TUESDAY MORNINK SEPTEMBER 11, 1123 David Hon Tp Have PreHhmen Ten/OB Davldnoa. N Sept » —Davidson J ( ollaga will bat* ftrat year l*-auta;tbll all of tbe major uf *b>l4b| 1 during tbe coming arboot >e« iVwntr.li atari* tbla week A lull (tap roach baa been secured to fire hf» pita# 'too to freshmen aad la tbla jmr ttv Davidson athletic council ltd# a to glr* better training to material bar future Wildcat varsities. > g, < ''W*. Jfuruwojr, a Apr /uAr, let# at tit# University, «*r (fayat* i| now directing tbe rtrljrpsniiiag of tb# fresbtucu football tpisdUatsf a* Datldaoa. Kir# gaair.i are t*n eleven's imbedttle rs ■ Iroa battle*, only one Is booked lor bom*. that the opening game of the' xeasaa with Inrman I’uierMty frenlt mea her* Tbo full aibed ule a* announced '(Hla.t follows: Oct S— Furman irishmen ai Dav idson. November I—North Carolina .fresh . ■ - -■ ‘Valuable Napoleon Letter. Foimd piMHJrcSff w HEI ■■■Hi ylPi ■EgjT| ■■ML jQPjBW i&iBSSRSSIBi":! •apMae found an orlglaal letter of \gp-dew* wbieh mamba** of lean aoclety at New Haven value highly at bating impostaot bearing on tb* I battle of Waterloo. HERE AND THERE •,» - * ■ * '* •lets who make tb* greateat agar ttoM to eatcb husband* ura usually now |gg bream Raver has be«m do ar*»*>*tsu Tran lanvaa of tb* canrtM plant, a apart** of hftfljr jj»wa —. j ri- * - * \ J Her life 1 Says Ashville Lady\ Aa It is only in accordance with tbr lawn of nature that lot?* of wi liiu £ V physical and nerve force ro»nft front ill health, no It In that by * the law we regain our loat weight and atrrngih when our troubles are etl ai|4 the syateni put in order , J Thhr’ls why so many wonderful r - rovrrles and remarkable gains In weight have been arcotnpliahed by Tanlao. Tanlac brings back nnrliH health, weight and strength through Its effect on the appetite and nutrt tlon of the body One of the moat striking statements yet publl*l|adi Au* • onnection with this faTH TO WOM§ In office while taking .course, pillion pgfd.traui guarUß teed positing gfler graduation. fN n*rd» Duslnesn Collea, High Pulnt,, • v (’ Mate __ ■ *kv> . w FOR RUNT—To couple, .ultra up i.talrs spagtmi m,«f ,J wuaMeA huAfc and hall rnmlabe'l |a> light, fcitme-; keeping, well looeusj. rloatv ui. 9 if, ne per month. i'h'ute TU4 J , ! A-Alp .... t t|| M • w> lTHltill g|g HAIRS CUUN •A *w4*t mi adjwMß. *B«ua# to thaDedarwe* niaasMiiHseU eftsalaatly buy* Chapama'i Type •*Ree the* leHaeal Beak Balldia# CUae mJ. . \ ‘ —— - ——■ men nt flaaharat durlag tbs Haadblll fait ■ i. o ] Nov |. dlaivereMy of South Caro ll ilaa freabtuen at (‘aluiitbia, S. C. U Nov 14- Wofford Collage fresbmaai J at riporta*borg Cj Not at) -Ouk Bldg# Institute tar J ally at I , k iidTh^utirurn' I baob Illack Genuta* I T Ik Cowhide Bag for \ , 1 1 T-...-T ftJ* Tbe largest j (if time df Wardrobe 1 * “jut* I rmoAs. -cult caaaa j anfT>aad bags In tb* city lloWsbnlw hportta' <**' Htof* Nf>t (o Wool worth** 6c kr4 10c Slope j TOParrrafc ir tir yaw* I floVtCK.nWi. |\. | 80. 3ROWS I Oi m aiu| f)in jjMwn | I'd jjotff. |r*iiLTi | T" fT Ul 4 " 4“ (■T UIK ffANT (pn The skeleton a lost* of an avarapi j •hale »rtgha tb taaa lowa stand* brat among tb* states j In tbe litaracy of Ha popttlaUoa. i fa I'ittsburgb 1J69 tons of aoot fatti | saowaUg t* tb* mgware mite Tb* tab** of touch |t 4aJUst on-abt t I %ae* *• >p •4 - v #.