PAGE TWO Sunday School Lesson . <T .* I '.. • - TPWfclf fUk th* WorM Today, Bayg Judge AIN* Is Sin; An ■aaasi Cmtmmlm is Good for the Soul N*ken»iah's . * ' Player la Um Subject of Lewisa 0 w juk« mjvbr h. allbn C«Um Tilts ,“Tk* effectual finclt frtfti of • risk too <u man availctb much." Jaa. 8:18. Subject: teak* mlab’s Brayer*; 1 Looms Text: Nckooiiah 1:1-10. Th* kook of N«h» miab ia a con- Uonation of tkp kook of Btra on 4 *a> t**fsrly railed the Second Book of •urn, sod they aro the last historical book* of tka QM Testament. Is Bora *r tin tka priest who U chiefy cpSecrued In tht rvMiratien «*l tka MU* and tka lampie rarvic* and is Nafcgnteh is a layma* concerned in S biraaiSf to kta |>*opl» and tka city I •f kia fathcra A Patriot of tka Right Typo Nohemiah woa a patriot of tka right typa. la captivity ko woa aerv-ng tha bias aa cupbearer asd span leaning of tha dapiorokla cwsdliion of kia poo pie aad of tka dilapidated condition of Jaruagtem kc “ant dow n and wapt aad mourned and (rated and prayed be fore tka God of Heaven " Tka colloquy between I,lm and the Kins related in tke Second Chapter la vary iatarcrtiag and rathetio. “Wkj.' ka aaya, “akottld not my countenance ka and, wkan tka ally, tha plvse of my tether* Hath ui west* and tka gave thereof aro conaumcd wita Bra f* - Tka re ia only one patriotism that . kpsnta. nsd that ia the pataiotleip of a •adly mnn, o man Intaiastad ip tav lag tk« a Aria of kia people Sa wall aa is their temporal wolford. Tka ffnaat fipr***ioa of patriotism over uttered war ky Ckriat wkan ha anM: **O t Jatusalcm, Jerusalem. which ■jratk tka prapkata and atosaa 'hem that ate aant qau that; how often would 1 kora fathered thy children to father, an a hen pothers her brood uudar her wins*, asd y* wsuld sot." Mo t*u* patriot con fail tn ko deprly tawqhted ovor condHiooa la our own Ufa. Tkaro la tka appoaradra of ma It rial prof re a* kft what of tha apirit ual caaditioa Thera la much falae ♦rash big and erima Is aa much aa the lsorsaaa that It ia raltej a "crime VnMNk** Caafaaalaa as Kiaa Many have ankatltutad amaaameat lor rolifian. Tka time la ripe far a aeaaon of fssttag and papysfr aad for men Ilka Nohemiah One sf tha Ana it thins* ka did ama ta confess bla tint. "Hath I aad ay father'* home have tinned " David Humbly confessed Ma ala, (Ta. IS:*) and ao did Paul (Bph. Ilf). M*»e> •ad* a aiailar con la* non far hit pco ■a and pleaded far them before Cod. aa did Samuel at HI ape h “A n hone*t paardotaioa la (aad far tka eeut."- Nakamiah »eta at as example of ha tpf data lie jp kia eenfcaaion. “We save dealt vary corruptly against Tkoes ssd have not kept tka eomroandmrnta, aqe tka atotuia*. aav th, Judgment*. «Nat Pfoyara ora tea gtaeral in tkair Ma acknowledge that tka Mama for the aad condition* rwited oa (he pro p)o. aad that tka Mfuriaaate state was duo ta ate'. Bean aalUloaair, ha* provided a fun Mfp d' commisaiaa fa study aad aaaiar tain tka caaaa of tha kod eoadit ion of ooaiaty, sad another has raid why spend' aq muck money to aolvo a proklam Which «ua ka aaoarerpd la one litltc Ahroh.m Lincoln uttered a aad troth kfias. calling far a d%* as fasting and prayer daring tka Civil War, he inld "ft kaya forgotten Gad." . Oaa as tha aaaat Impressive itatencc > If tka Hi kia It that la the warainv ud.Aasateh to* Aaai "The Lard la with pM while pa k* with Him: aad if ye pack Him ka will ka found of you tuft U. y* foroote Him No will for ggka pas ” This applies ta nations a* Will pa to ladl virtual a. Israel vt* guilty of this groat ala as foraohing God. aad aka was suSoring lor it. but Mod ia amt ready ta respond' to the soil of diatrooa. lu time* of tseeblb la aarient timo* tha distressed soul always acaorpa lad poayat with testing asd eftan put on lartdut. fkstigg tea natural acprasslan of! ffMaf pad intended to moke