der. ed Port Office at Farmville, N. O, Act of March to" ! PRICES DROPPED IN CLOSING DATS OF EASTERN BELTS 1948 MARKETING SEASON As the 'Eastern North Carolina flue-cured tobacco marketing- season neare an end, sales are light in rolume and the inferior offerings hare reduced the weekly general average to-the lowest mark of the year, report the United States and North Carolina Departments of Ag riculture. For the three days comprising the week ending the day before Thanks giving, the general average of $86.28 was $4.76 below last week and $12.06 under the season's high of $47.38 established the seventh week of sales. The lowest daily-average was also recorded during the week when Wednesday's average dropped to $31.68 per hundred. Most grade averages were higher than the week before with tfie in ranging from 60c to $4.00. There, were a few decreases, -mostly in fair and low lags -and, thin, non descript ' ye Sales were composed mainly of common to good leaf and smoking leaf and low to good lugs. Nonde script^ and 'dftnaged tobacco contin ued to appear in large'quantities. Gross sales were repotted as 6, 131,420 pounds at an average 4>f $35.28. For the season, sales have totaled 480,$63,797 pounds and aver aged $43.10. Stabilization receipts for the week were estimated at 6 pet cent and for the season at 9 per cent The sales limitation of 5 hours a day was lifted Tuesday and Wednesday So that warehouse floors could be cleared for Thanksgiving holidays. Three markets closed during the week, Farmville and Smithfield. on November 25 and Kinston on Novem ber 26. This leaves only four mar kets open f6r next week at which time the season is scheduled to end. The 1948 flue-cured marketing quota has been set by the Secretary of Agriculture at 966 million pounds. This will result in an average reduc tion of about 28 per cent Convert ing the quota pdhndage figures to acreages, on the basis of the 1942-47 yields, the 1948 acreage allotments would total about 909,600 acres as against 1,257,000 acres allotted in 1946 and 1,247,000 acres allotted in I 1947. BIRD CLUB "Brown Pelicans Nesting in Pam lico Sound" by Bob Wolff of Golds bo ro was subject of study at the Bird Club Saturday'niozning and was read by Tommie Bennett. It stated Bob Wolff and three companions spent two days in the vicinity of Oc racoke in August and found 14 active pelican nests and several inactive ones. These nests are heavy, rough affairs, conlposed of drift branches, and are about 26. inches across. They counted 82 immature and 66 mature pelicans. The immature birds rang ed from the size of a pigeon to three fourths grown. The large young were covered with a white dqwn. They set up a terrific din, squawking and snapping their long bills. He said it was a marvelous sight to see the mature birds wheeling over their heads as they examined the nests and young. ? - large reeds. The boys assisted in making marshmallow squares which were greatly enjoyed. A A story. "little Brown Koko's' New Skates," was read. . NOTICE! ? 'Our pecan buyer will not be in Farm ville on December 10 as formerly advertised T. R YOUNG & CO. C < S.CL In phu Edgar Kennedy comedy aerial r.~. SUNDAY, MONDAY That tough guy returns to the MICTCEY*CROOKEY in KILLER McCOY Also Latest News MM TUESDAY ONLY f % Randolph Scott, Robert Young In WESTERN UNION Color Cartoon ' ' ~ in " WEDNESDAY -fi DOUBLE FEATURE ' The Three Mesquiteers in ?' ' RANGE DEFENDERS Aleo Gloria Henry and Michael Duane in ? KEEPER OF THE BEES Pins Serial THURSDAY and FRIDAY Katharine Hepburn, Robert Walker and Paul -Henried in SONG OF LOVE Also Latest News These Big Ones Are on the Way Peter L&wford, June Allyson in Good News - Doe Blanchaw^ Glenn Davis in Spirit of West Point .. ? Dans Clark, Ida Lupino in DEEP VALLEY Coming Back By Request Alice Faye, Tyrone Power in Alexander's Ragtime Band Bay "Strings Bands'* Have! HoUIl Need a LAXATIVE? I* Vt 35525? \s& Ambulance Service A TRAINED STAFF THAT ASSURES PROMPT AND ~ ; . PROPER DISCHARGE OF EVERY DUTY FARMVILL9 FUNERAL . HOME ? Day Phone 888-1 ? Mr. Edwards 405-6 ? Night Phones ? Mr. Joyner 898-1 ? s AMBULANCE SERVICE. . 