b S' - ~~ WEATHER Local thundershowers Tuesday and Wednesday Lower lemgerator* VOLUME OMR: NUMBER HR- Big Overflow At Tent ’ in TivoSunday Services Men atfei Women Hold Inspire tlooll Mooting; Parade Post-j poned Until Wednesday; Ham Praises Sons of Ministers, Ba>p They Are Salt of the Earth; And Some Other Things; Relative to Minister's Son by One Who Knows. k * '* ahßy r. a Pkhennj Two hug* crowd* pocked the Ham ! RsmXsy tent Sunday in the afternoon to hear the aermon on ‘Why God Hu Been Silent'' and at night to hear a terrific arraignment of ain when the preacMd apoke from the text "B.- Net Deceived, for whatsoever a man *ow eth, that will he alto reap." : At* the night service the tent wna ' filled long before time for the aermon ; * and hundreds were standing around k the huge canvas* tabernacle. Many es . them stood throughout the two hour* i of service and when he alter call was 1 given fully fifty people responded at . * nirht and in the afternoon aervico. ° Mr. Maui waa at hie best la both ser- *' vices, preaching three itmes the day r before seemed not effect his voice in ; the loaat. A* toon at the song ser- 11 vices stopped tho preachr slang him- k aelf into hit sermons without reserva- ll tion, and froip hen until the close he n held tho attention of the vaa crowds. * Last night two impressive services I * l were held in the city churches. Mr. Ham addressed the men es the Lay- 11 men's Christian Federation and Mr. u Ramsay conducted a free for a'l aer- '* vies tor the Women's Federation Scores of men stood and spoke in the I 1 testimony mootings at St. Paul's, and 4 aver a hundred took part in tha ser- fl vico* at the First Baptist. The women fl turned out, In lurger numbers than did r the man. practically filling th auditor- j 0 ium at the Baptist church. | b The music at the woman's services featured. Mr. Ramsoy and Miss Ran- j h nio Edwards tang a-duet and Mr. Ram- i 1 say tang a solo, a new song recently written by himself. * The Riant parade scheduled to start at tho court house tonigh, in which all * tho ms of the city had been invited 0 to take a place, has been postponed 1 until tomorrow night at the request of those having charge of the demonstra- 1 tion. They sUW that with an addition- h ml day they will he ahlo to show a thou- j •oad more men than would have been * able to assemble by tonight. The pa- <( r»da. will *tj*£t forming pt 1 o'clock J ■itgwtrl leave the ceuH house promptly * _ at e'claeh. " Mr Rama ay announced Sunday night, ■■ ' and naked that it ho pnhßshed. that he * would hnlld tho oxtrs scats at th* tent himMlf if accessary. He said that he would Itoee those seats there if he was * forced to cprry the luather from th* * mills ■« his own shoulders. Anyone ll desiring to ae Mr. Ramsay carry lum ber will And out whMi mill he is go- • ing tp purchase it from, and then line- • up along |h* route of march. Mr. Ram say also stated that he liked the news- k paper reports beiag given th* Hireling 1 just line. * Tho most pleasing feature of the t 1 aermon Sunday night ao far as the • newspaper world present was concern ■ ed, waa th* able defense of th* minis- 11 tor's son against the greatest falsehool • over fostered on th* unsuspecting puh- • lie in Amrtca. namely, that the preach- • er'a son la th* worst boy in town. h No preacher's son who ever heard «l that report put any faith In it. but < tho minute anyone And* ou one I*,* 1 around, the st*retype expression Is, c "Oh, arc you a preacher's son! Welle* you kapw they say that th* preach- I er's son is tKe worst hind”. It anything » over made a preacher’s son want to slap t someone it Is that old ill smelling re- I mark. u "A psOacher's son ia raised in a moral * refined home, has around him thr sub- * tie influence of Jesus Christ, and ia property