T'*1 'n"P ,v ft" wondei on the during he had to period* from 10 o’cloek in the morn ing until after 1 o’clock, In order to avoid accidents that could be caused by congestion. Mr. Butndy estimated that 98 new students will go into high* school next year—around 80 coming from Fountain and other vicinities. Ap proximately 60 will be graduated in 1952. The high school library, consider ed good in the past, ttae made too small last year because a room had to be constructed out of one end of it. Students seeking a reference book unavoidably stumble over others be cause of the crowded conditions. Art classes, recently begun by Mrs. ft. P. Bass, meet in the balcony of the auditorium, / In tiie elementary grades the situ ation is even more alarming. The first grade enrollment of 66 chil dren, this year, made it necessary for the two teachers each to have an enrollment of 33; and a- large pre school group will enroll next year. There is money: foV the needed building, $70,000, district’s share of the State Bond issue, imt there is no suitable site for sale,' appealed make Escapee Flees In Stolen School Bus And Worker’s Auto John W. Carter, a Greensboro A grader, prisoner, serving a five to ten year sence for attempted robbery, escaped from a road gang near the Cobbdale section, Monday. Carter was one of a work gang cutting a right-of-way through a patch of woods. Suddenly he made a break and was soon out of sight in the foliage. The guard hardly had a chance to know what was going on. Elbert Crawford, student driver, for the Bell Arthur School had just made his last stop and had parked his bus’in the yard Of his home, which is located on the farm of W. L. White. He didn’t know that Car ter was on the loose and left the key in the ignition. Carter headed toward Farmville and five miles away on the Green ville Highway, near file site where the O. G. Spell home is being con structed, he abandoned the bus . and stole a car belonging to a carpenter named Lee. He drove the’ car. to Kinston, where it ran out of g*s;he abandoned that car and stole caaitfo 2. | ; • 7 ' Bloodhounds were set on the trdil of the prisoner at the Width fitrin but the scent was lost when the man entered the school bus. Efforts a1* still being made to apprehend the prisoner. . Pitt County. She was a member of the Free Will Baptist Church. Funeral services will be held'from the home of her brother, SamWain wright at 3:00 o’clock today (Friday) conducted by Rev, Z. B. T. Cox, Christian minister of ftunnvilfe, -In terment will follow to Hollywood Cemetery. Surviving are her husband, Joseph L. Owens, to whom aim was married to 1M3, her mother, Mrs. Minnie S. Watowrigbt, of Farmville, five dul dren by a previous marriage to Alvin Newton, who died ip, 1942, Basel ■V MAGGIE WAIN WRIGHT OWENS PASSES AFTER LONG ELLNESS ! " SCSI'S WainwrighC Owens*<135, died iiif East Carolina Sahl^rftim early Thursday following a long ill James Thorne, State Co dent, *itt spemMb® w^i his mother, Mrs. Maynard Friends witt be glad to lw» Hi*' Beth Baker returaed-from Woodard Herring hospital in Wilson, Stmday. - Mr. and Mrs. W. J. BoSheTTy visit ed in Raleigh and Charlotte during he week end Whiter in Char&sfebii “they visited Mr. end- Mrs. G. R. Wheeler. Mr. an*! Mrs. T. Eli Joyner^ Jr., had as guests over the week end Mr. and Mm J. Lawrence Jones, Jr., at Charlotte. V Miss Helen Smith and Mrs. Hairy Byers attended the Edehton Conveca tion in Plymouth, Wednesday. ' . Mr. and Mrs. W. Jesse Moye spent Wednesday in Raleigh. Miss Julia Sntterthwaite, Pence College student, spent the week aid with her parents, Mr. and Mm F. W. Satterthwaite. 1 ; Miss Elizabeth Lang, teacher in the Roanoke Rapids School, spent the week end yrith her parents, If*. .ritiSis and'Mrs. T. W. Lang. Ernest week With E, L. Barrett, Sr. Miss Annie Petkins* for a two. weeks visit-witt her niece, Mrs. Amde Leonard Jennett^ in Henderson. Mm N. G. Pitt of Littleton spent last week with Rev. and Mrs. H. L. to, . If; • j $ rm Jr. r^s. m Bavin, Mr. and Mm Curtis Flannagan and daughter,. Clarabelle, attended the Wake Forest-Rjchmond game in Wake Forest, Saturday. Mrs. E. W. Holmes will return from Lumberton Saturday. Mr. and Mm James H. Darden, Jr.,-and children visited friends in Raleigh, Sunday. Miss Mary Thome Tyson of Rich mond, Va., will apendthe week end with her mother, Mrs. C. A. Tyson. Rev. and Mrs. P. O. Lee of'Rae feid, were the 'overnight guests of Rev. and Mrs. .H. L. Davis. Little David Smith, Mr. »T»d Mrs. Emerson Smith, who was taken to Pitt Memorial Hospital