(pufrfllmh ilillimi), il!> )■ mm vouiw oNi; mnun im. KHUSIVII JUWMETWtE 'CMCKOS Ml «XT •<*» * AIM PoUt—. Oninns, ■ Bay*ra Alloc Potatoes, Onion*, | K Pay 91 for s SPRING CHICKENS LEAD THE HENS A GAY RACE F Vegetable* occupy the center of the itage an the local market and buyers | are after anything that eeaei fro* the , garden. They are randy to gay farmtrs II ta M centa for watermelon!, |l gar haahel for number one Iriah petatoei and IS gar bnahel far dry onlana. Os eoarae, spring chlckena are atlll | ta grant d*Mud. Buyer! are gaying farmer! from SI to SO ceata for nlco frisra. Seventeen and one-half to M ' caata la canalderod a good price for old hena. fat bona naturally are In groat- 1 oat demaad. I Hie prone at priee for gauntry hama < la M to W cents, while farmora may ( aspect from M tr ft ceata far then!- | dors, aceordiag to the prices being paid ; by L )L L. Jeffrey!, and are believed th# prevalent price! on the local mar- TO UTIEMPT FLIGHI i ACROSS MM i • i _ _ i On Day, One Stop Trip Frora i Jacksonville To San Diego Planned ■ 1 I BAN ANTONIO, Tea. Aug. A—(By ' the Aaaoctatod Preaa). —A one-day one- Nap flight frim Jacksonville, Fla., to Baa Diego, Calif., la the aim of Lieut. Jamas H. Doolittle, who left Kelly Field hare thla morning in hia special da ■ovUlasd airplane la which he will at tempt the trip. Tm definite data for the tcanaoon- Uaaatal trip has apt boon set. Doolittle plane ta taba to the air about dunk aema evening next week for an all-night ! flight ta Baa Antonio, spend knit an koar here taking on fuel and resume kla flight, reaching Baa Diago before dank. Doolittle's airplane la aa ordinary one, mga da Hart! land with a #7» gallon gasoline and M gallon oil capacity. The fuel is sufficient for a 1 joo mile flight. While the venture la being made un der authority ffem the chief of the air service, Lieutenant Doeiittel ia paying his own expanses. Air service offi cial! hire said the trip Is practicable and that tha filar will he aided by the moonlight, gals coast lino and the lights of the larger cities es Pensacola, Now Orioaaa, Beaumont, and Houston. The officials say that success in the flight weald moan that la time of ws'ty the en tire air Dost of tha Visited States could ha moved across the continent ia one day, ia aa emergency wrem' SEEK ICOHFEHEHCE Want To Present To President Harding Ttoir View* of Shop Craft Strike T o . i CLEVELAND, Aug. 4 —LsclsUttvo representatives of throe of the four railroad brotherhoods ia Washlngtsn worn requested by telegraph tonight to uTrango a conference between President Harding end Iks chief executlvys of the brotherhoods fat the purpose of peasant tga to the president their views in con nection with the present strike es rail road shop crafts. „ A telegram was "sent direct to Presi dent Harding tonight by the three local chief executives es tha brotherhoods asking for s conference. The scatter has keea under consider alien since yesterday by Warren 8. Maas, president es the Brotherhood of Kagiaeera; W. 0. Lee, president of tha ► brotherhood of railroad trainmen end U. B. Robertson, president of the brother hood of firemen nnd englnemen bnt he emase of failure ta get a reply for Joint action from L. C. Sheppard, prceldcnt of Alke order of railway conductors, the other member of tha “Big Pour," It was decided tonight to ask for tho confer ence through tho legislative representa tives of tho oaginears, trainmen and firemen. (ALEXANDER HEADS PEANUT GROWERS ICOTUIND NECK. * -J H - Alexander, Jr. of Scotland Neck has been K elected president of the Peanut Grew- era’ Rnebnnge. Since the organisation of Ike exchange Hr. Alexander has served mast effleloatly sad faitkfally as s di raster sad kps worked untiringly for the success of this co-operative ssee aiatioa Mr. Alexander rails on every ritisea for their support and co-operation. The saecees of tho Poaaut Grower*' Ex change mean* th* saeeoes of th* people. The earning capacity of th* Northern : had Western Stale* per capita Is shoot I four times that of th* Southern Stales at present. In the reign of (baric* i, even th* tadtes doffed their bqpdgoar in salats- Oea. f BP fMk 888 yBB <Vfn| *B .mm v />§ |b| Bai B ■ BB ■ ImbMhvbiP i B |\| Ai 1 ift I W.. H B B B B 818 B .