PAGE FOUR ffc in im t ’■ mSSmS^n vi cT oiMt By Th* •' *SP^TSIS!nt Ca {'■. T ''lmbaZmni IN il)VA)ld mm m bn*.’ £** tiartoor to» Dm »■» 9EaW b* vr*. •**■ T jir-- J •* toa’rtok otooa «» Gold*- HC, wfmmf-tkm ■»»«»■ «M|M to tIM ih ifit re publication <4*ll Ntl dlaMkho* <ratoted to N o# ift atftarWi** credited is thli paper, f 4 •!»• t* lpcsf *ra» pnWltood tan* Hj Alt rigb's ot republic*!!— of spscial %B>l li I hotale raaouvwd. 355 w*o ' Bftvfci E. Coker, who spoke to, Mo #«r»n*rs. of Mis eoonty at tht f*<r trounOs yesterday, is a m*n who know® whpt be »s ffi.lS the n.em sfHgfl of m orgjuusoUon which MBBMNI * wonaorfui work in Mtfry ia which • reaching out «« withem Stuus. ot a the eaviahlo wag hoik at* immunity, ami ssMs; far, the father Laly died. h<w > and in deyal he developed i AQfl<iKU«i| a J throe yharH yet, hit* orig itore building atone * throw of rgcat mercantile South Carolina. ! a farming and buaiiMHS of wide sd nnefiuinoas » litmaelf of adu ntellectuai grape, i ambition, there irtrcrcs their large or- Hlaken the lead Culture on a Nat only do [3*., cotton, to proportions, me into the wed need on a their labora e are run on a to jiving aTuSi Mao to the improvement of the ••fed fo* asothern crops. Seed breeding is done on a scale tom mthßWßi With animal bread the boll 'weevil begun < to reach the upper nulmb of tii eottoo twit, Mr Coker tun»- *1 hi. .»U,.1 fa i* Ug kg. 4 imxi|A, in umlbed* g| I' ffiEf ftwhTh have slreedy > £uii£tU| ■ oir the subject he le speaking wffr the adthoaHty of knosrK , «%e and experience. ! r\, . ~.. 1 Ttfg SECOND SUICIDE a fe tvjMtor ilofah remarked that ifcfrsr* wiiTtj.pi j| at suicide so soon after tne elec tion referring to Mg. Harding's expcaaaad dMternmusUoii to press %L Ms ship aubeidy bill at the spacial aeagion of congress , which begins on Monday. Com \ytisi oa vkia. tho New Yark ''Whst**will happen if-] Mr. Wwrdtng permits in Ms shtp- I plan is clearly foretold by Mr. Borah. “If they try to fore* this bill through.” he says, “fcwiir choke the entire admin iasratio» program foe the extra ordinary and short session.” It wm do more than that* for it! I yd what is left of the lajhftnf leadership in Congress. i MMdmg has evideatlv deluded In a kitchen tsbi nm which stoutly insists that n tie eleciiuii skewm.l uo ftaKfon with tnearfrmhlstration 1 bdt only disapriafsetM.a with. • nil record of the Sixtv-seventh Ceng reap that is s fairy story far the aptertainnient of the ainipMw>lPde4 The average vo tar mad* »« distinction between . Congress and the admlnistrs T Man. Both looked alike to him, and the repudiation of the I Sjiatfnil was no less empbntii than the repudiation of Con- Of trying (<> pull Itis tSTfSSE? diffasllSr^No , Deaoeiraik oppoaitka to tha Leaker Shto-Subaidv FhU is so* biota* as th<- oppoaition of thal left-wing Republicans who wjH hold the balance of power in (bo, next congress and can bkwk ail in this epos tea* As for the modurale Republicans, those is no enthuaiauo any where for the Loakao psoyinaai It has aa friend* ip congress outside a snudf group ‘of sena tors anck representative*. Many Republicans who would be wfu- U»g <*> support IMo-oSfls# the President are restrained by a fear of tbieir comUitueuta *Mch UTnont potent than all the Pro* uk ill's ideas •Iflff Harding is going ahead with bio Smp-Subahly, BUI be will complete the wreak d hia party so far ee co agrees is