUB \ ?. ?? The Larnrad club held its monthly luncheon at the home of Mrs. owe, Jr., Friday fruit cocktail, barbecue, , toes, pickles, com sticks, coffee, and indbfehml lemon pice composed the menu. Each table was centered with a compote of gropes. Fruit, leaves, yel low candles and chrysanthemums j we're used as decorations also. In the bridge games which follow ed the luncheon, Mrs. Irvin Morgan, Jr., scored high for the club, Mrs. Bert Watkins was high for guests and Mffc. R. D. Harris mads lqj? score. The guest list inchadsd Mrs. Wat kins, Mrs. Wayne A. Mitchell, JiW of Kins ton, Mrs. Harry Harper, Mrs. Robert Lee Smith and Mrs. Rank El Allen. ' ? NEW DEAL CLUB ' v." ' Mrs. W. Leslie Smith who enter; tained the New DeqJ club at her home Wednesday afternoon had as special guests, Mrs. L. T. Pierce, Miss Martha Jefferson of Fountain, Mrs. W. C. Holston and Mrs. W. R. Burke. The high score prize, a double deck of cards, went to Mrs. Henrietta M. Williamson and Mrs. Burke, who scored high for guests, received a set of bridge pads. Mrs. R .& Baffin.was given a bottle of toilet water for the conso lation. Miss Jefferson, bride-elect of November 21, was remembered with a set of silver and crystal salt and pepper shakers by the hostess. Chocolate cake, brick ice cream in Thanksgiving motifs were served," followed by cheese straws, aalted nuts, ^birds' neat cookies and demi J Chrysanthemums carrying the coj or note of yellow and white, roses and lupines made an attractive set ting for lite thrqe tables. ?Mrs. Emerson Smith, daughter-in law of the hostess, assisted in serv ing. * BAPTIST WOlfEN WILL HAVE MISSION STUDY ????- > The Woman's Missionary. society and the .Armie Perkins circle af the Baptist church will meet jointly Thursday afternoon at 5 o'clock at the church to hear Rev. E. W. Holmes teach Jhe book "That the World May Know" for their mission study class. ' A covered dish supper will be served from 6 to T o'clock after which study will be resumed. Hostesses for this occasion are Mrs. C. L. I.angley, Mrs. C. L. Beam an and Mrs. W. H. Fisher. The mission study chairman is Mrs. J. Cleveland Parker. All mem ?bers are urged to read the book be fore the class. MRS. HOUGH SPEAKS TO . ? PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN . " 1 . Mrs. R. Sl Hough of Turborp, spiritual life secretary' of Albemarle presbyterial, taught the book of Matthew at the annual intensive Bible study of the Presbyterian auxiliary, Tuesday morning. The vice president, Mrs. J. C. Cerbett, presided over the meeting, which was held in the home-of Mrs. J. M. Hob good.' During the noon hour a spaghetti luncheon was served, buffet style from the dining table which was cov ered with a cutwork cloth and center ed with an arrangement of fruits, nuts and a pumpkin. Mrs. Gary Ber geron presided at the coffee table. Attended by 26 members, the study was concluded about 3 o'clock. Mrs. C. L. Potts of Charlotte, area field worker, was a special guest AU FAIT CLUB Mrs. Allen Drake, who was hos tess to the Au Fait ckib and addi tional guests, Mrs. E. W. Petteway and Mrs. Carl Greene, Thursday afternoon used marigolds, z inn as and ageratum in decorating her home. Fruit Jello, individual devil's food cakes an^ salted nuts- were served as guests antvsd The high score prize, a covered cake plate, was awarded to Mrs. J. H. Darden, Jr., and the second high, a wastegasket, to Mm. Petteway. "Freedom's Textbook," * chapter from the book which the Attar Guild is using in its study course, was re viewed at the meeting of this group Tuesday evening by Mrs. Jack Lewis< After the opening prayer and de votional, Miss Mangaret Smith re ported on the solicitation of sub scriptions to the "Mission Herald" and talked about the need of a year hostess, Mrs. Charles S. Edwards. BIRTH