■ ■ - • trr 1 Hot 1111 | * \ j /L * 1 jn , f I \ hot »• ««Hk Mfflf ejatr ol ■ttp-hto and molar wltM «r ~***~~Tll ~*~ T"i - ! «n»m>* tt» iwantf twi. jIL. —.-* sr' . r ~ ■'"’" ’"''** > j .' -*w*\ 1- _ * I =.r F jftirar.- • t • • « . • • ■ • * . ‘ SOCIAL ITEMS ■'• ••»• • • a m e • • e • 4 • ■ JAMKH-PATE. j Mlei Jamie PaU, ih• »llr/ctl>e daugh ter of Mr. aad Hr*. A./M Fat*. who Mr»» about alx mHes ttom the city, wa» maritod at eaiven e'eibek last night to l Wr. ißoran James, of Mount ORtc. Tha reremony Waa iwrf.amnl at fht , homo of tho bride's parent* Ur Ur.' '*•»• Wall, pouter of the Pint Baptist church of OcHdxboro. Just before the ceremony, MU* Eva' <Wt« *nng -Ob, Promise Mo." Mr*. C ro llon Hood was dome of honor and the bxlda was *!•»«» away in marriage by her father. Mia* Sadie Pate, a aUter Os the bride, the wedding march. Among the out of town gneeta for the wedding were Mr. and Mr*. Theater Prince, ef-NotJolk, Mia* Blanche Joint* ands Mr. Edgr.r James awd Mr. UovW Byrd, of Mount Olive. An informal reception for the mem ber# of tha bridal party followed the 1 -ratnony, after which the young coa- I!•' left on a motor trip to Western North Caroling. ee a a Vardan-Miller j , - 1 ; . ij'- Laot evtmiag '*t ! eight. o'clock the llwtddinr of Mil* Ethel Mftirr. daagh tar of Mr. and Mra. Charles B. Miller to Mt. W., E. Borden, Jr, ion of Mr. ~, W»d. MPa. w, E. Brodcn, was solemn ia ed'lVl'St. Pbal Mctl'nsi -t chorcb. The altar whs a bower of beauty, with long loaf pane, ferns, gladtelas andj ~ Falsa Dragon* used far decoration Pin* candles enhanced tha colojr scheme of pink and whltf. At the first atraina of Lohengrin* bridal ehorus Mr. Kenneth <£- Ruyall ang Mr. Charles Thompcon entered, fol lowed by Mr. Borden Cobb and Mr. Ful lar Hill. Next came Miaa Mary Wright Tvvler, gowned in jade colored evening drasa and carrying pink asters. With Mias Taylor waa Mr. Douuel Cobb. Mu- Laah Slaughter, gowned in an orchid '•s>*a draaa aarryiag pink astars and ac companied by Mr Claiborne Royall, fol- S lowed. Next followed Mia* Mary Dortch, (.owned in gold lace evening droa# with lavender asters, and accompanied by Mr. Charfos Miller. The dams of honor, Mra. Cbarlo* B. Miller, wore grey lace tvening l gowa with a wrngr of pur ple aster*. Mias Mary Mbhaux follow. ey as maid of honor, attlreil in American beauty colored evening gdwn with a corsage of Kalao Dragon* of blue hue. The bride, lovely In a handsome gowa of Roma crepe, with becoming coronet veil affd orange bloaaoms, entered with , her father, Mr. Charles.B. Miller, who rave-her la marriage. Her corsage was of brides roast with shower at swanso aia. She wa* met at the altar by th* groom and hit host maa, Mr. - Thomas IWsrdan. Row George T. Adorns officiated, Using the impressive ring servieo. Mrs. Georgs Bynum render ad "iMitir and -Somatima” while the wows wore being spoken Bsswose «f the yromiaente of both families and due to the uaiversal popu larity of both bride and groom, tbs wedding, altogether lovely and impres sive, will ho it Interest threaghout the state. After the wedding an elaborate rc repiles