.. W1 Mr*. Virginia Ho w*ak sad wltti Mania ia GmaeiUs. ? Mr. and Mr*. M. L. ?? ad the kefoibes 1* Mr*. C G. Rollins of RaMgh will spend Uavnk wad with Mia.' M. L. 3 Parker, of Daaniii, is weak and with Mia. L k *&m af Lexington was the of Mr. and Mr ?c*pt*d a position Irk company. Lt. Paul Summrall ef BaMigh via itad Kia cousin, Mia. C. H. Mozingo, last Thursday. Friaada will ragi* Olaam that > Waalay R. Willi* is ill at.Us horn* on Walnut street. Mr*. X ? Atkinaoc af Maccke fMd apaat Friday with bar sister, Mr*. L. S. Walaton. Mr. and Mia. Gaorc* W. Davis and sons, Harry and Gerald, spent Saturday in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. George Gardner of Rocky Mount were guaets of Mrs. O. H. Motingo Saturday. Mr*. Albert Junes spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Chark* Gray, in Rohersosrrille. Mrs. Canary IX Thomas moved from Greene county this week to 203 East Church street. Dr. and Mi*. M. J. Gregg asd daughter, Jo Vnn, spent Sunday wfchj relatives in Adlocksvilie. Mr. and Mr*. A. B. Mewber- sad family of Goldsboro spent ^UeAsy-j with Mrs. J. A. Mewborn. lira. H. W. Kemp spent t^v?Aeyi and Monday with her mother, Mra. W. G. Hales, in Middlesex. Mrs. K. R. Clegg spent Mkvrday night and Tuesday with her Mrs. W. E. Smith, in Wilson. Mrs. Edgar H. Jones left lass ? visitors "leauayj Paul Allen. Jr? ami son. ?auLj ft G. S|*U sad Mrs. Til Jon?M J*, was* GieesieviV vsuurs SVmbm' E?.? Awnes sna. wwj T? an* Mm ?. Jk| SatoaM#? vnii Mil M V. Jinss mit Mfcil R Rawer* -rf k ?Smf ? rtsHr if t Stoat Tit* Otr. la K M Claw*. I N* ?rf SMf C ? ?CALENDAR mrnmmmmmmm VM * m.?Xhraais. T.-? Rw a-T. W. A., mM wftk Mn. H. V, ttt a ?-.??!?? Gal at* ?i Kb. I..B. IhMB ** Ib.?I HidUBttBtoi ar Fiir cum ?WW *4 2 eS2LTm,eBded ky As |MU inifd |i??nama?4 The a* serving 1* ky Mn & LeKoy i MBIT MATtONS _ of "Silent ?Q UU> Tpwo of "Hark tfcs InU taM ky Mm B. LeRqy """ "SrSSiUfc i *j* A ? ?nd eo . J. L Harris, wfaw Sr, *-A. Pollard, Jr,sri ENGAGEMENT axxmacd =- f task ( a " ~ sr WW * -"X ?*/ I ?w ? 7 - .y w2nW; mT'*: Mil r. 1 - at "?Hm* Nigki," -O littk 1 ?fiftfcMfc* wAmiy fei a "O Cm* AH T? fttttAd/* J? A Sma in *? All" Mi "J?r ?A , ' V - / mMr.0.1 Liwii. I ih gtfia wffl t? mmMnmI it Mil few ? CMMpfai* ttne of the lateart, kwe ? ? Jfc* fdrt **? rashe* hoc fbr the holiday 3AHM QUILTED BED 99VKAD8 ^?JAH * L M I }? * KV murium ngawm XETAL TtAYS MXTMJmtB VUtfWfM POTS a&otiMs (i sm BJWRI* tU&fSK &W2B& UMtX ? MADRR1A NAPKINS XTUM CLOTHES SHUSHES WMfE PAMBBBAMBII H AWKEBCHIEF HM ncnmm jffr ELASTIC AND SATIN WILTED C4KD17NLE C?ms I Farmville Furniture Qo. fMmUlMtlLta I at Imm -1M7 2?*jS?