instructed most of the time • In th* right ways to live" Mr. Ham t said ‘And that always result* In finri t men than other homes turn ou. You * old cord playing sisters lead your t daughters around to dances, and your ' sons you teach to play cards, and the * result is that you have nothing when s you have raised your children. You r can’t expect anything. Its different I with th* pr#ach#r> children. They are t brought up rtfht, and the result has f been that the preacher's xpn has been f leading the World. Th* most pleasing thing about thr r discourse on th* preacher's son 'was I that thirty percent of the millionaire’ * of th* world ere preacher's sons, and t th* moat disappointing thing is that t th* country has already furnished all the preacher'e son to thr president's I chair it It dus to As a matter of fart I if tbs country doesn't have another i minister's son for president for the I next two thousand thres hundred years, I they will then be even with the sons , of h* reet of the people in the court- i try. That don't give us much chance. i People who have never moved Into a parsonage in a new town have tome- ij thing left to live foe Half the time I there isn't enough beds, for preerher* j nearly always have large fumi ies. Th*»-| ( In th* morning the preacher* wifr I generally, has to Uh* down all the beds i in th* hogs* *nJ go ever them with 4 gasoline to bill the bed bugs that seem,, to flourish J* aid Methodist parsonages. i Th* parsonages pr* generally furnished, with old delapidated furniture that the . i Ladle* Aid Seciety purchased at a sale, and then heckled with th* man fer a 1 little mere discount Th* fugs are , generally about the last word in ill taste. It* funny how folks will pul things ip a parsonage for the minister! and hi* family that they wouldn't i have In their homes on a Net The , wise minister soon purchases a set of furniture fer th* entire heus*. and when he take* it with him when he - moves the eld ladies complain ts the next minister that th* preacher jest he j for* took all Ih* me* furniture with , him. That Is a Rue p*c*»«|qr tbp Rear , fui stuff they have. In the p4 r> o iagn. ' * » ' ,r. 1 *»,.M ... Muni* • 1 - ■ * . * ■ - THE GOLDSfiORO NEWS _... friilU " i Mr Sm nfinm t 1 i EX - GOVERNOR FERGVBON. of Toia* who la ruoning for th* nomi nation for senator ir. opposition to his wifo. •- - - , Ahouf the most ptnful thing a preach er's son has to do i£ to eat I bowl'of j oyster soup at an oyster supper given j' by th* I-edirs Aid o purchase a new rooking range for the parsonage. He | has to appear grateful when hr eats the soup and looks for the oyster. How , gracefully the old sisters will txll them how their mama will now have a nice new stove to cook with. Then ' when they give another oyster -.upper to purchase a heater for the front room in the parsonage they will come over to the parsonage to cook the soup, met* up the clekn kitchen and leave ihr 1 dishes for' the ministers' son* to wash If the sons of the family living in thr parsonage would throw a few plates] through thr windows at the rvtreating forms of the good sisters, and hit a few, the preacher's wife would no doubt reprimand them, tell the preacher later on that night, and then they would both lay there and lahfji for an hour, i Th* very old stater that throws up her hand* in holy horror at something th* prearhers' ton did, more than like ly had a son the presrher’s son wouldn’t associate with. There i* an old church hymn that starts off "Oh for a Thousand Tongues o Sing.” A pardon to the writer of j that tong, hut "Oh For a Thousand Typewriters to wrlto shout Some Os The Things we know About Some Folks.” Little petty bickerings that go on over furnishing parsonages. The Ladies Aid societies hies their hearts, do a ldi of things