waa hold at the home of the bride on Walnut street. Members of thu bridal party farmed the receiving line, and delicious ices and hon bona were ”» served in tho dining room. Mrs. t bar lea L. Jvmßh prankled at 0 the punch ■ i—ii , i mwaiiii iff. ■■JT-m—i. ■ RrAsubfctithdj%a * ActixnpamW by Uw poatiualiuu blaak and your strut subscription, thi* coupon will atari you in the race for the magniflcwnt Gokinboro News prize*, with a grand total of more than 517.000 credit*. 'This *oup«n may lie used only once and valid when accompanied by u subscription re mktancu. n 1' Name o t Subscriber ....... .. i , ... Candidate's Name v ., Amount enclosed $ A Thu coupon wiU count frr# rradila when returned to tho Corn* gulf* Manager, together with the first robocri|gion you obtain. It ami ho accompanied by’ tho ro*K, and the aubsoriptioa must bo for • period of «ao yoar or longer. Tho liU.tKX) (n« cigdlta nro la addition to tho nun bar (iron on tho subscriptions, no per the regular schedule. bbwl, with Mra. B. B. Miller resolving in the gift room. Mr. and Mrs. Borden havw left tho city for points 'worth. They leave the statoa shanty for-Tuba. Ogt at town tarsi* for the occasion 1 weroi Mr, agd Mr*. Fuller, of Durham; Mr. FuHer Hill. MUs Man Wright Taylor, Mr.'Charles MHler, €t Boston, MV-. and Mrs. Erlic E. Smlttr of Ricli aioad; Mr. Sydaar J. Borden, of Wilson; Mrs. Lacy, of Uoleigb; Mra. C>fp, Me- Aliiater of Fayetteville end Mrs. Wm. Douglas, of Juekfow villa.' • ago. Mrs. Wugiaa A V i'.iter Mere. Mr*. Wiliam Douglas, of Jacksonville, Fla., Mr. 8. J.. Borden, of Wilson and Mi end Mrs. E. E. Smith and children, of Richmond, Va., arc in the city with their sister, Mr*. W H. Cobb, for tho Borden hiilicr wedding, **#*•*#**•*****•• PERSONAL •••••aooogooo.oo. oo ‘ o , ; Mrs. C. E. NorrU left yesterday for B’oek Mountain to spend *e/eral weks, Mr. and Mr*. J. C. Vanatory returned h> the city today from a sojourn at Cleveland flprlsgi Hotel, on# of tha most popular of the mountain resorts this *u miner. Mr. H. L. Wrcnn tnd family havo ar rived by automobile from Haitannah on a visit to hit math eg, Mra. M. t. Wrcnn, op Tester street. * Mi-' F. M. Hrndall Is wesibe In Aurora With relatives aed . friends. Mis* Dcrette Oetfinger leaves lunight for New York to *pend a f*w weak* with relatives and friends. * Mr. and Mr*. Wade Dorsette have rfv turned homo from o visit to the bride's relatives in Virginia. Mr*. A. L. Hcrtd and children, ,es B'wk'j Mount are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Mr*. C. C. McAlister and Mra. Tom Worth, of Fayetteville, have arrived In the cily for the Bordcn-Miller wcii<j«ne Mr. and Mra. Carl Baldwin have re turned home from an extended bridal tour through western North CaroKaa. Mrs. W B. Edwards anatwo daughters Athia and Catherine, left this morning »• spend a while in Wilson and Norfolk. Va. , Mr. and Mr*. J. E. Moye are vii.iting friend* in Richmond. Va. Hr. "B. Fj Terr has returned home from a basinets trip to Richmond. Vo. Born ta Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sav age, August Ist, a daughter. Mother and