; WEATHER fulr rtf warmer Fridays Butarday '■ »■ ■ ' ■■ TOUT MS OK■; NUKUS 127 « n Je»u. Christ Is Only Refuge CIDSBOM ENJOYS IRtPPEI 111 TUNfi HU NT !W Mail* Shall Move. Says Work, To Which Me* May Turn IF HOLIDII HI SOW PISSORBS MEYISIfW With or Without the Strike WITHOUT HIM SIN £Si STORES MIO OFFICES OVEBCBMF BT THIS UMH BUMS MBVF ' u ■ niim inurn is bouno to m*steh \Ajsj4 -sSfcr •tS'tyihr - KIM Biiicmi la Soul Stirrinjc Sermon Evan*- . —— _ ' _ M elial Sets Forth Only M : SEVERAL MORE WILL , THREE NOT EXPECTED EARLY SETTLEMENT MuTT! IWMe Hope ji “FALL IN” NEXT WEEK *TO RECOVER; MIRACLE SEEN IN R. R. CIRCLES ” Up#il -,M Cl* TOWN MEETING Goldsboro pnwntH * cityfied a.Y NEW YORK. July •—Trapped in • 1 CHICAGO. July «-A threatened ex U vSyptl* WA iMvm-., THK »m u\nnv yesterday afternoon 'with ».l of the dark subway tunnel, seventy five feet „ f th „ , trtk , , h *• * .-a AM NO ANXIETY ABOUT I Hid AFTERNOON I * tor *» and l «l* ot ‘be downtown offices below tlte street and peeking with pas " 1 P dSa " uaudubs. _ _ , closed while employers and employees fumes and smoke, nearly five hundred m * n 10 lnclud v I* rignal melt was V*''- MOVEMENT OF MAIUI splashed about in cooling waters and men. women and childreh and pa.sen prevented today by members of the M “V -'^■k Mrs. Ham, After Givinu Faith- gamboled over th- fair ground greens gers on an East aide train of the In Vnited Stales Kailroad labor Board jHH An accurate count of the stores t»at terboiough Rapid Transit company to when D. W Hell, head of tha Brother- If Haysstar Guard. Kbnuld lb ful Service in MectinK, (oK*h closed *4. not made hut practically day were converted into a frcniied. hood of Kailroad Signal man, which has 1 "** üBM.u BM . -,U Bn Wq ‘• v *' r > member of the Merchant. A.ao shrieking mob. almost a third of wjio.o been taking a strike vote, premised to Insufficient To KgDPI Any OK Monte lU I UMt* ( hlldren 111 , J nation making the pledge sometime ago member, were overepgie before they maintain the status quo pending furth hlrhswj sad 1 lag | | WI , f " Jw tu « ranl <* half holiday to rmployoos rould fight their way to safety conferences MHlNflffi NfinMßi -WU He nl and little Daughter I * clamped the lid on at one. o’clock yes Ttirtr probably will die Felice of » . , . .. . nL _s Declares She Exnerts To > j ‘ / Urd ** * ,,d * lot who h,d " ol ,lrn,^, lh r* ,, * h actloa la in a aeifous condition from Vsiuiunenu . , to sing, dance and play the nianb and f '* “> - how the thtn, whpr. ,h. trat. cam. to It. sudd«, bait ‘ k « « *>*.»