(L • - ] ' r V, i ' * % - T~* pg, i r -"‘ ~~ * y*t?yi|* pm' l **!* .. ’ ■£?"*.** WW»i in HUM Iff! Itt nilUT}Mil Tsiimm ' k* fltto* PMmUm* Cmmmk*. t - ■——~i» -Ai - - sjpjpi 1 Hunt if Ml rtTMa! hr*M. Mwml Itt |(W<«Miln«l retatlaa mB!«Wi mN «( the Mate Prtattgfej i y , * Umn * MMtt»*9«t,M MMMt)a> IN rrt«»- pup* tattyai- a# vain pig ,*'’*•«.*** la ■•»#*■•• »h* nnrttfu fii '«*»- HM*to*;lßMiia« WbJto A totter i« 4gPetotoiMi«)-. MMiu>« that thoy Will •to fto fan hearth* •* tto Matter. 'Till i aatplaint 'to the'commt«*tan, up prtochea tbr that*** Involving the Chief lattice aapliuaety. Jt refon to iaetruc Ml ftottaagly received (• eerd tho ffdofa to tho Chief Jiitin “who Will thaha ttlWHf) rarrevlion*," and upon rredlpt froni him of the corrected proof* *r hove ftocceik-d with th# printing *•4 ehrtgletlou of the vnlumnaa. * *WRH rtopeci to the report*, we Un -4a ill and that this*** ap. authorised ppheeditre, nil thi* bn* been born, out hy the feet that w* havr been Inctruct-f ed Ay te 'A'uruinWloner oh labor ami Printigg 4o make pgyateut to.i hlef dp*-'. Hm ('(ark of tie f cop. clear gad 'b/ Kim '•tt'aiKthdr khd report a J •P r-inq.ac , f r«'t i \.ot> ’(wr rclunk- -hud to j amount* in the. priming USr^s&':S Meed and * w< * —~ jtt lUfciaa a| «nae tot** anten pH hntiaMUt I . - be-tt fcirjEaSrr Hi te lncoa»p«.l>«a.lMa tftM MtoStfUd claim the* I paW' Hart#*- SfAditf MtthlfeeMto nfrAto-K* **»«•■ '*#<*<* Mich ye* friatttd.tti atatti-*' •’- 4 “My datjr in rtgard totkli" the chief J patio said, “ana limply to annaU’e ttbac vo! irate* and at part cf the **A '•to legal the aaauNiaaianer had yaue fdtttteg Wt to aM to rerfy thcac etta fill Mdl tha land noth lug aoM I IWitti Mint thla work .* ha add*, •far t£* ctati alnee !*«t—J*— year t and Ifav* ■ read the praff of th«*e far central prinl*ra, among them year acMpaay. Thla !i the By t time f hare'heard - that 1 W.v re«poc*ibl. ‘ far rth» M-rtoff. WurtHi/ tlf any \tf thrA votota*.-*•*‘my'htp natatlaa* at ihavaail *r -aia. •aM»‘ '' ' la ea«M«tian attttr .hae-ehhr«e# U«t tho Chief IcMtattaM-lwad far <*«* the printer* by check! dMIrh 1 w«Wt4nfa , ‘ ad U tha »tau ■»# npptMr.PVy tW Come.(*«ioej r pf loiboi and I’riPfldrf. y Wl< Hated Hint fttNCtt'-'dibd4iP n-iwlt-* «d pay for proof nyaadhAr Vwd irmcy.l - between fflTifchdthM hbM* fit' ah avrrai'i of »(k» dt»'Cwttil<r auintmt Ih bet apre fI.tHW and iffc"?- * * **' j‘. “You know' ih'ai I uaually ryturi.e.f He proof* in two or three bopre-—oftcd h>, the nae*aen«pv bronchi them " th* chief Junliee Wrote Or. Smith, *»l •cay* <.f tha *iiwe‘dli), anil that I could »pa**lbly have road the whote pro*! haw that tho par praaf rwadkr cad act 1 waa rowroc tthtc far the weak." Bio kaaw.” he avpUlaed, " hat cot of the** volume* t rre. l* W#rV only *?S naeh; fRn onri volomea end *76 e*ch for 'Se IBM* when the annotatinf tot «d »«U V'K'.w. that I could oy* mount, read nil th. praaf aad to heeonpe rceponlibU lor a” laatao V farr mail... i,tot*» tho eonttaraw »*d *V vatuam ipr an ndMal probe as the eadrm.tmil ■falatW-'» will ewtend Into n teff*lntlre . •ah} Vpp'-aved rrrta'n Wi-ilnml it With w cifheenuaatant tk*t dne'er el et •ark Spatre.'