baby are doing fine, Mr. sad Mr.. Dalton Stith are-, all smile* today—it's a son, William Fore man und mother and toa arc doing nicely. < o p GIIM.. 11. RELATES ATTACK ’ MY MEN AT OCEAN VIEW. NORFOLK. Va , Aug. t—A 18-ytar-old girl, whose name is withheld by the police today, (barged that she was kid napped at Oceaa View Satarday night , and attacked by three men. Her rhargoe ; mated the arntst of Joba Murray, 19 years old, and ne will he triad tomorrow ‘ in Ocean View. f The girl was foaad wandering about the street* Sunday, her clothe* torn aud her body bearing the marks of bruises. She had taken poises, sha told the p« | liefv and ohc waa rashad to?H. Vijimnt's j r~. a , „ ,—i-E-I ill ) OUR i J w I Clean-Up Sale I ' BEGINB TODAY, THURSDAY AT | | NINE A. M. „ ‘ | I Neil Joseph | I Exclusive Ready-To-Wear Shop > ' *t VfcL.U. a. w,.' v'a. 3si Bl.' X * i Jpir '■ wMH ■ # ,)V-1 1 *£* JH * w ■ dBB r s A ■ ' wkf ? -vr \' Mite to r n m mßvni . V' \ \ J LwWj ** ’ ' iW giim . * ■■ .-> u , / t ' •• « . / i MRS. TIIARI.ES DI'FFT !*>. SAN DUEGO. Cal., July 2» - Mary McCuilea, four year* ago, became this county's oftieial eupid. ' At that titrv* she sgpured employ went la the clerk's sfflee, and on her Brit day at work isaued her fret marri ng* license. ' * *' The n«upic tittered their way put, and Mary quite dctcm nodly said; “ "Not Fas* two year*. Mary iraues the four-thousandth Marriage license from '■ Hospital, whero immediate treatment j eared her Ufa. « , The girl **rd today that *K« had gone * to Ocean View with l.oulae Hill II yrara | old, and had bee Lome separated from the j *h*n three young men dragged f her inte a place called the Devil’# Pea. j • rude ahack uaed aa a clubroom. She,; declared ehe waa stacked there and could remember nothing elao until she ; •O found on the atreeta by policemen. She denies that Miss Hill contributed | to her Iron Me, bot the latter la being held, the girt haa giren a partial de- tj i *n iptiutt of the men who attacked b„g, and police are after them. ATTRACTIVE WEEK END AND SUNDAY FARES via Norfolk Southern R. R. to I L BEAUFORT and MOREHEAD CITY Sunday train leaves litaufort 5:16 p. rh., Morvhead Crty 6:40 p. m., arrives New Bern 7ilO p. !m., Kinston B:Ji9 p. m., Golds boro 9:46 p. m. Special week end raUa at Moreheud City hotel*, I. V. DALTON, % - General Pasnuffuc Aftst. -• . ... * . her deck. Enters rbarloo Dwdfg aa e s contt clerk la another department Us ! Iha, <(;h mug old courthouse >Hoy« Mary again: “Marry? I've never 1 thought about It,” » Another two, yours. Another foiw thousand marriage I wen sot issued by' Mory that it, to be exact, S.m. Then Huffy whispered sense thing Into Mary'e ear. Mary waa sdboptire. And the eight-thouohndth licsaas Mary iaeued to heraelf. Now she a Mr*. Charles Duffy. | j Watkins Male Mod Caewwu* IIM tkh Week only Mfcc. Step tut MolfN King, far fordo aJf algoo. this weoh 10c each. HAH * to Coder Messenger Opera Houoe, (ieldajbore, N. C. j L | »_ i Small Accounts | Why should tho Wayne National Art*. )) J which 1* the largest bank in this section, cor- (( diulty invite Midi