/-“ *”>• oleUoA mwl tf?t, h«. I_a . _ s .. w*i work inf-promised to dooo noxt TWrt io no oxoromo oUtion * r w> •** •iclionimtn, inbor mom- " ****** m*mw on aim njr tnoft who utnoWol Work Imr«4 inotmcllwßo Ü BY R 8 PK KEVft ' h , . J " *'‘ <-OBd P r, *« three Thurid , y . #(1 t h« Thursday neat and Grand Central Terminal nt 4tad atroet k#r pf ,h# bp,rd bolloeed te have been nModated «l«bt to dlrtaiaa supeHnUndewts as s . . . ' theuaand in a conus; fog pe-ft-ctim „ t |h< U(l Thursday In the and Mth street. The espresn tracks are M.sn.hiU ,i» , , wUh th — wko ••mwlaatod l»r. Walter rollwap molt sorrloo to foßoat to sum'll'"" * ° n * th ' **""■ li " < ' h * P “ r * 01 f,,:4 *" U t * Ur *- month of August n "’ d , lt tht . b V ' Mr H * m '“ l ' "•:... Berehsals View. of the I. R. T. sad the croaatewn tan the .konm^'s !tHk. HV j L.T i.i - X 1 »k# part of raitwap atrlhon bn n.gbt delivered th. most evangelical PflTTflll *" * Ud * nuu « h ,or °“ r «•» ‘bo Brooklyn Rapid Tran.lt com 11/0001/ OTITIir "•'T 9 *** *• wttk srrmon o the meeting He spoke in 111 I ||| hH IWIKS plo> "* H * V * ,hr *“ lf d * y 0,f •" * **"* *** “»• »"'» are three a.r „ .uuieaU the morning on Th. f hri.t.an Race UU I I Ull UIIUTVuIU member of on. of the leading firm. ,o*. little spiral stairway, to tb. atreet ***...**— RI UUUIX U HI UL n “«» ■<« • and oot in Pik.ville a, three o dock riinPAT Trt lllimi p- th * dly *“ id > r^rd *> •“«*“•« TH.m were jammed wttk fugitive, from UeT bv Vmsm msi na-m-m.. ... r. *,* '• he .poke on the three resurrection. fYDCPT Tfl UlKilll C i “ W * >»•“•*• “*• «'<* modern the scene below A little fire entin b# ‘ dv dby X ‘ ” Tfl OT I HlliTII TO 111 sil?" .T? Wrta rosolvad by At morning service the crowd ws, flrfl.l 111 Hfl|||||r business method, snd th.t the increased gui.her whose content, were turned on 111 KP 1111 Mr II HI W yfkfkHamHAwrtnß tkm ——■- : - —? .... ~rr-. • .. - r - _BF #*f ilia praaaat ject is said to be the strongest the Not s fsw folks forgot about the m eg m WT ‘ U •• “ Mr. Work, “bnl If ““syrsa.. Hoatymou. Ami T “ '' ER ™ w Opportunity 18 Unheeded row* rawed by vot. Lest Mghi woe Mrt. Hams last ser ALREAD SIGNED IN 8. That store ksppsn'fl to be rosed snd I'NTARY. SUBSCRIPTIONS i?* fc *** *■ Mftaßd Vice at the tent. She left after th* ‘b* particular clerk ake wanted to «. Dm» TJI/tn/i II7L H7'm f f \ wk o|g«Mc pilfdrtaf «B<*« maM aervice for the Kentucky l.omi us the ws. wrapped in a stunning b.th.n, £jU I itOSP TV HO TV 111 I\ Ot !S€€ I * ffff UKUiw. i: : evangelist to arrange for the rnt.rtng RALEIGH. July «.~With 5« percent ‘ h «‘ dr *l‘>i h '’ •P‘>*l'*bt at “ WW Aw Vw UV» b*T* of her little girls In school. Since »t the tobacco crop of K.uth Coroline AUantlc Clty ,nd p [£jL*' ,> * °‘ f * RALEIGH. July 7.--dlaMon Berglism mMl^Umy'Hrfll °L bm.!4*!LS coming to Goldsboro she has attended nn » aned contract listed bv growers, »prtngboard st Kiv*«w * oo* es the moot dlstiggalshed scalp- and ----* every service and her work at the piano b r P' ,und * «'> d «cre. at Raleigh heed ®| k * k '* *" " * C '"*' d “"j GoMabOTO NtWS Gift l*l»tl Attracting Rcßtßrkably F«W Clab ‘®« Amorie. hoe yet predated. T»ft| j“ * H* 7, has been that of an artist 8h« ulavr o unr t«*r» of th<* tobacco growers co *”* officlxlt, for too roost psrt, w«r« m .k. .x. nommoiti to Cksrfesß