-nf Celtttt • wwd' l nffci r Mil te tfh* tfihMitlktC Pf.tht*-VM •mi aff.r-d to (J Jnta* lotlajatur In the ipee al of IMI bat nt tho r*<|u..t of ttMte attelcl* wao withdrawn " Muahh -mmsagi or rtbcte cAcr '.-, 4 ' ..... !.<*. l i.i«. JUUUtIH TVe II -All federal pro gfbafcen cf Captalp Art bar Coleman hod hie ahlp MrtH on the Nrnit* of Pe.cm flUkioh Bchcaaor, ectacd by prchlh<'len atorvr« In OrraoPho Inlet neavlY a year a*m. with mure t t.a I topic. obcmH wa» 'etc4d*d liero ted** «M*n dtatfifti attwnvyjr Tartter tyrwlV m ww rial jmd aohod I act peciM of th* THE GOLDSBORO NEWS ~*r~: 1 ■". 1 ■** 'tec 1.1 «. 1 "b 1 «.» »' '* " .» »■* —■ •‘•-tmamaiJltowr-—e» . .. tolllplPßoMul I J *iS torgtj~--»r Jpmh tumt iM M. ■STJ3 JtSiJTZ ?»Ll farullana dprtrle chair aad here pea ed tlw decth apntenae'cat th* atom •he mere aatahml’t Ml MM thMi eiir toBMMtoA tto aa»>|.| MsllinML ** ludpe C.'c. tocc. caw la telatoh pm et*in» epav hfa left term cf amptnaw M#nt tad MMfW ■K) es a JeftHJ' #ll hJlr htid 'i£t£h are 1 whl(4, btft jfrtofW** Sal peer at dpb frpikr btttliid 'Aw - rli/nlrd J fidthoi hlh ti)4k and ttep#. -ftHteiti y«nre la ladjt enaupfi for C man to aprnd at our job.'* ho »aid, .miliii*. when u*hed why hr Wat* rvlir ia* Wh. e I heocmr Judfi cf the .aper- Icr Itatd f tvttilf the belftb cf my am bltion. A* a yaanpater, f uted ta drive tnto Elliabelhtown and tb.re ! invari ably, wound by,way to the rourthoute, • where I liattntd to the trial of c««ee,< I r.aolv.il then th*t my roa!| jpjffe w»» to beeoinr a auperior ooart Judfe “ Judge Lyon, early education *■* In terrur-ted by the War betpeCn the atalr* no if sh. resulting condition*.'but labet • he' aUbfideil the Mtry »vHle .chael ! In hlaihtk count! and, then -.vpHed 1»w !«■ she- ejlitr* l or hll'Vildbr brqthv. the tat. 1 Robvtv H. I.yon. nt RllvalM-thtown IK* wrw Admitted fu vh« hap in 1871. I«. I*oo, he auu* nppolntep inlieitor ewnord of l)i* .drt-rtp by Gowrnor Ay c*« V and a u**r.lnter to 'W*a vlycted for ’« ,t»iim. Ri wee eiefted eJuihft, .{ the 'eevertl/^difial.rliruit Jh.lpyft dtui re>etcdtb4 Wrjtf* yenT|f4(k r)* * i2P&?££s Asimi ioV' iPi *Vnb iplMteh pttttMM ttt* • mpiaricpi «f t ii '*•**'■* ClfflpKffr-- ... .11 \.n Ik, . ill.. 1.. nil 0«N»d Sped on' levHptait Wlto Tattih Tomorrow '. ;, . • * ~7 ’b ' I.AKSdANt' T*. c. Id,. .Vji’he.tfldor j Child bnd C dong «e» fereur* with- l»h --•pet Pnsha -tin, as tern apn enj ur*i J btfn on huiiwi.itcrian aruued* to make liberal i«nro**ion* fmr the prutertion of- the Arrmniat)*. Grfrk* and olhvr niattnAalitio* remoininu In Turkey. Mr fitild. fm PnrkiV and raflhm.'d Yn;Tilldu {‘(W midi world hj piUH| : 'for pfoteitlon of fitreigntr* living fin Turkey , hi. 4 k-*plaia*tt to »)mi. t Hipt |!lb *pl.4t , iniefe#t *iA metltf n, of ,a/l ibffrei l^e T ,‘d. MArrf* A,» f WDiSi If v**inJld\lfp pioodrlV Ai .