■ta j..j i L x ..-^Lj====at- . -sg== VOLUME ONE) mMIM. PATHETIC SCENES AT ' J BIRMINGHAM DISASTER m j™ I* •* ? •: m liiUh. • - .4 KHMOFIi EXUNBiIM AHIB DAMP PLAYS HAVOj WITH HEROKB BIRMINGHAM, Ate.. Nev. H.-Eighty-, Imi 4*44m. twenty those of white men aad N than* •* Mfrwi, lay tonight In aailatfahlag eakubllkhavenl, Mr* »nd la Rossemtr, tha death tall of a coal dual explosion yesterday la tb* Dolomite .*1 no number tbW*. of lb* Woodward lews Company, M mite* «**t-of Bir mingham Eighty-two bodlo* «*r* ukon f*am tb* aila* early todiy, and of the fiO injwrad two succumbed Tb* report of oMrials Indicated thpt wbilo several of tbdb* remaining ia'hospitals wore **ri oaaly bait, paaribly Iboy would rnt*ir. Bodies of l| arblt* *MB tad 94 nafrov, wen la mrn Uadarteklug establishment | la. Bessemer, tad whU« * Urv* crow of aMddaM worked ferarlahly all day anyatbm them far burial, hundred* of aa»*4a* congregated (a tb* atraat about tb* place aniloealy racking a*wi of rate- Ur*t and friends. Maay UridewtHted. Gat whit* mha and It negro** bad not boon positively Idontidod tonight. Tb* declared by mining ay part* to ban been a “frank’* and i* fat a* Iml retard* ahow only a third of ,Wt Uad that *m occurred la thia cauatry. A all cam of dump-rara broke loot* on tb* India* and literally dropped U 0« fret I* tb* yard, tebdiag up a great dead of roal Heat. The cra*k broke a high tdarioa electric cable abd tlyta Ignited tb* daak It la believed about 4V of tb* aiea who loot their lire* wery \ la tb* yard at tb* foot of tb* slap*, aad wen killed by tb* contusion Os the** eta w*n foreman, the blaat wiping •*»* bn ad, Ur mine for**,. Th* deadly ‘All dadtpfgrued Immediately, 'aad a*• «*Vted far tb* rctaalodcr of th* vt* tidM. Year hundred and a—antydtp* awn ®f*bb til laet that be nt hi randy 4 fwM| IW r#*dt. of tb* dr*ad black if* HA Wright, pbyaieiad for tha . ■■ , Agirrieea Steel and Mira-Company, a .HFMV» *f *be brer vatautacr Inkw cny* W *»W bbe ill'fatrg nbrnher three • abaft, 4 battled. d*ap«ratr throughout tb* • vbauya, as the eight and did net ***** ministering t* U* dying until b* bim •rif bed fall** unconscious by thufr aid*. Dr. h right arrived ahortly after th* blaat touring tha mine without any aaygen htaak with membara of tb* T. C. I. Min* re**** team, Dn Wright did not tear* until, ha waa carried out on n atrotcher and jteken to an emergency haepital. »; tc*waa *f I‘alhea. fleetaea of Bathos about the mine mouth daring tb* night and early morn lar boura continue* at relatival and fa mi I lea *f m Inert known ta have been !• tb* «la* When tb* blaat oecurred Wafted cip**t*atly for* new, of their •*Wd <**•• Sdgf *f Uca* men. It wai beTfbyed. bed leached >h* surfer* tbrrirgb Mb* ruafw»> connecting ;h# ariM Wftb atlh* number tW<>, *n<f kad re enter*# tb* wetblng pit t* kelp in r#*- due wijik WitMout com ml mealing with eeapany attaints of rolattrag? The dm stalls relative*, however, kept Uelr Watch all algbt Jong refuting to .itear* Until they learned definitely of! buahagdo, father., brother* #r lorayli one*. ‘ti r •$ Hap«y Manatee* Joyed* roualeh* otcaafonally relieved th* sortowfal aeoaei. On* amall girl d try Os delight n* n grimy miner emnrgCd, hi* f*e* smoke-blackrned and i hi* clothing bearing mute tigna of hU , • rtrugg * to r*e«b the aurfae* In aofety. ’ At the man win out tb* child throw herrelf into bt* arm. and th* pe|r hur rled off before the mi*', name could be letrined. An aged woman rollapaed •* aba glWnrd 'two aem after aeveral' hour, of waiting Th* boya, meeting the reeaecra la the mine n* they w*r* mak- > lug