aATUKDAY .AUGUST 1' ft Society SUNDAY IM’BOOL PICNIC 4 Mr. A. W Gillette. Hu{M>rutrD<lciit! of lira young lades' Humtny School Clans of fM Punl'n ehurch entcrtaß ed the cluhh at an old taaboncd Iwir barin' laht evening at the CM y watef work* plant *ml of lb*' illy ami attending report a" very enjoyable IlMe Mr. Gillette ban on several previous occasion* entertained bln' etna* a Iwrbrrur. ami in tlila nyay. bringing Ibeni together on n aortal ■ - plane aa aril uonn aplrUuMl plnnu. V be |« able to inalnlan a remarkably • 111 rm bnllubr ilrdaor ildlardudlaw large data of young ladle* for a rlly the atae of Unld*boru. Tlnoe were approximate*) one hundred In alien daace at the festival laat night. The following were preaeiit: •' Meadagieu Gram* Mmllb. >'tll Or mond. Harvey Jonea. Payette Meaner. I lfemleraon. Norman, Slyron. Win. To lef.. Prank Trail. John Hooka. Jr. Dewey Simmon*. Henry Kennedy. l I*fwcy Mlmiuona, Jlenry 'Kennedy. Floyd Utxell, Carl Baldwin. C. 0 Grove*. J. C. Harrell, irawey Hunt/ J. 8. Ilrttt. Mlhhcm Mabel l-nnasiun. Anuu Anderson, Alma Blxxell. Mnrgu rot Minuter. Kellie Criti, lluby Crow, »laila l.ynrb. Catherine Grantham, Orate Uranlhaut. Wlnule 1 ueli. Delhi Brlxnu. Anuu Klevene. Margaret I*l uondaon. Mary Alice (irovea. Fannie Broaden. Marguurttle Dell, , Mamie Ruth Hell, Beulah Weatmoreladil. Martha Westmoreland. Kttlherlne Pari lor. Daley Jcnklua. Iteaale Pow ell, Tousle Montague. Dixie Monta gue, .Mlnlne Boyette. laila I lot ling* Worth. Mary Rachel Moyr, Ktnlr low- Kornegay, ftlancli Kamnielh. Mr**ra. Bob Kdwards, A T Or|f An. Tom Rohlnaon. Grave* .Smith r PERSONAL— , Mist* Roaa Spruill after Hpcudtug it _ dyas In Washington on her way home from,. Columbia Unlerslty Summer School slopped over with Mr. and Mr* A. C. Spruill on Walnut street Mr. Ilcnry Pike of lira Uoldalmrn Oarage and M. T. Co. ha* JuH re turned from a trip to Detroit. Midi where he *uh vlaltlng the iltllc Man oladurlns Plaid. Mr. Pike reported a very and xultl that the outlook for he PCI season *n; i'hk cikIT.LAMi sl’filVos HOTfci, Clrinland MpHn** Pork Rbelhy, Norik Carolina Oae «f Ike Pineal Resort Uolel* In Norik Carolina Write for Booklet and laiurwalioa The Cleveland Spring* Mineral Water Usama* lor l eal arte* ARRIVAL AND UKPAKTIUP. OP TRAINS AT CNION STATION I UOI.DSBOBO SOITBkRN RAU.WAT Arrives from No. IIS Winston tad- Greensboro ..... I.lt pm No. 18 Greensboro .......... 1.10 pm No. 14 Qrtooaboro 140 pr No. 14 (ire ana boro lo- Ookloboro I SA pm No. 33 Clnclonall-Aabevlllo- Greensboro 113© pm Deport* for— No. 44 Greensboro 4 4C km No. 17 Greensboro 8 00 pm No 13 Greensboro -...- A.OO pm . No. 11l Greenahoro Wlaston- Asbevllle look pm NORUOI.E HO I THUN Arrive* from- No, lb Norfolk- New Bara .... 