PAGE TWO w, « M». . * jpi»'— - | NEWS OF THE CITY | w 7 1 * TARf HUM— iwanau. move ’ EI.IMH, for the SUfic —HU. duMbed hi* oampolgn , imiMliWin • •« w***ii Cr**« „4m flWthWi tuvaahip. Mr. P*rk*r •MM that be would have liked very . Mw Mi la Goldsboro and hmrt *, W, Baiter, bat «Mt ha coahtot ho ia rtf* pfc.s* at »a« time- , f «r— --iirxasas - ,fat t. >. Iwunrtoß will address «a« i (tOOf «R tM graded .chord, of the city ■it* tonralag •« t o'clock and atwdhor , croup a* KI:*». Hr will toarurt th« o’ taochaaw and fho stydenu In the Ufa aad tart of Ayeach aa a preliminary to lfH‘l mo mortal day. Norcmber IS It lo ptaondd that Captain N. .A / O’Barry gpapt to tha aeh an) chi Id ran on Mavtmber IA Ooa poapaaa of th* * imam trial day I* for the children to hhre. to opportunity to learn more about th* ■foot educator and hae/on_apaor*naitr to .townat. aotoothtan to*the statue lo Mai that la to to plaeod in the capital aqaa|» at Baklgh- RAIINTAY OrWICIAL* vikitwh vnrooAY. Mnanfa. W. R. toaoeker. of Rocky Honed, aaytataat *lOOlOl freight are .t a* th# R. C L. J. A. Rod lire, of toll pingtom, epoworetol a*net of the Cb#* vtgamp ond Ohie Rollway Cawpany, and W. iL'Cubt, utWHbna,*ouuMrrial agynt *" . d ctoAanmrt to toe to Magfll. Rr., and C. B Hmll. a»o mtotoad to Charlotte Sunday flight SaftoOd the footr*l #f their coueln, it Cto Ronnrdy. whe dted there Son day aflwnow. fho fooeral *l. held flow «Ra hd*M yesterday afternoon at * •’**•** hoR *t. Marin and hta aon re turned- had* teat u.»l„ 1 Ml-Xto,' Ml ;c, hi* CIVMI MHK The new Wjyne county home will sc -wm4y for occwpmmy December 1, It era. •nnenooad pate* toy after the meet in* M the toned of edhnty cewimte* toners, v*• *■ tonter. the nwr superintendent. *••• f»*l Ormond firm, m ** 'l**' 14 **•* t y *** ?i,r ■ ALLOW rw* awd pciihonai y ..." KVlt " Tt ‘ IN * WAMAW, Noe. 4- Unt Bight th. HRA Reboot and the tGrammar grad,-. ohlltofa of'the Warsaw Graded School ■aroi A .'folio* eeti entertain meat In the •adltochiO of the ached buildtn* which pwto4'«e (to a howiinr .•*«.» On. lontw»% df th* entortaiament w*< a play Up th* cfcildlWh of th* fourth, fifth, and elfth aieln . toa —■*- to «W home. Elaborate retreah ■nnln WWW aa rood and a Alvet Wfrr taw tohou at th* close The proceeds wm » ward to help out the othTetlc ■* That Mali man of clvlt*. Mr. t. p I IRpMRRIW fPerybody in Waraaw to nb $ Hi—HHntoßtoW t. The merchant* *r £ RRNMHIrtItgWI to halp in e»*ry w*> * «R#y onto Hr Street* are really * .1,. ; im to nt»r tow* ladHh tim* our « ottiawN «W hary 1 to C. Rnat apont Priday in • Tto_ no'fP* of Warnow entertained f th* Mmte awn of Wdroaar taat eren | *■« W aWßhtt% to a wmttuou* bar “T Ti e Uallr Ronoy *f Wll ! I trfaßoa, aad Hr*. Alice Hpary and I Bu * AHc * J Mw ItMlfpfcZ * f -T •« tod Mr. Htohv. Roney and Mr. -•HI Sb- A- C. Blanchard, of Wal\ar*. worwHte flNtel* of Mr. and Mr*, ft. A Womaek Hendry. *.u,- v . Mr. ato Hr Tayler TfOut are *pend !