tbetr wiy out sad learning that the) wetUdg* »•»» aef* again from poiion* ou* goaea, bod Instantly turned b*rb t* aid ih the search for othef m»n. thu> keeping their mother h» sutpentd until t they It holly reached the lurfaeV •*■ b* uated. Many Myreea Htenaa, of baroism. eawwWow in cool mine diaoiW, beg** ivinkU to Ik. t outride world a* bogrlmmod an *am«* v t* U* aurfae* after long bovn of work. . tys tbo min*. ’ i > One reecacr told of an umdeatllUd mine far*man who oaiembled abogt him thirty worker* and aeon after the M»«' I oat ptoee, ordered all to remain with him working or daing op hrottire* with 1 •ten*, aod eonraa to abut o# the j dreadod after-damp got that he felt sure Wai to follow lb* e«ple*te*. tk'hile this work we* going on. oceording to the rei cu* worker, on* min*r objeetvd to re* moioiag with tb* r*«t of U* men. Me nc|ued with tb* f*r*man. and dn»llv i saying he woa d*terjnln«d t* try fpr the * si •. <o*wMguid on-teg* »» ■ " t yh.»ga V l - 1 * ’1 .» ' THE GOLDSBORO NEWS — —WO ■ ■ •gNATOM HIMMONH MAY W MMYT DKMOf gATIC LKAUCIt (Washington, n*v m c***id eyatitn by RennU Democrat* of tb* Mlertioa of 4 loader ta sueoood , Senator linderwuotl of A lab* I*o, In tb* nett aesaioa of congress way begun lertoualy today at aerernF private conferences at which it ap peared the honor would Ue between Senator Simmon*, of North t’nt*- lihd, and Senator Robinson, of Ar k*na*s. Senator Underwood, who returned here today, announced recently that because of ill health be would net be. a candidate far th* leadership when the «•* rooffresa asaembled I March s. A conference of Democratic sen store waa liehf to discus* the mat- j let, but further consideration waa postponed uatll tb* arrival bare nr*| week of Senator Robinson. MU friehda were not *dvl*c4 whether he desirtd to bt considered forth* »I*M ” CAM EXPECTS j TO BEAT Mill BY j TEIOfICDWNS A Tran of Graat Stars But With No PMtgrs Or hAtn Or Rocks Like Mayrc W«*M** I* FOOTBALL TRAGBDIKH ' OP THE PAST DECADE* , <• *',**?. (My I.RAOT WARRRN ADAMS! Abpuji neat hrttMy t.i# alumni of \fi* uuiveruity will be ‘returning from Chariot lav IJIe rejoicing, thinking they bav* overturned tb* world, for acMrd lag to our baJbrf the Tar Heal* will bgdl Virginia by at least two touch down*, ahd end tb* great*at MMan tha ualvevuily ha* |**w* since tb* Ut* W*. Vwdnubtedly, they will think tm iiiji. (■ ** VLtginU. ( ft was just six we*ks at* neat TbhrV #», f ‘•"S r*n nt Rlriimond *pd orertbrrw a 4m\ »' Virgin,, triumph and Carolina f oat ball tragedy, The annual pilgrimage had been made a# tkahy conafeullv* yenr* before fcnil after Virginia atnoUirr '•r tbo Csfull** eleven SO to 0 In'lflS, with Ik* annual promise of u **‘it-tim and with always the same result —a Vlr- i finl* tictory-s-n lot of people begun to! wonderTf there would ever be another! < arblino victory It was ladp*d. in th* repeatedly atorootyped phrase of the laic Beii Dixon MacNrill, t far try from the days of Rous* and tb* last Carolina victory to their neat victory in Igid. Big man lib* Boa*k*in»*r had gda* to Rirbmoad to many times with the pro fessed intention of '‘billing half a do*- • n Virginians," and bad come back with "narry-on#" stretched on the gridiron) the alumni to many limes had held ‘ pep" meetings, addressed by tb* fa*- ulty, then gen* to Richmond to teen nil ihalr pep kpf<*r* Ike mad rlab of Buck Mayer wko kpat Vale and Who was reputed to have never bee* downed in an open field, and before the rush of other groat *l4", that Carolina waa (■•C*rd*d a* a mi of Vb* in Rick mfMid- Neverthclei* year