mmt ppl BOOST ? FARMVILLE DELAYED BY BAD WEATHER, SANTA CUtIS WILL APPEAR ON FARRYHJI STREETS TODAYl Inclement weather Wednesday forced cancellation of Santa daua' scheduled visit to Farmville but the Chamber of Commerce committee which invited the good old fellow has been assured that he will make his appearance on Farmville streets this afternoon (Friday) at 5 o'cock. The town is all set to extend a royal greeting to him. The streets are decorated and merchants have tried to outdo each other in dressing their stores and dressing up for the Yule season. Despite the shortage of power that long ago passed the acute stage, streets have been festooned with lights, which will be turned on soon, and with carloads'of laurel, brought into Farmville especially for the occa - si on. Stores will follow .their normal ' schedule of working hours through Friday of next week but beginning Saturday, and extending through Christinas eve, they will remain open during the evening for the conveni ence* of those who cant get in all their shopping during the day. Parents from adjacent communi ties have ~ expressed intentions to bring their youngsters to see Santa Claus when he visits Farmville and it isiioped that a huge throng will be on hand this afternoon. A AND B DRIVERS URGED TO TAKE RE-EXAMINATION PRIOR TO JAN. 1 Persons whose last names begin with A Jor B have only 17 days left in which to renew their driving licenses without fear of penalty. The Motor Department announces that out of the estimated 150,000 A and B drivers in North Carolina, only 90,000 had thus far obtained their new licenses. Examinations are given in Farm ville each Thursday and Friday by an examiner whose headquarters have been set up in the town hall. Time is drawing short, and persons * whose surnames begin, with A or B who are caught driving after Janu ary 1^pn an old license will be found guilty of a misdemeanor and wi)l be fined not less than $25. Col. H. J. Hatcher, Commander of the State Highway Patrol, has an nounced that he plans to have patrol men make spot checks along the highways after the first of the year for the purpose of catching delin % quent A and B motorists. . The A"s aad B's were given the period beginning last January 1 and * continuing through December. SI to take a re-examination and obtain new licenses, and 194 license examin ers these placed on duty throughout - North Carolina, to take care' of the re-examination program. Beginning January 1 and continu ing through June 80, 1948, persons whose last names begin with C and D will be re-examined. The Motor Vehicles Department is urging these persons to report to their examining stations early in the year, so as to avoid the last minute rush that is now prevalent with A and B drivers. - All licenses being issued under the re-examination program will expire on the birthday of the licensee the fourth year following issuance. Licenses will not be renewed without a complete and thorough examination kadi time, far this way, the Depart ment hopes to weed out the poor aad inefficient drivers" who are likely to ' cause accidents on our highways, A schedule for other groupe of drivers follows: E, F, and G?-fronj July 1 to Dec. 31, 1948. J' *?between January -us 3 Monday night's At The Rotary Qub * 0 Milton Rason had charge of the program at the Rotary club and pre sented .his guest, H. A. Fisher of Wilson, who was speaker of the evening. V Mr. Fisher spoke on Highway Safety. He gave impifslve figures of fatalities in states not having automotive inspection, and pointed out the noticeable .decrease in fatali ties in the states that have put auto inspection into effect. Frank Williams won the attend ance prte. Visitors were Joe Moye, Jr., guest of Plato Bass and Russell Wood of Wilson, also a guest of Milton Eason. EASTERN BELT ENDS SEASON y WITH AVERAGE OF $43.02 Small volume and lower prices prevailed on the 'Eastern North Car olina flue-cured tobacco markets dur ing the final week of