hnui MOBNmfi. Kov. a Mt*. JILJL'-J.. ~ ■; ■-■* 1 x ; • II '»# v i % \J> * 1 EFIRD’9 I I NEW STORE 1 w -'--* ■'*•■•*’ |1 *J .\,. "• “' ~ *" * * ( *o " „ 1 ' i f|| ' • - • . || Tomdrow Morning m Their New Store Between | ». .*C] • "#* " JTk iThlNf 1 JHiA I f It' ,1\ if fi , Vest Walnnt Street .■■•*)'• . * . fl lAt $ V i ***® iRMeBWMM f l EiFIRD’S I § 1 Opening I 1 I Saturday, Nov. 2£? J 'B O ■ . 9 ■ . MARY DANIELS MASON, Editor > *° « - i > THB COAT OR ARMS November hll a coat of 4r»V, No king’* could grander bet It boot! " tb# specimen* Os a'neicnt. heraldry. Upon • (Mold of pumpkin plo • 1 In hue* of brown and gold lire lesrnge* of cranberry sauce .And chicken csssrroiv'd. A roasted turkey coochant on A t«W*rloth I* leetf. f With quartering* of potato masked, And color/’ whlto and groan, I And apple* rod, und pfotly girla The flour for cruller* nioving. And at the tpp tb« legend scraljvd y. In Utter* bold, "Thanksgiving.” —Minna fcvlag In New York Sun. e , * , Btvv*s»s-t>\ erir. jn U adding MQgh Interest in GoUlekoro and 4h« *urrounding countie* ccntrr* In lt»« * mar ring* of Ml** Bailie Bell Overman, " of Ueogden Tewyithlp, and Mr. F.dwortl Allen Steven*, of Grantham, which took place in tnc Providence Msthodist church in Beogden Township at S:00 o'clock Wcdntfsday evening. Reverend! R. K Pittman, former pentoe of both the bride and the groom, officiated. . / The alter arangement waa unique and nnuandlljr beautiful leaf pin* and * trailing Ivy with a conttaat as magni ’ Scent p'jlta rhryaantbemum* formed the background At a distance of about' four foot woe* two improviaed' archaa. ! one, amaller. In front of the other. Both J'of thoee were eovrrrd in ivy and south ern amiUg. and onhaisred by a akllifnl .addition of tho chrysanthemum*. Jast I prior to Uw rocemoay. Me*. I-ealb* f.l nrkgr *angt "I Love You" and “I Love; ' FYou Truly.” Promptly on time, Btffia.| Herring, presiding at tbo organ. 1 fifeegun Mendelssohn's wedding matrh | jli nd fbe bridal party entered. Leading j procession wee* the two uaherc, Aliaifa. Ilaywod Cox and Hugh Davis, | Hpf Grantham. % • The maid of honor, Mia* Clara I#e' *Kt#g#ns. followed, rxqutcito In a eiea fion of blue crepe. She carried an atm- 1 ful of yallow rhrytantkrmum*. Mias Iva Jennett* and Mr* Alvin Ed warda, the twa lovely- bridoamaid* ram* next In order Thyy were in aftfr notM.o gown* of pink and their Sower* m> *e White ghrysantbcmwms- Tlu groom*men, M***r*. Williwm Tofev. of thi* elly and John Lee Oo*rman, brother' as tlaa bride preteded tb* flower (tirl, who w*i littie Mia* Sarah Kfj»»bcOi wWWTwwTW i««f of Mr. and Me* N II Htev-te. o<*d u ii n i - ~~ M neire -of .the groom. Her of the Wnffieat pink allk and »*• **r tied ,8 basket of maaiOtura chrysanthc music. Her ha«d»omo young aouaip, Matter' Edgar Allen Stltvena. aitraarivo regulation middy auit. / followed her beaaiag the ring in a perfect whit* giant chrysanthemum. The bride entered on tb* arm of bar father, Mr. Rotund Wvcrman, who gave her in warring*, fib* wore a anaart Uavoiing auit of anvj aad bar flowura wwr* a shower buwuuc of brides' roaaa and