n j with th. (gqalrtte touck of . ...mdatfon, offW.V'd»-• the Mem be*.. the Firt Goarailtec To AH ley Avuek, end It JU ft IWBWSHI ThIBWM musician and .till is able to obtain' ,ok »«® « ro *» r * h *,«» L h l' t . Vienna Ksamrarnfm. L. V«.. •> C«P‘UI Square on July « At WRIGHTRrtLUI «B - th. ereet velum. .. light of the report of independent »hose employers haVen t signod up MCttllli teUMrßltteC lO TOM Hl . | < .. lW?k b * STIn SSSL2I2JTS-L P J*r**"hou M men that only 2fi percOat of *cre almost mutinous but were calmed Th7.anao.nc, me nt was mad. tedar The ?Mh sn.a.l Ptrfh cfll .ng for an MkMfi oad a large cho.r* gouth c „ wt> ntgned with tb. ...er.nc. th.t the try out ol ;..7;r7.7ri1 1 .1 **** t- ,3? Mi L;ky w o i,h u *.^ r .;d*i p ; t r Th *^ b . tfM „ you ..n h.« *, i, \L x trf'Lzz«z*ts& ,t. or o-; z\ l srziß& ing Martha El aabeth stated with all a ” u,ldrrd * ” f B <* w rontrsets arr.vmg •* u «" “ ■■ *“ rt *° * ribut « d Tb ' Coldsb.ro New. la it. on your opportunities th.t on offend c.mmlMn coa.i.tlng Os Col. P.V l%gr- "—* * «*• OomwU Hrtel StltdfWfc earnrstnees that she we. comin. b.ch d,,ly . fro . m S,,u,b . l ;* rol,n * » u * h ‘ ,r7;rm.Lb,rb Hel.sm.nMup Clob gift die you if y ou would profit accordingly 0011. Jenphu. Daniel*, E. C. eornesuioos that a*e was coming berk , n g ,h, |* r g«. majority membership of fo.lowing it a list of the firm, which tr tl>ptiea are clamering for more real tack an opportunity tha ooaol of t. D. W Connor and P D Winston eokolbt Will hg 00Hod ot UolSlTirU. r.m t Jn t * ,h *' h, , K produrting cogntie. to kl > b «r-| *'"•'* r«ndrt y to # b.^TTo*.. d“n« b “‘ tU " U * nt,r th * * kt ' h h ‘* **ifr boon offend yon bo Tb. .alert lon es Sr. Borgia mn. The WllgslMte. Odd iKS bi. uk. With tb **,' —‘ “£r •a d ' ,l,nd — 1 •non te lend fore-1, now being presented te yoa. doubt will give universal satisfaction b »»* •cr.ag.d to h4d tho g3B m Williamsburg county now p.. w . . Th^ dt j , ‘ ,l, r noo . n ... M u W And when it I. taken Into coo- I. . few ,hert Week, from now. the Be I* .Irqody known te the peepU of WrirtttevHft Reaoh with tko^Hß crowd. Tho r uniformly correct be- »0 percent signup; Hor. nCe county Is Jdm W Kill. A • ldb W‘ i «* n **•“ oct.v. porttel- Gold.b.r. Now. will award all th. North C.rollgg by hi* woaddrfully aatr- •• hoodgaartata. hgvior had led the choir to fall in strongly climb ng from TO to Mjrr- » od *‘"’ N y A „ F ' d ** rd *’ Ttarn l Vro-' P * Bt U * u,ra "‘»« d •«•»#. a cash prisa prise, mentioned above (o the moat tied statu, of Henry L. Wyatt I* (tap- Tb* tuoampMOnt braMh *i m A Imt. with ‘hem. Mre. Hardy Thump cent, and Islington county. eri,tch Phil ip. M M Abd.ll.h, Barnes or of tM- P*»"° U,t ftw d,y »' J* * °*c *° ,k * tkr «* „ “r** * advantage of this tremondoos profit- • opportunity existing (or atore **ltvo by the state la Statuary Mall, Washing 1•«» thto leortlngt. tlte d- Up Town Service m “ rk . Rob “°" c ? u " ty '* n ' H «dln, .old.hero Kboe Co., M. Mon- , h , rinjf wire*” campaigner, to enter th* .Isstis* ton. Many aSer North Catelintens - «•»"► •* ** QratM Bnesmpmont Rag Tb. first up town service of the * r »'”P J ru,t °’* \ h * -* y "*“Vs"*ai . on * P* nß F °t co * t ’ • "« w ■*** model prises, is actually calling aloud Why Ldac.oln lu the rotunda of th# National ***** Priest, Shiloh; D. *, thvh noon nt four o’clock and will con- A * Wilson Saturday. farmers Hank * Trust to, « Nation- tour j ßg cgr worth |IT», or a motor It’s anybody's opportunity for the throe Capitol, oad his stew* of the North <* r *od Boater Wordon, BisdHMWttln tinu. until 4:80 o’clock. The men are ' v,lh ol ' v * r J s « nd '- executive *1 Bank, Wayne hhoe to, RA. Creech, c . r worth |4io moUtr pr | M ••tamohitea. Carolina aviator. McConnell, re*, at I y XA. Bollard. Grand urged to be present at the meeting manager of the association, and George Go d»boro Hook - tore, H. Wtil * Broe. wort |, »sp« f or , |iul* of year interest Here's an opportunity, suroly, fey erected at the UnlTmltT Virginia. Aohovllloi L. W. Itniiasrat. Qwk< Wednenday night Mr. iHani talked A Norwood president of the growers t srolinc P- lh * lu,t barrier, of oppo.l- Kre.» * o. Lewi. U. •■dden. on Wol- ,t, n d back and say, la net te them as a basiness preposition *IOO,OOO war grefup to b# erected at 1 h **S *• Weadall. Grand Owteldo 8m th reason, for accepting Chri.t a« 1 °.f 1 ' " r .7 ,p * leTO of maf brting nut St , Albritton * °*’ ’F- < ogdeil, r „ ( i „. v , t did *r never rould got Some candidate will earn over *BOO Newark, N. 1. At Stone Mountain, Go, i **"•••- Wllmu; John D. Merry, Broad for • cceptln " ere V.stbly wetkened Dixie Bicycle Shop M N tp.t.ln Home „ murh quick , y „ ~,U y ~ , w „ k f , r th , ,„„ w#thi Mls Borgluut I. dire.tlug th. moot M- MußWteOtatlve, Rsleigh. -*i J n 7»ou waoole tonight to not* T0,,, ‘" 0 ,rro *!’ r * “ f W ' *‘'’ r " r 0 Purßl ltur *' o’’ 0 ’’ B ’ ( * T !' o |? ,> ‘ l f n 4 „ S °u’ ° r - yoo were offered 10c on the How', that for a business prop#*!- looaal achievement in statuary yat at- i - - - “ y . P i, lr k M ,. n -v-d, L ,n u tr °r' o r, '!/? rd * Rockliytham. -anitery Barber bbo P' JK - ,al f' *L M- dollar far every rollerUen you eocured. tioaT tempted on this continent, th* alctar- 1 n n ATn|l , i. ,- - i • few thing, from which a man needs Stokes and Randolph counties, will Jenk.n. Grocery K M Darts Gro t o. ; wrtuld you |t ibl . T Would- Boctte. la Jurt Martlag. lag of th. ormia. of th. Coaled*racy , fIRPTRI) ID iiftiftltllfl nvml* • Wo took up only on. r . I, for s last greatl meeting «, the F. A Rhodes. Pender. Store., Federal nt you lh(nk th . t . Bll#hty ffß . rou , Th . comprtilton , hleh „ Juit , Urt . end their leader, on a graalte cliff 1. Illll* II IK IJI cla.. last night In our me.teg*, hat ,W battl. ground of Guilford b.turd.y H.kery C Margoles. GoldsWo B.k r , w . rd for ltwndjri , . f,. m . ra .nt. Ing I. open to any reputebl. man or TOO feet long oad MO foot high. | UUUIIHI IU ! “lyflUffllS tonight we want to take op. m<■ July loth, when J H. < ralg, former et), the Mutual Stores, J. E. * row, n f yoU|r ipmr( , t i me collecting credits? woman or child in th* territory covered Bteadlag Breaae Figure. ooaaaa a a gaga ..' Classes. babb examiner of Bouth < srelma snd Smith Hardware ( 0.. Yelverton Hard white thinking of these things, by Th«( Goldsboro News. The preliminary sketch for the Ay-j LflD I f|T iHHNf *.w.t llsv* a Refuge Sootetime now liea-ur-r of the B.IMIO orgamsad ware (o I 11. Dixon. JT. Ginn Gro , r , yuu go ,ng to let the "other fellow' The Sale.manahip Club headquarters eoek monument, submitted by Mr Bor- ||||| I II if “In the Hrst place, we want to .late grower, in the marketing aasociotioo. j Co, L. M. Summerlin, Bisaell Gro (o„ b , ye tbr KOl>d lb i ng ,i Bre located on W. Center street, oppo- glum, calla fora oteadlng bronte figure • vwll LffUVl Ul IfUllll th.t every maa will have to have . will make the principal addroas. Hatch Gro. te, 8 f MeClonoey, J A Oppartaally For AII. alt* th* City Hall is open from T to of the man against a granite back refuge sometime. A man cannot exi.t Lottoa Growers Also. Met.lenney, Merritt Gro. ( 0.. John (> The pessimist see, only the hole In *;80 o'clock In tho evening for the eo»- Jrround extending IS feet, th# stotu* 'S (Gontinued on page 2) Tby North ( a/oiina cotton grower. ] Royall Gro. NQQiAinn 1 Ann snN n r ,iH l , I l ,eui,# "* r" ,o j. h r; 1 ! - r —— hi.»»d.i. f*v..i«tie. * y n - 4u ““ VDfIIIUUU nml ÜBWUU tory to compiling organization for Hsnley Hat Store. J. W. Grady, Vu OFFICIALS SAYS FEDERAL AGENTS I th* committee and family is early fall J Wmm4 Mmm |* EW IT UIIIQDN QlTllßniY!.rs strikers* jobs seizes case of ,• , II n!ItWH oUlUffllM l,r^:r^r£^. r L will be filled “MEDICINE” HERE tmavumeHt _ ££pV2SJS±f? its signup to TOO,OOO bales of cotton for lesby Bros., ME. Castes A Co., 8. K " |tg,ooo, th* oatlro amount ho lag tmh& Mlllli t jHfIMLMH i.« ai.rul nf ('o-ODtrnlive th, ‘ * , * ,an 17 r V*tr ?* 0 r B " ,, u # “ r - 4 ..! r0 i *, *7 r *"‘ Nl W YORK ' Jul > , 6 Reports that Halted States Deputy Marshal J. 1. ed by voluntary gifts from th* people ; H .h* k vte'ujjT ***** Stand P* 1,...Til nt iirriir miinv W , J *'! U .T’. S ' **'. s '’' lh B L * um eovmkderahl# number, of striking shop Joyner, of Wilson, yttWrday seised .i and school children es North Caroliao. pola»-oad with u .. 7,-**?