the 1947 season, report the United States and the North Carolina Departments of Agri culture. Grade averages showed losses ranging from 11.00 to 49.00 and the general average fell to $28.69, or $6-67 below last week's season low of $88.28. Leaf grades were down $1 to $8. Smoking leaf averages were off $1 to $6 and cutters lost $1 and $2. Lugs were hit hardest?de creasing from $1 to $9 per hundred. A few gains occurred chiefly in beet thin nondescript. Offerings for the week consisted mainly of common to fair -leaf, low to good stroking leaf and .non descript. Unsound sad damaged to bacco appeared in much larger quan tities and composed about 20% of the Bales. 'Grsss sales for the week were re ported as 2,918,298 pounds. For the season, total sales amounted to 483,872,006 and averaged $48.02. Stabilization receipts' were set ss 6% of gross sales for the week and for the season as 10%. Only -four markets operated dur ing the week. Greenville ended sales on December 3. Rocky Mount, Wen dell and Wilson held final sales on: December 6. I DANIEL LEROY DAIL Daniel Leroy Dail, Jr., 30, of Kin ston died Wednesday morning, in Rocky Mount hospital. Funeral ser vices were hold at the home of his mother, Mrs.' Lanye H. Dail, in Fannville, Thursday afterpoon at 3 o'clock with Rev. E. R. Clegg, Farm villa Methodist minister, officiating. Burial followed in Hollywood jmetery, Fannville; * Mr. Dail had been in failing health for the ptst year. He was associat ed with the Export Tobacco company i Kinston. - ifTS|'' .Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Gladys a Dail, one son, Daniel L. Dail, III, one daughter, Theresa Ar>n, all of Kinston; his mother, Mrs. Layne H. Dail of Fannville; four sisters, Mis. Allen M. 'Harris, Farmville, Miss Jane Daft, Raleigh, Mrs. Marvin Hurst, MsushviQe, Mrs. DiQy Tljpmp son, Rocky Mount; ? brother, gho Is in the Nanry sad is stationed in China. "? - - _/ ' \ ? ATTENDING FARM MnUUV CONVENTION IN CHICAGO Mrs. ?Sarah Meadows, E-l, Ayden, John W. WorthingtoiC Robert Neth erratt, R-l, Snow Hill, and Mrs. Em G. Kearney, R3, Snow Hill, have ifor an analy sis to be made of certain fields on t?eir farms for a fertiliser and lime for crape that will be ptastaA Jafbase field in IMS. and women will morning, Dec. 12, by special train to Farm ; Job II. mrfM*. C. : 11m Junior Chamber of Commerce, Farm vine's pewest civic giyup one which, if property supported, ctn be of paramount importance to the town, will complete, ita organiza tion tonight (Friday) at 8 o'clock at a dinner in the Royal Grill. Permanent officers will be following the report of the ing committee, the membership of which was picked at e meeting Thurs day night in the town hall. Serving on this important committee rue Dr. Frank Harris, Chester Outland, Joe D. Jojmer, John Turner Walston and, Vaasar Fields. W. T. (Bill) Gaud ier is serving as temporary presi dent and Emerson Smith as tempo-' rary secretary-treasurer. The constitution and by-law* were adapted at the meeting lest Thurs day night; tonight the charter will hi Sponsors of the organisation anxious to have all of the town's civic-minded young men in the 21-38 age bracket as members of the Jun ior chamber, which < already has -the blessing end the sanction of the ior group's board of directors. Dues (pr the first quarter, $7.50, are now payable to Secretary-Teasurer Smith. The need for n wide-awake organi zation of this type has been keenly felt here and ita members are look ing forward to rendermg a distinct service. Emphasis has been placed on the fact that the group will be a stagnant, useless one; though, qaless those joining are willing to shoulder their share of the responsibilities and enter enthusiastically into "projects and activities. An example of whole-hearted co operation can be -seen in a scrap paper campaign conducted by Wilaon Jaycees. The group netted $3800, after the paper collected had- been trucked tp Roanoke Rapids and sold. GIRL SCOUTS An informal