vm r'F f » ■ M _ __ < n _ Ti _ ir _ _ _ r I Shoes for j w* I [ Occasions p jw f jB % 0 o : fifl I fi a little more .■ | ■ smartness for- fi mi'**' v-‘- < o (jf | Men '• I Ih ** .■■ vsi 1J ‘ t ’ (I | Speaking of Rewards \ 8 j ) ft When Edwin Clapp Shoes were awarded the Grand ill I Priae for high arad; footwear at the World"* Fair Ih U in ttlft, and then fpo. t'd the following year at the ) I Intarrtational Expo lifr.ii at San Diego, two things were ( A pnbUcly proved. * •„ „ / if First: That makuv shoes of the fmeit materia) and ,t , S.'; with painstaking care nearly seventy years had taught / w (i Epwia Clapp k Sou atwnetjung about film shot-making \ ft that was uncommon. ( I ' (i • And Second: That what thousands us people already \ ■ ‘ knew about Edwin Clapp Shoos was confirmed by the (l 1 judgaa at these competitive Expositions. They award* l W ad first Junto nt to the Edwin Clap|> Shoe because of 1 ■ those qualities for which prudent people buy and praise V m them. / V ojafe' '*• j ■■■' o % ) f We would win additional honors for Edwin Clapp (( m Shoes by having you, Dear Sir, woar them. $lO-65 mm t M \ f Wayn« Shoe Store XwetTlttibi SI tb* graded achoel itul aMesi Mr. Otfr 9. Hlwnant, leader W bey* warit |a Wllmiagton, made « WgMgrfwlly iMMtaIH lUrmi oil “fa* Otttlir mt America" Th» mrti pS «u WM ultr Ih* uipicti of th« Voßus St root Raroat-Teacber* A* «—tStloa, *»d S *o*4 audience board tk# addreta 'Mr. Ipi Mol I* tberoughly familiar »Uk tko cewdltiem tkat beget the Amtt io*S jrootb Tko fotoro of America, k# aald, it Wrapped up to the youth of (ho. laud. Tko Orton to to U jail cam tko youth of today it, «o more, .■gwtS. Ho SOinU4 oat the underlying wbieb make or mar thr doa- Msr tff rootk and gave malty forcible Pi(*atration* of thtlr truth. ’ ,%• aoaOrlatloa I* to be reeigr*tu fad tor noouoi■« Mr Hlgauat tor nn MSmi of tkia Iliad • > Sfaok* to Roiartaa* AS ota-thirty yoatorday evening Mr. *M tk* gur.t of tkr Rotary o» Its weekly dlaitef at the Ke.i SOS. Bo Iraki moat oaouaitly and ua< dorataadlagU of tko staarr of dialing '••sh youth, and oepecially with boy*, in a beipdat wag. Tko atroag point whi-h I ha tmfhaaiaad wa« tka a*ce«.ity for per »•**! eantaet with bay* in order to ■•dartnug thair paint of Waw and what If going an In thair Wind*, and for retting the groper rumple, gay* iai tatS conduct, and go not follow ab •SSnct prlacipla Ho (poke of the aacei -*•» •* sudarataading thr .til inSuon ee« a| tka dny that br*et hoy. and «aid tateonto ia kg prraonal contact with tka hag* and tatting them the right renmpia in nations Mr. Misnau’i addre** made a eery I rafoaad lmpraidon upon (ha Rntar-1 I I Coal Experience ■« VQyLt>k<' u i haute wJk:i| l>Uj mg oml when S• mi can I WTTr-w OT.Ti KKMAiIU?CUKni;K*V win. 1 m I !••• to the retail coal business in Goldsboro ?1 years'.’ | Our 84 y ears’ experience in the coal business is worth ■ aoaaethinfr to vou. You are not experimenting when I “tyr coal from us. We know you want the I tent and 1 *?. **** t*he beat ajtd it costs vou no more than the ■ ' JUBT AS GOOD* You can depend on uh. I W.H. GRIFFINJ& SON l»Y itßto wumptwl Oeali r I’honr » 17 and lit EAf./.-''» ' : * vl ”■ .P* r * 9 . f r ~ fiaaa (or ona of thu principle* of Rotary ji* help!iiliieia to boya, and thin ad* j drr»» gave many practical *ugg«»tionr |o» •»*»•*• Charters Granted By Sec. of State RALKIGH, Nov. 4S.