announcement ? Mr. and Mi*. Qoilliver *ounce the birth of a vaaaber 12, at home, the former Mias Dor* C. h. field worker eel auxiliary of the church, is spending ten days in Mrs. J. M. Hobgood, president of Al bemarle preabytsrial, she visited the women of Boyd Memorial Preebyteri ?I> church netur Greenville Tuesday afternoon and helped organise the group Into an auxiliary. In the even ing she and Mis. Hobgood attended a dinner and anxiliary meeting at the Meadowbcook church near Green /ville. They were gueete of the Holly wood auxiliary between Greenville and Vanceboro Wednesday evening apd of the' La Grange and Jason auxiliaries, which held a Joint meet ing at La Grange, yesterday after Other auxiliaries which Mrs. Potta visited whije in the pissbyterial were Antioch and Georgd Kirby Goldaboro and the First church of .Goldsboro, Westminister, Beiea and Bethany churches near Wilson and T ... . ?L v'fll WESLEY COMMUNITY CHURCH TO HitE SERVICES SUNDAY The n?w Wesley Community Meth odist church near Joyner's Gross Roads will officially open on Sunday, November 16. Sunday School will be held at 9:46 and the pastor, Rev. Key Taylor of Walstonhurg, will preach at the If. o'clock service. R. L. Ful: ford is superintendent of the Sunday School. The public is cordially invited to ?ttend the opening services and wor ship with the congregation. Rev. Jack Tyson of Biscoe will 1)6 guest preacher at the revival meet-? ing which begins November 80. MERRY MATRONS Causes of World War I were listed by Mrs. J. W. Pvker V her talk at the Merry Matrons Tuesday after noon. Pictures and records -of the work which the FarmviUe Red Cross did in-this war were exhibited after which patriotic songs were song and the pledge to the flag- given. Mrs. G. M, Holddh presided over the business Bession. dahlias and chrysanthemums were used fit decorating the home of the hostess, Mrs. R. H. Knott, who served { a congealed salad, crax, sandwiches, cheese biscuits and coffee after ad journment. Special guest* were Miss Edna Robinson, Mrs. W. C. Holston, Miss Mamie Davis, Mrs. Louise Harris! and Mrs. E. R. Qegg. Adiscussionias Ufhow to make the local chapte^of the United Daugh ters of the Confederacy better and how to create more interest in state work took the place of a regular pro gram at the meeting of this group Friday afternoon in the home of Mrs. Agnes Blount. ' , Mrs. Fred Darden and Mrs. J. W. Parker summarised the recent state meeting in Rocky Mount, which they attended as delegates. Refreshments of frosen salad, sandwiches, brownies and hot tea were passed to IS members. NOTE OF THANKS In behalf of the Fountain faculty and school I want to .thank the people of the Farmville and Foun tain communities for cooperation in our recent Hallowe'en Carnival. Without the part that everyone play ed, we could not have been so sue ceufnl. ,. M?. "V" M',dP"' TYSON-MAY REUNION (Continued from page 1) retary-treasurer. Committees, working with the exe cutive hoard, towards making Jthe re union an outstanding and delightful event, are: Program?Mies Mary Thome Ty son, chairman, Mrs. G. AW Rouse, Mrs. Knott Proctor, Mrs. Ed Nash Wirren; arrangements?Claude Ty son, chairman, John B. Lewis, Mrs. J. 0. Pollard, Mrs. Louise D. Harris, Mrs. Preston Murphrey; food?Mrs. C. S. Eagles, chairaum, Mrs. Her man Baker, Mrs. A. C. Monk, Sr., Mrs. Archie Speight; registration? Miss Nancy Lewis; publicity?Mias Elizabeth May; invitation - Miss Gladys Barrow, chairman, and Miss . Mary Barrow. Descendants of the Tysons and [Mays, living in ftarmville and im-l mediate vicinity, will not be sent fe rns they are expected to at-| their duties as ? hear to baskets. (MUtdwiches, potato chips, and hot spiced tea were served be progres fore the games. Between ] sions coca colas were passed. Miss Mary Theme Tyson