-i . 888 *'B«. ■' B^ j| B It m ■ Wb Halh W ■BL/m f Abb W W * B l " a bbb iBFBBr Bib JB bbb ■ A w w ■nbb .": :. . i| !FXjr'>a*3rfci'£.tsf'?%'lsK; Senate Minority Urges Acceptance of Ford Otter , - *j ! ,1, l j H;; For CBtagPMg To TriM Proponnl us Norri* WooM Suhjoct It “To Vast CManllM of Aowricttn Pcopltlke Ro ' port A44«; No Mora SnbnMy ■■■■■■ ' i» i T- WASHINGTON, Aug. 4.—-(By th# Assoaiated Press) —Aeceptanr* of Henry PoN's offer for purchase and leas* of the governemnt's vast nitrate and water power projects at Muss!* Shoals, Ala., ,wa* urged by Republican and Democratic senators comprising a min ority of th* Sanat* Agyiculatura Com mittee la a report sabmitted today to tha Renat*. Strong protest was entered by th# senators against th* acceptance •f th* government ownership and ope ration piaa proposed by Senator Nor ris, of Nebraska, tha committos's chair man. The report was presented by Sector Ladd, Republican. North Dakota, In bo half of th* Pord proponents on tho committee whoso signatures wore at tached. It estimated that the govern ment had last throe millions dollars at Musct* Shoal* ante* tho Armis tice, by failure to develop and quickest wap ta stop these" losses is to accept Hsnry Ford’s offer for th* purchase aad ions* of tho government's Muscle Shoal* properties.” “Certain objections to the Pord offer seem apparent," tha report said, “bat w* insist witbsut fear of successful contradiction that nano of tho objec tions to th* Ford offer can b* remedied or solved by government 'ownership and operation—by th* government go ing into th* power business or enter ing th* uncharted and haxardeus ft*N if operating nitrate plants at Musd* Mhoais in th* prodnetiea of nitrogen* and other rosnmerciat fertilisers using electro chemical r*y*lH*~ ***” eom merctal ouccess of whjch iaVpet-con troversial-^ “for Coajfrcst te adopt such a policy when Henry\ Pord'a offer makes it unnecessary lor th* government to do so," it Continued, “would subject Con gress to th* juot coad* nutation aad reproach of all sahor-mladod poapls." The boliaf was expressed that every member es th* Senate would agro* with tha committee reference to the acceptance of Mr. Ford'* proposal when they consider tha “present fuel and transportation emergencies ia the light of “development of such groat hydro-electric power as is faaad at Kasai* Shoals, adding “that it I* th* only certain aad ' permanent relief in th* fatar* from th* present paralysis as Americas industry.” Th* report called attention to chargoa that aeceptanr* of Mr. Feed's tender would give him a goeonuaont subsidy In the development of power and the manufacture as fertiliser and said: “It bos boon slaiamd that the Pord offer constitutes u xuhsidy to Mr. Pord. If It |s a subsidy, it is not such • subsidy M it proposed by the admin i lit rati on in the Bhip Subsidy BilL" , Tho report thoa sited • comparioon I b«t**«° lb. Ladd bill and that pro posing federal reliaf for the mere bant marine, showing that the termer railed for an expeadtture of 145.M0.0M while latter repaired an expaaditure of |J j;, Otwi.nod In that connection, it wax coatended. one measure would take the goeernment out of the shipping buein.ee while the