—w-artm* UW ,1* • * » »♦ • •news of the city • A *,• • ••••• 0 a V a a a a * ■•rm n*hr4l| to Mr uit Mr* Pl*yd B. Janes, • daughter ' WmJOM MU(f , V ’ * . NO HARM IhONA N*w* was in error y*»terdaj mnlh la tkr iiwf of Um Bail D* sj^STsrrsyfir*« I S^Tk^TSMsVM^ I Ut4 bail bom. Tkrn au a bit of coa fusjaa la Um city u 4 quite a bit down it Warsaw because Oacil G. Boat, ala* a lw*> attorney, bails frost tbs Dfflit lowa Many tHflr do«t, that way , aeught oat Mr. Rost yootsriay to eaa grdtplato him for winning ala law salt wbaa tbs honor* bo longed to the real ootgte Bash Attorney Beat, while also a lawyer, iaalata that bo is a peart los ing, hind of aoal. -if H: ■ - NO SOUTHBRN ' TRAINS CUT OPP. Daring the month of July, aaAot strike condition*, tbe Soethorn railway sy*tfla did not aaaal a • ingle passenger tratak. according to local iffiitlt, , Sat operated IIJH each traiaa of which 74 .par cent reached Anal terminal oa time and b 4 par cent maintained *c|ko duloa while on Southern rail*, c . : ODD PILLOWS PICNIC GREAT. TJhe picnic of Goldaboro Odd Pellowt at Marrlaaw’a Lake yesterday afternoon wan a big success and a particularly pleasant affair far tbe children from ths home who want put with the *•*- heap aad wise* of the local ledgb. Beery odd follow who was absenthad a proxy rad there was bathing, boating and a delightful picnic Inncb served at six o’cleck. i 7 ~ * h i i * ToßAtro Darn v IS DESTROYED. *r. yesterdsy afternoon destroyed a , tobacco barn and a curing of tobacco be longing to Mr. Frank Borden and locat- , ed just hash of the Borden Brick sad Tils Company, The damage was esti mated at SI,OOO. There was a small blase *b*S( yesterday morning in the Job* street building formerly yceupied ! by .the West construction company. Dam- I age was alight. PALER ALARM * " '* 1 LAST NIGHT. A foie* alarm from LetHa street had tbp. Are department clanging and staeamlng through the street last night i at II a’alagk with half a doses aotopno bilaa ia their wake. By aad by they . *ll dame back through ths dPlxtling rain , ‘'j tl* bell tolled dolefully as if for , raws hews National Leagae. Beaton I, Bt. Louis 7. . Brooklyn 4, Chicago 1. j Philadelphia 4, Pittsburgh 14. Mew York 2, ClMtaasti 7. American Leagae. Mono scheduled. Internet tonal Lmgee. Jersey City I, «; Rochester f. I. Reading 4,2: Toronto A, J, Hal timer* 2, Bbrtalo 7. : Others not scheduled. South Atlantic Leagae. Charlotte 4, Augaau 1. \ gsa^VEpL\ High Point'd, Rbloigh A. I Dorham d, Greensboro 6. (to innings) I Daaville 2, Winston Salem 7. f Virginia State League. \ Newport Newt 4. Wilson 0. f Norfolk 0, Richmond 1. I Racky Mount 4, Portsmouth 2. J —/*-.tat-qy-- 1 ONSLOW COUNTY HAMS. 1000 Ms. f Sweet and Juicy. Phone 1 700-701. Jenkins Grapery. l m • Week End ( Sunday Excursion 1 Morehtod CKy, N. C. | '' Beaufort, N. C. ( an . J NORFOLK SOUTRBRK. R. R. I #saai Cotdnboea. N. C. J Wash End Pare':— ) To Morokead City |4.10 (( Sunday hna:-r 1 Ta Morokead City $2.60 {( Week Rad Pares Tickets sold Friday ) and fntnrdan limit Tuesday following || data of sale. 1 Susday Pares, tickets oa mIo Sna* V dagp only; limit to data ed ante. S PROMPT *-'■*> i And the choicest line of food „ . S* ' . t> to be hsd is what you eon al ways depend upon when you call on us for Groceries. "You can’t fool your stomach.” Fresh veg etables in season and at the right price. Do not worry about nat having your Groceries for - Our “10 Minute Serviee” will help you forget