m/ftAITHKR I w ||| U »*——L. -^?***^^ - ~- w VOLUME ONE; HUMBER I*4 m Emms.« of cmrs pm MERGIKTS DFID IJkc • Bmwkc tfc« Career es TWe Once Penni leae Emigrant Hoy >r V j . FUNERAL SERVICES TO BE CONDUCTED TODAY A ■ - ■ - • Funeral cervices (or the late Hr jj Aahea Edwards, who riled at hi* home L •yesterday aornini at 11 o’clock, Urill (f h*l4 teppr'Ylte residence on Ashe (treat Sunday morning at 1# o’clock and will be conducted by Rabbi J. L. Mayerbcrg of'Oßvb Sbolem tempi*. Mr. Edwards *a< M year* of age, ami haa been la declinlnir health (or a auaibra of year*. Protracted lllfiess fol lowed a complication ,of trouble* a few year* ago and with advancing y*hrs he ftr* gradually weaker About u month ago be went to Baltimore to Hr. How ard A. Kelly, a noted *urgeon--(or con aultation and since hi* return three Week* ago had ben convned to hi* bed. Born In Labstt, Germany. November Ift, 181st. he earn# to thl* country while yet a younjc boy, alone, fricndle**, pen ail*** unable to *poah a word of Eng lish. He itarted from Philadelphia, on a email scale, and traveled throuyh the Eastern Atlntic States, and West a* far a* Kaasaa and Oklahoma, establish ing trading post* and stores in what was then frontier country. Life in the open over a period of years, with Its hardships, was not without Its rewards physically and until recent year* tin deceased wa* a robust, nß'lt man. Capa* Mere Fifty Year* Ago Almost fifty year* ago, Mr. Edward* came to Goldsboro and for n long time conducted n general clothing store in the building now occupied by hi* son. N. A. Kdwards. and Albritton and Cos. He rise did a large business in horse* and mules, conducting a sales stable as. an adjunct to his mercantile busi ness. In his Ister years, before ha re tired entirely from active life. he. en gaged la farming too. About tan yaar* ago he surrendered the cares at business and was succeed ed by his son. N. A. Edward*. Although inaetiee for the loot few years la busi ness. he remained vigorous and was alert and Interested la the development of Goldsboro. For tbvse past ten years, he haa been a familiar figure on the etreel* of Goldsboro. moving about towa in an old fashioned horse nnd buggy H# Barer- quit* roeonclled him self to the automobile. Married Oct. 11. »TT October HI, I»T7. he wa* married to Miss Flora Falk. Through the 45 years of their married life, the union was an exemplary one. Seven children were born to them, two, an Infant daughter aad a son, Leonard, preceding Mr. Ed wards to the grave. The others living and married are Mr*. William Urban aky of Salisbury, Mrs. L 8 i ohn of New York City. Mrs. Aaron Hyman of Fhfladelphla.l Mra. Judith Edward# and Mr. Nathan Asher Edwards. Five grand children. Miss Lucille Urbansky. Mr. Gordon I'rhansky, Mas ter William Urbansky and Master L B. Cohn, Jr., of New York also sur eiv*. On# of throe brother* who came to this country soon after the sub ject of the sketch,' Mr. Llppman Ed*; words, P*. s resident of Ooldsboro. sur gives. Th* brothers who preceded hint t„ me grave were Messrs. Aaron and Joseph Kdwards. Went la Esrope I*l* Accompanied by hi* wife, who sur vive* him also, Mr. Kdwards made a trip to Europe in I*l*. revisiting hi* birthplace and the scene* of his youth. When he returned to America some month* afterward he told friend* that ho was glad to get back to America and to Ooldsboro. Th* aettv* pall bearers, all nephew* •f the deceaaed, will be: Messrs. !**»e Cohn. Max Coha. Sollie Isaac*. Nathan Joe Edwards. D*ve Edward*. Clarence King. I.