liliea of tb« valla*'. | Mrs. Steven* la a beautiful young wo j uian of rare charm. Sb* graduated at tb* Eastern t ktolino Training Srkooi la lilltO and niaea than kaa boon teach ing ig th* Falling Crook public schools Mr. Stevenp la well known and very popular in Cold*boro, whore He lived for a loaf number of ytdg*. H<> is a Trinity man aad w>* of th* aiast pro gressive farmer* |b U»a After: spending their himeywoon In th* wpsl , orti port of tho ♦tat# lleg wig bo at: horn* to their friend* in Grantham's j Tow nth ip. ’ * #“ # # Mr aad Mr*. Urd U The City > Mr and Mrs i. W BSed. of New ! York, arrived in tk# city yesterday toi Jb* present at tk* opening of the new ! itor* on Saturday Tbay are register lod at the Kenaan. Mr. Khrd has charge of th# baying office In Now York City.J ' » • • • Mr*. Groauie Ul Friend* in the city of Mrs. A. K. Graaaia will regret to know tkat the was carried to a laral. h«*pi>«l W*d j neadny night aariouely fit. Her ren dition waa somewhat batter yesterday. !• * • Mef-T*** V letter* - Among the eieitor* fiom out as luarn yesterday were: Mra. K. P. Holme*. M r Daniel Jenee. Mr*. A'. K Senynerliji. ; Mr*. T. R. Martin. Mount UUvJ: Ml** 1 Nits Hook*. Paulin* Garris, Fremont; Meadamea 11. M. Woodward and R. S. Moor*. Warsaw; Mra. Seth Gibbs, Beau (prt; Mra. Mary Reorder, Wilmington. • • r SI. Mary's KndewnUnt Fand Pour years ago a campaign waa i started to rwia* ISOd.OOO for 81. Mary a feffoel, ftalejgh |2SO,d«n yf |ki. amuuul i kaa been » •cured, lenvmg RWP.aue yet icta b* raised'. From ' December f to IS an campaign will be put en v; Will I*, gireti to all »lumna*- in Wnvne % , •- ■— -«. * *'; --r ’. .-• : -‘ " - t";' - * .. . .. w '■■■>'■■,o, ip mmni'ii n iJii'l^MMwd^wwywwßypM* 1 ' CAIRO’S “ *■• " v ji- w t; v ♦ v ***»JS*Aw>«n>» */W~~ *** •-*•*<* *-*• '<*v,-* •* V , - • . ; • fl- ..... , ■ • ■ . « . ■ % Be There At 8:45 A. M. MWi«>»»y<-wwr< *•* "is l *m -«**f « Hf. mift****'i I. ■■ i ■ ■.■■ ■—■ ■! ->y '• ••■ 1 ,/ T- ‘ # •' ,*.V ' ASK U 8 FIRST—WB HAVE IT ] *r * *4 t *** ■ <- Palace Drug Stare Phone No: £ GoMsbfiro, N. C. r KKMtmjte Delivery Service o' , . ** * »»»* **m-*+<+ • # •* - ~ - «._ . _ m „ „'; '■ '.:• "■ •.-• . • —7 ; —~r*” county at Which the formal opening pt tho campaign wUt be launched. Mm* 1 Lena Simmon* is chairman of the move ment in Wnyn# coonly. ”# • • Mine Berden Heetuee / Mia* finginia Harden deUgbtfully efi- U rtninod a few hour* ak Wer home qn George Street yaaterdny morning bu«i oring Mg*. ZoIHe Collin*, n recent bride and Mr*. Jam** Cooper, nee Ml** Hag tic Wooten, of Henderson, who I* u popular favorite .la Goldsboro. T|t.- wonting was spent in sowing and rhek ting and oujopang a dcllciou* salad course served by the hostess. • • • The Recital Wednesday Night. It la seldom indccd,that the people of ieoldeker* era privileged to h mar mu*** of tbo High quality which churactarixqd Mr. C. G. VardelFt argua mdtd at the J Presbyterian church isat night. It wq* i heard hy a geod-aUcd audience, which | way not disappointed In Ita expectation*. ; The organ ia a naw instrument, of stteei- I ness and power, and