to help the preacher and his family, but some are < about at low down In the scale nf Tin man respectability as can be reached. W* are going to write a book about it I some day. TS*' sermon: 'Be not deceived; God it not mo k td; for whatsoever a man soweth that Shat! he also reap. For h« that soweth to the flesh shall of th* flesh reap j rorraptlon; but he that soweth of th* 1 spirit slfall of thr spirit reap life ev- 1 erlaatlng." fialacian* vi, 7-fl. “It It the common experience of man- ; kind, as applied to material things, and that is the .only kind of things there 1 are, according to the atheists," said ' th* speaker. “They do not sow oA* and 1 expect to reap beans. Another thing . I want you to note about this test is that It Is applicable alike to saint and sinner. Indeed it was adressded to t Christian* people—those who had made a profession of faith in Christ and had afterward gone off Into the carnal ities of life. ‘‘There are three realms in which the j text truei*. the material, the carnal and the spiritual realms. It would be superflous to discuss the fir*;; for as stated, men of all beliefs arid even of no beliefs admit Ita truth. The truth of th* text 11 almost universal ly admitted in carnal matters. Men universally admit the truth of thr statement in Genesis that- 'God made everyhing after its kind.' “Under the operat'on of thi* law, some of the most trifling thing* have the most terrible result*. We are told that we may to* a thought and reap an act, aow an art and reap a charac ter, sow a character and reap a destiny. While walking on'hi* roof David looked at a beautiful woman washing herself, snd of that look so c*rrl««MMtoaMß*r reaped a horrible crop, of sina, includ ing adultery and murder, and in turn, of these sin* he reaped in his own family just whnt hr had sown in the family of Uriah. < “And in the case of David calls to mind unother phase of this awful law. White you may repent, as David did, and get God's pardon, /*» David did, you cannot avoid the legitimate harvest of the seed you have sawn. “Paul was converted and forgiven for his persecution of Christ's dlarip Ira, hut in turn he suffered more pet eerution than almost any man who ever lived. Moves was forgiven for his re hellion against God. hut his great ca reer w#« embittered by rebellions against himself. Jacob sowed deception, repented and was forgiven*, hut he reaped such a crop es deception as has fallen to the lot of no other man of whom we have any arrount. Many of you now men who have been rt-gen • luted by the blood of < hrlst and . have abandoned their sms of., dies pa tion; but they never get back thi-1r pu I rsky noV thefr health. They continue to unup through lisp th* rrop they had sown ih their slnfulnesf. ‘The Bihie and history are full of notable ityUanre| of the, inexorable operation of this law. Human *»■ hanged on the very gallows he had erected for Modeeal. Those who Uirew the thrie Hebrew children into the fiery furnace were licked up and con •umed by, the very flames they had kindled for f their victim*. Nero's moth er murdered ail the bfira to the throne except her own son, and was murder ed by him. Governor Goebel of Ken turky shot a man down on thr side walk and fifteen years afterward he , wus himself shot down on a sidewalk , The decs licked up tha blood of Ahsb L . i Continued eh Page Klvo) L* 1 . i , IHI - ■ -■«■—-■ ■« (on in .1 . MIKHCTIM J .. *tt H 1 . Governor JNUrrison Asks Them To Go WUh Him To I Inspect Fisheries By Brock Barkley. RALEIGH, June 2 1 Governor Mor rison hob invited editor* of a number of thf interior newspapers of lb# atari to accompany him and the budget com mission on the trip over the eastern water* for a look into the fish and oys ter industry. Those editor*, at the helm nf state dailies that reach