after year lb* crowded apcrials headed for Rlrh mond with Its boasting rrouul and Its I "bully football team.’’ only to aetur* deflated bit Mying, “ju'n wait until! ! neU yedr." ritd W* kr* gblng t* beat , , them or die, and they did die. Thai la their football hopes died manv deaths. ( •remembered Htam. But they did get a team afUrwhilm , • tmm 'bat could atop eve* Thurmuu j Virginia tout to Franco to get to com* bark and best Carolina. That . waa IH IPtf. Burk Mayer wiy gone and Thurman had no great running' | mate, and on ev*ry play the Tar H««i* would through tha Virginia line and tackle the heart out of the D|d Dominion'! great star. It Wa* said Jtit ingly after the |*me that be didn't gain 'three yrards. So.jtett spring at Greena | bar* h* get In a fight with Bill Folger , , *» flnt b*,'r. during a baseball gam,, j ' rkuaed ft is said, by the incident. (Continued on Page Kigbt.l Bktkr f# Nominated to "tocteed JUMice \f . R. Day WAPRIWBTON. Kmr. ti.—Tk* of Horr* Bailor, as Mtaaoaala. la k* Awaolalo Ja«lko as Ik* (allot Mala* Bapraaw Caart la »«r«l Willi a* B Uajr. as OKI. r**!*.*. «u «oat h r rmU.il * Ifarflap lata? I* Ik* -owatr. M* Bailor l« a prartlrlap aMaraop as Ml. Taal. M roara as ago aa* a Ikon* | IfW 9* atailllo* la poarllr fcofarr Ik* Saprajao Caart an Mar H, IIM. an* Mao* Ikoa kaa fra. • i 1 «* i QOfBOMQ, HOWE 4N<U»AY MORNING. NOV It, IM3- W.T.JKS.H 1 mNCT m, IS MMOK DUBLE M* . ' * ' DsmmMb Cm* Ortkr, He Mi Hht TiUi t a DMtah ■ atm him F*r Coatempt FAMOUS IUKE RHODES WANTWSETTLE CASE 0 mmmmmmmtmrn. RAUHGH, Nov, 23.- W, T.. Jones, gs Nash county. Whole trial for breach of ekatraet attracted thousands of tebace* groweri to the ceurt bouse at Nashville last month ha* new been cited for con tempt of court by Judge Freak BaaieD. t* appear on December 4th, at Nashvilfc. 1 t# show cause why be abeiild net be poaished far farther delivery ot tabae. e fallowing the coetinuaac* of th* lajnne- Uon aad restraining order. CUaghlag tbo legal victory of tb* asao riatlon In H* Aral sulk, this nftlan *f Judge Daniels ut tipbwidiag tb* legality of tb* coatrdet effects a hundred or mare growers In three stataa. agaiaat whom tb* assoriation la naw Aling saris. OScer* and members of the association arc watching far similar evaaieai of tb* law at many points throughout tb* tw 1 banco bait aad arc eagerly reporting aU •ease* #f contract breaking. Many set* tie meats *f liquidates damages far < reels a pound in addition to attorwoyt' j fees baa* boo* made by members of tb* J assoriation this week. Largo Deliveries Being Mad*. The announcement of a aecond pay ment to the organised growers of east . rrn North Carolina a* mad* at tk* re- I coat director*' meeting of the aasaein -1 lion in Raleigh this week la resulting ! ' in'Jorge deliveries, according, ta reports from warehouse managers *f tb* a**a- 1 rtation. First cash advances in th* op** of many growers range from ill to 91k . per handnrd on lead* of tobacco brought . in laet week In both Virginia and North • Carolina. Last Friday E. U Keith at Fuguay Springe received 92JM&.S0 for 12A60 pounds *f tobacco raised on hi* 1 first ndranf*. At Mebnae, th* asaaeia tion hai recently paid close to »2t) a, hundred a* Beat advance ea some load*.' according ta J. F. Bowlin*, district Ware- j houao manager far th* old belt of Monb i Caspliaa. ' - ‘ According to reports from **-*p*vattv* Boom at Raabum, o*«ra«M »f morn As* H| par bundled war* mad* h*r saeatal grower* last tsaek. among wham were J. M. brewer, Georg* Lee and Ml 8. Lang. Tbo large cash advance* being mad* upon Anri