• T.»V. ifn 4, har «bapr 'tualanlr'"* fdt tWi*fner* *b*U ’in no'filVttAt diknifreha-nt “ Tomoriow »itl a,i|.. Ni b.for. the mil mat f u,rthe r Vryardma Thihey'a ci>unl«t ; propceil*'ronerrhing thi- a file > ( »chem* f»t protettiny the' tflfAyrltte* in Turlt ralt territory. I.urd Curton with Am tNMMidor Child Ka* promlaod that th A prinripat tiiiuiber# w«ui,t gi** ron.iii Wvrktu.n In what tin Turk, fuv. to j *ay. k «* ’ ’ •* * ~r “ -r- 7— —» Tuntn Dvi.ki.h ««t« rt:#«r. oat or muiho - tDtotfii. toe. It—Th. third todt.o toe Mtt v f«f4 tomttu to. Varu s * TKjUtrtiSjS'Kr.t: f Johirtoc. milt aa Cfalo idimm, eJ • parte left lytof tm k ehclr c« the .I net #<'9 ya’d. .re *b the vlctolty a 1 Mrt- toet *ad King atreeta. Il MM yitt- I hto A weightier eaw tho the# and d.«-rll ; *d the Oti.'f #art»n w*« •rtrctw l, am l abipidlon, >fi« nom* w-a* wurebetl with out rPault. Then other. w>at ly Wart.r. In * o* It and fold him He might tun*. ku.Pi tb»i d Umt th. |i*im »'h ber .fid y.,u . |*ut it ? ip. s'Nfflnl ‘’Now why-rc Jit! !j rou pft I*' fi Mdtldly told !h*M lM' , ht had th'cvic It ni.det a bec*e Tb* t»ur*i w»# i-ieptj The mam .< M 2 fi- w»* f.und tan aim bcdiohafi r «VH tend 11 the *eat of Wart, r» bicycle, I KOWTOW. Doe. H |J *!>)an as t» h "oalav* art Mvtaf iM. Mrrltcry fm J |h. e*td* in KeM'irlr* .ad • l r Th. Ka- pir» t artMM iliac H*M .It f pear y dniahNl Only nice day* rtmcle tof the* . 4l* ntt'kwt Wife » b 0,. i n.it. ■■ ••I" '*l M»l» w. !■ . r tabatec t. tyitnl t .AWyi ut ‘tjlife.ll J«d|, 1 \ •«.,u. )S |..ieo,AA, .at m a crap *4 Mb ‘ • '• . ft 4 ♦ • Me* •*•! • fiOMWMUI AUMMt UMMttl * ♦’ rttPUT ftoG DAUOIMMI If b « frattip ton Mm 1 •f •»» tcaaMfttall todpTSt tSPS ♦' • mvM I—Mtoai df to. Mm » • tod aafhlttM I the eopttp- f • meal of lOttM t* MttM Mpm • < mmkm iyiittM • - ri 1 • Blflilaik A- ( 4 ooLammal aJutoM M ; «jilK ; • made tc aM <«M. of eaaaa n- • • amicttlm hi toll ■dlaad. as • • rievetand. peraunal eucaatt fer • • Mr. thrtgbcm- ' It. . cmpbctiecl • • tp datotoi MM kh Mtt tnl a*t> *l . • leg*, dretaring lh*4 b. had cad • • keewe cf |hr lalrtdcrttac as the •. • hrller, mac lei tec to top hawam •' • • • • “a a * a a a! Uiiw* aiiLyi' ♦1 'tojllli'.H'i- ■ iRAIJIK.Bi Iton lK'Jt It .dfp p*« tutu talk, to pdetdr wha knew *aaae ing unit whe a*, ia tbv kAbit of j thinkiag,” Dr. Unary Van Dyka .talc* ' in • Utter r- ccjCfil today by JuU B ' Warren. adcrcMry treavutwr of tb North. Carolina Education ' Aiao.Ution. The letter eaprraaed approciatiun o| Dr. Van Dykv* it-oout rl»it to Kalsigh “* the chief «p» akvi during the teuchrr* p.oovi‘Ptipn 1 • 'T had a'dvUghJfulMitna In Raleigh »nd Iked the audience th. tearherf.J gave .ne theru.