8 40 nm No. 7 Iteaufori II 20 am No. • Beaufort ISA pm Depart* for— No. 8 Beaufort 8 AA am No. 10 Boaufort 8 80 pm No. IS. New Barn-Nprfulk .... HMI6 FOR CONSTIPAUON ikW)fafkl ItcwpcaJH Ny tt AAamm Famor WU Hu Vmi It, WW. KmM, y lor 25 Tom. HglNrid. Ark. - Mr. Q. W Piraooa. • wall-known tanner 00 Route I. this place, uft: "I keep Black-Draught in my home all Rrahme. U la the beat all-around ptedieme I have ever found for Ihc liver Nod Hw constipation We began using U *tt ar Mon yean ago and Have used d 1 whenever needed since. I have never Immd aay other medicine as good foi coastipritim, and that was what I suffci - ed with till I began using Black-Draught. | Black-Draught corrected this condition, ’ and now wc use it lor (he liver and lor indtgsshow—a bgtit and sluggish feeling altar meals, lor bad taste 4a the mouth aod soar stomach. “My wile uses U tor headache and MMoasoau. It sets oa our shelf and we don't Id U get out. It has been a great help to aa. I believe a great deal oi jj, sickness is caused by hurried eating and ,* connttpntion, and Black-Draught, M taken right, wilt correct this condition .'* Get Thedfotd'i, Ihc original and only genuine Black Draught powdered liver aMdfctoe. Sold everywhere. NC-ISO very bright llr expected in go (» ChartoMr within Ute unit fen da), to eompirle arrangnmenu with tbv state Agency for Ibe I*i24 seanon He la very cnhiuslasi i< ulmhi! ilk; m-w iikmlclm of Ilu* liulrk. .util |ii*‘l* mi. for- without/« doubt I* |* (he most bi'iiui hi 1 gulomohle (he Ibilc* people ha* ever built. o Mr*. Prank Mlatuuma Mint Min* Pilln 4 I'aoejr have Ju*i returned frum a dr lighlful vacation u| Wrtght*vl||i< Ih'ui'h MlMt* CnMey Raid they Ituil .1 ■Ural enjuyuhlri time while "the, - •Mr* Hlianmb ul Ihl* rlly ba*| returneik from u very plaaauat u.u lion In the neuter 11 purl of the »tul(U She npeul mimie time the Itidi, rl ‘ K. love Hall. Blue Uidge. N ft Plftoen 1 entd a day I* conMbierml! big pay fur common labor in India A built 2AO.HhH.IHMI loiim of coal wer mined In (Irani Britlau la*t year Baltimore now ha* a *team»hip a day tu the Panlfh- caa*t and live *leam*hlp* a .>ilu yto Hu rope. The mine* Mis BuHkutrbcwun oatab- | llnhed a new low rocord la*t year with only one fatal acfcfdint? liny I* now Ivelug made In many part* of Knglaml by nteana M an edei trlc (an nhleli ' (trie* tl»e grua*. which I* cut and atiukcil while Mill green Before the great war Great Britain DR. MAUDE F. WKIDtyAN Chiropi actor •* Coiniilete X-Kav Falwiratniy / Palmer Scho< I (iraduatc Fourth Floor Grant P d;?. Phone 470 1811 THK KM.H I’ SKKVH’M AT TIIIO IIICiIIT PRICE! a The ln'st groceries to be had \o wliat * 0 *' we have for our customers. * 47 Fresh Vegetables, Jterrie/, ajul Fruit \ ' ' \ m season. • We so He it your putronage. a Phone *i77. J. R., Herring BRIBING IT FATHER ~ ijr * (.lioilfiK McM am v.'.j iooKTßoof.su n 1 [PTi 1 , L 1 / mHv " ~ : , o H —r*- L T"' ***" , 'Y \«H t C*J« "ofV. A I1 | M ‘IHI CAt_?>*R ; ~ l " i. l •1- ( JUUUb * ! p., in 1 1 '" :r " 7'" inhxhomc? .• UjßLws lCOmeintmi: 1 HOT von hWJ; ' - I— , .-> * . *®l» . ,* ,** ■ I •**■-... . 1 ii —" ■ owned nearly If. per cent of the . 1 world * total tonnage-of irou and steel •teamrrgr mm It lua decri aoed lo _dgiii than ,33 per criit. HIS CAfifNON IS TESTED wi M !