I*. not tike many , eharrfc organ*-- mad* up of pipes which 1 imitate orchestral and bund instruments, to tk* detriment of their proper fun«- J tlea. Mr. Vardell, likewise, is a true love* at hi* inaUuaienG aad dae* net attempt to make It sound like something else, 1 bor perform the prank* toe often played by eemeevt organists Throughout the reeital, be played with artistic reserve,' yet rnada kb* duml' as tk* uapucitle* of tkd «rga*. In accordance with tima-honored re-1 cite I pvnedeuG he began wish a prelude and fugue by the father at the inod -r* etgan, Johann Sebastian Bach. The fugue chosen was the very bright and melodious one la R flat, both shorter and more InUrestiMC to ike averngp audience than the more difficult ex amples usually chosen. Mr. Voydrll brought eut with great clearness tb* ' various leading theme* on which thg fugue i* constructed, and carried lK* mi. star piece to iXe ceaplusion with car thusipm and tafhuiral skill. After several lighter number* by masters ancient and modern, tb* r*r.ite% '! Ist gave what wa* the big number of thg i' program, an Mr run sonata as bis own i rviepoaition. Tbit type of composition >j sens mode Immortal Mendelssohn. !g i tk* sarly part of tb* last ceaturf. Mr. { Vardell'* work fallowed tb# orthodox pattern as fear contrasting iqj/vement», ■ from grave to gay, aad ending wjth a I 1 »jx* upllslulation wf all the llwuwl, ■ , f*MP****v • « . i ~i, -as- I nfoylnr tA« full tM»*n x of the organ.' "th, efhi® coinpcStifh la of If rent in te re at ams bc-aaty* tq« mcl»dt#« bem? fresh and ..;«’'«*** >• grpupd of *cll l h n Thci# gpr* ah dHH vnoiqr-nta ia the iwrg' ' rompqritiPN. ond 4t.Would ho diffienti wlcct tdis Imst part ! from sti dsi )l molded wurh." Perhaps tbo vi.> tun. ful arabesque pakydie* <tb uunor ,m*ur In the Allccro MmAtoso. and ih# ewtir* development of the third • suited Ryhevsu, would be Selected as thv j happivst inspirations as Jhe whole piece. This' lust divinlop was of bubbling sprighttlneM throughout, the very es sence at spring time end youth. It wa* surely the climax of tho evening's stii tertainment Tb# other numhefp Wdre of average j program chynctar. with some sugary musical ben-bone M the end. concluding with Quran of Shcbs. «ic choral prelude of Brahms with ali it* tnterweioring of in* trieatc counterliolin Wa* a bit too in> , cal for the audience, end yet afforded * line contrast to the following pieces, < Buck compositions are understood onlyj after much hearing of them, and this; opportunity la rarely to he enjoyed out -! side of the great cities. It is to he hoped that other recitalists I yr|U bo brought-her*, for there is no' branch of must#* I art more ia terming | Is th* mind and beset than skillful *r- i gan playing Mr. Vardell set a very: | Wgh standard cfer any who may come ••**r bias, and kla hearer* are indebted te him for an evening of rare enjoyment. Th# choir at the church song at the I ‘*t*r*»4 between the two halve, of .the. program airuntiiem, “Tlicre Wore Ninety *nd Nh»e.” and this hit at poetical e«- pee.Mea made * fitting diver. lon, *x-. ccltcntiy