“ •he write* **l knew-j lonithiig of About audience* and can 1 ataurc yqu that oar .■.uuiyo«i;*l ,t*a*h-'j «r> t» vhoil ttW' ■ jnj-ibn dprld.” ~~7'hTT : 'P-r , htr# M KKCIIANT* 1 eikß! RtATB SKt RCTARk A BANMt KT J. I*ael inetacd. glair aecrvtary at the vwr.h»np« A-wo<Utt«Hi a^li'apait;' j. In *4aw kraaat Wto#. . “ ;.y »—•«»***.dto. a-** la rrgardrd aa an. , t,*iik* fhr .talc on [nrfjr'T H * '* raped ad to g 1 *f*Mp.mjM» ell»»li*« |» the lea re bpd check* aad garni akm.nl a ,ny» bill which la *0 ,cw«nt up J KI'U.AL MK I.AI. UHHARY S At stats umrnsrnr nmu tou to all I *V ■ b . * ’ • MAPRK Wftto (toe. Me—The Mbtory jc>i 'he rural *ael*l eroaamU* topart /meni i*f the L'tiirytaity as Varth i'art Tina, In iuor« commodluu* quartre* than it nvA?!.-' ••«, aud wfih b-tter,ei|ulpinent j offer* itvelf so Uir uke of th* whole flAte. , . * ■ -Jobit Lewie (.iUy . urofai*..' of cell th «r vdholity 'a.vd-.oetolvgy in th. L'nl; 1 erraity of Wtkcuttyta, |>piilya viatt te /be, drpaitmrnl ner.n, |Hh-ie*U'd..4>*' #• m-kwhiid MnnMftftoaM* 1 if,l Mar Mi 'rKniti ah.WbHtCAtod-tolto' \ aj*u toMlißflftiiuu.br A*td.i- - m--%♦ • ‘,*'•l bdllrvr that pifhout qu»*tip*i r«»« ihav* here a aemtper library in rural aa. Oil Irani,RlM>pf orioe ta any other ' in.star t'nvU'f Ptau*., r ,.. t fe*G 0 ’ view mi4i rou ( VRMtTTK MI'RDURR ,11 ■ . - q..— V KALKIfifT. t»yc. T 3 The (htpteme tour! today a* deciitcfn 1 grant tag I Thunuiv I'hinltu pwtnmubile »ale>iian whn wa- ciMirUted U faharrwa antt.'ty ,<d e n d havn na'idw to atokpat oe I With r%, bill! Ml as X J. Alto*, at ! K.enaaa la am# Clane! m Or eh* If, t>m*» ergi aader latoaaae at I* yrar- Ir the •**(* porltawttory. . A * t wtxwthii MAT 9IT WKW UR KM* STATTfiv , Jtoe. U.—la toe red- -a* t' ««♦••* anlfd ttepet tgfct her.! Will dirt U«ta to flf tread toe , 4><-' . of ihr pmrw.#<t ttrnctwr* Trtiim'trfyj next f*w wrrlu t 1 W *ll ltHt»ian nt la*t havo druel faeiii I-, « eV.k ei« d.eocit aad adegaaia* v or,ln.*? to Tydg. C.gtgc P P--U • f I th. C*ir|mratinn i'vaandg ib -t gtnal* 1 Uict'l to Jav about to hr iraiia'd. I I Jll tg« Pell ipv*klng file the .oova 1 - 1 I-,it« '*,<l T’.fiddr *' loamtog the I T«1 tar martin* a»«r tha phana tha official* as tho Atlantlp 4*oaaf Uhr In i the ,»!M .at :hat flan had laat ra I i did hilt' that th. Varfnlh Ronfhern had w'lhdvawvi . ltd apn.a' frw»a the enmrnl* « »l«a* ardor which wao powdto* to Wak* .yum* , .perlar rau i. and that the tol- f . "Otnerr «f tha t f. I had hoc- In ‘ rtiM.Hl to Imaeadtataly ecafer with 'he ' .aptnear as ttto Marfttk Saattora wl*v ► a view (a carrel** art the coda, aad • empty*** mo pea* far the irtatone. » tbn*. -.'Ta*"!m*«.- w* otb nm I m art*.** Ht dttrad fad*. MIL Taa.