PAGE TWO Mi In j■ m '■ WM-nfim 'MDNI«ira!MMMMMapM|MaMM ! I ' o to ESfoal Sabalint . ■) 4t«:il*:u«al s'rpiit Cor Uut Issue) ■ Xut fur 4 jocund was Andre Loul* I uniat ady tolusioii nr to On n ui‘a { dol.bernto purpose. not who those I who »iuu4 ««ar h'ni, who mods 4 , belated BhC tiufft >-t’iA| attempt to I dote about him. lo was grievously I rt aijq oin:cA. It w» < not CliaLrllteno ■I ho had u.'rn (Jlicclii.ig. I , Uut it t'hab. tihir.* woo the morn i appointed to duui wi.b him. h. would, j muko the beat of It. "I think you nro pushing J mo. rneooh ur.” h. ooid. very Cli i_. • ami with elbow end shoulder hr I thrust M. do Cl -brlllaii# bark into j tho rain. I <v Now, for all bl* slenderness, his J assiduous dally awcicd pructlf> had * given Andre AWils an arm of Iron. I Also ba loioxt tils Weight UitO the thrush )U* assails n. reeled hack ' ward s fsw aiepa, and then bis h.-ol j Strunk a baulk of Umber left on the I (round by some workmen that morn I lute, and Us ut down aqd<L.uly In the mud. A roar of laughter roao from nil who witness'd the fine gentleman 1 ' downfall, tie rose, mud »>< sputtered, 1 In a fury, and In that fury itpiui.,, 1 #t AayUv-Lnnls, "Tom shall meet ms for this"' he Wlßttaa* I. 1 shall km you for it." ' ''Whsfipvor you pl«M*'monsieur. ; Ul# (Or you to ««y whi.ii It Will Suit j ysur convenh uu« to RMum*. I think I that w«» tb» Intciii.ou you an* 0' meed, was It ntx'f" Andrc-Lu-'is r was -unvlty itself. I 'Tomorrow uiornltif In tbs Do|(« Perhaps you will brUlk * friend ” > "Certainly, monsieur. Toomirirw I then. 1 bay wo ahull havu | fair weather. I detest the rain.” CfcibnUaue lool.rU at him almost with amaneinenl. Andre Louts smiled pteaauntjy, "Don't let ms detain you now, monsieur. W* quit* understand each Stbsr. I aboil be In *h« ilols at nlriJ ' O'clock tomorrow morning.” In the morning, when the As*«ra bfy met. hi* place was vacant, and so WSs hi. du Caabrlliana'y. Ulouin and I resentment sat upon tho member* of tbs Third, nml brought a more than uauohv acrid note Into their debates they disapproved 0 f the rashness of tha new recruit to their body. Some openly couth mned his lack at olrcumapei lion. Very few— and those only ths imip group In l.« Chip übar's confidence —iv«c expect sd to sco him again, 1 U was, therefor*, ss much In amaosment as in relief that at a fsw minutes after ton (hey saw him eatse, oulm composed, and bland, and thread his way to hie scat. The opsakar occupy tog the roat/um at Cl hoi moment- a manlier of th* Vllogvd—stopped slioil to sure In radulous dismay, litre was some thing that he coeld not u«d< letsnd of alt. Then from suau>where a trolpo the phmoinurjn con Umptuounly “They haven't met. He haa shirked It at tho last moment." It must be so. thought all; the mystification ceased, and men were settling back Into their scats. Uut now, having reach'-d his place, hsv lag hoard the volet that oxplaJnc.l the matter lo the anlvopal *at;-r*e tlon, Andro-Loui* paused before tgA lug his seat, lie felt It Incumbent upon hist lo reveal tho true fact. "hi- !• my excuses for , my Vat* arrival.” There tvu* no nccoeeity for this. It was u mem ptooa of theatricality, such as It was hot |a icargntouche's n il ll re to fore go. T have been detained by an engagement ot preesing nature. 