■» a dew with Mr*. Herrin*'* parrenu. • 'Mr 4wd Mra. Rinaon Merrte*. , R»c tod Mr* MePha.l of Mi Oliee.i l tod Mr* MT M. Btaetaot ap,m» Unto., , with Mr*. M. H Cat*. » Mia# Rea P*i>on of the Km.ion Brad * iMP ;ir ■fc*' , [ I Sf ■ ' i | M^BHm ’ it* x ’- mmMIwS ■Pl£ii# 4 Qk.■., vsmf&tinx. ta jjK || J|^^B| ft- 1 ■ 5 BflHlftp - - .. . < .JL.% li f *d Hrheet waa a viattor to Mara Rto day- Mr. and Mr*. J. S. Uafaten, of Gold" hero, w«rr kuc.u of Mr. aad .Mr*. J. C. I %.* «M«iV WlHtaa*., «f Mr A K W***cl£)»r«t to Mi tllto U Bftmetotiß, of Bnltl.' «k" Wto|*M»din« .cvcral da|^^|| Ml fLiil fl egluumal I Hmndßll w* * < >*HCNMpMn aad New Y»rfc. Hie. jtof« Mototek tot to Meteifb !(*•• *h’H wdt left Th«r>toy tor a nait te 'Rollthrtlii and Unteijfh. . ■*. . 10 Wf". -t Srffil *w Mintoler Glvcet Practicßl Ad vice in Straight I’louirtiinK in JraKS aOB swsfißHi nr«ht. fonoo rue tiAw put fNr.haiuli te the pleugh thouaK nreer lb.A Nc*. • y |w> ••h wm v«r« fHMfitM www< what H take* te Rloufh a atratpht far row, and what It ihcan* bo look bank." The aubjrrl us hi* aermun phrase Jenny uttered mony time*, “Pol low Mel" Me plrkrtl four or ll*c oc raeioim on which thin phrase Rad oc curred, ami »tre»ned the mrrtoelitr mcnaioa and ferae with which Pmar hod aneryd It e*«h time from the tim* ho had told the rich yotop ruler whe wanted'lu know whet to do tube oaved "••II all your Rood* and five them to the ptor. Mien come aad ‘fallow me7' Or Walt >a*d there tore eotknti#** foice* raliinf people. Th# .voice of Burl ne*», the voice of th* Mom*, th* voire of Polities, the vein. of. th* flub, th voice of Society - *Ju*t voter* and vole**, a multiplicity of voice*, and above them all the voice of Chriat. Th*' question ia what foirq are you ftoitiy lo heed and follow . , , tiorar fallow m*. enrry my tmn." "Year* **».'’ drclnred Dr. WrII, when I left Ihe hualnr.Ji I left praying twe prayer*. My unrle tttekght I w*» maliinf a mepa, failtww of thino* by , turning to the MlnlMey, butwl waa do termmrd. I taid. (io<i, now I have my haad* l« the plough never lot me torn back,' oud 1 aakpd God to keep n! - keep mb clean. Somehow God ha* *1 w*|r> anawetwd thoae two prayer*. When I think aomel|mr» «f how aome* min tstare have failed and brought .ham* upon th* cauae, I am e* thankful Gpd ha* aaaweeed hny prayer*. - and |i« shadow ha* e**r rroaaotf my life." , The last few meeting* he said, bav* keen among the beat a l cbßrrh 30 have come forward in the last tout meeting*, It waa reported. ' . if I • ■**■ .ay ivea . >■ Kinston Police Believe Tliey Have * John Greenfield | > •* —yj: . KINSTON. Now. ». The pollen here today auipocted a plot to miajrad them Into releasing dames Green hold, a Wayn* county tierro held for suspected complicity in the murder of Albert Pajider, white planter and merchant, near . Mount fitted reroutly. It wu* i »6t»'d that th* authorities at Obldyboro had hern telephoned from “some source ' horc" tbaU the prirener w*» not of a j type to to the description of tho dint Greenfield wanted by theta. OMetol* here "h*<l keen