for treatment of a throat ailment, on Wednesday, returned to his home, Thursday and is reported as well, Mr. and Mrs. i* M- Thtmt ipd children, Freddy, Johnny mid fiancee spent the wfiek end'at tbe M. I*. Eason Cottage at Atlantic Beach? Yidean and Jane Joyner accompanied them to thelteach, spending Friday sad returning Saturday v will be glad to learn that Tyson is able to Ik out after bring confined to on account of illness last week. .. ’ • „ Mr. and Mr&Lynh Eason and 'daughter, May Turaage, Theodora Albritton, Mary Lou Moore and Marion Pickett spend the week end dt the Eason cottage*, at Atlantic Beach. Mr. and Mrs. guests, last week, Pfc. William-. W. Dehn Atterbury, Ind. and Mrs. Dehn Private seas Priendd wiitbe glad to learn that Mrs. tii**io Bandy returned October % from Wayne Memorial Hospital, where she underwent an eye Mrs. Bundy^wbo is staying with %r son, PerrpdBundy, lirkfJtynn Price of Omim iBImlex Allen of King’s jjSi^T.. J iriam Johnson of i*Mgih the week end with Mr, and Batchelor. I Jin. Joe Batchelor will Pfc. Milton Williamson of Wash ington, D. C., spent the Week end with his mother, Mrs. Henrietta Williamson. • Mr. and Mrs. Tom Herring Spent Sunday With Mm. Fred Smith. Misses Faye and Joyce Caifcitt of Kinston Spent Sunday with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cortritt. Mrs. G. Alex Bouse is hnpreving slowly, although still confined to her .home «m Church street. Mrs. Blaney Heath, Jr., spent Sat urday and Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Carraway and the remafoder of the'past week with Mr. and Mm. F. L. McKeel in Walstonhurg, where she will be joined by. h^r husband today, for a week end Btay before re turning to their home in Washing ton, D. C.. .•> | | , Mr. and Mm. David Parker of Suf folk, Va., spent the Week end with nslathr^t and friends.. Friends will be glad to leant that J. ;T. Bundy, who was taken to Woodard-He<ring hospital in Wilson* Friday, is reported as resting com fortably. , i • Hr, and Mrs. Carroll D. Oglesby and children, Heap and S*Hy, and Mr. and Mrs. J. M, ffihhs spent Sun day at the Oglesby Cottage on Bogua Sound. . At The Rotary Club attendance average of 99.32 per capt for tte month of September. . Seven members were absent and the dubwill meet at 7:00 p.m., Tues day, October 16, pending the final outcome of a suggestion which would Change the meeting time to 6:30 p.m. dw^ fto waiter m^hs, „ ' «■»#*» yfeWanan from tile Snow Bill Club, and Bussell Poster and Z. Rochelle were vialtan ians frdkn the Kinston dub. Dr. Paul Jones had as bia guest Dr. John D. Messick, FresMentof Bast Caro lina College. Irvin Morgan will be in charge of fihe -'program neat week.-.* v 1 Club PrMddant J^s#.jMoye pre sided. . i.jSM * ! DR. JONES PELECSTE TO AMERICAN DENTAL ASSN. MEETING IN WASHINGTON Dr. P. E. Jones, member of the Council on Legislation, apd one of the five . delegatee, ' the North Carolina B$n*l AssMdiatuHt, left today to attend the American OTIS TAYLOR AND CEOL LILLY ATTEND WORLD SERIES games Oti« Taylor and Cecil Lilly Betujm to lie association, three neommen dationa wem made and voted on favorable, The recommendations were: 1—To take as the year’s pro ject a $300.00 supplement to the ele mentarjrlibr&ry fuadj i-To accept as the guv's budget $760.00; 1360.00 for maid service, $800.00 for |he library fund, and $100.00 incidental; 3—To give $10.00 honoring If** J, fl. tiOVemeB, first president of the local F.T.A., to the 'Quarters for I Headquarters” fund to help finance a national P.T.A. building in Chicago. Mrs. t* P. Thomas, treasurer, made | a report and Mm. B. P- Johnson made an appeal for subscriptions to : the P.T.Aj magatlne. Mm. James Penpett’s third grade won the room roll call. 1 . Mrs. Alien announced that the or ganirationcwriB sponsor a barbecue and brunsWick stew supper on Octo ber J.9, attbe School lunch room. She also state^ that Mrs. Ted Albritton, Mrs. Walter Jones and George W. Davis would serve as a committee to work with the school board. She urged members to attend the 10th District meeting to be held in New Bern, Octtfeqr J|4. Supt. Sam Bundy reported that $800.00 had been made oh the tobac co drive, gave coming football dates and informed those present of the crowded conditions in the school. Mrs. Jean B. Williams, public gcbool rhusic teacher, presented'Mrs. Haywood Smith and Miss Willa Har per. Mrs. Smith accompanied Miss Harper who sang two numbers, “When Lava is Kind” and “HI See of fhe evening, used as a subject, “Developemcnt M Character — A Shared Responsibility.” Rev. Holmes