other woald take it out of the fertiliser and power business. It was also argued ia that connection that the Ladd hill would cost the goesrament "'approxi mately nothing" a year while the “chip subsidy hitr would necessitate an an nual expeudiutre of |iI.M*JKIO "If the Ford proposal Is aat to he supported on tho groaads of subsidy.” lbs report ashed, “bow con tho Amori coa people support o*ch a subsidy to ship ope rotors os is hors proposed T** ' Referring to tho retstiooship claimed between Muscle Shoals development sad tho fool end transportatiou emergen slot, tho report sold: “No electrical railway and oo indus try aenrad by water supply con aeffer sufArnston oh secount of e fuel supply, bocXuoe hydro-electricol power, both in He production end distribution, is practically fro# of oil labor troubles. Fuel and transportation ore tbs big national problems which now distress our people Muscle Shoals, with the Ford offer eccopted, may furnish on opportunity for the Senate U discover how such fuel oud transportation eon j bo, at least in port, avoided in the! future/*’ The report compered In detail the j Ladd end Norris bills pending in the Senate. Tho Ford offer ns represented by the Ladd bill, the report said, “tohes the government out of the fertiliser and power business” while the Nebros ka member’s bill “sets tbs goeernment up in the fertiliser end power busi nfii " * The Norris proposal requires direet appropriation by Congress of $*4,000, 000 without including any estimate for the proposed dams in tbs upped Tenn essee lUver. •“With no guaranteed re turn of either the principal or interact on somo.”\4 woe cold On the other hand, tho report argued. Musrle Shoals could be deeeleped by Mr. Ford nodor the Ladd bUI. by a government bond Issue. If desired. the interest and sinking fund paymoaAa mode by Mr. Ford will moot Interest on xurh bonds and retire them at the end of lease period, except during the short con ■trortien and power loading period. “Been tboo. of us who ore in favor of government ownership and ppera tign," said the report, "must caneodo that the Muscle Shoals cose is one fraught with the gravest danger of heavy losses if the government under takas (o work out the fertiliser problem (hero. No advocate of goeernmoot ownership and operation eon dtoreont the fool that the Mnasle Hh Mils coo. ie not n good oat to oolect In testing out tho polity of goeernment ownerehlp and i operation. The danger* s*d the did- aa 'g-w: ~i I .ii.,jBC—BCSSBi , r . .i-nrzrx:-:: GOLDdBORO, NORTH CAMOUKA, SATURDAY MORNING, AUG I. 1«R. cutties, many as )h*m specialised aad technical, ilnvolVtng problem! 'in the held es commercial chemistry, warn us to be conservative and prudent with th* , people'* money at Muscle Shoals/* An agricultural beneAt to th* coun try by development es th* nheals properties by Mr. Ford, th* report > asserted, will include a large scale pro duction of fertilises “produced in an art that is developing rapidly, and which will reduce th* cost of fertiliser/* After reviewing conflicting testimony taken by th* committee on th* question of how much present fertiliser costs could be reduced nt Muscle Shoals, ih* report asserted! “To our minds the evidence ia eon vincing that there are modern electro chemical process*! which, applied at Muscle Rbaals, will reduce the coat of fortillaora, hut If there is any doubt on that score th* United States should stay out of th* business. “Mr. Pord has agreed to pursue a plan of research and ta adopt th* re sults from hi* investigations which will compel him to Introduce ih* boot available methods, end he has tha acc essary capital ta do so. “W*| therefor*, believe that among th* costly problems which Mr. Ford will have to