concerned. The liberal Re I publicans uuder tha iaadershio !oi Senator Borah will block all legislation. Us will either be comMUadto make an abject «ui ffhiar to them by abandoning hio aohaidr or let congnsea ask iouno without peering even the supply bill*. In that ca«p he wHf be obUiiod to convene thoi new congress id once, and the control of an leßiHlatiog* will hte« passed, out »f hi* bands. “A m ca Mid. friend) rouhl tab him. if he baa * candid friend, that th* eleetiewi destroyed hia* last chanoe o i passing the Lask er Shio-Suhaidp BUf. 1* order to get it through, he had to have a v«dfc of cooAdence in bia ad* mioistuation. The* he might have beau aid* to impose it on a, lebtetaat oongreas that would base gone against its own judg ment in order to please tag ” President But with the eiec-j, tion returns what they were., hit attempt to drive the bill through ia correctly described by Senator Berah. It will not ppiy be a second attempt at party suicide but s# Aar aa the Herding administration is con cerned it ia likely to prove a successful attempt. For the; i-eat at hie term the PruaUkmt wiU have to deal with acongteaa that •fa actively hostile uVh* A combi nation of Democrat* and andiugi Republican* cat twn* •vary awaaure that he proposes, rod the governbibat will again be deadlocked. a, By scrapping tha Ship-Sub* aidg Bill the Presideat can probai>bf held thing* together MA,baag. thggwSriwwntnl ase* chine sunning after a fashion. It h* . disregards the Borali warning he will not ynjy loan hia subsidy but he wiU ahi» wreck hia administration baforo tha Arm half •« -I— JATAMBSi toUUMC* raun (IXUBNSH4* IMaW Vnrb World:) Tto ConUtuMsan of Mm United **W-» enprossly provides that Congress •Wl hovr powar “to establish an *nt S* iMhb of nalaralioattovi " Bohject to (Sr ilagi broad restriction that Iho rate bo uniform. tha powar of i'-mmgtoom ( la unlimited. It might go vorjr tar te yfco direction of absurdity or Jaattee, provided that it complied with Hi* oo* gamdMien. Tto Into* of discrimination > might to drawn ia disregard of a vary pnnsißal r*a«»n if laid down with as nr to trao uaifoimlts. Thom lido the roal teat of any otetuo governing na tural fsaflW What Congress did wo* to otahliah tho rule that tho prinilcir V na is rail ration to aotordrd only to whlto per ’ •ou» oad thoao of African nativity ‘ and decant. All other* ware deluded from eikiarnahlp Tho rut* wa* made uniform In tho Japanese ease tto Uifltrd State* Suprvm* Court hod to oowoMor tho point whothrr Jonouiete rsmo locally within thr drfinltto* of white people. If ttoy w.ra proporiy la ho claaaod at white, thoy »rr, ratitlod to naturallaatlan; If not, they o* riudod by otsSSH from eitlaoaahlp. Thor* woo* abandon! precedents ta iu taia Juatlca Southerland In tho ruling r r 11W— 1 I II ■■ - - . , } BRINGING UP FATHBR J „ . BY GEORGB McMANUS I WCIL wi uacouC.' T , C - r~] l HUC Tuctc. wt F |\ 11 Ifi l J.<C*s I I [Jc . ..ft. 'i 1! ■ MUXitrn wiwm lIH UJII Mjtmiaau tnan wwm >a am ansa woo* a nsooss.solftso mmmm sea* - —— * ** **~* » «*e, dto» "»M_rowu ‘whito 'tim* 9 **' •ySoariMM ««U th* word* '• *»«>■>! •i the *’ rf — M*m! " WaiWm> *»* not ms 4« • <| wot in* ot w#vttin*M *e of of eharwetor am of *d | *—>ton, hot **miy hod »o Jaw- • joe—a ttaUi OMOt too law's r*«oir* {aneu. . I Thora Is nothing sUMliae »c *o«»» , ttooal la Lha Siuu-inu CaorCa SoaWien. i h toUowu it* t*atoa oath, it Uoa with ia Iko dlsrrrttoo us Coast**# to tala* J tk* beta anaiato all hoi <~«waa«iv>» aad Afritaea, for. roaaoaa aood or had. but •SfroakaS la tho fora# ot iatr. f' h t» t*u» anti roly % w*tte* of Milan t: tt’v; t-!! 