PAGE FOUR co IsbAo\"" ».«. WBKHRm** #•#■» ••••••• • f Wirw.jw'ii; 'irasaa ■Lai# ttor few* ~,.... ■fcyfctlfjt Jlgt Taut • *. * Rfi *• Fuat o*~ * 0.t4. 2 J QM^t^TTrlir w__ MnubllUtlOfl 99p RHSw ipfaW aw* *-* *“* f>M to to «f IfaHihrtfht* of saoobluatioa of apodal ■fh** button mm »U* reserved ms cHH.URKN'S BAY Kd«r old friend of snd the solace of age, Hatributea ao rarely frxn ■Ht, The Youth's Companion, K|h| • following thoughtful Ere than any other holi m/Tln the year Christma* is IBk cpiMtreit. & omy. it »* vriit f ig explained to ■E and they are made to see BKlhe ,kry ot the birth of of all will mm jpiT strong t h - Kffife'S "-Ryttdad the retelling of the ißwto midtoita appeal vivid fWtreftft)i for facing life’s im ptetete tupbtsTrn “In emph&sifing the religious Blabber d Chrigtmas it i* im j of Wmm to the ffjggssffi*y f ■ give jmasenis and ■Bis gUiwa, we enter Into the ■Ktftlto house in which we Tiara *hi still another Bought ebout ear religion that ha fa our minds on SE wrn Bay,Because Christ. Ella the religion of friendship Bp cheerfulness, U is the re fifk* of work. The religions ms gf|f) COnteßUiili Wm ■.■-toWwwaa wte »*«»« '' www * im have never produced the id . sa, g$ ChristttLas tetm |nd In the ISMea that dove to ui a Euiu* fa and ‘OnVhrJrtmSSy we think ■ tha abssnt wWfci a jnecial in* bllty of Vuifintf ® for many Kta*hard tight to make on that fa, Memories of otheir and JEmlh of dear ones who no ■Biy can Join in the merry HE* fat they whose pres- Wmm ifiv#* m rmd iiknem to DMt Bp**""** Days would not wish ■sir dmCre to throw a gloom |sr Christmases to come They Eld say, if thsy could. “IM ■a be your special effort—to £pp the cMkiron and the guests Son) seeing whs* you sec—t hi* ■mat chair in shadow before TBB BOOT OF EVIL If tide country ever fails it ■P net he became of war, or or poverty or Holsh.- Bia, or socialist*, or what Rfa, It vB be iron: lack of m-ls ■prol in the average individ- P Kvrything has become ex. fepse. The home, the church. jEI hep tpabie to put on the K(Sks atmfijjr because they have Jtejmak* to bo put on, These ■mil be said tPtThl tip better gov- Ihe ajtotton in whkh thi ii ‘*fj£ noi rirbl#ou« ovsf*mtic*h r.» y °rr "»“* "***■ ucihiwr ojf vnou looufin, Wily then fdie before thy says Dorothy Dix, “I Were to go to a mother who war cradling har babe on her bmpt and tell her that I know a mag. k formula by which she could insure power, ami prosperity, and hjspeinesa to her child, she would Inrmpyerish heflpelf to pur. chase this knowledge from me and fall oo her knees and bless me for having givan it to her. rV*t t know just such a bit of whita magic. In har secret soul every mother herself knows it, but ninety nip mothers out of n hundred are either too weak or too lasy to use it. "This charm that would have chfumed all life for innumerable people; that would have kept men out of prisons, and women out of brothels; that wouM have turned paupers into men; made the unsuccessful successful, and stopped the wheels of the divofee court—consists simply ip teaching children self control There is hardly a derelkt In ths world who cannot say: “I would not be whai l am if my mothm; had taught me to control nff! uM M "Fob it ia lack of self control that is at the bottonvof ell our aim of om mi salon and commis sion, "Look at ths murderer going to the death chair. Not once in a thousand times is he a cold blooded murderer, but he was a high tempered child himself. There came p day when some thing irritate*} him more than usual, and aflame with anger, he took a fellow creature’s life, u is the supreme manifestation of the same spirit that made him kick the chair against which he stumbled as s child, and beat with important little fists aft who thwarted him. "Look at the drunkard wal- Sn the gutter. He is there his mother never n» to control his appe tites. He la the logical out #wthjf thsjgwady UtUe boy tiThemade hf** *^ )1 c * ndy un * *Look at the poor, shaggy, OUtat elbows man who had H.'X ™ lotl *° , " ? f ms Ufa, and has never been able tst m ;ir rt ,or! : ‘'He is his mothers handiwork. I one pat the curse /of incompe tence on him when she let him five op every undertaking the moment he struck the hard sledding In it. "He changed from one school to another because the