Ladies' Good Quality, Full-Cut Outing Gowns With ? ? Fiprtd Coat?Solid Color Pants * $1.98 ? . -r ' IWM Ladies' 2-Pc. Outing- Pajamas $2.98 gate ?$?? , . >, with feet or knitted cuffs and ankles 1 r < i i i - n x '* ? ?' S Ladies' Snuggie Knit Panties or Vests in Tea Rose Color Regular and Extra Sizes ??59c adrftlS V .. I' ... ? ' I Men's, Boys' or Children's medium heavy weight union suits Prices for. Children's, 89c -$1 .49; Men's, $ 1.98 Infants' Vests in Button Front or Wrap Around. QQn Long or Short sleeve Styles ?? ? Oi/V -.1 n I ii i ? - LADIES' and MISSES' ALL WOOL SWEA'fERS ' Several Styles, Slip-overs and Button Fronts. All colors $2.98 $3.98 $4.98 Child's Corduroy Overalls. Brown, Navy, Copper, Maroon Sizes 3 to 14 years X $1.98 M $2.98 ? Boy's .Sanforized Plue Denim Overalls?made for real wear $1.80 Boys' and Girls' Sweaters-^SlipKrvers and Button Styles Plain and Novelty Weaves 97c $1.45 ^up Boys' All Wool Sport Coats?Two-tone colors (J"| QQ Sizes 3 to 8 years-$2.98 value. SPECIAL BEAUTIFUL CURTAINS in Priscilla and Tailored Styles and Cottage Sets 97c ,to $2.98 Double Bed Size and Double Blankets in >1 QP colored plaids. 25% wool. $7.95 value at - - ? Spun Rayon Yard Goods in a variety of new fall colors and Patterns. $1.00 yard. Special? 59c yard White's Stores are always headquarter* for good shoes at reasonable prices You can shoe your attire family here 5 ? Dr. Luther's Children's Shoes were $2.49. Special? $2.29 CHILDREN'S OXFORDS?Leather Soles $1.49 to $2.98 . BOYS'DRESS OXFORDS $2.98 to $4.95 WOMEN'S OXFORDS $2.98 to $3.98 ",) i "i 1 BOYS' GOOD WORK SHOES $2.95 $3.98 $4.95 Men's Retan, Oil-Treated, Seamless Back, Doable Cord - Sole?Goodyear Welt Work Shoes. $9.95 special at' $5.95 Men's Tan, Retan, Double Re-inforced Back?Rubber Sole $5.93 special at Hi $4.95 " Men's Tan Elk?Rubber Sole?Grain Leather. Inner Sole d?6 (Mr Q/OitfV BOYS' 12-INCH HIGH TOP BOOTS?Special at ; $4.95 MEN'S 16-INCH HIGH TOP BOOTS $9.95 Spedal at *Q QC FT 9PO.J70 ? ' ? i DRESS OXFORDS?Leather Sole?Cap Toe?Moc Toe?Wing Tip?$$.95 spedal at Mrs. Arthur P. Joyner, Mrs. Z. M. Whitehuret, Mrs. C. H. Joyner, Mrs. J. W. Joyner, Mrs. H. N. Howand, Mis. W. a Royster, Mxp. M. E. Dix on, Mrs. W. Leslie Smith, Mis. Lath Morriss and Mra. M. V. Jones. pond of Mm. W. K Wto, P?? WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON ' Mrs. Judd Walker, Mrs. W. N. Spruillr Mrs. John B. Lewis, Mrs. ?d Naah Warren, Mrs. 'A. H.U Mrs. John Kin*, Miss 4 Davis and Mis. Robert Ue Smith i at the home of Mrs. Smith fn 1983 to organise the Wednesday After noon dub. The members chose the name, Wednesday Afternoon, it was on that particular day they held semi-monthly meetingi- Com posing the present membership of the ciub are Mias Davis, Mis. King, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. W. AT Allen, Mrs. A. C. Monk, Jr., Mrs. R. T. Monk, Mis. J. Y. Monk. Mrs. R. V. Raer. Mrs. R. C. Copemhaver, Mrs. T. a Ryon, Mrs. George Moore, Sr., Mrs. Harry Harper and Mis. Ben tang. > Officers of the deb for 1947-48 are Mrs. W. A. Alien, president, and Mn. Robert Lee Smith, secretary. . BOOK AND BRIDGE Organised March 24, 1944, the Book and Bridge club had nine chart er members?Mrs. T. a Ryan, Mrs. Frank Allen, Mrs. Irrin Morgan, Jr., Mrs. B. T. Williams, Mrs. Walter Jones, Mis. Lewis Allen, Mrs. James Lang, Mn. Rax. Hodges and Mr* C. S. Hotchlriss. The group joined a book-of-the-month club and awards books to the members who compile Aft T, held its in the hone of