PAGE TWO f NEWS or THE CITY urrt» cbiwle girl to s. tig jrrajs “ fN« the oftovattaa U 4 (MtMil at U* hospital n* kw how# *i«h Mb f>MM« lb- agvornl »Htti and «4b M«4 ta b«W« lew farther treat o##wt, a Ann* «f hmn wad atmtiaa t after all—. Thara U aa Baary aboil oftto far Mar transportation nl tar a choago a| her tai ihaaa About thirty Mtari it »liti4 and the Wei fan Dopnrtweot will h* glad ta resale* cowtrihaiion# Inn thee, tat* re* tad. uraiui cqlub -nay" COpßi BACK BOMB TO JO* OB UtTUC NATHAN. -'tftti* Nathan O'Berry waa happy agate yesterday altar 1# day# as trial awt the laa* a| hia beloved collie. TiH* aaaied altar hlaaaelf and Captain fMßnrry The Aa* returned, at rather waa breacht bach yesterday altar ha* lg haea away aiaaa haler# Christmas hdlWay tag** Other member. as the family rejoiced with the ehiLd la the recovery as hia day. Mai friend# as the family aaw the araaaat ahaut the wfaaiac dag la the 'l—lt, aaw the def tied in a yard aaaaa ..-nhafew AM, Ward along. Trolly sown th« collie waa delivered up. Alt Wmj *oo Mare the cat* open again H* daeaa't rare la ha wUftout hia .dog ' anymore. MAT nvm OBSAT, Mh ' MRBAN CABAL BTiTBb Odd. ftft-*li* ‘Bo w'fi'n thta city, dec a laaa fraaa Beaadiaaviaa .Jk*B|l»C trwa ta ha aaad far the **- taaalon as what la known aa the Maria carat ryo’on Oaaalt coaaect tha up par 'reechta as tha .TUP with tha Na va thne making Potrdgrnd virtually a caw»wicrrt*l part far tha Caspian gaa trade A Oinwaa steamer recently dtm. on tratad that ships aaa pea* from Pat rafe, and tha |daa la ta aaka than mtvigAM* far big r+var lightora and teftt# of p lair gin*. YlcjMna*L#rt>ah>on|^ N —2iu Ma.Tkff 'Or. At, Mr Ml||wWra|aMbißei The trip wgfj pTh ad the Harman ptaa to > pa- faraaar, ah iapl ng laCaawaa, ,ul w. J— la .ih#, aatara 4dm > j.i r rant. Tha nteaator left Bankarg smfsu mn&srj# -js: Ira ight her ta BlMaah, aa tha Valga. ***• U»t Bdiat Bw Vplga hi aavtgehke far mall raaaoi# The heat reached NL taV Navgarad oa Octavo r A daaaawdad Urn rhrtr ta Agtrahaa, aad preceaded to - Baaali ’ a The trip seen* U have proves that Um rout* ta eatlafnotary, aa Hanhatg aaaqnay has haea argatilaad and will build a Beat as vaaaeia to mak. raga tar tripe along this reeto. Tha heato will hagia „ operatioag la tha spring of ItBA aad will aarry Oaraaaa naaafac tarad gaada lata Baaalaa aad tha Cas pian pacta. Mapp y|hr r Ji— . f T*. ** ™ " ~«. ’ h jlSr Btrntm tip ffitirn} Miff piyptwiltfifit qatanwy. If - *4 W" 'V^ nm ssi and n trvmio <’ n—agaa piehad <% at the Hanptoa BdMb aevat beee gh aaamiac rapart adfnbt tßa ataanahip II an neater area nßahiag *tt Cap, May. N. J. The nee saga stated that thp vessel waa liatlag badly ta storheerd aad waa raaaiag he tans a heavy ghta> In Eleven Months The Goldsboro News - Has Become the Out standing Success in the Newspaper Life of Eastern ! North Carolina +*' *— —» * i ♦ Wfr" ■ •+ •* * ; • ; . ' : • . . ’ * ‘ ; .. < *.. r ' . • The people read it because it has pep and punch; sense anc\ suggestions; news and views; because it is going somewhere and knows where it is going; because it ser vee the public welfare; because it leads in every good undertaking; because it prints the news without fear or favor, and lastly because it works. # The people are reading the Goldsboro News as they have never read any other paper in this section. 