v !*"»■"*' (J "'" "r •% wm oiam&j *f| Mra FrMRy w Iftfli - * £ • ■■*—' ••■»- - ■- ' —‘i ■• ■-*■■ ->■'i mi,,:: 1 wmmu i ÜBfffi mm feffWlPVf • ■•iWiwl I *w*» » lYifi nvHHftin wrin J rfn nfsHilfl! If lli BkmM ip laif Cr—ft Mi Sbuii. Nw Chum at R*- |f; Mmlln, It Is Mi jDOTTON GOVERNORS „ 4 TO MEET MEMPHIS mm*. , lASOH, Am- A —Labor. tuned up WM ite afeaaai convention at Wright* , 'TIRh ttla Mhtk, U as much concerned ■'tw Dip politic*! m it te crvvr wag* KfMiN at werklag hour*. ilj And It hn{ sota* right to ba, far it aalaat a president, and th* prasi- PM of labor la North Carolina maan* •a aaah la tha worbing mao aa a goo- Ittaor dona to a good Dam acral Moat of tha Urlcks ara turned bp the Nraaidaat; ha weilds tha iaflaaaca and data tha apaaktng for tha workers. He talla governors and senator* and big bnaiaee* man aad everybody what labor dbpnaada aad what it aipacta. s f Mostly, labor fills Job*, bat in tbla WM Instance labor haa created a job. Wld Witbia tha ranks It I* looked apoa qn a big job la t kora's bound te be ggVMaa about it. Conaoqnantly. budding •anata far lav. Tam Jlabon. of Bgsa mri t’C, Caldwell, of Aabeoilla; former ™*tdnot Moody, of Halaigh. aad laat bm not tenet, the proaent praeident, Mr. •arrett, are aatarul aad la accord with the normal proeeaa of aeeata. / the State faderatipa will paaa a lot ’’ as roselntlons rat Its ‘annual eonToatiaa bagiaaia# an the 14th. It will damn the capitalist, and baapoak the rights as the working man. Possibly It win coa dama Mr. Harding and bla admlnlstra tioa far what It thinks le the biggest glace as capitalistic bumbag pulled off la aavaral generations. Rpeaehe* on ♦be graataass of labor will ba mads, and tha wethers of North Carolina will nroaaa sableeti of Interest to thamaohrei generally. Bat ebtef interest, eapacially in the ranks of the organisation aad possibly la aa far aa tha whole State la con aaraod. will orator on tha aolertioa of Mm now president It's a good job, aad Maas re. Barrett. Moody,* Jimlsaa and OnidweH ara oot tha only one* who would Ilka ta have It, jig a* many mot* I haa aaadida ta* far govßaar weald like ta ka gaearaar. Odds Paewr Jimiaea. Jaat now tba adds ara dpcidadly in •bear as Bee. Tapi Jimlsons Ha stand* ■ gtgnpygariab North Carolina. Ma ba* daaa a lot to koap kimaalf bafare them. la tba first piaoe, ka't a flashy speaker Ha boa * been a little bit aMaatleaal. Hi* race for Mayor of Winston Salem pat him before many marking people aa a hero. He'* a minuter, aad that will work more to hi* advantage than to hi* disadvan tage. he cause he's looked upon as the “human" typa as proaahsr, a good fel low and all of that. He’* much more widely known among . the union people than I* the "second choice" among presidential possibilities, 1 H. C. Caldwell, of Asbaellla. Aad tba next president will be one i of these twe seen, in the opinion of ' labor chieftain* who have looked ears- | fatly near the IMId. Albeit, there la Ha- i hie ta ho considerable fighting mixed up i with polities on tha' roovaatoia floor. Barrett Loalag Grooad. Mr. Barrett’* friend* so doubt will attempt a come-back far him. The Charlotte labor editor haa lost a deal as his prestige of recent month*,' and ba goes te the convention with the handicap of laat convention’* textile note. Between the textile element and the ether alamenta In ergaatsed labor thara la unmistakably a great |ulf. Tba textile element baa tba vote*, bat the other faetiaa* have tha Influence It { was pot over far Mr. Barrett last time, , bat there I* an organised movement underway new ta aa that it doaa not happen Mala. Tbla may ba tba reasen for the praa- Ideat’a rather non-committal policy con cerning another term. Ne one here be lieves that Mr. Barrett would turn dowa tba opportunity to continue at’the bead of th* federation.' He doesn't wont t® gat lata a