* MM toe reply >1 Ht, iliU ,wd liT th. Hue. tor the to** - j attttar tog kaqgdtotely tt MMb* 1 HTplfe* r mw =as= GOWUM NMn CAMURr TMIVtoHtAV MORMOM, MC Id, MM t '• . „e * „ ILJW #k • V Q££S lA iUMfi Ttarnnrt*irnt*rn IntjJWJnrlHw ... ' -~Tra: l-,.. *■ ' • b as wcind **'>•! #pi at M r Drtt w«M M r ii» Ml 4ri v to* all to. war m Ua MMhtt*. Mir «M Wa CMC ia to nrthfal «Stor 4* fat to •«rt Itatof fttft fyd .MMMtt •m tott dhyTtot* to etottd tor. w to Mnntottty.il fallbßlto Mato ttbrtaa jyMt (toad tom tolto wafld •• *rtt w tie a2 m 4 ff< erne raw r.,n .«ra*jrtSlnß* , j w*a mm SS-'mM towwae Mi'whavn be ai ! ifrt*»rd the inqrtrry to. “That race w*« • oniinnrd laat Friday Wfn't J'Ou aott «eiL"t UH WJL iC.K HffSm \i<ed dm*' ftto * --- - ] • * Jcv*r T. Whitley, aged to 1 cra.a-'^a''Jfc.:i'.r illm-o Th.- funeral yrrtrftyWMMl' M duiy. tor eeryiii a Jp r , Wh&fto’vn*' |Wo<i mjyrul *a church work 'ty r »«- f* ~»• n< tora i*cd ii ,afffliEFtHfcfcF t ther, pop* tvti/i iejk; mill hy th- V*W-' I in* 1 H ild ran! «n.( y^SSn^m^KtmSt I V i.ltgcoAfirrliJa. . , I ONE TMOUX4NB nmUMWIMTMM ‘IS * . 1 .M. BflJMvStrt MUduTW-Wfib mU* than i.Sto nrtrrf**ap dbpiar. the aiffik ' ->nrid»| eMeiaU Ttobt ah.w at tha North ttoMM’r.altry AaaaetuUaa •ad tho Caatrat Tdhltry Aaa—iaßM ap caad tort yaatarday. A k. tot T bee a* axfclbtUaa la (h. vha# Mart aa Mhai Iriam.r. rtaaot, a fine atrip* at frond travoepg rtak* champinn Buff Uraingtnp*. which have won riUbud** AtMutefn a* largrvt poul try ah«ma l| MMlaan todare Garden. New Tori, the Phleafn ailaeum aad Pittkhurg. < v yf —4— , * 111 Ht AN AHlleill.LK !* v- whwi.khai rwMtiot ok MtoMurr sic.X yigrblf **■«!;, tom ;j ' *• • • -, Aoi!bV4T.to*. nee ' • Vjiln T f>v aho catabli*lwi< gt ><f a ~l|)||Male pruddve market In A*hrrlll. to ha ape- 1 fatai «n a laigc »rub- for th.«*wto»y ■ as aupplyintr locaf and oul*(do retailer*' j and *4 me may time rwwvui .ng an I outlet for product* of Raaeatnb* and adjacent ruuntie* ifr- Wlag com-' pleted hr oMciala of thl Karmeti ' < ration her. " vatiqnai. guard turn* * ; itbt OKI* tNMMM IM. ( ALL* > U ALBOM. Dae. IX—Tweitf thf* tth it* at Nartk lai.i.o*. odthigai *tw*V* «*-rt Mltad aM ta earner aeren dr ead* tar military 4»ty dwrttg to r nr—a rarard In th«- hictary of th.- "i» valaatloa I* to-* *tat< -ia addition to tha immul MMpe and i*gub>> arm i v detail, aeaardtag ta n < vtatr owwi > - oed today. fIfMOF • |R** tiflttidl BlMhirn/t - nniis I a * *rf W Kite Chiinitdf With Murdtvr— \lihi (4 Khn« They 'Vrrtm’f j’rgHfnt , - T*f , | MABItIK. Cliptl In. W Hi the Avtonai. il I'no t. T' dimwi to -bnw that five met! <h**yi,| *ny murder in *annortlo* 'gt#^J'-li t mine ikiUag* had !>«► i>»'(t in ta. tinting bgr *••«■» «t vll U*m *m pgutu 1 ' •• f li/ A " K-rr thief foiycv. I ,| he lliiaoti miff, wo.lr.r Th .hi* p,a>n rial# her. Udyt Tb# fA.c well • arc rha ved with th, d.ath nf tlmwanl ! Huff-tan, .ne o( thi tw.nl; uaa uni-m 1 kiliril |i the outbreak • , Vt K.rr d*.lartd to* ktllld* of th. *«.