PAGE FOUR it aura cw; MWly .$»» * Dally and Sudiy by Mall • » * I>» Ur Only «.* * Eatered at the Port Office at Gold* bora. f(. C, a* second cloa* matter. Maw bar mt tbc AaNdaM Proa*. Tb« Associated Praa* la • arlmivel] ootltlod to tba nac lor republican** of all am dispatches credited to it 01 Mt olbotwiao credited ia thi» paper and adao tbe local hew* published here Hi. AD right* of republication of »pc* tol diapobebe* Herein or* ala» h* tW ‘ WEDNKXI) M MOKMSW, Art ini COTTON SHORTAGE Mr. B. G. TbompAon of p<»l«lfr boro Terentiy nutdr an outo tnobilc t««c of a number of the cotton states and came hack With tbe proMWficed opinion that the crop abort thin year ip Rntitß to be greater than has yet been ■ii*p<*itt!ji. The North Carolina memt«or< A»f the Cotton Staten Commia afon recently met in Kaleigh to discuss tbe program of the fall meeting of the -commission norm to he held in Memphis. Din cuaaing the coming meeting and the Drospett of a contin ued shortage in cotton, Mr. Hion H Butler ssvsr Prom the fattou- repcwt« that come in (raid those rariou* suttee* it ia evi-j • tout that the eottan cooramion ha* it* wort cat out for H. for with the boll arootrll in eoioplele possession ad tbc crtire crtttaa belt, the pink bull warm approaching, and the cotton army warm overrunning three of the State* that are among th r foremost producer*.' this year'* crop t* not the moat promt*. t«s, and with th* demand abroad in rraaOlng, a* well at the tendency In oar awn mills to pick up i n buiinea*. the already limited supply* *howa no aIS» as antinfying the roqwiremrnl* Ult winter thr cotton commission want to New Orleans with the idea, in miad of trying to find outlet for Ai*ri lean cotton at a better price, ft came away with a realiaalion that the far Mr Mart bare tbe backlog of the peo pie, thr atatea and thr nation in eon. I bahag th* ftetd with tnaeet peat* The delegates gxi te the Memphis mect-ng, with the Thct staring them In thr face that the great agricultural industry of tbe South is In the grootest jeopardy.j and that unless something i* door ot atop the ravage* of the boll weevil, the phak bolt worm ond th* cotton army Worm the price* of cotton cease* to be a factor and the amount of eotton that caa be mode la th# whole thing Nal Man can imagine the situation of a world without a aufftelerrt cotton crop, hut that li what we are evidently far- IbS. and right now. The wmdd’s mrpkM« carry orter rtf cmttoti is the smallest known in many yearn, and min the most snngTiitw do not vk iaet more than an eleven mil lion bale crop this year Mr Butler's predict ioew sou mi rath er pens iau stir, hut with the spread of the weevil over the entire belt and the increase of the other insect pests, it is cer tain that the growing of cot ton is faced with a crisis. "t ATLANTA WANTS COTTON. TOO. The following clipping from the Atlanta Constitution shown that that big city is thinking •bout cotton concenration shout like Goidsltoro is: Plui for making Atlanta th* world's greatest ialand spot ratten market were discussed try the Aiructors of thr Atlanta Commrrrial Exchange at a *pr , rial called meeting at the chamber of commerce at noon Thursday In con section with tbe reoent annaunermeat by the Shippers' Temper** company of tbe leaaing of the monster Candler warehouse Tbe warehouse, which will b* devotad entirely to storing and mrr gbaadmag cotton, has a rapieity of op. paaainiat l l j S»>A»n Hwtrs, and more tbaa doable* Atlanta * farmer capacity far handling apat rollon. 