discussion about the Freedom Train and- its documents was participated in by the Brownies it Jtheir meeting Wednesday after noon. - ' - Each member was aaksdto Mat Christmas ornaments or trimmings which .will be used to decorate the tree at the Christmas party given by the troop committee composed of Mrs. J. M. Mewbonj, Mia. LeSoy Rollins and & T- Williams. After adjournment the group waa invited to the home of the assistant ieades, Mrs. J. R. Harris. May Torn ige Eason and Barbara Paramo re served fruit juice, cookies-and candy. -i LOCAL BASJU^TRALL TEAMS Ft WJN TWO FROM CHICOD Farmville boy* defeated December 9 in their second victory of the season. The Farmville boys led st the half by a- score of 21-8. The Final score was 63-10. Highest scor srs for Farmville were Carson Wind- , i?am and Dan Satterthwaite, each ivith 10 points. The other players in the Farmville line up played well. Farmville girls won their second game, on the same night, by defeat ing Chicod, 28-10. At the half, farm ville girls were ahead by only two points but they relied to an easy victory with a fine second half rally, lean Baker was high scorer for Farmville with 17 points and Fays Corbett had 7. Joyce Corhett and Jean Bynnm each scored two poinl* High scorer for Oaeod was Jon with 8. Mittie Rouse, playing her first game for Farmville, was a stand-out at guard, t, ? U. D. C. t The remembering of each of the 34 ladies at the .Confederate ' home in Fayetterilje was at the becca Winborne chapter of the U. fi. C. Friday of Mrs. Sidney Cart on the by the November. fore tfct Totem-for ratification j>r re [ It to stated that the town has been told by the State ?ion that a couple of blocks will be paved if curbing to installed. ii' i iji * Activities Of LocaM Church Orffcitizationftl Mrs. A. B. Tyson, Mrs. Floyd Rouse and Mrs. A. J. Melton were to the Annie Perkins circle Tuesday evening in the home of Mrs. Mission^*? Tyson. "World Missions" was the topic of the program given by Mrs. George W. .Davis who showed a mo vie on mission work in the Philip pines. Scripture front Colossians was read by Mrs. Joseph Batchelev,. de votional leader. SPiring An. offering for the Lettie Moon | mission fund amounting to appro xi mately *60 was taken.. Alter the regular program, Mm Davis abowod a film abtitled '"The Night Before Christmas." . " % ? Ppcan pies, wafers and coffee ware d three i served to 17 member*, and three visi tors,, Mis. G. X. Holden sad Rev. and Mrs. E. W. Holmes.. Plata deco rations were Christinas belle and yuletide decorations wen used in the Tyson home.? - .... .?r. Mrs. A. B. Moore presided over the December meeting of the Woman's Missionary society Monday afternoon when plans "were" made to help several ppopll during the Christmas season. "0 Gome Afl v Ye .Faithful" was oped as the opening hymn. Frior to showing the film, "Go Forth," which '? dealt with a young man becoming a medical missionary, Mrs, George W. Davis, program chairman, spoke about the topic, "Challenge for Service^" The scripture ftudy was given by Mrs. Lang Davis and MA. Manly. Lilee tod in prayer. Mtos Mamie Davis closed the meeting with pray The hoeteases, Mi*. Ban Lewis and Mrs. Gordon Lea, served sandwiches In star shapes end pates iced to rep resent packages: r Each plate held a Christmas tree favor, At the Baptist church Sunday morning:, the service will em {Assise Universal Bible Sundsy, and the ser mon subject will be, "The One Book for the One World." The special, music will consist of a solo, and uithefoi. A Christmas program will be given at the evening hour with pictures and special music. Both the'junior and senior choirs will be featured in special numbers. Has Junior Choir trill appeas robed for the first time. Twenty ??