«*c Cohn and Ben Edwards. Hon orary pall bearera from his huslgdsa aseofiate* Will be W. E. Strtfud. Or. W H Cobb. Frank Borden, Joe Ros •athsl. Lionel Weil. Bonn!. Co», *• jack Smith, George C. Royall. Lorile taL)l J 8. Warwick, Col. Joseph r. Sbin.on and A. "W. Falkner. Interment will be In W Glow Dale cemetery in >lot tmeiMns DROWN IN WISCISIN Thoiißh He CmiM Not Swim, n HyatNiMler Started to Their 1 Rescue l WAUSAU, Wls„ June » Bodies <•! three girl student* *f Msealbon » oun ty. Normal School, aad at tempted to re*cus them, weW recover <1 today from the Waleon.m River where the four drowaed yesterday m the presenre of score* of el*** male* ot r< The dead! Ethel C,enrich; Bradley; Derolhy Hawks* and Martin sHs'isc. ■ . . TH# three girl*. In company with Edna Hammond went In swimming during s gsadusting picnic. Ventur ed ,„M bned In hand, they *ts-pi»cd Into * hole Mis# Hammond, the only one who eould swim, reached shore. A» Uie other* went under, llanneman, who N uld pot swim, started far the ep»i where the flri* Were last »•••. •"'* he, fan, disappeared r '-'A—'- <iliv —— ', .8 , lAI m m. m M J a I m. m. m 1 ym ■ wm wj 'B a m f%r JL iw A 1 JLI ▼ ▼ I - . : m iflu ‘ WARD WITNESSES KING ROUNDED UP I Am—g Them Art a Brother \ and “Modame Zfti{ler," ea French Maid I ’» *1 WHITE PLAINS, N. TV, June 9. Westcherstet county authorities spent today roundisg up more witnesses to h# brought hefnr* the grand jury next j, Thursday when tbdt body reaumeslts investigation of the slayiag of Clarsnce Pater* by Walter 3. Whrd. r J It was understood that lift new sub ' | poena* had bgea Issued, those upon • j whom they are served included George IS- WFtd. Walter's fathwrr Ralph D e 1 Ward, s brother. Madam Zeigler, a , Frvpvh maid who went under the name of “FI-FI” and Who left the Ward >.{household shortly after the shooting | and two other persons believed to bo | friends of the Wards who attended the ' card party on tha aight Peters was •.killed. -| Although Sheriff Werner has recall r #d hi* deputies sent to Ryracoao In a i; vain effort to question two men heliev i ed to ho the missing “Charley Ross" . and “Jack 9 ' who were with Peter* when . Ward said he attended a meeting with ( ; black mailers, the starch for them is _ i being pressed, # < r Werner said ho believed they would , bo located In Watertown or Asburn, al though If was barely possible they might strike out far Canada. George 8. Ward, father of the slay, er, and Ralph I). Ward, his brother, will i be called before the grand Jury when it resumes investigation of the caao | Tuesday, it was reported today. It was understood that the alder Wald would be examined concerning ' tha radiogram* reported to have paas ' ed between him and his son as be was returning from Europe on th* Majestlr shortly before el’tors was slain.' He ha* been reported to have re 1 plied to a message from hi* ton ask -1 lag aid In meeting a $75,000 blackmail 1 demand, with the statement that he . would not pay one rent" for blackmail, hut ''would spend SIOO,OOO to put thoae '.men behind the bars," i I ] - . .. - emu GROWERS WILL ! BE ISKED TO EXPLXIN ,1 •* Charge Thai Amsorialion Com „ hatted Fanner I-fginlation i Ih to He Aired WASHINGTON. June 9.—Reeponding to summons. James K. Masoa, of Chl ,'cago. treasurer of the United Rtites Grain Growers Assoriation and Wil liam G. Kekhnrd, of Chicago, former treasurer of that association will ap pear tomorrow before a sub committee BOY WHO’D TAKE A QUARTER FOR DOG “TOO MEAN TO LIVE” o William Allen White 1 Atwails City Authorise* for Making “Mwan cst Inference” About Emporia lioya in Advertiuing for Strays EWtatRIA. Kan., Juno 9 ißy the A* stM-isted Press).—-A boy wbo would take a stray dog to the city pound to b» killed for a quarter Is too mean to live himself, declares William Allen I Whit*, author and editor. In a state m#nt in his paper, th* Emporia Gasette. i Mr. While’s protest in behalf as the j dogs was evoked by an offer of 28 cents a head for dog* brought to tho city j pound by boy*. 