1. II Tlnger. secretary of rhe com- Marrial rackangc. declared aftrr the meeting that the director* of the es change were as re that the increased facilities for cottaa handVog. "huh gives Atlanta a warehouse capacity wth wash year City as t nlagn-. But tell me, nymph*! whnt poor li * & VHII 1 Strail henceforth wa*h the Rivet Rhyne? M bt'vnrsl years after tfic cor* jo nipt prat tire act had been In do force, ami after a Federal eourt •• i presided over by a Republican jndjfe hatl found Naw lurry guilty, Mr, Hughe* aral other iy i lawyers Wnployed by him se ,n etired a wrdict fr**m tbe su " prenic Court ri*n lunsaf the art i- ' unconstitutional. The law |>cr mitted the expenditure of not 1 more than ten thousand dolic'-s a in the election of a senator und it vtas shown that Newberry had slant s quarter of a rail * BROTHER ASA IN HARD M!<’K Old Brother Ash G. Gaudier, t to whose immense Coca Cola i remit' fortune in Who ns pay tn4»- ( u4r evt*r>Ht»od,v when they re t quest a “dope" from the siwia jerkrT. is in hard tuck. 11 seems ' that the pious mem Iters of his family who are unselfishly con i cerned about the proper dispo sal of his money are about to frustrate the old man to be eoate the walking stick of a handsome and ambitious wo man. A press disftab h from Reno, to the Atlanta Constitu tion says: Mr*. Itnetim* e ashamed of thiun setves for doing away with tAteir original names, many of there Indian name* anil very Itcantiful, anti subatit j' '•% meaningless ones. He cites Kh.t City, the original name of i which was Toisnot, and Fre * n»ont, which wpst first Nahnnta. C In every section of the State I: Hie pretty Iniiian names or the oki historic ones have la-en dtv;e ' away with and some common ' | place substitutes that have nei ther benuty nor reason for f their existence given their • places. NiWtto Catrolma was settbal r in relatiou to the water cour-t i and other natural condita>ns - Ever since the railroads began ’I to crane through the old uames [illlVo Ihhii dntpjH'd and plnees nave received names from rail -1 road contractors, and from *’ ' t and that person and object, ttn , til there ie little left of the ohl nomenclature. Nine out of ten t North Carolinians would rather hail from Hog Wallow than ' from Minnehaha, judging by r KJ ,/ " 4" r 1 -■■■»«*■ ,- - - —- T t . T . , ' , , , '] BRINGING UP FATHKR v .. By CJBORGK MCMANUS i. ; , ■ n ♦ ' ,r> P W> T ‘* °° ‘ ** * Wt U HOV/ 1 f 1“ i? "JUfTii 0a7w771 ' <1 - CTniH atot 1 in with im <—■' >ou 1 ' Ui| me. mm .1 v . ' M,M an ’-fT * Y ~»- ‘ • ,-. rc«Tnr. r i !i :' :7^ V U 7~XT^F" — V# j '■ •** v.^ >-fiA Jtl ’ * lw ' . WuA '“." *’’ ' ,:m. p * - A ‘ *1 » »,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ||||| | ; t | ! | | t ; t j. t . , 11 > t 4 : their fondness by letting go the idd namaa. Thr jwist office rte ipartnit:nt haa had no little t<' •dfj| with this, too. Its desires for short and commonplace name* ha* exerted a constant ’pressure tit tbe direction of , doing away wdb the
•* born, lived, and where He saerlfir 1 ed Hi* body and blood fur our sklvn thin We. Syrian* have hern footing Hi* el ample, holding Hl* teaching*. Hi* holy law. Hi* love before the eve* of the world, and hnrdly n day |ia**e* hut some one Syrian doc* not -nerifire hi* 1 life, in the eternal lialtle between Mo hamntedanism of Turkey und f'hH*tl*n Itv of Syria iGlailly and willingly do they shed (he last drop of blood in ; their veins, in order to keep the flam ing rod cross of Christianity high above the star ami crescent of Mohammedan ism and lnfid< ■ A thousand Syrian soldier* who now lay in thoir reaves on the bloody bat i llefields of I-ranee and lli-lgii|tn where they again gave i*p all (hat was dear In them, life itself, fighting n two fold purpose, one their old enemy, the Tttrk, th other, the new enemy of their dear America, the Germans, cry through me, und in their cries, they a*k you, as thi ir superior officer. Col Imngrton. is your life mor. dear to you than thetr* was to them ? Have they sacrificed their live* in vain? Gml rranl again, that their live* were net sacrificed m v«in because they