'W.V" I - , y kiiwntL aux. uto#. it.-m** atsw i *t# N*rtA ht*ta souawS ho* #old ' toto V ton si* iUle*ana »aar# mga, to »woll th* Crof«r«4ato asatoa*. hav* •« (Baa* Vowto c«migelss* aoa* north-r ward av*r th« tin## a# wtU m »**k aftoc DMtt to, aa* to* Caroliaa-ViiyiQia WtaU ns mm. Or. #o It oral* frmm to* flmmmm aaO Itotora that or* eoorio* ia a at*ady flaoS tot* tha I0«4po Os to* saaUaat* manaeor of ath «oUaa. UUtoir* f. Woo Urn, "Tiakal*' Ttctosa! W* wool Uaii aiaf” la, tho haigaa <ti too cry, aot only Irani sloaiol hut a|u from otoao North 1 <Wooiialraa «*u loop upon, too haul* m aoiaatoto* to oaaro than a toii«nw affoto-oa a tta» «* torangtl, and m«tU« hat Mr— Vludoto and North Caroliaa, N* Was, I ton to haoins to pui th* r*- ao—to to Kharlott#villa. Bw*cinl Puljrao c*r» at* t* b* rao < ia < harlot**vHto from citla« and town, all uvor tha Ntato, from Aahotrllio in , lb* mouNtetaa, from Waohington oa th# I ***to and from probably maro. than a noado—Sauthrm, A. C. t,, Norfolk and Southcra, aijd 1 , (h* i*j(—arc aslacrtig ins apaeial *«cur#iaa. rata# gvary day aotra rarnof, to t haShl Hill as —m* nan patty that ha» b«*n mad* up. And ; there will bo- man* *b«. so by auto. ! mohilo. i Os rourao tha #Uins-*f CaaaPaa vic toria* th<a araaoa haa a yroat doai to. do with tha todaayaad «atooda*B> about mahine thla tct| Tha iNumgli uvar V X l i« Riatoaa«4iJaa« Sutiyday w— ag Utah *»!■ aaodad to baton Nonlh ; Caroliaa a—l to tha bolttoe eolnt. to J. haa* V train ia U to W and Can* ilaa haat V. to It » to 1. Siainly tola indtaofe-a a naod. ahanoa fan Ta# Uaal snccraa on Thanksgivla* i)ay. Curo tout r attestiiiion# Haa* boon dUappoint •d to tho paat too oft— for the ip -1 vadara to fori rockaor*. They arc nevar I'ftoi ' ftoht 1 .uspthtor toad a dread ! "Mmotoloit" tli at may tare tha tnbtaa. j Vdt* ton*p tho ♦iaaton'a 1 record in' viau, ! it would b* strange if there were not ! a V*r««.y —dot dtoNnt of con f winter Utah tola la t aroltna's yean, i It*-Mg »ho*too a# the srandutand at Lambeth Via id, haa ha— raearetad for North GarollnidOf, hut avorybady who wants a place had hotter hast— to sand a certified shark or money order ta D. U Brown, graduate manager of ath- INtiaa. ttoversity, Va. Ha la handbag I th* aol* «d scots and. wUI fill request# Jia th* odtret ia whigh they are r** I ceivad. It maana a loaa of time to mah* appitpatto", hay*. Tictou w* aold at ( two deflan eoak. il 4 4 Mtogato h*t* ton* oontodantoia more than hmtf of th* Caroliaa Motion . haa boon spoken lor ala—dy tor fa*a haadad tootoail fan# Mr. Woollen aaya that never before in hia •aparianc* ■a* gaadwalo maitaapia haa he even evi dence at *ooh detoamiaati—. on th* part of Month Caaoliaiasa. ta aa* a | gamt ao far away from homo. ~ t,"|w i gWt>WtT» Wf BBBtIN CANMrt r»» LODGIN'GS BKM.IN. Mov. 17,—Hundaodo of atu daata aMoadlsg tho Uateoraity as Bar- Un aro without todglnga. aorordtag ta tho roohar ot th* inotltotion, who hai iaaaa# mm agpool to ritlaoaa of Rorlin to tohs la tho'hMloia young man who haoo, gu>*r«f h* r o to, attend the fait term. "Stop onroUomost at aatoonitla* la Gormany Mila year ha* toaotod a total of uo.aao. tha highoat alaa# ahortty af tor tha armiatiao: Sfcrty thousand »tu donte laat aummar engagod la manual j labor to moot tholy living enponao*, fifteen thousand of them finding am* pluymi'iit o* niinara. Harvard ho* * great array of football material tht* arsdon. Not only tho 1 first string men. hat the subs, second j tram and scrub* nil have hoe* playing! ’lh* gam. to the finish. . The vetarop toner Jimmy Ohbby ia i JhltU in tho ring niter state** yoara [of gsnw, •- T7* ~ . ' T . j. < ••*»!