* w fcil *M Drily Only «*M jg'L** " I i».nriVi». . Drill * Ua Post Office at Gold. Dm. M. C, m Mtoivd tU«< natter. > „ Dri •< Ue Aaawciatad Pmn. ffc* fflriil I f U ewraLlyely wriUM/»» tfce u.« foe rpywHUatl.n ri dlkn dlapatch** crpdlOd U it «r *•» llfcfWtoe credit* I* title paper tke local new* pririiahad her* |D H|ln Os republicatiM of spat tri limpet ibe« karaio are alee reserved runt) t mobninc, mpt. u. 1m IS GOLDSBORO IN SYRIA - PR HOKTH CAROLINA? Certain rlevplnnmiMit * now iro lnir on In thi* city netm to indi cate that Booner or later the question of whether thia city Is to be considered a part of North Carolina or a Syrian satrapy will be up to the people of the city to decide. Growlna out of the ldlliotr of Sasha ra, the Syrian, bv a Golds .boro boy in the protection of his mother, and the sulrsemienf acquittal in the pourt house of his slayer, It has become evi dent that there is a certain irroup of people in GoMaltoro who have conceded the idea that they can dictate which of the fcihlic matters that trans pire tin the courthouse—the pubUfc tribunal of We» ; County —shall and shall not fte publish ed in the public prints of the county. Thn News choses to take it at fM* t§Dl« that these people have been badlv advised. It attrilm tad the iirat threat that it re ceived to ignorance and ignored It. Subsequent developments Indicate that what seemed at Brat to be Ignorant and sporadic * expressions, baaed upon la k of hnowledg* of North Carolina way* of thinking and QfcJfcinjr. have- behind them a concerted tto discipline the public . for daring to print the news. I group In this town can ■IIT ttjfett shall and shall not be prinwrlßthe public press, whv jjj&iWßlJßi'ot soon bt> able to suv and shall not Im' done Bn matter, esoe-inl ■r MtfMl frroup is eone'anUv HpniDg to this town as a meoea W thf faithful? IggVttRNOR MORRISONS th# initial soeech of Governor Mornipn at Charlotte was fine- Ijr conceived in spirit and con ■ Hit aMi should have a happy W, affect. The Governor made a i departure from his old time line J of attack upon the enemy by announcing some days previous to tha speech that he did not propoaa to smite th* opposition tarty hip and thigh a* in the „ t*'den times, hu.n* too much appreciative of the co-opera'ion |Ab by th i Ksoublicans in the St-tc'g road *era llis speech ' m.t only carried out this policy C-;t want futflt.ttr and expressed * f O' ■p/. Governor Morris > i senses SRg condition and in effect m ■L Dttaa the Republicans to ac ink If uniil ihi in i>«rt v K * TrtSa u why that pptfr. telMy, ia spirit It** and hhpatati fa thn kuu k; * suit of national failure. The | Govarnor righiy takes this op portunity to invita the Repub licans to caaaa th«ir rag tag opposition hy refraining him seif from indulging in rag tag oppesition to them. In other he erj reaaes con-kciously cr UTicOnacicusly, a deaire of the pul .ic to gn party poKtiea and party can paigns upon: a high er and more intelligent basis in the MW. RAKDiiG GAINS President ttarding has cer tainly lost nothing in tin pub lic estimation by hia veto of the bonua bill. Unmistakably ihia veto message is an able an-! aiyaia of the palpable fraud which the public has l>een offer-j ad by congress., A pr'rsmal of that paper must convince any one that congress hair ac ted in bad faith. A Republican pre* ident