'i *? ? ? ?.> ??. < :?^ > STATEMENT NATIONAL CASUALTY COMPANY Detroit 26, Mich. ? Condition December 31, 1946, as shown' by statement filed Amount of Capital paid up in cash $l,500,000,ho Amount .of Ledger Assets December 31st of previous year 7,987,842.69 Income?From Po" " sr Assets December dlst of previous year . 'olicyhoklefs, $8,648,617.19; Miscellaneous $388,446.13; Total 9,037,06232 Disbursements?To Policyholders, $3,644,966*26; Miscellaneous ' $4,248,699.16; Total 7,893,666.41 , ASSETS Value of Bonds and Stocks $6,229*110.67 Cash in Company's Office ; 39,003.91 Deposits in Trust Companies and Banks not on interest 1,709,325.39 ?figfiigita I Cor ? Premiums in coufse of Collection ' - 1,068,926.88 Bills Receivable - ' ; r_. _ , 640.00 Interest and Rents due and accrued i. 20,221.06 All other Assets, as'detailed in statement . 657,790.43 Total ? $9,(524,917.73 I.ess Assets not admitted 54,489. Total admitted assets T. ? I $9,570,428.35 LIABILITIES Unpaid Claims ; . $ 962,953.40 Expense, Investigation and Adjustment of Ciaiwia -65,000.00 Unearned Premiums _ 2,212,685.67 Commission, Brokerage, and other charges due .1 256,931,70 Salaries, Rents, Expenses, Bjjls, Accounts, Fees, of accrued i 1 38,000.00 Estimated amount of Federal, State, county and municipal taxes 426,029.68 Reinsurance ; 1 623,790.06 All other Liabilities, as detailed in statement ? 5 , 877,958.68 T#a^ amount of ail Liabilities except Capital Re*?? "7T 1 718,079.26 Capital paid up ; 1,600,006.00 Surplus over all Liabilities 2,000,000.00 Surplus aa regards Policyholders , $4,218,07926 Total Liabilities 1_? > $9,570,428.35 BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1946 Accident and Heidtif-Preihiuma Received, $122,140; Losses Paid, $64,857.00 Auto Liability?Premiums received, $76; Liability other than aoto?Prem iums received, $32; Workmen's^compensation?Premiims received, $4; Fldel ito?Pruuums received, $3; Surety?Premiums received, $48; Burglary A Theft?Losses paid, $6; Auto Property Damage?Premiums received, $23; Los?js paid, $11. Totals?Premiums received $122,326; Idsses paid, $54373. President, W. G. Curtis; Secretary, W. C. ButterfSeld; Treasurer, W. G. Curtis, Jr. Home Office, 422 Majestic Bidg., Detroit iTMici. Attorney for service: - ? WMTP. HODGES, Commissioner of Insurance, RUeigh, N. C. Sttt*WM InTO??ce Department, Raleigh, Feb. 18th, 1947. the'above is a true an^r^rXtrart afH^tetemen^^tbfWatioMJ Caaualty Compuy of Detroit 26. Mich., filed with this Department, show condition of said Company on the 31st day of December, 1946. Witness my hand unofficial_Wl, the day and date above *rftten._ ?i V N. C, I i.,. V' rnmmm FOR SALE: 1 coal heater in good condition. Contact R. G. Lewis, Tel. am. s-ap COLD WEATHER LOST: Black kid glove* in Williams Grocery Monday afternoon. Mrs. A. J. Carrie, Dial 2706. 5-le JUST RECEIVED: Shipment of L* p?eP22ta! "WESTER^ AUTO ASL SOCIATE STORK 10-18tf WANTED: Houae or S or 4 room a rtmebit. partmAit. Call George H Moore- at Williams' Grocery. D5-3p Electric washing machinea, with and without pumps, from $129 to $189. SOUTHERN SUPPLY CO, The Firestone Store, Farmville. / FOR RENT: New 5 loom '?dies sooth of Farmville. See or write C. F. Brann, Fermville, N. C. D5-2p JUST RECEIVED: Big shipment of hunting coats, pants Western Alto Associate TIRES?TIRES?JU ST RECEIVED A Big Shipment of DAVIS TIRES " and they etflLearr? an uncondition al Guarantee for 24 months. Get Our Prices before ye* buy. Liberal WESTERN AUTO ASSO. STORK allowance for your old tires. WE HAVE nearly full Hue of radios, toaster?, and. other electrical appli ances. WESTERN AUTO ASSO CIATE STORK \ YOU GET FREE INSTALLATION WHEN YOU , B(JY FIRESTONE SEAT COVERS from SOUTHERN SUPPLY CO, The Firestone Store," Main St, Farmville. HELP WANTED?Male & Female Man or woman to service custom io In uired. ere on veB established route. No vestment but references requii Full or spare time. Write Dept. CS, P. O. Box 5071, Richmond 20, Va. 21-3p iSaS ?M ?T I . Total . l?8s Assets not Total Admitted assets. $1,469,449.12 rhhkbpskH'a811 Unpaid Claims __ * j, $134,540.10 Expense, Investigation and Adjustment of Claims 13,454.61 Unearned Premiums 95,065.86 Commission, Brokerage ami uther charges due ? 