> "■ '4-' ' V■ vv -i \q* \ Upr |i uiu p MiifSH imt ii *§ 1§ 3 ff® W 1 j Ijaiwll »If to m ■Mm •( Kjn RoHi ' ff T SOFIA. Bulgaria, Sapt 11. tlpMiiii lUnlMHiky, Sat) U< adrant U |Mtr M Bulgaria** premier. baa Mm farnUktoß lEur*p* With M little amuae- | Mat hjr th« iimiihmlow uM daftaat | •ray hd' kta been irtafting King MM*, had by hi* ladlffetont attitude IMhil Met lon* *|* h* t*ld UWTTInt If h* did .il«t do the bidding m th* aw****, he If might flad him*. If without a thron* tad ih the mldit es He add *d • warning that young Bart* meat hot heap hi* ifa aa hath *Ma* as th* fane*; that h* could give hi* support only te aaa party, and that party th* |L*.-ou|* la power. i,, . Th* Malwart Agrarian laadar also ha* Bivaa »*ic* to eusaily ngvel aapr***iaas an variosi* qoeition* as th* day. “My inaml**,” ha aapa, “aakad th* (Mat to j . throw aa ortt. Bat that weul<_n*t ha ta conformity with eaaatituUoaal aa- i age. And then they da aat know tho king. I ha** bias wall tralaad. 1 tr*at him Uka a aaa, I ha** baaa teaching h'ai politic* far thra* yaar*, aad ha ta qalta daeoud t* m*. W* a** gaiag t* bat alga alb t* th* Agrarian*, Badtcai* aad ho«UI Damocrat* far tab alactian* afj 1954, aateaa I am aaaaaaiMtad la th» iaaaaUma. „ ‘ “I like th* Bulgarian Comar* a lata.’* Biamhaullaky dcelarva, “bacadho fkay auppovt aa* hrithaat aay «ogag*m*nt ea »y >art* which h cunveatoat far ate. Th* Cam muniit* • ay* p ran Iml pfaplt* ‘ and thay wUI shortly ha«am* i |gft fit to gw*era. They hr* forgetting their prtaelpßm mar* aad mgpa, aad thay know h#w to atUnpßßudat* thamoatr** ta dreuflMtghma. Thay Khow how ta ! talk »o aa to pleas* people.” Th* Premier aay* ha does aat com a snap about roparation*. “Separation* . ero humbug. My coaaoctioh* abroad Mw maoh stroagor aad mar* aamaroaa than war* th aaa of JUag Perdtnaad. P.rdl- I Ban knew oaiy arawaad heads as ad imparts new, while lam a* latimate term* wtoh tho rating paiHiotaao as the , , j, ■,, .;-*B ""l'"TT' I *-*to MMirif-tf10... ... | i wry tit id«i art ** ****** I - 4 ■ -* • '***'-, ... „■ "" ’ ° " 0 ’ /<-. •.* : ;| u-, • •* ’» * ' r* ■ o ■ M ■ * * * • ■ m ' *< I I ■ - 1 • 8 " * ” 1 b w-v. ■ ... ; r-:: ps: :* I ■ ■ wg>m >iw 1 v ■ ."« f t . . i . o I A* A* Joseph Welcomes a» ■ . '* * * . - 1 * \7 * «I<• * I You ‘M . v „,1.„ I to the beet place to trade in the State. / I That's a broad statement you say—but it's true—for j 25 yeers and over, we have sold really good stylish J clothes—and we propose to keep on with our set rules— * f - 1 to the best at the lowest {k>ssible prioe. A. A. Joseph invites you to his Fall s . and Wednesday, Sept. 26th and 27th. ' amma^{k Familiarize yourself with the New Fall Styles. • \ , . ¥ 'J We bid you welcome at our opening and throughout the year. * * i r *f*. fiy IH A. A. JOSEPH •;. i • My Outfitter 3 3|.V Under Hotel Kennon GOLDSBORO, N. C. ■ . . ■ • u . 1 I ' f * i •• ' .. ... j .... whala wacid. Th.r* la aa tem. th- ! hady Wffl touch Bulgaria. I bh*« gat pr*a*|a*». Aad than w* bar* cam* t* •* *adwr*tainding with Krirto Rah** •hi. Cammiaaary hi tßa Ukraine. Th* B**l*t» kill am ahaaddh «a * M. WtmahiMMp has »*l*ad a Warning m t# th* fktvya. “B**m akMld aathtag •ta* happen.” ha dhclar**. “th*r» will ha • Baaaikl mta-up Wfor* long. Baa. •b preparing a dahmto khlrii"'l* inerttahto lb* .hall M«aga tatta fhta mßwaenl tap, and *o**«Mag I* »ur* to com* oat as it. Waft aad •a*." * • * . •• ■■■a*. ~an, ii , , I COMB* TO OBTBNBB or hrvoBCSD wife. u •h* la Ckargad VBh Caaaglracy to KIN Baaami Baahaad far laaurnaaa. " HUNTINGTON, W. Sapc M. Although h« di**r**d his wlf* that ah* might marry aa*th*r, waalthiar man, - .'p-y. Jam** K. Mm at Carhin. Ky., has mm* bar* ta Baftad th* w*o>*a. Wh* ta he'd • an charge of to marker bar Th* wit* la Mr*, law* Mas Bow man, « losal basin*** man, was named M _ i. n < Dir IB «TICB BMIrfVwB BM»< May Mia. Bawmaa wh* (Mag to Nm ■tat* JUnpttal. far th* ttoum far *k” NinUm. «• Behert BMcMm, it iHMtfto, tad Chart** Ripley, a rdtlroad ahepman, ha*, told *a MaMMlg attowmg MM. I*w*m hi rad them fa* MJWO ta MU Bawaumi the maaay taka paid from th* Mlleß inBVVBRTT. taw" •• /" Ih "lattiag tba law taka M* eoaras,* km fit* tooth dtftoranMp. *•»»*■ “Bh* may b* ho aald to day, "1 woladn't h* sgrpriaad, but ah* Is th* moth** of my twa uaall eh lld ran aad I harent forgattaa th* aid la**. I want daaovt Baa.” Caaa* to «h Nttoil Gama. Bagt to v- ' VEiil:: a.".;. yr|ti nice o||nrn AUHn 1 iiUUU UnlwJLlr 4 Nifh | MYnffifr & Hot MBurngkr MaSc CmbUnmb! hr BAYUML trf'lSr Bopt-'-B*-—t?ot- ! •I«r» In tnitoßM’y this part* th* dmr •**'af tatopbjg mwl from Tfxllt. BaVk •ad t# n **7toTtoiU. are learning hptr V* alrMtafUM'-togm of th* reatrtotigpb as th* Bangs auUentlaa. Ther* U th* oaa* as tba pto «at Bfi X*ata. af j Raariaa fhpatog wha.J* Boat** and Wth*r American cltto*. had to ratnrn ta bMlkgtad aa p«r*oaal bush naaa. Thl* itokladii. aha can** Seuth, j and dp-litdy In Batnm anxtow ta •• to Trebiiond fawn th* coast to Turk Nik territory ta fnlflU a dancing engage- ! m*"t Th* part author!tie. au.pictad ah* wa* trying to hid than •ad at th* asm* time tarty away a sow of tba Jawala for which BnaaU haw become famous Ba thay bogaa (hair ■•mu. Thay dttola*d Xaniat aaa rehod tadk away h*r men*y HWtt •ha wagld go. ’“'AH right," thay said finally. *J»f yto inaiati but you cant inks that Angora oat. Wo bar* a little ld*a ya* ha** tod bar itwols, aad that aac* aboard tba stoaruMr —". Tear*. Xania *h*d thorn Npwdy, hut th* ahewar waa la onto. Thau an offi cial *aid ha hollared b. woo Id cat th* •at open skyway, then aad that*. BThomupop th.r* cam* te th* fraut Mr. MattNaana, Xenia’* nManger, than trtoal, diplomatic, and atb*rwi*e. aad kto a unhand. “Uta man handle thta •ituatioa," ho decl*f*d. «c*t th* eat ; epan," ho mid. “but aa that* Harm*: if j Jatral* ar* fend ia kar iaaldM yen. Mr. i Cuatoma Inapactor ton ahoat aw. If thaw j ar* a* Jewoda. I will altoat pan. Thar* | I* th* pittolt ttoa* aw my .porting I terms Go ahead and cut.” But aai'bffielai «o V id glthatond thta j •ritoace as goad faith. He lot them < M *• Trahlaoad. all thro*, th* danter, [ th* diplomat aad th* eat H* no* t«n*! th* atary on bimwlf. and still insist*! ths wt eanlsd th* j*w*lc. BUPPBBiNG MOM BNffß WOUND KINSTON, M. G, Sapt. 18.--Harry J Datfto a rotarnn of th* UStb totontry in \\ th# Warld Wgr, I* safariug from knit* j woukd. th# police yriay alleged ta h«to| ’ ll PS a 3HWi |*|| L B * I i JB JB E1 V\ B § ji|lßl 1 jB jB Jr rm. Bmß |1 IBf BWr « Ii BJIII f .PB I September 26th and 27th Goldskoro’s Fall Opening Snappy Goods at Snappy Prfcea. The merchants of Goldsboro have bought thefr FaH \ Stocks for the folks of thl* community. jQn this market you will find the very boot *** be had. As an induce ment to the merchants to place | the very nicest of their goods where they may be Ofcen, the associa- " tion will give *30.00 in prises to the **> merchants who have the j most beautiful window display. ' Gome teflfk them over and spend your money in Goldsboro* *, l' A.A.JOSEPH •»V H N.A.EDWARDS Hicks b hawley , > neil Joseph GOLDSBORO SHOE S. KANNON DEPT. BTORB A 1 Y | “EPSTEttrtl” , A.PHILUP SMITH HADWARE CO. , W. BU.IS f - * n. weiu&bror. L WAYNE SHOE STORE HANDLEY-STALLINGS * *f. Boost the Goldsboro M*rko Because It WiU Boost Yo« to*u toggtf*. to Atopw Giralhmy The rngw- *»iMta« '>« m taKntylh 'th* *a*t gmr pmrt as (Mo ktap Twetoay wight. MM. mtaamd th* «U.r Bt *uto«totolW> hdgi BfcritajS ngani.t - § ; Horses TWOCAR IX) Ans OF HORSES WILL BE SOLD AT IT STAB- ] ' ACS, ON CENTER STREET, in GOLfeSBORO, N. C„ AT tMO 1 M, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER as, 1922. ' ’ [.•'”> #m t -~^^grr~ ~'"' These horses are direct from St Louis, Missouri, and are the best I coaid buy. Twenty are well broke and ready far any ktftfi of work, and twenty are unbroke but can be easilyhandtod In tti* or three weeks. homqr wefo not raised on the rihge but inside fences. Bvery horse offered atthis sale will be sold regardless to price and there will These horses win weigh from 1000 to 1800 pounds, all good I colors and the short blocky kind ttqt everybody Come and look them over before the sale. Remember the date, J place, time and tell your friends Sale rain or shine. 5 1 * aisasa rictot «t 4 dttownnod to tnfliet othfr htuw*. toawßnuy Dpow MS toilto |gg PAGE SEVEN I i>evi^ '* was ejS ‘aw #fjp^yfwwK tided/ * - '** T%