0 * ... /Jr. HERE IS WHERE ADVERTISERS SHOULD STICK THEIR PINS. * " ’ _ _ 4 V■< '*•. u / * «I k '' T •* 4»|- * - &PWl, mf •, • » 4 •>,, Mim ITTEHUST NIEHrS FEDEMTIH Men’s Federation Wil Meet Nest Mentk el Preebyterkui; v Mrs. Oetar Talka ______ ■ , ° . (BY BQTT t DBNMABB) The Maa’a Fade ratios at their treat ing held last night at the FI rat Bap tist Charth votod ta aaaat during nsat naath at th# Fraahytarian charth la keepiag with a eaatan tsaageratad me tin* age that tha Federal tea •eet daring the winter sioath* at aeai,| deeigaatod charch. Buria* tha naath as Itaceataar tha Fadaratiwa has asst each Friday night at tha Plant Baptist tharrh aad last night at tha Ipat needing ta h, held ia IMI tha prat ideal as tha orgaataatiaa cap re seed the appreciation as the Pad eratios far the aaa ad the First Baptist eherch. Taking into consideration that assay ether meetings wars being bald the attendance ad the Maa and Woman’s PodrsHen hold last night at tbv First Baptist tharch wav anaaanliy good aad tha meeting was fall as pop aad to the paint as aaan from tha aember ad anal stirring taatlmoaiaa offered by a aanhar as taea nag womeyi. Mrs. L. M. (lmer, president of tha women*! FvgPrdtlah bha prvaton and made a nsat latorvatiag talk as tha Wa+ darthclth, past year as bdr or gaaipatiaa aad wk#t they iateßd to •a Oeriag tha year IM>- Mr*. Omer alas, aaa—pad that a wntah —ting of the two fhdvrntUaa to ha after tß* . cwguinrf ithafeh anryfM# tontarrew night tha nesting to M b. i.i tt tha tlnued, “will ha held at the Chriatian rharah hagtaniag at It w’viaeh and th— nttondiag will ha anrvad caffs# and anndwitohva hy tha ladles ad tha Federation aad later aaaanhls ia tha charch where a gratae aad thanksgiv ing service will he held and ta which a cardial invitation ta attended to all." CLINTON BOY BXBONOBATED OF BABBBALL SCANDAL CHICAGO. Mas. tt.~Babe Beaton, I farnair'Miaa«|gnfchar, today waa wjth iPtti V r "Mana M. Laadia, cagtnta- S%iafiF;.-r;.“N“r7pj gaa thta apriag with the Cincinnati pad., after a visit phsterday j pitil Cenmissiaaar Letadis. "la view * of tha pablicity caaahd bjfl tha' hhAdaaichamnt of Ban ton* sMiagj wigt tha Cincinnati alah aad th« fond dadtAm ’of hia name with tha | IflM warld’a aarita »caa4*C Landis , taiifl Idat night, “Beaton asms ta me ba,gvt a line aa hia atataa ia arganiaad b#»e n far aa record# In my office • ow," Comniaaianar Laadia c—lad ad. "thyre la aa reason to hasp Boston aat of th, major#". Benton waa hy th. Giants ta July, IMI, and want ta tha Bt. Paal slab as tha American association. o DBA FT BVABMB COMINO MACS AB fftuna