informed hy 1 acquaintance, that Orcrnfleld hud “ joined the eh arch os John. - Ale* he had attended -an "wttvatired »rhuol for negroe* here two {erma under the aa«ir "•me, H was said Th* police Mild they hah eetarrd an hdmtauton from Green told that hr was fret* the Mount f>t|v«j ■ "Wtlon agd a cousin te negeao named in the farmer ca*e. tli* .waa nr . rested at a kutwro factory her*. The 1 l leeul uothertUc- held him foe the Wayne | oMcifla. •ai “...el* .f- ■ « V-Sa ■ ■ 1 ! KINITON GOBS IN I.KAGIfR AGAIN NEJIT YEAR I KiNKTOM, Mu*. •.Kloaten-a awm- Ireeehip to Ilia Mastern ('arolitya haac hkll league again nrxt year Waa today regarded by leaHling local fan* as at ■Berpd. The association will h*e* - o be ppaaßtoslly l**rman tofT of franchiser ia nut *o certain In l|PyW?tmrii I' in w*. th* 'fM»,|M.ta|Rp. "MfH W h*to thrift ItedKußhnry »e« •tdlte Hte uueaMan urgunltod « m dcpdndowt *pt#t win bob u^again rh* slim — j • her. WiMjlyf ffe t ’ldWl*««<Mtorr to ad -vtoitoiiWi dhthfiefiw a»»o4P>... Th. KaalotM Chwoltoa functlOhed admirably tart aeaaon with six. Thera wi» alrnoft ao friction the better pe*T »f **>• sen eon. Kinston eportetnon would her* Judg#lJoyd Horton for-proaident again as arbiter In IMS the Panavlll* jur ist*’* decisions were generally satla factor). It la posaiblo that Klnrtoa • will agala take the initiative for bato huli in the sect loti. Repraaentallve fans her* would have a session of club dele gate* m January or oven earlier. It It understood. Th* ISBII league waa com prised by WaahtogtoOj Knviuvtllr. Green y#»4|jlM»Ht.i*, M*| j to. Rod Tarhoro >*M 5f Hr el*', .gatoitetoha. folK-d' tathuto rypeb-si, list b* total I of the i Hhud M 4 to iM|Mft»yn ciroiin could w * y> NOT *VRR Y WIG I s''WHAT IIE HRI>V k TO HE RMMTOM. Nov. | Not every Jog with . ear re hair nnd a woebegohe e»- presaion I* o ctunmon cur. The fact that a canine not pooeiMc of cartain description Was valued at Midi in re rent court litifuliofl here, lie log ue gnrded a* a champion Yuan dog. to day cauaed local expert* to declare there are many plain, ercry-day “yellow dog*'' in tha section worth t&O. or ftUO, of filUt. A cast of an owner rafesiog «IM for an animal decidedly ‘ off In the mutter of looks" wo. related. The beast was Shrewd at treeing ‘coon*. It waa pointed out that many o nondescript bow-wew with a keep none and a proper training ha* cur nod hundreds of dollar* so rpelt-hunilng ewuer*. Itaeeoan hid** have sold at record price* in rccynt Veal. ' AMMEVIM.K MA'V M1.1.H WIEk AND THEN HI.AV« SKIT 4 AHHEVIf/ltE. N r. Nov R»-After firing four allot* pdint Wank trite th- Hody of W« wide, Mr l,ini.- PfevSley, William H. T’re**ley, agnl about (Ilf, )l Woodrow- avenue, placed a revolver jo hN i.wn head and hilled himnelf till*' mom mg. ‘ -e- ; » t Mrs. I’rossley fa at a local hospital, believed to be fatally wounded. I» a state me at |o> the police, ah* said her huehaod shot her because ahr Had min -1 tritotted to cent* to a church collection •n Huodav night The wt*icm»nt also sets out that Pr»».lr)' had su.laiaeifsnn injury to hi* head about two yen** bgo and slnee then -had been »ot.j. ct to tera lloival «|>elts. v t The shooting occurred about 10 oWock and "Was wljncaaeii hy a small daughter of Pressley ity a former marriage. 