0 “What's th# matter with thl# city ' administration, anyhow T“ Inquired th# Kansas author. “Were they nov#r boys? Her# they at# advertising to giv# boys 25 cents for sach stray dog brought into th# city pound to be killed. Doesn't th# city admlniatration know that the 1 Vaientino Case May Get to the Grand Jury IXIB ANGKLKS.'June 9. At torney Woolwtne still I* considering asking the grand jury to Investigate Ih,. case bf Rudolph Valentino, film actor, recently accuse! #f bigamy but discharged upon preliminary hearing it became known today. It was LnAi :*4 he hud Issued subpoena*, fur wit nesses at the rocent hearing to appear before the grand. Mr. Woolwina is making sn invesll gallon of the law and the evldrme In toe recent case against Valentino, and [it is not eertsin Just when he will have the witnesses erarained. Tulsa to Regulate the Employment Negroes 0 TULSA, Okla.. June 9—Th* city commission soon will ennet an nrdl , none* lo regular# employment of ne groes in all pulili# places her#. Marry W, Kisladdon, commissioner of police said today. Yeaterday a police order i > quiriog that Tulsa hotel* discharge all negro employee# who## duties brought them into contact with guest*, was modified by R<e.e Moran, chief of poliro, so a* t*» apply only to ryuomln, houses and small transient hot< |e '•* (Itef Moran said the actum us the p.,|iftc depart meat la matin* the order |was prompted by “toorol reasons." Mil Ml DM 1 DISCUSS GOtL STRIKE - Further Confer—ceH. Retail Dealera Say. Ara “But a Waste of Time” <4 , WASHINGTON, Juneriß.-A confer i *nc# was held tonight hetwoen Seer*. > tary Hoover of th* Department of Commerce and Rqiatnr itorah, of Idaho, ; chairman of the Renat* Labor commit tee for discussion of the coal atrikt and price fixing agreement. Legislation auggsstad by Senators In addition to explanation of the price stoles arranged through Mr. Hoovfx were understood to be on the program for discussion. Senator Borah 9 had asked suggeslloaa from Mr. Hoover re garding legislative action was known and H t is believed probable tk« leg.da tive u* well, as administration matter would be taken up, The conference It was reported war arranged upon the initiative es Secretary Hoover who was said to desire a personal confer ence to supplement the recent exchange «f telegrams with Senator Borah. In connection with th* cool price quratlon, Red. rick Stevens, of New York, chairman of the governmental re lations committee of the National Re tail Coal Merchant* Association declar ed today in a letter to Secretary Hoov er that further discussion of tbo mat ter would be a waste of time. Mr. Stephen’s letter was to Mr. Hoover’s reply made public last night to the retail coal merchants statement on th* existing price situation. Mr. Hover odeciared Mr. Stevens had foilod "to consider th* Interest* of a substan tial proportion of th* tonauming pub lic" Ih attempting to present an ad vance In th* price of bituminous cool and had “dellbsrutsly’ ’lgnored the fn tereats of the people In refusing to treat with the retail merehaat* in an rffort to solve the problem. of tbo Henhte Agricultural committee with the account books and record* of their association. They will be ques- as to the use which kn* been made'of the funds collected by the as soriation and the work it has done to promote the interest* of Its member* and format;* generally throughout the country. Tho sub committee of which Senator . Keyes, Republican of New Hampshire, is chairman has been conducting an in quiry under s resolution introduced by former Senator Kenyon of lowa which ] alleged that the National Grain Heal ers’ Association hnd raised a large fund for the purpose of romhatting certain agricultural legislation. The nub com mittee hnt information Senator Keyes stated today which charged that the grain grower* association had collei tod •n Initiation and due* from docs of its 00,000 members of $04)0,000 and had, in addition, borrowed and not wiihitandign Its requirement* ilil ft«‘ members buy contract shall place thsir entire grain rrop within