*,r.rfyr? • • • * ♦ • • • *1 .... > 1 room BVfgro ScvotUy-Qvc year* age today Susan B. Anthony and athor women were prosecuted la Bockeater for daring to vat*. t I*__ Thr twenty fourth annual A meric— ; Hoy*l Uvr Slock Show will bo opened in KaniM nty todny to roatinu* for! one week. A me reheat* and Monwtortorora In dmttial and T—de Show will he opo»- erf ot Bed lands, Calif, today for a' week's engagement ' A memorial adrvioa Will be held id 'London today for Os a Frederick to. Maude, the captor of Bagdad, on th* fifth anniversary of hit death I Bopreaentath-oa of cotitoorriol organ isafioo throughout tip LfMtad States will aaaatpblt tn. t hirago today to at tend thr flftaenth annuel convention of thy Southern Commercial Congpeu. Boutor* and repao*«amtives, incited is* victor* and vanquished In the r«- cent elections, will gather in Waahing ton today in antlfiyati— nf the open ing «h Monday »t the apacud *o*aiop of the Suw-Mvaath Cogga***, toe c—- ciltal— of whigh. wiU turn many of ila naembcc* hack, into puv«t< life. Us TUB UAX'» News «sr •*» awutoa* State arse n or* the aub; 4f*l to to mray anod ahwtiea aa M. CiaaMac—u. Mb* famous wamUau pre mior of Fraaoo, wh* h— into amuii |a Amatl—■ Unae in —• of th# I a taals (too day rao— tty hr want round the •troofc marhaio as Praia taatiag prices, following hJa gap 01 habit ml. seeing thing* for himself. Asking aa old wo man ok on* as the Mali* tho prioo of •oma carsoU. U* was told «igty cen tlONl# rt “Thv ago too doM," ho nrat—Ud. *1 wUI guc* you tot'' Tha old weinaq I—hod ot bun a min -0 to. per hap* to, am if u waas worth while haggling, and. than asid: "Very Well, you shall have Mum tor filly, my little old man, yau raarmbie our good M. Camn—ou." »i TUi*4V» AMMIVCtoHAMUM 17U -The moat violent shosk of a*tohgu>h* ever known in Now Eng land ocgufaad. 17SP Louis J. M. Daguerre, inventor of the doguarxwotyp* and chief pioneer Id toe aot ot photography, him in France. Died there Joly If. IUI. MWto-Adolf Beth Noi dcuskjold, the Aretijt eaylorer who, Wu» the flr»t tq find th* Northeast I>a»iagy,, born 'ln VlnlOnd. Died AiCfTIIM ttol. Htoto Adptoide Nofisou mgde her Timt Amorleon debut In New York. 1, IMlfe—t'haMer A. AMhfr. twoaty-fisat poeaidtitst of the UlUd Ntate*. died in fir* Yo.».k Clt,. llofplft Fairfield, V_i,,‘ Mwtol'er fc. MMMio lIMI7-- Canadlou cabinet decided to *r%d a cpuimUsion. to Waohmgtoiv lyi States decHadil to trtbw ‘tho *rt»« of Tbamao Mooney, eonvietod tn the Ban Fmansco bomh outrage. IkIV- Spot option IfMgght one doUaaj a pa—d at Josh*—. Mieo.1 c ONC 1 BAM AWCk TODAY Free 1 danl Hading proclaimed pence frith Aratria. f j t ? 