fight where ths ex tent of bin losses lu prestige' Might be shown up, however. Mr. Barrett consider* that be bap , "“-inad# a groat raoerd far himself and j for organised labor. Opponent* dls- j Mree thoroughly, charging him with , having meddled up many delicate situs- V tleas Mr. Barrett gives himself as f much credit as tba State gives Oovera “ or Morrison for settling the Concord textile stalks. Opponent* declare the textile people lost everything in that j strike, and they think it la good cam paign talk against Barrett. la tha railway shopmen's gtrlhe scare* , attention has been paid the federation's president- It la traa that ba got some | ■hard front pm apace in the newspaper* j Mr his telegram to Governor Morrison., -Xm bo didn't got any results, sad labor purely raised ita hand when it mw bis j mama under tha telegram. Mr. Barrott ba* soma hard work for tha federetien. and ha may have Mas mma results. He farmed th* Ca talan with th# Parnmrs' Union under ft. W H. Stone, whatever that may ha wsrik. Mora has boas heard from labor under bla leadership than aver before, whatever that may be worth ,* As b* actual accomplishments. It is a mailer of aeeayUag the claims of B*r aatt's friends dr those of his anemias. Neither gfv# co* onset on* that weuld land ta a half-way point for observing Oltbor failures or accomplishment* Opponents be I lev, tbeir strsnffth la sufficient le bury him if h* offer* at th* Wrightgvill* uouveatlon. His friends. It la Mid, dr* feeling about to tContinued on Tm* Two) Hr* I ml VI He# e i\Jln IA/\ -. u 7 ii i \Mm TBi ii RETURNB FROM RURAL DISTRICT CUT REED LEAD BT. LOUIS. Am- It-As nddl t Mhdul ■nattered pteetaeU from th* ; r«r»l .4-i«a.a . d.w.AfL ***** «rtmt ta* BvlMir 1 psWirjrvssz BosialorUl "l-nitnaflen was col ta MSI. with-MBS of the U4S pro atecU lw tba State ropoeted. load had MUSS Mufcmt HIATT fog Tb* ante ending pa* eta ate wee* la tba rural dtalrcito whM Lang | ctainm facmMls to hlsa. WU MIKE IPPEIL FiKpHS GdWdbdro Mg* Os Tb Wllbm f*r East Canln CkaMber Cowmtn Mcdtkif Goldsboro will today toad a dalega lion of roproaoatotlva baaiaass man to Wllios ta aaaba a bid far the head quart •rs of tb* Boatsra Caroliaa Chamber of Camsaorwa. Director* of tba local chamber of comma re* amt at Bo* o'clock yesterday eft*radon aad each director agreed to get aa many re press aLa tiv* bastaesi man to snake tb* trip this morning as possible. The meeting la to ba bald la Wilson at noon. Meter*. George C. Royal I, as Golds bare, and H M. Cqx. as Mount Oliva, are tha Wayne county director* of tba Bos tern Carolina organisation. Ik* prime ebjoet of which is t* beat th* boll weevil |n Rap Urn North Carolina. Thoy will go to Wilton with tbs Golds boro delegation and strongly «rgt Goldsboro as tba logical place for hoad q sartors. Dr. C. P. St roan I dot. president of the Goldsboro chamber, will make th* plaa fbr tbla city. A dhaggtnng compilation as figures, setting) forth tba advantage* Goldsboro has to offer, -was prepared yesterday aad will he submitted to tbo directors before that body gees lata executive session today. It la batioved bore that Goldsboro baa aa even chance to land tbo headquart ers office. Kinston. Greenville and Wilson are contender* qpid each town Is a*akiag a btvd fight to land it. "ft means much valuable publicity to tha town that draws the office*. SOUTHERN MEN ARE CALLED TO WASTrTIfGTGN WASHINGTON. Aug. a. -CommllteM representing striking employees on the Southern Railway system way* invited today by Henry W. Miller, rice presi dent in charge of operations, to confer with the management on a proposition I to settle th# strike on tha basis of the Preside nt’a proposal, which th* railway aaccotleas turned down yqaterday. ■ . —■ - BTONOMY PI.BDGB CAN'T STOr STREET PAVING IN KINSTON - Kinston* n. e„ August i.