1 I bring you also tho excuses of M. de Cfcabrlllantn He, unfortunately. " will be absent from this Assembly In future.” The silence was eouip-cto. Andre. Lbuia sat gown. CHAPTKU VII NOBODY laugned nifw at Andro lAlula flippancy. He did not In tend that anybody should. Ho ■•IH. - S#4C6 COURT CL Cam 1 > AT THL.' C.OU'd l < St AT JUidOK KQCXLVt TIBBKTS IS DOIM& MOST „ * +V Os SLE£P/«<i /N FRONT OF BMfMCHAfipi STORE . tntcnyfcg t 0 terrible; and he knew , that the more flippant and casual t hi* ti>nei, the more terrible wiukl bo itt effect. He produced exactly tha k effect he desired. * , f When tho session roee, thare wars , s donen (ipadaaoln* awaiting him In j I the vcßtlhiite. He PSUOI .1. i « king the man W- ex- ( JOnU'd. tho man he was most anxPiim' t » obftg". Hut M. de Lot Tour d'Asyr w«s alt*ent from thuae eager ranks This fr'tnud to'him odd la Tour <! w.t.-i tiiubrilUna's cousin aud * clnu'st friend. Mutely us ahoukl } have bi-«n ammiß the fir*t today. To And) e-iaiuis. alnue las Tour was not mil ot that waiting peek, it j r.iuitvcrd little oh Uial Tuswlay n.' who should he (ha naxt, B | The next, as It happaned. was ths v W iv4*, 4f ? y wAS /jT * Y v y tfr -i i, • ILMfflW' rs A gem Vi 1 Mi M'm jM* l 1 feu ’P -BECAUBB. MON Him: It. TOU 1 young Viuomto da las Motte-Hoysu, - one of the doodhegt blades In lb* , group. On ths vy duceday morning, com 1 Inx niptlu an hour or so Jate to the - Assembly, Andre'Louie announced - 1 In auiub ihe naruo iww as lis hml ■ anmr.irn f-il the death of (fhabrlllane M de las Muits Hoyau’ Waanl 1 prot .t. v ruit disturb the barma|gr of 1 ' th* At t-ntbly for some wee leg to 1 come, ntutnlng that )»•> were *4 (or ,- tunst«< *.i to reouver ultimately Mm -the sffecla of an unpleasant acsMsnt with which he had nulla unex pegged- I iy had live muUui«l|ins to mast that morning. \ T <\ t.'n Tt ui l.iy ke'ilade an Idedtiewl a» .e tnceim regard tdjUif t'lduine de lMavuu. On Ph'lday he told them that he had been ilelay*4 1 by M. de Truha-aiitias, and then turning to the members of the Cots Droll, nod lengthening his fnce tp a sympathetic gravity; “1 am glad to Inform you, tnoa slourtt. that M. dee Trotecantlng |s 1a the h'' nds of a very competent sur i; oa who hope* with care to restore him to your cupixils In a few wseks' tjnie. rt 1 The hYl.tsy of that very huey week found the vestibule of tho 1 imply of awordaotea when he made hi# IcWuMly and aapeutaat egress with Le Chapetler. "Have they had unuughr*'. he won dered. nddxvMitag tlw auestlpn u h» Chapelior. Uut there under th* awning g group of gx-uUetuen stood In earnest talk. Hcamdng tbs grgup la a rapid glance, Andre Igeils pwruelved k d* lot Tour d'Agyr ixraongst tUsui. 11* (■ ;kt>*n*d his lips. He must affold no provocatUm. It must be tor >M to fasten their tyuarrels upon him Mall, mattais could not bo left whsro Uiey wwe. or ho should b*Vt bad all hla pains for nothing. Care fully looking away front that group Os ggnUrmvn, bo h 4 vgiwo «g that hla word* must i*Vry to tkeir Hfl, "It begin* to look s* If my fears'W having to spend th* remainder of my days la the thus were Idle.” Out of the corner of his ey* b* caught th* stir his words creatad fn that group l/acln* slowly along ha tween bl* friends he resumed: "But |s It npt remarkable that the stsnssin *f I,ggron should make 00 inov* against Iwgroa'a sucgsasorT Or perhaps It Is not remarkable. Per haps the gentleman Is prudent:” He had not long to wait. Came a quirk step befciwl him aad * hand toiling upon bis sbouldar, spun hire violently round. Us wag brouK)>t ton to (see with M de La Tour d'Axyr, whose hsudsom* eguntgnaav* «yu» calm and oompowl. but whoso eyesore fleeted sooMtldng of th* sud den tils** of passion stirring In