won the high score prize, hi-jacs. JHte low prise, a set of ash trays, was given to Mrs. R. P. Wheless. The hostess was assisted by Miss Barbara Ann Greene. PIERCE-FREULER Mies Alice Virginia Preuler of Apex, formerly of Farmville, and Willie Utley Pierce of Apex Woe married in a private, doable-ring ce remony at the Tabernade Baptist church in Raleigh, November 5 at -8 o'clock. Dr. Ortn Mixon officiated. The bride wore a light green crepe drees with black accessories. Her cor sage was of roses and lQUes of the valley. Ifrs. Pierce is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Freuler of Apex. She iB a graduate of Farmvilie high school, where she was president of her class her junior year, and of Hardbarger*s Business college, Ra leigh. For two years, she was secre tary to JdBn B. Lewis, local attorney, and at present is employed by the Department of Revenue in Raleigh, j Mr. Pierce is a graduate of Apex high school and is engaged in saw milling. j. V". - The couple are temporarily mak ing tlM)?r home on Route 1, Apex. iNVITA'pHON'S,ISSUED FOR PIERCE-JEFFERSON WEDDING Invitations reading as followsjhave been issued: "Mr. and Mrs. George W. Jeffer son request the honour, of your pres ence at the marriage of their daugh ter," Martha Harden, to Mr. Robert Pittman Pierce, on Friday, the twen ty-first of November, at eight thirty -o'clock in the evening, Presbyterian Church, Fountain, Ndtth Carolina.'' Enclosed cards rehd: "Reception immediately following the ceremony, Jefferson Acres." I'RE-NUPTIAL PARTIES HONOR MISS JEFFERSON Honoring Miss Martha Harden Jef ferson, whoee marriage to Robert Pierce of Farmville will take place November 21, Mil. Bob Peele and Mrs. J. L. Peele were hostesses at a tea at the former's home in Fountain last Thursday. Fancy sandwiches, date biscuits, pin wheel cookies, mints and nuts were served from the dining table which bore a centerpiece ef flowers and candles. Mrs. G. W. Jefferson, Sr., mother of the honoxee, poured! Mr*. J. L. Dozier i tertamed at .decorated with, yellow and chrysanthemum's, Friday Honor of Miss Jefferson. Bridge was played at four tables and rook at two tabtefi.'. After the games prize* in bridge were award ed to Mrs. J. L. Peele and Mrs. E. B. Beasley. The rook prize was given to Mrs. William Jefferson. The honoree was presented a gift of china in her chosen pattern by the >stess. Molded ices in Thanksgiving mo tifs, coconut cake and nuts were Served. ' /'? - In compliment to Jefferson, Miss Beverly Bridgers was hostess at her home, "Merrimeade," near Tarboro Tuesday afternoon. Guests were greeted by Miss Bridge?, Miss Jefferson, Miss Helen Clark and Mrs. Irvin Williamson and were in vited into the dining room whe^e an gel pies, salted nuts, cdddiea in flow er shapes and coffee were served from the table which was centered with an arrangement of chrysanthe mums and tapen. Bridge and rook were played in the living and sun rooms wRich were decorated with magnolia leaves and autumn flowers. Miss Jefferson boo red high in bridge and Mrs. L. T. Pierce, Sr., made low score. The high award in rook went to Mrs. Bob Peek and the low, to itm G, W. Jefferson, Jr. After ' the games the hostess brought in a surprise shower of kitchen gifts on a wagon. Out-of-town guests included: Miss Jefferson; Mrs. G. W. Jefferson, Sr., mother of the honoree, Mrs, Paul Burnette, Mrs. G. W. Jefferson, Jr., Mrs. Hardy Johnson, Mrs. Earl Tre vethan, Mjs. E. B.. Beasley, Sr., Mrs. W. R. Harris, Mrs. J. L. Doner, Mrs. J. L. Peele, Mia. William Jefferson, Mrs. Bob Peele, all of Fountain, and Mrs. L. T. Pierce, Sr., Mrs. L. -T. Pierce, Jr., -Mrs. Emerson Smith, Mrs. J. R. Karris, Mrs. David Har ris and Mrs. Arthur Joyner of Farm ville. . Social courtesies to- be-, emended Miss Jefferson sad Mr. Pierce, dur ing the coming