«« *. ># •*;- *•• ** .* -4 {*"" ■ ■ II I »k* ■ ■■■■*— '■■■ mmm WKATHKR Wf Tm4ari c#Mur in taut portion; Wcdaauday fair with rising tempacatare 4. i ■!., - i ■■. ■.... .11 ■! ii i - VOLUME ONE; NUMBER Is*r- DENOUNCES POST CHEBPONBENT AND THE KU KLUX KLAN T—T- I LmMum Governor Declarr* Pool Corrritpondeot’M Article on Klan Control in Abi. 99 Per Cent Inarcuratv - . TO lIKEAK UP THE lNVrsilll.K KMIMHK i >"• _____ W AHIIf NGTON, Not, 21. Assurance', wan giviui Governor I’arkcr. of Loan tana today -by I’rvsidcnt llartl■ »k that whatever Federal interest wrr« involved la alleged activities of th<- Ku Klux If lan la that state the federal author ities aim ready to extend full ru-op nation, ,■ ’ - * Thia wp* In reply to a rri|U>'4 hy the governor for government hflp In rutting off from the organisation In Louisiana the aupport and encourage - roent wliiOb A hc aanerted was receiving from the outside. At the White House confirmre of |h.-i Fresident and Mr. Barker, attended aiao hy Attiwncy (ienerul Daugherty. it wax agreed that the state geueratnenis would lie fully able to cep.- a !h the situation; j| ; The Ravernor «l*r|*is-.l in a fat null statement on Iraeinc th- White R»«»« that "ryjrardles* of th.* cost und eon »rt|ueneea“ a moat thoroui-h invest! irntion t the outrages wmiLl l*e made, j At the luiinr time lie vigorously «lt nied thiil there *ai In Loua'ana any aueh rondltiona as wa> imlffiuG d in an' at tide written hy a «»n*' ffisi-rrspond- i ent of the' Waahinßtun Fost, and pub | liahed over the country. In a letter to ; the I’oat Mr. I’arkrr aaid that the I statement of thia article that reduced "the aoverlßntjr of Ltiuslans to the ’vns silaru of the Invisible Umpire,' one of the moat inaccurate obaerva- < tiona he had ever known a newspaper limn to make, aaaertinß that the article cat' uy per cent inaccurate, and eon-i veyetl a totally wrong imprcaaion, and J that tVe damage dune by It, and Riven ( d tap lay In the Pont, would be the sub ject of a conference on “my return to l.oalaiana.'" . ■"* I "Mushed men and Inviaible Empire* I have no ploce in Artteri#*." the letter; continued, "and i have dendunacd the , Ku Klux Klan aa .rigorously a» I know j haw in Ita own slrdfigtioW W[r have only becan to fight thia movement ; which strigv* at the fundamental* of' Old**' ly • government. We will be ready to rid la|uialuna of thia eteioua devcl- i opmipu If we ran have t|tv help of «fk< r state* and the federal government! We ean deal effectivelywith our local attuation If it can be cut off from tha aupport and encouragement it hua been 1 receiving from the outside. I hove thought that cooperation wffpyld meet the situation in the moat immediate, wav Mill to free the people of certain rnnuuunitiea of the terrorism in which they are now held. Since the plan"} doer not work in the upm I ftiuy say . thnt the proper preventative in largely un iAveatigalora! one." Hay a Klan Nut in Politic* • ATLANTA, Nov. 111. Frank L Sav- • age. chief of staff tit headquarter* of , the Ku Klux Klan here today dented tltrtl the Klan i* in politic* in Lotfla* j iann or elan where, in referring to the viait of fiovrrnor Bach'’* id | dent llardiHß of luiuslann. tialay. • | The state authorities of Imulaialia np pear at thi* lime to be folly capable if ?! handling any situation within their | jurisdiction growing'oat of acltvitfe* of secret organisation-* or other agencies, j it w*h declared In u atatement laaued nt the Whit* House today i after