16,528.38 Salaries, Rents, Expenses, BillB,*Accounts, Fees, etc., due or accrued^- 2,703.85 Estimated amount of Federal, State, county and municipal taxes 176,003.72 All other Liabilities, as detailed in statement ... 14,008.75 Total amount of all Liabilities except ?apit*l ___ $452,804.66 Capital paid uj? ------- _1 $300,000.00 Surplus over all Liabilities ? 707444.46 Surplus as regards Policyholders ?? 1,007,144.46 Total LiabUities ?$1,469,449.12 BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1946 Accident A Health ?Premiums Received, $96,151; Losses Paid, $26488. Totals?Premiums Received, $96,151; Losses Paid, $25483. & President, J. B. Boyer; Secretary, T. W. Mock; Treasurer, J. F. Dreyefr. Home Office: 244 t? Eighth St., Phila. 7, Pa. Attorney for service: WM. P. HODGES, Commissioner of Insurance, Raleigh, #N. C. State of North Carolina, Insurance Department?Raleigh, Feb. 12th, 1947. I, WM. P. HODGES, Commissioner of Insurance, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the National Accident & Health Insurance Company, of Phila. 7, Pa., filed with this Department, showing the condition of said Company on the 31st day of December, 1946. Witness my hand and official seal, the cay and,date above written. S WM. P. HODGES, Commissioner of Insurance. V - For Business We are doing our best to carry a full line of Merchandise?available. ' Phone your orders in and use our deijyery service ? 10 ^o II A. M. and 4:30 P. M. We are buying Beef Hides ? any time, any quantity. Yours to serve c. E. Modiin & Soil Pl?8.r y&jss ?? ? , A V -77" I, Yes, Pendens has a, BIG NAME SALE for you once more. A BIG NAME with HIGH QUALITY and LOW PRICES that have been FAMOUS for over 70 years.. Flavorful fruits and vegetables?spicy pickles and plump olives?all guaranteed by the LIBBY label. ? Visit your Pender store today and take advantage of a large selection?the LIBBY WAY! Libby's Homestyle PICKLES 'T IS oz.jar.. 25c LIBBY'S GARDEN VARIETY Libby's Large Ripe OLIVES 9i oz jar _?./...35c DER HALITY POOP STOH m Sweet Peas. ?T _ 20c LIBBY'S YELLOW CLING \| Peaches LIBBY'S GOLDEN TASTY /I Cream Corn LIBBY'S ALL GREEN Lima Beans LIBBY'S CORNED BJejfjl .LIBBY'S MIXED GARDEN Vegetables Shortening?3 lb jar, $1.12 Crisco, lb jar ..J. 39c Spic and Span Cleanser, 16 oz pkg J25c Does Everything DUZ, large pkge 87c It's MarVELous! VEL, 12 oz pkg...?...,;....34c . f ? - Cleanser OCTAGON, 2 cans 13c Soap Powder OCTAGON, 13 oz pkg- 11c V Dainty Cheese Crackers?Sunshine CHEEZ-IT, Jr. pkg 17c Sunshine Crackers KRISPY, lb pkgr. 23c Peanut Candy Cubes BETTERYET, lb pkgr '41c Lobby's Assorted Baby Food, 41 oz jar 9c 111 Libby'sColorful FRUIT COCKTAIL No. 2* Can 41c Libby's BARTLETT PEARS No. 2i Can 45c Iibby*s < v TOMATO JUICE 2 . no. 2 cans 25c Ballard's OBELISK FLOUR lbs. plain 57c Laundry Bleach CLOROX quart Bottle? 21c ?gm, I _ Sweet Juicy fGES 5 lbs. bulk 25c Medium Sized Rutabagas, 21 lbs 9c Green Stringleas Beans, 2 lbs 35c Graen Long Island Broccbli, bch 40c <i . jjS lbs bulk '.J lbs, mesh bag Pender Guaranteed Meats Tender Boneless Colonial Pride Round STEAK II. 79c Lata or Rib End PORK ROAST, !b....... 49c Tender Center Cot PORK CHOPS, lb 65c Plate or Brisket BEEP STEW, lb. 35c Colonial Pride'Chuck Roast, lb. 57c Colonial Pride Sirloin Steak, lb 81c |

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