--Tb# | municipality has thrown fat into tha Are of pahlic-spiritedness here by pav ing additional suburban street* this : summer. Many blocks are being as | phaltod la the northeastern pari of th* city far tht benefit qf o heavy trade which uses tb* main highway coming into the section from tbo north, tb* tobacco interest* and hundreds of school children. Those will he complet ed by fall. Pro pc riy-owners in other parts oflh# city ara exported to petition for still more paving ia tbe near future. Not ao many of tha streets remain unpaved, and residents along tome of thee* are i believed to fool that thoy hove boon ! j discriminated against. The municipality > may ba forced to art within a few mentht, although the present admin iatration. pledged to economy, will avoid oil further expondtlaras If It hi anttl after th* biennial election ia th* spring Kinston haa borom* tba best paved town in tba south under tb* ****•>meat plan. By this scheme owners of the property on a block My approximately : | two-thirds of the coot and tha city th* , remaining third. The city's share I*l { th* stumbling block. The municipality ! does want to increase its debt just now, and it promising a lai reduction ! instead. TEN MUST DIE, SAYS RED COURT! •M^soeoemwmm PF.TROGRAD. Aug. tha Ks- j j torted Press) Tha revolutionary tri- , bunal has sentenced to death 10 mem j hors and employe* of the Esthonlaa re ' patrlatlen mission after coaeirtion up loa charges of espionage Eighteen oth . era, aacaoed of oystomallc smuggling of valuables, saccharine and other goods ! int* Russia, ware given prison sentences ; while 11 wore acquitted. The trials last ad a Wash. , Prom tba moment pane* was signed with Esthooie, the court declared, th* ' Kethonian repatriation mission became an orgenibstloa far espionage, and for smuggling Th* eaurt haa asked tba , foreign office to demand of the Esthon laa govaarmaat through diplomatic channel* th* prosecution of high offi cials la the Raval foreign office .and war minietry who or* declared to hove engaged ia the plot from tha other aad. Thirty-lea Kathoaiaa* and Russians j employed aa couriers and la other ra i pari ties by th* Eothonlaa legation are to go to trial in Moscow today, charged with haying and smuggling church treasurers. ( HU UGEPTMCE OF FEME PMPOSRS IS ranswno Himmmb PtftftMHft' Uoa Bilf lait B«| |m AM ANOTHER STRIKE ON N. Y. CENTRAL LOOMS » CHICAGO. AM- R—Pall aecaptane* at tb# paaaa proposals submitted by Ptwe tdoat Hording waa voted toalgbt by Isadora as tbo striking railway shopman wbo, however, gas, their owtf iatorpre tstion of ooah of tbo throe suggestioas “W* oooopt roioctnatiy, it la tra*. hut eommit ooraeives «o entry oat the plana as aattlemoat | a atmeet mood faith aad t in aid as tbo 90*01*! welfare," said tba message of SMaptogH which woe seat to President Harding tonight "U those proposal, fail to br«M ahoat tbo results which you deal re. tb* svspanaHriiity of or failure will not rest upon representative* of tb* argaalaad •mployaos." -•' pRRDicn rraiKK now or f MAINTENANCK OP WAT URN. . »«* TORK. Am K-ftA strike of 4MBI madntaaanca of Uk f man on tb* Nrw York Cwntrm) “within a wn«k” was predicted bar* toaigbt by W. M. Parfc or. chairman of tbo system arganiaaUoa. m tb* result of tba road's refusal to rreppt President Harding's plan for Mttlemoat of the thpp crafU strike GERMANY WANTS TO BUILD AIRBHIPB POR USE IN U. S. ■" a ■" BERLIN. Augart f.