lessons wart too difficult, or the teacher was too strict. When he start ed to work, he left one place be cause the hours were too long, another because his boss was too exacting. He tried a dosen different occupations that ha left because he found they had unpleasant features involved doing uncongenial tasks. He is a down and outer because Me mother never taught him the •elf control that makes a man afiTarirjsst has* put his hand. "Lellt at the girl* who go astray. Not one of “the sorrow ful sisterhood" the t ? ? pitfully calls them, but who is what she is because she was so Weak and so i n love with some vicious lib. erttne that she listaned to htr heart instead of her head. Har mother could have saved har from a fata worse than daath if she had taught her to control har emotions instead of being ruled by them. "Did the girl sell her soul for fine clothes and good times? BRINGING UR FATHER - p»y» I v INDIA. rsaw THCtafcAJRE. moth*** **' c 2«rZ,F i *Z >ot/ * z * ° INOfct. I * | •« |j *l i **« | " * Attain the mother's fault «for noHeacMng fEfirl self So trbl, and to do without the things that she couM not honestly ret " AMOTMSB rOLTICA!, PBISON'BE m nm ' * (S«HiM4MM Bon> ~ The MW mt Bi«*N« Fl*rt« tosses Iws been rtwevsS frsm ike leng rell of yelitiesl priseeert still Is Lesvss- M* belsteS sseroiiv* elsmsncr five* Me tbls feeeSsm Destb bss Is. tervesef wbsre Atoernsy Oetfvrsl DsSg ! bsrtf was sSaatsst. * • Msgon wss set sa Americas. was set s subject el ear nation psrticlpat lag Is tke fate war. Tbs aMcfas ia tbe little pepsr Which ha published ia Us 4 Aagefa* were la tbe Spssfab teagua sad s# littfa lihslp to “disAsnigs rscrolt •ng as a Dutch sdSlfa* el tbs New Testamawt. But the Baglaaage act was •►read rnoagk te catch bias, and new, ts. ter eenrtan In paars es a twenty saa yaar ssahsacn, Mapaa fa dead. Alter ail. ha was oaiy a Masicaa radical, aad what tfaas It aMtfar Wat tbs Meat ran Chamber es Peps ties fa said to be dragfag its rostrum blech ia >a»ar te hlmT , Mason la dead es heart disease, aad with maay mars yean of prise* facing him it ie probabfa that kg was glhd te die. For Mentha, eat there la bis cell fa Leavenworth, he had bean going elewly bi|nd. Nearly twp rears age be wrote from prison; **l can Will ana ths color of a flower, f can still ana a sun beam end can still glery is th« sight at a smile. If I could only step fate life again before It be tea lato. M Bat that Ves twenty meath* age, aad altheagh hope dies hard It dies. Two month aga to was aSlcfally reported that Magna's general Health was very food, toagun knew better: ha la dead. To the Attorney General the Presi dent es this <«**tto can give great pow ers Powers es life aad daath. power te stamp out the seal by month* aad years es jail, pawer la precars a pardon far mea like Charles W. Morse, power te deny a pardon Id men like to agon. But eae pawer only Gad can tore to men fa authority, and that lime pawer es mderataudlag.' Macon was net released, It seams, be aeeaae ha weald sat any be wa'a "repen tant". Aad ia a letter as which tha foi lowing pasaage la tha care, Mr. Daugher ty found evidence that Magon "prides himself ea hi* defiance of law." I do aat complain against my fata I am recalvlKg what I have alvnay fatten In my thirty years es ••tog gle* fer Justice — persecution. 1 aatMV * * stmeed a<4 Sea ms* as* mm <4 ias mh mm. BeVrl VajPSVvVw aw lafvSVa In fay SrTe daaver. hut 1 feel It te he my duty te pareerve consciousness that sooner er later hamanlty will adapt away of social intercourse with lava as a basis. Magon was a follower of Tolstoi. Im prisons ad la Mas tea aader tha autocracy es Die*, be naught America 4* a have a We Thank Our Patrons » • ' S' \ to* ■ -V r.eV* f , t - For the splendid Christmas business we have enjoyed. They , have been most considerate of our employees who endeavor to extend every countesy in serving the public. lit-. >•;* : p ■ ‘ * ' **+ M WHILE WE HAVE SOLD MUCH MERCHANDISE i. u Kt '• 7. , < y ■■ * Our Holiday as well as general merchandise lines em brace all that could be dashed at this season and we are prepared to give prompt service today to last minute shoppers. We will ; remain open tonight as long as occasion deamnds. Ellis’ Department Store s» - _____ - - - c—r 5 ____________ _ shall arbucble pictures BE SHOWN IN GOLDSBORO? This is a matter that Ths Goldsboro News would lilt* to ass Mttlsd by ballot. Both sides should have an sttusl voice, children as well as grown-ups. flappers as well as staid matrons, si liners as well as reformers can all speak their mind with the assurance that their names will hot be pub lished, but each bsUft must be signed so that an accurate check can be kept to prevent ballot box stuffing. The' Literary Digest conducted a naMop-wide straw ballot contest on the liquor question, and now The Goldsboro News will conduct"s similar vote to determine whether or not the , movie fans of Goldtiboro and Wayne county want to laugh at Fatty’s antics, jyst use the following ballot and vote as you sea fit: v - *■•'—■' ■<■■■—»«<— - HHOGLD ABBUIKLE PICTITBBB HE BHOH^N? I Vote Yes I Vote hlo Signed Put an X oppoHite to your choice and mail this coupon to Movie Editor, The Goldsboro Nsws, Goldsboro, N. C. , - —*■ l 1 - ■' 'W - " where hs might w«rk fur ths Übsrutiun of tbs psona of his souuUy. Caught in ths drogust of wsr hyltsriC, hs~ was glvsn wkut smoguUd to h lifo sestsneo fa LsavsnWorth. Thors Mrs only gfaty Svs othsr pod* tlcui prlsouors still in LsaredWUrtli. V . ' f¥ " PUBLIC FORUM - m —. *** To Tha Editor.of Ths News; Far s city the else of Goldsboro to mafatolo what thy majority as tbe peo ple of ths tity think' it » goneral nui MUCS« namely a system of pa|frfag su«h •a it is in sflsct at the prmunt tint fas Wool Walnut Street—a system which has a tendency ts compel oil can os ths south side of ths street to keep moving, regardless of how im portant It might ho to corns to a stand ing position for tbo purpose of leading up purchasing ‘from ths various stores along tha stroot Is a genuine autosnut. Whatwill our farm friends thing of its, sag our. alstem of city government, aad approeiatlsn «f their patronage T On the other hand, when honest John comes ts town and imbibes toe ffoely of tho brand of “Corn" that our city bootlegger, sup ply him with, and he parks ion the wreag elds of tk a street, according ts our idea* of tho fitness of things, and accord fag to tho instructions of our city Dads whan one of our guar, diaas as th« right and wrong tries to toll him just how hfa car bo loft sheading »MI, ho fa Pik fa to - : l- I _ Ik* overflowing with the kiddie* Santa Claus and wh*n it ia impossible for him to M« that there I* really any min in th«' suggestion, and when ha relent* the idea of htlag interfered with in the fitet plane, and any* so, and I* the bust man in eight to boat, and When. the of fleer in quaetion feel* that ia up to him to fell** ant hi* order* or take the roniequencei of having hi* aaorca of auppiiei cut off, a* it warn, right hag* at CbainUm time, and whan b* started to foil*# out aald order*, namely move the CM to the other aide of the street, or tafia the driver to jail, and aald driver rv aenta the intrusion to tha extant that a light enauee (intenvrnace with alt officer i* ha performance of hie dnty) just what should bd» done to euch a man, especially whan it bacomaa im possible far hia own brother to reaean with him, oV to eoavinta him that the wlaa thing for him to do ia to go along home inetaad of ataying to kill the officer f The fact rtmaim that on# of our countrymen, did com* to town tw pur* ehat* good* from our merchant*, did atop hi* car on the wrong aids of the •treat. end refuted to move it away when tolicitad to do. no by a* officer, and a fight tnautd between him and tha officer, and It I* said that the officer during tha fight did bring Into play hi* black-jack, or what aver U ia officer! U*g soy the purpose of con quering unruly paraone, and need the HIM with much effect. Now when he waa pqriuadad by friendi of tha coun u-ylmg te ralaaae him in t**i» ufcar K o, .L J it we# with grant affan ha was finaiiy tahau uwny from' the scene. at action, for ha wiahad to ho allawad to finish tha fight than and there. Ha pm* claimed from his platform on the back mat of the aetemaHie that bo would, I% member him, aad all that sort of thing. Now jn at what ehould tbr offl ear* (for there ware three there! have done. In ne much ha tha vocabulary ti rade continued in the presence of prob t»y eae thousand of our women aad