issues a state pa|n*r that makes his party in congress look like a shrimp. If there any reason for a lionus bill then* was -every I 'reason that it should Ih- an hon est one able to carry out what jit promised. The point of dis ingenunusriess reached in a bill that promises to pay a sum greater thaii ever enacted in a single measure liefore without providing any means for secur ing the money is beyond any explanation in honesty. Mr. Harding cornea very near to telling congress that it has cowardly enacted ■ a subter fuge bill for the sole purpose of meeting a demand .which it had not the sand to stand up and refuse and which it could ! not at the same time admit as u reasonable obligation, j Rut Mr. Hurtling does not stop at that. He goes on to show that even an honestly drawn bill granting a general bonus to uninjured men would lie a bad thing for the country at the present and in the ill lure. He shows that the gov ernment is already doing eye ry , thing possible for every soldier 'who ia disabled, and that there is np Desi to indioSe upon tin* already heavily laden taapay lert a stuiiendous new burden in behalf of men who do got ! need it. The whole idea of n bonus to uninjured soldiers ought to pass away with tlio : other fallacies ingeiidured in 1 after-the-war-hysteria. AhTKR TWENTY MONTHS. Th^tariff hill just enacted by congress is a product of twenty months effort by a party that < claims to do business in a su- j *>enor way and professes to ’*•- lief that it embraces all the l governing talent of the* coun try. And this hill of nliomina tions has gone over a period iieginning two months h< for<> Presidci.t Hardirg wa3 inaugu rated. Claiming that abort and snat-nv work was to result in a quick passage of a bill pro posed to embody all the wis dom of a wise party, the wavs end mcAna committee bigar. its hearings earty in January near ly two years ago And, after these twenty months they have proluevd a measure to raise prices, to fur ther iv Into us from the world, to enable a choaen few to prof itear upon the many, and to prevent European countries from paying their debts to this country. Republican wisdom is equalled only by Republican swiftness. OHIO TRYING*” ITS HAND At the time of the November election the people of Ohio will vote upon a propoaed amend ment to the State constitution allowing the manufacture and wile of light wine and beer. I'he State Supreme Court ordered Secretary of State Sfnith to - BRINGING UP FATHER ~~ BYGKORGE MoMANUS I * * ' ># I \kM I ssHFlHlysrf r' ~ L l I rr i - - ij njj r f • k • vl *™*™*I'^- N| 1 ~~ ji | l— jj ." ~ __ U - - 1-. .r. j * 111 lIMIIM 111 mi ■ HIM • IMIIIIIIM ■MI nti II ••)■ I I ♦«-• »-*•*-♦- •»•-*-.< . •<-»-• •» » •«*•-•*. - t - t „ T ■,ifr-rf J( T t ts | 4 ■v piaaa th*.proposal •« Mic.baiUt ' in a mandamus action brought 1 by the Aasociatinn Opposed to, Prohibition, sponsor of the. amendment, after the Sec re tary had refused to certify the amendment for a vote. The Anti Saloon league will appeal ta the United States Supremo Court. The Secretary of State had refused to enter t.lu; proposed, amcjmlment on tlie ballot, on the' ground that if aclppfi|d it would !b«fWntko# affect. »a.view of tho p> rqlfi'ilt <4 tkW Ijiirhteentb and fhc; 'Volstead law, and -frouM onlv entail an •expense upon the* State in sub mitting it to the