hlig. "Tou spokp ot 1 think,” mid th* Marquis uuletly. "I spoke of an assassin- yss But to these r?y friends.” Andre Louts' was no Isas quiet. "You (poke loudly enough to bo qveiht.ird,” said the Marquis, so swerlqg the bislpuatinq Unit ha h«| beta eavesdropping. "I perretvp that If la your aim to b« offonolvo.” “Oh, but you are mistaken, M. 1* r*s\r -r;r~r i ’ K f\W 1 '■ 4 / W *T \ f W v l’JtLi'Lit THE EAST VICTIM." klarnuls. I. havo no wish to ho offensive. But I reaent having hands violently laid upon ms, especially when they are hands that I cannot uuugidaa clean.” Th* eider man’s eyelids dickered. Almost he esnght himself admiring Andre Louis' bearing. luthcr. ha toarad that his own mast suffer by comparison Because of thlo. he *p. raged altogether, sod loot control ot himself. "You spoke of me as tha assassin of legion. Hut bow nook baiter are you. M. th* fencing sta*. tag. wtiwg yqu oppose youroolf ip Jtn who** skill lo «g MfeMilg »fe fhrtor to your ownf' “I oppose uigoolf U> them!” gold Andre Louis on a tan* of on*aged BfAlfiffl * 4 Xlx Bn r-.L>li II la Mss, qito; it Is they Jho ifexm to og*££ themeelvei to me— and *0 stupidly. They gush me. they olsp my loo*, they tread 00 «y toes, they call me by unpiadaant nsAs* Wind uI am a tenting master7 Musi lon that account submit to *v*ry manner of UUragfmepi bum ygur bad tgam aorod Lind#? ‘‘Conaadlat)!” th* Marquis con temptuously spostrophixsd him. “Are thcan man who live hy tha •wuidittos yoursoiff" "On Th# contrary. M. la Morquio, ! have found them mm who diad by the sword with astonishing ess*. I cannot suppose that you dooir* tq odd yourself to their number." “And why. if you pleas*r La Tour d'Axyr * face had flamed scarlet be fore thgt sneer "Oh." Andru Louis noised hla w» browt and pursed hla Ups. s man con- Olderlpg. H« drUverag himself atowly. "Because, monataur. you pro fee tha victim—tha Lagyans and of this world, mere sheep tor your butchering. That la why.” And Marquis struck him. (CcwftoutST la Our Naxt Uaafe , «ATUBgdV MOOKINT., JPLT g, UU I WATT* Hi; differ or tkmjmvu; ahhault w pviTby BAiun (Ceatinoed tram rags One) to withdraw in tha faca of sock 'j charges. ' "do nock far Ik* fact* as to Mr. I Evans sad isyaolf. 1 shall say nothing of the allegations as to Mr. Watt*' sap pert of Mr. Kv*o» I know that hy deeply degiged sad sought his driest II am not »Hrpni*ii that ha would qow I *c«k 1° bgve if xPßvnr qlherwis*. That IIS quit* Watts like. Watt* Trow is form "Bui wgst shall ha tsid of Mr. Batts having kit cl«to, to »*«■! mtt sum , fslp liiHifs ps he has to (nqocsnt week- | Iy newspaper* tkst in good faith are payisg for sad publishing “Our Ksl- 1 eigh ! .otter frani ths Oormsn News'! Bureau V "Tha whela thing is ehsragferisUc of Mr Watt*. He works qnder cover His) victims rarely kave ths fortune to see) his hand in ydgfnye of the blosr. He has set shoot to discredit me Hut t manifestly, his dsapprstlon iuts be- I trsyed him «n this particular iastance. i In others be has moved more sab<ils-| ly. I l;*vii seen editorials in what may wall he UtiueH ths Waits press that j wc.r* far more cunningly con<k ivi-d | than this (iorman blunder. And I am sur* Users will be others. Th# tnsth-| ode of th# gun shew and ths foot g*d h*v* been invoked throughout (hr SiMi. Mr Wsu> is tnevelTng si tin- StoU's *iptn*< .md *hr will pnimui now to travel nml to wk((gcr for two veers with c*o*r|*ss energy Mr Watts: knows only too well what la si atoffc. Lot to aft* khuoi ”kor my port, I am willing ff