ener qi> th* SU»je«t Vc(wieq |Ym«idei orßontxed a»ao-. rial ion, but in spile of this 1 "The |nw ofsstate and nation mast be upheld multr any and all rirrtuu. , stames" . The governor aaid he would remain n Washington Until tomorrow, but did nut outline his plan*. < ONGKKHHW4N INVKMTKi tTBU. ALKXANItKIA, La. Nov fO Co i pi -s*man l. B Aawell, of Louisiana, at Washington, late yesterday wired the sheriff and eoroner of Kapides Porsh and the pootmaaWr of Alexandria seek ing Information regarding the truth of repoit* published concerning a “reign e* terroi" lo Luulutana. which aatd G**-f rrRcU Parker' whe no root* to Wa*hU < 9->f r»• o- *' *»..• 1 ' % i. ■ ;■ They Wert* Alsu IMimfuuitdttl to Know That: Th«> Oidit’l llnve Any Riffhl to Carry Concealed Wcupoitn 0n Wayne Soil— CharKea, Hotyever, Were Withdrawn ! ■ ... •* » lieputy Sheriff Kred t'afraway, tun-! : stable Suggs, and Deputy-ronstab 1 " Mooring, all of Grs*ene ruunty. mere sr- | resterl in the Wayne chanty roqrt bouse 1 yoslerday iff Kecerdvr'a court on charges i of kidnapping, assault, (rvlential hupi.-i .breaking and carrying concealed I waupvng. Throe charges brew nut of* their prosecution of Tbedie Hill on charger, of resisting officer* and carry ing a cenevsled wt aimn, after their hav-j ing arrested Hill on Wayne county moil The officers wore put in such a do e j position that th' backed water on the . Concealed wroapTri charge ngginet llill. i i Os ruurae the charge of resisting an of ficer vanished away in proportion to the of the uaauuit ehurgr again -t ' the oltleev*,' Pretty apoq the offlce'ftl were duuibnunded to And out they had! no more buxines* Vurrvinu piatols in Wayne county than John Ho", or ffny 1 I body el si*. » v . The end came when Hill was acquitted i of liuv chargee against him. and the M WOMMI IS GIVEN 30 Dir JIIL SENTENCE f . _ Her Uiirtimour. Charlie Kloke*. ! (il'ln A HUH lainner Term For Hitt Sinn Mnggp- I). Ham and Her paramo i•, I Charlie blokes. Ware given three month* each in jail in Recorder’s court yrater day by .Judge Bland Stokes whs givi-rv six additional montjis fur being found, guilty of communicating a loathsome disease. Both were found guilty of adultery. Charges of larceny and others still rest again Stoke*. Welfare Superintendent A. f Howell, Mis* Mary Hardy, keerctary of the < har dy Organisation Society, and Hr. A. J Ellington, were all in court to prqsecpie j the puir. Mr. Howell and Mias Har ty j aaid they hud had trouble with them I for several year*, and that Moggie w is ( about th| worst rpse they bad cu i rountered. Worst of all. two of Maggie's children I are infected by the disease. Pearl, age I A, it In the hoapital bring trusted, while it it feafed that Sally, age 12, has lost ■ her ays-sight. a. Hioi>e* Tells Great 1 arn Mokes put up a great sped. Hugh I tort eh. Judge Bland, Miss Hardy. Ikr. Ellington, snd half a conrt room full of I officer* and s|M>etalors, and [ while, ° seamed to think it wgs th* greatest they eeee heard. Most of them berame ushamed for the prisoner with ' his wild protests of "love” and hid' j thejr fare with Ihcir hand*. Hut ae talked on, asaeeeraling arum and again that he was willing to marry this , woman, take rare of her; her mother and her five children if he could and th«l this was what he had wanted to do alt the time The reason hr gave fur iiu.i 1 .having done it was that he had lacked the money. He denied that he had ; mbine anything to 'pull-time' for." .Spectaton bad