VeiU»ffi FORTT-THBZE FAElfVMJS. TOT COUNTY, NUMBER THIRTY-TWO -wr Parsonage Dedication At Free Union For 112 yean the Free Union Free Witt Baptist Church, located in Greene County, has been the fight of the community in which it is situated. Many families, generation after gen eration,-have been 'taught the way of fife here. God can folly know the contribution this church has made to the fife of its people. Determined to mate an even greater contribution, this year the church built a new, nine room parsonage and began a full time program November 1. Sunday morning, December 21, during the lid) 0a.m. worship hour, the new parsonage will be dedicated to the Lord. “Open House” at the parsonage jrfil be observed from 2*00 p.m. unfit 6:00 pjn. —Rev. C. L. Patrick, pastor V.F.W. Big Caheret Dance Tonight N«w Picks Committee* u 1 lowing committee Boys end CttHa ' Hud Cox, Bflly Smith, Key Chib: Sam Bundy, Baker, Chao. Edwards, Louis Will* fumy Underprivileged Children: Eraest Petteway, Billy Smith. Bill Creek Education and Fellowohip: John B. Wright, Harvey Jeffries, Zeb White hurst. Agriculture and Conservation: Ted Albritton, Frank AUae, Jake Keido Attendance and Membership: Alex Allen, Sam Lewis, Chss. Edwards, Glasgow Smith. Finance: Jack Lewis, Geo. Allen, Alton Bobbitt, End Thomas. Carnival: (To bs announced after January L) :v Program: Frank Harris, D«n Jones, Henry Johnson; Frank .Ross, jjr: % Inter-dub Relations:Earl Holmes, Seth Baitrow, Carl Hicks. I House and Reception: Barney Bland, Bill Rolling, J. 3. Bynum, Herman Baker, Alton Bohuitt, Har vey Jeffries Music: Gordon Lee, J. H. Bynum, C. H. Joyner. Support of Churches; & H. Aycock, Louis Allen, C. B. Quinerly. Public Relations: Fred C. Moore, Jim Hocknday, Naasif Cannon, John Williams i; Achievement Bojpol|; Tommy Vasaar Fields, Seth Barrow. ! g -»r At The Rotary Oub George Creekhrarhad Charge of the program for the meeting, Tues day night. He presented Donald Baucom as his speaker- Donald, who made a trip to Eampe the past sum mer gays a very interesting account of his visits hi Nurenburg, Paris London and Florence, four of the cities which he stated, were more re presentative Europe at this time. While in Paris he spent three weeks with a Davidson schoolmate who is attending the University of Paris Utfng with a Freoeh family for those three weds he had a good chance to find out how. the French felt, thought and acted, and lived in regard to the rest of the world. The city itself, says Donald, is beautiful with its wide streets avenues trees and shrubbery.. He enjoyed the trip to Paris very much. London was different, foggy, dirty, tie people lees friendly, foil of critic ism or th* U-&A. Tim nights were more bright. He sa£d, "It seemed strange how a efty could change from a dull, ugly place to such a bright and entertaining atmosphere.” Florence, Italy was very Interest ing. Here was tim oldest culture of Europe, soma of the greatest artist in the world. Ftavnes waa typical of Italy, the people seemed lazy, ate a lot, did not care too much about eco nomic conditions, but rather how to live to get the moat enjoyment'out of life with the greatest esse; not in a hurry to make money as tim Ameri cans ate. There were few middle class peopte, they were either very rich orrery poor. There was no ap parent outward beauty to Florence, the streets were dirty and dusty, the braidings drab, but»inside they were beautiful structured that were well cared for, and beautiful works of art were on display in them. Donald spoke of visiting-Germany but did not think the cities of Ger roomy were toe npresenjuuivas or Germany, because of the post-war conditions time. Donald suggested that anyone planning h trip abroad would enjoy a trip to Europe and he would tike to go avrin. ' Dsn Morgan won the attendance prise. Guests w*se Doaald, Bobert Bollins and Jackie W3IBs. At P.T.A. * with the Chrieti the E. r'W£i ^ hL}' ■V 1 AHJ '•IftMeti . _ . M. George Poole and Mr. and lira. - s Seawall, all of Elisabeth City, and Mia. Attired Lewis Wstted in Wilson, Sunday after of Upl of Crownsville, Md., will ■pend the Christmas holiday* Mr. and Mm. Dewey Hobgood add 1mA flm+mm «# TjunhanfAfi MW. JACK VifttMi or LUmDenoiii ■pent the week end hen with her mother, Mrs. q. C. Joyner nod sister, Mrs. H&rrv Hamer. Mrs. r— who had been 'Waiting with her daughter in-Lumberton and with her •on. Cart Joyner and. family in CHn ton, returned to her home with Mn Gates. Mr. and Mm. C. W. Hassell of . «■* 9m, and Mr*, j. - w. uasseu of ureeimoe, spent ine week end with Mn. D. S. of Mr. Hassell and Rev, Hassell, ' Mr. and Mrs. William C, Pollard dhd daughters, May Barrett, and Elisabeth, of