voters. The 'Court, by a* flve-to-two vote, held that the Secretarv of State was without authority to bar the proposal from the ballot if petitions asking for its mditniK akin to a vote were valid. Valid ity of the petitions had nos been questioned. , If this amendment should l»e adopted and followed by legis lation by the State seeking to enforce it. there would be a di rect conflict wit-h the Volstead act. which defines what intox icating liquor is and prohibits if. That definition includes wine and lx?er. Tbit (he eigh teenth amendment does not dv fine intoxicating l**v< rages The theory of the .promoters of the Ohio amendment seems to be that since the eighteenth amendment uses the word in toxicating. and gives concur rent jurisdiction to a Statu and the United States in enforcing the amendment, a State would have the right to set up its own definition of intoxicating drinks. While Ibis a forlorn hope it is possible that the Vol stead act may sometimes la; so amended as to exchide wine and la'er from the classification of intoxicating leverages. Cer tuinly that, if anything, is all that the anti prohibitionists can ever hope for. The eighteenth amendment will never Is: re pealed. Kansas r.Aimft i \w. TH« Kinian labor I i m»w n»M j tlpuß t» cot Into iht I lot tl v 4* flni f*< i% thuit it« 4» dui i#T»5 4!i h.*v,' n ! |»tO'rtptiy l> !ublir utilitl** IK* t<*m munity i* nut t>* be dubbed lor hvth ' *idrk heratue employer* nnd emjnuy s , 14 * (
  • n und mill* end tartor j It* c-ennut hevi lll’MTlMG. NOT IIKMMNG, IRKI i>H. (Philadelphia RrrordT Two di»tlnKUiaht'd member* of the Roman Catholle hlerarrhy in American AtchhUhop • uHey, of fl*ltimore, -and , Bishop Turner, of Buffalo, iiavo Ju*t re turned tront a vl*it to Irelnml ronvim ltd that the people of that il trr« I Country are overwhelmingly favorable to the Free State, and, that IhnVal-j . and hia irregular follow repretc-H l«»» than five per rent of tiro poput lion. "They Kav« no rohrtHlcfivo pro pram." say* Arehhlahup CUrley, of thy,-, irreconcilable*, “they are killing, burn ing, destroying and wrecking Ireland a ) far aa Ihry can " He con lude*' that DrValrra bn* "completely I, t hi j head." And the pity of it u th«V !>c\ i 1 lera 1* getting lari' I* from many in th » country, p*!»ing a* Ir. lueii best friend*, who will not herd the Her word* of these reverend observer* of artuab con dition* In th# disturbed bland Th* vflll of pf> pcf cent of the Irish thcm»rlve* ha* no weight with the partisan* of the ' willful minority, who, *«f* from danger tn this country, rontiuu*' tu prolong ihh pi. sent horror' FKANtK AM* lAl.l IMI KKM'tIVHI III K. iNiw York World) The htnod of th«*e who have died and , are dying in Smyrna is,on th* hand* of ',>• J,,.";. -*>-«Mi4ioi n—nna mom to further thefr own* antbitioua. lhuy j cannot •»•»!»*• tka rtillt fo* th« m»»M- Vie, pillage and arson which Ui*viUWy j it. Ha* brought ia iif train. Smyrna ; fa-hum), ihourauda ore dead, hundred* of thouasmdi at*' m ditiigor of dmlh, ; a new war liipaUtft in the Near iaik i wholly began** I'a.li* and I.ontlon had i r..ot th* kimplu 1 ufteaty so sink thi •f , difference* for the nek*, of |atii' i j Ka'ihcr than rarnfl.e orm hit i)f ih. j ,n |» rinl «r:hc. tops of Wiit.ii they »r* ! poaktFsad. fipndnv. »nd hove atnib' I , on each’ o' her. T> | V •» l ‘ tied* U* and Ta-k* to do ti e flght:cfr ftsr than, to «io ill* forth- Tt, ai* the liter*l truth W>thout Bfitiah auppwrt I tho Greek ii *nslon *»• IppliwHi'" H Without FrvJtyh auppot 1 ha TuiU * el-., I f. rAim wn* l>.np**»rbt*. Leaden and *’oci» niadi tliii w »• I •i»~ iloi» add To:.