expected to See a liooh | in the witness ehair, but they saw one j *hv quickest ,spiik’-a wltno-m** that lias iH-rupied that shale hi many court* ' lie spoke with alntpai sa much perception the lute Itev I T. Stroud, who wis tried spate time ago on the same rhar-jr. I ll*' afrrltrpped Kt|;ood. though, with Hi* | speed and readiness of reply III* Shi ■ low mmpl<- Men anil short iuuuVi colored curl* werb the only marks of the va k grant. Os a 1 m*%t < Hfar tt.tiHc* r#»lor wan *Khin M . i_ WAKIIINGTUK; I) f , No* 2« Vice President ( oolidge 4»J* expected to read into tilt- Senate record today aftrr eon vening of the special session of Coy gross the resignation of Truiuan II Nrwbvrry, as United State* Senator from Michigan forwarded to Govern*)! linn shock of that state unil-r date of Nuvembrr Ik, Mr. Newberry's letter of resignutibn, requesting that it bero no effective Immediately, was made public berr last night aftrr a copy had been lipnsmittrsl to Vice l'rc dent with the request that it ire read into the Senate,, records as soon as possible. Altbougb declaring in u review of th* iP'nf and I’ittcr .-ontrovursy over tug tight to a pine* in the Senate stare hia , election over Henry ford, his Demo cratic opponent, four years ago, that! Hmb right-bad been “fully i vnlinns i," i Mr. Newberry ip hi* Irtter suid he hid been impelled to retire from that body; because of the defeat of hia Uepohlit.in colleague Senator Townsend, in the No vember 7 election, At the same tlsne, In discussing the controversy in Us re lation to the campaign just elosed. dar ing which it wn* an issue in many States, Mt, N i * V erry expressed the conviction that a “fair analysis -of the vote in Michigan and other slates where friends ' and political enemies alike have suf fered defeat, will demonstrate that a general feeling of unrest was mainly re- '. 'ponsible." The present situation, however, ar said, rendered "futile” h s further serv ice in the Kenutc. since it meant, ne would "continue to be hampered bv par l tisan political persecution.” Should fu ture ‘ opportunity present itself, Mr Newberry odded. he would not hesitant to offer himself to his state und country.’ Before the rase passed as an issue into the remit campaign the Renat'- ' had uphe'd Mi Newberry's title fn a scat by a margin of ties vote*, but If' appeared that the Aght was again to Ip* re sulked iu Congress. ID STUB ID BATTLE HIGH SCHOOL ELEVEN Sin h Familiar Fixurm Ah llutrh Dorlrh and Itrit 1 lo Appear In f/Htc-Vp t tyliKlHiry'* foitihitH *lj»rx «»f I}•«• p t t will unit (.ul i^ltoio n htin of tfn pm* • lit whru lit town foot hall mi«H t|»r (xtldnittern hi#!) »ch*N»| tm-ot /* on the (.Irphnna* llo«r f«>utt*nll f)rl«l thU us UMffi Ht I o’ ha k. All t!»•- pl tvM r * w*!| Ih* on tin* In otiifoiiH lit tormlmr luiwrn Mitiih Dort- h, John Thomp **w. f.artuwd Y«lv«rto» Ham Ilriit, H ail" V It rptrict, n ■StallirifTK Itilph kmy;, K Small, I'm*'* i*)»d Khrtir will «p|mjir»W«i lb** It Hr up, l»LfUh t» itn o'4 lumliHu «t it, 11 '«** f'HMXflv with \hv Ini x« n»it> M hin It kcluk.l star*. H«*th Kiriv iphl Mil Hi hit* piloid formerly nt Owh IWI »* whlli* tSrftVt ploy• d K.i Its> focitholl wh ; i he wn* in thf N?rvtce Thi* town tenfti •>*>« It ft out for »*e vanff# for )ti former o»r old “Grand Old Woman of Georgia” peered out through} , Iter spectacles upon the opening for maitl/ * of the special session and then without a mention us her Name having gone into The senate retard saw an