it* centre! for five years had not marketed any grain for Its member*. boy who would delTherotoly bring a •tray dog to the elty pound to he killed] for two Mts ought to ln< killed himself! Don’t they know that hoys ore apt so hard hearted? Don’t they know that the average boy would rather earn two< bit* mowing a lawa with a straight string of boys marching by Him to the swimming hole rather than to see -a | stray dog killed? “The advertisement bad In it the meanest inference about F.mporla boys that ever ha* bee* mad*. “Think of theyjrind of a buy who val ued a quarter abovt the life of a a stray dog -any dng on earth!*/, M». 1 White’s first hook was entitled “The' Court of Iluyvlllo.” „ " State Alleges Bißham Letter Is a Forgery COLUMBIA. 8. C.. June • - Affidavits were introdueid by RolicitOr tiasque In court at Klorenr* today' designed to show that the letter introduced by K<l rnund Bigham as newly evl-, denes, in which Rmiley Higbam de clared his purposo of killing mvmbrrs o| his family and ending bis own life, wa* a forgery. Arguments fur a new trial for Mfg bani are being beard by Judge Hbipp in the Florence court today. Colgate Students Are Charged With Arson BTCACtIfIE, N. Y. t Jtioo l» Five i-I gat# students were nrrratid troUy rkargsid with »r»un, followiog four fil - in' and near the roller# town last night as the el iotas of annual moving up day i exercises. Donald Cnrherry, Westfield, N J. ( John Stratton, Fair Hills, N. .J., Ri< h ard Waseeripiin, Jersey t'lty, V. M Hoc lon. Pultney, Vermont, and George 4 o rail, of Binghamton, N. Y, aye th prisoners dorfceted * •-"t’hcw your foud, Doris, In for*j tea swallow it; your etmoaeh hasalfi "eefb to chew with." "Min# has. tj swallowed two last summer."—’Toronto] teregtaiw. i • - —i - ■STM®' : WM HEM , IMG THE MIS Proapcrity of Van King. Negro, Explained by Hunt* Bond Robbery ;l* ' _ : T HIS HAITI, A(i(iRELATES ;| SEVERAL THOUSANDS » * 1 A source of affluence thst for month* ’’has baffled th* pollen and literally , 'TTnbl>rr gii sled the dark town population I rame to light yeoterday when -Van Hu ren King, railway mall clerk, colored, I was scat to jail oa a Federal warrant . charging him with ruhblag th* mall*. ■ King, a brothar and business partner . of Lehman King, undertaker, was ar i j rrated hero late Thursday pight when >* he finished hi* rye Bom Morohead City, inspector* Yaritotp. HoJgta and Kahn, with local r'iiunty> and city - of ficials, mad* tho nrreat and, armed > with a search warrant went to his 1 home in little Washington and thero found — Fashion tailored cloth**, some seven or eight suite-cut-away*, frock coats, • port coat* and whit# fusers; over .hats, English 'slip-ons’ and Garbar dihea and evening capet; shoos for ; morning, afternoon and evening wear, nearly a dose* styles ahd colors aad hose to match; rainbow surfs and modtshly perfumed kerchief* for the upper left hand coat pocket; shirts, sport, dree* end plain—“in silks and {satins and pongees; aatbnsht Gay col or. .1 pajamas and Japans*, edition* of gentleman's cool wearing apparel! 1, Van Huren wna tho stuff. Built Him A Now Howe. This la only the beginning and re presented just a few llhoriy bond* Van Huron bad “snatched,” say th* offlisrs, while they were entrusted to Uncle Ram's usual meticulous cate snd rhsrgr. Van Huron had contracted for a brand new home, a sort gs Pergola ef fect at shout $.1,079 and V*n Bit ran had, again according to th# office**, sot hi* brother Lehman up In th* un dertaking business and hg all outward sign* Lehman's Inititisftr iwas prosper j ing whether there wera deaths. In the 1 community or not. Than running, aa he was, between Moreh. sd GUy -or! Beaufort to be saact-Van Huren bad dreamed and lately planned for a swell | home down on th# coast of Carolina. And. what’s morn, qdmq th* officers went into .King’s straftg nruv box Thar* 1 day night thry