tens of thousands es North Carolinians will he given An op pertunily to see |iow great are the possibilities for developing the fish snd oyster industry into one of the largest Enterprises in th* state. Th# governor's office it being be seigrd by invitations from chamber* of commerce. Rotary and Kiwanis clubs and individuals in cities and totfn* ijn eastern Carolina asking the party 'xoi make stops there during the trip Twenty-four countiea ar# directly aseo- ' rioted with the fish and oyster industry and many mere ar* closely connected ’ while the entire state ‘it looked up on at interested in the possibilities of this field of development. The editors invited ot take the trip ere Col. Wade H Harris, of thr Char-I 'lotte Observer; Chat. K olßnson, of th# Asheville Cltixen; Hertford Martin, of tne Winston-Salem Journal, and Earl# Godboy of th* Greensboro Dally New*. The party will leave Elisabeth City Monday, July 10, It will visit fishing grounds in Currituck, Albemarle, Pam lico and Bogue sounds. Stops will he mud* at Manteo, Swan Quater, per haps New Bern, Beaufort and Morehead City. Th# governor expects' to go on to Wilmington for a trip over thv wat era surrounding that city. The Idea In inviting the editors to make ,thc trip it to make possible close observation dn their part of the possi bilities there. Those from thr interior of the state were selected as it was considered those of dailies along the water-fronts have had opportunities to investigate these fields. Governor Morrison and daughter Mia# Angelica Morrison, go to WrightsvilT* 1 Beach for a stay of a few days at that famous summer resort. He left today by automobiU, expecting.to spend the night in Fayetteville. He will drive from there to Wilmington tomorrow morning. The pressure as state business makes it impossible fer the governor to tritv a prolonged vacation thi* summer. The ‘ summer capital" will remain at Ral eigh; and said* from short Trips to Wrightsville, Charlotte, Asheville end • perhaps no* or two other places Gov- ' ernor Morirsnn will can tip* thmself . to bis dtlg here. COLORED BO YU' BICYCLE RACR. " J Come on rolqrcd boyi. If you art going to enter the free for alt bicycle race that will b* staged at the Fair Ground on July Fourth, you should hand your name a once to Mr. Chas Thompson, or to the HecruUry of the Chamber of Cemniercc'. Thi* will be a two milt race and the winner will ' receive 12A.00 in gbld. Administration Move ■ To End Strike Halted * ' , ... o ,r (ioody koontz, of West Virginia, Calh on Union Official)* to Aaniat in Filing Raaponai bili|y for Herrin Killings; Dennison Declares Newspa- j per Reports Have Been Very “Inaccurate” WASHINGton, June 34.—Administra- j tlon itfarli to bring about a settlement . of the bituminous coal Arike met a preliminary check today. After conference* with President Harding and secretary of labor Dari*. John 1,. Lewis, president of the United Mine Workers, of .America, announced that the union policy still was unaltered and unyielding in it* insistence that a new wage scale must be set up for the strike ridden mining districts of National or semi national conferences with operations. - “We tdlkrd over the general problems of the bituminous industry and the strike," Mr. leeii declared on leaving the White House, "it’s over develop men), and internuttency and project for it* stablnation." Mr. I.ewt* evpcetrd to rrmain in Washington for. an otner conference there were no indication of what fur ther steps would be taken by the gov eminent after the meeting has been concluded. WASHINGTON. June Jd- ailing up. on officiate of the United Mine W'nrti er* to assist in construction of the measures to fill resgonobilU? foe the Herrin, 111., mine killings. Itepresrnta tivp (!pod>koonts, republican of West* I Virginia