VUUIIGIM, u*jyMm Taaaa QmZTokh bml Gvmbbb Hpgglai freak torn Btnric*. “L*! bb drain your creak caac” The Autiitm task Co. “Service Thot Satti/feg’’ BMP or CANDY rrort rtn obcan HVfTOK, Dec. M —FJectrieians nmM ap, -«udp I p ih-t |he a •wto m mwm a viaßaa toot ail as tha troabfb with the ergejf at ate Gordon At reel Christina charch whoa they tinkered about th* taaa* of wjya* and stop* aad palls la tha big last ram* at. The aagaa far some days had haaa on tha blink. Thor* waa fear that la th* midst as the Christina* a—leal program the organ alight go wrong at a critical moment gad bring giawn to th* arfaaist aad ahoir. Th* etaatriataaa feoad a chocolate drop rooting an a wire or eomathlaf naated with th* base chorda after It had reft#*** to perform dwrtag practice. Whan the candy had b— removed apd trlamphaatiy eahibitad hy, tha nia ckaatca th* big argaa boomed forth perfect nalaa aad chiatoa. Daring tha CkrlatauM morning service it por/snu sd perfectly. At practice |aipr th* service It waat aa strike again, kow avar, aad th* electrieiaas war* partly repudiated. & ” J ‘ A NEW YOBB PBODUCBB MAY GIYB FOLK PLAY CHAPEL HILL,Mice, M—Oa* *f th* atoat owccoaafal as Maw York’s play pro dwcurs. Brock Pemberton, is thinking of putting oa a aortas of Carolina folk* plays la Now York. Frederick H. Koch., director as th* Carolina Play aukars, I ta Jaak back frm th* big lawn, aad while ha waa thar* Mr. Paaahartoa whs had been reading tha hack about Caro lina folk play* Which Hoary Hull aad Company, brought out recantly, said t* kin: “1 don’t Why a spar tai aariea of than# play# wouldn't go big hare. TJiea 1 trv goers apt getting i aura a tad la that non as wadi. I’m going to Utah it over . and talar shea! it," Mr. Pamhurton he— tabs th* lima- i light thro# or fear yaara age whan h* diseavecad" Gilds Varaai. Ua present ad her ia “Bator Madam*" and it tarn ad aat to ha aa* as th* a—talar auc caaaah as U* evaeOa Th# play ha ta now ogarlng is "Six Characters la Baarrh as aa author." H* has token a *—• an tha Prtneass Theatre and it is Uara ha la thinking of presenting tha Carolina folk play. 1 ENGLAND WOULD HONOR PILGRIM* LONDON. Doe. 18. plan, have been formulated hy geveral British hlatar tafti aocietiaa 4o craat aa impoaiag mon aaaoat at KUilngholns, oa tha Lincoln; tigtMfrmAf ft t»a ,itaaiM|iirtjO*nded taSe IK ** It ValAßaPrnd.nt ■) fawtaer BP# mtata* that a■* ■t •• It ta a ifttlgd fgcilDjat tirra Me fflUf Nbnn ral’tS •i Buy now and yoa will obycl at Isaal 1& par rent. l#ot tut re tire yoa. TV Automotive Supply Co. '•Sarwlca That Sgtinfies" -I MiMHMOMiBo.Mm; YESTERDAY’S MARKETS ■ ■ ■ - ' 1 . NEW YORK, D*«. W-Bpot cotton ' closed «alot| middling MM. Futiue# | ’ closed steady. * January M.4S March :.. v M. 45 ' May M.