deliveries by th* dnril tobacco grow*** as Virginia are delighting the aaoariatioa member, who havw brought! ta large quantities of the am*d sine* tha Fepekt r*4ae.v • Out MuC* Than Tea ants Grower* from various points In Booth Carolina report larger receipts from I Hair Brat two advance* by tha associa tion. than their tenaata received from the sol* of their entire crop at auction, a ease in point being lka\ of Tam Purvis nt Tlmmonsville. • rout* 4, what* Aral two advances of more than lAOO es reeded th* total receipts of bis tenant from tbo same tobacco which brought slightly ov#r s7uo on lb* auction floors. Among the many growers of the three aUtaa who have new offered te settle their ease* out of court is Mike Rhodes, (Continued on Page Two.) BIGHT HURT IN TRAIN WRECK NEAR NORLINA Mari of Tha* Ini read Were Mriabero] , of Trail, (Yew—On* Woman. Mra. ’ Bn ala as Naw York, a CaaoaUy ItAl.EIGft, Nov M -Right persona w*r* injured sUgbily early today »h*h th* Keaboard Air Lin* passenger trnik number one and e*riu Trelgl|t nunsbef , . XIA collided AfSern mn**-north of Nri 1 tin*, N, C. The injured ware brought ; to a hospital for medical sttontlan. Mrs. Annie Knnt*. Bodes Point, Aw York, was th* only passenger injured Tb* others burst are N. New,am. Rim City. Cagman; J. G. Hunter, lUleigh. conductor; K. D. Honey Raleigh, **- •Jffneer; 8. F. Harris, Raleigh, brakemvo. ' aAd BV D. Buie, negro. Raleigh, Areman, ' all 6f the freight train eyew; J. M Laws. lUlci»h. .engineer, and C. H. Holloway, Raleigh, Areman, both of (he passenger , crew.- Offlriala «f the railroad here «n n sun red a formal investigation will ue mad* of th* wreeh. with indications sew that th* crew of th* freight had over | looked th* ppsaengrr, which Waa en t rout* from Nrw York to Jackaenvil r, Fla. aa Ika arpamoal •( liaporlaal raooa, lariating tko Mlaaoaala rai* raw*, la IttZ. tori tot bp Jolla ••■•Bon. Tka apalnlaii nl will to •I*" *a Ik*, koark Ik* pallllral rgaal law arklrk oilotkt a kaa Jaallr* Clark rookrart ll». « o*a>*rrai. »** iimrtrt bp Jaallr* ftatkor laat. a Kapaklloaa. Bat Bp ooWrl tag * Uoaarru «* lai.nf Jaatlro IM*. • .Bapakllraa. Ik* avail will j *»*• «M fUtakWcaa. .at , '.®PPV9*9(«faa.3< y*£ w,Nß, aß*^i. , ia7i ) «. w C. P. Hhatfan.jlMa Was Hrirat *4 Ul- Fokad Aokaßyahtla Maid am Charge ff ' WINSTON HALRM. N. C*. Nav **.- Chari** Hanea Ml who aarioinad p tractaeoff chair Whea on astonaohile aad straat ear eollßad an loath Mala atraet | variy Wadnaeghy nioraiug, Nad at a ioeal hospital ri noon today. 4 i P Mhal tou, “Who was driving tha* automobile, uad wb* waa a treated, charged with tb* reckfea* driviuff. gave a fIAAb band for. bh. apesramae M trial FROM HELL TO TtltS iCITY,f|N6p I mm SPEAK SACRED mmc TO ENTEjfcAIN AUDIENCE Jkka M. Yemgh. of Choriatte, a yaaog ArmkUliM WMttUa been through th* Hell of T*ihbtffUSmecatlan, will-apeak at OM mUa'uwgtftig la the court haaa* ut Galdskar* fhikday. It waa uuaeaucod •as night by the pi**. Thoms, R. Bauman, ehriroiab of the Wapa* county commit- j ■ la addfria* t* the meeting which will b* as aa *d*«4#p|i| nature. Mr. Bto maa ia making bnuagyment, far a*cr>d muale t* entertain tk* audience Mayor R. H. Rain, of Q*ldahoc will prcaid* Yoaag Yonan la a oaiqa* figure in | Norik C*m4lu» Ha has only been ia America three War, and bus net only mastered th* Mglish language la that time hat, In cpwAatltloa with *r*ry high sehaal bag and |lrl in North Carolina, lari year waa ball tb* high ochaal essay [ and dee*amatory; prises as Ih* elate. „ While only U Uvars old be handled d , rile bigger tkauAimaelf in the iraueken j before Baku. Accost oil Raid* which the Armenian Mfepy kupt Ob* German, ; and Turku franq, militurri euperta de ciarlug tbgt ibis ' (rot alow* ahattaned the war bi many, mouths Throw baa (lred thousand of Armenia. Anari man and boy* w*r» killed la tbri aagMaasank *»B v««ng YamdrbriwmtPwawt for at* days ones without faod . Recent evonu la the Hoar Cast, and at Amy ran, h**e glean tha peeptp a gllmpoc of what has be** gu lag «a la Armenia far yean, and Just what has pre wasted these geap!