—Pacing tba feat that memaries as tb* 111 and Rama diMatera still arq freshly ia mind throughout tb* world, Germany's build are of th* aow Zeppelin Intended for commercial as* In tb* United States or* prepared to exhaust every resource at tbolr command ia prodigging th* -laat word" In aircraft. Th* Zeppelin com pany stands ready jo *btakr lu repu tation” aa th* pvafect, according to an America* oflkial wbo haa figured promi nently ia th* negotiations for th# con trast nwagtiy signed boro. Tbi# gßcial printed oat. however, that tha Undertaking strikes no aw* in th# heart* as the constructor* sine* thoy already have built larger skim* Um that haw gad i j vtr~” ” rr ftfF b* said, they ara sqaippad to produce a Zeppelin as 100 AM or seen IMAM eubte motors, aa cumpanri ndlfc tba ship as TOAoI which ‘they have agreed te build for AaNrifokr . j / i , ivi Tat th* bblldart recognise tbo pos sibility of afamqat* hifbarie unaon troll able entering into coaotraction of this nature, if la Mid, aad will aadoavor to prodt by cara/ul study of tha fat* which befall the two gloat airship* pro duced far h* United Itntoi the pari two yoara in England aad Italy. Par ticular attention will ho devoted t# tba question of tb* manifold stress#* ta which an airship la subject. This prob lem involves multitudinous technicali ties as to design and tha ext rente test ing of material. In these departments, it la f*lt in Amoriean circles hero, tha Germans hav, reached aa outstanding ■tag* of advene*. Reception of th* ship kaviM hoc* delegated to th* naeal department of the United States, Its design will ha auhmmad to that division of th* gov emmen for approval. In addition, an officer of tbe department will bq great cat at rriodrichbafan aa an Inspector lhr.tugboat tb* Zeppelin'* construction. This doty ba* bean assigned to Pirai Lieutenant Garland Fulton. U. B. N. who la boro In connection with tba eon tract. Pint Lieutenant !B. G. Pen noyar. U. B. N„ alas has bean in Berlin during th* negotiation,, both of the** officer, having boon on doty in eea aeetion with tb* B-tl. It Is estimated that II months will be required for construction of tb* Kx No specific time of delivery bos n fixed, tbis being dependant open ' a number of contingencies, not th* (coat of which are the weather condition* : Tb# Zeppelin probably will bo eom . pletod by next foil, making It likelf ; that delivery will follow during th* en suing summer. Lakehurst, N.'L, kns been selected ns th* place of doPteory. Tk» cno*ra*t provide* that tbo shin will ly to tba United States entirety tin dvr German responsibly and manned by a German crew. It has not yet been . decided, at this early stag* of tk* project, whether ony American person r>»l pill accompany the Germans on their trans-Atlaptic Right. Tha new Zsppeiin Will rtqnlr* a crew ! of about th* same number *s that which , manned tb* R-M. In this conherlion [ It ia painted out her* that a largo pari of th* United Stole* naeal doportmanl'a I air personnel w*s loot in tb* accident to the R-M while th* Rom* dlMster proved' a similar loss to th* army's air forces. Thus American manning of tb* | - now ship prill entail training as an , almost entirely new crew. No provision has dyeen mod* In the t contract for tb* United Bute* to share ! la th* monetary loss, should an aaal deat ocaar ta the ship before delivery ' Since ho Zeppelin take* tk* plao* *( , costs da* th* United States in cons* <1 <**n,re of aerial looses in tb* war, it It noted, th* Asad amount remains due until"such time as th* ship 1s actually turned over to th* American goeern am at. Ta help working teamen get their rights under tbr Workmen's Compen sation Art a compensation service de partment has heel. ceUbliekmoat by the Wemoo-s Trad* Uasow Uaguo of New, Ytrl. I GOUMBQRO, MOOT CfiBOUHI, .QTH'f National Guai Mfcdnu BA LEIGH, N. C., Aof Z-«alloviM tb* attuatkao aa Iqaadß reqatao* kboip ignaaao* Uoveraov MwOit today with drew tb*T trwopa wkUbAai* been an duty at Rocky Hsaatli Abetdaon (ar •bout two weeks 1q jßßrilqa wUh tba strife* qf pgyway sfedUa. Tk* Hda rn'nted k tr* l-14 msnußiiw Furtltor Gmniibl AcUmi H«M Ir o>d4mi for WASHINGTON. fewLkrtbar gov ernmeat actioa ia tbo JfWlroad strike wm bald la sbegaaM to*;, tbaagh rail. axacotivM who i|Kkif