% 1 I h| M M _ JBpl /mMMPHV 4^n*T r ***w The Amt promising automatic can i non to be brought by tha United i Mrfie* ordnance <l«>|>artnient torn point where It can he tested I* known a* lira Jervey gun. from the name of Its In • . v enior. Cap!. Thoms* If. Jervey. oril nsQce ileparlment, U. 8. A. It I* of ;:7 nun. caliber and Is Diliy nutomuflc i nd can be uimhl In Iho air.- mi the y round. ngaittHt a I reran nnd Rgnlnat l ink*.. The Jervey gun shoot* one and lelie.tenth (Miiyyd shells of either high |explosive «r nrnnjr-pterclnif type In |>ur*t» of the. i ; i • ■ .. in Furnislung City Apartment Art and Ingenuity Are Needed * ■ V ‘ *4l* o o • 1 * By an Interior Decorator Many “dw^tiers la apart vncni* probably cou.idci the prob- \ T icm of *rr*nalua tb-lr fttralchlngi ill the re*trl< led emu- aliob il th> iU more au <d>t«-«i iyl Inc'iiully limn one of InierKir d«cor*i|n« / The art which ha a dune m> much } HF In modem ilnui lo r*«cn«- the ari-rnge dn-etllng hou»-- vt'im ih" • iirse of nellncK* ha* not ttegb'C+cd the a|u«r<ini v n(. The, ninety «(lon Indimi" . Vh«- tnetliod by whi'-h a deenmtor may double ihn ckpaidly of a room and at the name Hum Insure It* le-mily The rapacity I* dottMM hy chm’* Ing and arranging Ihr furnishing* *n the room may he lined hnlh for a living room and for a dining room The eh*tm an mratghi hack'd and appropriate for nae In kliher sort of rooni Tim lahlu is l A'ilfi'SfSSl IK Tllh llllt* Tk» fjUfc IIICM |n* ovy.itTi.su. |n, JHN. ||kv.j |nr |j iu )||on jji't . ; —-- -—• JU- ... m _ , „„ v ± ___ ~, f .. > ™ _ ~• | c « —V. ° * -M *•- W—^ Eliot, Harvard President Emeritus, >. I. Advocates Incorporation of Unions; Say 8 Labor Responsibility Necessary wKSJtPm Kft iiigßi VHR : ' r dr. rttAßLiw. prior ~ Dr f’harle W, pri iileni * emerilu of Haivnr.l, recently told ihc atiofuri i"al Ac oeialinn ihni monopoly of any kind in cooneotmn with *u> h a ba:|c commodity would , not Im- tolerated. A* (h< hitumioou ■ co.il industry, which the a.> ociatiun L repr* •Mci.ii), is compoet dos li.otui in-. <J( |>< od< ot operator•» and has I* en poll d for ih- keciitie -of it* com* tu l itton* a. ib.ii I»r I lint referrtd to power J I’M-lh'’ whnle*lmlti*lrv Ttf lh« 1-lirl ed Mine Worker* of America, whose ’ monopolistic ambiU'ma and act-ovn , plohuo lit have Ih <ii .1 re I r» p, al> illy in rharif,- \ ■ fare (lie Col ) ted Htaie* fonl t’otnmih'ion. f President Kliot 'ofomml the (Vial i * A -im ..iltoii that “the An.-rii m peo -1 pie has already -nowti h\ iheir vote , Ih ir volunUry action* in a , rvMitt <>f tnftpn'iilr i-mU*' 4 . i artUHcall}' 'lhi ciMi.ol*' ,1.. Mt’ iritl r lll'* uup-or Is of • ail*' tn 8| us. un \{ , ■ ■in ■ml ni i i • 1.1 i ill I ' ■ \ |i. r. in ill !' n Ii<>lwOl" I’ti' I r ' , In n*;i]iuu*Mnni mako a counmnltminillAUnt' * *1 )»U 1 Till* » of «< ivciuliililn l» fofllt' V n nlltalml- hr lb" ptfll" ■ «nlfi4 ilno fuor h *ti« tin rs (•■«•( nf *iyi lihimh ii Ttw mlir >r, ,1 t». ill (111 I'll I 111 I «vl»- flll'l Ilf 'ft ilimaxk nvnbttilM and Urn »»»«'»•'• (» fill flli‘l n-t or l*r>» *lni|«n . ru. ; faint l admit i V'< >“ >• •'» 1 vs: i ' •,f *i.i in. pduf.'