* re babilHaUn* tkeiwariwes. Btahep Cannon , iu Raleigh lari baa day brought tears ta | the-agr* «f maay as his keurara by hU rvaltal es what be saw with hi* owa eyaa Just after tAe manure of IM.OOO paagl* at Smyrna—after tk* woeUl was aver. Ou* H aad red Chlldrea far Thia Caaaty. Vayna rauaty 1* ashed this year 1* give 9k,wx> er enough to food, clothe uad a bailer trio 100 children assigned ta |hia county. Tbea* are a part of lb* 3A34 now in North Caroline orphanage, »* th* Near Koat which in truth are tha Tarheel quota of the 110,000 which the American people are building i*t* tb* future ArmraUn nation, the lurks bar | ,n * nil but estermiitated tbia brave rue*. It ealy require* MO a year-91 a ' mauth—l7 real* a day, t* food one of I C ontinued an page 9) 6UINEBIEMTDF i klb JURE BLIND t .‘ SUCCUMBS TO TEXRS Wife of J'agtor ißtgrcff# anff ElcriricUui Wlm» Got 30 Days Gogg Wgy Rajoicing | DANCE NO MORE IN EPn-EPSY OF FEAR! John llenrlr Guthert*. elertrinan. who pulled up all the post, at th* fair] grounds and attempted te run all the fortune tailing gypsies out as the fair •ground., and aM the race horse, off the rare track, and whom Judge D. H. Bland raw thirty days for all of his, ' mnltitudino*, exploit. Is now mil of J»il berauao lb* Judge could nut with- Sriad the tear, ri Mr* L, M O m ,r. wife of Ih* pasipT of the Christian church who wa^,interested | n Gulberlr l eeaush he wa* aa attendant at Uu (r Rumlay srhool < I kb# Sailed Jadw* Bland up over thr phviia and Mid him hew ihl» young II "“n »•» hri Kest t« trad a bailor | life, aad «h« plead with him w gif* him a ehanrv. and the Judge's heart) lust malted away. It* admitted that ha would have prumlaod aa>thing at j that time that .he miglH have ashed eean If It'Had meant turnip ovary man l in the county Jail out. Anyway, judgment I* suspended In tha! rtf as one William Guthert*, and he' it free te go hi* way rejoicing, hut | Judge Bland warned him about try-! ing to pull up tha rue* track, knack *)l the windaklelda nut as Ford*, aad screwing hot deg* about the fair | ground, while tb* veadMre duuaad about lin aa epllepsgi ts: leak , 4 • : ' ’ .ri i . u JiillY SpiCE FOR' WOMEN AMONG OTHER things, rssoueiT MA. JgFMUMk. H«a4 mt Wowea’g CWi IrigkilßtUw CgmgiHUc. | I MOTHERS OF YOUNG t HILDKEN EXEMPTED RALRIUU, Kw. 28 —Announcement that tb* North Carolina Ugislativu, Council *f Wausau', Organisation*, com paaad of tk* loading women's eiuba #f thd Skate, « fww day. after Cbririma.l win bpM Mother Mriing at which its (Mdriattra pragram t* be submitted u the General Asuembly neat January will he completed, urn* sand* her* jtanight by. Mrs. T. Fulmer Jarman, chairmen. Mr*. Jermaa, mb* aide la president of Un Wok# Caaaty League as Wawsou Vb tera- aad ehairsaan as tb* aamuritte* ea l*gi ala tie* *f tb* North faratiaa Fed r rati on as WauwuY Club*, iu 'asking ibis announcement gure auk a aUtemeat explain lag the pragram date by tb* eaunriL Ou« as its ehiaf fso turns i* * reiser atlaq that th* e*unrt| rill eppoa* ef fort* nf the National Wamaa'a Party •* pass tb* "Muakri ameadmervt, ' which weald remove alt inequalities as wn m«o. Th* uatlauul putty has auuauucod it Would *|y a delegatian her* t* promote its tumpalgu. ir* % | Equal CuardlamnMp Urged f "With the *ofrahahiaeusent as w*-j men." arid Mrs. Jenson.’’ many of their I i disquuliAentiens went Vemffved. But I there, still remains In tb* statute* rii every Stele some qualm#* that aknuld b* changed at Ih* earliest tin, pee alhl*. The three meat important iu opr Stela hur*. been gtouped In aa* <m-' Uaa by Utv eauaei|. *• "Pi¥tt, Rquri guardianship by bath puawute as. th* pars*** aad property ri thvlr children. RJigibillty of wameu far Jary yervle* wUbesemptten far *iethers of yotsug ekMdre* ia additiaa la as sal eaemptions allawad mao. Re moval *f the diequal!Beatty* as * Wf maa te testify ip bar ewa behalf aa A hadtetamsb far abdurtUg *t hAm Mao uuteas bar Ugflwauy ia mirdj -— suAm —Ari— WA* ,m t ■ a . Wj MftMr Wfmm* VWRf|Ml| M Kprlb CuraUpg Jp ramgateju ta tepMEff swaa then* ea trial far srh— > aura a wanmn audee febeea slap*—«♦***«■ It Is - the asriy man aas if lb* dtequaliA eatla* of My ritueau. uad IS ffftrit pro vide* that a >«us ska it a*t ba be I hired •by tb* Jury, «rra* tbeUffh they da beUexra bat, aniaaa earns ether per [ ten eeruuberatea bar biAuny. “I hanging the tee* hi ibis group, North Garaaaa woman regard M U mar* act of. elemental JupUaa. Change Age as Caauugg "Second: Revision as th# praeaat la* a* ta lb* age as eonaaut. la UddHlau to uakiug that the age k* raised te ailterii t* conform With th* Juveuil* court law, the women seek t* abalkah that part ri the present law requiring proof es the Innocence as th* aggrierad Mrty. , “TbirA MediSeation as tb* present rtertian law aa a* to socar* privacy la voting- Maay Uriah th* Aaatralian ballot system clumsy in opera ties and the women', rwuhctl believes that th* (imaging of the word “nrag" ta "ahall" in ■Setlen 99TS of th* praagut taw rill saastra th* reaalla they wish “Fearth; Rovlaie* as Mbs State pro hibuion law ta co*f**en with tha fadrral law. it I* bepad, will make far better , no (ureaaunt by loeal jSaets Dp**** Mlaahri teistesa) | "W, knew that r*pr**Mteti**e as tb* | National Woman's Forty rill he her* jt* work f*r tk* ‘blanket amendment,’ hut North Carolina women appreciate | the fact that assay law, new catering in eur State protect women and that the** I would b* jeopardised by each ** act. Therefore tb# rouagtl l* oppaoad t* (t ■Ad will centinue t«, work far apoelfle mraourea to strength'" tha goad law* 1 already oateUng. "Strengthening of the priamry law and *nlnrg*m* nt »f (be public waifpra department wilt bora the womens | wbofiihearted support One ar two other mritrrt will ram, before tk* 1 council's nest meeting for Baal aril**, but IF la our earnori desire t# pre sent a abort wed vital pragram that need take hot a small portico es the General Assembly-, time." sb* stated. .i. - - Shipping Bill Commended ( And Condemned In House h * AMMINUTOM. *•*-. :» »m«<H I j »r In Ik* ft****. Ik* iMiMn yftoa skt-taa kill wsa ***■■*■ ft*< >4k'i— 4—4 l«rlnf *># kMn *1 4*k*l« l*4»j- I* vfctofc l«*4»r» •* Mk *i4*i *1 Ik* katti* t*—k pm* All I*l4 ft** MMrbm Ur** Ur mml tv* *|ilM Ik* ■»••*■**. v*r* Tv* fall 4*)a mi 4*kaka r*—la k*Ur* lk» MU vIU k* M 4 k*l*r» MIW; all *4ft*r u *f44k Ik* —t la* lat iifinv w** *4*—**< —» V CHIEF JUSTICE IDAHO I COURT 10 A TAR HEEL WUUw Lae. Sam al r*n*i liffll as »MdMHI H CNMf. U Blavatad la | B*h laar N«W M -WH : '.tan La*. so* al Raahaa Lh, farnar , sheriff al Bhmoamh* ceuaty. North l arollna, has Was elaatad chief Juetiae ,of tht