- U M.rkrliair ODDOHllion M’ill ~f’ V T 101 1 I I n.h DILLON ( IIILU merlin, Gold.horo Gro. to., lohens d# lnßn bl j returned to their tools today twelve bottles of “D* 'Witt’s Eleetro ' Tho committee- has iasisted on flnaac- tk ***** a maa The five year old son of Mr. and farGnent store. , n) j y lql ,m,tme\on .toffs of new Cure” Jn the storo of D. F. Clark, «ol >ng the work la thl* way without oak- ( . * f T P,rpm ** t F*F voR who ad- Be Attacked Tomorrow Mrs. R H ItiliMn, ”R H Jr.’’ died at «7iari’ m, ’ n w,r * ba ' n F hired to replace tho*# osed grocery rn«n on North John atroot, ing for or necoiving any appropriation eleven o' lock la,t night st the home r,, * HT AT . R * B I etlll out were issued by official, ot under government libel charging that from th* legislature. Tha work haa , *** * f ***** tallow# who Mho *• of his pirents, 413 8. John street. The, „„„„„ . *'* , »»versl roilrond. entering the port of th# alleged mediate* contained a groat- been delayed because juet M H gil ***, MTV re money—and eons* ai them _. . „ . tall( t oT th< , opposition Will littl# fellow had been te bed six weeks. . BO j Y ~, T ' / u jr , * , * only New York tree. or alcoholic content th.t th* label la- well under arey the war broke out, apd "•** puofMoaa mar* hy virtue Off ward 7. W tomorrow -hen .11 th. while struggling br.vely to re d ,:‘» rd " «•«'“*’« <'<>m he str.h. of Th , Uh(fk Valley enemmeed that ft. dieted. war, pent*. and ether disturbance fallttea than protecto«al op. be ettnek* p re ocrstlee mar- cover. Some week, Ate-o he fell down , ? kop workers at the Atlantic f oast , kMBt shopmen will tec their service Clark we. summoned te appear ho- hnv. delayed action until thl* Horn. Bat M*tty— try alowd, whe fftlf ha tho trading * P<> meeting of Wil- stair* and was se\dJ»ly injured and Ll "* »"°P* b * r « °*f“P* d ,arl F lk '* privileges unless they resume work by i fore Federal Judge Henry O. Connor In within another year th* committee ho- ouhjort. that they .re worked t« death, koting *p*“ .rowers* in th. remained in a wcahenod condition. The n ’ or " , "« wb »" n *C Bll rtfe «ne of the midnight tomorrow Tho Lackawanna Wilson at th* actoher nest term as H#v.a Ita (abort will find drnitag* In Leg baa It bca tte. w W 4*r that mm son rou X —B whooping cough was contrac ed sad ~r,k' "* * bo P m » n - and nf th * announced that oa# hundred strtaer. court and make e.planstlon H* wns perhaps th* mast Mlstingniaksd pier* did art die aad mnn> mMe rosrtn ha- C °! rt IJ* . A Norwood. of this was the immediate cause of hi. , F* r ' al policemen protecting tha com hßd lomw bask Bt lk , (,ing,land shop*. not placed onder arrest hut was recog- of statuorp In North Carolina Goorge cause of the hardship# of holdhTl^o ./T,i Assc.aV.on Till ,u over de.th p.ny . property .ngafc.d in »" pffra, j M o.t of the TO rent of Ite..wa„ nied under th. libel proeaedlngs, ent C. Retail, es Goldebero. I. chairman Os cure net .11 gcacZ^t^T: the Iri 84 _g wi | t h.y. a Thu fuaeral mpy h.- held this attar ,0 '"•"W a dispute as to w)trther oi , nd Uudaoa shopmen who quit thotr down her* by Artl,t*nt United States of the general committee, and Nathan ploy**., whether Federal or State aov S77n the program Oliver J Sane noon, though this d.,-id. upon wh.