found scattered among th# fluffy things which served Van Buren wm he' wont on drea* parade - SM), $lO, and sl«* note* es the same government ho had been working for carelessly strewn about among hi* .personal effects. * Inspectors Hot In PnronM. For a matter of neariy six months now, tho post office inspector* hove been piecing odds and ends together to make out th* caa# against Van Ba ron. It *m* In January last that V package of currency, SAt4)O, was miss -1 cd in the malls. Van Baren then waa running between Hamlet aad Weldo*. | About the same time the Page Trust Company sent a package «f Liberty bond* to th# Nalioosl City Hank of New York, nine SSO bonds. It happen ed they were registered. The registra tion io what proved Van Bureak un doing. 8. J. Hinsdale, cashier of th* honk, was here yeatvrday aad by the number* on the bonds, also found in Van Bursn'a trunk, identified them as a part of the shipment h# mada. last January. Th*fl of the bonds,, amounting to $159, and 'hi puck a*, of $3,000 |n currency, worn 'the two charges' upon which he was held. Commissioner Britt required hall ,of $10,900' pending an investigation by a Federal and falling to furnish the bond King went to jail la Raleigh. He was represented at the hearing by Hugh Dortch. fcr * " Lehman AUe Indicted. -» * An indictment against Lehman King, brother, for complicity-in the rohbory i of th* mails wa* withdrawn, it devel oping that Lehman Was acting as agent for hi* brother without any knowledge of where the vast wraith waa coming (row King will he tried at th* next term of Fvdoral court. FIND BODIES OF TWO ALLEGED IB’ «e*MM>o>a«N*» (Jenorul Blanco and Martinet. ; Prominent Military l*eadcnt. Shot by (’iiatom (iuardN j— , Daring the past three weeks one death ami nln* case* of typhoid fever have bees reported to the Weyn# Coin ty Health Department. I>r. Ellington, the l nunty Health Officer, sends out a warning in all, who have not receiv ed prvwntlge treatment within three years, to apply at the Health Depart ment Trificr, -m (he Caurt House, today far the first treatment. Moth wh.tc and colored people will be given free vacrlnotion each Saturday. 'Three weakly treatments sre necessary In protect agiilast typhoid far the#" ier mare years. (’hicaffo Marmgcr Ih Sunpcnded rTtim t>ame NEW YORK. Junr 9 Manager Wil liam Klllofrr of the < biragn Nationals slid Oscar Odgey. rearb es the Chicago , leaaqe'Vtrr notified Ibis sfternean by Jut* Heydtor, pmmMsmft ms Urn Mmriwe al Usgsse that the) hod boon enapend ' ad Indsrfiaibely fee their run is with DEFERBS GEORGMS iineaD | <;«vsm*r ganteMi AfdM. Tuskcgoc With Bondi dr Out LAREDO, Texas, Jgnc •—The bodies of General Lucjg Blanco, Colonel An rsdio Martinos and Major Garda, hiilrd ’by Moxtcan Custom guards aad ahl diera Wednesday aight a* they headed. * *" •Udfvd invading partx Into M*a- Icp. were recovered from th* Rio Grand* today. , | Th# bodies of Martinos and Blanco, f haadcuffed together, were t discovered by boys fishing on th* Amtrioan side “cor th* Holding Institute and the • railroad bridge her*. Th# bddy of Gar ' tie was removed from th* rivor a mil* 1 below., Blanco, one* prominent In j Mexican military rireloo, but recently r a refugee la the United hates, had ' I been shot through th* heart. Martinos I was shot through tho head, while Car- I cia’a body showed .