*, ualan n*er, wa* th r. .nit yt * n 1 juiyfloa at WlHama.a aa-iti, by aria- 1 t "IMr I « '’lktal j ralmlaotla* In th- M»* v RSVI-SB To ** aim Os rut*BY to AAIONU v UUBAIOIi, Du. n. (H ni' *d ait tod***, aamtimat Ik* aato toLTtor* 1 ™Am a 2Jk <>i SSrt Fasto toetortd toM wmM mm i •Mr atttoMtt to iMtoMl'ito arlMlpßß* totolllJUi IMIaUto S f Vl&Sf ■ “!9fc“SSrtP ’• «WUAißnriWi}ftiih Sit' MiStt* tottto RHtolt fMi kto- IW.lk»!*l»‘ the 1 Maw to ton I*' lltott #Wt Ihu tttfl.llnA. t'irtt frtirti (MMtolfiL cal ‘by Mii« Katti.-yi*. S«k, Afartac «| • iv» inunitv ServlcV- tore. IhttlttW Hurt! aaidl * • ' The peapt. at Ottdahar* *—At to unlit with community eetotoe l* It* effort* t« rrvivr the curtain «f Ceral aiagihg during the rhrMina* eeattan. not pnly becauai It furntttoa tto tboar that can*UK get cut, hat heeiuM H !• more then eeiumrndubt. 1* farid.h lug thr mueiMf *pirit of Uald«boru. Anything that i c.rr do tu hot* Iftae :jp«ip Ueta Who are fonUtlkg thi' pSiIiSHP rS kjold and Naubtai*. , /my Moot iirHiptnr.onUlh. tStoV - I I'ollurWtait JOtwlrr ctar, , I*) »i*r of wbnd.r, *tnr of ytiglyt jttar with royal, beaut} blight-' , WvKtward leading. 1 * *t-)| l nrM»«4tog Lauk u* lu thy pct^l ty^Ndrtl t Tho abort tg^g*- rautpany an* of tMtdMHiM|dGh9*4S*t t»cetod an ('krtetoMM nlghi hf toMMunl ty oervtce. It will be -up* by three bare T buraday night nt toe eeiMf Coral rt beareal at too Cammuaity latrtM. Tha rehaaroal will hagia at TtM P. K aharp, votygaa ta karttad. M.yer Bala will lead,to* staging at thla reheartal am at toe fsuture* as >he pmetiee will he tha pneatattoa es and uhl Englivh Phriatia** game, ptog eil> by y.iuu* girl* with red Mg*' *Mi fteigh hell* '* The O-rl* Kraut* arc tarnlag the Caai* «unity t - nter Into a teadgaagfen far Manta flativ, The nwmtort' as Bngia Troop numl-ei one alinavt apart tho pal«e as ttolr a anil "Ifadeai ChalraMa” at Margrrt Morrl*, faring the laat atert In* la a tawtotrtl*n ader th* ptaferred »olor es, their chDdrea *«t»* erantlh* little hlark ane* and <tn« Httt# whit* i an.-- they *ay„ , MM. M«ry Hardy of th.- Charity df; panUnti-in i> furnithing -the name* as tbr* familie* Each traap It ta have an# tantily and furnr-b Chrtatma., dinner ' toy* amt doll, and a tiny ('kriitataa tree. The ni-weat tr-op which he* .he*rn the joyful name of- "Blue bird Troop", i ha* already gene on • *hopping tons I and nut of tbrir wMvmlt fund* pprnhtaod , two doll., front Mr. Area*. %K H A.NUiNO 1U HCOGSim m m*Mal amusly Ia LEIGH, Da*. l»e-Th# lalttgh Mtartr at iiaaww la eaeM‘rtlag at r«a*.Meata far *degatte q.aemd.t *n» fer mulan of the Neith t erttiua ga i erkl aseomhly aad vtoltor* whe trill 1 * hare attoadiag toe eeeelaa wbato #MM daaaary A[ *taii <»n U> w iMJßttlr-n? ■■; ft MU uAhERVMidi fiAMD* ... MM HUM nm CUMA> 1 ‘r HAI kA- HILL. IK- Id -X R. R «to oh- it in rbargi 1 f It rangy utoni tot tb" ' iiigii - ho-il rbar.a -en-Wiyp ruwta.i.ci New Hern and \*|i«villu tiara nrit Sat p tday. -aid fioJcy that ,h« 1 rapt pr--mi< 1 »l to he a tpociig rlmtal of the high ■ rkoed football teimun • 'Sia.