m Drive The Greene County Run Bureau haa reached ita 1M7 ? roul of 2869 and the have been sent in to the office. The Farm Bureau workera in each and every township are to be con gratulated on doing such a fine Job. They have given their time finely in contacting farmers over the county since mid-September. Special thanks' to the women worker* who, for the tint time, this year wrote 161 men ben. Membenbipe by townahipe follow: Bullhead. 199; Cam, M; Hooker ton, 681{ Jason, 180; OM*. 140; Or monds, 866; Shine, 141; Snow Hill, 276; Speight's Bridge, 896. At the present time 16 dole gab are planning to attend the Natiet^l Convention in Chicago on* December IttrtlT'' Bastus, after being i by the judge for deeerttog hie wife: "Jedge, ef you kaawed that woman like I dose, yo' wvulfaVaall ene no ir. ree a deserter. Fee a refugee,' ?*Wi"oV Wicsbsdsn ?u4 ViAn of ? the U. S. Ait Threes I doty with Air Force Special Servicaa for foil-time athletics, Witrn hM proven an ae aet to teammatea from hia and por tion on the aquad. Currently, the Commander* are poHahfag pUya for .the EtJCOM football tournaments? gunning perhapa for another 1M7 championship to their EC record of already winning U of 14 apotting contests in the European Command this year. ? . | In hddithsc to rigid athletic duties, Sgt. Warren finds ample time for. Maur* spending offxdnty hours in ancient spa-city of the Old World. For instance, the is new used by Air palace of en tertainment fo the ?Occupied lone. Than, too, 3100 year-old W! has'prered'tataseeting with its many bflMsght hia invading" lagtcas, 9m* aion oMb i?J mineral waters, EMPLOYMENT COMMISSION f. >?JIAS" ALANS FOR FARM ('EUMMEMrr PROGRAM iThii form ph?nwbi to provide to He North Carolina for the year 1M8, and in the proceaa of formation since an act of Oongieaa returned this service to the States after al oat fiver years of-operation by the1 Agricultural Extension Service, is taking definite form in preparation for next yearh farm crepe. Henry E. Kendall, chairman of the State Employment Security Com mission, announces a series of meet ings on -State and county leials, un der general direction of Ernoot C. McCraeken, director of the North State, the and _ Serving 11 uniiiawi 1 ? ere, moat of them with extensive ex perience in farm -labor proMems, trilhrneetrseid- work wit' to were in 'raepMtive ritisi. determine ae aa possible the amount of out ihrm -labor needed and make for aiprfying the work labor and acti Special' attention will he given po tato, strawberry, snap'beans, peach, peanuts, tobacco, ?eMbn, trade crape by moving in and day possible the frame, shown in phan viem and described to the right. ; listed here are ready Hndson'iS ail-new engine ?the most powerful six Suftttoday?and Hudson's masterful Super - Eight. They will tell you about Hudson's Get a good look at this new kind d ear ? a type of automobile no one else in thevwerld is prepared to build today! It's to see?the nearest Hudson < it to you now! ! ,* -.. *