qne's pa- [ titteu effort ual before God. It was a j recogaiaad mode of aoaklnf Divine fa- 1 vwr aag proportion and was oaaociatad with raafaselan of tin and ovldencod i a peqjteqt bean whl-h always touche* j BmL Ta Klljak th, Lord said "Berth thou kpw Ahah humbled bliatrlf hefote me Weans* ka humbleth before Ma, I will sat bring thc «v(J la bla day " tl king* Wy npvar b*ar t»C taatiag is this day except far purposes of health or agrtinl Isgtiug during Lent. la sptkteg is the Bible that annul, it. Ou the contrary. ¥hri*t, when lie tested the lunatic, which th, dixriplas (sited to. krai, said la answer ta tkair l Wk»»t‘*a aa to why tboy could aat j C reform tka miracle. "M*w-b« it thi*! ■4 gootk aat but bat by prayer and! IffpUgk When tka prapkata apd tear bars in the tbtrch at Aatissk caaaaalssioaed Tool and Mamba* to work they no K mated it With lasting aad prayrrr. items U We been aa inlarg*. Meat as tka praatioe from that ia the Old TV'aosr ru. li la raid that "there la a slasa ooanaatiaa kwtweaa fasting U«d insight hath tetetlerumi and tnir tkunl Imraig aiasplo Mviag and high 1 thiakia..' Be mack far lusting. What 1a fraPer? ’Tvapor te *h* auul’a Sincere detiro, Tfttersd of anesprysted, «Tbe motion of a hidden Bra Thai trembles at tke breast. Ik tk e k “fAt" •< • sigh. Tka falling «f a tears Tbe upward glasciog of oa tya Whoa none bat God It scar. tfurer ia Ue alasplast form as .peach that latent lips ms try; frsyet te tke sahlimett strmn* that eg high. . rmr»r U tte ChrlaUas s r\L MaaU. «k The ChrieikimVi native air. Hi* watchword St the Gates us l>< alb; He caters heaven by prayer. t Prayer 1a tha ainnar’* contrite voice Keturnipg from bis ways, White ongala la tbrlr song* rejoice. Aad cry ‘'Behold hr prays." "'" TABirr BILL PAHMKM. WAKHINGTON. Aug. I* -The Senate today po*i«d tha tariff hill which hat bacn pending siaca April gO. Ihi vule was 4> to lib Senator Borah, of Idaho, was tha only Republican to vole- against the measure. Three democrats, Senators Broussard and Kantdell, of Lffultlana, and Kendricks, Wyoming, voted for the bill. It now goes to conference. a YESTERDAY’S RESULTS leagvr. Pittsburgh 1,8; Boston 4, 2. Cincinnati P, Brooklyn 4. 'Chicago 2, New York I. Ht. Loui* 1, Philadelphia 8. i ■taMgteMMteuu - |mu«|ui Philadelphia *. 8; Ht. Loui* 6, 8. k Boston 1.0; Detroit 6,1. New York 12, Chicago 8. # Washington 1, Cleveland 8. International League. Baltimore 11, T; Syracuse 8, 8. Heading #, 0; Bochrster 7, 8. Second seven innings. Newark 4,4; Tsronton 8, I. 2nd game seven inning*. Jersey City 8. Buffalo 8. Ptedmaat Image*. Winston Salem Raleigh rain. Greensboro 11, High Point 8. Danville 7, Durhqm 0 Virginia Bat* League. Wilson I, Newport Newt 2. Portsmuoth 8,0; Rocky Mount 8, 4. Richmond 0,4; Norfolk 8, S. Kolb Atlantic League Augusta 0, I; Hparlanburgh 2, 0. Charlotte I, l| Columbia 2, 0. Charleston 3,4; Orsdnvill* 8,1. • f 1 *r —""TTryv^t- - - - -i— ’ HU If* ' jraL9MKjtA|\Ki >JP* « W ****. i M Barnes, Harrell Rawlings (o M Inc., Bottlers I (■H tettlta t) npia ah ixCLWarv* bom Tut COCB-Cot* Covmni *ui»i* c* PROMPT SERVICE And the choteegt line of food to be had is what you tail ul* ways dt'penU ujjon when you cmII on us for Groceries. “You can’t fool your Btomnch." Fruah vejf etablee in season and «t the right price. I>o not worry shout not having your Groceries for dinner. Our “IQ Minute Service’' % will help you forget your wor ries. Xji Just phone 7QU-7DI H. H. JENKINS RECRUITING NEW SHOPWORKERS 18 M EETINGJMJ CC ESS I WASHINGTON, Aug 19 Kftests of < the Beutharn railway to rocruif skilled ship workars were declprvd l,y Pairfsr Hairison, Its president, today to he ' meeting with success. "Approximately 200 skilled mechan ; If*," bald Mr. Harirson io a, formal ; state me ut." are cn route to our principal . -hup# points today edn we