* wound la the . »«* a j : One report has It that Garda waa , not a member of the invading party 1 , 1 but wa* a federal officer and that be was shot accidentally by his own men i ! during tin confusion incident to the . rapture of Ut>n«rnl BI«co The hoys . to th* handcuffs which glnhod together, - i Marlines and Blanso war* found Ini r t Garcia’s clothing. ij»inu f ‘j MIGEUTE. IS HERD j• ~ j Popular Owaor of Clevclaad | Club l*»fi Away Astor i Lome lllmmb . *1 1 - - - * ; * CHICAGO, lll H Jum •*—(By Mm. Aa j sorialpd Pros* l—damcs C. Dana, proal dent and chiof-owhoc of th* Cleveland American League baseball club, died her* at 0:10 a’cloch this morning. Mr. Dunn’s death com# aftor a long i 1 Illness which first boUsaio ' acute last j February. Falling to respond t# Boat- j ment given hln% hero, k*t want Booth ; and wen ho returned there waa a ha* t > tlceahle improvement la bla rendition It did net loot, however, and ho hnd been confined to bis homo here Tor some time. He Is .survived only by Ms widow, that* being a* children At Mr. Duan’s beside whin ha died ware his three niece* and bla wife. Th# end came quietly, hi* physic!** re part *•<!. fl ‘ I While definite arrangements havo i net boon completed for tbo funeral, It i ha* boon decided to comply with a last ! ruquest made by tbg baseball mtg nal# and bury him In Marshalltown, j lowa, hi* hirthplaco, and tbs city al- I REVOKE TEACHER'S LICENSE \ ! FOR PERMITTING DANCING [ i ; “School Mono” in Kbmbbb Town Briata Doom Wrath of Sapor- ■ intendent of Educmtion for AMowinc gtudoaU to TH, Uto. essimu. ; tmammmmmrnm ».> f ' EMINENCE, Kan. Juas P (By th* I Assoriatx>d Frets# ),--Not counting prol- J 1 ri# dog* aad Jack rabbits, this wastera ( Kansas village had B$ iahahlUoU at I last count, moot of whom do not con-, alder dancing sinful, hqt because she * .permuted a dance to be held in th# ' .oslivnihouse. the "school marat," Mrs. i data Whito has had hor teaching ear- i \ tifirato revoked by Miss Lorraifte I W mister, state superiotendeat of *d«- | cation. Aaaaoemettts Few ■ | Eminence la $0 miles from a railroad, t and though that ta *ot ae ter as h waa < i before th# days of the flivvers, amuao- | menu as yst are not exactly pteatltel. | What there are the community has to evolve for itself, and community dances i were a (evored .form for that. ' Mr*. Whit# soys, however, that sloe* t she allowed s dance to be held in the l 1 school house and attended, ,*k« ha* | { been informed by (he state superlnton- 1 . dent of education that she has broken t ORGANIST ARRESTED j ON A LIQOOR CHARGE taler. However, He Is Keleaned on Ike (•rouiMle of huuif- Helen! KvMekceill *' **■ -■ —i jt j IHISTHK. June Herbert ff W. ' linwnoa, aup*rvlaor of ngaii In th# public arhoola of Harorhill ta4 n rhurrb organ lat In iMa eitjr, ati j brought bofor* a Udcml rnmmlaalonnr berr today aa a rcawlt of a raid an hla , hom > at Haverhill laat night whan a tlfßWlHAjr at whi»k*y waa aalaad. Com pOiiaatonrr llayca announced that |>rua«- i rattan would h* dropped- baaanaa It ' area unread by prohibition aniarca mant oflhclaU and othara that Mr. Ikiwna “*a« a *i*ti«* of eircumnlanfwa." , fio bullion Soparviaar Jantca P. Robert* aald lha raid and aalaura at i iha Itaaraie how. were made aa a ro lonlt as ft • that young woman ala dan la aß’Jmdford acadrm> * had bean Tears Ram In Dramatic God Guard r " ■ ', ' » ‘— - . t c ——— 1 1 DEMANDS MORE TRAN BTARVATtON WAUICB Tho avsrag* lacgwp, of tbo grow rr far a ported as als >ear* has hooa less than $840.00 a family, off 1 •f this tahacco that oeeryhmdy els* | makes a profit oa; aad tha govern m**t says that slsdoJo a yaar cm hoop aa Agmrlcan family an a da root standard of Uilsg. . Wo say tho merehaat la *u!Mted to a profit, Ih* hanker la eotUted ta a profit, Ih* hayrwr la aatltted ta a I profit, ||m» TririhfruH Is nlDlttl la a profit, the aaaaafarlaror, Ih* dtetrlhator, aad ■Oho* retailer. I hoy are all entitled to a profit, hat oa I* the grower—Md all w* try t* do In Cooperative Marietta* U ta I oari oat a system where everybody 1 shall matte a fairly reasonable prof < (t oa a thing tec which Mm roaaam < er always pay* a goad prictgraad la 1 whkh there Is enough aria I* real- * br gtv* a profit all tho way dawn Ih* Haa, Incledlag th* llltte hay aad J th# llltte girl wha are aval aat la tbo (laid to pick off the lahacrg woram—Aaron ftagiro. * ■ i way* r*t*rrod to by Mr. Dunn aa “my , bam* town.” ri n fHyiliT Br—hall I r A cembiaatlon of compllcaMana mast- ] ly internal aad iavalvia* the heart and other vital organs as th* body, causa) < tha llsvatand club owner’s death, jwhich' , occurred at hla hqme bora. Mr. Dana, , besides being own#> •of tha Clovoland club erg* a railroad contractor and wide- < ly kaown in this tin* of wait. ; Th* death as Jim Damn haa taban | from baseball 'ban as It* moat noble , characters,” Baa Johnson, prvsfffdat of , the American League said teday, whoa , ha hoard that tha 0 lev* la ad club own- , or had dlod early today. ; “Jim was oas of the moot popular , rlab owaor* In ta# gaam. beesna* I# j played fate aad squprt with ovary- , oa*. Hla players loved Mm gad th* | public loved him. During hla «vo *r , ' sir years a* owner as th* Ctevplaad j club he mad* blmaolf a big brother ta , wery oa* la th* gam*. Hla death wn» aa Irrepaspbla loss ta th* America* , League and t# h*»«k*ll n* * whom." ’j WIH Nat Play Gama- , f’IKVWLANfi. •- <•*»* $■ ManggSl J Trl* Speaker oa ramlvlg a me***#* , (rate Chicago that Mr. Dgnn had dlod . this morning, sanouncod that today's , gam* between the Cloeoland and Wash , Ington teams here Would not bO piny , bC* * . Th# largost ear at prsuffttri •* ' British railways to loaa than 00 font , long s r t liLlll ■HIT TT . —— g Kansas tews and trlflsd with tha dlg atty of the commonwealth For that J reason oh* has boo# officially inform- | ed that hor toachera’ rorttfltal* will not * ho raoowod. Done* feat Object tenable ' Mra. Whit* has written dBF 111 * there „ wo* nothing ohjcOttMohl# about tbe h dance, and It wqp * perfectly proper * *** ter 0 school house ootolde of teach-, I 1 Ing hour*. Ml** Woocter, the state m-i* perintendent, known os OO Inveterate; ” foo of tahaoo*. toko* a different view. A Dancing, oh* nape, to particularly hem • ous In n sc boat teacher, aad whan the . offense take* pteen within th* very i a paytols of th* tab not tha off**** *«»###*; pretty near being teae majeste. Meanwhile there hasn’t been se rnueh ’ excitement In Mali ae nee since the t#Wa 1 # was the ceanty seat as ojd Garfield ( county, later abolished, aad th* ritl-; # aoas wcat to bod with shotgun* prep-1 , ped conveniently do*# to repel at- j f tempt* es rival towns to tarry off th* , manly acat daring th* atgM. c» *[ a ■ - , ■ ...hi' a j buying whlahoy &•**■ Mr. Kobaf*g aai>tha had Mlaa Cath arlna Darfaa, a gradual* as Bmdf«rd,|< ’ which la th# oldaat and on# afutho meat j 1 fnahionabla girl arkoata In th# tuna t • | try, ga to th* Dowaaa horn* a day ar < two ago. bringing a flank with bar. 1 Mia* Hurfr* r*ported to him, ha aald. I | that tha flaak waa flllod by Mra 1 .Uowano. who arooptod payment as |l ! Ifor th* half pint of whlahoy whlrh Mlaa Uurfoo aabaagaanlly brought t» hla as. \ •aa. Mr. Roberta addtd that th* nhh- ‘ k«y waa of im4. taolu y and "apnarr •atly from tha aarh* aourr* as aufply ■ aa tha lii|uor whelh waa fouad at >ka I ’ Hwwaea A-ald«n4* y*at*rday." It waa 1 , • «« thia avidvnr* that a aaarrh Warraat L 11 1 waa obtained. r Th* tiruhibitlsn anparafanr aald that' | • ha want to tho lloww*a' home, whlrh la! | • directly oppoalta Mradfnrd ardrmy, | laat night, and found twa bot'laa as , ’liquor on tb* third lt>or, cure rod by ( • clothing. Mr. Down** whoa arraatad ' rlalmrd ha hn*w nothing of tha llgaar. I Amarica'a *r»t grant mrrrhandia* f ■ fair, mod#led after ateMlar fain haldi i 1 ! far ago# fa aona# of th Aid world eitlet, t ■I la to ha hold In Now York City naat « lAugoat, under th* *»apir«* of th* oa-'j * tlonal mail dry gam da aaaa*iattaa. hucsg sdfsafd When Ham Scene, Begr Girl’t Sou/ DRLOLINESS' WHS EIIEK SUBJECT Kvantgiut W»n» Mm W»b N«klmU Hpiritual Wgtfaw if nu rMi—R RAMSAY PROVING TO VERY POPULAR ftINGRR "Yog can't save this w«rid, aahady experts to save It, U* Bible dtssgS'aar ‘t, save tbo xrorid" Mr. Ham, apaaktng