adjourn meat taken until tomorrow as a mark of respect for the late Hen-, ator Watson, to whose place she had been appoint'd by Uaeriaor Hardwick. There was a demonstration in the ' galleries half an hour before the sen ate convened when former Menatar .Smith escorted Mrs. Felton down the center* aisle of the chamber to the vice-president’s room aud Introduced, her to Mr. Coolidgc The gallertos. Bil l'd mostly with women, applauded and thfl ngvd Georgia woman stepped Just before th' ehair of the presiding offi cer, turned und threw * kiss to thdsu , who had greeted her, a* the first *»• , man ever In he appointed to the sen ate Another outburst «f cheering echoed through the chumhar a few Inter, when an the arm .of Kenator Harris, of Georgia, Mrs, .Felton again passed tip the renter aisle nAI was seated at the desk of an absent sena tor alongside Kenator Harris. Representative* of a number of «uff rage organisations were present and led in the rhoering, which broke out . mire again when Nenutor Lodge, of Mn marhuseUs, the Republican leader, 1 went over and shook hands. i A eomiiiitlee of women representing, » local Democratic orgunivatMin pre sented Mrs Felton with a bouquet of *7 large rus. * Just before the senate convened. (I Kenator* Respond I ftyxly-one senators. -responded to the senate roll rail The bouse rqil i*l showed 2til infill 10-fs inesetit the new representative* elected to fill vacunc-M*, were sworn in,* and the house adjourned at 12: lb o’clock. In addition In Mrs Felton, seeeral other law senator* were prevent, ready to be sworn In They included Kenator Uu-fluißd* hi *. Clturrh When Rev. W. W. I’eefc In R*- turned to Rakish For Fifth Year, Dwmhi BMwl From the Iliahop—Rov. G. T. Aduntu Goeu to Dunn „ I < •' i - RALEIGH, jNoy. W-llee. W. W Feel*, for four year* pastor so Kden ton Street Ghureh. Raleigh, was re turned by the North Carolina Confer ence for. a "fifth year. The reading of his appointment, reerrired fur the eery last of th* long list, kept th* congregs , lion in sneh close tension, that It re } suited in fi burst of applause that was I sternly silrneed by th* bishop. “My brethren, this won't do,” he ex* 1 claimed with uplifted hand. “This i* a religious service snd some things *r* , | appropriate and aume are aol. I did not | expert thia in Kdenlon Street Church. I as ashamed of yaa." * aa Rev. II I. Glass, for four years pas tor in Kdcnton. comes to Cratrat, Ra leigh, Rev. fP. K. I’roctor, lw* years (wisler there, going to (Jus-ea'd Ktrcrt, i Kinston, sqereeding Rev. C. L Read*. Rev. L. 11. I’attlshall, for three years pnslor of Jenkina Memorial, Is moved lo Kpwnrth, Raleigh, and Re*. R F Bum j pax, who has het n at TFewnhilnlon, coot ling In Jrnhlas Memorial, Ms. Btampaa was at one time pnator of Kdrnton ' Street.* He* Jidjn C. Wootgn. presid ing clderyjinf the Raleigh distrirt, re i turns for a fourth year. l-oag t Ustom Broken For theeJlrst time In tho history us ' Methodism in Haliegh a pastor of g Methodist Church is returned for more | than the four years which until * fqw ' ! year* ago w a * the limit of service oa any one rharge. Not only Methodists, 'but pcopln of all denomlnatiaa* who have learaed to know and lave Mr. Parte | during his four years her*, were eager for his return While the Kdsntnn Street people had been pretty well as sured that he was not to be changed they were not absolutely certain until ' hit name was read when tho peat up feeling o t suspense broke forth Into upplfcuse against all custom o 4 the Methodmt Church. Rev. M. Hradukaw, who Ms boon pas tar «f Memorial Churak, Durham. f~> four year*. Was also returned for’ 4 fifth fear. , | Now Cent rsi Pastor I Rev. HI. Glasa, y comes to I'ss* | teal. Jalagd the con. .