by vuch methods, or anv other, Mr. Waft* | can minis Use nett tlosernor of North 1 srolina, let him do ao. I challenge him i| to tl)t test, f shall certainly ntl set 1 up a campaign now. Th* primary i* • t ten years off I inland Ip attend Li 1 ‘ tp.y bqslqcv* s* • luwyar fpr the next 1 twelve months or more. I hove no per- i ■qnsl ambition to bs (iovrrnor 1 have l not >hc slivhtost inclination tp »<•) opt 1 In compel the people pi North f>fqlja# I to elevate me to that offee. "I hate oftfnl said tost I would not * walk froip snr fcome t* the Qoyrrnor's 1 Mansion three blocks to hr (lover ' nor. 1-rt m<> speak intimately.’ I would prefer my home humble though it be •- to the (governor's .Mansion. Kor the hops* in whieh t iyvffit * hpus.- of 1 happiness, and hiyr been the** forty three years. I have lived thcra n* * , hoy; then a* the son of a widowed nuAher; sad now ns s husband and j fVther. "If has always been a happy home j I hope t* die there. On the other hand, I h»ve passed by tho Governor's Bf Mon-lon every day of my life, sine, it wn* built. I h*ve known all the Gov- ! j ernors from Jarvis to Morrison [ •hex# found nothing In their lpt# tp en *7 J "I do not think the Governor'* Man- > - r'on is * happy place 1 h*v# come to th-rk oTit qs n house of briksn dreams and biustod hopes anil untimely ends ' Let no one, therefore, think Ao do m« on injury by attempting toy keep me I cut of the Oovernorshlp. 'L eon be I quite as happy in private Iffc and In my own home. i “* ■* »l»»»hing intimately And frank ■ to, I era totlffne u tp setvi , tlie neopl# nf Nfirth Garolidlv as Goy ernor only l*. they want q»« tou If I 1 desired the office for my owMjsaki- thnt ssowid ha thrsAast eetornce that I was I ' rsesrthr sf If. If She penol* di—lire me to enter ths contest, I #h«l+ do so and in due »*»*>« I shall give them to Ms*innwlit rn who* (key may expect j ft me. ‘Tor tbs present I desire to iif on- 1 ' ly that some tun* *ftor mid spmmer I IPUfI I shall taka mjtrh steps s* may to I nfcersaejr to nscartsin Whcthgr f qr nql ; - .l»ey desire rue to offer for fhp nom ination in the Democratic Primary ofu IP2I And if I shall J»e satisfied th*t they go, I :>h»ll make s rglnpsfgn. that Wants Ads Special Notices KATffB. 1 Twenty five cento per insertion for 2 i words or lest. Kor more than 2b I words, pne cgpt each. While apse* or typo display ads Insert ed (a the column for 6U cunts per loch, each Insertion. When five or more ceaveculive iiiser tionv arc desired a discount of 20 ' per rent I* allowed. roff HALE —ONE 1*1.4! KK HAND— On* thrru place living room *u«U One genuine mahogany davenport t»- ble. On*' ten piece mahogany dining />*m suite Ope five piece walnut 1 £ bedroom suite. Can ho seep at Ilk! N lief man stj Must b« (eon at once hav ing the dtg. KOB HAI R—UNI ALMU) KOK A«TO tires. Alt* new tubes (2x3 12 ll.bO. larger sixes 12.1 H) each Walker Vul rqqixlng Cp.. Center Ash St*. HTORh KOK RR.NT—LOCATED ON Dcummi b sliret, in good I'upditiou and , spies. bill) localrd. Address box U2t > M KOR DALE ONK KI.QOK KllOtot VAK in first class cunditipn b feet i.jng, 1 if inches h,gh Lgn bv bought, at a 1 bstgaia st Mo. Mk Ashe .St g7t KOff KENT—TWO DOWN BTAIKH furnished looms with privgtc bath to (•ntlsuies oply *r couple, t lose in 1 Rnferenrrs «>rbgsg*il Answer A. I) C., c#rv Nvw*. g 71 I Oil) KEI Ilßi E TOBACCO t.RADEK Ouu Ujr«* is uu 1 he. rub far ferv|rr | k*i's(ariioo ” g ft I KO* HM.E-THOHg »K U TIH L 1 01. U* I'upnicx may be shop at rcii dgntf#. C. I’. Mporg N«- «li f-3 Ashe I | #- _ It 0 TOff KK-hT- HOI gg AT ffOBTiWgHT corner Center »nd Sprue* stroolg.