—The following petition* for incorporation and for amendment* to charter* have been filed with the averatary of atata: t'aharru* (>tlau Mill*, Kaiinapolia, lo iaereaaa raplUl Mock from ta 97,000.000 par value, divided into , common and preferred at oik. M. L.‘ Cannon, preaident. > ■ I v i'prmer* Federation. Fairview, N. C* to mcreaa# capital Mock frum to TW.IKHI, Company, Charlotte, to incorporate; capital atock 9&O.O0O, »üb»erib«m. t. p. Jordon and R. U Jordon. C harlotte; W T. Jbrvia, Atlau- f ta; R. V. Vinegor, Grand Rapid*, Mick. To buy. aoal and deal in furnitura and ' equipment private and public building*; ■ tramportation vehicle*. Tir# gaodurtu Manufacturing Com pany, ilallabury, | atock, $100,000; aubacriboia. Chare Bran iaer and I* N. Brci.lser, Charlotte. F K. W'clton, Akron, Ohio. Munufartur er« of tiro* and tub** and their acce»* ioii«i. s Mi.enalr-Hryan brut * ompony, Tar bero. to incorporate; capital atock. S2B • ihm»; rubaeribera, W. H. Macnair, B. M Hart, W T» RryauTC. C. Todd, W. *, Clark and sou; B. Benjamin, W. H Powell, all of Tarbore.. Relay Realty Company, Charlotte; So incorporate; capital atoeh. llBpOOP: »üb. itilWrf, J. I’. Muller, W'. If, Jackven, B ll Ittte or., all of t liarlotte. Real and ln*ur-ii-e. c • y « * ... ■ I "MADHOUSE OF CRUEITY \ND I)ESf * YIR AMERICAN OFFICER CALLS ARMENIA <• * " , ° . I Captain Paxton Hibben Te!!» Touching Story of Homeless, Starving People Succored by Near East Relief/ “Cmactaigd llttla iv • * with ptaeted and upecal f.i -t, l;.!r UJotlitag * luer* piece ot t'-itt . SHS held I»tcsl>s/’ «Uh til- ric. inf, glfif. paraded ll*(l*a»ly <|ei'( l. ‘ bide cl til* trail. Hlii. »iV.Hf,«d. acraq;riy unm» and . iy.;.-.f i.n,.i whlr.lprf a t> nv-ilv .i l i,I• p . for food. Iliult grr»i d-ih oi* looked out from under I .i.ii.icd f hair. urn,i.tnl.e.’l (<>t .rr.i.iitlia, i < - bap# year*, r#. -ng.uieiiii«r i* , tialn for u« 00,l kiHiw.t wbal tbry ytn hot* fathonilea* . ye* of ~ ~ - *» that had ne\i»r Veep—Ood k |OK what lh«" had *een in lh» vend of wandering front pin*-* t.. pl.-i. .r> rf protected. Uni Vfd uii-uird for - " Thu* Capt'tlsi Pjueton ftliil.. i- le tertbea th« jovem-y i.f the l.‘ it - ert IHatee Arrov ~m. ce. who *. -.rp. r-enlrU tlpn.r •ojueral luidr" ( .l H.irhOrd Into Armenia in »« vt*hcle ‘>nli vain;; k l‘copt> ‘i In tt<.|t-«i.d ■ h«f*nM f>a|i*«, Te*a* f'uMatfi llibi-en i* a Well-Known wrluo and e»r .t'dr.-lf! r - m ~uth. r <>r ron -1 Mr-mine I nn.l in, r.r»,k »>, ,nl*. who w..a iVji re.. M»n. (laneral glair V E K. during jtb* war iVopln la< k F very tiling '‘Tbeaa’dc : ■ rti f**tU*t* piufptS who bate no I ml to euUlvat... ito food te eat and ■ ! jth< * t., in., tnd ha'e boeri In Midi condition for .v* year*, now," he <alla th« more jhati half a million Armenian itiugte* wandering frum place to Mac* aecking f.. .1 s it- r G.t lu«* not rvtat 'i . d«c ih*,, ©ld l *nrlil I' lttrrn, lii. pen. .1,1 pi j wod With a charred aM< fc d. .»• ty thrv* to ai ci i«n if .. •• Tervr Ina o*#n nee dt id—•tn»e IV. yi;|r 1 t»rr food l- , ■ *rrn Tlvere ,n e .... hoaeet-to-Koodi t»♦ plew* o«i < -.iltt latora. no reaper*, no hinder*. " bothlng 1* .left in title «*o*iritty if mlaferfbne faptatn IhU n de i.cyea. "Kid £ pair nf eho**: nut i'en a v ridl. n pan* nf wlndovf but !h« nn'aam wad ;h« fetaam r.f war and dent notion " o Captain Hibben de»celh»* the ar flval «f the American Nf*r Kaat Irllef wnrkeyp at Brlvftn to* cant, al of (ho itnhitnpv Armenhtn Re yuhlle. with It* wni-eu'trd railway Itathn crowdrj with hundred* of komale** refugee* lltint)i ml* of nomeiri* "AU about, on the ground, rloae e> the wall* for ahclter from