-»«* if Washita* Eon In lOIS. He is on* of th* strapg est of the young prtschera of tho conference, and has mad* A Ana roe- ' ord during thr four y**e* ho Ms boon •In Tarhoro. Mr. Frnater gsas to ana as th* strongest ehurtbed of tho eoa ferena* at Queen Street. Kinston On* new presiding elder wa* ahpeint ed. Rev. C. B. Culkreth, at an* tins* pastor of Epworth Church, Raleigh, aad | serving th* past year at tnrt Churoh. Durham, was appointed residing eider of th* Elisabeth City district. Re*. R 11. Willis, who hsd bom presiding tlder on that district for four years/- sue reeding Re*. J. D. Bundy, who had served hi* four he has her* la F.deiiton. Mr. Glass la nat married. Mr. I Proctor goes to one of the strongest rhurtli.es of the Conference at Queen Street,'* iKuston Thr appointments were read I* l id ■ lenee unbroken rxrept for tk* rustling ‘of the leave* of the Conference Jour nal ss thr preachers and delegates checked up th. list and notld the rhungtx thol wnF made'? Blest Be tk* Tie The hymn, "Blest Be the Tie That Uhi-Ix." »*s sung, and Re*. G. F. Smith offvred prayer. Bishop Ib-nny read the list that sends th* men out to their churg's for the >eiy with oiily the brifest preface as the lime of departure of thr "w«n traias was pressing Some wf the nppointwente wrgng ,hla heart th* bishop said, hut all bad K*rn made In the most brotherly spirit wllh love and patient* In th# wark. He ea pressrd his appreciation of the courtos | ie* extended him while in the elly and explained that haste to catch a truia would prevent hia slopping to hid the members a personal good-bye,, ' The appointments, aa read, watwi Durham District. I'rrsiding Elder. M. T. I’lylrr. Hurling. Front Street, W H North; Webb Avenue, N. K. Caltrane Hurling , ton Circuit, Lindsay,. Fraator. BroohX dal* Circuit, B T Hurley. Carboro, J. W Autrey. i hn|iel lliil, Walter I'atlon. Durham. iDunson, li. C. Ewing. Calvary. . Wileoa; Fearl Mill. H M Wellman: West Durham. J. W Bradley. Durham (Trrait. W. F. ( raven Eno, D. M Sharp*. Graham and Haw Rivgr, is M. Daniefi, Hillsboro. J. K Hia I'm k Leasburg lone to be sup plied), K F Nix. bane. N. C., Yearby. Milton Cirrait. J Ha scorn b HurLty, Mount Yirxab. J. C- William, F*r*un fir cult. It C Thompson, Roxliora, Long Memorial. J. H Hurley. East Rosburo and Longhurst, K J. Starnes ( supply i. Rougrniont Circuit, J. F, Starnes. South 1 Alamance Circuit, W. R Hardesty. Ysnceyelll* Circuit, J. T. Stanford. Fro ) feasor in Trinity College, H. E. Spoor* Conference Missionary Secretary, A. D. W ilces. a Elisabeth (tty IMctrict, (’residing Elder, C. H Culhrelk Cowan, N. M. Wright. Columbia Cir cuit. M. W Hester. Currituck Circuit. I J. P. Bros. Dare Circuit. K N Fitts >. (supply i Edouton, J. V, Knight Kill l { sbeth City. First Church. N M. I>. WtL j sun; City Rood M. E Mywr* Outes Ctr-1 »ull, K. K Clegg. Haiti-res Circuit, i. ' M. Jolt* 1 >upnl> I. Hertford, « U Klsughter Krnnrkoet (irttll, C. A. i Juhnaon. Kilty Hawk. E. J. Midge it (sup-' ply). Mo>ock, W B Humble. North (Sales, j. 0. U«|. Panlego and Bel havrn, T. K. Davla, Paaquotank, E. I. Stark. IVrquiraaa. W. T. Phipps. Ply mouth, W. A. Laws. Roanoke Island, A. W. Price. Roper, K. L* Hill. Sou.h