were Syrian* that died in American iiinfs.rm* *» 'hat "e have given one hun died ,-tnd fifty year* of tbe be t that I* m us. where we rap have a South where the men love their women " Al low me to ask you. tol. lmngaton, as to "hy your forefather* left their native , shore*, also "arrn**'' the aeas, braved the hasards of the Majftow. r, to come over here t„ tin* land of promise? W a* * ' "t for the freedom to love and wiir . ship unhindered by the bonds that held • { OU ' *" d lh *' V " u f .tq»tly surrerded In , h, '*klng’ Allow me to H i|vi*e, Sir, that that I* the Very same reason thut ' brought li, here, only our. was « ,hm, sniidr.ij,! more rrud and more bloody j Are )(>u ani more loyal to the Star* • d stripe, than lor m ,n, *lf aft ,. r serving th, color, for four years in thr • pnime of life, both on this dear soil , of our*, and also on foreign soil, | am , lo “' ,ur '' 'bis soil and he rowwrded with lha Pusonon* insults that you hove » poured my head for havmg S> rlan . blood 111 my veins, it would have herd l , "'"7 ,or «h»l the *un ne*er r.i.e in that morning that gave me l.irth in an hum hie home m Teaneaaee Col. I I I sng.ten. i< soeial, or poliueal positNui j »r wcnlth alluring, n* |„ cause n . | m»n of your type, your character, who . defended hi* country and Hi* l "nmanlioni) t „ *„ gramouc.lly paint r your speeches with the vivid coloring Mr nm hmm mm ~ of urea nation* us the alractties as an other rare ij> at t* ■* distant to our Syrian blood aa It la to your*? To paint it with the steering insulting - spiae that you *o sbam.fully exhibit cd before the court*? I *»k you. Sir, what had Syria to do with the ea*e? Was it im international or an individual en-r? It would have beiii just a* easy and more nohla, had you brought m the • haracteriktics of, the party con doomed. lather than to heap inaultn tin thou,and* that Here in no way imply intcd, and oh! - resort ha* become world famoua. Ontario Liberals, men and women, are uniting in a great testimonial banquet to he given in Toronto tonight to W. 1- Mackf-nxio King, the Dominion prem ier. The only stnt'ue In eaiatvifre represent ing George VV■■ *b a* a ■ oung man. Will a lie dedicated today in the town of Mnterford. near brie. Pit upon the site of the original Poet | e Buef, built liy the French in 1752. in the Havr nf*s. George f urry, former governor of New Mexico, whom President Msrding !'•" appointed to membership on idle t'nitml Htatea-Mevfro International llmindary I'ommiesion. is One of n number of the former Roosevelt "Rough Killers" who have naen to high posi lion in public life Ggorge Curry, a* he was known in his rough rider days, was beirh rn bouistan and n early man hood went Meal, when he worked on a slump ranch nnd In vurlou oilier em ployment* F.-ttling in N.-w Mi xie, he |.e. MR kg Ml. aillel of I ! , ■ legislature and later rlerk of the Unit, ed Stade- d|-lrie| rourt A! the outbreak of the Kpe-nsh war h,. w-nt to t uhn wiJb thr "Uough Subsequent I \ be ciratiitgiuabeil b'jinsejf jn the Phil ippine* ?P*hm*ign and became rh-ef of police of Manila In l!K>7 hi* old lead, r, now become President, appointed him llovrriMir of Nnv Mcrxiro territory, As r Retiring from lh. governorship Mr, furry served a terra in l ongreas TODAVM \S\t\EItNtKIEM. lhi.l Jamft»o(, Riiy.ey of Michigan wo* tominated for President by the Nation *l Liberty convention at Buffalo lfis2 John ta in den Ncilil. an cceon ‘ric English miser, -lied, bequeathing $1 •250,001) to Queen Victoria land Admiral Mr John Ross, the fa mou. Am, explorer died m London. Hc.rn June 21. 1777 ISli., The new building of the Chi engo (h a 111 to-r of t nmnirr,,. Wlis f or hially dedicated 1X72 Fifty live- were lost in n eol li*»"in Os ,wo VC el* in Long l.|«„d .VMIHff IHMI Thomas A Hmdneks. nominee for \ i,t President, opened the p.