salvo at Muscle Rbools, will be th* selection of the moot economical nitrogen fixation process, and there for* it Is conceivable that Mr. Ford will be obliged to .Sithsr redesign Ni trate Ptaat No. S and possibly scrap aad rebuild the entire nitrogen process . equipment. “Now, since Henry Ford has th* cash snd has offered to spend It to mert the#* contingencies and dangerous fin social risks as w* here describe, then ; speaking far pyraelvet, w* are willing , ta let him have a chance to do it, but w* nr* not willing for th* United I States ta have th* opportunity to en gage In any such speculative Industrial ■ venures." i “A fair cansideration of all 4h* i facts," the report declared, “loads ua | mtstakably to th* conclusion that uqder I th* Ford offer th* cost of fertiliser de i liverod to th* fnrmer can be materially l reduced.” I Tha report added that from th* pros i cut fertiliser industry the former i might expect but litti* in the reduction i es prices. "Thee* interest* even d*Cling* Us i opportunity to us» th* government's r nitrate plant* Iron as cost to them, aad ' ta bo allowed withoat paying the gov - ernment e penny for the use of them to earn alac per cent on their invented I operating capital befere paying th* (Cratinued ea Page Two) SERIOUS FQKST FIRES MIMS NORTHWEST Thousands of Men Are Fighting a Losing Battle Against the Flames SPOKANE, Wash., Aug. 4—From the Rocky Mountains in Montana ts the Co lumbia river In Washington and up te one hundred miles from the Canadian border, thousands of man art fighting forest dree, which with nature appar ently elding with them, have, according to Theodora Goodyear, assistant staid forester, rendered Washington eery helpless before them Calls far help are going pnheeded in many Instances, with the Are wardens lighting the worst Ares and letelng tho othoys to hunt themselves out. On* firs Aghter la Idaho was kit ed yesterday whan 0 burning os him. seres of Ana govern ment ePprlvats stands of timhor have bran burned over or ore on Are. Gloclsr National Pork, the Blarhfrat Forest, ! »nd tbs Ksniksu Forest are affected. Horton Tells Fans In East Carolina To Lay Off Umps KINSTON, Aug. 4•— The lordly um. pire bad come back rtilo his own to day. In the Eastern Carolina league he was monarch ot oil he sureeyed, sod the fans war esMgally pledged not' to lynch, asaobtt or* defame him. Ths league directors and Judge Horton, the I president, some days ago asked the public ts lay off of the umpires, and the press heralded their wishes to thsi fans The latter have acqules.ed gracefully, and for some days tho tell ers of bqUs and strikes and boss«s of the base 11 nos have lead happily .like other parsons 1 Beery umpire lo ths outfll" wanted to resign, It «|S sold, when the di -1 rectors met. Rome hod narrowly es ' raped mobbing Others were sieh of the stuff ths fans threw at them. In -1 rinding bottles Even old Rube Bran don, meet popular of them oil, had hod ' his troubles, and the players generally 1 loss Rubs. About tho only ana who J emerged unruffled was Mr. Putnam, ' who wasn't o regular any way sod who ' told his entire where to get off. Thera ' will he more umpire-baiting in the I: Eastern Carolina this season. Ths fans I bars hare promised to Sudd down ths •inure ohttreparade a 4 thodr fsMowe - - ■ I I Jumping at com! unions lands you hi •Is hole. C ALL TROOPS TO GUARD 3 M E N STATE PRWON RALEIGH, N. C-. A»g. ri—Ae a i matter as peasantkrti due *e the zm i county, th* Parham machine gnu romgsny as Iks North ( a ratios Na- Uanul guard ha* haoa ordered In Ra leigh ta graced thro* negro prison ers rushed In Mate's prison her* thla morning after Choir or root My connection wMh th* attack aa a white woman aad thb»aborting