capert to ban. more tomorrow In addition over' duo Southern railway rinployrw* from tthrr departments Who have voluntcsr ! *d for earvtf* 'are now at wagk In our ' chaps aqd new volunteers are being plae- Ivd daily. We are still yeady to rereivc i our old men but they aemo to give- their (iTit ulLuuince to uuion leaders who j arc themselves making no sacrifice." British manufacturers have developed , a rubber carpet, adapted to tke *am« purposes as llnoliipm. which la r> vcrsihlv and a»ft to the tread. fnc*x> 'rp newt ) FZn f V«Y" -WHAT | ( CoMgilf 1 MBV4 DW. I HMteEH IStef WHEN SHE sffgsl J-W. L? JR ( I»«* ...."* .... | E" ”300* almcot Bveil. mochil OTirr w. .rtl kino .RfcMTVD SOSPfiNDeaS I>C MCW ' iasuMAKt* on him- J |ft(| m|... j TUB GOLDSBORO NBWB TWO THINGS NOW * IN WAY OF ENDING \ SOFT COAL STRIKE j . •' ■ f PHILADELPHIA, lag. 18. Two I things today were ditcloaed by the con ferenre between the leader* of tke Unit ed Mine Workers of Amerlra and the operators to settle the euu| strike In thu anthracite fields, ureordteg to ia fiirpmtian obtained after the adjoura- I meat of the third liiuatiag. I ' The first wpt that "the only stumb -1 ling hlork that lie* in the way of agrav ment was the avhitratiun proposal of 1 A*-red by thb operators ond the second wnt that' th* operator* wer* anxious to arrive at an agreement aud resume tke production of coal at once. 8 Mow much time will elapse before 1 the representatives of th* two tide* ' get together, however, proved specu lative even among their owa numbers. I Kli etrilfealion of th* steam railroads 1j of Bom hay; which will require Av* • 1 years to complete, will bo begun in th* near future. SPAIN’S 4UE 19N ABOARD BRITISH FLEET IN 1692 & LONDON. Auk I.—Thr woman who wiab of it pain In 16J-', k|Hlit IG d«y» an board • British fleet nt K!u*h fIMWBHpiIHpK iPOTE|f|y|i|MVl niicy BJjj 1 y * •'*' ijfu A *' J j m£ j mb* MsniKfSioglWg. -V "m*. -.W#A Ilk Hw|| f g ■ii •~ 1 H' Wnik ■ 1 jm MP ÜbIM HH lyR 4 IBfflllffijllp %|pw| Wm Drewi yonraelf fhw when* others art ting, plain where te ''* . others are plain, hut take care.always that your clothes are ¥ , well made ud4 ill you.”—-isord i'hesterfleld. Tailoring Fit For the Best o « ... .1 Chesterfield K«ve his son some sterling advice—and here is an establishment that carries out his ideas to the letter. Good materials and excellent workmanship are the ingredients that make up your Clothes. All'the newest fabrics for fall and winter are here —extensive enough in variety to give you a complete selection. Let us tailor a suit, topcoat or overcoat for you. Z.G. HOLLOWELL » t; EXCLUSIVE TAILORING ✓ wmm ■B | i»M ~ * u — , *r . ogsidf f iag. Her* Is the Trank letter Admiral Kaaaoll, ta summand, wmt, to London about her. Tbe communication has been given out hy tke Historical Man uscript Commlasioa. ‘*l havo bad tka Guv« n aa board ‘hire Majeslaes yaulehe tkia nixtoen dayrs, and have aa well a* I could, disputed of. a numerous beggarly Warn a board Dodge Brothers sedan o •» The car’s usefulness is admir ably m keeping with its innate goodness. In summer it protects you from heat; in winter it protects you from cold. Day in and day out it insures you against expensive upkeep and repair costs. Recent improvements have greatly increased its sturdiness and the-trim beauty of its body lines. , , , <a R. I>. IRWIN MOTOR COMPANY * GOLDKUORO. N. (’.s Tka price hi m7B.SH delivered BI’NDAY MORNTNC. APWWT 88. M» the several man of war*, tests about xcapoMora, ass vary prrad. cloths, and no money—l bavg Ik three wrvkn uniter water and IM a of the yatch bat a yard leag and two yards broad; it te aa gnat a ] den to me that I am weary as Ui and shall be aa, liU I aw hlaasad 1 a saf c return fram the Groiae ta 1 land." ,i i Vmitelfc^w^rai

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