PAGE SIX •• ■ "» f NEWS OF THE CITY ""' 11 ■' MART COMING FROM MVPUN FOR CAMS. * According te State leant or River* t>. tahneea, who *u ktn yesterday on O*F»4« Mnl; town wtU VwSSplI th** 1 h#r * M UkhmrsMF of Mir Csrotidlfurid tear tko go mo is running M bi«k new Mint Ikoro kata Won • half *tem mild scrape, fisticuff. la War-j MW. KeoanevtU. UMI Mion yitr which! L . , I* *W strongest end tka reapegej S'J &r? HHf * IMPORTANT ROCIAI. EVRNt; mm 4bMm Aten.. T. VK Mr. N. «M Rtewr la fte. CHy. I ’ V (Wilmington Star) VteA -graved MWiOMWM dkoNtag a. V kOni ter. tea. reechred tern I "Father Time IMM better Muter. -Anuoaoco iba engagement of * t daughter r> BBfc •'. “Golden Aatumn, L *' v > "Mr. N. Wan Bummer. wetatte te taka ntecr .1 th. of % Mte te tte xogbbr of cguinoxial geld* E “At tea. pverywhere In Wilmlagten Alter feplamksr *». HR" Mha labiate la a tint* ts Min £ • Abgggte ' tarn mo >V pleasantly I (Mm 111 E , lAMAtf te|A fro* th. occasion of her Akay rialte to Wrlghtsville Beach m ' M tte’wotjibng tomorrow; Min Sum-! twill te iagid of honor, while the | W4R ko gleg In marriage by her , A Mllhn, Rr. Bleak Winters, will coma ta Wilmington ta live on ! liter Ft, and who will offer to ' lUUpli of tbi* community. * new Mi carted amort men t of coughs, cald», p Ate ohlllbalne IS KiEM KRUSE TO j raj I MEET BRMRrrk Dtrgetor at Hop % kite Amour l>iteim< u Uht-d October GMeets Dr. Alike K. Urm*Z. of /oka Hop. ' i JjP** FfAII attend a»3 uha port in the j jPBWPiMMIBIAiIi aooroM||M to te hold In j BA Octukiv S t MCRnliaf to * Malums at Issued yesterday by the Char % OMteMie eggtety It *ay»r * \ A ■ •Hi# Mi Mai Sactloa at tko Anneal ' Btrs±Jt*£?wL£, , 2;i •tear tte aaapieos te the North Coro Me Tuberculosis AnorioOf.n will bring te Otedokoro • .natter te ngtioMßy lhaww apoeialitn I Art bo dlagkodte and te taterOWosli. chief among ttewi will ko Dr. Aten 1 Kronen. Ui >’ Meter te Teterealotea Rkaooroh Work 4t Joker Hopbine Hospital Dr. Kruswe Ite spent kia Ufa stedjrlwg Mte Ml wotdo on tte ouhfect are pu- RtorlUtir*. J "Horth Carolina latent will te wall MBpoaoetod by took leader, id inter WteaU work at Dr. Doan and Briggs * # Dr. C. L. Montgomery, 9 - Jtews Dr. W. H. Smith; Mil. Wood. WUmtapton. l)r. <*y #te Tltompton. JnrfctoovlHo; Dr. b C. JMRpkFor, Sanatorium, Dr. 1. M Parrott tlAjtm modttkg orlS ko prpetted rm M Dr. i MeeteP Wee. Pte.item of M* State HWM te ttoaltk. Wayne. MMo. Kroryote tatorwaAid In tabor-1 •elooi. work to rordtafty Invited ta St- I MM Ite mooting " Seeks Fhao* [o**s I .. J Ml ui {' f - i : I | I I L A Mi A j I ; K ' *# j < .MM te than ote ted glvo. a k. mesh*?.' ■ — .a. > i. ' amir *- 1 y.-, *• «|, R, r I, X * ‘ • >'" ' • , K ' - Jm i I-.agar. , ■*•**••- l» Ibwarlr X 0 „ Syntcuae f, Buffalo X | ■■ -a- ■_ lA Mdd Mama for Laglalteuw. Brat Itwfabitir. of the alwta of teMMteWta M bww n in tko pollib al klatory of that coutuiunwealth aa "iba liOglalntiiro of a Ttitruaaml Drinka. 1 * Tbrro are I'lAlmm (KkHlet aa to how It eanifsl thb Mwlgwet, the moot pop ; ular bring that It ia aimply an allualoo l to the netl laaowr. tendoncy exhibited by Dm (WHy 'WHDwwlmm te Sad In the gobtte ereryllilng' from a mode te raVr«WMtN« fwtwthrt ecwtoMleowta to a beta for tte defeated cendldalp. Rot the term pmlohly orlylarttd. itte Rote ttar fbHhieg reMeet, l«M from a men ayraori Groan, who coo ducted a aaloon near tte atata hot too wlioro tte body met. Wtee tte bgistatetw adjoufWml It wad MW custom to moot Dm bwtkakers te the door and call dWt “Como ,m, boyx let's tab. a tbiswate drinka r ?Tt.J ttLf». * ’ * ▼ '* lik'd' r»V\*- ' V (MWMCtRD TO DMkdHlilNG. NKW YORK, Sept. Sl.