— ■" Apply I* B ,G. Thompson. e. 1! HTOBK ro« HEM—IN AKI.JNUTON « Hofei biiiidtiig Apply ta B g. Thump- > sun 11 I NDKBWIBJO TILE TYPEWRITER < yoa will *vggtu*Uy Telaykan* fdd-J lac Urmaustrttiaa Chapmsn'a Typ. wnisr flhgp. PI KMHilkl) KOOMto-rOR MRNT AT t IU Smith-Jain SC ( «J) 4T9 er g».l t • 1 j-a 111 .p -p .■ u <. 11 « ' will ! u>tify their support. Meantime the opppsfU«a «f Mr. Watts has nu trjrorg for ms. sgd I shall give hiqt and hla pecwHgg method* s full year’* start M* has named hi* candidal*. R* ho* staffed Ms campaign His method* *r* fsadlisv Ut him pro ewed W, .hall know ia 1»24 whether or not Watts i. ff«Ur of North €•«+- ltn«. f Wk» Wgtfe righto “Just why Mr Wqtto is *q srdvnlit apr'-aqAng hi* propaganda against me ““"f >«•» > mrt already, but all -hall full, krrgw u» Morn. It to 801 i-rcugm l hg«. MtaMtod him, Ut l P rto feitff of *§» Taxation sytUrg haa n# tuglnes# Iff politics Mr. WSitto may (ftp «|» k»g affico and keep hi* u-stfi. nut he eon not keep hoik without I’jr'ngtoK hi* offiv*. himmlf end hi* party into scasdgl lu-t him his i-hoice. If ter me to sag this rSusgs him to sirek to discredit me. I eanOot 1 help it. It Is the truth. I stand for «* "Some think that Mr Watts has is sned hi| docr.-H ter my wdtOcal death because I have said tlurt it ought to b« made s penitentiary offense fore publie pffkwr. or gny other man, to solirit coi|tribul)on# from corporstiuny or lorijvjduoit apd u*« them t# sdsgnoc the iqtcrevta 0 1 hi* rnpdid3(c« “If thiv gives Mr.f WgtU offtneg, doubtless he knows th* reason why. At sny tats I stun.) for it. Aqd I defy him to mac into the open and stand against it Will right Corrupt I*o 'I hn*f declared for * strong cor rupt practice* pet. T)yil. too. scents %o have ‘uhled fuel to U* fiamrs thgt sac . unrunnne Mr Wofu. But I »ignd <« 'I W«f itovn Larked th* vwinl d'W*r* q poWar/ul corrupt Practfcrv act powerfully enforced in ih d»*pcntil.i. tp (he welfare of the Demru-raKe Bar tjr and tb* due rxprvaslon of the will 0/ the people of North Carolina in our primaries and Unions "Tha rolamns *f our dally oancr> have rsecatJ) carried enough inforpto' boa as to the break down of our pri nt# ry-r|*vb<H) law*, wharaevay th* r«a bets were sharp, so convipre al) ron car nod that wc muxt strengthen these laws or sbnridon them. | read In the News and Observer of July seventh Ist column tat page) that there Is or foot a set plnn to destroy our pri I mary-election laws throughout thr ' country. "I know that Mr. Watts drstrrs -u> return to th* old coavanOnn systam and moeg especially since ths woman bn's the bajlof. Th* plan seems to by : to milks opr primaries odious with rot tennsas and corruption I say to Mr Wilts hi* project will fall; his es fort* ran have but one effect, and thnl to greatly strengthen our Primary U*» Wv sfanll put an ead to mnnsy in polbs. We shall put an end tr faaaSd and corruption, k We shall muki our Primaries so rival) that nq woman will hrsitote to take part in them. Clean IT* Primary 9 t "II to staad lor this brings down op ot) my head tho wrath <•( Watts, 1 shall stand fur it. I would like noth 1 ing I ettrr than to gpt him into the I upen on this sqhisrt; hut let th* peo pie of Noth Carolina remember he will not qfffe Into the open. He will pro ceed. as he is now proceeding, by gum -hoe method*, hy (iorman press bu- I tc**a conducted from hla office, hy - ” —r-r-rx —-yp or THE CONDITION pp * The (stkWsboru Saving* and Trust Company, at Goldsboro, in the State es North Carolina, us the cluar u( business, June 3i)th, 1(22 KWpl'fft yi 1 Loans and DiicounU . (11)7.42)).6). 