*» eig-i-iaoJ 4egb htbbAi. 1 b* g»n," cold Rr. kankta. there h*#n t boar- a resawn In whtrb the pregrurv ha. b*«a ranted thr .eh m*'e •mooth iy td-ai- thl* fall.. Ibv heat i»r| *< *pl *• it h»* prevailed ev- r>where *n dti j ,» a • atl".>iph«rr of good dpoitrm n hl|i M« 111 pra-p-«V<a' Batarday* teat <l* nl I’Ht MR COURT EOLM OH PAR CLEAR vNUt RA I.RTfIR Dam ll -Wlttoat a writ ten opinion rho vapromo oaart today 4*' rtiaod ta chaage It* formar oplniga ha!die*, that tb# , ht-' , bV»»W* art '•< the laaaral a.earthly (pttalld .The p* , eaw. hetofa to .upraat. raari art* 1 ' «• *■ » >rbdarlhg all owed by taattM 9k ». • _ a rt a HHFKML i ; FM PUKED ,k4 * «»J8»»N ttf yltr tau'lJud^ ••p. trrnm *ll ayAtiaM as tk v .aa. tr * **• MM Mato. rat M W«MI “JSL*" "*V« it tea* M OM." Wltfc ttota aaraa warAa Ms. Vim. 2*** •*« mm toy, Ohm W. **" m mSSSm ****** ** **• Tk. Im iKn .fftM Mr. U**TS ’***. M trtaaia. MltriM punk ato rtMM% toatoto to 4* Mr, imyor '*** NpM Mrt Nr kto aaytoyor, 2» *» rntmAtm w tk« am fern Uto tea* at *r. h, , MtilNj tkMMAN of toklHM raZ&X&jS ■saw st's-ta/s «*• '"•tetoat’k HN to liwiitol wftk *4 liAMMiiig *i Mr Mtypto 4*. mtuflii ator* iMyitlfto. H> Ittolrkto’i NkMk trtH fct 4 to • tor Mr aaaatea teawrraw a*l Ik »*«*tolAt Mama wktok Mm Mm MaamJ ttoci ya.tar*, will restate m «AtU after <k« funrtol. *4 t f Mr Watumakote ,katfy wttt 41a N 1 «ut« in pitta? Pro.b/in-;.* Marrii, :of •hirh t ke *»• <UM of (hr faunAart. fram'lo Vrt„ek wntir noon u> morrow l Th«MM«nA, nto etpaeteA 'to par thf If i »*»«/■ « Mr bter. fk iMfS jJAtAI whir A mil toko plar c toMorroo ’AUrrnoon ttt»ik« fatally aiibNa fill 7 1 / ♦ \ ‘ -'»*f to- •■•»— **l A*.i Mi pH Ip» % ; .j j? tkkT no *NrtH)V« WitMr ' . , VMpM VMIMMI r y , ~~—rr A, 11. ***. '* : 1 *>**?P**f*fcii /PM to MpMtMppMMPII 4 M 4M~ Mi Mltoto M Mi or of (kA IM^^m ••ll* »»I|> -ofiUl|pi)|l uttfiffl ! CM SERVICE 01 SOB - • « • Itwrk PM liiMM u Gnat mnStJt DwkMm Os Bm j TM OrlfAkorr Ckaattor M Caaumma I «iil Ark ikr Brutkor. railway u aa tomAA IM AM as nr* PaMama 1 * sakaA , *nr Darkaat to Mrrrto to WiilpM Atlanta to operate b.'mv.in k«ra «Asl- Daikon* ;If llu>l iip'r r, Mtoi to imlil ' ftoto bam Ms l» toAMA OAtoAkAM At I A.«. ABM Mr «i nk aamtar If at I f at if ,ih. Du Pm AUaati-Waahlagtaa P*H «rrutoa .. aathoriaaf It k frtoakli , thm ihrt* aaaw Pallamm will to tato M (Ml* mm. I *. C. Dmwrt, jMaretk’fy as t*. ‘Metabar* of romtiofM tUtoa that if j tit, Dark*in ruilAton »rrvlor W rAtkar uv<l <ioMrlM.ru and tka (oat as Baatora t «r,/l.na rhoulii (,t u„ aivanua' as T ‘\f, -> * r * », •' ■ r~M.