your wor ries. v , Just phone 700-701 H. H. i- » * i M»» •* ' « • 1* 1 » • ' T f DHnihjl. Uy of Settlement • • explains seniority V fWBNTjpN strikers OKICAOO, Aug. lt»-( By The As**- P«.s)-An expisnatioa by H. M Polton, chairman of the western com mittee on public relatione of the Asao- H- r^rh*«pn.q^i JT* >f of the public has boon mislead regard lot the *4artd of Union leader* and that tteto D considerable confusion over He Nr*ird«nt* proposal with're.pect A thos.uior.ty q section. —ill*! S*** *“* dlfforoaoo of eylnloa, Mr. Pel ton said, “among res sonsblt man regarding the desirability J!* •* r *Re Bta early date, ptort&d (Kit can be done in a 'wjr that would approximate Justice !f *** *** dlreefly roaccrued uVd hi ‘i i c*‘ r *%»J etrlboe more likely In Tutors.” - *J* Dlndlag Armjddm. r l «* d * r *- (heir letter to tho President, did nn t|»t to accept '“"ft* of tk * U f* r^oord ipfes&ss* 'berood the right to strlh. fn futnn •gainst any decision of tbe 'board which (hey do not like. "them l» only one way la which am-! J" o F*e ««n possibly refuse to recognise ° f . \" d e * rry ‘ n « ■ <»« £* » * f *h« Übor Board. That 1* by KiS* r *‘h' r ,h “" * ec *ptlng ' It. Therefore, this propoMl of the Prcsl- i .2!:w 1 C 0 , BBt P < *^ i h>» hsv. meant 1 »‘(h re.pert to tbe futare con- I *** ,tr,kln * employes, except that they were to agree that In the futare they could not strike rather than •ceept and carry out decisions of the i board. “Tho tabor Idadere concede ft is the : duty of the employes to abide by the decision as the board only < M long as , “Slude It la absolutely impossible fbr the employe* to violate . deci.ion of] the board, except by striking, the labor' leaders ueoetaariiy roach the astonish- j Dr. Ma«de E. Weidihan v \ 4I) . Ph*m 479 400-415 Grant KMff. Important NOTICE The County Commissioners have in structed me to advertise all unpaid 1921 taxes September Ist and sell first Mon day in October. AH interested will please give this matter their prompt attention. This is positively the last notice. W. D. GRANT. Sheriff. Goldsboro, N. C. August 7,1922. 1 " .» - * t tJt at l»a j#|, . . . ing conclusion that while the laMways ! can violate decisions of the buanL Id Is .mglny.. u + m “WiU to leave the de- !_•. t-: ATTRACnyE WEEK END ANb SUNDAY t. v.. 'PARES y via Norfolk Southern R. R. i « to; t .. i BEAUFORT and MOREHEAD CITY * Sunday train loaves Beaufort 5;15 p. ra., Morehead City 5:40 p. m., arrives New Bern ‘1:10 p. m., Kinston 8:39 p. m„ Golds boro 9:45 p. m. Special week end rates at Morehead City hotels. ... •" i J. F. DAIKON, General Paasenirer Agent. .■ _ '• .*5 ggy fc*. ■■wiMii Od Tie the pdTTry (sauiUm a< the Uaitod Mine workers voted la favor as roatraatias with tboaa operator* of tk# (oatrml compotiUva Aold who had ea rolled la thv coafor enco. . Approximaloly twmoty pen cent ad Mia. normal coal pradaetioa of the cen tral competitive Sold was represented la tbe conference bat tbie proportion did art dotor Jefca L. Lewie, president oT .iW. ..‘SuK’CiITT.OTS; taming ta work ia the .oft coal held* within n week. • -."fh* minors have u*a this Jtoht and IW* prarttoiHy over," Mid Mr/VrMs. Wd*o of tbe Illinois or Indiana as '•ffctioa as , operators *si repTeseated a, WANTED The City of Goldshoro desires em ployment of Policemen. t r? , > Applications must be died with the Acting City * Manager. Those applying must be in good health, between thi «ure of 25 and 45. Habits must be good and must bo' total abstainers. Must furnish recom mendation as to character and ability. ;■ k r EDGAR H. BAIN, Mayor. Acting: City Manager p* >.