well-rendered. a a a Lit Mr MU Os y H latter. Dear Mr* M*|on; Tan sny person In, Goldsboro tell whoa, end under what strcuuMteet. a man, who Utcr hesame President’of th* Unued Stats*, visited Goldsboro? . Respectfully, < HAS H MILLER. ! i Th* New* will be glad ta print aay answers to Mr. Miller's query. In ywii cemrauiticatiad* plr»»* givp *ll indi «•*•*** that joa recall in cennertian with tk# visit as Hit* dteiitiguishtd per sewage, j iI ~ ! | Th# best cur* ttr bard luck I* bard ,4 vark. •» • d • •• m • • • e <* B *«»«»•<■*•<*#’ PERSONAL • t t * • • • • • ••• *••••••• ;.: T-r-*‘ ... If: Mien fti.finw 1-vrK, h»*4 o' bhe <l*- • ot Kugiish of tho (in l Jehu*) Hijjh rrHo>4, loft thin morning fur hei lienio in J ierkovilk-, Vg., U. Uk , wbvk-cnd 'v. itii Irr parents. Mr. W. N (jiltn nnd Misa Battle Cirifltn mrivrd yoyu rday ut.erouaa iruyi their summer tdtusc ot Biaoh Mown Wiki, auJ will Wni : i rc. TUe trill t*ae wade Utuiwh the uouatry. Mr. f. Tyson coin* with them nnd Wt last night to iiny • visit to Hi* in Hooky Meant. Ki*V J. Its. Hiaoe hao returned from | ColunW*. wbor. the sU.nUed the R#of u i (>/ oit/tn fi»ir Ya-r. Tt% and If to. John NeaJ baw cotsoned , fwm n fcii'in* Icfp to Morobead City. M* k K- Pwo«**>n rouirned vt**l*fdn? 1 from ,V 4 York Imi other Morthvtu 1 ' mi *>l/ >< E. Brown, of Selml. r*f‘i rue* i.fiie yesterday alley »p<j)>r*'' 1 ii| several daga hero 0* t*m nuottj of . Mr. and Mr*. Vick MroWn «n Vt*t ufrevt. j [ Ur*. John, icon ell'., v*b<« ti n* Barn vta -1 >Ung. Hr*. Mnr'tn Root th|» loch*4*o. , to iter homr in hour Oaken yes • terda/. Mr. J. T. Vlnaon spent yesterday tft r noon on hi* (ju« tg county ‘ mi H. a Hoot utd ii.fl Jft, of Wer •■or, toft y«»tccd*y,ytiter it brief visit! to hlr. J, Q. Vtko. ■r. A. W. ffliiotto Has rhiavnod from » ln.niito.Mt trm ho BaUugH. Mr. Mid Mr*. ,W. L. MoHowwil, who) li«vb Won Htloadin* tko tjuakcr ytior.y j i.iwi Ing lint Northampton county, re : turned bunth ya«lerday, Mr. L, A, Roney spent fngterday nftoo j '» Rose UiU «B business. Mr. J. W. Jones left yoelerdnf on ft iii»oi»ou# trio to Hot earn >. C. Ho wdl , nstuon lotuuht. fir. Norwood Nilfue* hot returned . trym % inn tw Genoa. SLEEPY TIME FOPi THE UTTLE FOLKeS 1 riiltMTMAft UN TUB ('ROM. After BUehie Uuar get ever that' , bold work that Mr. Man made bim d«>| j and the lon» ride that k« gave Hiliie Peasem, he had pretty gued luck fieh <lng end taUiiiag sebbie* till away most , l hnstmaa ‘time. lie rerne labored how. leal rear, it had, mowed all the w*oh before ChrUuaa. and had kept him from nottiat anyihing l for hia « hiistmaa dlaaao, ee this year ' be noekod uy a lot of good thin go in hia kitchen, to he would hami a g'<u p(V ! i\ dli ' lir Moea had same trouble ln»t yonr. and so he and Bhwhie B*ar get togoth tiT and talked it ever to see If they eOt.Un'O haoo tome cert at a ftirietm* > party, ami invite in mm «f thru, ' fries do. They mot and talked it all over two or three time* before the), decided whop >to do They aeaVd some ir» rroone' I * -V A® EFIRD’S ] I NEW STORE I i 1 EFIRD’S I . Opening I 17fd2 Uni S? Infers? know wh»M in the w«g|d