1 f , Thirteen Masaicsn VevolotiVnilt* hill ed In a battle ia Lowe* (California. TWI MAT'S BIimWAYS Waitar S. AUarard, designer of tha ! great Canadian memorial at YfM*. bona, in Tononto, 4< year* ago today. !U Rev Michael J. Gallagher, Co tho- I'ia bishop gf^Petrait, born at Aubnra, Michigan, Ml years ago today. Mliaaboth M. Gilmer i "Dorothy Hia"). wall known writer, born in Moatfomary county. Toon ,4* years ago today., { Am« 111 to QalUCgrei. famous soprano of th* Matrup,,! ,t#n Opora Compnoy. horn in Mtina. Italy, 31 years ago today. Laslte Mum, ootfietdoe of too St. - .Loan Notional league baseball team, i hewn at Lidcoln, Neb..* 31 yehr, afo to- * dM 4 ■ —.e ... rtc COL to WUCAtHKR UAJdtoGB» MEXICAN C HOFH . MFJLU O CITY. N r IT. -A rt-dnt gold wjtga which stogt over virtually tha egtir* repahltg did grgat caap dau, age, *ap*«ially to coda ant) ho—s, tho —(loo's * tapirs, according to reposts roaakved by the Departnyaat to Agruui turs. Crap losses are variously evU matrd at from ten to thirty ptrernt I Jockey Albert Johnson haa won more money than any other rider on thr ' running track this year. - ■ i I'UBUC FOKUM SENTIMENT OP PBBMONf, The EdiUf fff Hw *•»■« * M|* Jast! '•U U If. todays G«W«ri Nnri •■titled. “HI Road* Ufd To Ueldabgge '' thia atticl# Ma caused quit* a llttl* comment on tha KW*U hg»s today aud it* sentiments are also Hte sdntdmento of all tlio people In this Motion. '■ ■« Yo*r» vary inly, J. A. BUST. i . I .V " TP* V. 4- .. Tha EMfria mi, Hug Xon» Bl*U< .1- tow TO* Ik* apace in your paper -1 gel#* Oft, 4M Whin* Highway t ommi* f » io » »f»ff tkw alto* «bo and fate* 1 which ia aodo* thoi ■ naatimk he keep tfc* i road that lead* tot from Goldsboro to ilia Broadhurst brtdgs almost irapose aW».;, V t: r - trk m *>■:'«' i . . I Thm have aUo pip tod to tdfrapt this road ih* soooqd tfme tkl* yoarj both time* they, have gone there with, tka road, machine and railed up m rjH of earth from 11 inobca to two pad one half feat kick pa either aid* leaving n apace of about tig La eight, loot wide. botw*en tkpao rpllp. Id, la imposeibto to me op this «<>ad "Bthant vlitnbing up »«• of thpte indiaabatpgto, lot the fol , >ow h*. b«ch off, and go. again, f asked I a preqiiaepUtarmat of that section why they rolled this earth up in the road sad l*ft iu. He gold that ho did not know ttnlpap they w«» uuul with some ®n* >P tint section and man doiag this f«* revsng*. L thought nt/mlf tbgt from tl»o to«lu of thp road that bin statement was true, but, 1 can't ounce!«* myself thot thia U trim, But ldo know that there I* not any excuse why tht* road shenld bo lads in the condition that it ,ip. apd »boatp vary plainly that thg traveling public and the people of out -countor. aeiHMialty. in Utia peetiaqlaf aec “**• ¥•+ "•* dot any coaaidonation f«on the Wa»a« Highway Comm Inal on, t*ai» onflow* r or even the employees who work the rood- 1 v * • * < Thia lo the grossest neglect 1 ever saw and I think, that if the road forces of thia county can t have any mare Interest if. ths paopl# off this Motion ikon they ih i* high tuna that tk# people wore takiag ao|iao of aooh work and bawo it stopped iff they Nave to go to the newt lagiaiatoaa to do ih I am not writing thin article through ■»* akrilb, hut V am molting it because ■■ - .i- ■ i • i 1 Jit .i ;—.» ist.sw . .^itl "io tSasSFr . u-ii. ,jj '> ... .1 < “ Hh£M' — • r ,» ..