wmda, 'inter fr«l8*li( mra. In It,a ineagvr •©'•ring of dusty hedger, In Ua 'pen—#v ary where—little group* lay tn the dry avrth. hundred* and •uadrrde. alnioat all women, with a gw i h!l Iron. Near them pitiful eutidlf- nf I.,** i; i eonatituted the „ irhol* , f thn'li worldly pussesdout. Ihrco vlonei and m htr of rttttml Mb' nade the »luv* upon which what looking tii re v. *a li «s—little jnbiigh- wa» den* « They lived Miere they lav M alght- without metier et grhacj «r anything they vauld eSil 'hair utin. Hoine.t.juea, keinntrH f r .. • itairu. * troup woi.m p*. Ic up the I vr.dful ks r*g* lh*i »erv* I *.v cover to If under. «•,.< !.-,ov, on - They IlmpK-t nn fiei. M . »r» *n 1 v on* omewtr ro, *!»«. u.ly t« Hurt thtny* in# - name or w.*r»e. Again tn-y • .tiled Sown In aUJact. instleat.. lu iweieue mlaeiy. to await—Cod know* What! •'Along lho rand from the vlaUon in the town more yi-OHP* of refugee* hare VgniJM; I, in appglilng mlaaiy. To \ha rlet! <f the rt-ad waa a ft cat, barren f.etl wt.ey« huge h. leu kad been dug and ltU*d lit again, Whar* they w. r# new. mating of •*rtb marked them, whar* they ar* Chicago Apprentices Get Free Instruction u “• 7, * ' t> ». «v **** J ~> v ? I v-efff **% JmimH ’ 4A. jg "f 1 ® *••' fsifcf "*T '.*vSr( i i *^Ni^b^^bmhbwf^pi.m ; v : • >r. W m&tmmk* £3tsmwTßm£^^Mn r. ■ . i ww 1 . pc .. >■ _ / -iTT! ijy . • fr /,?. .‘!!!ir' l ? g ph, : ,ncr, "' h , f '•“ “•* *>•:■•• ' .atablislie.l ly ih« U.jUu ".md lw uimm i„ , hi. „„ free lostmrtoa to working men nn<J‘an»rentt«v* i Q plumbing, ciritentrj, «li**t qmHml work md «*u* In?:. The object of this school it to Improve u»* humviodiro of the different imfttt ... 4f^ft* M ,,ru M „, x.r. t“nv"X“: rn? • K '"" ,k “ *■ *— ’-- . ' • ?Vhy worry about cook ing (linnet 1 when you| can get home cooking ut the Horton Hotel and Case. Specif}! Thanks-; giving dinner. 75c ‘ MENU; Meats: fto.i. l Turkey, with apple dress mjr; j •'. Roust Younfr Duck; Koa.st I'tinio Hib of i’cof; North Cuixditui (hiked Ham; jParlMcuu pit,'. Vcjrclatdrs Candied Yams: Cwum <»f PotatiK*si Cjtldmj'iM Lima U inp; Green string beans ’ Heart of celery. I’ruil# • Apples, Uanmiaa, Grai><3. I>ei»aert Feat It and mince pic. and i.'tke. j Hoi bn■ ml , and (plfec, tcu, er AlilK. HORTON HOTKL , Hull Ulvck uf^stativn -, L ..Jid 1 ■ • ';« , - ” > * 11 "4 tt mLc^m v ——J Tup—“They Uvcd wh«« they tty at night, without ehcltcr or privacy.” Bottcuti—' UO.vOO Child.'m are bring fed by ihs Amtrkana.’* Intert—CaptUn Paxton Hibbth old. <''*y had gunk Ifih’ hollow* I Itiinlt 1 them ottt to ;r»f Companion. "Thu is where ihay bury those that lanhnt affik It out. the** w-tin ar* pirk<d up every rooming, etill lying on the ground, where they ■Med dating tli* night. There are a r"Od nanv of them'every dey. A curt mwlo.a (he rounds of tha *tyeet* and tha r>* k* , a«h morning, and pi*lt* ttiein un and bring* the n here—tn* demi who engte not wall. Ror It l» nut in bri a* it waa Nothing Ilka." Araivni.itiK (illicit < lit UtUae "Y«u havg |p reincmher alwaya" Captain yiibKn - ,y*. “t)i«t Aimenia wai an orgauiied pa Mon and the Armenian* a »r"hacious people a thousand yenrv before thera tn a rlngl* i.fganUtd nation lo" Europe, »«'• Crete* an 1 Borne. gor twelve hundred of ih'-lr twenty Ov* Siundrcd ; rur* or eilitir.