PAGE TWO <■ - ■! mmgMm J Jf A cm" UR HR » s ■■^^MBWWPWMP^MRkMM-... - . ... . ’--a- —,.>T:._a~W ■»' --*. - ■- - ■ | " JIJI ' ' '" j Ilf .- <** IUMn«i,IM <* » B'T Tell her * roftnt down 1 / t^ s rin^P 2s*] mu>* With * g|H Into MM XCUllt y»». L | P" • iw t snow which way ( L » ,a M- BhftßMa*t «m d«m taut , kUaMu- I haw walk ad and walk,*! „ !' *bMar wattle** Mr Not. I lnv. u’l , l ~wM M4ft I atoplwx salt from her «r «MMW eftto. WHftt shall I dnT , M» ftighr. novae did this torfor. Mv , MPmx Utile Mr), Oh. Ouy. ■ ( |{S WE'.SI""" | fMNMhTI#M MU’s arras and led u Mr qutotty bach U> S Us aast tn one jM •* lbs roun Oenlly ha quea i Mftsdl Not aatkt bs haft hsr quiet, a I bp iMMNUfttlWtiif Ml Imp MlWCfl. I VMM fH • Mash al lh« door #*** «|Mft»d It ft Has MrKau [ INaM*. jdr, I was just talking u> K fipH* M*M» » cM*iff«nr. who L Mm Mr mine jwopu. «ut on th- Mftth.ffhorh. ftha lira US lha *lr. -|y M tho machine. left nMftN*4)#»'to tarrfMa. terrible IM*M I III SO and «... • m«hM» anft salted a Ikaw sum Mft fM* iMM sv«v <&tobly. «i if # Mil Mr bo M 4 asm In lha ; MUm** ** lb# fitntr Orel# #ml h# “t&tf JTcMasft Hack let a brother." * ' M immslsKl "to ha iborar w.u, r f m Mdftr Whars 1 can rail hi.,.’ tfrlMk M's at tho Cecil r Thank " ttmrlok twrssA. Without betraying *' 5? hta ri7?" r ' ° »OMm totftht *tvs us I Suppose. Nits, rou have • ! ■ »#•#»• fts V pvOr to tha Oocll | -InKM'fMi #mKftft. M 0< l.« fMg w*** raondlns tha Omn.i «' "P#M| «•# oaaftht In treflk- whan j: IS®*? ***** on Lons Island " In Is M ftsasmosrtaft, mm bs gtarv»d ftown WM* Ma Mr hsaftllos. "Tha Parr In ; ■. „ •» WWMft. "wiftr. Mojr'rs frlenfts of bt Mftft Thar bava a baautltul place, m ma»»ta k MMinrs olreuawtancew. " wont an It "A mat and two Mf»i M ebaofcsft htmaatf. bt "Wb|T mat's Mb. tbs alfalr over at n< OMftftftlMM other I.tsl.t, SttpilUed el Ohraa at tbs Cast:, so MHa« a bh tossed. fr T'’* *” rl * ht - »n y dcvol.,,* •••W m U»i* Mlßty litovld o* rupv a }• *h# *!*•* of ioodsrohip. . . £"**** *^ U * 4 •< th# country nr, tho hwch country ** . »T» of tkoir *cr*ngih Thi* ••• »*lt fc*ww*ht rat at the recent m th* Aaaoctattun of C* . I j*»o**|rwont■* h* >a>d, ‘Vannot , ***** »*** f *W *•»** to a city rtrl ** —■»»»« *»d fin.need •MHBM d» •«Mwn. Mini th* I win. j •* *Sa city ta squally drvotop £J?JZJ*Lx* r - u - 25 cUtioa on til* • bit of loos. Oarr'ck took tha note and laid It own on the talUe btnldo the print. Skqp with bh pencil hs began noV "ft’tbs format k.n of letters. Ow cspl sla. a score of Uttls charactiwletlcs “Tha writing Is Iluth's, all right,” e remarked, passing both over to Uck and at arm's length In silence ointinc from one to tha other with »s pencil. "I think I’m potting a lino on loth," bo bald la a tone to reassure Mb. ““ha's a game bird—but atm Itww among tha eoaatry dwellers haa | Impressed me with th| fact that they ♦ , ** k “A®" tk * demagogue poluitian an ' thrlr friem! and savior, aad under thin had influence they have been filled Wh th# daac#roa* doctrine that the eltjr dweller, the railroad*, and all the corporationi ar* thrir cni-mle, .'• N#wd ta Kata Barit fMher lj “Thta real development will earn*,” (he continued, "to th# city whone peo ple vtalt aad know and help the rvsi denta of their rural district*. With !th. advent of aoed road* and th# aa tnmohtle the eity dweller ban no *g jeoao for not knowlnt and bring on clowot friendly term a with the farm *ra_ of hi* country. Oa your Sunday af ternoon ride*, take year wife and 1 daughter aad. inatrad as .flying hy a •.farm houao In rloud of duat. killing 1 maybe name good fat keg a, atop and ■'•ay ’howdy' to tke farmer and hi* good ' wif# fad children. You Wflll get a wel ctdhe whUh wljl astonfrt! You and gwae ' your afternoon • outing and the country I Lit# oa the farm la a ham-dram mint jeaaw from dawn till ,dark. No ; hour day exiato there. Maal Hare KeM Raw. "By aurh meona you will make life liettor worth living far them. In thr eity there ahould he n well appointed 'and furatahed rent room for the coun 't 11 dweller, when he reman to town with hit family. The room, nhuuld l>e in charge of a well-informed, diplomat | *« pemoa who wilt art aa guide and in formant; it ahould have a nuraery with leya aad a naiad box. where th* miflk 'era ran leave their rhildrrn while they do their ahopping aad where they ran direct their par Amu** to be neat by , | your storeheepetpMr Thar* might be a , i I •’ •• iWi. nmjft . Tway sat tor a moment ns, tbs ■MMhAm glgwim a t Mll > ferysd Ilerfxlaii waves tots waves of emotion. g||JMfttoiv akk ba Ulra. ms.raft “PPM m vim aft ftft aft "Paging Miss Ruth WoMrn from k tie flea Vamp. Ma t me to the Pink » Hnom tonight. Jack." , Tbq dots and dnshto ceased, itum 1 . jF^ kh Ui * *•** I. <4 Into tbd mirror „ fWuEgove Mi i a reflection fit - 9 - I I .* **• I ■j> « B & * ‘ a • o m- m I Kentucky Governor Endorses Cooperative I I Marketing For Tobacco Growers I ■ • 4 1 * ■ ■ t ■ & B II | I OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR l| I FRANKFORT | ft I -BDWIN F. MORKOW —“ I I Governor I II ~'-r *' ” ... ' ".#x - s' , • f B I May 31, 1922. , I I Massey, „ | II " Zebulon, N. C. ft (I My dear Sir: - ’4- ’ 8. 8 8 I o I have your letter asking: me for information con- | I cerning: the Cooperative Marketing: Association in I Kentucky. By this I suppose you mean what we com- I I - monly refer to as the Tobacco Marketing: Association. | I Ido not know directly the bookkeeping facts of * - I I the association. I do know;-however, that the tobac- I co growers of the state are very happy and thorough- l( I ly deligrhted with the operations of the Association B I thus far, and that they have the most joyful confidence • I I in its success. The' sales, etc., have been en- I I tirely satisfactory to the g:rowers, and from every in- I I dication the Association seems destined to make a | I gfreat success. I know that the ]>eople who have pledg:- | I 6a and delivered their tobueco, as a whole, are highly I I J ’ satisfied. I I Most sincerely yours ? I I I. EDWIN P. MORROW, * I I Governor. I m • * w ’ "*? * "*r H •/* * *, ' . ' ft 0 s. ft.; I / >ottifUf tnc yiflft Dctorc the ■ 4 y4 py >Xl> v * ~ rr *mM Jr y^^^^EEj^^P^Eßrr^^^^F'Ei rywriL; _, *y **' ** ■; 4mEk * «iKMir\ ' mlHjc f itiJ&jß • ■ ' V V *, ¥f r ,t® H *^^L.!' B /■ *■ m B * M[ B •/ J ijjr 1 1 IjJf • *f ' Jt.' timn* puab Inatrad U (Mil. BUI Coburn. New York, miula Ida My .k_ ioiulii-d , , „ . *4 fhl* Btrurigc nqulpahc. 1 :*■ Iwet. crtpidrA rtnta boyhood * — * ***"" w - '* || 1 >‘'i 1 ■»—«» * ■ 11. in . I■ ■gj BANNA W AI.Sk A AND COCHRAN DIVOKCKiI BY t’RKNCH (OORT Preliminary in Paris Will NX MreSa* Final Until H Kira* as Annual. PARIS, June H.--(By tna Auarittril Praia.) A I'nria four! decree divert inn Alexander Smith ('orhran, wealthy American manufacturer, and Madame (ianna Wal-ka will automatically be roma final August 14, it waa announe ed today. The preliminary decree waa granted laat Friday, .when it waa derided that become final within «0 N day* un leaa aome protest la entered in the meantime. It ia ronaldered improtiablr that any proceeding* will ariae that will delay the final decree, aa both par lien were represented in the court Inst hriday and the eniirt’a action ««| tak en in the agreement that the fit) day period be rrcluisvc of Sundays, legal holidaya and eourt adjournments, in ah ! ing the divorce finally effective August 14. The divorce, la Entirely arparata (rum the financial settlement ‘ previous!/ an nounerd in America. Thia aetth ment haa been agered upon, but the paper* have not JSS. been klgned. Ttudley Field Malone, Madame Wal aka/ attorney, in aaaertint today that