«7 July M.M October 84. M ' suod hy Ua Mporlhr Cum wf Wayne Ceonty, North Carwilnfi on the Uth day <4 November, IMI against the pro perty o 4 said defendant *r ladehlednos# due by realdenu of th* Cwaaty of Wayne. But, inf North Caroline which dny of Docemhor, llgl whoa aad wboro tho Pswrlesa Chemical Company ta re quired to appear aad answer *r denar to the complaint or the relief dateaded j in sold complaint will be graatod. Thta th* let. day of December, IMI. J. H HOOKS Clark At Superior Court A DMINIBTBATOKg NOTICE if T* undersigned having qualified a. Administrator of J. H. Shnlllngton, do cea»#d. with U* Will annoyed, let* of Wayne County , NorU Caroline, this ta to ndtlfy all persona having claims egainst th* citato of said deceased to oxhlklt then to Uo on or hofor# the first day of December, IMI, or this nolle# will ho pleaded In bar of rwovtry. All persons Indebted to oaid vdtato Win pivots make Immediate payment. Thla the Ist day of December, IMg . ' v h. u. BdgehYon. ■ Adminul reter, H —w ■ i ■■ " - '< Nonnr or balm or rral rbTatk Under and by virtu*' of th* power of sole ranlained In a certain mortgage deed madeipnd oxoeutod hy Jmnos Jsr nigan md wMti Belli# Jernigan of Wayno county North Carolina to W. A. Britt of Hampton county. North Caro lina, which »«td mortgage deed la re corded In tho office of *• register of deeds of Wayne county In book 154, page 117, default having boon made in th# payment of the note* secured by said mortgage th* vndertigned will of fvr for sale and sell for cash at the court house door In Goldsboro at IS o'clock neon on th* 32nd day of Jan uary, IMS, tha fallowing land situated In Wayn* county, North Carolina, bounded an* described aa follow* t * s 11 l»t uaett beginning *t a stake In A Ua eapol ila Falling 'lrech. TboniUn BroUMV cantor, Md rarna N. TA pMev to a ataho ta’.Kpmanlha, Bryan Ye cor nor; thence W wtffci poifWD U.• wink# in : the lanei Ueuo*,#.,D|} W. IgO.pwiov'U I s stoke ia a rrqgH .(trqgch, than down, U* ran of .pnid W-A 1 "repn^cr* to th* run of Foiling the run of said Creek to th# beginqipp, station, containing M acred#, moto ior I**l. I il/.|il i i'l . ,Md m*dt:t being dot now*, in.lhe d\ qislow *T tha land* of kJeqpt* H J‘ t nigaa, deryased. Beginning pt a stake, corner of lot oq. run* N. M I I I W. 131 pole# to n »tak# In C.ruenberry'* line; thence with hia line N. 11 3-4 W. 'II 7-25 poles to * slab#; thence 8. B‘J 1-t R. 148 pole* to n stake in I. I, Thornton's line; thence with his line H. I 1-8 W. 2M poles to a stake in th* beginning, containing 84 • luo serve, more or less. * 3rd tract: being lot no. 3 In the di vision vs the lands es Jessie R. Jernl 'gan, -deceased. Beginning at a earner of lot no. 5 in said division run* N. 3 M Rt«* 4-5 |Wtl#« t# 14 Aisle, thence S. 30 1-8 C. 88 3-5 poles to a 4Mh* f tv*r.l#4g. e iWmber, 1922. r W. A. BRITT, Mart ages, J.-A. GRADY, Assignee, HENRY W. GRADY. Assign#*. Htvvvns, Heasloy and Stevrns, Attorneys. SPECIAL NOTICES - batbb Twabty Seo —ta pat laanrll— fat Hi wnvd* nr Ivan. Far man Una M wards, ana anal soak it. White span* nr type display sdn lanart *4 in Uo colons far M —ta pm lash, each taaortiaa. Whoa At* or nor* ooanyoatlo* laaor tions era doolrod a dlaaoaat as B pat —t ta alio wad. - ■ ■— ■ - 1 1 «'T "■ i t , ,«,« ' I'* ' t i« .