iidren far thirty atiaaWe, and the Uugnage waa net as the chalaeitf Why should a man, even if ha ia haaida him ••if with anger, injury, of earn, be"al lowed to continue curb a disgraceful affair for each a length as time; and ia he to answer te elkiliurtfoa far hia damaaaort Who ia hia grievance to ward, lea Dr. the man whe attempted to arrest him for violating rule that w# ar* iafermag la'Wdt *ssg a city ordinance, or the man that has been trying to, expeaimeiu With aald parking rules to fiud out arhidki would be mot satisfactory T Ur U it MHN toward the man who supplilNl hinfWmb tha brand of corn that bus such a tendency to produce arguments of each a serious nature 1 Who, anyway, is re sponsible f W. F,J**tTON. A camphor tree with n basis circum ference of IS feet will yield nearly three tans of rantphoor .which, at tha present mdrket price is Worth a bent 65.6000, ~,,,, ■ M* "« . ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE To undersigned having quAfcied as Administrator ef.J. H, Shsllington, de ceased, with the Will annexed, late of Waygf County , North Carolina, this |y ts notify all persons. having claims sgafnst the estate of to exhibit them to (he aadcrdtgaod on or rtre the first day of December, 18*8, (hie notice will be pleaded In bar' as recovery. ..AH persons Indebted to .said estate will please make immediate payment. This the let day of December, 1923. H. H. EDGKKTON. \ Administrator. " *■ '"»*■'■» 'Vend o NOTICE OP MORTAGKEW BALK Under and by virtue of the power »nd_ authority contained in a certain Mortagage Deed executed on tha 4th d«y of November, 1921, by John B. They * , w^ \ ! V • Br A i • V- -- fwr w Aw *> . , ~ ’• ' ; ; *; .. , THE GOLDSBORO NEWS THE YEAR ’ROUND GIFT! * Here’s a gift that will prove interesting every day of the year—an anntfal sub* script ion to the Goldsboro News. It's a gift that never gets tiresome—for it tells a different story every twenty-four hours. i * okj And it will be welcomed by every member of your family or your friends’ family, for all of them have an interest in it some way or other. Call our circulation de partment and we’ll attend to the rest * X THE GOLDSBORO NEWS ' • BY GEORGE McMANUS w *Y f‘i -8 V« '■ k DAY __ lowed end wife, Aaaie A Puwuil te M. XL Muni*,' which i* duly ruunrded to tbs’ office of the Regtetar- ut Owdi us Wbyn, mam t tho undAftifßtd trill tell II |lmi ***W** » . unv **W,WWwm to m higfaret bidder far cseh M M*i Cggrt Hearn* doer in GeldnWw ut Tddie • dock ob Wednesday. January »4to*. ■ certain plut of lpud i* Geldobefe, Wayne County, North Corultaa, defined anjl described ns follows, tm-wlk. He inf lot No. I ia the pint of ft. C. J onus' property situutud on Tk*mp*»et nud Brodgen street* is G*ld*b*r*, A. c. Paid 1 plat being mad* tt Godwin, surwyer, April tlgd, Ito, ‘ unfl recorded In the effiee us the Rug- \ later of Demi* la Rtm county in gift book Ne. I, sage 1«. This the last day of December, 1«M, N «. W, LTNCH, Ateigtiee. NOTICE Op MOBTACnm BALE Under and by virtu* of the power and authority ten lined in ■ certain Mortagage Deed executed uu ftk day es, October, IMI, by C. H. Pugg* pad wild, Barak Food, which i* duly re corded in the office of the Bgftgtdg «f Deeds of Wayne eekaty la Vml fdt, page Mt, there kavkp ton defmitt la the payment ti the IwMlgli'tog thereby secured, the aadifretgsed Will sell to the highest bidder for eSFak eg the Court 'House door ln OeidetoiW nt twleve o’clock on Wednesday. January 3. 1923, a certain or parcel of lend situate in„MMk °f Gold* boro North Carolina, -Jefltaud aad deslritod a* follow*, t«*Wit: Bciag lot 'Mo. • on the J. J. Scott** plot fronting 40 feet on tho Bouttora Avenue, begiaelag a t the Chne. Fount first lot, rgening south with the Southern Aveau. 40 feet to J. S. Beott lot No- T; the nee west 104 foot too - eUke; thence north 40 foot to tho ('ha*. H. Fount line; these# east with uid line with 106 foot to tho Charles H. Foust lino; thenco east with sold lino 106 feat to the hogiaaiug, forming a parsllelorgam 40x106 feet. For further description see deed of conveyance from Ado Humphrey, True- .. tee, et a Is, to J. J. Scott, recorded in Book , page— —, Register of Doodf office of Wayne County, North Caro- <* line. ■ * . This th* first day *f December, 1822. «.