Bupreide Coart al I4aha. Mini lag ta war! ruoelssd kata today by his ' iiephrw, Claude V, Ur. manager of a motion picture haaaa. I Tha aa» ahtaf iaatlc# Ura taj AahesUla ta IST*. FQOTBAL tiEIHIS UEI MM Emm HH he fhul m nan Ruust, Durtefc. an# CMch Blmp ■rMu OEicl.lt FbtTwb SAYS INTMMT Or j BART ON GOIDHBORO ■\ Tha Now Bara foot hall team will ar < rlaa al UtM e’claeh thl* naraiaf, whlla tha Rack, Haunt 'Em will tana hy au tom obi I*. I taring Rocky Haunt, al hih* o'clock thb naming. Tha taahy Haunt clwh will ana tha. hall al tht Athletic Association cad tha Haw Bam flab the lith’» Clah roam* * - 'All tha aflomaan yaatarday tha hay. al thy local high wheel ta charge •* | Coach Ikayaid wars oat op Iby Wayne I AthbUc Acid, narking at Aha grauad <• and nahlng all preparations far tha i sailing of tha atnl-Aanl championship gams thin nftamaan At Id* c'claak ' Pag* Baesa, hagd a# tt» Bay#' Work la this aMy, will refers# tha gala*.! Hugh Dortch wilt metre, aad tHadh) fthseard of the laoal high wtlt. AU AmWMHHa Hade Spatial arm—mints ham haaa mnda far tha micmmtdnjlen al hath leans. I Tha Chanhar al CnaMgama haa ham 'a lane dtauaea aennaataattaa with hath schools ta armp«a *M >tha detail*. want » ads -Hadlthaew harems the teat lajJm 1 mi Mmmtomtm C»r*Un*c SSSKSBwI lam tha* a great srawd attrad tha gams. Radvert of Ihla gataa any Maa tha bringing as the Baal Barra Id# «M r " i z Sratsswurs twnatanw*. game hare aad tha Wtowar al thr SMfard-Durhan Ban*. Other , tower ala altar iks gam* far thr Slate t publicity It wUI ftm thab abler II lot aa other rraeaa. hut OaMahara was selected he cause of Ha seayaalenee aad hcaaaaa el tha ejitwardiuur, Ad IBM that raw the Wekr IVmtfuraUn* i game. The special train whinh Hew Bam had haaa pieeeiag ta raa haa haa* given "up, however, tha Now Bam pafars [ ray that nnay mart nntanahtlar wtM I make tha trig, and nnha up ta a grant cal* at far the Irak aI tha special train. >j Nat# Ham < aahdaat Thr New Barn lan rays: >' .Hew Bam. Illghs, in 'the heat goodl- I ties as tha raaaaa. bam tanarraw morning headed by Coach Ishaaar Hardy and Capt Redmond Mil far Ohldhber* where la the aftemeea they wilt neat Barky Meant la tha tml-«uil eastern rbsmptenship contret. I! Thr week haa brought th* lacnls noma ; Aar opportunities fdr "strengthen Inp rp* Prsctica hns gone of Aally with (Continued on pngs •) READ BOGUS tt OATH, PREACHER IS FINED >!w. I. Bngg. lUaemat Mtatatar, Cats la 1 TrwwMe Pw*HM Ranarhs Ta B»s Barter fcuuday Cpngrsgstlea , 1 BKKVItUC, To*.. Nw.V A Jury m 1 the county court at (feajve Wert, Lisa 1 Oak scanty, yesterday found W. t. Huge. 1 Itinerant preacher, guilty wf criminal 1 libel and Anad him It Add In connection '' with reading an nllagad bogus oath of 1 . tbs Knights as Caiaaihai ta a coagraga 1 ! tian Inrtßartar ban day ' 1 Bugg was conducting s tsnt raslsnl t{ nanr Oenrga Want nt the tins*. Tha ease -j w*» triad npra before bat the Jury s,i t' unable ta agree i ! Defease attorney guvs notice of op- I pppi. k*vr, (Ivin*— ft—y la— ml Uv i**r*kaal bwlm r——Hl**. *M*k fraa**4 M. aa4 MrlmUUr* 84- ■*«4» •( F—aylraala. raaklag ft*- —kH*aa n«ak*r. ***4« Ik* prtld ratal anaafii far Ik* MU. Hipwituairi Mna, ft*—kit - r'aa. Wliaa—la. ■**»*«aft ky Pan craft# to lafca tWfi ml Mm a— •Mtoa, vaa Ik* Aral aft ka| to —ft* —rckaftl attilft *a—tltii. *t- I*rka4 Ik* MO al Itaftk _ 4 '; rwnrt rsiari *' Pages IV> 8 R furtl fJtHHk ! TIX OFFICE. HI GK. wns. is it issc, ISMBUtlfi wrwAm | RALEIGH, Haa. hi.