* ?ii|ss will be projected on the screen to bring the Christmas Story, "Christ is Born." "The stirring beanty of gorgeous scenes and inspiring portrayals can not be surpassed for impressing the story of Jesus oh the mind of young sad old." THs service will provjs a blessing to all who will attend. -ISsSe I Ft GIRL SCOUTS Pictures, made at the Rally day exercises and during the Book paaads were shown to members of Troop 4 Tuesday afternoon at their weekly meeting. Articles to be placed in the friendship kit were counted and assignments made in regard to the missing articles necessary to com plete the kit. Tryouts for parts for the radio play to be given in March about the Girl Scouts' birthday were held. Ann Morgan, who presided, presented a gavel to the troop. Gatnee were played after adjourn ment. ' *SS3T B,,fc Of tuberculosis sesls, ?P< by the Litoniy club, as compared with 1689.60 raised b> the community jflgfr yggj " ? J |99 came from the bond ide I Bonds are sold in $5. $10, |fi0 denominations and a certificate! QgPfflsstsfc? to bed with the disease soma to well; ethers to die. Ambitions of many young "North Carolinians were shattered; homes wefe broken up; ui-' comes amounting to ^ thousands o dollars were lost, ^ conditions tragic to the individuals asl well ss to the communities came s-1 'bout-as a-result of tuberculosis. [ Contributing factors to this condi tion were ignorance, fear and com placency. ji' . Something can be done about berculosis if are foitad m early stages. The free masa X survey to be conducted in Pitt ty in. 1M8 will help to find so that treatment can be started. ~ The' 1947 Christmas sdtl with its pair of oxen is s symbol of team W?Letters received through the mail are returned to Greenville tbki yearl so that aU records are kept in toe Pitt County. Tuberculosis Associa tion's office. The totals tor each 1 community are posted together?at I any time information can be obtain ed to show the stsnding of eny com-J munity.; ' Seels are not being sold by school I Children this year. Every one should return his mail sale letterdireet to Greenville with his contribution and any seals he is unable to buy. Any Parayille persons who failed to get seels are urged to get to. touch witoItoTdita M. DeViscontl, the local charman. Farmers Elect . _ , Township CoHimittees! \ 1 , Committeemen whs will administer the 1948 farm program in- Farmvihe township were elected Tuesday as growers in this township joined t of other PHt eommunitiee In storting their . in? a delegate who, in turn, -a*-*] county committee. 1 Jesse Moye, John D. Dixon and B. , E. Moore were elected as pnembers of the township committer Moye was picked as delegate to represent Btan ville town in Tv\ committee, now composed of J. v.| Taylor, Ben M. Lewi end Jamie Wilson. *''? al'1 4 . 1 The fanners voted unanimously to! favor of continuing the peanut mar-j keting program. GREENE FARM NEWS * ? WW j John Gray,. assistant extension forester from .State college, assil M. E. Smith, Jr., Charlotte, in mak ing plana, to thin a 20-acre tract of young pines on his farm in Speight's Bridge township on December 1. The stand of trees hi this tract is too thick and Mr. Smith is planning to eta the undesirable trees, 'which have been marked, and sell as pulpwood. This will leave him a good staq of growing trees fnd, future timber. I Joe Herring, R-3, Snow Hill, had a flock of 160 Buff Orpingtons rang ing in age from one year to six years old. Mr. fierring was getting about 20 eggs each day from hit fioek. This flock of binds was culled and only 86 good, hens left, which easbles Mr. Herring 'to save nearly one-half on his feed bill end he is getting f? many eggs as before. ?J!. * ? ? CANCER SOCIETY LEADERS HAVE MEETING IN RALEIGH To launch the most attack ever waged against cancer in Nofth 'Carolina, Mrs. Helehe Higgs other leaders in the over the state in Raleigh ??Hkl on Friday, December 6. SsThe group " information duce from number of < ' I _ '11 Jl 1 with its ten flg ~-7yr Fwi'l ?t ? V". ox EX.S i ? V*. '?: ? ?" : At Tiie Ktranla Gab t wete bf Jim Hockaday,, the program. and mniilitii to iphi wilting 1U0 with six nine*. The anaymr: 99 99/99. -^Qtc&'fcgg The