? ot Thaafca and all Notice twtalnmaot for charged tor at th* per word. Caah to dor. ..'"J-v! Adyertiaing rates will ba fojoiah ed upon Second Claaa Mail Matter a* the Pott Office at Fhrrarilla, N. C, under Act of March r navy schedules teaming CRUISE FOE EESEEYISTJ Naval Reservists .of the- Sixtl N?v?l District will have ?"W>' tunity to take part in a mbtwinta croiae to tropical watees, beginnim January 20 on the US8 Foecno, i wsls amKxmoed iftV6iil dsyB V Rear Admiral L. T. DuBoee, USN District Commandant. The Pocono, with 100 Naval Be serve men and 10 Naval Beeerve of ficera aboard, in addition to her reg ular Navy comploment of officer and men, will viait San Juki, Pnert Rico. and Gudntenamo, Cub^m^ course of a croiae of over 30 dsyi She is scheduled toreturn to Nor folk, Va., February 24 and will dil embark her reservist* at that port The quote of 110 Naval Reservist ?.iriwg the cruise will include ma from the First, Third, Fourth, Fifth Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Na val Districts and the Potomac Biveo Naval Command. The men will re ceive 14 days active duty pay, sub sistence during the entire cruise am pay and travel expense during trave to and from the embarkation am disembarkation points. Reservists assigned to the cruia from North and South Carolina am Georgia, the three states oompriaim the Sixth Naval District, will yepo* to the U. S. Naval Baae, Charleston S. C., on January 20 for embarks tion. _ . . The Pocono ynll meet FiTBt, lnira Fourth, Fifth Naval District and Po to mac River Naval Command Beeer vists at Norfolk, Va., Januaryldi will embark Seventh Naval Wf1?1 Reservists at Key West J?n?ary ^ and Eighth and Ninth Naval District Reserves at New Orleans February 2, in addition to the Sixth Naval Dis trict quote at Charleston. . The Reserves will have opportuni ty for 17 days of under way train ing at sea, aboard the ship in addi tion to opportunities to visit scnth ern seaport cities and liberty ashore in Puerto Rico and Cuba. - Naval Reservists in the Sixth Na val District who wish to take pari in the cruise should direct their re quests to the Director of Training Sixth Naval District, U. S. Nasal Base, Naval Base, S. C.. prior to Jan uary 5. 0 Lake Superior is the largest fresh water lake in^the Maryland's farm production n Urge, with wheat and com the prin cipal crops. Items of Interest from Ballard's Crossroads Young People of Ballard's Pres byterian ehurfh, directed by Era. P. J. F.ika, gave the Christmas program last Sunday coming. This was a candlelighting semes in which the congregation took part. The service began by singing "Come. All Ye Fbuthfolj" and the Rev. a prayer. Edwin Coatee said ?Betty Joyner read the encee at which time Jo -,-j, and Nannie Sue Elk. Ugte* *hs candles. , of this service was to show is the light of the world. Following this FOR SALE DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS East Wflmn, East Church nil oir?' ?? - t II Christmas ieHs To one and all ? they bring good cheer, -happi ness, health. We itteWde these too in on* greetings to you af this joyous season and t send oar best wishes for the New Year. \ MASHBURN'S Numbing ft Heating Co. A CHRISTMAS MESSAGE TO OUR FRIENDS Wle render a vital service the year 'round, and at this Happy Holiday, let us extehd to you friendly/wishes as sincere as our effort to serve you Joe R. Joyner & Son Funeral Home ? ? ? Alld .? ? ? ? Joyner Mutual Burial Association >> ? At Gbristaias Time... m It is a Messed privilege to , It, ^ -^iM?7T ?-???>. _ ' Wish FOU the best Q|r~tW ~.?. jvu *..