president Harding's aaggaatiaaMar srttlamant j.sterday w#r* aafirsNMd to bava ,p ytteod administration aJsnrios that tb* If protoation in wutus' aa qulred by shopman wfeaAav* eaatlauod te work, la agite of tholatr.k. could b* guaranteed, any bnals of aotUomont tkn President might find lair waaid be favorably considered ftp tbo aMSaago aaoat. It TaAUOv. asgotia tinaa dariM tb* day, iArof added, bod brought a* immediate #agtbl* result. Th. Proot dent was «qM te ho awaiting tk* text of tb* raply d%irh anion load #«* at Chicago woo* dMfling to bla settlement proposals * weitmer Gnpuioe KBNpnr Wocftly Review Bo||i Crap Mode Fry or* Me PngiMa ia Nertil C«£*m WASHINGTON. Aag. K-Weathto conditions generally fairi * Muteri dur ing tbe weak ending yoßeiWflfqHi da pariiaant as agytcuitetq MuJKid ia H» 'fiy r;.r nsi u,mu tie*, end ike more waateya port as tbo bolt. bowoYM. SapoifiMfd excessive msieture Moderate rain fail prevail <•* from the Mioaiaaippi valley aootward. .hqt little or a* rat* frit to th* wa*t w*H, while aaaabioa wad ganaroDy an* pin except ia Noriksaatora anctloas. Temperatures war* abava normal la til* Contra! aad Eastern parts as th* bait aad aaaaaally high ia th* North waatora dlvi.tea, rrh# crap," th* favtew Mid, "made fave»b!e progress ia North Caroliaa. awcap* whom It was too wot in " tomorrow morning, UkVgiMi kaelag to** —rvad; aa klai *o#ta*4*r afternoon Ttoia la nothing **w .beat tto %•»•» *k# Coast |4m operating atofWag engine* alaag to* toßta* atroat URGES GREATER APPRECIATION OF LATIN-AMERICA •■RUN. Aagv-t g.atk Amort—at *•■ “pait atesteH la to* *H as poll ■•to" daola-d Professor WlHtem R. t tkepkerd, as Calaglkia University. Haw Tark, la a recent lactara at tto Ual earaitp as Berlin Dr Bhsytord arg*4 graatai appreciation as to* importan— of Latin American natleai la tto aaaa ■ala as w*rM pew era, di—a—lag tto subject “Tk# Rapakllc* es Spaatak *a4 Port ague a« America aad Tkeir tatar aatlaaal Relation*'' Tto lector* wa# tto I rat formal treat as lu kla4 sin— IBM. ft waa att*a4*4 kp a dieting*liked eompnnp as aaaw 440 p* roans. Including tk* Amarienn aad Japan**# cmbaundori, rep—at- I atlrai of tke South Amoricq* diploma tic a*4 eeeialar offlcoe; memkara as tto gararaa— nt. aad a numtor as aatod prwfaaaora as tk* aal—raltp. Tto lat ' ter caaiprised aa lei peel ag Hat as fa aaaai idacaton wk* tor# appeared la America* uilrerilty lactara raemc, lack i aa Prafc—or* Prledlaadcr, Beni. Penck, j Rraadt, Vagal, gpraagar. Sterafald, I Brinkman n, Bering, Heg me an, aad Koo honor. Praf. Shepherd wni girao g hearty ! receptie* when iatraduaad by Dr. Wal ler Nernit, Re cert Magnlteoa as tto aairaralty. Dr. Ikaptord reaghly eat lload tto kiitariaal Sev.hepasont as to* Latin-Amor lean nation* from to* nine* es tk* Ittk century when tker* .listed “to* greatest colonial empire ever (truck elf by tk* hand as maa, tto Em ipi re as Spain." Panada ■ a pea decadal. he caid, tk* countries to tto south as i tk* United State* tor* baaa nagtaatad by Eurspoa* immigrntien aad Rnrepeaa j capital tw* facta— wklck to dec mad fundamentally ritnl to tk* prog— *f Now World land*. That* two element* ha** hatta re quired by tke United Statai t* bring It t* lie present Sauriikiag caadltlaa. Dr. Shepherd —id, adding that when ; they had been obtained by tk* natiaai to the (oath tko fata— of tbaa* landa would bo aaaa—d. I The (peaber urged greater eaoeidara- 1 I Uaa fer tke itota* of tko Let la-Amo r- 1 Iran (titaa In world politic*. He *s pre—ed tto belief tkat “tke quant!ta il** method es determining actual Ii Ju*t ae unfair when applied t# **• lien* ai la indindnali." i Prwfc—or Shepherd delivered a eaa aad lactara tk* earn* dap before tke English Seminar, (peaking an tto ###- nectlon es Serep* with modern rirtlioa tlon Daring a week 1 * eielt la Serin! h# wni tke gaeet es henee at a nnmtor es nOelst function# I WHAT rjBNNA DStINRS TO <5 QUENCH ITS THIRST VIENNA. July Sl.