? ? ? iWiro ? ? ? Mrs. W. E. Lang toft Friday to spend mom time with her daughtt Mid. T. W. Sim peon, in Arlington, Va.- v Hn.CE Morton of Beaofoat left Sunday after spending several weeks hers' with Mrs. K. C. Mann. Mrs. James Alexander and son, Jimanie, of Greenville visited relatives, here fkinday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Uag were Rich mond visitors Tuesday. Miss Doris Wheeler spent the week end at Atlantic Christian college in Wilson with Miss Grace Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Fields and family attended the Duke-Carolina football game to Durham Saturday. H. T. Herring, Jr., and Stewart McKeel of U. N. C. spent the week end at their respective homes here. Mr. and Mia. J. C. Gardner and Mrs. Chariie Letchworth were Wil son visitors Wednesday. Miss Elisabeth Shirley of Wilson spent the week end here with her parents, Mr. and Mis. FrsnF Shirley. Dr. and Mrs. E. W. Circle spent the week end here with Mr. and Mia. W. V. Redick. They were en route to their home ir Springield, Ohio, after a wedding, trip to Southern points. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bailey and Harold Bailey visited relatives near Princeton Sunday. Mrs. E. F. Dennis - of Ayden and Mrs. Woodley Lassiter of Baltimore spent Monday with Mrs. Annie Las siter. - 1 My. and Mrs. Charles McClees and < little daughter, Gail, of Norfolk, spent the week end with Mrs. Mc Clees' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hiunant. Mr. and Mrs. Cart Shirley of Fannville spent the week end' here with Mrs. Lola Beaman. Simon Guinn of Atlantic Christian college was a guest of the Christian Youth Fellowship Sunday evening. He gave a most interesting talk on "Youth?Its Opportunities and Re sponsibilities." Mrs. Sadie Shirley and Mrs. Lula Beaman entertained at a miscellane ous shower at the home of Mrs. Shirley Thursday night honoring Mrs. Carl Shirley, Jr. The hostesses servd^ hot chocolate, sandwiches, cookies and salted nuts. About 50 guests attended. Mrs. Emma B. Jenkins of Fair mont spent the Thanksgiving holi days here with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jenkins and Miss Clara Jenkins. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Craft and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jones were Ra leigh visitors Sunday. Mrs. Jason Shirley of Wilson was the guest of friends here Tuesday. Young people home for the holi days included: Margaret Fields, Frances Dixon and Ramuna Rouse of Greensboro college; Billy Marlowe and Sam Lewis Jenkins of Oak Ridge; Luther Whitley, H, T. Her ring and Stewart McKeel of UNC. Miss Hazel McKeel of the Mebane high school- faculty spent the holi days at her home here. , The Christian Sunday School^ coun cil met with'Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jen kins Tuesday night. At that time plans were made for the Christmas entertainment at the church. Mrs. Roland Fields returned Sun day after spending several days with friends in Morehead City and Beau fort. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron West of Fairmont spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Ray West Mis. Earl Lang and little daugh ter, Eariene, spent a few days last week in Windsor with Mrs. Lang's parents, Mr. and Mis.. A, K. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tymtol) and lit tle sen, Ray, spent Thanksgiving day with Mr.'and Mrs. W. L. Mann. Mr. and Mrs. Woodlsy Lassiter of Baltimore visited Mr. LassitePg mother, Mrs. Annie Laasister, last Sunday. Miss Ola Grace Gardner and Leon aid Maim returned to Wilson Sunday and resumed their stadies at Atlan tic Christian college after spending the holidays with their parents. ' Miss Evelyn Mann spent a few days last week in Wilson with her aunt, Mrs. Paul TyndalL F. L. McKeel is .serving on the jury in 8now Hill this week. Jsnvs Harris and son, Jim home from the Wood hospital in Wilson Mon Amtie Lassiter Spent Thanks with her sister, Mrs. in Rich Square. Mrs. John Craft, Jr. with Mrs. to COUNTY CORN GROWERS AVERAGE 79 BUSHELS PER ACRE corn demonstrattcAe carried oat by 4-H club members in Greene year ere raged 79 bushels A summary of these pro that the arerag approximately 400 at planting and 400 pounds of nitrate 11* cost corn MODERN GAS RANGE Yoall love the charming beauty of theoe gleaming white por celain gaa ranges! Folly insulated ovens designed to bake per fectly! Two spadoo* broilers! Accurate oven heat control! Non dog burners! Every range completely installed by expert mechanics! Make hers a brighter Christmas with a BEAUTYRANGE With gas. $269.95 HIGH BACK ROCKER . SPRING SEAT $22.95 High bock glm restful support u~,j i *?- n.ri.ii><%> 14 Cash or. Easy Terms! t" y Vr t ->?nrv *!* Stirdy 25 Per Cent J |L & ?. ??'??* "? \/JSh ? . Woo$ Blankets $6.< - . ?? WHIU QUANTITlIf LAST! 9x12 AXMIMST1R IVtl Perk up your floors with the colorful patterns of Axmimter rugs. Th? depth of these weaves gives you design, in striking color, that will lasrt And that deep always soft and springy under-foot. Hunyl See the 'ratable at Garner's today Rug Cushion $12.95 ' ?si is??'. ' Phone 41?-1 I. c.