2. Demand Loans, mine It Overdrafts, serured, non*; unsecured, (HO, ..... .. J. 60 4. United Stole* Bonds sad Liberty Bonds, . pone 6. North Carolina State Bonds, noon 3. Ail other Blocks, Bunds, and Mortgages. none 7. i’rnmmm un Honda, nous H. Hanking Houses. Furni ture ani| Kixfuras non* l>. All other Real Estate owned non* 10. Cash in vault, and net amounts du* from Bunks, Bankers, and Truat Comjiamaa ....... 4 '.HH) 3b 11. Caah Items held ov«r 24 hours . non* Ul. Checks for clearing non* 13. Costonurs' Liability on Acceptance* none Total (gM.3tD.i3 MABU.LT lEB I. CaniUl tstpi-k paid in. (41 .OOU.OO 2. Rut plus Kqnd. none 4- Undivided I’rotita, less cunent expontoa and taxes paid, 10.(3950 4. I ui'arncd Discount, none 3. Dividcad* Cnpaid none (I Notes and bills redis counted. nono ' 7. Dili* I 1 *) able nun*- 0. Certificates of Deposit representing moaay borrowed, nunc 9. Deposits l>u« Banks, Bankers, and Trust <'ouipauirs, ..... none I* Deposits subject lo check 144,154 M> 11. Demand Ceriiflcatss of Deposit, 7,143.81.! 12 Time Crrliifeatoa of Dv I'osit, Dpo iu Lex* Than 30 days. noae 13. ( ashler's I hecks oat standing, none 14. Certified Cheeks, none 13. Tims | i-rtiliiales of De posit, Due oa or After „ to Day* Nano 18. Savings Deposits, none 17. Trust Deposits! net), non* 18 Afcraed Interest due . depositors, . nsntv 19. Domestic snd Korvigg. Al ceptsnees, none Total ((02,339 43 Bint* of North t arolln*—County as Wayne, Goldsboro. N C„ July 10. 1922 I, Tho*. H, Norwood, Cashier of show named Bask, it* solemnly swear thql th* above statement is true to the best of rov knowledge and belief THUD H NORWOOD, Cashier. Correct Attest: GEO C ROYALL W. T. YKI.VERTON M J. BEST. Directors, flulisrribi-d and -worn to tofor* me, this tenth day of July, ,1922, C. V. DEES, JR. Mjr Com. esplrva D«e. 12, ID^. t whisper* aad other dark-iantorn igwth • J Ta. I "Our dim oa' Democrat' mast by to • <w safeguard (ha primer > sad election s lows that th* humblest aad poocaat I man oe woman BMW veto as roa sos office on terms as equality with the r richest and moat powsrful. The bal lot ia a seeed thiag. aad its aaarad ness most be kygf inviolate By some means we must put an sad to th* use 1 of monty in politics sr tha Democrat!! t paity and sere institutions will perish i If Mr Waifs does not rqalisc this, apd ■ hr doss qpg wo mgaf iqpha him rra) I Ife it. Bis decreed have no terrors far R ' to - *: t»R W«tt» ir fighting raq J. Mfhßfe h* know* that I stand for » >■<»( »w»l4. >q*A* Wad#* and > WsHfMte IwpqasjjMa. ihla and hi* r vaiagAriHou' rdncclt (ggt only his -sfcar b* gpvyepo, onosunto sos l Ms Watt* roqrae. ‘ ... Wgito r.wft • i * (*- Hf l x»4r'estimate Mb# puvyt « »t JR*. WwtU Mr. It Stole Tqx Cagiv ' miseioaer. Inomee taxpayers nU) fgOf r ‘ifi- k«or>* q/ l4»a* pixy cglcuigte upoq ■>)* («*») The cqgDol* lorgs b*r>k 4y gisite Ho i* ngf a about a fqllgwing • He hat to nr kmc* ip rear* count) whs • h)«k that »H t|)*y used to wig ip oar ‘ IgxGon is n liulc mpngy from him • rgors arc psljtigani who bops t# profit » »iy hit liftitf. Th*ra ara others wh* r f»*l tom Nwerthrloo* Mr Watty kAwwa that altef aJI hy is not *0 pow llui QU'srwiSa he Would not t*(h. 1 q tins* like thaw, to hidy behind tbo nania of Sepator Slpiigont and tg 1 Ullik sanctuary In the Democratic pur > I notify him byre and >)|>W that hy will not h( suffered to do, either of thnsa Uungr p*|'l fist Party "The Dc-noralir past) Hoe# not h*- 1 Iqag to Mr. Wptto- It is the vrhld# ■ .31 ."