at her husband near Banthera Flora thla morning. “Wo da not contemplate any I ran hi* though th* dreemataar** testify every prevention, “dodldrod 8 J. Bnahoo, warden of th* Mate prison, tonight. ( 4' ■ -w - ■ 111 —V ■■ *+■+ snsiipK OFiDMisnm HIS BEER ITTMKD H ' Y Roads Juml Agree That Labor Bmi4 Authority Supreme in Future SENIORITY NOT WORRYING HARDING! * WASHINGTON, Aug 4 -Th# major purpose of administratioa intervention in the mil strike was nee implished, n White House spokesman declared to day, when both rail executives and shop rrsft unions agreed to consider authority of the railroad labor board at supreme in future sen trove r«i*s. This aspect of President Harding's proposals for a settlement of the strlkef is viewed by the admtnistrntipn as I paramount. The fedt that the execu-i lives rejected the President's seniority proposal was said to by secondary ia I the White House view. ■ / This autlin* of th* Administration j attitude mad* available today etrengh toned tha hslitf that far th* moment! ao further government move affecting th* rondadt as railroads was ta ho ogpestod. lliP j Jiff is {■■Mf f¥ 1 Ilf ijf Ml United SUUb arid JapRR Hflc Already Been ExpetttUng Hour Indemnity a LONDON, Aug. 4. —The Wrthjhgtoa government for 14 ysaru has been ex peeling its share of th* Boxer In demnities from China for tha benefit aad support as Chinos# student* in th* United States. Japan has now cam* forward with s similar proposal, and Qreat Britain mar follow suit • A departmental committee, of which Sir John Jordan, former British minister at Peking, is chairman, is considering th# Idas of Great Britain foregoing her Indemnity installment, da* this year, provided China *sp«nd it far education al purposes at hom*. Tha government is thought to he favorably inclined. Ja- pah also has said shs was prepared to forego her shore of tho Chinese money under ths same stipulation. Thera is no quosti.pn of foregoing the 'right to tho Boxer indemnity, either by Japan or Great Britain, and if tho pres ent proposals materialise ths two gov oraments would see that tho manor l» stcuslly need by the Chinese authorities for ths stipulated educational purposes. Tho Boaer Indemnities were exacted In IMI by tho powers for the attacks In i Chino In lIVV and IMO upon foraignera and native Christiana. A totel of ill ; countries, including Groat Britain, tho United Rtstea, France, Italy, Bussia and i Japan, receive yearly allotments. The extinction dots of th a indebtedness Is IMA. CO-OPS EMC TO GET HUSK PRICES musmmaimramamm BffHevt That Top Notch Price* Will Be Paid fJrowcm for Beast Claag of Weed "V. • RALEIGH, Aug. 4.—With ths open ing sales OO the Lake City teba.ee mar ket bringing an average of $Bl.Bl par ; j W>« hundred pounds, directors of ths Tbhscco Growers’ Co-operative Ass or is i lion ere rejoicing that in South Carolina !os in Kentucky, the growurt reooiee j double the price which woo gieen them on lost year's opening markets. Ij' The directors of ths nseoeistton are '' rgnfldeot that ths organ I sod growers with a highly dsvslsped leaf department, r ample storage plants and redying fsrilt • ties to turn out 1.000,000 pounds of ■ tobacco daily, will be enabled to racura | better prices than those unorganised t farmers whs are grading thslr tobacco i ,h * First time and are ralliag without , • lor gge or redry log facilities. • It Is generally expected that the r»- ’ ceiriag points of |hs association will 1 open next week throughout tho South • Carolina halt. Oesr 1,0 00 new members ' I "** U> * | tiou durte. the Mg «■■»!» imMlra i t* Mw reran of route acts mads ht Raf. I »»H hradß—tw. Afura i s Co-operative Will Take fS No Contract, After 15th, ( mr_|. i!j Ji m\ MMibcruhip Campaign in Eaatern Carolina Belt Will Clow Next [ Tuesday Week; Muck Diana tin faction Reported Among Unorgnnixed Growers . Aug 4.