~Tbt* elty roosarn rd la the pad yaar lUjMMM liter# es beer, 4UI7JM liter# as wine aadtetW.- , 1 ISO es spirits, Bearding to Igirw )a«t publiahed Taking the population . at , nearly MM.MQ thi# wan a percapit# consumption es U lit*— as hear, it es wito aad four as aplrita, a to—l as St , Dtars, or a lull# aear M quart*. mm i SENDS TROOPS IITO com mi mm varnmwmwmmmm TRk«R Flcbl Stop to KVmtMr CmU Cml ftr PhM* liwtiUUMto IgMtial Isfgatrica ! ALSO MAKES APPEAL POE VOLUNTEER MINERS INDIANAF9UR. Aag. *-G—-or MaCrhf today tank to* drat Mop in pramiadd .Forts t* gravid* aaal far Indiana* public iniUtotlajg sad *•• aentlal indaitriii by —adiag cava* hundred aad «f|y Natiaaal guard**** Into tk* real Saida la to* Sautkwwniara pari if tk* Sint*. ■ Tto Qavaraar p—pa—d far gaaaikl* interfa—a— by Issuing a praalamatiaa as martial law la to* district ia wklak It Ii proposed to mini aaal under ara teeUaa as tk* t—epa. Tto praclamatiM as Oavaruar McCray decin—d a data as martial law to acid in cento town# in Clap county. Oavantnr McCray isenad a datemant add reeded ta to* mine- *f Indiana tolling far rain a tear worker# to e panto tk* mine# wiled by tto Stab*. He appealed t* tto mine- to -tar* to wark la to* Stole operated minai under tto eld wage aaal*. It I# unde—toed, however, that eufteieat man to operate tk* mince will to. available, in the evaat uaioa mi*ar* will ant rata— to waria DR. KERR NEW FOOD I NSPECTOR Or. A M. tarr, as Clinton, kna ae reptod the paeition as milk and food Inspector fer tka ally as Oeldabera and yeitorday itartod t* work. Or. Karr bring* to Ike Jab ha— am# caaafkl aiparieae# ai f**d laipnctar ta tto Unltod Statai army and m taagaet nr In tto baaltk depart meat ad Norfolk R* ala* bring* to hi* work n familiarity with local condition, and « |fM|i of tto kom* folk*. Standards of gnrlty, omplayod by tto •tot* Health aad In vngil* meet North Carolina cltloi wfll milk will to laafcpuratad at aim* and fallowed by w*nMr\aigmti** tom*." U year# aid. aad la stonily bo— me tke edu-ttoool aeoeati- of tto 4a«. tt* wss appointed a profasaor in toata* ' "Ivor#Up, and opened hi* ‘--| lr t|j rate ressful 'School Os Voaol Physiology.* Giro* Op Traaktete , ’ , Bui teaching luterfurod with his inventing, aad he soon gov* up all but two pupil*. On* *f tto— wu itsM Hubbard. Os . wealthy family, flk* kadi I—t tor bearing and speed ia a* st uck of scarlet fava, white a l>4g n was she wke later be—mp toll’s Wife Ren .pant too following to—o rag in night work i, . -n, r Mas* His money aeeda wars mot by Gsrdlner 0. Hubbard, hi* ftttnra Ipth.e iq low. and Thomas Bond*—, tto owkgr as tk* cellar. As he worked k* kaggk te —a tk. poesibiruy of convoying speech over an eloetri—lly ehargni tgS -the telephone N, naod n dead moot ear for a'laanamitter. "If I rah make a deaf mat* talk." Holt had declared, -I ce. m.be Iran talk.- 1 HI. first success -a- WklU Wing • •hi* instruments lb b»* to* quart*- I* Boeton Theme. A. Wat—. torfTaa- 1 elstaat, had .track * 4t*Ml son no at "•“t •> •#■- Jw. ~T«2T trlflad te hear to* *o«kd ia toaikar room For f* H y w-R, tka latera»#te_ straggled, a. it wort, fa, Then on Merck I#, IfW. F-mT ram. almost insaa. with Joy who* to hoard o—r tk. wira Kl'. vow. -y --lag: yT. Wategp, *om* to—, I want yan.” 0* hi* BMk hfirtoday, toll —(rod hi* patent. It was a« tk. Ceategnlal Ba y-INra told at Pklladalyhia. two months later, who— men as *etense toe over wk* bed come te etamlns and study to* nums—us ta—ntioto *a ’ klklted, —w Fros. Bell glv* a practi—l demonstration as the irsasmi— l as i to# brass voice by rlcctriaity. Receive# Hie Patent. As fer Bell himself, to bad not pink i Bed to attend thv Cenlenaial nt a(l. i He was poor sad be had re erg inland ) (Ceatiaued on Png* Two) ■ v ■ . .. m