* iilona I.ta ■ nd Ih* |i* H.« I* l tbbir lining to. |«i»* the buck. They (he not need Ametican help to atop the Turk*. The Turk* can in stopped wheraver and whenever I'ari* a: I l.oed h* Litre: t<- -top tl" m If Krmal m:in he*- into Coustantincplf, If ho paatr* on through Thraro to Adnan opl« and *tart* a Mulkan war, it will l,c byeauae i'ari* prefer* that to tutuii. n aland with the. Briti. h. If the, 1 urtv ii,me hark into Khrope it will W* he eau«i Franc Wunt* them there. It Will he h<'«U*' France would rather »»** K-inal at the I>u«dsn<;Uea thuu Lloyd l George.' . ... .... -V—« .■ t - • , HISTORY IN THE • MAKING *■ S * TOUAVS KVKNTH. V'fislival of Kt, Maurieu, the patrou saint of Austria. Sundown this evening mark* the hi ginning pf the Jewish year MW, Hie city of Hjnison, Texas, I* do crlgbrate it* golden anniversary today. • Villi rtary of lb" bir.th of Joseph Rod man West, who aerred a* U. B. senator from Louisiana during the reconstruc tion p, r" d The annual convention of th* Amer ican Legion, I >»■'partment of Alabama, will open at Montgomery ld- 1 > und continue over tnmorrow. An aerial convention and flying ox hlbtlion. In which nmny noted aviator* wtl Itakc part, will be op.-nni today at Battimnre. The Democrat Id Ft ite central rum ipitteo of Virrjnia has ion n called to meet at Rii-bmor.J id**?)' t" rfi-' l plan forthr # vi mu r VH .01 .«D t.Mh t f i if il'nlll il*’. | i4rf* I*** •<» «* |Tv<» Rnrtn.il #wti I viiii.ion nf ikf* t/fiit* *1 Fiat* I' i luTioi j As ' R. lo’liij? Ut AtlMlti j | , in lUK uivts Nt W,-i (nri R. .Grt.y, who ih r p«!ti > I > • ;l»a t\ I’hrita n to hi n » IK < !vi ! !»• J it iVh.f. .. ij| i;uW MTt .4- :*■ O i UiV j «*rt I’ iftc It If tu in Afkiio j sun in |m*7, ho brftii hi* r »Mi >.*»! < 4rchcr. In JKHIV ho litCttW'* rhiA’f rliTk thr WfstMn Affvnt of ih»* a* W» HUn, find th t a % ifu r his nrFfirp »ns r«p i. In U'l!* ) - tv t i i l i >;.?«•»•« ' y • < * »*t Ni‘»thri n l‘ •id- tH i j - *i l r* thiNN' yeart iaifv to nrc*pt (),*■ |■*sr d< ■ |l« \\ i * ■ ''it )an«t. i". J’i • • • • * j" l’ > I * ! kr*« vrniiiftvl «»|wf *iicm of th«» mih o.ifis, Ms. (»r«y nrr. - Uu. r of ih»* l> ; vision * f Ojh-ration « th A«1 tniN’ra • tion. ii pokt n tfarch H nil srcoinl onl to that of I' «»dr i;**uvr»l l>u ii'f * . imst two year . «<4 Hi’art of thn t r tn I'ncifip, hr I - the opemti&n -of om* of I i v'v •t, i >»tr <*• 01 in Amer leu. miIVV AvM\ K»?nvitJ* 17 1< \ S»i , i ro€rt|Jfut> of noldii*}! fiJMshctf U< M*ii ftp in Montreal f>l i notoH ( orifnlvratv «'! !irr, horn in t hnrltN. K. (\ Ih"l at \ukalrtirv. Misa., May 2.H, law; IHoo- Trhirv fA’t.fH.M , f llohfnrollrr ». VklltieV nCMti’li X -I 1 kltll' «ts :> .Hi • iiumH |ht* Frarvo war, hnrti, Mu tl Jttfio tt, ■ | Fort Wo\ tit*, I f vi u i roatcti Rev. s H McAllUtrr w#a in aufruratoii tir't f?rr uit nt of Ilutchol | .follrrr. • * IKTn K> »tu vt t« r«n• of th«• Mi x Iran h< 14 a reunion in l oui vitlo tttlNi Th» KHiatal) ornperor Rttd om* }>r< >' nr rikrtl i < ?i,i* i »>m .» \ 1 1 t«« Quf*n Victor in. Ijls r ' Ihr i’»in»*t* i»f Vt fliu und hi* party rinthi d N unrouwr, K. t\. ONF W.AH \<.