^, y ,a.M.pA. ■ Btooo \ ( Will Offer Labor I; Com|MJ«AtlM BID KALBIOK. D#c vatfcaaai raAMMMttM MU till ka tttf tmtotf bf Cramlrrioarr H Lakor mA Prtattat U L. mtpmm aM Ipitotof at Uto ma« bamlm at tka Marik Crrailaa 6.a- I < rai 'AraAatolf. u atm rti at. tka >• MoaaaAarfAl arfftoMi kfi mat 'v&Sr&kS ■aamma, tka MU tap tottAtoaaa m /•Aaanr (rakakl/ mil ka fraamA kv a . ammlttoa as mankfactara uA tokar 4a thr tuppart of wamrn* ArfMtoAt>aa«. the demoaratle »aA .onyA khipntnn. “W, h»vr rearmly k-ftin out Irhar eflriAUAti slant th l>aa as *,-ltn •"W'lf ta tka a ark lag awa In k>t :a». r«IA tk< aaarail.tleaar, * , Oaa rtap lit tbU l.r rt on maul Aka tka aarat m, m of m wo.karattf roataaaaatie ■ law i brraA ipan tka prtnalploa as dfkt <■•4 loattoa to at*, aarwarr a*A thaaa | all,, »m|,lo( ik«M" “I'ttAar ikr proaaat atototary awAt t'OAf, wkra to aarlAral aaaara to al*# t »hi art as tar tkr vlatiai la thaova ■ pan kit awa owairar Wltk a taaakakl, rawyaa—U— tew, yrayarty aafaeoaA at moUar wka la to Malta la Ito tolar as aa aacMaat. tka ka tfranma« Attrto# tka yarlaA aftotaklll- If Tka aatyiaftr araulA totaraikiattklf Ayalaat -»rlf>Mt ky. jka JatroAa Uaa as tottoAf flf frrmK Mp • $ aM.ato ■■ ,a ■ ,1 j . MEMBEB _lt I ASSOCIATED PUBS# . -- - • ' fIVBI. (BBIWfc ■ KIBBU — * ■ DANA GIBBON Ml POM H« VOUL Dm tUpa ptofaft A 1 i-J AI-a At-1 - -Jh Mtimitoft < touru UVVnVI Vlf ■fkCfwl wßf rssrsLir^tsa Vtotot «Mk top AftoMto to IttoMtoHi to* iwa art* ktotoy aa M toak hto Km Z uk tohlto toi ** WM> .... ... Ok af whiJtA* ' •* w a.- a m ama a WUn**C9t** 1 # t* ' AII to# 5 «e$ pB toTv <o%si • 9H . ■ au*k krrr WlUlaak/^T^^MlShdl^ bra* atstkAA Daatoto tapto««toppi | 'Viyyenrfl IWr * '™n ’V. Qnfkfi |pin| Pauppl Im (folgg^o > Mliaaf ap |p to*® - **vtv - n#k' Afkrattoe to tow. Ha Ipyto . ft. Had tkr km with {kt MMltk'wL >•'<• ndl'tg A'MbOA.AtQaAwptoto*. totot-i • '•» ■ nattoMani to/to M iljjAßl . f Tklt waa tka teat toptf. tkaaratoA- f [ 2lTnat flto aaytkp ttatogMto* 'j IT^%ttoT#pt kto MM JaTp • • i ’ Tha.yalaa ate atilt aatopy M *M | aaaa. Matttlaw ayatoal laaM MiM tM I Pm haoa yat at toast a totkattof .»t» th. b>*r»M tkoft% t‘‘. . **' 1 ? a tftoWCAfKMI Ml -—. HAizuMs- rr Tippyiii mi f.g It intMtoila tor tM toktora to voh <Mt la ■ ta affaat tka sMapat to rquaiiiattati fktoa ta M nyrtpaito froar tka atafa tar AA«aattaaal PMnaf-f 1 ""A a'vlag tka aoaMßteataa as 4khbf r .tffirtlaa ikr r — f~li Dniratoato to ‘ vaar kv f«M 1 tka aataaato tp mk\' '-aaattro oaf ta ratify tka tMIMg , b<* >i A» wklrk Wilt at aaaoiroA tetoi' , t» law t int ta yrtAata Mr M4MM* aAAitlannl fnnAt, will ka to tr *4aipMpV F |». R f traoka. MtMpita&Sf i pokllr In.trorftM -vt'««»ckt *4toaa tke* tM yraftepk bar- ••wA 'HPHUK

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