--' a] a people, they * ere Independent ~d •e It- gov err. In a. They wen: r t.bru tlan people In the yotir »g t u -pie AVmepias klogdoro » -he «r»i III the Wf.rid to adopt n-rl«- tiitnlty a* the nisttpi -ilechurch—in Ih* year JOt. They In-ented iheir orvn altih»bc.t»--ti. h r< It ! ,t ih« tamo lime They i? >t» Itura.oie n|g«r thnq Abe t.ngliali cr tre Kr*nch or the ffarrnan t f t!,a Span, lab. aod -Igea oil r then the ,ita> vorf Ip rw.tur< - thev Imt •*n a n »"• •» ar hl'i *. rn.l t inti* «>ifn r*.*rt i»t ita n-it trader* ai.j *ri«.ii whe-i tk-i i habitant i ~f tie Hi Irish A .tea w«r«. i.etttfag I lue .PU Visa *r-«»pl* of b'Tß.i * ana Mr-many w««t about Clothed tn ok!na. T But now ail I* ehanhod. tha Atoeclean o.Tce write '.Vl'h all of thair pfei< 4 tradlßoa t> •. Ar maniang vs, it n nf *n in reoihlo hlatory of i.etaa.-utlon by .the Turks and b*tr*yed ry the o(h r Chratlan ttat.ona of the World, ar* N ** i ■■ i -V r- • ~ ~ - i-■—T" . ■■ - -i-3- -•■- •• ■ • —T^l| Whoa! /jfJ lr town or d'o\v’n on farm—to satisfy *Y jfeftw LI —drink I Otiiciou.' :.imh^ ‘-f l. t* &‘T' m I ’ *jkK,vW j *’<St I "J^n 4 ****** •*>» a*n*r- l ‘ h * °* unll* N«u EM HoUrf Work "Th*f* ax* Iklrty-thra* Naar lu« n*U*t orphan**.*. In'*. aad imll In Urlvaa—and a Soul lout kiddie* that tb# American* ara looking utter. Through th« Near Ea.t Ra tlif. ovaa fifty million* of dollar* < hat* *ona to help tb* Armanlaaa la th* paat (bra* year* o»* r fir* hunarrit American woman aod man ar* working in tb* Naar Baal nn obtrualvrly but . Ifectivrly. to krap * I,tr *"d* aid allati paopl* fr an atarvatlon and deetructidn. on* hundred tan tbouaand llttl* *hll. dran aa* being fed by th. Amert alxty-thr** hotpltala ar* ktat running with bed*. alway* t full And whan <n appeal U mad* to the great ii»art of th* America* T (copla to keep thl* work going— «*» nn/hcy la alwaya th.r* "f or th* hlean.ro that waa rooaad in inn** in *r*ry hind who*# p»o»U '•rut forth to fight for what they ! **»>**• S' rtprtit ar.d trua. la J fht-r* atilt Th» focmaii.'a at v*r- I aaulr. forgot It; ther dealt not (n ' htti tan realltlaa. hut in th* arilfirat if ’alpebi. ll>«of i«a of bound trie*, gpvatrumantr. aokcrr* of influaaca **• >r» ngfiittiaßt. *tfli a«ttoa of ox ynittliM. Hut an American girl alttlna on th* t,, ,t «|u. vatu of r. riven. with a <»< !td uromaa'a bead In h*r lap. dit to.’.til In a inomwit what )ho«* plufal old tttott at Vor*.'ll** Ml! rt*.»r know-that th world ii a httnun place, and lt« paoplo.ai* alt | Wn ” t> I Captain Hlbbeti tpr-al. for tha' continuation of tha »n.k of mercy If in* don* by the V.*; Caat Relief JHioujltt _9Hbicrlptlon to n*-aland II Dodga, tr.aturer of that organ!- .aaMon. 1 Uadl.on Avenue, New Yo,k - Friday and Saturday I SPECIALS! I —■ ll W 11 h■« m n»4pigSp I At I Ellis’Dept Store I ■BP '' V ' t a H I E> l\ r / 4, r I M I O ’ \ , *« r Men and Boys Overcoats I Latest Styles, Best Material from | • sj.ob t# *27 ®° I *( i it ♦'i •»***. \ I , \ i V .« i fl Men’s Suits m I O' . fl Just received a big shipment, tweeds. I worsted and serges., Ail the colors. Lftfc I est models. A suit for every man, young I and old. Priced— | A ' . - ’ r / sls, $27.50 and $32.50 I ""» * BS Bay’s Boy’s I Suits Saits I - - , *. .■ v I Boys suits, all styles, all colors alt ages, 1 two pairs pants with,eaeh suit. I * . I Priced from sa*9s to $16.95 1 | ° V _ Be sure to look over our line of clothing 4 J| and Gents furnishings before doing your I fall and winter shopping. Our prices are the best in the city, our goods are the best, our assortment the greatest jJB ELLIS’] DEPARTMENT STORE I 'l’he Store With The Largest Assortment 1 M • , 61 ' Tb-jwr:e.-.y.,r;c

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