declared iu the bouse today i that unless such assistance wi> given by the union “the orgubisalion will hevhr be able to iron from level to which it* member* caused It to fall “ Representative tienison, republican, t of Illinois, in whose district the disor hf occurred replied to the W ret Vir ginta member In detail a* to the con ditions which led to the hillings, de tdaring that ‘the anforutnair affair was due to the employment of non un ion meh“ %nd with rifles and machine guns "to ntne coal In vlalation es an agreement tnterrd with tha union min ers.” The Illinois rogtv*a«t»UlM> soots*dm! thst the newspapor repwtt a* tbe Me . I order in many ce*«a were *»ery laae . IFTER ttlk I BBmMIIHMS'IS H supiwiimii I a ik;>ton Make* t<» K«pi\ of < ~* . ' POLTICAL MEETING HAS MUCH COMPETITION) 1 I With more counter attraction* bid | ding again.l it than the . old town is) accustomed to in an average fortnight, 1 th* Allen for Congress rally at the Wayn* court house last night wound up -after a alow *tart with enough j rousement* l* u ,k*nd th* champion* es the Wayn* county candidate to sleep confident ,ia sure*** on Saturday, j The meeting started alow and drag ged but It wasn’t th* fault of Meath's band. Never have aiusieiaos behaved •mere They played "*Ov*r There." a Black end Whit* March. “Dixie,” ssd the Start Hplangled Ban •nor. They played other thing* to» meaning nsuaic and one of the sum her aaag a couple of solo*. , j Over ar 8t Paul'* Methodist church , the Christian Laymen's Federation was in session. In another bouse es wor ship the Christian Women were meet ing, huxitliary parts nf the Ham Ram sey revival. Htlll elsewhere thr ven erable City Father* war* wrestling with the annual budget and all Mason* were in the lodge roams attending thr in stallation of officers were were sonic bridge parlies in town god it was too hot for some others t HrtHi Bradley, HA.LKII.H, June it*. Payments far completed highway Job*, which began loot January with a half-million dollar*,'’ j hav# mounted to a t oo! on* million for June, and the continuous increase in llha monthly mileage will bring the thirty two pay roll to contractor* to | u couple of million* by fall. The atatr highway commiaaion ex , poets to complete in tw# ibore year* a i program the 1991 general assembly thought would roqwir* ten. And this haa given encouragement to talk, that mere*** daily, for an additional bond of ten or fifteen million* for a final wMid up of all odds and ends of (ho program, leaving the atal* with a network of roads that will be ad* quate for It* need* for yoars to cam*. Th* commiaaion a*t out last January with a goal of "I.Ofio miloa I***.” Award* of project* nett Wednesday foi , It® miloa of asphalt and aand-rlay roads will bring tbe projett* contracted for in seven month* to *»t> mil**, within XOb mil** of the total mileage on th* program for this year. Will Toa* I tow a Mom*. Ultra • enthusiastic road people beaming with satisfaction over the progress made under the esiatiag pro gram, were out with the two hundred million dollar talh, but Governor Mor riton'a genii* warning brought thorn bach to oarth. apparently, and the centering of advocated rati mate* on a ten or fifteen million dollar laaua Is expectod to materialise in action by the »*»t general assembly, tiovernor Morrison ha* intimated his agreement to a small bond lagur, to providr sufflrisnt money for a succos ful winding op of a suecoasfal pro gram. Highway. Commissioner W. C. Wilkinson recently advocated th* ad ditional issue; other commission are | Hated as favorable, and the general as- | sorably is expected ta find lUelf lo a* ! cord with the views of those acquaint MonliAued oe Page Three I m wiHEsr i MOEQIiE Minims Haviag Hurled the I head County Now Facoa I mate of Brin* . •*« GblUv Co Justice SLAIN BODIES BURIED IN I*OTTBR*B FIELD , ° HERRIN. HI., June M.