0 ' NftßPoi.K Mirmr.KN r r. Anoousicea Hrduoeg Par** to Mk-humud. Va.. Account Eorg Hall Gam* Lolvcrsily of Norfh't nrollaa va. V. M. I. J November 11, Itai fine end otic half fare f«t the round trip, tickets sold Nuv. Mill • and fer mupilng trains of Nod. I Mb, linsl | limit Nov. I ith. J BL OAjWIOM, 0-uieral I'aaOstogß. AfhM. • -M.v.l wo -*-m -tort - Nf— — ~X-w NfMtruMs POUTHJtMN It. K. !', * "" Mhtugußre- f- » f Redorad Karev to Nortolh. Va Acceoiil loot Rati l.aoau. November U * - N. t'. Made t idlroe *a.|V l\ I. ftne and one half fare round trip, tiukrt* void Notoiutor 10th. attd tot morning train* Nov. I Ith, Anal Intuit Nbvtmber I3tb. J. K I>A I.TIIN', * 'ttenciwl Kt »aaeog.-r Agefit *•# lo the P»H. todns add sol* the Itemraid ticket , m- TH ROLMSORO mm," ' I 11. DR. J. R. PBKRON AMR J. W. RAU-BV HOI.D A WAiM JOINT-DEBATE (Continued from Itogr One i ' “ATT tell you if wo go ahead and And ski trader in IBM Ith* W* bod In* 11113 the Republican tarty la going to apllt on the a*me did us IBIJ wuft the young fltejfnlsi topuhilaaua under a nesa-dtoootauß. tei RRtagP pway, aad *w ar« going io .be victortou* agnin.” ' H I Col. 1-ongrtM declared that Mr. Ralley'i apoeah too U*U .fR-th*, heat to llatoal .perches hr had ever heard him make. The speaher waa applauded lib erally through*M.. liuet -of Uas sert lap eapauily of the ctortruism waa flned, a aeor* of wamea buiog present. Up was inlro.facuil Guo r ip H-iKrKc. y. ~ ’ A TREAT RTTIKE. j Big “Home Talent" Musical < omedy Will He the TheatrWßr Event of the Raaaoo. When tK# curtain -Plae* on “A Barhr- i tor's Honeymoon" at th* Acme Theatre an aexl Thursday night, the people if ,Goldsboro and vicinity will have the pleasure of witn<-»*lnß one of the eery best, cleanest and rlaasumt musirat .how. -Cvrr presented hero. The lines fairly radiate with purd wit and humor, tha scvnlc olfects and bevy of pretty girl* handsomely chitrifm. iV will rrm);»d you of th* Winter Gaydrn show. Then there at* the feature specialty number*. | The Jhsa-Ma-La Harmony Jour; hqldit-r Monolog. “Bank frotn l4lc Trent; - Ilulch girl* wooden abo* *oflg and dance and , Mclntyre aad Heath upAo-toy, In an Ethropiad akprr.lity entitled. “Going' •« the Races." Th* ticket, campaign will , begin Tuesday morning and accarding to the grpst interest being shown there i* | Very little doubt but Wh*t standing room wIH be at a premium and m»qy wilt tie lurncd away. Ro just t» remind you would uygert (bat . secure your ; teat* cirly if you dun'l wunl to ml*i i the (vcdt shirt* of Vh?Tß.'isun. ~ CHARGER KM.t.OW ItWAY'H 1 EMKTION IN HOVRE AND SENATE ff ooUnuad from page ona) wopd probably would eontingo as lead er.. A new Demoeaatk- whip, to suc ceed Senator Gerry of Rhode Island, was reported to ho another change to proapgut- * Ram* Old Fight Over Rule. Changes ia raise of operations In Rsraat* And House ala. were peaaibili.' tint for the aaa*f tongrvsa. to beth there *n teong group* t>re(>erlng hr 1 Aghl for tlte ovcrtumvftiu of the long oatebliahed' wmurity lull- by wliuli fbetiibarH of loan aerviee, ngardlcSv.’