-th- **,. ' , “* u "* , - rd,y ' rm * in “"** b “* *** D '*. ,,l * t C « f fc *' rk *‘ cm,B *+• «•*•** c •ramoat, cm. under the omta cW n Vtatni. banker, etecuUv. ,*r or not relative arrive in time Mr ,rty ' R "* y *.!, na ' B v |r ““» l >“*'* a » ! men have been put in thmr placet, Il .tgh. mlttoc q » Tkere are mady herd warhtno mm c well k "°* p K th.' pnnc-'.pd Mis. Dtllun form.rly l.vml rn • Bd .bout tbe face and head The ; w „ nid by y. Lorrßt pr ,„ d . nl of Th . y.lftro Gur." is die- ’ ’* —1 bot h pay da manager. will «*• pr " oVeenshoro. and cow to thi* cite pW ,PT* JfP'** ba »* b " B rbat * lk.- line Irlbut-d hy . H.ltimWteytrW IrtSka Mothpr HioM * .ML On. Ism I, k 7 rr h F rirrat K.ntecky grow (wo year, .go BMBU, ‘ «“h deadly weapon. T he Erin ..no.ncd It h.d hir.d be- t. the second lot of IF Mixed tetort meil 5jL* f °*** at * B * ll r "• mad. by J F rare. woo u y P-d wHI be given • hearing in muni- !w ,. #n bOO , nd W() Bew ...ndf whom „n North r'trolten by the Federol Os JoV AhOIH W*hlh l 1 ... , . . „ * * r .he Will •■ k 7* r hSSTeiPfllrtod' hy YffCG Iffll L’U .'“JI ‘W' I k ! ‘»[ B P art > IU sre negres. Nen. of tb. B.llimoe. Agent*. It I. advertised, on th. hot Lfl AI UITI W «*■ AU of which Uhy wqy rt calHdj ststements th.t h.ve been ctreuta e > 1 furnished bond, of ISO each for the po ohu.atyteeni are returning, it Ws. tie, n. . sure cur. for dl.steo*. head- NBW YORK. July 8.--A* th. irot RtteaHm, to tho fre dental ellalt mow tbe entl-orgemsotion rots, m NKW HlfiH RKTORI) licemen. ..,d by one of the official, of th.t red eche. backache. gout, liver trourtoe. "•‘ aa «» “>v wedding mock sounded under way gt th# iawrt houc from f arolina Mr Vill eel. V *_V«. ewf d «Y .Aw-. ZT" who added th.t 2VI new men have been ectema, rheumatism, malaria and a tor tk# "mrriage of Mtp* Ethel Rode ate# uatll «v*. Already bonded* as ,;^r-fr’“ {■» x Jzz K race —«« 1AlU(I »»*'“ i jij t *.r““ir;." --** g xztz ssrJinsStSS£ ;,*;:, „.. a,*-*. !| , “ , ‘ n ””«!!:■!!»■!» l csJ2TLTJf'n3f*Js». w ( !: -sip -*- , i?-T-. hi rr*-y «. will hav. other. When the sign up ()f , hr II tnoia Athletic flub. tods> |B g ßy pßMrd the cut* hill Nrw YORK. July « Johnny Dundee ‘’ BO BM * ,WN * i Rrons, coualn and faptor mother of -jjun haven't enough work |a dm* t. roncluded One houc i» <" »•* •"« .mashed world . record mark, when she rogairlv nil rtoathkgn. hath *ri- won the judge, derision wver Jack WASHINGTON. Jely «—A pra- |h# bf)d , , B „ r(B - w|t h her kesbond. mc JMr r>e ■ r uZderwoed d.oUat there .« pukllr suction next Monday def. sted Mis* Dorothy Donahue, of the mmrf mm 4 ttnrr , t He held te Sh.rkey te . fifteen round b.L to ernd.n hrtwen onthrorM* , #dd , B | y .uggerod and colled for n te. Tlteir;e7l.rdae7^7- The Co operative house st Witeon t. Women. SwSmimng A«,ociation. of „ toplgkt wRB- Gus.t. carried h.r eut quietly Th. , Houbbr xr# tht l#r # lk# Munbxttxn 1 •<‘‘H Th* tiro* &*m*rmm* rcmroMUr w44in§ c*fm**y Eror in 1721 te the OH, , apaate whorw R»M petwd tehr , j