* - ‘ Asuntsur MfUn agmaiaMam* |a 4m J traltn are sxrbadingfy strtet . P Ins from Mrs G W. Hawaii board, 4* t] Turnout St . Asheville, ff. *CX W 1 'After mb artaok of jpeeWiahu pule- 3 enipx l ’unerod from ebrouje et*a- 1 aett trouble aM «ny health wea gen- j ♦rally hrokun down f »u bedpM- N den for six month* -could sot walk a[j step—and had very little hope of ever fl gfctUug well. ' 1 ’. J “With aiy eucond bottle of Teniae (1 I began to tnapreve rapidly. I nwo J pat and sleep fine and have gw teed I about fifty pounds 1 don’t believe I J would have ever godwa well 1f I -hud 1 not taken Tsufcn:" Tis". w li .la tor Sale by all gaud j driifHtetH I . ■ ‘ I A WAXTrtI- TOl'lfd HAN OR HOT] "over 16‘ to reed piWDf and acts as ( mull clerk Hhuubl poaauaa a* keaet ] grammar Hcbool education Hours I II p m to fi. et. Bee Mr.'Alta-J ton at News. ’ l *4 LOST OR MTKAI Kit A HOLIII \ Bud I»o*. Weighing uWwvh 5B j lira, aeswurs tn taw name wJaba M •»¥ AaHßd wttsrw *>«»«*. ifOMiJ MxjcA C«. or Fjxoae .ftM. .U4lg 1 >m clean. Bead your nest anil to 1 Mbsknry Ballon. ptddmßM. «L ft ,i lor HALF FOB I» TOIIUJM. CAB, I good condition Tnnlce Borden. J I Phone 55 '‘T-Ptel'l FOR MI'.XT—Hi;VJ.H 11. FXFI RX. ( ' IBHKD ROOMS 205 B. pruar «M J | «-3tP I MORh FOR RI .M |g ARI.IXUTOJI I pp#o«el Building R O. THOMPSON. T L— —i- ) 'ArTO AM* TUFAKH-Tt TBf) ABB 1 ! »" *»" ««»he» to buy. a«fl or trade f | - titled rgr. i can pat yod ai 1 pcmpetl, |:. w RlTl.fcl4lE.HlrH . • »1« Oarage. Star end Durant Deal- fl }i Xts (-91 p I A ' ] HAVm IVEW MBH ffmrtuit; aft kind* 1 in BA*aHon, prices right, ftsh the best. Gjve us a trial, 422-W. A. M. Watson’s Store on East Holly St. Qavj& Prop. 2TH files : |t * ‘ *- I’ • ' * «. - -—— - —At ab.AA I U * wf . \ ■ Pr f* ,w * wmchleg wtonMfri.rß.klng at' lightning H M ■» w speed head on Inward d.MnieftiH B ff Qf f * , ' **" *»' Ike funotilng cab «( f/ II L L the ttlld renalug loeeaethp n g 9 * R Ijf r fearlest kvvrvemaaV pFungo (« Ole bottom as , v 1 she ilia-si In bi' effort* to *u»e til> stveefhearl,' Ml . 1 4 p C r IRe furlouv forest lire 8* it sneipv ktlligrll) on I C* L l It- mad eareer «»f death and des|raaß»a. \ J P r r U? davtardl) plot to wreek the l imited and .end )) UL L uavaspectiagly hundreds hurtling to Rtumli.. U ff % U f '" ,P ‘"'Hi'liig lend, rar** the len- JJ jr r denies* (he rooisoee of a lamperelaj ,oulh U aud file railroad pri sidi af*» daughter JJ <0 u " a s.. m j * * i J w ’ " K mlm 'l9 B| ■ ' * * • * * * >■. i l VI •* 4 1 L rorNDS! IT (RASHES! IT TIfIINDKItS! IT IM SUES AND (’ A Rim THROUGH } K A'HIjNIIHEUSOIJL-STIUKIN(; EIMSJDES OF STAGGEftINCi DRAMA AND TIIEJJKE THE CRACK OF ) | DOOM UREAJiS WIDE OPEN IN ONh>OF THE MOST THKIMitNf;, DRAM ATIC AND SC ENK 1 SEQU- (( ENCESISVER FLUNG HEFpRE THE EYE OF MAN! : - W % i [ ■ « JX m ; , » r J 1 . AT THE OPERA HOUSE ."TO D A Y ) y , ) ADMISSION THE SAME I Children 10 Cents Adults 30 Cent! f L _ ■ '(( a*t e *' Am :»> —.— ’ - •*'/ Aftt 4 . -V . . A iWill * 1 *< ms ‘ -"• ''■CT.' THEOOI DSBORO NEWS wtne~ m wm ,pmm w ■ nt* -™* • b - \\ ♦ » , ‘>i-r ... *, •: .mH o • ' » • - y • -* * Har ' \) P f“ J" IN* «afeNf*'«Ml» t*taraa Nittwr, owNaaa I*7- ff hr r alt) and l<> dal; Mb** a aarpatala* m- '~v», V L *- ward. rn m PP P IN* l tilth «| bit l»)al nllf, wha»r sltadfa.ta*«• > » u L L aNlar* INiiiHKh, H world al tirilauiiu* Inlilca* fl i ° H- 3; / ■ pr p «*"■ dartatc«( IN* rnlk la IN*. aignal lawwr, aha H u L I. N"""» ao rail r***plluK that *f'lata aad dal)— 9 * K ». £ Iplaaglait, < ft * JIP r , MTff-ffclaf. »|M*dlaa lr«a MM>ii»trr-> \| !■ L * IbrimaN IN* alaNI. H hr * * Crr th * l< rrlttnl «lrl Irayprtl la Ibf (talk nl « - “• S r I* IN* uarntbluK H)*r, -aal*brd Iroai rrrtaln // ■■ N- «l*alk ■ * * ' v „ ' V ft r r lb* hiiul. ItiHMilliiab ai>k*atal t»f )ial-«kakla( Sr p* INrllhfalailaallaa Iw lb* iii*al*>»t *U»a» atrr 7/ U L L tirrrarl ° v r W * / r * I PAGE FIVE