PAGE SIX - * * _ * OB ) I /wars DE MATfAH WlO '• >, ! "/ SciA!fetDON , ' YO MAN ? DiSAMDE \ ' 4 V MATCHED TEAM IN TOvVN •*' \ y_, .UfJTMA * | | t ' -a:—•-«■*-, r j I f £>*&\, I WANT YOU ) / POT rr HERE. fwtA.L ROW'RE_TI * * \TO fAEET HW OLD / OLD TOP I’M ' i & VOO OLTTvNGr- (Jiff «- j I FRIEND -MR TONY / \ nunm J 7 ALOMO-MK. /P? 1 SXCHtbNOn JR \ KAtTCHA ) l C*«sm>TY* /fmtTT'i N si , ■ , ■■ \t m Ir/2S.rJ V l ' : 1 /"just f>-^ N II /Hr.Rt'.ft miR of ] I / MINOTEr- \ / . v ,7./. >v . / OUI‘ Zk A WATt*-W»NG.S- )~V< • 1 ( "h£p ioS*. y ( V *8& 'Sff.’u. A7; ' iiipi ’ [ Steamship Wrecks. Bridge i,. • ._^^^Mj|p^9HUM|MHMßP^ •’&*' , fw^Ln , i i %, , ‘* t>|w ?* <1 * hcn th« IX.OM ftMmer OW ndaur. I cr«*h*d j *£**? "***' OVfT »« Jt-ckw-ck rlvrr Nowark .ncl j ,?.,* f** * * ** ■«*" ™ mu, th. >iv*r 1*,,. „„„ un *„ ‘JJj; ’*Z j 77ie Republic Hotel Cigar and Newstand 1 want to inform my friends and the* public general lly that r have aceeptcnl a position at the Republic Hotel, formerly McAlpin where I shall run a new stand which K will be supplied at .air times with a complete line of Magazines and Newsapers. If you are needing any thing 1 in that lino or in Cigars, Tobacco or Cigarettes —1 will be glad to serve you. And it may be possible you might heed a stamp or send a Special Delivery Ixitter. if so you can get \Si what you want in that line here. cp. cm iiiiii « . . uto --i.< mJMMk - v ... » Norfolk Southern R. R. Announce* f? v \: Kound Trip Werk Knd K»rc« tor Iteaufort nnd Morehead CUy * ' , Ticketa Mold Fridays and Sat urdays, (ommvru’ing May 19th, continuing until September 23. Final limit midnight of Tues day following date of Hale. For further information ap ply to ticket agent. J. F. DALTON General Passenger Agent Norfolk, Va. THIS r.Ol DWBORO NIWS In Car Strike i , ———————-—T—i; 'Jk 8 mSL . . * m «f r~ < ’ I '*~wr 1 * ' m -»i i Hticvl car crews frequently hire! to ckar the track of old bed*, dirt ofidj miscellaneous Junk In the •tree! tail*ay ■ trike at BuXUkh •T hi* !nternetton«i Utlin . I I “Gentlemen: ) I |,| ‘ • i • •N - f»r n "'ii inrinl/iT b>i> n-nrw«l, which I 1 111 b<‘t n handl'd u l. \ viur lttc»l Manumr Th. wntir, ip h«h»l/ 'l t\ B"*trd [if It 1 i'»i and the m* mbiir>'bif> ,u( thu L #/ t ri-a'ly .i|»|trt i tU. - t h*' spirit o( i'ii-ti|tiraU(tn shown by ynu in enn- f \\ *' huiMi in.i i.\|y y..iii financial aid, l>ul th r mural aupport us your .'t |/ I’-'ttl Manaif'-r t » the d* t-h |.uif*nt and profr« as of our t'ily. [/ lj "W. with In u ore yt . mot th uriraniaatlon i« at your i rvicr. •)! an IWf ii * truly hop' that >uur lit ul Manaftr will rraliic that our (l It information lilt »r** niwn to hia dupo ul it «ny lima. ')1 \ 'Ai’mii ihait k i rißr >oti for your ihltri-st to our behalf, *r remain. va ( "Vttura for M-rvna*. (I f "t hi usitiiKo chamukr of commerce. If J a “W c Dtiunark, Mocrctary.” S / Our dfHiri' to co-opt rutt* is fully shown by the fl l ulxivt* letter. H f The Herviie renrlritKi hy tin* IHtST.M, cannot In* U ) lurpasyeti, ami the support of the people of COLDS- 31 \ HOIU) will be apprtH iatod. v» j Two tetephotirx Call POSTAL (j V-y---b=-' —: p- „ -----'■ WHIJE LAKE BEACH (MUNI) OUENINIf FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JUI.Y 28TH AND 29T11 BAND CONCERT ORCHESTRA COMPOSED OF I7TH F. A. BAND Dancing Friday and Saturday Nights Full Orchestra of Twelve Pieces m i ■ S§ J* f j t f _ Boating—Bathing—Fishing-Dancing COME AND ENJOY YOURSELF • First ( lass CAFE on the Grounds —Sleeping Accomodations AUCTION SALE OF CHOICE BUILDING LOTS ON SATURDAY, AT 10:30 A. M. AND 2:30 P. M. This Property in Well Located—Fully Cleared —Main Street 80 Feet Wide Bathing v Beach Entirely Free of Trees and Stumps % Bladen County and the State Highway Commission will in the very near future let contracts for a bridge at Elizabethtown, and a State highway which will pass the Lake, and on to Garland and Clinton. We are confident that when this bridge and road are f-ompleted that any lots IxiughJ, now will show the buyers a large profit. We bt4ieve this so much that we only expect to offer one third of our holdings. To those of you who have never seen White Lake, we want to tell you that it is one of the finest sheets of water in the world. . ' Terms, 25 Per Cent (’ash Balance 1,2, and 3 Years free BARBECUE r - BAND r i To those of you who are unuble to attend this sale, we have plots of this property in the hands of Kobt O. Bums, who will be at the sale, pick out the lotyou want and name the price you will pay for it he will then bid on the property for you up to your price, buying it for you as much less as possible. White Lake Amusement Company I , MANAGER, FAYETTEVILLE IH-. U.t-.M.. - 111 \Utf4MNI til'd l» VN iliianiM I V\ Sundrotk JAB. C. JOYNER, M. D. Pr*clicfe limited U SIIKUKkV. U\SL - a ’ ♦" m r j pi iMBf '.liLJkjfr' m i jM . f ,|| \ L t ; #’> T!> rn. ‘ • ' 7 I Thi PortuaueM ‘'F«lr*y 17" *Uu»« «n*w>«l in tho i »W*R£- Immediately after IU flight from PortuwU. OMO^odftUj». ( SS?3 Cdbral rUtol (Mr Uvh *> **• UcU. A l ood Delicacy- ICE CREAM -fSJIEPS f " . ' 1 I v 1 , An every-day dessert in the summer time. It awaits you at the s«»da fountain. Specify Hines! Better than the law requires—as good as any —essentially pure - made in a spotles sly bright factory. ' t i I L I HINES ICE CREAM l » IIINES ICE ( REAM CO.. KINSTON, N. C. J HARVEY C. HINES, President ) ' '.%■«■'-• * ! u. ... : . j ■■» Htnimimiiiuiiiiimnii * * * *. ** **' * »uuv -WSS. mi h.