■* • .i* t * * . ■ y, ••* tM , ir •bul *• r v». «< i '*l Tito - i Over ' Itrltum svtit $ —gfussdw* ihesterheld CIGARETTES sfjfr* a * *• w-wm»>w-» ,**wb*o g * gffe. ’, ? * La.agwr It bdoiao.Tooaoco ro. ■■■■*. . -i - • » . . . “ 1 know thot »os>*body Is respoasibie for ], they should bo censored for it. ° JUipcotfully, » GEO O.BASSES \ * < ■ i PihcviHr High * - School Notes AUC* SMSAK »«fmi . i.irroN .lows** .Mtiu, i-WgP W«oh go mads oar initial bo* to the publis' tha«ugh you* valued’ pap. r ; Wtaffa *ntoao that Wornc oogpty ho c«gg familhar with the progress of ku»\ ocbaal sad than s*fl realise that wo Ore 1 wldo-oowha aad oUga. .. Wo ara eoatiauail* add gig; now pupils to our bigb reboot anti and our stssii-- torlum snd elaae-rooms sye being uxsd to tbslr utmost oggpglt^. Via fftkaoulle blghs'doftatod the Snow j KHI highs lu s ona.oUed gome night. November iff. at Snow MM. Tkl men*' ess Ills 8M the Im« Bill team I put up a hard Ight, bat the splendid co-operation ansi swiftnsso of the Pikc-j villo bays won tha game for thorn. Both teens* ployed wall. Blowers featuring lor PlhsviUo sad Bugga for Bnosr Hill. Our hoys are very proud sf their victory , and are looking forward to thd coming games. Tk« line-up wo* aa follow <W Slkoviilo. Position. Snow Hill. Wawcrs (Capt.). U’ V. Caraway Poahins .11. »' Suggs Mitchell C Edwards GaiMa L. O . Rdarsrds ScoU ~v r 11. C Corawny Uur boys' team is in good shape and ia Beady for. e challenge nay time. The girls' tests will play ths Nahunta girte Pridoy afternoon at TlkewMe. ' ’} Talc Bs Mbits. Tb* sihool, got together and-sent offt ite nnhibit Monday. of the teachers ! and some of the larger boy* and nirU • , wegu te . Wilson t*> help armsta* th« ts the school only had an ahhibit I hoc ,Jt - was up eatwmoiy. short tiuia. Vi sheas Miss Crisp mid Miss ltevane, city ( librarian, visited us Munday morning and Miss Devsne made a very Intdreat- . ing talk about Goverdor Aycock and tbs Aycu-Jc memorial. I Top of thu Minors v.Mtrd all tlw> clossrooms Monday, sequesting rontribu . tlon* for the Aycock Memorial Fund. A_ . _ ’ i BATt BtotV MGBMNG. NOV I1 til v W*" m**- caUop. ■” . j:S3k i TM L»to«S" WtU tCV-tmoon os’urtsai agd the eighth grade fare a short, bu| interest** pro- AytUDmr. Xfmk U#* was celebrated with »■«•» enthusiasm in our ashool. toe uhil* drew seemed eager to Wowoe sad he show thpir iiioM-ceiatioa for the msa who did SO musk for them and for the state. TM*-w*'it-Asrv>, ***"’ which WM. with^g^o^fHg* did so much for .tbs «4rtdrjp glihattM** live state. UoyetißM Os (toid.UHA us aid he made a *er* «Wi Wd holt*to# v Th» school lSld‘a , h4lldg> for the W*. Hfc Ji w* :V‘- j, I. O. a R Temm Gives Skmdm wad Bsa^ New Rent 35 to 0 New Bern’s second football team tried .to run over the Urpbaga' Hupm football team hen- yesterday in the snipe way thry did the Boy Smut'* several weeks ngo, hut thdy came out on ths nothing cud of n 3* to nothing score, Captain Dixon of tho Home team took out his Drat String men after th*| It rat quarter when three touchdowns hA4 betu made. The ' second mgqage.d to get |hrough the New Befn line.ffff two touchdowni In tfc« tTifM rem»ln|ng KcW scan jiVnycrs kpoqr W**"** of pitching, fi' ldioi; ;tgd betting,as dpcs "NrUv y«u shewod rare judgnient in aljrniiig ihc Clcvcipnd staff'' 9 1 T' "ttvT* A r ootball ntU ii'luiicc mcoriVa. hav* or r ii i iunbiiig lnghoT and higher in ail i.i'cttona of the uiuntry this fall. ==r--jarsL.- v;l-, t ' ~y:r= Thg Ke liana. Hortea and, Htpoblic Hotels, Woaaa'a t'iah t'slsOeafa and over iff# housekeepers la Goldsboro use •Aa AND i>. It PH Cl BCkB COTFEE" “There »» n reoaon."

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