presented the timely and thought provoking subject as the regplt of thme sources of training, home, church and school. V,-' After adjournment Supt. Bundy, Mm. Allen and thefAcuity formed a receiving line ni the hdfe Punch was poured, by Mrs. Irvin Morgan, Jr., and Mrs. Walter Jones, tod cookies were served from two tables arrang ed in *i triangle. Beautiful red roses ahd yellow chrysanthemums .were ar ranged in a large bowl and placed in the intersection between the. tables. The following ladies served on the hospitaliy committee: Miss Elsie Seago, chairman, Mrs. A. <3. Monk! Jr., Mrs. Irvin Morgan, Jr., Mm. Waiter Jones, Mrs. ©ah Jones, Mm. Nassif Gannon, Mm- James Hocka day and Mrs. John King.. Episcopal Auxiliary The Episcopal Auxiliary met at the Pariah Rouse Monday with Miss Helen 'Smith hostess to the group. Mis. J. D. Dixon, Chaplain, opened the meeting with » scripture reading followed by prayer. Mias Heim Smith, vice president, presided in the absence ©i the presi dent, Mrs. Alex Rgttse. The secre tary, Mrs. Will Jones, Jr., read the minutes and the treasurer, Mrs, It S. Scott gave a re£»rt. ' The circle derided to give a con gregational social supper, on Thurs day, October IS, honoring Rev. and Mr*. Jack R. Rountree. The follow ing committee chairmen were ap pointed; Arrangement chairman, .Mrs. W. C. Murray; co-chairman, Mrs. Harry J. Byers; Food'commifc tee chaimpfe Mrs. Frank Williams, and Calling (committee, Mrs. Charles Edwards and Mrs. T. S. Ryon. Miss Smith announced that World Community Day would be observed in the local church on November 2, and Jhe Convocation of Edenton will be held at Plymouth on October 10. The meeting was closed with pray and a social ■ » ?*-? •••*'" *■ a Directors present were: Mias Mamie £. Daria, Mrs. Frank K. Allen, Mrs. C. H. Flannagan, Cleve land Pajior, and. Professor H. B. SiMP- P***4®*8 wietftyin Mitnraiti' Jr, Tih>1 X-. gweu, John Turner Walston, Waiter B, Jones. Plans for. Faraville’s Jgfrt Com munity Chest drWs . were discussed last Thursday night at a meeting in the town hall of menaben of the or ganization which was formed and In corporated last fall a* a means of holding one concerted drive (hiring the year and doing aid&y with |he numerous requests fo? funds which buainegs and professional pep. pie are besieged during the year. It was agreed that the drive title year be conducted in November, and that everyone in the section bfe ac quainted with the gbals and plana for the Community Cheat The var^ ipus functions of the community which depend upon solicitations for funds will be requested to give the Chest officials an estimate of the amount they will need, or want, from public donations. These requests will be screened^ and will be used as the basis for a budget.* With this budget as a guide, the chest officials wilL decide upon a quota fo^ the township and will stage an exten sive campaign to ranch the goal. These funds will be expended during the year for the various organisa* tions and emergencies that may arise amon^ indigent and needy cases, Frank Atk»n New - r Lieut Governor ^ Kiwanis Division Frank K.‘ Allen, immediate past president of the Farmville iSiwanis club who has been unusually active^ the work of 'the glub fo? fears, WWI d«^#srtii*il*gove*> nor .# :tfli'm i.<«Sl<i.dtfi|il*^JBf Jl* feiroUnas District, at the annual «*. vention early this wgefc hi Raleigh* Alien’ll aspirations for the high were announced several month* ago and he was the only candidate openly seeking the position. The division covers he Easern Carolina area, southward to Wilmington and .west ward to Goldsboro. ' * A large delegation from Farmville’. attended the convention. Allen is the second member o^ the local club to attain a rankling office in the division. Swn Btm#* princi pal of the school, **ryed a» governor of the two Carolinds a few years ago. The' Farmvjjle ebab, at the conven tion, received honorable- mention for achievements jbr 190. Charles Edwards is currently, serv ing as Kiwanis president. FORMER MEMBERS AND FRIENDS ATTEND CHRISTIAN HOMECOMING The Christian Cburi& homecoming at their church, Sun day, October 7, with a large number of former members and friends in attendance.