--(By the As sociated Press. >—WHliamsoa county buried tbe dead in her latest min* war yesterday, conducted an inquest to de termine the cause of their death, and today (Wed the responsibility of bring 1 lag tbe guilty to Justira. With not a single arrest made since th* massacre of laat Thuraday. uhra at least m.ieteen men won hilled, after strike sympathiser* «torm<-l th* Igs tor mine, and with roualy official* making no viklble effort to place the blame, the investigating Is being done by state and federal agent* ReprcssAtatlvcs of th* -Department of Justice. Deportment j*f Uhor, the State's Attorney General's of Ac* and th* Adjutant General are quietly delging Into th* cloak of seeroey which aa far haa surrounded the identity of the ive thousand men whe marched from Her rin io brood daylight. took mor* than fifty unarmed man priaonora, merited them bach down the road into a wood* and there killed niaeteon and wounded nearly a* many more. Yesterday alx men df Williamson county three miners, a merchant, an alectrieifcn nad the superintendent of tbe llerrln waterwork* were solemnly impaneled, listened to th* evident* *f witness** called hr Colonel William. I MeCowtn ant returned their verdict. Tsknown Persona” They found, and *o recorded, that r. K McDowell murdered superin tendent of the Lester mine, hilled a union miner an Wednesday, the day before the massacre Os th* ether hilled , 19 in all, Inrlsding tw* other ' striker*, the Jury found they com* to their death by gushot wounds IwAirted by unknown persons. Yesterday morning sixtoen unknown . dead, all non union workers aad guard* at the Lester mine, ware buried by the raiinty in Potters Yield. Oa a Mrak , hillside, beneath a broiling swn. six t miners, led by Rtate Senator William 'J Snead, dug sixteen shallow graves . : faur rows of fnar each. The Hartal Sorrier The hndlee of the massacre victim*, lln pla|n black racket*, were placed i tide hy side on the parrhod gras* Pour < proteatanl minister* a friend. aWaptial. 1 • Pre*byterian and a rbrjatlaa, conduct ed the burial servire, while a hundred * overall-dad miners and a doien news paper correspondents looked on. On a J distant hillside three Women \j% starch *d summer dresse* furnished the only touch of color. I The ministerial quartet sang "Nearei , My Gad t* Thee,** reed a paalm, de livored a prayer and i* an abbreviate* , farm of barial service, committed thi P bodies to th* earth, t Ho Mention of Dead .. Jm —nt l of the dead, aor of th< I j gaaa*r of lb. r death eta mad* a f Hbw WroeooU*. City Manager W. M. JRifh Hand, !* His RemmtHon Ii- - ' 111111*1 - , U i r.f ■:>%}, * { j^k MRS. KKKGI'AON who la rsaaing foe seaatoc la a spas It toa ta her husband, the ex-governor. EfflftLUTtE USE MUST MK ITS DU O I'ncmpiuytd Youth Ml. OHyc Hot • Trap to Catch tfco Sweat Thing ta the Act MT. OLIVE. Jus* M. Tha Bag. W, M. Raker presetted th* Mhwl sermon Da Junior Order of American Meehan lea at th* Presbyterian Church Sunday nioraing at eleven o'elarh. Loohiag down Into thou# face*, the backbone of Amerfraa democracy, Mr. Baker took aa his sabjaet, the Master Builder. “The only anr* foundation la i Jeans Chrlat.” ho said. “All sthars are i hut sinking aand. Th* grentasl thing that a man avor builds t* hla charnel *r. It is the greqtagt of monuments Then bo anr* that yau have the right foundation, and build with lhatariala ! that wilt net saon b* destroyod ’‘Thors was onrv a groat sculptor. Phidias, whs was making a statu* far the top as a high taper. Thara was a ! -light flaw about ty ken. "It will be aa hifcbtap that nobody | . Will *v»r see It,’ aomeadß *ugg**t*d, {and Phidias answered. 