.lf ether rouaiiletoMawac aW nulotosluidiy promoted to couiuiitU-r « knJ to plAdl hlg#‘on’ cohunlttee p*f- „.i- Aa eatraoedtoary slrqggg cast at II ho pm powplo to “A-f*t#af«f> Jhancy moou,” lor laptadgß dteWtoM - ■; - - f »»*olfr ■ »d a Go to IbevPolla luduy sad (ho Desmoctatlc.tlrkcC r f _ -.4^.-1-Aj -e ——~ - A tu— - v V toITUTANT Non<t ;„ flputbern Itßilwßy Syitf-rtl in nfNiiiEci Uu; following dmnifj ,in Bleeping car liiifK/jff-. fcctivßy TueHtlay, NovumUtr tbii, 1922: R*lcigb-Grei'n«bort> Blettping •wr handled in' traliw 111 and 112 wiM be extended te }>ect>me tht> kaleifh - Wlneton- Salem ' sleeping car line writ! will lie] handled in trainß 1 and 8 be tween Greeiubm-o and Winaton- Saleni. EtTvu live dale, (lold - boro - Wui'tlon-lNalem Rlet-ping, car line will be dnp ontinned bjhl* PHsaengerji fmm (nrlttoboru imml bej-ond for Greerutboro and W4ii <tU>n-Salem will be taken care wf in Gnldhliorceiialiabury Bleep-' inf car, Tlhr will al»o apply in SdirwtioiE * _ * Will lie ihi tdiKiige in R;t hevdto. «r ikddsto.rtv Salinburv dtiHTfing tar«. J. 8 1). P. A rncev to auM .M pUchertumk. for “A Halihclv.r .. HousymSlU." Hut you ma-4 **•» earlj- H**l wail «*r yon nuts loose owt. ■to-gnflr turn—. - -■sm.-p—. Go to the I'oll* today god vote tbs- Iteufhcratlc ticket. FARMS THAT PAY In the famous bhenoodtoh Valley of Virginto, Maryiamf and Pennsylvania Rich. lefv?. smooth ivluc-grn « RiocH. tiraln, Dairy uml Oesdiard farm* a, to l.tete acres With ga«»l tyr.ltonga, ,s ur near Notional Highways. Halcr-Rowvr Flour MHI. and BaGim*o Opening* U? acre*, smooth. iWUeJ farm shewing up Ana. A room, reside nee. large bom. *W kind fruK la ' bearing, large spring water ranalog through farm to one of the beet sections .#f the Valley, nr,, tail* from i (■>» a. at*n -'JR arreng MHttu.n*. vlnne rraldmc.-, lasgv born, good eeehard, )Pr* ***** heavy blue-gras* pasture, with running water, *• arres heuvy timber, mar R R. and High School town, till an sere. I*l acers,' splendid In brown alone residence, eloetrtet lights, fur na«e beot. running water, large M> * 100 ft . hank barn, 2 large silos, near ‘rlu,! on National Highway. Prir* leas thamj lmprove meala e#at. I’erfeet climate, abundant rain-fall,l pur* water, tejid road*, kKdap farm la-j hor, low tax*a." x N*ar the iargr.t and. best marketa of aur eoaatry, 'iBViCrJTSzs: ’f W. T. BIRMINGHAM 1“ H f»V<f ’ Wtoctotedr, «m YESTERDAY’S MARKETS htot rtri'TOM UVMT ’• HEW Yo|k.. f yv catldi Hoard quiet why •iuj'Wlrrfjt. ***: if', fi# lure. Arm: citing prior#: I .a tii Jaaiuai > H... . .!*» »*rch •; . Hi m; Map mmy .*..».»•»#« *.•»*«.. . Min| Juiv .. w..*.