* » | «l’ t f i 4T* T-' . [ > V „»' fid *'* ',a • WANTED YOUNG MAN 1$ yeiti-8 oM 6t over fur Ar°utH| wimp tf>, learn gotnl tram' . Apply.ForentßA Nuw* of ~i flCtt. .1 , *■ i ’ j* ’» * ’ ' ' , 1-t t ;» M «|f .< |f .* , . ( , -■> . •0 DIAMOND KING—FOB BALR AT A bargain. Blue while perfect diamond worth will b# sold for M 75.00 tb* Aret man that brings chock for that amount. N. J. Edwards, 104 Rost Cantor Street. 88-Stc. - ■ ■ • ■■■- " '■■■ 'h ■ iii SB iga '' N ' ’ i ■ 'i .-jfM ' ‘ ' • , • f i t Sm ■■Pus |Or FREE FREE FREE a handsome aluminum 4 —PERCOLATOR— JgHI IhrSlßp to ull new sul)Seri Ptions to the Golds- B T *Jjj boro News who take advantagre of this offer before s t: afid ; ,u ' ( \m for ift advance. *'■ •k i * * Ttiis * ,f f *'”♦ ■< '» •ai i. v'»f »«f ftf f.I M/ * • i ••»•<»'* ‘•'Aa 4# ,•I' - ,t «ff ... PhRt,OLd\TOR .'SMaEn f ' * i j , • **'i »*w / * 1 .* * ■i • ’ , , v <'•» SnNH roake an acceptable present and may be at the Smith Hardware Mail your order or call today. THK GOLDSBORO NEWS I.iMT—4ITBING OF PBABUL BBWaA*' for returq l# Goideboru NoW* Offlo*. J fftUp ! T1 W AJCTBD—WRITE ENGLISH SETTER* on* to Urn* ynnrs old. Writs parties lart*. wanted eovernl B. H. Dvnnsret, 64* Broad Bt. Newark N. J. 88-lptp j FOB RENT—FURNISHED ROOM HEAT •d, Adjoining hath, hot water nil hour# ' garage privileges If wanted, nufortnc* I •pirhahgod. phwa* 814#-W. M-ttp. J WANTED—-INFORMATION » Baairwd ap tv Ua whorvahunt* of a lawn rnl-' t ler. loaned t* »om* bona* halAor Inal fall, san#p p*v*r having been return id t* Its owner, Mr*. Ilvntlr Will. 1— -n- -4i itod . i.i—st. SUITABLE, SBBTICBABLB CHRIST nan present would ha an Oriental rag. I handle tha d apes dab I a aathyn tl* kind. These rags while vetoing yon free increase la vaJae. Would outlast any man’* Ilf* and then remain ! j with his offapring. Lasting memory demands tattling present. Buy the genu I as. Handsome one# front 1X4.09 and ap. Atax. S. Yosgor, Wilmington, U* only North Cnrollotan in U* hwsl- 1 an** in U* ntota. M-g»te Mnmurr Mwamw, mkv-mi M LOWT—A SMALL JSfCEBT ~MOK HMtef njyyLmny .L a Wanjjlllt jßKifcr R If oil sad Mis. PM[7jfiaW;y#te4 to j the •Rln'V M' OraNr* Bow* aad rooota* tnnnnA. M ts • c - «# ‘ ■ X; ' It WANTRH-YOWBB UAH OB WOMAN to d. aportnl wni Apply Spnotai J rYPBWBITBBB—ALL MARBB OMAN- & *4. repaired aad tdtngf, Agewey far th. Underwood. Th* tahekluo yan will eventually hny. GhnpAans writa* Shop, National IJank Building. mm- . , ■ , wnX. Mt W| Tm . .to , WANTED—TO MAKE YOUR OLD HAT now. Wnyno Ldy. pad Dry cleattor*. * M>. DAY OLD CHfCEI FOR KALB—AFTBB th* ft ret Wf January. Plito* ynwr orders new. M. A. Pika. Pthsvill*. • N. C. » 18-laap < A flood boaaUfal Inch gonnln* cowhide bag fer ” ftd.PO Th. largest - ’(«• wardrobe W tFBAka, anno* and hand bnga ta U* city. (■•Water* Apart lag Gaada dm i Next to Wool worth’a ft and Ift* Star*