'Nat a* htgh up that Uod can’t no* It." ‘‘Bnlld then not fer man alone, hnt for the rye of Gad." Inform at lad oa Tha. Saturday was a Mg dgy far tha sign In th* Cittaad*. S*Ak. It ha* probably never in all tta life sees aa many poofter The crowd- b**aa gath • ring iarT, Tn -ITe forenoon and left with the last Cord. The most Interested sportster was Mr. (ieorgn Grantham. Hy ataytd by it mm of the time explaining ta tha spectators bow the ailth canta from th* cow. into the milk bans* wham’ll was .sterilised, and came out in tha farm of butter, lev cream, choose, dad rich i cream- Then Into a little vjaa ramrod j cot tug* railed th* "American heme,” snd out of this home with It* gay Daw ere cam# men and women *f every Wath •f Ilf* from tbe school girl with may cheek* to th* eoldiar and an old man. "Uncle Georg*" had a rival I* •*« lad who propped himself aa th* lodge of the bank and lay them an hla tateidy th* hotter .part of tha aftaraaen. Any thing you did not know yen bad only ta ask on# of tboo*. They eaatd tall you. This sign, rontad hy the. Cltisen't Bank, has ta be retarned today It I* r a part of the ‘‘Why • lira- at- ham*" , campaign. which the President as , the Bank I* heartily supporting. Tha average wealth as a North far* , llnian la S4OO. The average wealth /as th* people as lowa la $4dM. There mint be trine Veason for this. This "Live- at h*w|f~ campaign is being can ! ducted by |m Department as Agricul ture, N. f. Y*t.d;» College. the Depart “ mcnl of and th* Htat# hoard 1 as health at tbe suggestion of Govern- , or Morrison. If wants to indaco ovary 1 family to raise' at home th# products 1 necessary f#T the feeding as the family 1 and livestok cand secaadly t* promote ’ health thronghout the state. T j Ta accomplish these It la advised that ij every family have an all year gardaa. keep st least one row, k**-p somo pool try, and raise hag*, tl Easy, isn't it! Rut do you mails* .' that Jim.pdO farm families in North ,1 Carolina do not hoes a cow? Her* a Dab and Thom a Dab. If yau am vain, them la a fast far r yau down at on* of th* drug atom*. ( Th* boys who am loafing havo a J lest. In the booth wham yau sit ta 1 drink ymir dope or hnv* yanr Im cream, them is a mirror. If yau am a 1 woman you am perfectly aware as this " faet. The hay*, who am not so hosy ' snd haven't anything pressing I* da ' *t the moment, rnnnt the girls far 1 stalisflciral purpose*. They want to » see hew many girls can ram* In them, take a seal, and net leoh in tha mirror. During the Inst few mark* 749 girls hav* ram* In these heaths, tut have >, I powdered their noses before that glow 1 after savoring their puff* frem seme r un-ern sears*, and out of tha total t. 743. they have counted 741 who leaked ..tin the mirror, H , Way** fauatyfied. 1 If you haven't a car, yau am axcut a'*d. Rut If you bavu a ear, them Is . | non* far yau unless you hav# a alga ;on your hark That I* the hark •( ’ j yoar car No matter what tR# make la, it should be sporting this matte, all la r red on a white background: *' I "Wayne < oonty Will Celebrate July '' 4th. Great Hama faming Event. Bar l# mg. Ball Game* sad other feature* fair Granada. Geldabare, N. C. Ta have an* as tha** means yaw in k *;W*yn# fauatifled. Patriots, yea kaee ■* "the staff, aa aur small brothers say | (Cantinaed On Page Kim) ,i e ■ FULL ASSOCIATED 1 v PRESS J' " 1 •f? "*mmdtd»»ayag|M^ammM^a^nwj>^m^Bstas» AregplMl ky Wmri W* y of t U 4} Ud| Esoruti B—io. ***** RobmlMb Im Trimftm « a* deraigß Mnp Tfcglr Plf, f«ty Manager W If. tick tut Wight tendered l\i» mslgaatiaa ta the MteUW end Board as Alderman as Oaidaharo following aa eiacutiv* sesalaa ova* «H» Itudgr and a few mlnataa befam tha adjournment W . tong session tß* council, voting Av. to four. acc.ptedT Immodiataly upon gaind Ist* th* aa ual adjaarnod bi monthlp saaaiaa Jag eight, tbe board of alderman plwpfwd Into the badge! and la eaacativ# agw sian, with* Mr. Ririi ahaaat. srtkadtad their pruning knlva* ami began A* rift, ting of aalartar. They mi the salary of the city manager from |4Mt ta »3A*M. ally clark from MMA ta WMA Ika mayor pratam from SIM pa* *«. nam to |J.