lAttjfoAT Mojmwg. J $ ALEMAN JAM *Mbij,a»srt. a-k.iv. m» > <*w«wr ttwtue*«fc ! but tJikt* «rt unt bt. /f uc.-l.- » V EP Vv. . H*fc a Ml>w> *•! »JT NKfcMMM- Sb'rtOOCNT- V F voo I iKM ~ , ■ —.'J, j7*U- R'GHT. SNI-lU. JUST \ U\ . uS?T , ft*- f \ PV,T THR *E HUNOHSD OP I s - you f w'ixstvlu /T S»“ VACA-..0N J, CtA N OF have vou thought 'tguess weil) —— Pt AT ; \ T*Ai2a«n rF ) , ~" , " r r! > 7 , WIU. I'VE .SAVED SOME T " | HAVe'THIHTV OOUAPS ,'• . L^jL^^ij— —' r7^~^^v^n!' s i < vjiILtScB L ABouT AT ' t>9 IS TO DIG UPTMI.I FRECKLES AND HIS FKIENDS ■ HFHD ; { SSsy ( ‘l4 '«.•* \ * ‘ etA- " , ! f \♦( l. «**N> t _ I •t_Li : -E BY SWAN * r t *r r BY ALLMAN BY BLOSSER T IT. BY O. > j UTIttIKB nUtliKniS 1 to no wins h > -T — I‘Sire rutting (a Central SUiiiuo i Hi liiel Alt INvMon» HELM A TO HAVE NEW UNION .STATION UAI.hK.n. July 11.-SipnHlM losses tai|Hi| |IOi,M, the itiip ■ aUujTMcr department claims fqr North Carol,ha Uha lowed fir* 100 last month of any ! »t*t* in th* uni* It alao wax the ■ lowed loaa in the history of th* depart ' meat. ' Th * t# 4* f l f lr V f»P«rtetl fpr Juiß Wo* M. only flf* Os which entailed a. much aa $5,000 damage. The claaa of I F ro lWftr d*atroy*d or damager by Mate*' Included M dwelling*, eight atorea, five j autoniobiiea, frve baraa. three each o' I r *f , »i. fnctorle*. laundriea, pressing , club*, garages and repair shop* On* achool, a poatofflc* and a hotel were lolno damaged by fir*. Agaiaet th* $106,930 loaa, Inauranre involved amounted to s*&*.76o. while the value of property endangered waa fl. . 504.620 Reporting go fire* nor damage during Jgne, tie department place* the** cities! and towns on lu honor roll: Greens | i bore, Reeky Mount. High Point, Btatcw rHIe, Wayaeavllle, Greenville, Concord I Rockingham. Roxboro. Graham. (*llnton Mt. Olivo, Wak* Foreat and Aahc and I U* Countiea. ( hagai Hill Cot* 'Kan (keeper InteresMag new* affecting the rduca- ' tlonal town of Chapel Hill came from 1 th* corporation commission today in the ■ form of aa order reducing telephone H cent* the month. Businca* _ men of the hill have been paynig |4.5u | for their telephone*; hereafter they will ! pay |4 Residency* 'phones which have *»**n coating $3 the month are reduced to |2 M. (laioa Mat lon for (talma. The commission al*o took atrpa to & end the controversies between th, Southern and Allan t Dp* over the apportionment < Ihr uhlo* statioas ordered g||*sad in l# * a * recently. Tj>* commission will hear these roada, decide the ap portionment fer <-a«h nnd clear th* way for cpn«truction work at sn early dau. hdata, Ki>U|ou. Plymouth '■** eJs.*l£" fcr * th< ,0 ""’ Ivswaalwctl, ThV f* (hing and to be able to opcrati It without difficulty. this, in so far a* I* known, is th< | Aral use in this stata of the radio by an organisation for purely business rea soaa. . Poatmasters la Session. North Carolina peotmaatera, eontinu ing their annual meeling through today : heard addreat Ibis morning by G. D iUlaworth, of Washington, superintend #bt of stations for the postoffiee da partment. and Col. James R. Young subbing for Govrrnnr aCmeron Morri son. Th* alection of officer* and a husinea a* taion this afternoon brought lb co* ventlen to a close R C. Chand)ey, ol Greensboro, waa elrctedprraident, »u. reeding Postmaster >->K%iung, of Hen dnraoa. Khop talk* took up the greater part ol ! two day aaaaina, th* postmaster giving over their time to dlaruaslona oi way* and means of improving the pnsta servlrs. Kntertaurmrat features includ ed au automobile r,de over th* el(y »> , guest* of the Rotary and Kiwania clubs. last night's schoduled addres over radio by Poatntaater General Wort was to have been on* of th* meeting' | feature*, but the inability of th* wire less to locate the cabinet member mar i*d the sucres* of tb« night session. TEH'S RESULTS National league. ! ("ineinßatl X, Brooklyn 0. Pittsburgh I. Boston I. * hleago a. New York 4 Phllaiiglphia 5, Kt. la>uis B. American Image*. ' lleslon 3, Cleveland 5. New York 4. »t. |.oula 6. Washington T, Chicago 3. Philadelphia Detroit rain. International leagee. Haffalo I, Jersey City 1. Toronto 6, Nrv>*Ml U. Roc heater U, heading I. byr acute 3, Haltimor, •. Itr 4 meat Imagae. Raleigh 7, Greensboro I High foint t, Durham 2. Winsten Salem 3. Danville f. Virginia State Leaf**. Portsmouth 4,7 j Newport Newj It, I Richmond 4, Reeky Mount |. I Norfolk I, 1; AMR At. I flmMh Alle—ln I—■* • harleeton 6, % w- * V. V V / WAMT To TAKHM* 11 fv s —i - —--— AV.W you LIKE .iLMLR. » WOT tR. bTARTID \/, »T ' ** JT* 1 1 TMib BOAT Ton you ) AU. R»*HT , MILT. \ > J _ - ‘-o UON Vouki lav*Taim. / IJOT HOMO in- MM-K. -y a. I «/#W‘ W V.iV TAKtU. ANT> A4 -V ) £K)'A»U>*«U , r't«- /V 'iAMK. _^-* / | '" f ' ,)l I ' 1 ' :^iu— ji- *’~ '^'JUPII RY Wil l jfitltt BY SATTKRKIKLD PAGE FIVE