«i fOI>\Y. NVw orh Jslfjii* l?» puhMrurt ronvriM tA i*iH*it wjMutoil? * k » ,‘Tatty" Aibit>V<- v - ’-•■■■* ■') t ‘ • M ' ttvyitt. [1 » | TODAY'S* BIRTHO4YR. * 1 I Mn‘• <: n, liu-t, 1. •.«•!.!• •*A - i | immmr ChM «>f torn ut- I U*mviHc, Kj.» jwn uiptf > ; ‘ I'ritieif t»f Bi igniixa, who r«**r i fit *| M:,-> A.'Mi -.i; •» r't «'f ?*< tv ' i h*»rn .tt-J(u tu, i'i ball fdam, i horn «t Mutt! -.*«<•, M>h, ::9 yeira itju l <>*:••.> V AitJ.tit) li Mfllf-.ry, d.itfu ub r of tt fit I • * - ,K< i- 1.,! i' "t".* !,.'.*<’ I'. 5 j tea n,' horn .»» Flout, *»., „ 7 ybdrt-y tifto I Ui'tm i 1 «ciet- I.r.UIY W MUM.N ADAMH.I Now chin column i*ri’t «py < ftmpaifln 1 for film!# tor boot# for l foootle'•* boot > kirirer* or for Irvin S. Cobb*# propos'd I hotro* for homriUSis homing pijreonn, *% i fcoroo *<*«•m to h»*«t mined the tin|»r*o ! 1 nioti from >*tcr4#y*i beginning. The rhnrarter. - t )(t «.» nil' , rj.i-v*\ * k. you »»r <' . b-"«, i i«.\ an«J thv rnty or 1 may not havv your naHit* or tomebodv elm’#, hut what they #ay and do will usually be a# true a# we ran make ih K«»rsc«ttuig for the niormvnt the bool* j legtvrn and the reason the city fath er* at e not < orifctdf rinjf taking up the j Center trick> and ail other local prob* | U*n»# where there i* always »omehody v a toe# to he run over, and i&ntebody #1 wnyr to 1» ( hit nr d to hnUi r, w.- tui rs f< .* tbh mpiit uruble Tuik wherr n« «nc‘ hi-r>* p.irtiiul i riy c ,l rr l , luw t»• gobbhe i* ti«ki>n out of Tutkr y, or b■ » »o«n the tolitilora i»re nil lo.itj,' no cvni rli,* for on! : |o Tit- a victim of ,uoh no Inlorvii w or tt» bunt so ,h !• a flood i f • ,lutO riili,.n n C-llvV folij .1 Turk, «(f soidli it oWf ot; i o|« k* J i in ( r* - "V«:y dffS •vor. »ihn«. < ..I 1.,0 r .t0 n uttr- .-.I in i vory |». ; '**V *' il* i‘: i. i i',n**iil ... rwiltd I'or.tr!. I’lvtil that lt;c Tuik wa a 'ii >r t, , ■■ I.■ ■ ■ ' ' f 111 t okjii r fund rratfcny *• h-, lo’t "Th. rv *oo I- Tii.} J.,,, .1 • diirro fho"i ho.* 1 rn n i thr- i’. p th t. * 1* ol tt •• ! od I • hr o-; i,m ,o r i ->n a«H| V r. ~jJ hr. Ih. 'r t ,k'j ‘•I III: -m mn%M to d. troy all w! , •I ' ot *i . I 1,, i , it #'.H >tm 'O ho b a of Maud'. I I it •* Mlyr noi'th. r atar in th. ir ito n VCc (lirjok pr* irrtfn'jf Aoir r from toy Country, t inn (fi t that Hind Cl rroicticm in lifc-'/h- U•.i\ il < J ■ Fr !' <* • •',. |,*UT7 l 0 1 '.l ® hut '.f I , I ' i, ar • 1 T, ■ry to .3f‘ In l' tir.-rt “n.ithi* uh ri th- ■ inr 4- t, •,••• ,>• » In ; V, Vow t‘<> >K, hr r* I h-,,;. I's 1-1 f, tr on, tWttM.. ' million ! There at .n’' Ifrtiwih tin, , Tt I rr‘« a lino To th. . Grvrk pn ~ .*Yirti ohall i«>t pa,,!’ To 1 thr Tutk im;, nothin,', nothin?* 1 : r. - I|UU» tl o tif.-i'k' What' thr p * Sur>|M,i '. you l» atinn a dirty afcunk. ll,if him In thn»#t'i l|ut man rofMl. nlon? ■ i 1 it' < it "iji!