-Now York's Sarazen Drives ■ 1 jf T . I • a BL ■ ... t&r * vjp I . ■ { * I 1l ■ + .^jmtemLAititeMßX? k l. '' I ■ kC, r Ooeo Saraoon. now opoa golf she me. tearaV fuN tron ohot No tta Ao RMweuate tte mui from tte ktety ead that ko thmyt teopa I kb teed down. Tte. amyko row aa. ar tar M te dew TfnafßXMv:.: ■ | Fall Opening Day ] Wednesday , Sept 26 • \ We wIH place on sale TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, Sept I // 26 and 27 the greateet value* ever shown in the City of Goldsboro. )# | WATCH OURWIND6WB 9 IK Your Credit is good at \ 8 1 ISLAA I U«-ia! K. Center St - C f 3 t> t, ' ■* ' , V * * Sk *1 .* ' t HOW’S 7U xt f” Jt , d-’T* - *'*" ! o NB f» ♦V.VSSIk+M t p-:. * police fore, goto many unusual calls, bat today It was forced to perform one of the most peculiar dutisa In Its his tory, when blu.oaats had t. uaa moral poreuation on M third-claei pnterngert on the President Adams, who hod hold that veto.l up for srvon hoars In the harbor, by rofuaiag to go to Hoffman’s Island for doionaing, Wbsn examining doctors at Quaran tine ordered 11 paaeengsrt, frond to bo rrraita-iwfewod, to go off the ship, only ton onowerod tte eglL Then the atehorftico anld that nU tte thbß-class passengers Would haOo to ho taken ta Htefmga't Island. This announcement eauead the It* tklrd-etaas passengers te break into debating society groups, with She result that a group of who raid they were American rltisew*. rafuasd ts budge unless the fimt-elaas pstaen gara Were taken along. For coven kouro the debate icontin ued with Increasing warmth until t’ap }ain Pendlebury awt an S. 0. 8. call u he harbor police, which was answered by the patrol boat Manhattan, > loaded with hioecoats A phalanx police men with drawn blfHex approached the kotd-ote* and talked ta them earnestly. For a while the air was filled with all the wefl-hWiwa varieties of oral ergo meats, hut th* policemen h»<f their way and finally the tWrd-ciaae were loaded on a cutter which took ~ r- ► A TThc fiooieveU pan is found, It irrigate# ihe tannin* land .* Thai onac had been ay yuusd. *fi*' 'if - i. % \ :>H : jjf- W' f} |' W tb«m and their cootie pals to tte cootie graveyard. The President Adams seat from Lon don, Cherbootg end Queenstown. INFANT BRIFRR KWCAPRR. « f ONNKUVILLK. P#s «rpt tl.—Re leasing th# brake of an automobile, ns tt wwx parked on o rtewp Mil I. Ogden •treat, Cteyten, tko two-year-old ton of R. Woodrow Wllsw, of Unlontown, had n wild Joy ride daw na grade ted foot long. The ear was almost completely demolished, but the little fellow escaped virtually oainjured. Just at pfr. and Mrs. Wllaw warn, I ready ta return home Ip their aatemo bila Clayton, who had saan |>ls father manipulate the brake es the ear, was pfacod ig tka front awt vrth tte good iztt’riterr; otHMod thd Moehtoe, 4Akk tko car reached the foot of the hill It turned '"♦« oAyy •* Third t#rd Bchojl ytrA W(W across the luwnland smaVi"# # Fte twb mar old “driver” was thrown from the front se'nt Into the bottoß of tte sutomoMW, but