« par aeaaiaa aad amiphm* of th* board frem H pm meeting ta M per me*t|ag. - ■ t^hW> S AU as Branaakg PtßWh ■ While the ..pari budget was trim mad ta a small tux aadar tha apgfri '.iriations tor th* year Juat past, th* salary ratting was aot largo, affoetkag. ** It did. tha city masugar aad city clerk mam than any ana «kk «dc% In mnhing public loot night a rag* of * letter b* had addmaaed ta mOT ber. of th. hoard. Mr. Rich axpiotead that It was prepared yesterday after neon aad would hade haah sahatittad laat night IrmapacMva as Ihd daetsiaa of 4h* baaed regarding hi# aalarpi ‘ Confirming this sUtamont, ha made pnblir a Uttar ta th* hoard written by him Aoptenfhar 18. IMI. in wbleh h* • toted -nndar eetuia nnfllMlna ha would rnmoia aa . the Jab b*M aa«U June I past, updb ■ mean aids ihU an. ha changed this dale to A ago at Amt drr ibst th* new hadget My ItMiHHy l .! cd and bi* suceeaaat rhadML 1 This is haw th* «dnitelNVc^^^^^H in. rrsignatioa handed In Iw Against Accepting, « ic. ch. McMillan amt Colt. yor A erupt log. AltNHßdh " 11 JM ' k*., Vrivciti.ii, HMnSrtSfy pjal ■ ton * - I "Under data as irnuu of offic, M Hts WNMlfl (■■ililsborti *ad stating thMTwß't.'-'*^'. cs.oditii.na I WOUhl MMI»k 1 , ft* * until June I, itt,' M I would resign Nllkii liKk' '•ben on my rommantaAdlfte, HdWHß^' 'l' pon on .ids ring T “nrltfri ’ ? " ••led that I had made * setting the time fad : Jana I.' Ih* necessity of priUghlßg th» and storting th* W*A far df»# "I roar. Aa tha budget grtH bu'kH rd snd the waft ft daf-nitrly outlined ngd started A' the nest thirty days, I Worthy t|Hi my resignation U Uk kHfj i, itta i I BmUmA InM Vmb , HW ■ •town* m , >W- rd Oa Bapt It. IMI. Mr Rlrh wS| th* hoard: f , MlW'w "In Jan* I MM, I wgo afforad We n*> I altia* as City Manager of mg Cl|y, which I accsptsd I mparted fim duty |an Jaly il. 19JO, at which Mat* * maat af the Board of AJdorMB. aTmB ' Urn* several numbers eg year b*n*t ebl* body toad *c reel to ta lufoem tea that they were not lb favor at th* ' fly Manager ptau d gavarapmut- f ! answered that I Was **4 aftaJd *f hril , cot and stmigbt forward »pM»W*g ta the system, becaas* 1 kaow (ram M esperiener It reald ha pravun ta ba Ik* iwat plan' y*4 devised, providing ftp oppositla* was open aad above hoard and tha p’an given a fair trial. - "In May INI. rqrtpJn mambara As the board triad I* have ma mnaavdd from off to* oa tha gremudg (hat I tap net a local man and 4hat tha s«la% rid m* was taa largo. Mae* that IMA hav* boon harassed sad sang gad Wg rortaln citisaaa as this city, aapnmad ly bached up h; curtaiu mamham as this board- This appeal tta* ctriteJfkMlA u petitions being rirmlntad thrMM •hr city, signed hy IM- at mat* MflHVi • •king that the proaaM Cltf HMflr be removed and a laeai MU »gaplM*d til of this ba* give* the City as OgMta hara a certain smaant a# advsrttMUg Ihioogh the Htak* odd lg fapt ta * MjWU or less degree through the cautff ft has also advertised your proaaM Ok Manager Whether th* aribeetialug, hwb for a our City sad year a«y MaHMMk ■aa been for a goad pwrpogp Os a date* terioas one. I am anaala ta atata ukJMw persent tima. "I am sum yau will ana* with um ‘ however, when I say that (hla caadltlda 1 of affairs cuaaat g* aa, I hav* gk* desvorad, sine* roariag bar*, ta gtea ’ ta tha City as Oetdahora tha vary beat •dministraltaa pssalbl*. aad hav* ’ cd aoithor time B*r ongrgy la WytAg to orrompllab rosalta aad brigs ndaat order aad harmony, aadar raft ST Up ’ mg i-vfor* junot, mxr % f (< oetlnuad an Itega Vina) ** - *Lii 'iMC III IM