. *• 1 »i_v I ti '}< •• »'i a /' - emergencies, and,through IM Rrcr-a, lhal |o rt ifl> C they will liot has* the *u|fjily of eoal u> the faetorii i^ Inal' ho lit* hod carrier* of Ihg c<iuo« try abridged, tmu.li less .topped, hy my ""Uiopiili lie 'iinlroi whstovar. , I - C'l f ho Otwv^ pi ra! e of all r -"««»a which C"l*t# • I I'i rijcJ(,;a in-ia lry 4nd lh« hiduc ‘ ti ir* %lh*l dt-brihiita coal, and Ih* I o.MIH. -">n t m arbitration of di»* jnite* Auetng In th*- Ifiitu.-try. Iti of the unton* he .-.aid: J In the public lnyer* J it Is inrx*! (a-dlenl that these M-cret Me-b-lies, 1 which eolleet la r ge *um* of m>ipey from thi ir member*, and uap all their renouriea t<> support *tfi *'■. I I however violent, should contimie tw !•* exempt from the usual legal * proem*-* to prevent violation* of ' contrnet ami enforce paynuai. of liiunugea." i |75,000, 000.00 « • . in forrt in Norih Citolml * . lIlKHi; IS A RKASON (.. \\i' Ita vu a polity do fill your iiaodli, ji i i i:hson standard i.ikk insi rani k cu J. N. I aunt eat, Jr.. Kxmilivf Hperijtl, Oflicr Ow r National Kank Telephone ti.’lH ‘ ' » .( . .. . •.... «... hi It |I»M om rr'iHl I.rU ftjftVVa I*‘X I.RTI.HINU ■lJii it-." Hi 4l. jjiTJ.. (|i. , flM.'ia ' '.ThaM«K Jji w.i-.jl'-vi tiri.nMi f£.% Anhm ijw-R-ftasui, iNtST. Louis 'ragjjj mTj Jeffreys & Sons V , WliJilcmk Olalribulwi JL ft Ci '*• * * ■* •»■■•*** > . . i .I,‘ i< ■ •*... < • AS JIIVKMU*: HAIRY < UMiS rtPKb.iD » ; * mm \ *1 J taJQu ; - f' • 1 1 - I WL ■' Mon y j ■mLk :1 • ' A hjjjfojy hpllarn represent* the &; l*itig rum) (nr girla in thu United 1 f hdUAi army of |H,ltw ■ itft ‘ • ■t' .k’di in Um* if ( il (nfifj>|4r: ..■ >••>*l’iiiiC to n VjWWt fffr~*j,i l <;ivti u of ' *ilaanif<: . -Itjrif. I / A}' Vk | I Jff ilu*r>nr” in. N* w <Hfk ’ P\l>* ,i "’ (uvi'inlr * dairy tjgfo' ,'iitlrfr'fa ‘%' wept the | »min' arn dairy *" r »' Jf^C fjti'' l* “'"1 heifer • '4 'i naunthr O' v^E(^(SPJPp.'Sj»iii*iv\iif■?]>•'(ii 1-'"..jGwvdSr* fM.'jatitii • t li«'. i 'Tii Jt 'li.fi !i *v 11) lhi dsi 1 . • lylf, , 1 PWjY* a U ili Ain or > ■ . 1 '*■*>» •' ’■ r h u y p’ 1 * iu , .a-• i '*' •• V 1 PAGE THREE | thoroughly a> honied in alt phaaeC of tli® industry. Kor the young* ’!«'•» are not hurtling old fauhlon eil iadl«ti, Imt the mo»t arVntiSc mrana of li»er< an.ng production. Hi* y era taught thh value of well. I danced raiiona: they ere taught that rlean utat.ling is n*<oM» r y; tl at the regular flipping of rianba ami udder* will ■<{.) t„ thw health of the amroal and tnereai.- fta'-pro* dur ion, aa well aa keep filth from duet ton, aa well aa keep filth contaminating the milk; they ara taught Iha wisdom of developing r;rrn.-dred*'"": Mill a itdving their t), r „ r * J' , ‘ W . T frm * v *>' i ' h they “41m U p *' r,p * ,K * mi, s» r f. Hega JZZ* „fcv°A P,y , ,h * lasale during th" * raw,C<,r ■n„l .» lead, r „f ft? /* w I l K * r "A movcnegt 1 |h * f!aV

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