JHIMI «Mmm, '«ma n. i*n * Mfl. /MM W7LI PREACH X At 3 O’Glock This Afternoon and 8 O’Clock Tonight K- | „ _____ _ ■• v- .'. '.- ° ' '_| Regular Services in Churches 1 Os The City This Morning at Eleven O’Clock "<•" , ■ u . * •• * » | . * ’ Cl’ / n --MfJJ Services at 10 o’clock in the morning 8 o’clock at night beginning again Tuesday, The Evangelist will rest Monday * - . % c ” if i The Revival has been Hinder way for four days / BtF» • f, , | I *» Thousands Are - i Have You Been * LV. . I | Attending Going Regularly SMHSSp. ?r; Where the Meetings Are Held <o - «/Z£ ' .or k CffllßT SPECHCLE OMS GUESTS Buckingham Palace Presents BriSlant Seen* aa Kina and Queen Receive LONDON. Jan. 9 Bobbed haired ••PNr. trying u appear dignified, cl a*rljr OvaitN Puking a rnnaclcntioui la mi girlish, anti Amrriear mm, prnbably somewhat self ra*srioui la pi aah knee kf»ch#l, triad to fra perfectly at home la Buckingham pal whara they were presented tc Klag Gearge and naan Mary tonighi la the Brat formal raart ainee the war ‘ ii, the spectacle raakad In brilllanrt with aaythlag before the war. Eight haadred fxrasts were raaeleed. Includ •a* elceaa vieftiag American women •he were preeeated by Mtp. Georgr Wife es lb* American ambas sador. It was ths crowning moment In the decs of English debutantes, and Ibe younger not generally This is the - • r *‘ •••berate court la eight yeare, and maay of the younger generation had »»*er seen oae before # Tfce doers of Buckingham palace wera thrown open at «:*0 for the guests. Ths king, the queen. Princes. Mary and other members of the royal family arrived in the ball room at 9:90 and the presentations began at once, coatiaaing anti! ll,' Slag’s Tailor 00. Hand After all guests had been presented, their majesties withdrew for supper in the apartments, leaving the dip lemats to be nerved in the throne room and the M gnaeral company” in the larger rooms on the groond floor. All members of tbe diplomatic corps and their women folk w*r* presented % tr»t The king's tailor, carrying his small sowing hit and aciaaors. was stationed •« the staircase leading to the hall room so that evory guest could be seru liaised Jast before going into the royal Ptoeonce Those who had overlooked some minor detail as the strict cere mental dress, were taken aside snd the necessary alterations made so that they would not he rompelled to forego pres entotion td lhe king and qaeea. Aabsiadsr Harvery, after changing his mlad anc* sr twice. Anally appear ad la regulation evening clothes **- copt that he warn ths black plush breeches instead of tbe straight long trousers which be had. until s few boars beferv, Intended to wear. Other aaoa as the Aasarican embassy dressed likewise. Besides Harvey and his slat, the only other diplomat, -wearing even lag drone. Instead of gold taco uniforms I Wars ths German ambassador and one or two represents!ivss from Gatin Amerteua republics. Mrs. Harvey wore a smoke gray rrepe georgette with a bodice of trellis dia mante and a gray velvet train. ' , THE LATE CAPT. COLLIER (Atlantic Coast Lbn* News) On April 2Srd death claimed one of | our oldest and mom htghly nreperted | employees in the person of Capt. J. C, | Collier—familiarly known as “( sptatn Jpck". Captain Collier cams'' to the Allan tic Coast Line on June loth. H»«6, at * ths time this road purchased ths line between Goldsboro snd itmithflcld, ami was continuously in the service Until February 2<tb, 19111, at which time ha was retired an pension from active ser vice. Captain Collier was born Apri ,1 !4th, DUB. His genial disposition woe , for him tbs esteem of all with whom he came in contact. Ho was in hii '* usual good health until a few dayi n befuVv ha died. ‘ is si “Fl.yiNU SW ITCH Kit” I* In one, of tbs American yards Ir o Prance, the General Yard Master, a , lieutenant, (one of MTerat that worn overseas with a vary small knowledge r of railroading) was given an accident * report of some cars derailed, ths cause it being given as “Caused by Flying I Switch.” The nest day he issued or dsrs to the roadway to “Remove all 1 Flying Switches from ths yard and r have them piled back of roundhouse, * and rapine* them with regulation s switches. Do not use any Flying I Swithea except in rases of antsrgi-ary.” A HEART MOVEMENT * Returned Doughboy “Yes, the bullet struck me here in' the cheat and came out of my bark.” Young Mioa —“Morey! It might hove gono right through your heart.” Doughboy—"No, Mi.a, ray heart was in my -throat at that moment.”