Athens, Ga., are expect ed to arrive doting the week end to •penff part of the Christmas holidays with Mr. Pollard's parents, lb. and Mrs. J. O. Pollard. Mr. .and Mrs. James Jones and children, left Thnmday of last week for a visit with relatives In Binning* ham, Ala., and Meridian, Miss. Mr. and Mm. Jones eud^cJ&dmn will spend Christmas Day with Mr*. Jones’ parents, Mr.' and Mrs. L. L. Blakeley in Meridian. Donald Baucom, Davidson College ■tudent, arrived Monday to spend Die holidays at his home hem. Mm. M. W, Rollins had as guests on Monday, her mother, Mm. E. W.' Staton, her sister, Mrs. Henry Non kes, and her aunt, Mr*. David Brad ley, all of Scotland Neck. John Hill Paylor who returned to Ms home recently from Rex Hospital, Raleigh, js able .to be out. Miss Joan Atkinson, student at W.C.U.N.C., Greensboro, is spending the week and with her roommate, Miss Helen Bate,' in Durham. Miss Atkinson will arrive here, Tuesday, to spend tee holidays with her family. Lonis Williams, Jr., returned to Ms ane, Wednesday, after being a patient for several days at Paris View. Hospital, Rocky Mount, for treatment and observations Mrs. W. J, Rollins suffered a cere bral hemormge in tee early morning hour*, Wednesday, at her home, and continues critically ill. ' Louise Speight, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Speight, suffered a severe eye injury in «n accident that occurred at school Wednesday after noon. The extent of Louise’s injui> les has not yet been determined. Cadet Gordon Tttghman Lee, of Oak Ridge Military Academy, win arrive today to spend the Christmas holidays with Ms parents, Mr. and Mm. Gordon Lee. Father Benson’s recent visitors in cluded Bishop James Navagh the newly appointed Auixliary Bishop of tee Diocese of Raleigh and Very Reverend Thomas O’Keeffe, Superid General of the Order, whose head quarters are at Sfiver Springs, Md. Mjtb Annie BoBe Gardner has re turned to her home here after an ex tended Writ with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Chappell in Norfolk, Va. David Smite, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Smith, has heal confined to Ms home with sense of chicken pox. Robert Rollins, student «t the Medi cal School of Duke University, arriv ed tee first of tee week to spend tee Christmas holidays at Ms home hoe. Mrs. Eugene Hobgood and Pitt Mi lsiiahh»4 • Mr. and Mr*. W. A. Grissom of Macon, spent Sunday with ' Be?, and Mrs. I* C. Vereen. Allen C. Drake will arrive Gils the week end from Johnson Cfty, Tom,, to spend the holidays with his family. Bast Carolina CoUsg* students, Misses Pat Corbitt, Jew and Anne Bynum, Gayle Flanagan, Nancy Du Moon, Seleta Tucker, Bays Hatha way, M«*y Frances Allen, Ruth Moore and Janet!, Paschall Barrett, Jack Williford and Alfred A, May will arrive Gils week end to spend the holidays ftt their homes here* ... Carolina students, Bob Smith, Robert Pollard, Miss Pat Allen and Miss Jess Carraway will arrive today to spend the Christmas holiday* at their homes here. Miss Elide May, student at Flora Macdonald College arrive? today to spend the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward May. J. T.. Bundy is a patient at Pitt Memorial Hospital, Greenville. Mr. Bundy entered the hospital Friday light. Mrs. PYed Smith had as guests, Sunday, her niece, Mrs, Abe Hoggins Mr. Hoggins and son, Bari, of near ifencebore, and Mr. and Mrs, Tom lerring of Wilson, Vivian Speight, small daughter of dr, and Mrs, Marvin' Speight is con lined with chicken pox. Mrs. T. 8. Byon and Mrs. J. M. Ifewborn were Rocky Mount visitors, Puesday. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy. Bullock of kyden, spent the week end with Mrs. Bullock's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. ’Yank Harper. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Joyner, and dr. and Mrs. T. R. Miaelle attended he funeral of an aunt of Mrs. Joy leris in Waynesboro, Va., Sunday. Mrs. C. L. Langley and Mrs. Har rey Jeffries were Greenville visitors, Puesday. Mr, and Mrs. J* H. Byrtum, Sr., and drs. Fred Smith visited Mr. and Mrs. Pom Herring to Wilson, Thursday tftemoon and night. Charles Allen Serves [)n Attack Cargo Ship Serving aboard die attack cargo (hip U.S.S. Uvalde is Charles M. Ulen, seaman, U8N, son of Mr. and dre. B. M. Men of 407 North Main (treet, Parmville, Allen, who entered the Naval ser dee in June 10(2, received recruit raining at the U. a Naval Training 3enter, San Diego, Calif. Before entering die Navy, Allen ab ended Parmville High School, and vas employed by Colonial Stores, Inc, The Vvalde famishes supplies for Vrmy, Navy and Marine forces in the Orient, and gives, the crew a chance to “see the