* Ami ymi has to pn “•It. As v a « i>h t.r'. rk Quit 1 h« tt'th ft if 1 r.ior, food and KU p ply Turin, KnfUnd send army iherrl No ua.. All up, d I, riipply (1 fork■ («HH* en» i : t*» muhvy, Kneoufage Vm ' lllttl*. , \r*» nil Jtiti little l*f»courage refwt. ff»|]eW# n|! y<,l l ,{«» 1 *’ 1 ’ y: 1 “ u > "U 1 Tmk l*ti e«tt*t»ntMlop|p, 1»o *»e W.utt It? , if *n 11.ihi- t« er»s. Sre thr yrr. n Mint hM| tv'%>it'ait+«#e in H"thwt r ior tA tiro heir'rmat "ver Sir I lilnk With a altamlng cup hf .toffee. at yoat .Ibow Send .ta Virglai* City for cats of th* new Wpst •* Jiarotd, Bell Wriyht mw tt ‘Take a tjxn up j Riverside drfve for Id-'Ol rotor and see) tri th« aui rise* of thr ,ifu«tk«n th* sun- ! .let t of the C oluettitu n*rr And Bar a f lily im.lKinatlun 1.1 r/ ’l>;,: tl.r . thinj;! tfkat matter* whether it i» *O.) r tint if tt i ijuld hsve**|,r( n ~07 Ark Hal . lie'* driid. A»k I.ir»i.. lie U./S I khOWJ, ’ IfR » "In B I'npufar. I ,T. I! j rur tiirl the ford Js la the jrar hu i Walk alon? and l«t her dh thh t stklnp,' * " fc*J< l r i\i't" shr • or*f v- y . • » wi.*l »hu hit If, Your! own mrnaorit -. ar.- !»■ : t -n•• If you are in dnubt about erhethpr thr u • roupr allow thnt you «•* •,t quiti itre whether a lipstirk ts.ite* silly or t some other way. Pit withdn wn in a! rorner of the swing und keep her! ttui And you'll be popular. Just 1 u, popular a# the woudvn li .'i'. d hur , Klnp ha.inst s fu on u tin nvk sot ttsT^ ' u C O.NRTANTINOPI.K, Sept. '4O S.:. } r- ! nu was sbl nr. Hysteriral t lire tiun ' refugees were running in terror through j the smoke find flames. In the midst of the rains hulked A lartrr building, gut- 1 ted but still standing, and near its roof, written in letter* of blue and gold, the wordrr “The Tango of Death " Tint still higher, untouched by fire, the Ameriran flag was waving through ; the smoke clouds. The building w.r, the Smyrna Thru- ' to ; the sign proclaimed the last movie «hown in Smyrna, “The Tango of Death,” And the Star* and Stripe* had ■ •seen glared above It by t'cited State* I marine who eommandeered the theatre to hourc Ameri ■an eitlaena re eking pro- ! lection. HENRY STEW \NT. TX, KNDM W VI h A( ROMS t OMINKNT 'leior Expectant of Snn Diego Sat* lb'll Serxe Drink* a* Dry* Sing Hymns. a (New York World» „ r lft '‘t; Stewart, r, v. rit> two, whore liftt work i« brimdraxtlng tK« charm* of v un Hi. ge Ort. yestenirr at 5 t*. M. fropbrd a trannontih: itdt walktpg tour wheii lie reach'd The World office xi-w“r* »R’d hs b*gan tj* eighth < l i' » ; n last V.. hir.guia^! 'Hilt.lt, He Would have r-.aihed N-*v ‘' | r hut, he deHiril I I tf*(t glories of !*u»! D . an *TliI iio.r Ver y. ,rig home by *te.-ioi is.” Ip gtp’uinrd. “I'm going to tie elret d Maiur, appointed tolo.nl of the, (fuard . id rY wn s•<} Hg*nt M li r v. I .-nit ’urr 'After I' .* V*f- 1 I h »’• •; nil Ihr I'relifliitlt e|hi u* if ij» .i. tHvftio had hi > -or sing :li-. h*oin f■ ,r a spin. While tt i nr I'm ci. ing t • F I. all th, ■dr ''uni' to the I'-Jc tiiT no devery Id- d olio of \m I ■■ " 1 • O' •li : • a I ■ l-f I■■ r." I l -I ■ . 'ld 5 i ■ K V.itirg e“t nuioo i. hi log. * along oide of all tho world's faiimnj- n.< n." f'MTRONf* < '.SF” Vi \|\ST F VTStIN - INSTt'N, i ; . ''' ' ' I. L. >,*'B'll < ti* rr. « f'ln, o tj, at the . fliimer'e V.orrtt near R'arsiw revetal ■ i mth* ag >. will fare a jur* at Krnunt ; vtllij ihiring a term of e mu beginning Ortobty 2,' it w.i stated today by Janie* v. F. .»•. rg. dnlro-t y.digilor, Afu*t tjyr hmitJitg! Ijat on uti .1 th it dp had i n>‘ dI H r, (or rlw hi. rln ■ ft« 'id, oil' tbeipreme. ~ The State also under stunds that hi* plea will b, solf-de fen**, hrideriee inln du. i d I Wlh' Flute ‘I tl pit iiJi.Maiy trial nr*-/no nn.n ihan w.,1 suiTreient lo hold Hatson for • court, aid in view of (Pi, pc secured . bad without di® ult’. I’ower* nan! a “ntforr in - ,?'