-*,vA I auM /ifcW.ttßT/KAifv lege, A. IT be, iparkat Hoard steady at ukV (i«riinra t.f U ta it •port' . . i tHgfr I.OW t 'ltMff Oteeinber . W7# X-IJUJ XiJM January . :i*.U 4**o 14 ill March . Stud 24 20 24 M May .... SfL.7* 21.04 21.41 July .“... 2-1.01 13.70 24?60 ' —■— 0 NEW YORK COTtoN VORK. Nos, 0 The inarirt rloicl Arm v High l.o«r Cltw Jduumy 2&4» 21.011 Zi.l2 March 2 *Jf- 21.00 2» »1 Ma) * tm July ... Mh|o SiJti 24;* r—'rr a«nnc|. Th*» shU- l}aa barn under 1»c Utt fanny years, \i tcran Iqadaw ffrely admit it i wtuhjic.ftu urrfl cgicta o* Uigialatmn,. but man hang tp rt,, until a aiur»>, workaiiU- Ip brought (•a In the l*«lla, Democratic UA*t. " * * *’' ’ ' *v‘ ' i % L **m*&rtmgr** «a».- • 11?3str | " '■*' 4“* ; -- jr T *'■ ;BllMm wiOlfatf f‘ T pWP W1 p p:K" y i 1» / t * ‘ !4 «• . *•« *l* *. HHONK Klfo **•' When car-bogins to “Act Uf|” and we win be on the job at once with the men and tools to • bring it to time. Our charges arc very reasonable. HARRIS GARAGE JSast Mulberry tft. p“ Goldsboro, N. C. d-U-. fL L±.?„ *m. T, Zntt . . :T21..TT — 7. * < ■ “Whnf color 1 | is this?” i I I S '4Bvj|orx‘ l v*’»ilu.r to..aii t. ■ *JL'ihr»r..nioi thc-sture t . lLt.< examine that >.r H I pic.c ot mate rial.' ■ ■ (If ia VPin inrr.tiam'a ' ■ atort in liglnr.i that you H ■ , can caailx u-|l what the H H -4Ail«na arc/ ‘f the atnrcx wiiK 99tn.Hlrrfi tt|hlin(;. Then H fl yr*»u CMI tel. him gi la 9 * will took «bcn*vni tM* B I 'them hihnc, ami » ..l B ■ the amcoyai’Ct of tn«k H, ~1 o Ux’-rhAac,. ,•# H js| rule. U MUU air. ■ . «■ ! ’. «!•» and •■>«« Halalr| hi 'aß ,(• imi •'iMvifh..a. | xi' ■ I Carolina ■ rim kit and A UfilTT 00. [M*VfrrfA lighting SBHKuiL.' i.4a». adi uivim 40** ••« it ttaw fadtl nM itaap. •htu.i at aa»« t**a MBda Mad mM aatau : I ' SPECIAL NOTICES | urn IlAtj-Aw cant, par Inaattla* lag » ’ Varda »r loaa far wn |haa It «anluaaaiL^^g^i~^| f* 4 . k »’ M> 4r f,r ..P hjJ ••nwßi tfMtetKitV iTHNMf- MaU .r. d.irci, c.JfcctMl ' Rat aaot la anaoaf. (HM. TO TRAIN. tit' 1 "< rirtrnf cf \t pood 1 .4«vi, -ar V H gt o wti. Orticiit« «01-4;‘«ur 1 '•*' * ' ’»• ' til' - ‘- - ■■•..• ... 1 ! VOR Hkf.n-Nrw <4tx ROOM *rß • wo, umdll c.di paymoill. 'fttlanhc.' 1o iifonlhly |.a)aicntx. tl/'C. tlumphroy. , *7 St i. forth. In raeti new congrcm Ilia aw lority yule ia aaxailrd. Clritidaed and lamha.Ud. hut .till ruaiala. in force WhcMn-r it ia to rndurr during an other nigra*, rrmaina ta ha ima. It haa bora r ,n»artlftod in oaino (ra|wcl>. bringing nr«r hloml ia confcrrrncra and other activities, but it* grincifial- fan turou .till are binding. > Atiiillier effort to broak down tbc tgMuito rah- i>ritaittiiig unlim ill lioto ui.o is Jjfyuiiuril /'lid urr n’dv,p(uU’. pluti (o jirvu* a.IH W rUle cut li/ig lalhmg iitoc to an'hour .on « bt(l. The .HqMUr Ri pu}>li <j«fa lonAci-cnfe lyi« rt-RorU-d auoj} a fut« (|vonTily. then- tensity.-, strung q.>po?