*■ l '■ ' U ..jr , „A ......—r~ ■ 1 ■'f*'»T '* '■»» Chaiiof >fo. bOgp " » « s I * . , Krmare* DJftrW Ase (. w BKroBT of coyouioji ok THB NATIONAL BANK OK GOLDBBORU AT GOLDSBORO. IN TI|K STATE tJf MOUTH CAROLINA. AT THR CLOSK OK BUBINEBd ON WM H to. IMU 4 HBROCffAES I. a Loans and diagouata, including radiMOunts, accept- ( ances of other hanks, and foreign bills of exchange 1 °or draft* sohd with iwdorwmant of this bank (ex cept lh»»c shown ig'h and «) (706,863.1 D c Customers’ liability account ot acceptances of this baak^ purchased or diacognted by it .., 766.66.1 19 , Total loons *766,663 l» 1 i. Overdrafts, secured, none; unsecurrd, (621 Off 827 ft Liability of foreign hanks and bankers for drafts and bi|l( arc*pled by this bank to create dollar c*- changr, and. now outstanding , 4. IT. 8. Government securities owned: V a Deposited to socura circulation (U. S. bonda par value) (9(4(0 00 1 b All other United Blairs Government securities lia eluding premiums, if uny) •»/\ Total • ■:... . »7.«( MR , s 04h«r bonds, stock*, occarttlos, etc: |2,4«f).00 6 Banking Houag, (2k,000 0#; Furniture arid Fixtures, none 25,(00410 7. Real estate Owned other than bankipg Itousa ...... . nona ( *> Lawful rasarve with Kcilcral Rsscrwp Ha»k (5, tog 74 9. Item* With Federal Reserve Bank ip process as «wß**4ian , ..ItAme 16. < ash in vauh and amount doe froth nntioaoi gangs - >T7unil 24, (00.(7 , "• A m D9"t duo fro* St*t.- bank*.' hatiktrsi. aad truat companis* hi* the I'uited Stgtc* (other than %iclack« in iteni* *, 9. and lofi. §4(0.20 U. Exchang * for c tearing houae ,R&* 13 ( hcck# on other banka in tho asms CUy or town a* r*uortioa IsaiA 1 (#ff)er than Item 12c. . . ± 1 Tot*J of Items #, ip, 11, la. and 13 . (3|JH6.(f 14. b Miscellaneous caah items (tTffdhl 472 20 | “ f* c< ** m Ptlon fund with U. S Trc*tur«r and due from U. B. frra* jrr 4.790.00 16 Other assets, if any .. . . ) MBM> f **•* * . * , j - ToUl . v ;....... • UABII.ITIKB v - 17. Capital stock paid in ..... , . v (UXLUOD.OO k *8- Surplus fund k *- I*. Undivided profit#...;:;'!'^:::; ■ * v,;.v iMMSM 9 * Reserved for interest and taiw* aecrucd .. (,(»30.18 )•: * , b Reserved for unearned interest 9,870.17 *56.670 U 0 c. current expense,. Interrtt, and taxes pmg 2g.j7g»g 30.406.23 ■lO. ( irtulaliaa notes outstanding „ (47*000 ” Am ‘ ,uo * -u » t® K.dcsai Reserve Bank (deferred credit*) gqff* 22. Amount due to national banks 23 Amount due to .Slat* bpqkt, and trust companies in ths Ufetod*" State* and foreign countries (other than included ip Items 21 or 221 h fat ■ -'4 ( rrtifled cheeks oatstanding > _ *"■ ' ashler * checks outstanding . 8 47094 Total of items 20. 04. and 26 (9,243.43 PeOtand drpwalla (o4her thaw hawk deposMs) satiject to Ksaart* k (dapoaita payable within 30 dayalt ■„ . 28 Individual deposits subject to check ■. 300*0* 0 , 27. (ortiflrates of deposit due in less than 10 data 1 other tho* for ' Henry borrowed) Powa 2d. Blala. ceunty. oj- olhrr municipal deposits oecnrrd bf pledge of. a Afttrin of thi* bank ui othrrwisf f , 29 Deposits requiring notice, but less than 30 day* 41s Other drnund dfpoaiti ••it ' Total of deposit* (other than baok de posits) sabjert lo Rrserve, lleais 20, 27. 