—’The truwa U thw | rphnblltlgtlat *f th* taa *■**. no* Urn rehabilitation as Mr. Walt*," J.'w. •alley declared early Thumdny mewing la aanouariaf that ha Weuid mb n formal reply la Chariutfe Inter WHIa day ta Gevgraar Mereisaa'e Wagaaaday i Mfhl Malt* meat. ' * -l j "The gesarnor is uwderUktag ta |*|gß / ! iay pablte lattar ea the plane as tha M- - , hahiliutiaa as Mr. Watts," Mr. BaEWy < added. "I named .earn thing, th* lagb totam ought to da, hat 1 da aaf |%t hr think tha legislature caa rshahlHhMe My. Watte." Thd eutment from tha gawrgarHaa ealtad hy the Balky hreadalda as W day. priatfd • WafcaadAy - ■ewiflA which tha femur eaUaatae as tataauai revpaaa raemneadid lour »p*r«Ac ra fanw tar I** earning yawl imgA. The offending tacUmylau ws. that "w, should nkiUHtHs'dS -Si— w stab tal eennbeiaia»?V . V«, Kx captiag ta H» hwilotjV «rdf* ta Ike paapla." the gpmmfft .%* WdEEw day made public f feather fppsn MM ugff" mcr adbtter r.semsaindMg Ml tmM neat as "an# A .0. Watf>« algha'lM Mmailiinanr '• . . Ita-.lL.' JL " JIAPt r-’ • -vt “|f l. erred la tha sypn nldieat M Wattt," Uosernar Harriaad agfß MsAta rtsum.« v "Mr. Bntlay U the .MdriMt •n earth who ought t# ettaH»* If AAa ste prejudice sguiaoj mg a*aMtMhßopl bn account as that gMB * l mm aSa- Aad that Mr: Watte M JMat u ImMu I Mr, Bails, taM me ha .wag I. hi* herewith given pnhtfc." At the tiaw as the nyi iln km Ift gs MM, Wattn. tha Bagg#ar j-Vp- to mm aaghd fed dw ddtbeMM* agaiaet Gave war lirTli| , a? adaMaliliß ..... .. ,— > --" < r -tMi • !• the restaur far thaai di agataat * R*- T DP M s Aid aat attach Me. VaMa. I g|. lacked the lew* pf k|ff pMaa, t wuaA la maha it ptata Ant Um beau. I raippd It the rahaboMMdß #f Ua tgh* wm*. "b.i'w -trsr - % mgh« ta leetM as thTpMMhMMBkhNi •< Mr. WaMa, I’m wURgg. "1 Maad hy my takUs ta llgb jU||L h* uaderstaad*. It syaaftp *— »»ff» forpislKin i tkoraughl/hiMtMud |g<£ genuineness of Ms tsfermallun pad JU| that If th. Lard hdl BM | WNI AatgHfy r * 1 AmpllAontlan of the. ahhravbdad *wer to the gascraar, Ha. taMay -aaM, would Ik- rn.de t. tha a ' r ,* Bw 1 rarmspawdant at ChartMts fMaM night far yoMJcatie* la Aba. M pops Friday. . , ' •7T 7^Sk< fios» war Harr Una's -rmmt iwh puHls tha Bailey rauMßpaUdhJag ►es Cals Watte fadharar T 7 “« herewith hagd |he puMJa a lattar ■ whiph Mr. J. W. Bailey wryte am arglag •h. appointment as Cpl. 4L 0. Wgnm'M tax commissioner At tha timaltuM ■er was Written, nnd wkaf f spy star ad ’ fol. Watts, Ht Batlsy was prohAMi ilescr to m, than say ether pahlli aWH In th, ,ut*. .nd at thnt time 1 ragnrdhd hi in as one of mj meet ralnahia ndvtaam and drvptsd fritigU. “•haij Mr. Bailey wrote thlp iattar. h» know Cal. Watts ss«M| tbs/dus thorourhly familiar With tha pMtttdal method. Os sach ether, far e « urns hsd beta as clgaMggglMw g^MduT I h S, say tag mag lei He estalh Cal, Malta, aagat rirrtlii'eli . | now. -If I cried Ip tha -ff-’-ti il as Cal Watte. Mr Bating fa tha taut man ewMdb earth who ought ta -“rill ta —-» prejudice agaiaet my sccaUM as that araag i ! nut ha WM la bin tattar BaiwseMh gtaaa I tha publi, "It Is true that Cal, Watts'has the power te ralaa wiltaad progeny tm tanaUan under th* remgfa MU Me stadad at th* Urn* he Rag, epee if mm' this power set la him. |ht* Ht ought not t# he so. aad that ha would sens net ly seek to ham th* ■— —mffed so tMM Iho full responsibility would not be ggs« him. However, this nuch ft twa,gh*t ha so ssardsad thl" MWar that slrtbs psdaeiple railroad* t« the stat* am gMt- I tag voluallsMss fixed hy Kfthta the swudhk, •ad ar* rptipMng r~ylTB the mB _ i Wheta**r power ha hug.-Raws ta hgdß bf fOautlauad w rag, Bt

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