accounts? Renseniber the u I oak? . a|] f The young man of character and ability (I | • may have a small earning capacity at the ho* )) ( k inning of his career hot he will be the bun- (A ) iitems- man of the fature. /# ) Many of our largest accounts were at one ))j ( lime sMutil. We net only want yen to open -ml j ynpr account with us, hut we want yon to foei ft (Ut. even though your account My ho smII, \V », / n« are entitled te the saasa service and pro- (f ) lection thet the largest bank in the commenity '■} ( afford* the bigger account*. (C I The Wayne National Bank t T , • I || . Dependable for Two Generations J € n f On Gas Ranges! [ I I i & „, Aai,„a ,m. | ~WE OFFER A LIMITED NUMBER OF VULCAN > | | GAS RANGES AT A SPECIAL SALK AND HAVE J U MARKED IWS LOT TO t „ t t ER A) » | REGULAR PRICE *58.00 AND SVRRY RANGE f | NEW AND IN PERFECT CONDITION. I | THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO SECURE A DE- ~ I { PENDABLE COOKING range at a »V I I WITH EASY TERMS IF YOU WISH. I | *M* BRINGS THE RANGRTO YOUR HOME I 0 »"■'>■ " 1 *:■• * i ■ fioHsljm G«&F.d . f Company I i ... r • j L ' i l ’-* ~ ■•■■ i“ i ' ■ ”.7*77^ * ® jj * (indy ami Coaepaay, nadst • 1 * Mmmammr o*tf> Hmmw< * 1 Dr. Maude E. Weidman - PIMIU 400-410 flsaal BN* I i '■ ' f ■ DINTY MOORrn CAP* wml iM ran by J. BwUm MIA V rtt. tu W. Walnut Sc In Swm- j •on oM ptM*. OfM iV.to II 1 rM. Tati! for »Mtai with taSy 1 ■OdOMt to atr. for tboir want. I and wi»h... Pol It., quick nnlw. I Lodtc. frooi imM| an limbi- f ly la«lM to atofeo aur oaf. tb.tr •( j vat.r far th. child™*. Tara ato i w.lrom. at Maty’*. A royular > doaaor arary Shy aod .apyor with j Mat Rtooatta oraay eight. Ma par | vtth Short Oadort at all Bun. * ) Yoa art wataoma hy Datlaa Nmh I at Dlaty'a Wat. J ———————l — ——X. I •_ _ M-44 I As a flatter of fM a?• * T HI i., H Wa do carry a good line of Oroeerfen^B II try to buy the beta always and H to have the right prices. Compare^ Pi>cea and quality and see for j M || The best Moorsboro Butter jjf Sliced Bacon i.. «•«.!■. 43c and 3Be 1 Sugar, per pound ..... ( | E. M. DAVIB GROCERY GO. I Pay Caah and Bank tha DKee—aa - v 1 - ■ ~ - ■"ithMfißF If * **i I DRIVEWAYS, SANITARY SITTER I I CONNECTIONS. AND W ATER ita- I | VICES ON EAST Xsll Bfß»r . 1 H ■ \( mHMMMu y\ ? %||s V To AH Persons Owning Lute dll But Ask Strut fitfcfua B R Herman Strut and East City LfcnJt* 3J ff ft Ash Strut bctwun Human Stout ami tka But 1 ft City Limit is to, be paved at an mtif data, fpa%Qlt C |( having jilrudy bun Ist and work bspm. AO ppNUS | J desiring chrivwwajrs, sanitary N««r "imirttna*. at war M | ter run to to thair lots Mom tha stout Is ff ft pavad must males application tor mow to CHg MmL f ft near in writing, on or Wars August 10. ISO. Thau | ft applications must state sisa of saefc drtoww*y ituifaS ft * m * location with ta tot, aad moat stats I* f( ration desired for SeWsr aad Water rnnasitliu wMN // respect to lot. , _ U **l •> lb ' •'AWhb M (( B ) CITY ENOimnnt I S August 2, 1922. . / . . . ('A ■ n' ' \ H A,t, V ~ iriM i| r PAGE THREE

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