Camden, J. H. Carroll. South Mills, L. M Coflln. Stumpy Point, A. E. Brown. President ScnrrUt Bible Training Hrhool, J. C, Cunnlnggini. Professor In Southern Methodikt' l'nlvarsity. J. M, j Ormond. Payetlevlllo District Presiding Elder, R. H. Willis. Bladen clrtsil, tl. H. Biggs, liurkhnfn Circuit. W. A. Piland. ( art Wage Circuit, li Ws’Perry. Duke. H. L. Davis; N. H. * McDonald, supernumerary. Dunn, (I. j T.Adams. Klisahelh Circuit, H. K. Lento. I Pdyettcvilla. Hay Btreet, H. A. Humble; j R. B. Joke, supernamerary; Person and 1 Calvary, K. C. Maneas KayetUviUs Clr ,rail, W Marp'sa. (ilaadon Cirrult, A. ft. Cramp'or- Gold .ten, K (J. Nell Haw River (irruiti J. R. Edwards. Hemp Or rail; J. C. Cummings. Janes boro Cirrult, n. C- Stan Arid. Lillington l Irrait. C. R. Roea. Manors Circuit. L. R. Gaia*. Newton Crave Cirrult, S. W. I’hlllip. Park ton Cirrult, R. r Muans. Pittsboro Ciicait, J. J. Heone. Raaokora Circuit, J. A. Tkarpe. Sanford. L. R. Joaea. Rtler [ Circuit. O. I. Hinson Steadman Circuit, R. F. Taylor ■>) ' Now lorn It lair let. Presiding Elder F. M. Nkamburger. ! Atlantic and Seeleeel, K. J. Lewis J (Continued on Page* Pour.) TWOHEAOED SNAKE HCMWeESMIIiS Sup« rior Comri A two hooded snake valued at Who was delivered lo Carson Leeiear, Judina, yesterday erksn \s signod "John Doe to n bendy and so one es the strangest rases in the history nf Way ns county , will go Into Superior court when court convenes ovember Jl th. suit of tw# men ever a two headed *aak«. Wilt lei Wortham, eoiorod, and the ladiao, On-j ■eo. Leeiear, both claim ewaenhip rs the snake Roseau Batter, Clinton attorney, conn- i •e.l for Lerlesr, end PnSf Kdmundoon. reunsel for WiHle Wortham, have agreed to Ale their cempiaina and aaswera In lime te bring the ease up in Superior court In the coming session Bailer Is Aling the complaint and Kdmuadaou ths answer, which perhaps is the Arst com plaint and answer ever tied In the an* nuJ» of court proceeding over a two- . headed snake. The snake is said In knee been cap meed two weeks ago in Samptea county. All who saw aeea It aay that it not eely has twu'heade, fear eyas, and two drouths, but, that U cats with both! mouths. It is an Adder about ail inches | lon fl » , i imr TO THY CATTM ON PEONAGE CHARGE JtKLEtTKII PKNSACOLA.rtn., Nov SB. -(By the Asaoeiatsd Press.) Selection es a Jury te try former Governor Sidney J. Calls, on a charge of peonage la federal eetirt hare today consumed lew than an hour end a half. B C.» Christian, one of the four negroes in the venire of forty one and who was drawn in Ur Arst pone) was chollanged by tbr defense and tbe )ory as sworn was composed of IS white men. aUMPIOKW GMK HERE THIS WEEK 11 • « Nrw Hern and Rocky Mount Fri day or Koanokr Rapids and New Hern Saturdny The high srbool champion-hip nf I Kastrrn North Carolina will be pls)rd! here Kriday if Kotky Mount defeats, Roanoke Rapids toda) On the other hand, If Roanoke l(a|HM(. Chief hstrut ivo Mmm N*w Leg tnhilitn NKW ROAD BOND 188!TK OF 115.000.M0 SLATED c RALKUfH, Nor. JP.