from tbo subject 'of “WorLPiftess/ *Md last night “Yes asust ha saved from the world, for tha world and worldliaeaa at* property of the devil.” The cervices opened toot night with four songs end rioted with e bard ruin. The Baptists who started homo- oeriy from th* tent didn’t edud getting Mm wetting they did. Bui the must have had a uiff . It W&lBI tptinkled, it waa poured, and lltehi who were in It got Immersed. AIOSOOft with the last word ottarod hff MW preacher last night, tha hogTOtO gumik #<l up siul considerable dompmmadPP ..ended on tbo earth. Announce moat waa aaadt test eight Ibat s section Will be mooffoOMfil mmr to Urn HjM of lS» Altar th* *<talog* of Vhoroduy Ml' when most of th. choir .toyed ot bS' } th# srngers earn* out lo fall tags,) full bloom last night. OTtaadPfnmh •a. ptafc l.vaudor and oroag. ootarod were in evidence, Thor* worn OO Rl» 1 present Mr Ramsay --grtgf ji rhuir Off early, and th* sioatug the highest order. A roudy'wibVtaH •t#n<iy fiim. of humor and music TriMT Mr Rsntany make, him OU* Os PPmSI singer, of th* evangelistic flgjA 111, a."* Hiild Hi*sfl«4 alngßT . Marly in tbo *OM jm«J th, r, fuiin#ss <J XSbfS pruoritor mm plained, but the “World to *f ttte fovtS and cam** into that groat alogorr —j Th# *orld. and ttaZ^l with a strong illastralio* of u amM who educates th* mlml aad bgdio* of xasjiLSsHt; day and teaching a great teal M iteff that dreg* down end ratal tha youth of the lauf, white th* father aud Ih* mother era sacrificing their ehUduog while they condoct a mad ebaoo tat gold." H* told of a mas who hod oout Ml son through the unlveraUiea of . th* land. Three days after the tad hud token hi* test degree aud wm* rutdy ' to start hla practleo, ho died. Th* fath er stood at tho grove Os ta* sou gad ” there mossed out that h* bed educat 'd th. body aud miud of th* bew, bta had neglected hla seat. Calling hi* Ht- H' 'inughter to hi* aid* «jt* Mmftabt put his arm around her oaf g|«Nite> ally exetotetad ”WiM I over taMM) to "•and by tko aid* of th* m««n as MBs little girl and any that I have mtaaut rd her mind dud her body! WMI Fovor *** her la her grave aad has* Ip miff that I have aoglocted hay amMT Al mighty God. faeMd It." Hundreds as poapi* wapt as bn told tha -tabetic story and Aw ha enUod hi* littte girl, n black hnteud hvowa ejtod slip of a afri about ton fmaeo aid. and she stood there with Mm Mg gnash or towering aver her nad altering a fervent prayer that h* might fgvot' forget th* welter* of her soul, the area* wna issgrooaiv* with aoMotaMj and jmthot. Old own lot th* tour* stream dew a their tec** Mid yuuug girt* tried I* hid* thorn tahted oHg* of tinea and tee*. If you Mat roe year basiuoo* *s• cept far th* glory of th* f ml. thou Klu are werldly If you ufft stay ■ politic* for the glory of th* Lw< then for Cod'* sob*, gat oot, saastMut ed two es th* atreagooft sootaueo* of th* sermon last night “Which weald you rather ho. Lmoa ro. <>r th* rich moot Th* Bumduy school tea'her asked th* lltftte hog. “Well, 1 woald Ilk* to ho th* rich osao when I am alive aad Luoaru* when I am dead," Woa tbo boat story of Ih* ••rv I r*. , - *0523 Duo* during th* eogrto of tbo *or nron Ifr. Ham took two girtai end held items over Mr. BUmguyh oyoC So •anted to illoatrato how fifty eouts rould blind * man to anything ota*. Mo burrowed the two qaatOoto teem Mr Ramsay. "‘Tbo minister turned booh ta his stand to coatteur Mm SOVORM hut Mr. Ramsay thought othorwla# The ' singer made a grab far kto fifty coota, end th* crowd roared with mirth, . Th* speaking stand was ferorugsd last sight. H vdraage is. Mg sad littte. Were massed In n {treat bowl Up to the ' font es the p ett'orm and o bowl of sweet p#a*, I'rideutly. over ragod M the «i id«» of bigger Moss sms nsstlsd m***l* ally tmeti gout ta the piano 11 ootinuod oa pogo lltou* .J* ..rALci

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