meeting Monday night wiH be toned into an open town discussion concerning the chib'a week end the activities. Snggeattons win be wei comed from members whs have been eafced to/take the meeting seriously and submit any pcupoeala they think would benefit the Club and communi ty. Items of Interest from Ballard's . HUB ? The Presbyterian Vemm'i auxili ary will meet Friday afterrreon, Dee. IS. with Mrs. G. T. Tyeen ?t 2:*>. v! At the meeting of the PreebyterUA^ Youth Fellowahip on Thursday even ing it wee voted that .the young people would give the Christmas pro gram for the dtpreh oiv Sunday evening, Dec. 20,' at 7 o'clock. The priding on "Good Will* was given by Betty Faa^ Jbyner. The meeting closed by. a prayer by the Bey. Edwin S. Coatee. Refreshments consisting of candy and coca colas wore served^by the hostys, Betty Joyaer. The Christmas luncheon of the Bal lard's Rome Demonstration club was given at the home, of Mrs. H. - D. Moye on Wednesday, Dec. 8, at 12:30 with Meedames A R. Go wan, Lloyd Allen, A. J. Cams and G. S. Nichols The hoiqe was beautifully decorat ed throughout with Christmas ever greens and candles. The luncheon was served from a beautifully appointed table with the Christmas color scheme being"carried out. ? During a social hour foilewing the luncheon, gifts were presented to each ohe present from a beautifully deco Mrs. Bessie Byrd of Ormondsvillp was a guest of her daughter, Mrs. Larry Worthington, last week. Dick" Stanley and . Moses Tyson were Goldsboro visitors last Friday. Annie end Mamie Ruth Bollowsqr visited tela-11 tives in Farmivilla Monday. Elder L. W. Pettis of Charlotte ?fc liMU Mr. and relatives in Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jones and Mr. md Mrs. C. a Harris were Raleigh Mr. and of Mr. and Mre. Ray and.: 4. Mr. and Mrs. William Grey Dunn were hosts at a family reunk tTme?!dl tire children of the and Mrs- Ed JdCt.ferl they win Ofi/Batts was ealled to Jack-|l nvillc. N. G., Saturday, due to Jus nephews being^seriously m-j< phew is In r hospital in end it MOLT* mull' iIB* vHITNi DOWdl H Greene county were Ballard visitors. i - lk? FarmvQle Post No. 191, RL-mJI ^ Ha regular monthly meeting Friday night, Do camber 6, fat the high school lunch . I room with Commander Charles Ed wards presiding. There were 62 ex service men present. A splendid turkey dinner was enjoyed by all present, after which a financial re port of the Pitt County Fair was read, and a Check for the Farmville Post's percentage of the profits'was presented to the Post A splendid. musical program was presented by Misbra Mildred and Louise .Vdams of Greenville. Special guests were Mrs. Charles Edwards, wife of the commander, Rev. E. R. Clegg, minister of the FhnnviDe Methodist church, and Wm Mills of Greenville. On motion made by R. O. Lang. Jr., and seconded by Leslie P. Yel verton, the following resolution was adopted without a dissenting vote: Whereas, at the regular monthly meeting of the FaxmviUe Port No. 161, held on Friday night, December 5th,, 1947, it was moped by R. 0. Lang, Jr~ and ascended by L P. Yelvertoa sad unanimously carried; h That Whereas, an agricultwfi fair has boon operated in Pitt county beginning with the year of 1VS6, and continuing up to sad including the year of 1947, except* the1 year ef 1943; and, Whereas, the said Fair was ope rated or conducted by the Pitt Coun ty Agricultural Fair/ Inc., .which corporation is composed of members - I of the Greenville Poet** vis. Pitt County Poet npmber 39, and Flurm ville Post number 161, of the Ameri can Legion, and which Fair after the j I payment of the expenses of the Tbdr ?ch year, then allocated or pro rated to the two pestgi of the American l will be ewaroeo tae wersoojj will be |S and arc Say D. gg and Curtis become the of the store; decision of judges is- final. ? t_ ? tt, ?- ^ buy "*** ~ - says, "yriha the hink best on a There's BIRTHDAY PARTIES .?>. aie Pollard entertained eight Saturday .afternoon in j?. if- ? )