-tRy the Amo elated Ptess. i Taking (he position that i prnctieslty every premise-sin tbejdet ferm of the present adminiatrotien al ready has been earned out. Governor Ceaserea Merriaan new Is organising hie force* for a concentrated effort to pern* ‘", ' the slate stepping tine corporation hill and other rV*l) nlltgned tars Jure* >1 the neat session of ths North Carolina general assembly, it was learned tonight at the eo pilot. ' * The chief eaeeotive, in dieeunalng hta ' proposal, stated ke favored the enentiuu of an "able commission something like the highway hoard to govern Ihe esUb lishqwnt and operation of the shipping Hue." This body, bo, continued, should he “dorheiTvaJUi ample power, a* de cided upon by tbe legislature, go work out oil details far the corporation t sue As to ike start amount nf the ap propriation which weald ho required so establish the slate-owned Hue! it dm* stated further study than has been made at this date would he required before a do Anile conclusion is reachd^.'.."T ' ■ The governor is es the opinion there will he no conflict between tho adoption nf his proposal for a shipping Hue corporation commission and -mvrthrr preposition to establish a, pert gemmta sinn. The suggestion that jsvport com mission be established devMpred among the executive's staled, and all interested parties now have named that the .kipping lias comarta- Slna mease re. the power inf whloh erUt he Axed by the assembly la ta he httroduand .j with their support. * In reaching Ihe decision to Unit. h|s .farces hthiad n few ciadltp nslatod uwaaarde. Governor Morrison held «h« opinion, it wos assorted by thoos : 5 r^w-raL-asa* | ‘kings the admlpialiattop baa «Ma warbing « pNhaM Jmkt t. sapeetollons- • ■ ;<•***■ - ' ? A bond tpaue a t appreximately SIS,. mw.ow for |hr parpoae of coatlaulug the highway department's peaggaat of I destlepmfai Is andaf coa.ldwaMua, This atop Is favored by Governor Mar risen, it is understood, as heHw la ttao with hie statements that improved high I w,y, leading from North Carolina's port cities throagheot the stale amsld boos great old In developing the propaned •hipping line, sea fend »Hi-IHst. t* a rowing water comas* rco tad (uttoviag tho state of what have bdou termed as fair freight tapt . |. j The other meaeaiws which will hove the support es the ediaiatatofciea. ec- . j <« ebserVaaeeo, ta Rte most port are these providing fw tie gg->’ pansian es aach stota departmmnto' ap e ration» .. he,, not ~» boea brmtd ened to the full scope favored by Gav i craar Morrison la bis Ur ! oemiaatlaa and e tort loti. •£ if RAIdCKcH, Nor. Vdoveraor Cam-' rro* Morrison today accepted an tovtin i ilea to addree. tho lee CcaAm Menu fartorers ,f North (preßw. tpho will In. here in convention JoUiery |t, iney CIEMEMESIKIfI. SPWY IS MM OF FIFTY rrokiiiK Live* of AaiMMdk lit Tell* l>octor. Hut Lei D—pig **» Happy ——T— . NEW YORK, Nov. M.— ifly the Aaae I vielcl Pce.».| Georges Cl.ntoncesu who arrived iost Saturday to kegin.a torture of thr ' ruled States at the egs of PI W*« persuaded today >o permit two mrdlcel men to give him U thorough overhauling. At the end es the eg animation they prooeunood the viperous obi Tiger At as a man of flflg. 1- .' ~ cicmeneoaa arose at flve o'clock this morning and aftpr an early brook fast es hard boiled eggs and onions nad ehesse soup started work on the speech he Will deliver tomorrow night. The Tiger mid he was feeling In# dp. spile the strain nf tha last turn days' re ceptions. He had cense to tfce dooieien he declared that Amcrtdad women were i wen mar* beautiful nose than they worn i • *««lf century ago. • I Dr. Franeais Lodercg, * phhaleUn who caam to renew hta scquotnmace*)Mp with • lemenceau begun la Part* yoar> ago. heard th* Tiger', flret growl today. Whoa Dr Uclereq began to IvU bias us sous* new medic*l ('-Anittv pratpagutlen ef'homdn llfr, • <■ mrneasa mUh Y* 1 k.rp wait- about l I! wise I nil Mil ten