*■.. ■ -dart* " . Common Sense I W 4-i *J a w T'ii is of tail kinds the most uncommon. | It itnpMos good judgment, aound dia ffPsMon, and trdd and practical wl*- doaa applied to common life. « [ * •*. . ('oßßHhon aanse calls for an accurate . ' ■ ,r I keeping of one's flnadcial account*. ' and this with the least expenditure ! * t °( Mmi« and effort. A chock book is V at Once a purse, an account book and I / R RKok of receipts. / A * • 0 If yiu have m cDoeking account with \ up we worm be glad to open * i\ fpe lor you. • it '.J) „ ' . -. 1 The Wayne National Bank DepeoijtAble Generations m _ _ _ a. 1 _ . _ ..., . , •» Mt# mmtmmmm *• it sadtwd town to Were j lku| ! OHre Can* ' -«W ** C..J- ;• To4ay * > .»' T .1 t , IS t A ii'ii, R Clovfr, *k« li >ll - th# tnal campaign far Ui« North Carol too Cotta* Graotn AumUUm la • H. -V : ♦ kv-S Jr• 'IWH: .’ 1 ■ ■v* «*■'< t<- ' *1 f.ji " - / '** ‘ c • ** ' ■ *■, ! ‘ » > • .j -^g * . * * 'c *» V ,J ‘O'ffirraaOa i - o • ?* 7*-, * 5' . « 0 • V J Q . ** /'• -1 Ppen besame j i i a * i * j «*■■’!. t Ali Baba murmured the magic words, the cavern door swung open and costly treaurea lay at his feet ~, * *•• t,: i ■ Xif^^pWfamSgk You, too, have an “open sesame” to the treasures of ( / A the world. It is advertising. v ) ' l Read the advertising and you open the door to count less comforts and conveniences you. otherwise would . miss. For advertising will spread before you the pro duct of fields, lpoms and factories the world over — : that make life easier, happier, more interesting and more fruitful for you and your family. ‘ , . There is no questioning the real benefits that come from regular and systematic reading of the advertis ing columns. No other one thing will give you such economy and keen satisfaction in every day buying. ||n| Advertising is far too important to be overlooked. *» ’.u t ] ' f ' A Read jj.yery day. It is a : I ’ - profitable practice „ ’ thla aoctlon, die aaUrs citisaashin, •( Mount Oliva hat awakened itsslf (or Ua purpose ol giving the Association •> por root signup In that part of '***""*£l*—™ amrahtooß Nrtomobiles «l|) carry the business •** °* l **s t*wa •*« the territory wtth i" • •* «h#ut eight Milas of Mount Oliva far th. purpose as making . • * M| f,n ’*** f ar tk. cotton pi.pl, fnd to saearo hoar members . Mount Oliva has already boon proai laod a receiving point by the Associa tion. an 4 anotkar has bean prsmisa4 to Rroasont. which town will aba con4uct • of lillo nsitirr within ihr n+*t thr#o or four days. Thu* Tsr th* Amo- Something New _ . o- Ice Cream ; Cakes 10c The PalaceDrugStore ' Goldsboro, N. C. A FULL LINE OF SPICES m o • x&M Ground and whole for Preserving and Pickling 1 ALSO 1 A fresh lot of Pratts Baby Chick Pood. 1 K. M. DAVIS GROCERY CO. Pay Cash and Bank the Different* • V viv. "i t-m >. - ,1 i*-> , ' ’l/ j elation has ast flaslly 4a«i404 what It' will do relstlv* ta Gold.boro hat if tke [•“ilMli. mm hara dlhn n wwskssat, * tap ha wrtlef by co-oparatiaa, »e --cordlng ta Mr. Glovar. ritKtHUr cornttii mullets at tub mutual storm . W «>#p* secured th# efflaeiea kala la Golybboro as *,JU«h Grad# ‘ laamery Huttar. mada at Lawatr. N. C. It has la that paaaliar ssauntain ‘ ewaeUSea. and will yatlsfy thaaa wha \ «ra particular as ta th# butter sup plied thsir übiss. the mutual iroaii _ PAGE FIVE