managed to eeeapo with wly n few sera tabes, showing ad e«ter 111 effects from hie wild ride. Tte mother of the baby raplly suffered from •hock more then he did from klg In juries, . *-■ m msm CIfRIMC QUOTATIONS. Sinttttw <»W< it— > today. wW CMm (MtM etaoed bare- Mr NMty. GloMWg pvtoeo wove: •tog expected. local traders teas-' me a ted i|M the Mir imii wwi' •a mom ekurhl, bat ictlft miUm m)4 about t U> U poiats net lower j 4artn( lbs early trading. December contract■ rased off ta 21.15. and Jest aarjr. WM. Thar, was farther xssttered south ern sellieg and rather heavy sailing of March contract* by broker* who war* believed to bo trading far Japanese ea eowau. * ‘ NSW YORK OPENING. NSW YORK. Sept 2t.— Cotton futures opr nod a toady: , 0 October, *U*; Do comber, 21.18; Jan unry, n.**| March, 2056; May, So.**. , * ■f' ■"i ■ i —. nmw ORLEANS contm. NKW ORLEANS, Sopt 81—B.tteri cable* than due cauaod • ri*o to 2 to | 7 P*‘«to on the strongest months la the cotton market during the first calf today, bat immediately altar bat tar weather qver the bolt and an unfavor abl* contraction of foreign nows de pressed the trading positions until they wob* U to it poinu andor.tbo close of yesterday. October moo to »U and Coll back to 80.28. At tbe ewd of the first ht»r of basinoos prices were bach at •bout tbe level of yeetenday'l «looe ns. cablegrpms from Paris to local brok erage concerns to th# effect that ponce prospects dwro Jbrtghtsr. NEW ORLEANS OPEN INC. NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 21.—The cot- i ton market opened steady. October. 2®. 41; December, BLM; Janosry, 20.4*; 1 Ms rah. 20.44; Moy, SO M. dta, SdsoasnilS,,.. LIVERPOOL COTTON. LIVERPOOL. Sopt. 21.—Tptton. spot' loir demand; pricoe steady; good mid dling, II.SP, folly middling, 12.24; mid dling. 12.14; low middling, 1268; good ordinary, 11.84; ordinary. 11.24. Kales. 7.000 baits, including 2,000 American. | Receipt#., IN,OOO bales, 11.200 American. Futures coined steady. September, 12. M; October, 12.35; December, li.ll; January, 12.24; Arch, 11.82; May, 11.-. Stfrr • . ui —I i * . "- B ■ I “There Ain't No I I I Such Animal” I I I I ■ I * Name ten merchant princes who never advertised. I I ft -V fi ■ 1 Then name nine. Six? Two? One? I .■ ■ >^H 8 I Why, what is the meaning of this? I I I I # • ' ||S . ■ a Simply that “There ain’t no such artimal.” Great 1 8 8 I commercial successes since the dawn of history have I I ■ I been erected largely by advertising, of one sort or an- I ■ • ; \' x+t.• I * TPTL. %# WTi^ r ' CJi 1 it II Ine Big successes | I I I Big Advertisers I | I' V The columns of Goldsboro News can help inVprove* 8 8 I ***• <w ’" *“"•*- *4- ~~w . \ . M H Wsm\ Hf * > B 1H» IBm m B * ■[ ||i r m’- a ■ K " __ 'R ' . ... „ SPECIAL NQTTOS | ..pop d*w .To • • • NICE PintNIMRO KOOMS • * nogr'WofiUßE I—p ißr mt. tit • Bi• oo s *1 l hod s •day dor pool ond tone' Ibw •Mki notdmnollsi bo—ft hand. Mod chaok bttfSftH sentiment. .Active profit i-*R NOS noMcesblo. The oponing wblcb ranged front half cent decline ta 1-2 cent advance, wag followed by a material setback all araand and than i a moderate rally" | Cara aad oats cased down with wheat. After opening quarter cent off to 1-8 cent up, corn underwent a general de cline. Dat* started 18 ceat.lqwer to a like advance, aad iaUr weakened la all de liveries. Provisions ware firmer. 