world” Navy fashion. About every dime months, the dhip takes on supplies in a port in Cali fonua and heads for snch interesting places as Pearl Harbor, Tokosuka, Sasebo, and several Korean seaports. IN FLOKIBA DURING HOLIDAYS Miit S. A. Roebuck andsons, Shel by. Robert Everett and Gua Ross, ivill spend die Christmas holidays with Mrs. Roebuck's sister, Mrs. T. topic, “The gong of the J There wfll-be special anthem church organist will present fljusia. She will play m ft | “Herald Angels.” for the of f'Mary's Cradle Banff* and til iw£“P<S5o iTowSr,” At 7:30 in the evening a Oh pageant will be praatated, < bjr Mrs. B. B. Tumage .aw music accompaniment by Mr thW J9JW, §F. Til* follow* take part in the play i Imu' Mrs. Chester OntUnd, Mhw Miller, Miss Shirley Newton, Gerald Davla, Carl Beaman, Walter Jones, Gordon tee and Mia. Joseph Batche Co* will bring a'message on, «fM Dawn.” The choir will sing a spec* tal anthem, "Cherubim Song." The Youth Fellowshipjvill present a play,“The Sorrowful Star“ Son* day evening. A choir from the Pri mary and Junior Departments will ling, and there wiU be scripture read ings by Nancy Winstead and Jackie Pettigrew. Bev. Edwin S. Coates wiU preach m the topfc, "The Christmas Met* iage,” at the" worship hour and there swill be special music by the choir. A Christmas program will be pre lented at the Sunday School Assem bly, Methodist Sunday morning the Bev. L. C, /ereen will preach on, "The Greatest Sift of God,” and then apec al music by the choir. Sunday afternoon at 6 o’clock the innual Christmas program will-be presented by the Youth Ptelowship. Episcopal At lldh Wednesday night, Christ naa Eve, there will be a celebration >f the Holy Commnnion. Pentecostal Holiness The Bev. C. L. Turpin will preach m a Christmas topic and there will m special music at the morning vor-ihip. A Christmas play will be given at he church, Sunday evening. The Funior Choir will sing. Cathsdk A High Mass at Midnight Christ nas Eve will usher in the Great feast of Christmas and climax weeks >f preparation at Saint Elisabeth’s Nathalie Church. The. choir will be tin. Christmas carols at eleven-forty md sing the 'Mass of the Angeis. fether Joachim Benson will preach luring the Maas and extends a cor Hal Invitation to the public. „ The large natural Christmas tree »y the church which attracted so many visitors from Pitt and neigh, toring counties lest year has been lighted with more than a thousand Ughts. Brother Mario has tastefully iecorated the parish house and has greeted a unique Nativity scene on the front porch. The church will be iecorated the afternoon of Christmas Eve and will be open to visitors dur ing the Christmas season. SPENDING HOLIDAYS HERE - . Staff Sergeant Jack WillisofLaek tftd Air Force Base, San Antonio, rexas ia spading the Christmas holi days with his mother, Mrs. W. M. Lillis. Jack will return to frexas, January 5. BAW Chevrolet Company will attend the showing of new ears in Spartan* &urg, S. C., Monday. -aaJ--—; KIWANIS NOTICE Kiwanians will meet at the school lunchroom for their regular meeting. Monday night, at 7 o’clock. Supper will not be served but a short busi ness period will beheld. mwjmzm? by outgoing president Glasgow Smith in a brief talk in which be thanked the did) member* for their coopera tion and pledged himself anew to the idea* and friendship* of •; New director* installed by Narron were Charien Ewards, Henry John' son, Gordon tee . and Johnny Will iams. -f'{s o-’ ■ ' Berniee Tumage is the new presi dent Frank Harris soeeeads Dan Jones as vice president, and Tommy Lang succeeds Vaasar Fields as sec retary. Jade Lewis wan re-elected treasurer, and the dub expressed it self perfectly satisfied with the man ner in which finances are expressed a hope that Mias Etna Lewis would continue her good work. (The dub recognises Jade as treas urer in name, Etna as treasurer in fact) Joe Rasberry was the guest of Henry Johnson. President Smith turned the gavel over to his successor, who call for $he.dub’s rapport Sunday — 11:30 a.m. — Homing Prayer and semon. Christmaa Eve—11:15 p.m.—Hety Communion. p •$*p m of this til; ;■!>»>. f. Negro family, consists of mother, three sms (ages 8, 3 and foar months) and two daughters (afes 5 and 7). Receives no county or federal assistance. Needs cloth ing. f. Negro family, consists ef mother one boy (age 3) and taro girls (ages 2 and four months). 8, Negro family deserted by father. Consists of mother, two hoys (ages 3 and 8 months) and two girls (ages 7 and 2). Not receiving assistance from county. x 9. Negro* woman receiving old age assistance but needs few extras for Christmas.

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