28, 3D, 38. and SI («0(i,(00 0i I Time deposits sahlert tg Reoervr (p#v*b|c after' W davl*, or subject to 30 davs or more nolife, and ppstal savings 1: 32 ( ertifleates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) I(T,ML77 : **• ®La* r , voumy. or other municipal deposits secured by pledge »f assets of this bank or otherwise none j J* Gller lime deposits |, M „ ( 3i Kosjpst savings dapoeita t> _ gjg Total of linn- deposits subject to Reserve, Item* 32, 33, 34, upd 3S 11873)37 *7 *« United (Bales deposit* t other than postal savings 1, Including W'gr i.oan deposit account and deposits of United Hlatat dtfr hursipg officer* *s, 147 I H. <-u»rrnnirnt »rruf|liba borrowed , /* f nonr 4b Mooda ond MHMfilko, olhrr than Umud BtaU». bcirroprd non« j tO Billfl i»?«Mk « iritlgdinfr nil oh 1 1 rat ions nprr«fiitmi: monmy hwr- * rowed other thyff rediscounts) • ' 4t). Jfbtcs and bill, rediscounted, Including acceptances of other hsuks and foreign bills of eschaugo sr drafts swig wi|g tp. doraenrant of this bank 5(44)70 I 41 Letters of Credit ams Tras*lert' < htrkx agld far egaff aad 004- standipg ..... , *..<....,.i.iu, ffoßh l« b lest acesytaatot of Ihia bank purchased or tlisroansgff' i tog Item I t) •oa* I I Acceptance* executed hy other banks lor arcowol of tot* Voato n-soa * , 44. LiabllitlCx other than those above slated , <(Sfoy * ) ' '.'(ft# *S| - . T " ul -i«..>»■'sft (DM.l6fi.6fi I Stair -if North ( arulta*. Gouafe of W*>r)«, • «■ 1, Tho. )| Norwood. I ashler of th* abuse q„„.d bank, da sqkataly sw.*r that th. abut* statemont ia tru# to the b„ t of my kaowlsdg, aad belief CORRECT—Attvsit * THO " " MORWOOD ' 3AM HR IMG Eg w T. YKLYRRTu.N * • M J. REST, Dirrcfer ■ Subxcrlhed and sworn to be for, m,- thi. tenth day Ju|y. .9*2 u * f- I'EKW, JR Notary Ftslilir * * My iiMiinnasioa vsyitst lfe«. |2 ( 1 wg.t. ( m «. 1 pep 4 so •" tumwat mtmnm, wlt tt, 1 -y -' —w- ' - 1 iw of -TTTRII mill vgagrtoT Ms eu not in yoke m JtafV «»■(. if) .ff)* 4ff fegta. Whea typ r spate h|m fe, pas* a politfeiaa, not aipggty. 1 hasp baa. A latohJAL J h«*. sag, vsassd this Santa ta iwry gaasgwjgw for fourtahS tagga, s«d feta* feraj 40- clined a call to service *• “doaator **‘i —ivna and YJi’, —iH jg urved prcs*)g* dpts go* beTong fe Mg. Wall* I h*vy beaa kja .loyal agapegt tt foe moo* tha a tgwa4y yiag. IsA assistance as I hav* road*rod him has Ut-rp rendered ip Iffy yycn. I am P*4 tshamyd of if, Ml# aoroar has juatl -1 fiad it. Tho so Orgaa- I ixation” does not hbfwap<(axgfig. Watt*. There arc tens of thodaaadt who sap port Mr- •‘■>11(11001*# 4<d MR ML,Ui low Mr. W«t(*. »o^ f t*i|mh|4 mKJ Mr W.iu to «"UfM (RlwfctwaaU l» the usv of («a*w# Mtatfiip ih*, IwiH juaWf ir »“ hfwsoff (ho Kaloxwsii ah W**hinjrtM(”»iid |h« wwtrtd he bo*» 8* Raleigh* wha lu, far year* sought to capxtaJia* ,tfe(at#w as Simmon* in ta* latoaaat# .ff-Jlns selfish purposes and often at the cxpensq_ ■hat -StolMPtaP “In qinrl|)ilon, let mg rctotn to tha victory of Mr. Bstts I mak* at «laim whatever ia th« ttaltor I aid Pte dgty as I taw it. I sec ia that victory, however, *. popular Irumph over th* I very method, and me,n* that ft, Way* xUndi for- had TP thi* I rw- I *pgc«, a* ev*ry gqod Dasqaq ral •"* P*’ j triotic Htiscn showld mpotec A tri ■ umph like that is a vjflory for every '< weil-meaging man and woman in tbo comasanwrulM)- It ’'ttehaa tayrpr to (M Wptttitcx and it heralds doopi ot Wattsisjn. "They dP w. U tq sack wj|h all .fegsta ta rah me of any rredD whatever for mu purl ia it gnd ia thaao tarns breath a«rk to make it appear that It waa a Wait* trisioph.”

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