•om*i mommm. me. u, mm tuinrrMiPiir.it mupfiflinmc m inwLnu TO IH POSTOFFICE Tlwm Tim—4 Mbn Bpa»t o*Bvil «w!t^ BECKIPTB 14 PBit ’ CENT GREATER I*ll JrzJr'zz altars, aad k that -Mm •»*»»« as MM.” TOTALS OF FIRST AND SECOND ADVANCES BY GRADE PER 100 POUNDS IN EASTERN g , \ NORTH CAROLINA > if A-l $56.00 A-2 ** $52.00 A **3 ............. $44.00 B-i moo B-2 $36.00 B-3 $28.00 B-4 $21.00 B-4 Dam 53.50 B-5 $12.00 B-6 $6.00 B-7 $3.00 B-8 Dam SI.OO B-9 Scrap SI.OO D-l I $48.00 D-2 .... .... $44.00 D-3 - $40.00 D-4 $36.00 D-5 $32.00 D-6 $28.00 Tobacco Growers Cooperative Marketing Assn. 1 "T — ——**- «**r to ••• «*M miMi w* have laMlitftwtlNMHwitHMww. My ataWatnUM •! th* N«t Met ; a* Uaidahara, to Jaat • few ton Mt« Itoaa • year old. R k’a| ptifMt I* i lUU briefly Nat of U* thing* that has kaaa at 4 ethers Mat kara kaaa attempted sad far which wa Wi atdl striving. additional clerk*, dtp carriers, lack cos, and the enlargement of th* belld '• Tka Inspector kaa alraadp kaaa bar* I aril) h* bar* again aad h* will mak« borough Investigation. Ha la oaa f / awa folk*, being from oaa as tka fk baring cuatUe as tkla aUt*. la mp flee Ire to call attention Just at tlma t* tb* absolute aacaaaltp far rdmtrUctloa of proper aid* walks oaghoat tka dtp. This la aaaaatlal la or ta gat tb* carrier service exUad- The department will net extend car r earvle* unless thas* aide walk* ar* It- A din sidewalk properly can ucted will k* suffleUat. It is mp wa ritandiag that this la aa act as Caa-. ass which tka Department waald have right ta change. Daring tka entire pear I have had tka >ral support es tka Chamber as Cam • c* aad tka Merchant* Association as rlifabara. W* ar* still ceap*rating la I proper waps ta bring t* g saeeass JUSTICE AND FAIR PRICES EVERY YEAR— THATS WHAT CO-OPERATIVE MARKETING VUMttHDn means , . TMM GOLMMOBO NHW fnl caasUaian th* thing* for which wo! are striving- I have also had tka loyal' aappart tad cooperation as tk* entire < pa»t effee tare*. Oar Matt* la SarvUa. YEWS WORK POLICE UKEIROU.au ('offvtcijffaa, Fin«». aad Apprc* iMMfftaMff Raitfre All Through AH Duma CM— j Tk* rail as fine* and offenses far th* pelt** department during IMI la a long •*• aad th* Dae* turned aver ta tk* ackaal (and through tk* work as tk* depart meat Is more than t«.MM Tk# “Unlawful assembly”, and ‘Violating tb* traffU ordinance", to burglary aad mur der. la detail tk# report far tIM 11 atonthi of Ik* pear and for part as December mas something like tbU, It was etalad bp ChUf A. J. Tew yeeterday after a careful search through dlls records; ..“Disorderly conduct, IM; drunk, log; operating tk* transfer without 11 cause. *; speeding ll»; prostitution, II; vagr aancy, P; driving aver fir* boa*. I; drunk aad dlsordarip, 40; ape rating a«- tamobiU rfsicr tk* influesc* as liquor, l>; violating tk* Sunday tow, •; com mitting ausaaco. It aalawful assembly. IT; a* state license oa car. It; turning la fa)** fir* alarms, I; operating cafa with na license. I; trespassing. 1; bars* running at large. 1; soliciting psssesg , «b <; Interfering wlt|| fir* departmettt. b; failing to pay prlep tax. •; railroad | trains shifting pa Center street dariag prohibited baura. I; dog running at Urge. I; disturbing public warship, 3; Jumping moving train, t; retailing fish, I; burglary. 1; gambling. 17; forgery, 1; fale* pretense, I; rap*, t; baviag ep cala far purpose as A. wrack lass drising, •; violating traffc tow, 4t; riding blepcl* an sidewalk, II; toreaap, 41; carry Mg concealed weapons, 11; ■ebbary assault, 14; bring whiskey fpr tk* purpose as sal*. M; giving worth-toaa Macks. I; Store break lag, aad toreany, T 9; receiving stalaa 1 goads, 4; transporting whiskey, I; spa rs ting aat* Mtoxicsted, A ADMDOffTBATOM NOTICTT T* undersigned having qaallfled aa Admialatratar of J. H, Shslllagtoa, da eaaaad, with the Will aasegad. lata as Wapaa' County , Norik rafella*, this la ta notify all paraau* baviag claims against tk* aatat* as said deceased to exhibit them ta tka uade rslffhed oa ar before th* Drat day as December. IMS, ar this aattoa .will ka pleaded la bar as raeavait- All parsons indebted to •aid aetata will please ataka Immediate payment. This tka -V*tiAl °f December. IPM. H. H. IDG BATON. Administrator. A. W. GILLETTE, Warehouw Manager . i ii wm np a LU MBER > ■ ' •’• 4. •' vfs \ ' fij -o ' • *, v\^^K! , ’ « '"v X x'^Pi ; . 4 „ \ ALL GRADES \ ,I / • vs, : jE- B r; : TjS^B * , • „• C7 * ,;•' .-. • - - " - ;’ ■ ' \v| IN STOCK m \ \ " V3HHM 8 " :v\- ■.MffffSß * • •FLOOEING3IDING—CEILING—FRAMING f * » ’ ' . * j i M » • *. •. i • . . -, v : LfOi * l . .... ° *• t\ .t f UtUi Know Your Needs _ 17 j§ ( f * ' -ft, 'jaPeS; z* • * o • < * , . -1 ... : . - —•- .w. I Empire Mfg. Co. — - - - - ’S'iisfe - w , ■» \ . WHAT OUR ASSOCIATION HAS DONE vi 4. Our Association has the best grading system ever used in the industry. We are collecting damages from men who sold themselves as well as their tobacco to the auction crowd* * * • PAGE SEVEN