Mi*. Ogiesby, Mrs. Howard Mia. ! m __.. ___, _ jjfcsn Drake, Mrs. Charles & Edwards sad Mm Lanier Donnell as original members, k; Mm Allen Darden, Mm Jamas H. Darden. Jr.. and Mm John a Darden have added their names to the club "Meetings are* held the first third Thursdays of each month. W' TinSSbAT ftTKNlNG t k Mrs. Bill Candler, Mrs. Carl Greene, Mm Lonnie Pierce, Jr., Mrs Robert P. Wheless, Mrs. Joseph Joy ner, Miss Mary Thome Tybon, Miss Mary Atin 'Townsend, Miss Elvira Ty son and Miss Anne Jones formed the Tuesd&y Evening club at the home of Miss Jonep September 23. Meetings will be held the second and fourth Tuesday evenings' of each month. LAMR1D k ,4 tomtributed) - -M: ? The Lammd Club, organised in the late tell of 19M, had ae He eight original members Pennk Keel tang, Mrs. W. Ale* Allen, Jr., Mm J. Irvin Morgan, Jr., Mary friar Rouse, Mm Ted Albritton, Mm Fred E. Davis, Hazel Lang Monk and Eva Mae Tumage. The club name was formed several, weeks following organisation from the first letter of members' last names, with exception of the latter two members who had left for busi ness school in Raleigh. Mm George E. Moore, Jr., a bride, and Vernice Long Jones, who had just graduated from G. C., joined" the group m late summer. Thus the Lammd membership was completed within its first year. Although two have given up their -'4 ? A. a Honk, Jfc, Mrs. Junes Y. Hank, Jr.; office'which is held by each vs. m it began ss i fair, meetings tor flts past month on first P to me* only ewe the current year sad to have ?I" " IL?-- tan ib* en by Mrs. A. C. Monk, Jr., sad ffe is is profiue f Y. Monk, Jr., as Activities have included a jnent series, and various members honoring celebrating birthdays, versaries and engagements. ? NEW DEAL CLUB ilSiJfe??J2S Organioed on October 6, 1984, _ few months after the feangarkl cere monies marking the fibst term of a new administration hi the yoffem day, October 6. Xn. Utfc M m Mra. L. T. Plane of the b octet* ?tW. eeSl were M*. D. _ ? Morgan, Mm. J. I* Shacldeford, Mae. S. A. Roebuck, Mra. Bert MuOallaxn, Mr*. R. LeJtoy Rolline, Mrs. Henri etta X. WUHmnwm, Mrs. Paul B. and Mra. A. H. Stevens. Mrs. S. A. Roebuck was elected ai first president. The club later in vited frioids to make up a member ship of twelve, which at the present time tnahtdta four of the charter imben?Mra a A- Roebuck, Mra. Henrietta M. Williamson, Mra. Paul t shod wt" 4 nabs ace to A Store Fall of New Things I Come in and sac oar linen of new bed-room, living-room and kitchen furniture. Ton will lore oar maple, mahogany and gam bod-room snitea, oar soft inner spring mattressea and comfortable box apringa. See na for any kind of furniture for the home. TonH find oar PRICES RIGHT! EASY t K- UVHM MM 3ur regular $189.00 3-pe auite in leap wine or blue valour cover?. A Maze suite with extra long aoh tprmg AIM throughout. ^3 watching ROOM MITE Stainless, porcelain table, ex tension type, 4 solid choirs, HrrJH 112 E. Wilson St. is* AND 41s. r HI TRIMMINGS t JR YOUR THA ?* ? ? D:NNt * STOKELrS t.' ? O & tl?. 1 miM t)Ut CRANBERRY SAUCE * tio. 1 cans ? ? r-; ' ^ -f.,r; ) ?? ? - FUNTRlV,ffi 2 21mm35c Whole Sweet Potatoes * 2| cans < ? ii i - ' i ? i FRUIT CREST ? ~ HQkn Pure Peach PrCTerrtg, 2 lb. jar. jmmw i?c pi .i Jl can. , I.I1I|?III1I - III! , III * -y. "WgH ? ** - ' 15c 51c 49c u i an* n ES I- r 1 im - ? n* "ilfl II 1 I 85c 79 28c '-"T!7 ' $**?? ( ?<*,?? ji. ML.. 5?c ?? m*:wm wMMMili *Tk? i 3?oT Ada Mir mdli &9MH1 .low (325* F.) and bokr 40 j until firm. Notri 2