-mo eratn national rainpaign in Indiana HUM A eonvention t„ promote South cm development wa* opened in W , I, iiißton. T* C lIMMI William J Hry-an arrived , n New lurk from abroad and wa* give i a popular reception. ONE > K Vl< Ai,n ifih, w. Il.dfad"' r ' klll ' l in ,h ‘ rio(,, ’‘-' l» Pro. 1ani.1,,,,, „f p r , , rt^nt lUr , (|fu , ordering We*t \ Inking mine,'. t«» d i pt rur IfIDAVg MHTHDayp Luweeu ce t Phipps, li nl |,.,| y;i.ii senator from i alarm,!,,, b„ n , w inglon count v. Ps an ag „ H.-nry f lloili*, a (nrmer I 'mled St , senator from N.w Hampshire, Imr,, v t owcwrd. N II , M year* ago tod , . brtixi belieff, ~ favnnle of the inn q-ftl Stage, born in A i.-nri-i, Austria, 4.1 year* ago lod 1\ Rl lie. Herberi Shipman, hi.hop n' flagan „f the Fpi-cupal dimes, of N# v 1 ork ly.rn at la-xingtou, K> . 51 yen* ago today lilmund J Miller, outbidder of the A— : - j I'biUiielphta AlPrnran leafur b>M I >-»U ' tram, t IIOSTON, Kufg Z* AlMtough hi* piny t>« (he first woman to go U» lh" ptrririf chair In Masiariuiaott*, Wr*. Carrie N' Hubbard i* ralm ofld free from worry She In awaiting trial on a charge es murder * n th. f»r -1 -l'Kr«« fm h.amr I slain her husband; William B Htrwi md, wealthy chemical mamufurturr r. Bui hot'.children *t.tnri bfihrnd her. j Ira Street Jail here “I know * ve» y th ll nr will tome nut all right When »ny story i- told m mult, (hen v»<»n't I" any douht about the verdict of th«> jury.’' ► , What Shr ll TrihyNry. ( She Hill tell about her life with h#r husbaltd, of hit nil* ped )rdl(MlKir». which -he *ay* eulmi;iaU*d in n raw* when he found her walk toy with a J 2 yeatuld hoy loop n friend of the family. Her two children will l*ear her out. Ouriiur the war Tiuhlmrd won an { active "wur godmother” iti the camp* - and at horn*- The Red (Afow* awaided her u i up for her rrfVLpi ■» On Thank giving Hay four yearn ago, h( naked the V M t . A Vo wnd four j hoy* from the < harle*ton Navy Yard to lo r home at far drum r. One of the four unable to com*, **o the Worctary *cnl n substitute Kdiitutid I I'itlock, then IH. IVitloek became friendly with the Hub bards, They invited him over often After hi di hnrgi he went t«» hi* home in t hirngo. Reth Mr hd As r Hubbard,” a, * Willard I'lice Bombard, the accus'd woman.-. counsel, ‘u*ed t« wnie to ( ibtlook When he Inter wh* married, ; 'Mother Hubbard' hi Mi*. Hubbard w-.» | brown tfb the boys, made h little ne nhot and it win all over. I Hubbard fell pvrr dead, i **t never hj»w n woman a* aatixfird n> "hr ' her lawyer mi> "Her children het that They \i*it her cvrry f l dav .** , M hen the * «im cornea to trial in i SeptenilNT. it in exported, it will be keenly fought by two of ftmrtonV lend % ittg lawyer* of murder." ray* Ihni.ia* t <» Hr *-n, who will pros* cut, the me. "it i* the jury thnt briar in the verdict/* rit.S. I’ll kI.MA o\ K |»o ibfy piK* i» |*ik " uruler orilinury oreuiii 'tine- but when Hire.- Imrnl* .if moniiihine niHuh ure ißjrcted into Ih,- 1 ti.'i. -or intA lu. pit pin "p„ f'. I'ri'M'li hoiiml, " At li ii. t. i urli i- t».. e.i . f t.hi (oMootnt 'ini, „f inil," | Inti'll I.v Artinr • hti f of I imply I), live, t eiirt'* Mur viti i* eorr*o t: * ounty lb tcetivr . Jobu Burkr nrol E'lw inl F- .pk, wi re ,(• tutlrr) (•-rC ,y «n " for ,till, m I'«tloti town,hip t'n the r.irrn of Michael Mnnn-ti. th. rtffleer, it, ifcey munH ■ mill ,p ~p,.r nti-il Mini Ihr.i barrel, of rna-h Man i tt** l “* blaeeil uniler arrnet »«.| the i t’Mtrel* es ma.h were emptied into the fiiim pi K p..p hy the - detect! vy;- llytii t Other r.'i ' to mvi 'tip.ite, the i.hhl ten. net **| 1,1 1 ftu from ,4mi i |h« |H t O'l'lli enrle.l littp. tail, emli eatiilnlMle for (he ~au*»i;. futurity , w ben the ileleetive, emptuil thi mail, iplo the pen were . Plir. I> mi.siiiK that the ,ti pip,, each t*»tl« while under ihi effect, 1 U " 1 hlM,h »n the IM purl i f II a di tc. 1 1 vi a, h, ed,'d mu I , \ • p- l I f M rrtn it**) i 'h *hipbui)dvr« have developed n method for ,fireproofing mahogany f<» r buikl t -n| door* ill Vi A -el* •' “Go Yc Into the Highways!’’ - ■ lUiv. Branfurd Chuk*. "pwt'iainter-iirwbir!" literally olteyn th« Hllilti *1 Irjum tk>n and bin erect ad a amall ctrarch on an auto chaAMta, He intends to travel (root New York to the I'uUfle eoytA.l tn It, prMcbtlt* ' along the wag. , , i „ .S, —_ “Hippy,” American Hobo, Immls In liadyad, Broke and Shoeless t* 0 11 in -' i 1 i i \ i, . Hippai ■ net, an \< J htiln from ,'>« utile, iV o»h , and wbe (dniin* to hiivd trumped l i* ft *(• d n\« x ’ half lh« globe, arrived hi d ;*»Utl i • *-j t übiH-n as well e. prnnt With 4ong hair liangivu’ ovr t hi- neck tv pr»»lc>*t it from hefft atuf «add, o I d that had ij‘»t m*« ii th«» *ht ar . fur t'\a long year*, a kit uctghir, uhi.ut .’•» pound? flung uro-'. m buck, and a r t ’u j pinned m> r«> » hi* brvast to prm l i t to , th. h« a gl■•»..■ lroU< i Mi. Miiftinel f*r very little of thmg. ii.a terra l Walking t*u an aw: age c.f 4 mil* s u day and t -• Vcml places, I rent he.d Nt w Vork four mc-nll latei ‘ find managed to get u f ig» aero tin Vila •’l I' tcbtng SiHlth tie ; t» t { middle of September. After a gr tup to l.ondoit 1 eit.Lark« <1 f**t Airtwvrp “From Aniwetp I work d lay w; ' thr«>«tgb tin d. vantated region* to J*art In Paris I tried to m*H picture i«ai ( repit entinr myacit m thu rtub of a ! | i..»0 ir**M i . fuj tk« 1 mil ’ r took ntc for a beggar *tnd drr vc me a»,iy. i • Vuitt no I' I » - 111|> n M • d theri- t to N I ft,Ml No I . r ill to bw I la* t land and r rad nrt IIV VMf k* ) •tiy way down to Briml.M. la.ivm,* ib,» * Italian port 1 uu d t«» Ai>*. • ’ thence io fJreicc Taking a boat I era ' * d t.> Kgypt, ren.biag in ]>. m her year. ” vftti r .it: l Hi about l >l’ l Ail. k v toward* l’.. *l in und then to.lfuma < *U» where 1 join*«! i ctritv.-.n, rrouiing th< de*ert to Bagdad in ”1 doj. Mr, 'lirtin. f i .ihuut lu jenn ~f h Jumbina Gets Her Ears Scrubbed "'•w* “hu . #*%-•-•*• «m jDa» jp” _y «*»♦■. ,‘„".._L.—• 4 V .. .* *, , i JumhWi.i, ;». ‘.ft n i In ihi natki.tal • t..* ij| , )ir |, n \V«,»hU,jM,.n. 1. t* hah <„ ~, »..-, «..,*». ... , JU , , mu -, t ua ur ., .hlld. li«ii her U't ~», 1 BUUig .M uiTiitt l.tii, '. ... .Uttrk fclw vi *bi Wt‘h»>* v . if m HFHNKHOAV AW ii. W 22 , Hv pluto | u i> t (u B.» ra, then to | B 'ii' (diina and .'a* nli »n , rijMu. 4 I mi 1(1 111, U Ihi li I I .I*l pr« in ici< > i in Mi Miirltin t. pr«’«ented him vf.ih u check for $!!(«•. ♦' i* Man With C.ifhlon Hlhs l.iics In bear Thieves Id K1.1.V Aug 21*. \ young nan with » it of gold and platinum m working in i * rur. te fcicl r*ty at Bre Inn. VMm n In xva» «t Im.ksmith * appren tice, aeveraj year* ago, h» fell from the c of of .i Jw)Um‘ nnil wm badly injured, li? w. taken to a hospital wlirn' the dot tor* ..found that M* skull wn* frac ier.d and all his riba but one Were hi.okefi 'lie youth was m thr honpUai fir no b h than four and a hntf years, nd l illy the i urge on* undgrtemk to (*♦ nair or reptaie hi* shattered rib* A »to t4| pbitt wa i jii cried in I.n k ill ..ini the fmetund bone* were rc* ki by rib* of gold aud plutifinoi. u-und a l*\f yyor* Utcr the Atm aid- tit b atf 4hv._ tkixjd hftice th* i l w lus bona wwfchiikg At g rijf-ir f r *ts f«d\»vw or th* pfffci.t di of gold wim pbdfaum, it It «« ib • I*. \ c any mg adroat ’U ■lv »ju-te a e*n Mcytlhb* • mount of I *( m luted that kpan«l • nr. b* ing takifi to 'protect hi hi nfuitttl c riming)*, m. on-, -o annoying n* the f. who u.i to tajk about Itimacif, ■ -t to talk about WitltHeif, , ,i —' V# l * • • •• * ■ I Th* chanli that b. . - Hi homo I, ‘(Wartimes too weak - {*'nd wit My. to get vut.