—Th# membership ' campaign of the Tobacco 11 re were Co operative Association in th* Eastern Carolina belt will close Tuesday, Au gust lbth, and no more contracts for this year's crop will be acceptM after that date, according to today's an nouncement from association headquar ters at Raleigh. Th* recent landslide of South Car olina Growers'to th# big co-operative, the general disaatisfactlon of th* growers who decided to “writ and see," and tho subsequent signing of eon tracts by many farmers during a brief r*-op*ning pf. the membership lists by th* association this week now places from 6ft to 70 per cent of South Caro alina tobacco with the farmers organi sation ia that State, according to lat est estimates. Although priees an the auction market continue to bold steady all reports Indicate that the offerings have rapidly declined in volume. In tehest center* *a th* opening as th* | co-operative warehouses on ,'Monday , TWO Mlli MSB Oil DBCKETjtXT TEAM Howard Brown, 17-Y«ar-Old Hoy, Will Be Triod for killing l'e«kani I Two murd*t cases are docketed i for I th* coming session of Wayne eoupty I criminal court which will ho convened by Judge Oliver H Alloa aa August SI. Reward Brown, who la charged with I th# killisig of Albert Beshirs. April *d, Ila out *a a It.ooo head Releasing him ! fa sufficient bond was recommended by Ip* grand Jury when a true hill was found against him. Jos Holt, eolorvd, who ia ekargod with murdering Cara Robinson, colored oa th* night of -Aoguat It. IRSO, aad who has boon at large most of thin time ia now In jail awaiting trial. HU edaq has boon on th* docket six times, but like She -suieees mt Robert R*ura aad ta* spider, it seems the sheriff SdC ceeded In getting him. If th* written Widens* as Ltxsio Burt is sustaiaod It would sppens that Joe |a bound too Ih* prswuiod land. There are Id other eases so fsr SU tbs docket. They rang* through larceny. • mbsxslomont. fopgory, and selling whiskey. Th# p%s* of Com MqffflguMi, nllagod king of the bootleggers, is kttoOg LOREE MIMS TO KEEP com. me to rams Detachments as 8k op Me chsitim gent To Roo4o • In Virginia NEW YORK. Aug. d.-Bparrad by reports that gov*rn*n as the Greet Lakes stataa ware preparing te d*snand Federal spermtion of rdilroadx whisk Haul coal mined from th* Northwest, rail rx**utiv*x I* th* M*trop*Utdn ! trim, today scat thro* d*tachm*ats as shop mechanics ta th* relief as rands ! Ik .'Virginia, West Virginia aad Kea , tacky. All w*r* sent ta tk* Chesapeake and Ohio. Louisvili. and Nashville. Norfolk I snd Western and Virginian, wkiek k*d appealed to L. F. Lor**, chairman efi th* Eastern mil conference, far man | power with which to keep equipment Jta repair aad cral trains moving to > * Imho Cri* ports. | Th* first quota of non-union m*n I taken from shop* of ths Delawag* and' Hudson, of which Mr. Loro* Is prdsl dent, was reported by him to hav* j reached Richmond. Virginia, today. NEXT PEACE MOVE IS ! UP TO eOVERNMENT Each Side Apparently Able To Stand Firm on Strike l»- )w«h Indnltnitely . — „ . | CHICAGO, Aua Daaplt# rrporta from Warhington that th* aovcrnmcnl would tat* no further action ka tha I atrika of railway shopman at Ilia proa ant lima, untun leader* and rail aiacu tlwaa" tonight raltaratad formor aaaar ] Ilona that tha noat mava ao far aa pane* la roacarnad will ha up to tha ■wvarnmaat aulharitlaa. Tha railroad with htp<lqi*rt#r» can tartn* la Chlct*o maintained that iranapartatlon condition* wara nsarty normal and that now man wara boln* hit ad and faaaiar aiaplayaaa wara ra lurniaa (o work. Tha fifth wank of tha •tf'hr *"dod tont*ht with