1 y • K»OCK MARKET * WKW YORK, Rbpt. ff.—Rbtlish opera i ttwns wot* resumed at tk* opening of j the stork market today in Independent Steel *n,d art shares, hot confused move monks re* place fn ether porta of the . Mol. Standbrd Oil of Mow Jersey open cd mow tMtra a point higher tnd am ctuaded R* gain to nearly 8 1-2 points oil was poshed up 4 1-4 and •bsfean PkirMogm one. Gain of * paint each w nj recorded by Midvale. Credbte, Repuhtir and Golf Steel. Point gains la Beech Nat and Child Copper brought them to now high ievehi for tho year. Atlantic Caast Lino drop ped two points and substantial fraction 's! recoaslon* took place in Onion Pa cific. Atrblaoa and Norfolk and West ern. Now -Ygrii Air Rrabc and Cosdon also wer* quite reactionary. PINES DRIVRRB fl« 8 API MCE. DOYLES TOWN. Pa.. Sopt 21.—"M0 I »•**•*• *ho imnbibo too freely In in , liquor and try to drive so < automobUe at Ue same “to oms gpina I AMilt brrth stonily Inßucbs eoaa ty,“ sadd Jvdfca Ryan today as ha sen toneed throe motorists to pay Knot of 2100 and cotta after they had pleaded guilty. *if yeu cannot stop drinking, slop driving on amtemebtle,”-said the | Coert P one defendant. ' Queen. Alossndri has a pair of opera glosses, made in Vienna, valued at |2i.- noo. They are of plot.sum, eat with ‘.diamonds, rubles and sapphires. k. nit twenty-ftv* e*add gar laasfttoa fag M zt x'a* sz*n ** " Whit* spSco or Iggm May log ado Imm*- ad is the column for $$ son to p*g lack, each Insertion > yi When fvs or mom consecutive Inten tions era desired | #smsM MT • gob conk Is stlowoa. —Nrw*Mf*-aRMMK~~TMII horse with biased too*. Off out on Pc th ftwtif feot- Suitable toward St n termed to Radlc Thearfmog, 8M «ow -1 ’ .or street. _ A L- , • WAMTRg GOOD < APR < 4*041. VbY 02 0000 to tbe Mol Is ad Cafb, oSde bar#; M. C. | ... . ■■ BUBINRRS AN* PEMfOMONAb MMM desiring bookkeepers agg ateaogmoK ors apply to Use Uusincss sag Ana fetsioaui Women's Club. We k stenographer available now. , M - STWf/RN—BI.Am AMD TAN SWRP herd dng, named Shep. Lame, right . hind left. Liberal reward. Oak tIIMI Vann, Goldsboro. N. C. I BKK IE C. TURNER POR YfWR MHUb Nig of am description. Ruriaeos ad dress, Goldsboro, N. C. Homo mMwm Pikavilie. M. C. Route 2. I boao 240-W. |f . - ■> t - r .|A. C WANTED TO TKADK A -TOinUNG Car” sis cylinder Tor a Ford Coapt. The Ford rouge must be la good con dition. All answers addrwss Ford Coupe car* Goldsboro Daily Wag* STORE FOR RENT—IN A RUNG TOM Hotel building. R. G. Thompson, f if. TTPRWRTTFRS— Af.l, MAKES ri.KAN ed. Repaired snn adjusted. Agency for the Underwood. The Machine yon wW eventually buy. Chapmans TyggWtqke sr Shop. National Saak Building. WANTBD—PLAIN SEWING. KMnHol der ms and croehfting. Call Mrs. Harry Wilson's 144 t. Oak strset. MRS. 4. L. BARHAM HAS RKSUM #d her vocal lessons at 810 Wsst Mul berry strset. Phone 881. 30 ts • o - NOTICE. i Thyy Is a revival meeting lit progress at fn Ponte foetal Holiness rknrch oil Ba.t Oak street Services sren even ing at 7.80. Sssdsy at 11 A. M. 2nd 7:3« r. M. . Rev. Lewis ftowgslsky (The eon vert* cd Jew IVearher frotn Rassisl M doing *.h« preacblsg. The public is cordially invited to come and take part In these services. P. F. ROBINSON, Pastor. ’ ’VET

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