|tii.u 1 4<i any gm«ndim-nt of Ike ua linutyid ilybtttq prurltcgb. -‘ L ' T'* tfc •+* Mm m, 4. ■■*** ■■ ■<>- a RWjgnwai -*-a> m»— till mil I u Ilf • - -I ' I . - • ' m' .'ft,* HINES Ice Cream ■ 9 An all the year Dessert \ ■+ ——: —: —r- —————... . ■■ TTr=rrr .s■==: .;-,3i -at'. ' —"-»u.|.q,...1 ■ ’ ii ‘ .i '■ ■aa..... •V't I . . ' '• • - ; V ' • • t "tlf • M ■> _ i ’ ' ‘iL 4 ; ; : Money to Lend! I' t ■ ;'i . t . ~ 4 ?. o 4 **) i»; * ,''4-are *h| try‘-a (tutGipirndnit l« budcivti di(>|4«n .» cntKiiiß for foanii ®n f.*i4y cf'rupffrly. i- H i i ... Bvth Miktent}*!ijud j»mp«rty be * o®n> 1 . Mcit-red. '■* * ;■ JOB A. I>ABKKU„ Agent ’ , O' ' ’ ' * - * / 1 ’ •** - •• «4 L r y . , •» ’ '- . 1 ' - ■> ; •;, •M.lti li tl *'. ******"**'** *** .*' * A (’nrluad of Pine Apples on Sale Cheap I I att— H. HOBBS PLCMIANG STORE, I f 11. INI. HA4.PASS ?J1 N. Mm Street I ' FOUNDERS—MACHINISTS | MILL SUPPLIES \ - > Boilers ... l ''■■'■■/ I-oconsoUvea Bnifiw® Saw litlla Tractors . , , . 2*umpa ..i Kleefric Motors 4 ' 1 Structural Shapes—Plain and Iron and Brass Castings ' i **■ Klectrie aqd Oxy Acetyiena We lain# P.K>VKY BROS., Inc. . Established 37, Years . . , Goldsboro, n.'<& * ' j ‘ A 7^ " " - •/ Wy**» t mi ■ —ii— 11 11 iiMi ■■ m mm— ———d—^ | • V | . '■ , _ T- » \ j # H One Million Dollars] For Victory Bond Holders ..... ,1 4n *"** "' " M “ “ •*" r " * >♦•>! ii §■ •ii a« —•—-- - til i_u | ■ . I uncle Sam has JI.tW.WKijOWMor fk'r indty <mr s hold-' 'H »»R Victory Bond* with the imleiftifylmr lottery A R.' ' 9 <\ I>. K and F. . ' . 9 Ik* y®ur Victory Tioad* have either of these letter* pro- 9 »1! fixed t<» thefo aunWiynJ If they do, they am called far al payment on lVcemhe” L\ 1022. The other Victory ftAdda ViH tie paid next May. .. ;.i ■ ’ 6d. • , hftvu tn whi t (mill Dm emlier or May. J t.ii! / your Victory Funds in NOW and we, will- give 9 yon foil face value ami interest to ilaUt. 9 Ev«*r since Ote First Liberty Ixian was Mooted, this ftl u < banjt headquarters for Uhorty Floods. I The Wayne National Barit 1 - 1 * >•4* I n ..(' e>rtti>»- ,jt it 4*!, >, , .«■ IMMPI 'IMOUAii J ■ ilk U*U aa [*»** »»*.•*»*•> i, iMi ~u k*-« Ommi LI?J r *■**•*» •*»*. . i '. » ha. nr wav Mopurwc, mowt. m ftAVB RTOM PBB pacta. New and uard pa>H fur ill cars and trurta. Mail gisun fc Uob| 1 wt'Hii Trnr gri iliSr nrtv^- | ..kt; U 29 if. .0. flirt *kf«C (k - *'. Mat Cher's tiaraDt i » ,» , !*M» I.QRV-u HV» 4WKIBB - llM> 1 WMt aitetdß TaWa «((. - AuawdWWtf - Hams df'Jhbh HldAaaWAWuAffsl—#Jhr • 1 rattic.,. Albert Starr Jr.. - : 2Mf THE)' BROVOIR WWMb Mfcf. 'pMoaca tot) RSgfMro Sabaaalptiaw apa cMM. tffq taka subscription, ta any paper of magaiiaa pabiiaked. Samples jres. . 17-lmo W ANTEIt—dTM-OREH WOMAN WARTS positioa as ooair. fiaad bread maker Answci' ••Cook, 7 car* News office W4 .tii A « b MADAM STANLEY AND d4k;utkb& I‘almht« and CJnßrtejnwta Is now located in tents at eaten- Williams dtreet as ffpy Ifcie North. ' lAmi i forifcl W Pay W*r a • . , s : i~4* ttak Miaufitaca r.a (a thu Phil, taday and’ Vale' fhr DcutocYadc tlckdt. 1 ■ ij ' *** ‘ ’ 1 '

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