aarh aida i ay|imf|| parpta*d to atom! firm aa . tha laowoo loOoNwd for m Indafiolta — -a a l 1 1 August 7tb. Th* pooling la thf m»- • [ riation warehouse of the amount of » cash advance allowed for each grade • of tobacre and the thorough schooling r of Dio association graders U slgnlfl r cant, in view of the widespread dis • satisfaction among the unorganised • * roarer a The laat drive of the tobacco grow* eta co-operative association lata East - cm Carolina begins aext Monday, with ’ mast Inga at Freideat, Apes, BmithAold, and Washington, covering twenty-two , pointa throughout the eaatern couatioa. Veteran campaigner! from North i Carolnta, Kentucky and Virginia, freah from their aurccacfal meetings In the South Carolina belt, will aid la the final "signup” of the eaatern Caro ; lino farmers. Intensive campaigning in the old bolt will reach the growers of Yadkin county nett week With meet- i . Inga at Kaat Rend Monday, Bootiovillo! | Tuesday, and Yadklnvtlle courthouse | 1 Saturday. GiSEY-DIMY ORDER IS MIDE PERMMENT I Injunction To PravMt Conaott dation in Two Towiutkipo ’ By Judge Danieia The temporary injnpctlon laauad by > Judge Frank A. Danieia restraining a I I school election la Dudley aad Casey 1 township far the purpose of coasal idating, haa bean made pormaaeat, tt > was learaedlaal night Tha injunction * waa requested by a grasp of ettiaoaa oa . i the grounds that os e-fourth of tha frec ’ holders of tho two dietricte had aat • oigaed tho petition far the elecOos, aad Jadgo Dsaleis found this ta he the caoa. New, a petition hae been signed by practically all the free-heiders In »*h -1 orts and Casey school distriata lag the 1 purpose of cetteoHdatloa, aad will ha brought before tha county board as sdu \ f,tlon Tb* districts of fiwvoa "Trjggj. ’ sjara fore the oWaMan and ft wfll ha ready i for oocupaaey early It tho M- Can , struct too of Mia teecwoed bu tiding sb* I has begun. Other con.oHAaftaus tha >. anponntaadont anaounood laat otghT' I Ware tha Pleasant Greet, Bdmawdoou. Mid Flhirlllc dlatricta 'wupramoi i SPECIIL COMMISSI . AdmintetnUon Effort To End Cool Strike Wotting Cloroknd Moot WaBHINOTOH. Aag. 4r-Pmridoat Harding probably will without appolat amat of a opnotal reams!aalou ta effoot a aottlamont of tho coal etriko uatll after tho aonfemace la Cboalaod Moa day of mtoera sad epe rater, gram tho oentrel romguGUsw field*. It ws, Is dtentod tonight in administration clr- Canaid.rabb importoace was undor latoad to ho attached hg tho odmlaJa tratios to tha oatooßM of tho Obve , load conference la relation with tho , National fuel eitaatloa. ' v MiWgtgaUam |a th* i coal dispute abo will await tho reeaH 1 of tho Clog* load meting, o fit dais ha i liwvw. Moaawhilo, supplemental ardors worn '.iesuod by v the Inters tote Commerce Comn, lesion giving hitumiaoud coal for household uses end for mea afoot are of food and modiriao priority status, while the central distribution commit tee completed the formation of Ita reg ional committees. ! LONG ISLAND IS TO BAR STRIKERS NEW YORK, Aof. T.—Tha U| ta land Kallraad through Prraldaat Tatar* announrad today that undar no dream I alaacaa waold It taka hock tha man who want an atrtko from tha vorioua ahapa on July |. Tha only old amptppoaa who haaa • 'banco ta gat hack ara thoaa man wha wara truatod workar* and wolkad out I haeaoap thay bad to follow aoloa or* ) dors, ha *aJ4. Hla auumtnt daclarad that oil tha •hap* ora worktec with vary foU faro to. ntITALLUfO CATCH BASINA KINSTON, Ao* 4.