week include a dinner party Monday evening at 7:30 at the I home of Mrs. C. L. Owens of Foun tain, with Mrs. Hjhdy Johnson and Mrs G. E. Trevethan as co-hostess; a, buffet supper at 6 o'clock Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. J, M. Horton and Miss Ann Horton of Fountain, with Mrs. John Fountain as Joint hostess and an after-rehear sal party given by Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Pierce, Jr., of Farmville and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Jefferson, Jr. fit Foun tam, at the Farmville Country club Thursday night ,.'r s>. mm f* o'clock Thursday ding will take evening in the an church with a ately afterwards at the home of,the bride's parents, Jefferson Acres.' V ? _ DISTfiMip OF PITT COUNTY At the bond election held on 18, 1847, in Farroville School of Pitt County, North Caro , the following vote* were cast for and against the issuance of $200,000 bonds for the purpose of erecting and equipping a new school building, purchasing a site therefor, and altering and equipping existing school buildings in said SMkool dis trict, and the levying at a sufficient tax for the payment of said bonds on all taxable property within said school district; 188 votes were east for the issu ance of said bonds and the levying of a sufficient tax for the payment thereof, and 17 votes were cast against the is suance of said bonds and the levying of a sufficient tax for the payment thereof. The nufnber of voters registered and qualified to vqto at said election A majority of the qualified voters of said Farm villa School District of Pitt County voted in favor of the issuance of said bonds and the levy ing of such tax. By order of the Board of Commis sioners for Pitt County. W. J. SMITH, " Chairman. Attests p. P. Gaslrins, Clerk of Board of Commissioners. TO THE TAXPAYERS AND CITI ZENS UF FARMVILLE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PITT COUNTY: No right of action or defense founded upon the invalidity of the election' mentioned in the foregoing statement or the invalidity of any proceedings or steps- taken In the creation of said Farmville School District of Pitt County shall be as serted, nor shall the validity of said election at the validity of the cre ation of said District, or thq right or duty to levy a sufficient tax on all taxable property within said District for the payment of the principal and interest of Said bonds, be op^f^o question in any Ourt upon any ground whatever, except in an ac tion or proceeding commenced within thirty slays after the publication of the foregoing statement. - The Farmville School District of Pitt County was created by order of the Board of Education of Pitt Coun ' ty on May 28, 1888, and comprises j the following territory in Pitt County: ' Beginning at the Greene County line at the junction of Winterville i Township and the Greene County 'line at the junction 'of Littie Con tentnea Creek ana Middle. Swamp; from thence a northerly course along Contontuea Creek and Old Woman's Branch to the junction of the Falk land and Beaver Dam township line to the junction of the Fountain snd Falkland district lines; from t&euhu southeast with Fountain District line to Toddy's Station; thence West with the Public read to the Greene Coun ty line; thence South with the Greene County line te the plank road; thence southeast along - Greene CouaSf line to Contentnea Creek and the begin ning. C. P. GASKINS, Clerk of Boagl of Gommissionen^ I J.. HUM just like the equipment the State will use to inspect and > - test your car beginning January 1st. We can't give y an official seal of approval but this safety Jatte equip merit will enable us to fix your car so it v ' ' I State requirements. ? '' ?? ?? > ? . - S* .

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