* had t-'-rn Worked op t,y the tTale, VI • i M Sylvia Dwi.uldrou, of lirink t 'CI. I » an « X eel tent rhunee of heionr mg thu first woman hiombcr of the im i»ohii'ctt» Icgislature. She hit* re ! ttdved the Hepuibtoari nnminatinn in a . strongly Kepublirsn dlstrin, and her Ailection i* believed to hr assured. -sspy Tr By HERTOM MULCT. Ethyl It • thtrmtr w%o mlui yang blood ruh warmnr, Fhr s c|uN« intoxientinc In h*r spirit ual way; Too much of her society means cnn> lant inebriety, \ At tun the make* you happ?—but jou p.ty for it next day. N Ethyl I | . rftdivnc, although her work’a i idioug; ; fir il.- m’t wreck yon qalckly, but h> git you ju*t the same, ihe f..< , you very slowly, but U time hr owns you wholy, • . , s And .be leads you dow nto poverty and bej..times* and shame. Methyl 1* a vi Inn who'* out to “make a killin',” •' II nuthin.’ i‘ s thm poison of tho very rankest kind} You r t t.<> with Methyl,-for sli«+it**t Title breath’ll H# t p ’l your mn#r workm’s and q(iil# oft in muke you blind. Hr :dr*, it's true thnt Methyl so muck rescmblo* Ethyl That only to a pharmcaist is any dif f renre known, ' Ai d cither one may frolic lp a alcoholic. So i*yvune who's sapirnt will leave them both aipntr! JEWELS AND FOOD ARE MOSCOW ATTHTION —r — In Spite of High J.ivinß, Amer kn Feeding Ten Million I’ersonH Now MOSt’OW, Sept “1 Diamond* and food arc the chief attractions In the k'vxjl* open air market* of Moacow, which are running ftrll blaat this aum rner after several years of inactivity. Food of all kinds is to be had in ; abundance, there being verictics ! of vegetables and fruit, as well as but t* r, egg*, meat, (lour, and canned . goods. Thr} display ruminds ona oi a market in the t'nited iitates. The prices generally arc higher than in America. The mwits, fresh, dried and smoked,, are henpiil in enormous piles In the small stalls in front of which tho Moscow hou- ’ins ii«seiul |, in throngs all day Ji.rig in m arch of their wants of the i triorornt Tort* of potato**, and frc*h vcgetsblos just fm'.i thr fields, are dumped into th- rfutlx In the morning. Women of_ the Heir) l.crhood fill thrir haskels and then hurry flora tht market place Ilf on rndl> ■ pri.eerxion which continues until u*tc in th* ufti rapon. Fi •! lire la I'pt of food of all kinds, (yen hwttleil pickier from London. It is diffi i ’ fur < : i n visitor* tq rraliso th..! n jiort* qf Russia today tbi A*ni nesn Iti'lief Administration nb 'ic t* feeding approximutefy 10,OCX),• boo pi i win', jihicfly a* a result of effect* brought nliant by wpi£ revolution, and J 'ha I anna of last year. 1 lA* the lihnnml and jewelry sectinn ol tht muikair tin d< alers, chiefly wom *n. t lor g rows displaying their * o , Un ;r finger* and about their i" 1 1 Their blou .< and shirt waists • ic a- a bo Aground for hroochr*, in riiu'.-r, iiiiAlare, tiny jcwellad watch* ■‘ I “ v -of j : r.,msl adorn* t/'‘lit whiih unr down from the aria* t ii'' 1 i. thmugh want and tho “pawn si «p” route. 1 * '• not of (he best, * 1 ' I’ '» that tho largest crowd* •* “ "• f ‘*" ,v > »> in greater numbers than the food stall. Home ure en ■tv. 'ing t- - 11, other* arc haggling ,o' i ti t in of a stone, •» watch, or ''' 1 i- “f jewelry. Th* hi. i t . un tho greater tho crowd in th i".iowT