they wees go*' : w Nfd aw vfraume *• they ehHmT on j Midst Possum and embed b*m It bn haeow' h*j* ho ttwk entan, | Milho Phornic mlojhty worried omi oMidohod Min. hoa<l » Idng time. After a while ho betmm to fitn, and thuh Itmrkio Boar i.nd pr. Noa« hn#M ' he had thuunlu of a ptaoo Co got eon# ■ JMWgrn. , ' ; You rninembt r Met. Moo’Cow that WOs ' Ji v-i) in Vt. Man'e.Aotd that day whan 1 */ .1 I Riot |ie Bsar had so . hadlfheoed, mus that the donkey wad to foil Ur aisv M [hie, Joke on ttioski.f And yoa rs *in 4- her that Will* f’poscrti ha>i moved to a \ • big holWw tree tu IHo. *it- id Mrs i Jlou Cowfo Raid. Well. Bi{|le and Mll, ito i t.yw bod boceam pretty good frierde. to BQlic told Uinrkie Hear if b« rooid got him a. big but ki t ho Would got Jdru. K>/o (Tow to glv# -him »omu nslih and crown. So BlacLlo got a bucket out «f b>* kiu boo, end BiiUa raaaam west dawn to Mft. Moo Cow * Paid and velyi bog if | she wufld givo him a baobab' til mdfc he | Wtu.l4 • limb up •» Ute iiarohgMum pM% oiwt knmb hoc down iMpdo yerotnuaoao, j Mrs. Moo tow _r*o* mighty (lad to ; make tiiOt sort of as trade, aad MiiHo j dm. .ooea - ißiso I. abswkoMidpamae ■—in degkduddhmiidiiimfci u KileOdNhillAoia -r—- 7rr» ] Suggestion No. 7 ft UK! T.'.~ \ it ud tuig«e»tKm is always goodc-todUr Wt t1 say buy him a cowhide leather belt plain leatbet 1 or the new i<>n. 1 h ad- to be had only at A. A. Joseph’*^ The carded iwlt hi;ldi» it’s place aud ia thorefor* nenM e*. >r t'>ria)ii»* than the i egular«s©rt—and bcaniea an I entirely new feature. ~Jg The belt hdcktaa come iu plain up hammered siKcr— % « I iniuul it you i refer. A splendid aji’<vtm*nt awaits yen t B I ' A. A JOSEPH I I “ily OutAu l» H«.l Hmmm I S i ■-> ***** m. •,.. k PAGE SEVEN 'Wususb ' tweet milk and who ?>»**** S|K Rlaokjc Hr*re hottsf, w|#rg kßeg' Wfo ' gi'lW to hav, tht, J ■■ While Hill, * Po*u,g waa gage far &« milk 4ny Birg Ilfrl^TOiLtfW" bur,.>,.* . cMMht, f N<l«H nalT, fid ca,giu s nier fat pig, adM|Br. RtMW ttd found «)-« of Laota JktVMQ td iMk* ift * t M- g o» Mm to age. fast M& end Ud canghi Urn add jirwgftl K to Hlarhie’e houae. New- they kad aU gboy ncoded. Jm 1 «’«* Ainnkf. Joy Bird oatrf* boy »k«at to coolly, end ream Mg. tan. eg they ft W» sot the thbic whip* the eo#- u* detiahr. ft Vm fb w damn to M|o, crook and fji* f id *1 kollg Hdoom Mi OWlhwihi w.-wvo tn fia.tho tAMo. m>4 Omm f» vtioi all the and made ft rfik dui* !d*i io w«* htgMr lim «*Mjr w> *«'>»>•»«m< 'Uy ail i t doom and ate every bljK 4.0 n*r the V , bdif^ ws* •' the bead of’the tdMo, pad ramfl ctegybody sit they • mild eat, f By. the tease obey got throagb dlafr it dm*, odd A Maekte Breh aaMg «H <4 h*. gaomaAf «* »« •»*». A •Id Jay 2 BiM that Tie muet gW fr l ard tnarn arc good times to wg#. tl«. b»u*oa RerOoa amtf RoyaHe «• foie. hsecV. tie* f aftdrrla d||l ' -da AN» r. ■«> rtRCIR «ori RWW JAb. C. JOTMOt H n, f oUthChl, liVIUKKIMBY. AND J I'isi'WHAw Maapk 1 ohict Pesrth O'ioor Boydow Btdidiaf , iiutiita v is ttltadi ft* Mo tA • el.ebtneo’ «>Msa I TEi EPtHiN-yi udba. MB. Dao. R«Y-M^|

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