—De trait Nowa. BOY HAB MICMORAHI.K DAY WASHINGTON. Juae “Tima* do rhange,” Secretary of Agriculture Wal lace remarked today as he climbed out of the horso-drawa carriagr. which! by custom, convoys the agricultural chief <m official mlaioaa, and entered the White House Executive office for the regular Cabinet meeting. Hi* small grandson, aged 7, rode wiyh him in the ancient equipage. “That ia the first time this boy star rode behind s horse.” he said. CHIVALRY IN STRU’ii*, Convicts, la Kangaroo Court, Apply I -Osh to loaulter of Woman SACRAMENTO. Calif., June V. The •lory of how In ronvirt ruad workers nt Hig Bar, Trinity county, incensed' because on* of their number, Goorgi Zenavre. had horn accused by a wo man es Insulting her, formed kanga roo court, found Eenavro guilty, then ad ministered to lashes, wo* received in I d special dispatch to the Sacramento Her from Weavrrsville today. ORPHAN CONCERT Ths Middlesex Free Will Haptist Or phanage singing Class will give * con cert at the Court House Monday Mil p. m Admission '/be and Me. Every body Invited. Cams and help a worthy raaso. This date will not ronflict with the Mam-Ramsey meeting. An Announcement f Our Policy k ; From the time I decided that n the thing I wished to do the! balance of my life was tu make ,t photographs, it has been my • policy to make the best work ol: ( *J which I was capable—at as . reasonable price as Flits'! r CLASS work could. I>e. turned ii out. n Those who have kept in’ ™ touch with the growth and rs progress of The Clement Studio know that it has also been nn policy to- keep our STYLES and EQUIPMENT ahead «.f the n demands of our community, a giving Goldsboro big city Style. and Service in our pho nographic work. >c Since the first of the year g,we have been busily engaged in 'developing some new styles and plans for .reaching more of our town folks. n The first of our new styles k appeared in our windows ul>out ten days ugo, Uing smaller ; models of our highest grade t portraits— \ very moderate • prices. V I Next wetß” will appear mir “Inext iH-jng ' well photo graphs colors in all sirs Most ofrhe people of -have become aetjuainted with. | our large color work and know ’ that It has w<*n a high reputa t tion throughout the state. He ’cause of the fact that I have ' so many kintis of work do hau ’ die I have not until recently at tempted to develop the small - color work. We recently se cured the services of uu expert colorist to assist me, and w< will make our first showing anti announcement of this work j next week. It )a needless to say that the smaller color work will Ik* of the same high class as our large 'portraits, however, tint pric.es will be reasonable and within the reach of every one. It will always be our policy to strive to merit the patronage of our customers and always give a little more than a dot* lar in value for every dollar spent with us. Sincerely^ A, O. CLEMENT. The Clement Studio, ■Photographs of Anything Any where. m GOLDS ROMO MMWR i hurt'nu r "Uh. huh” i. \ otct v fiuw ul.out • r thin m(- 1 ituiii o. If yt u iietM uu. \»kv It/* 1 Virginia IUhI. i NOTICE When in Goldsboro, N. C. - Eat at the McALPIN CAI-’E IPrices are right* the place is right, the food is right, ami the man is right. , u h- HOLLAND, Proprietor Dick” ■ ■ i i f * 'Se n ’ J rrr IK ■V- ! < > J I X X « Z! '-+1 I John IVlnniß ntu*n.|* th<- Bhrlncr*’ .1 cvwvenlhm at U-. An*,l«i | ‘ n re In hta , ' i /'.'f! ,mtto '' 9 Bn l M*»cr pbu-ee 1 InJk tt'-a Uy uit v ~ ; . . ft . ' ’.V .- v ' ; . - - • ■‘ ' • ,f ' i k Jn \ * W -r.WtiihrsAßiiiiHaM 1 a* I ■«> * Your Laundry Called for and v* Delivered 'J ■ ‘ • Banish wa. li-days from your disagreeable household » 0 luties. Think what it means to you to have no disor jrani/etl routine—no sloppy tubs, irons and wash linos! fur autos will call for your on the clay that's nost convenient for you and return your things clean J JM Tint fresh. \ w ,, We do not use strong acids in And guarantee / As minimum wear and tear. Far less is occasioned careles.) washerwomen. And cur prices are very ivasoitable! WAYNE LAUNDRY . * « PHONE 147 PAGE EIGHT

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