« 6ut-of-town tending were Mr. and 1 „ „ Bryan and daughter, I<ou, Mount; J. H. Paylor and sob. ®v», Raleigh; Billy and Annette Adams, finston; BroCe Darden, Bur&ngjpa: Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hill, Sanbury; Mrs. May E. Pope, Mr, H. B. Hill. Snow Hill; Norwood E. Jones, Dunn; Mrs. Reynolds, Smithfield; Mr. and" Mrs. James Manning and son, Rich ard; Williams ton; Ernest W. Carter, Valdosta, Ga.; Mr. and Mro. Harry Cooke, Harry Cooke, Jr, Ann Cooke, Mount Olive; Mrs. Russell Perry, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Herring, Wilson; Mrs. Knott Proctor and. Mrs. Dail Laughinghouse, Jr-, Greenville. PRES! MEETING Plana for organizing a. njienV or ganization in the FarmviUe Presbjr terian church were discussed ?4««t tffiS.’SSfi ^lled^thte *10^ "futc* committee is Moore, John B. Wright, Jr., Charles Fitzgerald, . * ‘ jlR/Swea .......... flilly B U Vltfl Clifton Lloyd — Henry Meeks _ Jim Bob Allen .... Johnny Thorne ... Wiliam Hobgood George Cannon .... A1 Monk Ed Meeks ...... Gordon Lee .. Mark Newton Joe Flake— Bob Harper . Town May Put Cop On Motorcycle To ChRse^eedstera The perennial problem of speed sters, and what to do abopt them, was brought to .the attention of the town board at a. recent meeting and Mayor Walter Jones echoed the fears of many local citizens when he ex pressed tire f«tr that Fannville’s fine safety record would be marred with fatal aeeidenW unless some effective way was found to enforce traffic laws. Different aptifons of town were Iheee danger pointed at Strategic points, ready to peunce Chief of Police L. T. Lncas told the board that one of his mar could be given the .title of traffic officer if the Commissioners would purchase a motorcycled He said that thisduty could be assumed without increasing the personnel of his department With the hoard’s aproval, Mayor Jonas named a committee to invest! FWowin^lret^of thorn who played: B , E. Pickett, Mnu K. E. Picket, F. W. Gass, Otis Taylor, Graydon Liles, John Lewis,' CUcren* Davis, Jack Freedman, Charles Quineriy, Cecil Lilley, Dairy James, Jr., Bert Watkins, E. J. Rahil, Ike Pollard, Crit* Hillard, Bob Paylor, P. K. Ewell, Howard Harris, ftoy Mdw bom. gafne winners were as follows; * For hitting on 10 of the Blind Bogey* Oti* Taylor, . ke«l4 Hudson dealer, was the high winner. His prise was four golf, balls, ; City for a .early in the fourth. The extra point was added after the last touchdown, making the final More of 25-6. Farmville drove down to tihe Mote* head 15 yard line in the final period but lacked the punch to go across. The Farmville defense seemed,, to fall completely after Morehead’s initial touchdown, and the victors took complete advantage of this lapse to score, rather handily. For the local eleven, Paschall Bar rett performed well at center, while Marvin Tugwell, Charlie Fitzgerald and Sigbee Dilda carried their share of the offensive load. ' Farmville plays Robersonville to night (Friday) at 8 o’clock'in the local park. The game will be the first Coastal Conference contest of the season for the local boy*. Robersonville tied Windsor, 6-6; defeated Jamesville, 6-0; lost to Ayden, 25-7? defeated Vanceboro, 18-0. . At The Eiwanis Club Elbert Moye, head of the local high school’s athletic department, talked to the Kiwanis club Monday night about athletics in general and foet ball in particular. The pepidar young coach was the guest of Rev. 2. & T. Cox, who gave him a very compli ant! expressed 4b*' town’s , ifereatien program. (Moye serves sis recreation director ) Coach Moye told the that a coach, first of all, had to have promising hoys with whom to work before a winning team could be pro duced. >6ugiidatef tor a team must have equipment, and the coach ex plained that it takes $65 to outfit a member of-the football squad. He added, however* that one of the most important prerequisites was a desire o nthe part of the: boys to play—and win. • f. ; After his talk about the elements^ of a successful athletic program, Coach Moye related some anecdotes about football players and outlined some of the basic -plays used by his team and their opponents. He stated that football was a continuing game of wits between opposing coaches. Bernice Turnage, vice president, presided in the absence of Charles Edwards, who was attending the Kiwania convention in Raleigh. With Servicemen . Pfc. Milton Williamson has Veen transferred from San Antonio, Texan, and strived, at Bolling Air Forte Base, in Washington, ,D. C., Saturday, September 29, where he will be'stationed- Pfc. Williamson’s new address is: Pfc. Milton C. Will iamson, 14409783 4th Dist. O.SJ., ' Bolling Air Force Base, Washington' Charles P. Bancom, Jr., received the rank of sergeant, .on September 13, at Camp Campbell, Ky. Sgt. Ban corn ia serving with the National Guard. ■' ' -

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