* ?i coming tfew Year. " ' " Morton Rabhan Stuart Ale* MADAME FRANK and life throughout the state of N. C.I WELL KN pwce within reach of ALL _ Mm ^^SUosmoN faithfully fuffH every word hi thfc even though ? you no charge wmm r suits The following younfc people community, who have college, arrived home this ? Worthiagton Business college in R&l ret Lou Hemby from A. Wilson; Mary Elisabeth 1 E. a f. C? Greenville; John am from State college, Raleigh; Edwin Tyson from Tacoma Park, Washington, D. C.; R. F. Strickland from Wake Forest, had Jessie Tyson fro m Berien Springs, Michigan. Mr*. Lin wood O'Neal spent a re cent week end with her aunt, Mrs. Walter Fulford, in Pinetops. Mrs. Linwood O'Neal visited her sister, Mis. Bennie Rouse, at Maury last Thursday. Mrs. Rouse had the misfortune to burn herself vary bad ly, recently. ' * - ?* , Mr.' and Mrs. B. L. Bateman Wilson visitors recently. feQT: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Osyford wen recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Shorn Pittman in Kinstost. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hall, Mia. R-. E. Hall and J. C. Hall of Durham were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Harris. ? Miss Lucille Ellis from Cedar Grove and E. C. T. C. was a guest of Miss Lillian Harris Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Erwin wen of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jar" Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Jones an spending Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Billy Ogiesby in Betas, Ala. - Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jones and C. C. Harris wen Goldsbon visitors last week. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Tyson, Jr:, of Indiana an spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. E. M, Tyson. Mr. aird Mrs. James Jones an visit ing relatives in Mendian, Mias. PGR SALE, WANTS, LOST, FOUND, ETC. TENANT FARMER WANTED: For 2 home cn?p with S acres tobacco t? good C -roaai honee a fro? town; etottricsPy tyght l carer.; -rot be experienced; ed; oil c MIL end rtiUMai A,ply Mro. __ FOR ? buggy with rubber tiro, and har nero. Beautiful rig. At Mm Mo Highway. k WANTED To hoy or rout: Nice, dean,. need baby carriage. Pat Bandy, Phone S221. * 2p FOB SALE: Several Daroc _ Registered stock. See or write E. W. Mills ht Arch Flanagan ~ Heato Place. - 24-2e PURNIA FED BROILERS^-K eac week. THE TURNAGE CO, Inc. 1WI WANTED: Heooe or S or 4 part?ent. Call George & Moore at Williams' Grocery. D*9-2p Half H. P. MAYTAG Gaaaltee E fines. Use on lawn ?ewer* etc. THE TURNAGE CO, Inc. 19-fi HELP WANTED: Male and Average ALSO per hoar ea lished rente . Fall or spare time. References bat net investment re quired. Factory prices. Write the J. R. Walking Co, Dept. 8-2, mood, Va. rf ? U4? FOR SALE?Two JUST ray pastel &Sa"t? JUST RECEIVED: Westero Ant* FARM LOANS om* ?' W.J. . s? ?J '* These simple words?this simple wish? ^ ,-ifL r' . We know it ? has very aeep is the hope highest in all hearts this | Christmas time ? , . * " . ? ? ? .mmatir? . So in greeting ail our friends we re-expreesr 5 to message with deep sincerity; Peace, on Earth, Good Will to Men." I - v;.lJ f?r "?: *? -i--.*. .'???" I-,-, -,"< -. > - r./tfrv a m vu * , #: "T a In the Good Old American Way We Extend Cordial K t GREETINGS and take the opportunity to .express . Our Sincere Wishes .... * *? 1 " ** Vv ' "** T i ^ ? ? That Christmas may brifig to every heart the Spirit of '**_ v.. ? ??- ' 'l; .' ? -vW - ' " t % . . s" . \ *" Good Will and Good Cheer and that the New Year may bring Peace to Every Nation. FARMVTLLE, N. C. ? ' - :Wwm&Mb????" ????-' HHHH^'armth Wishes in their vivid beauty. ?:;1 [RISTMAS ANOTHER TO YOU, GOOD CHEER! appiness and Prosperity be yours ronsrhout 1948. f .