? ? FARMvTLLE Em'KWKlSC PARMVILLJl N. C H. ft hkt: Tear $2*>?e Kml ?i-a of Respect, Cards and all Notice of for profit will bo charged for ot the rate of 2 per word. Cash to dor Advertising rates will be ed upon weekly an . , Class Mail Matter at the Post Office at Ftomville, N. a, irch Sid, 187ft. Act ur shores determines how we live >ur own lives." /'-JR Thus, succinctly, tfie President esolved the European-aid appeal in ?o a direct plea for aid to save the United States. Aid to Europe, he ras saying, was but for the other tide of a coin labeled self-preserva ioijr.K ? ' Panting and perspiring, 2 Iriah nen on a tandem bicycle at teat got to the top or the steep hill. "That was a stiff climb, Pat" "Sure, and it waa that," said Mike. "And if I hadn't kept the Makes on, we would have gone back yard." ? I AVAILABLE - - At Last I tort's |h$ Nt&ftr With Jit IxchshtjMmtt I "mtua-mr mi LIKE A FURNACE! AMfMif M$B$drkhyl i.-Mi-mi* cuctutuk kit ?>.vc: m) L ?hw Fwlljf U MM* *?? RADIANT j JFIREPLACF HEAT 'AiTM CCi. MAS REFLECTOR COLEMAN Oil CIRCOLATOIS. 2-3 Room Size $97.oo EVANS HOME HEATERS WITH FAN 4-5 Room Size $159.00 SILENT FLAME 4-5 Room Size $99.oo ?. ~ r ?- ' j .-.-v 'V* ? " * * "'? * ;-c/?; ' ? 'r $ For Immediate Delivery ? . ELECTRIC STOVES WASHING MACHINES SEWING MACHINES REFRIGERATORS EASY CREDIT TERMS YOU ALWAYS GET THE BEST BUY AT fiSIEST&NE Southern Supply Co. "THE FIRESTONE STORE" Main St. FARMVILLE. N. C. Sfci Phone 4016 eg; : 7ofet%o'abecome* o ?r the pas t, ? : %$?j| arc. m-.... appoint ed: Mi*. J. W. Joyner, Mi*. T. S. Ryon and Mi*. Charles S. After Mr*. John D. Dixon, chair m*9 of tiie arrangements committee for the pariah supper gave a report, the group voted to hold only one meeting in December. Mrs. G. Alex Rouse was .asked to arrange a Christmas program. A study of a book dealing witii evangelism, "Why Do People Go into Mission Fields ?" waa begun by Mia. Jack Lewis, educational chair man, who told how a missionary hfs to dedicate himself to his wprfc and give up friends and family in order & carry oh his job. A cordial welcome was extended to Mrs. W. D. Creekmur, a new mem ber. United Jewish Appeal - More than $200 was contributed Wednesday afternoon by Farmville citizens to the United Jewish Appeal fund. Mr. Sherman of the Baltimore office and Jack Freedman canvassed a section of the town and were well pleased'with tre response. Farmville's qtfota is $1,000. NOTICE TO INVESTORS For a Pmited time only we are offering fnD paid stock in Unit ed amounts. * ' :? ^ First COME.... First SERVED ' ' e e "e ? v * Farmville Building and Loan Association "FOB SALE, WANTS, LOST, FOUND, ETC. | W A NTED?Sure-Cure to heat am all industrial building. Will trad* new I Florence-Mayo Curer ih exchange. | Notify The Enterprise, C-l. LOST: Parker 51 pencil between Main and 500 W. Wilaon streets. I .Reward. Pleaae ret am to Carl Greene, Southern Supply Co. CABBAGE? Fix few rowa; atari 1 setting >Ia?U no^ Oid?r nSM &&'w6^or.w,fed pEmts.". Or see y?r local jtant HELP WANTED?Male * Female Man or woman to service custom - tern on freU ratablmhed routeJ