—lmmaoao catrh baalna aad hi* aaaror Data ara halo* tnstallad la Norfhcaat Klnalan to drain that •rrtloa of tha rltp, sow bain* par ed Loko* that hare formod aftar arary hard rain will dlaappaar, and asaa of mud at tha aaatara and* of aoaornl of tha principal avaauaa will no* ho os- I>.ric>. rd again Officials any that ! wfth tha aocnplatiaa at this work Klaa* •Aa Will bo tha hast "aawarad" taw* ' *• »ko Stata Tha adaaMntec of Tho ' Adkln " a crash which dmina a port of ikt chy. may ha ooa*tfb*od shortly. • and this will HMra an r»rTl~t mrayai I at Uam. MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS NIC! PITH CMX CASE AGAINST TILTOI DISMISSED BY MAYOR OTHER DEVELOPMEIITS Nine Defendants Taxed WHk Coats, $1.41, For Rotmtng Minus IMS Togs ORDERS ENFORCEMENT CUT-OUT ORDINANCE $ Jnot before leaving far a brief eaca tloa trip te Swan there, daring which time he hae designed city Engineer Whitman ta aerve a. acting city »•„«. er, Mayer- Acting City' Manager i yesterday aftaraoen announced that ho taboo •steps to ebon up tho city hall and "wnka up" the police depardbegt. v Tullrdayt activitiee at tha city hall wora featured by tho Hupogltlon of trial cotta ogainst nine d.fvidaoU found guilty of operating tart Without IMS license Cages against two defen daats. Bah Wataea aad J* P. bhnSaa. were die mi seed and W B. Graham hat ed an appeal ta a higher ceort. Three i defendanu ware fined (|.W aad oaota r#r riding bicycles ea tha tidwwaik aad one. Faison Pollock, draw a si ml lag dee far helag drank Blow base BMlWtad Chats Mlaaaaor dlsmtsaad thf case against (lend actor Wiley Tiltah, In charge as a shifting train -fa*. tha BauAetw. who waa ap yesterday far hrfbgkaw a Mpfiag of boa cara oa Oka CeatgadlMfik taaffa out of heart. V, Th# erdlaaneoa feqatrw Ihßfi th«h*«fide must do thafr shjftliui hmali hours of si a and eight ta -»<* between four tad V fit mTSm noon, unless grunted pergftdE So 4# otherwise. Whoa the Ihe duties of acting notified the loci agents of this regulation aad thai Ihe law would bo rnflflM HE. ductor Tilton, bowtvor, aGM| fIL souri lhot ha had not the new wrinkle ead hie A; fife, a warning tkr sffen.e la th# maaattaM, the MagfEllHttb - bailing tha eeadortag had • most salutary tffMi to he raapeottag thu itcnetai obnoalouaneas dgrtgX* ' tjSft h. Centre etrewt tracks dy been curtailed to omJSX $« rity statu tea. WlMf' W Maay ftilm cjajhfl Beaidag the taw dafagdfista >u wt *tth liseagM W flWhrTTcy,Ws oa the cSs®?^. Mayer stated that additional ItMaS" • <wid ho sews out for ■ — -a. 1. Walker. John Atkinson, R. L®® "' *£ Ulotta Baker, K. J. Qteawrit, || Par'riding tha bicyola as iks walk, tks following wars flood Mi uaod with tho caotai Robert Wootoa, Edward Culbort %li Ptod Benton. Additional s » ,JI •'•■wseewHW a a«t( lw)||Bf Mas rludadt M«Kir , Mta| 11,t lJ W IS Eaat Aabe at met gad us ffeat AMa Ik. Hos mot property. , fetching of hituilthlc at mots MSBHe rotary ta coating. Deepening and wtdeatCM the «%m * JJjJ' M R *nlrn the esfltaa Newt ta ** Inga as ef2!tLJ! , ***" i bell IS em ffK9MBW Wy lg Bggng Th ItgUag 1 Phcg on WckGHi Spot |gi w.t S mo . wii Hcptli •■■■■■^■■ussmam STDNET, N. I, Aug. A—Thg-hgHy of Dr Alaaandar Graham BoU wGI h# bid ur z oi rupiw4 SI liMiiilfi J *“*?« *“« k* tas4o ta . V graalto tomb blaatod ha tha eummtt as i&tlFivruwstSS 2 ats e.u(. Ther. It will ho bid awur ta Ita • lofty lookout with simple mmmwahm £££: ** Under th. wld. .M Mam ,k. Prom William H.w.rd Taft, Chbf * Jaatio. «f th. Ugltad BMgai JSstw Sacra, i tS& Am.ri.sn Institute es Mialug/EngSa^J. *Hh Aaaorlean Society of Aaorima Mg. ! CTuasajaarja - - r Eymaala— .y.p.,hy , lM raoafuad from Lard Syag es Vllmy, g^. J «" foaoral es raaada and Lady Byng. , Peal U u.< dla Ireland to Keep m og r tpnf that I n people to tho couatay gaaw . j hum egai. Tho odor as goat b k.«Hh iif 1| .,dN14 ghwacnt. aad tl givoa oot ‘ oalthor fumee sac dirt. '.Ma 'V-

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